Corner bathhouse with veranda. Corner bathhouse with veranda Projects of corner bathhouses with barbecue

We advise you to plan construction several steps ahead - if you decide to install a bathhouse, immediately think about the gazebo. It will have to be built sooner or later anyway. Bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof – great option. The desired result is achieved much cheaper and faster.

It is necessary to make a few explanations about what a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof is from the point of view of architects.

A gazebo is a free-standing lightweight structure that does not have main walls, load-bearing structures– vertical racks. May have different geometric shape, from a rectangle or square to a hexagon or circle. There are almost no restrictions on size; walls can be closed decorative grilles or be completely open. Barbecues, barbecues or stoves are placed inside.

If such a gazebo is placed under the same roof as a bathhouse, then the structure should correctly be called not a bathhouse with a gazebo, but a bathhouse with a terrace or veranda. But in colloquial speech you can come across the name “sauna with a gazebo under one roof.” And in this article we will use this “folk” name.

Despite the fact that there are many options for building a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof, they all have common advantages.

Possibility to increase healing effect steam room in the fresh air. To do this, there is no need to move from one separate building to another; immediately after leaving the bathhouse, you can comfortably sit in the gazebo.

Much easier installation engineering communications. The lighting is powered from one power cable, a common distribution board is installed in two buildings, and energy consumers are connected to the same RCD.

The area of ​​the dacha plot is saved, issues with choosing the most suitable location are resolved, taking into account the characteristics of the landscape and the physical characteristics of the soil.

Significant savings financial resources. Construction of a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof costs 30% less than both buildings with the same characteristics separately.

Construction of a separate complex will cost 30 percent more

Add to these advantages significant time savings, the ability to complete all construction work in one season, bring order to the site, and you will not have any doubts about how to develop your summer cottage site.

Brief overview of projects

Project No. 1. Bathhouse with gazebo and covered walkway

A very beautiful and functional solution. The bathhouse and gazebo are built on a shallow reinforced strip foundation - the integrity of the structure is guaranteed and the likelihood of problems arising in the roof valleys is eliminated.

For all buildings, valleys are considered the most problematic places, and if in these places there is even a slight displacement of the elements of the rafter system, then the risks of leaks increase significantly. The project is quite expensive and complex, the roof of the gazebo is multi-level with a large number slopes of various shapes and angles of inclination. The dimensions of the bathhouse are 4x5 meters, the transition is 1.5x2 meters, the hexagonal gazebo with a diagonal size of 2.5 meters. Next to the gazebo there is a firewood storage room.

Project No. 2. Bathhouse with a hexagonal gazebo

Bathhouse with hexagonal gazebo

It has a warm sanitary unit, a wash room, a steam room and a rest room. Dimensions 5x9.38 meters. The material of the bathhouse is foam blocks, the external decoration of the walls is cement-sand plaster.

Interiors are lined natural lining. A barbecue is attached near the wall, half of the roof of the gazebo is gable, the other half has hexagonal slopes. There is no separate transition - the consumption of building materials is reduced.

Project No. 3. Bathhouse with a gazebo under an elongated gable roof

Construction material – rounded logs, rafter system uniform, made to universal sizes. The roof of the gazebo rests on separate vertical posts.

The gazebo has a stone stove for cooking, which allows it to be used as a kitchen in the summer. Below we will talk in more detail about the methods of constructing a combined roof; in our opinion, many developers can choose this project option. In the meantime, check out a few more interesting projects of bathhouses with gazebos under one roof.

Project No. 4. Bathhouse with gazebo and barbecue

A rather expensive project, but very functional and beautiful, it can serve as decoration for an entire suburban area. The second floor of the bathhouse is attic, with a terrace at the end. On the same site as the gazebo there is a barbecue and a woodshed. This version of the bathhouse can be used as a residential country house.

Project No. 5. Bathhouse with a gazebo under one slope

One of the simplest projects from an architectural point of view, in terms of price it belongs to the “budget” option. The gazebo measures 2.6x6.0 meters, which allows you to place a barbecue, barbecue or summer Russian stove for cooking in it.

Video - Successful designs for a bathhouse with a gazebo

We’ll talk about the third project, tell you how to build a rafter system correctly, and what criteria to use to select building materials and type of foundation.

How to build a truss system for a bathhouse with a gazebo under an elongated gable roof (project No. 3)

The dimensions of the gazebo are 4×4.1 meters, the roof is gable, the vertical supports are made of timber 150×150 mm, the foundations for the vertical posts are columnar. When building a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof, pay special attention to the quality of the foundations. A reinforced strip foundation was built under the bathhouse, and a columnar foundation was built under the gazebo. They are not related to single design, each one works separately.

General gable roof It is quite large in size, the length of the roof above the gazebo is 4 meters. This is a significant overhang over the bathhouse; a change in the vertical position of the rafter system near one wall by just 1 centimeter causes a change in the horizontal above the end of the gazebo by 3–4 centimeters, this is a lot for any roof. During the construction of foundations, every effort must be made to completely eliminate seasonal fluctuations. It is advisable to make the depth of the foundation (strip and columnar) below the soil freezing level in winter period time.

If you choose shallow foundations, then follow exactly building codes. The depth of the tape cannot be lower than 80 cm, the thickness sand cushion not less than 20 cm.

To reinforce the tape, you need to take construction reinforcement of a periodic profile Ø 10 mm or more.

Fittings and reinforcement according to SNiP

Another important point. After building the foundations, give them time to stand for natural shrinkage. To control the amount of shrinkage, make vertical marks on the tape and posts. Through certain time check their position using a water level; if they have moved, make new marks. It is recommended to begin construction only after the shrinkage of the foundations has completely stopped.

Columnar foundations must have anchors for fixing vertical posts; the width of the columns is at least 40x40 centimeters. If there are violations in the foundation construction technology, then during the operation of a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof, big troubles will arise.

Prices for asbestos-cement pipes

asbestos cement pipes

And one last thing. Wooden sauna also shrinks; depending on the insulation material, the moisture content of the timber and the parameters of the building, shrinkage can be up to 0.7 centimeters per meter of height. Vertical racks the roofs above the gazebo, of course, do not have such shrinkage; the Mauerlats will bend very much with all negative consequences. To prevent this from happening, you need to give time for the log house to completely shrink, and this will take at least one year. By the way, while the log house is settling, the foundation will also “calm down”.

Stages of construction of a rafter system over a bathhouse and gazebo

Step 1. Preparation of materials for the rafter system. For the rafter system, you need to purchase 150x150 mm timber for the mauerlats, 50x150 mm boards for the rafters and 50x100 mm boards for the crossbars and tie rods.

In our case, we choose simple rafter systems with crossbars and tie rods. To increase the strength of the structure, you can install ridge beams, headstocks and struts over the bathhouse. Such a design will not be superfluous; it will take on part of the load and will not allow deformation of the rafter system above the gazebo.

Step 2. Taking dimensions and calculating the number of rafters. According to the project, the width of the bathhouse and gazebo is 4 meters, the slope of the slopes is assumed to be 20°, this figure is satisfactory for middle zone our country. If you live in regions with heavy snow cover, then the slope of the slopes should be increased. The distance between the rafters is 80 centimeters, given the length of the bathhouse with an attic of 9.5 meters, 12 pairs will be needed rafter legs. The length of each rafter, taking into account the overhang, is 4.5 meters, in total for the building to create rafter legs you will need (4.5 + 4.5) × 12 = 108 linear meters boards 50×150 mm.

You need to buy with a reserve, increase this amount by 5÷10%. Exact quantity materials depends on their quality and your skill. Keep in mind that the boards of the rafter system must be at least first grade; the presence of deep cracks, natural malformations and rotten knots.

Important. When purchasing lumber, pay attention to the conditions and method of storage. Incorrectly stacked stacks can cause significant curvature of the boards - such material is not suitable for the construction of a rafter system. Inspect each board edgewise to make sure the surface is straight.

The standard length of the boards is 6 meters, which means that the boards will need to be cut. Sections 1.5 meters long will not go to waste; they can be connected and used for tightening.

Even ordinary connections can withstand high tensile forces, and these are the forces that act on tightening. Using the same scheme, calculate the remaining lumber for the rafter system.

Flexible tiles made of modified bitumen are used as roof covering; continuous lathing from moisture-resistant plywood or OSB boards. For lathing, take the cheapest unedged boards, just remove the bark.

Prices for OSB boards

OSB boards

Step 3. Installation of the Mauerlat. For the Mauerlat you need to use 150×150 mm timber, upper crowns baths it is fastened with metal pins, the distance between the pins is within one meter. The dowel must hold at least two crowns of the log house.

Before installing the Mauerlat, be sure to check the height of all vertical supports along the perimeter of the gazebo. The ends must lie in a strictly horizontal position and in the same plane. To check you need to use a hydraulic level or laser level. If deviations are found, they need to be eliminated.

Vertical supports are connected to columnar foundations anchors. For anchors, both reinforcement bars and pieces of wire rod are used. The anchor must be concreted into the foundation to a depth of at least 15 centimeters.

Start laying the mauerlats from the side of the gazebo; connecting the beams along the length can only be done above the bathhouse. It is easier to connect with a cut in half a tree; the connection point is fixed with self-tapping screws, nails, bolts or metal staples. During work, constantly monitor the distance between the opposite Mauerlats and their position in horizontal plane. The more accurately the mauerlats are laid, the more reliable the rafter system will be and the less time it will take to build it.

Video - An example of building a bathhouse from timber with a terrace (part 1)

Step 4.

The roof of the bathhouse with a gazebo does not have any fractures or changes in the angle of inclination; all rafters are completely identical. This allows you to prepare elements according to a template. The template is made from ordinary boards, the nodes are connected with nails. Carry out the work carefully and slowly, mistakes are too expensive.

Important. We strongly recommend checking the template along the entire length of the bath. Lift it to the bathhouse, place it in the desired position and walk along the entire length of the building. Mark the places where you need to slightly increase or decrease the distance between the rafter legs, stop at the average value. The average value will give you the opportunity to make all the rafters the same size, and make fine adjustments while fixing the elements. On the template, make notch marks for connecting to the Mauerlat.

Step 5. Solve the issue of building a rafter system over the gazebo. Above the bathhouse there is ceiling, builders can walk on it, materials are stored in the attic. The gazebo does not have a ceiling; therefore, before starting construction of the rafter system, you will have to install factory scaffolding or make it yourself. Both options are equivalent in effectiveness; if possible, it is better to borrow wood for a while. If this is not possible, you will be forced to waste time making them. When working on scaffolding, follow safety regulations.

Scaffolding – photo

Step 6. Raise the prepared rafter legs onto the roof of the bathhouse. To install the rafters you will need additional materials for installing clamps, special tools, devices and hardware for fixing rafter legs. In addition, pieces of boards are needed for their temporary fixation.

Step 7, check their placement, fix them in the desired position with temporary supports. To increase the stability of the rafter system, use metal corners with screws. Stretch ropes between the outer rafters and, one by one, install all the remaining elements of the rafter system along them. Do not forget to temporarily tie the rafters together with boards; after installing the sheathing, they will be removed. Nail the boards from below so that they do not interfere with the lathing under the roofing.

Step 8 horizontal tightening, it is more reliable to connect them with bolts. Drill holes in the rafters and tie rods, insert bolts of the required length and tighten the nuts tightly. To increase the contact area of ​​the bolt head and nut, use large diameter washers.

You cannot make the rafter system yourself; you need to involve at least two assistants in the work. Try to find those who have personal experience in building a rafter system (even if only as an assistant) or, in extreme cases, have seen how real masters do it.

Check all dimensions, spatial position of elements and reliability of loaded critical units. Everything is fine - the rafter system is ready, you can start lathing and covering the roof.

Video - Construction of a gable roof

Installation of sheathing under soft tiles

Lathing for soft roofing - installation

Sheets of plywood or OSB are mounted on a sheathing of boards or slats. The distances between slats are within 50 centimeters. Start nailing lumber from the bottom; make templates to control the distances. If a lot of time has passed between the installation of the rafters and the installation of the sheathing, then you should check their position. As always, use tension between the outer rafters to do this. The plywood is fastened to the sheathing with nails, fastening also starts from the bottom up. After finishing the work, use a saw to trim the sheathing along the same line from the side of the gables.

Prices for soft tiles

soft tiles

Video - Construction of a bathhouse from timber (part 2)

What to pay extra attention to

As can be seen from the project, the distance between the vertical supports of the gazebo is from two to four meters. Such remoteness makes them unstable; it is necessary to take a set of additional measures to increase rigidity supporting structure rafter system.

Connect the supports at the top of the gazebo together with 50x100 mm boards. Before this, the lumber should be passed through a surface planer, sanded to roughness and coated with a weather-resistant varnish.

The connection between the vertical supports of the gazebo and the boards can be done with long wood bolts; choose galvanized hardware. It is better to recess the heads and seal the holes with putty to match the lumber.

If, even after additional fastening of the supports, their stability is in doubt, install inclined corner supports. In the future, these supports can serve as a frame for construction. decorative fencing gazebos.

functional area for complete relaxation. She may have different size, be built of timber or brick. For your attention - various projects such buildings with photos.

When planning to set up a place to relax in their garden plot, many owners dream of making it not only comfortable, but also universal. After all, it should be to the liking of all family members. And you also need to please the guests, fully providing them with entertainment and complete relaxation in the fresh air. Project of a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue, as well as a relaxation room - good option for such a case. It allows you to realize various ideas and combine them into your own mini-dacha complex.

Plan of a bathhouse with a terrace

There are many advantages to such a 4 in 1 project:

  1. Saving territory. There is no need to waste space not only on the buildings themselves, but also on the paths connecting one building to another.
  2. Reduced construction costs. For example, the wall of a bathhouse can simultaneously be the wall of a terrace. In addition, one roof will cost much less than several.
  3. Organization of comprehensive recreation. You can take a steam bath and then cook dinner using the barbecue - everything is nearby.
  4. Single style. Often, when constructing individual buildings, owners forget that all buildings must be in harmony with each other. In a combined project, this design issue is resolved very simply.

Types of bathhouse projects with a relaxation area

The choice of project is largely determined by the size of the land plot. For example, classic version a bathhouse with a terrace measuring 6 x 9 m is suitable for owners of a large area. It will accommodate not only the whole family, but also a large group of friends. In this case, a common foundation is provided for the bathhouse and terrace. If you make the building two-story, then you can place a steam room and barbecue below, and arrange a guest lounge on the second floor.

If you want to attach a bathhouse to your house, use the 6 x 6 project. Thanks to its proportions, it will fit perfectly into the design of any area. This way you will significantly expand the area of ​​the house and get a cozy open place to relax. It is ideal for enjoying fresh air directly from the cottage in any weather.

Bathhouse with veranda

Compact on the outside, but roomy on the inside, this is a corner bathhouse with a terrace. Often such a project is used in cases where it is necessary to locate a recreation area in close proximity to the house. The terrace adjacent to the cottage can be square or rectangular. However, photos of finished baths confirm that it is the corner platform that allows you to give the entire structure a complete look, as well as effectively manage the territory personal plot. Everything can be placed on the ground floor.

Advice. Two-story buildings are optimal if you want to properly plan the area of ​​your land plot and intend to continue construction. For example, add another guest room over time.

Nowadays, entire bathhouse cottages with various extensions, such as a terrace, are also popular. You can set up a gazebo on it, playground for children, place for barbecue or dancing. It is convenient to receive and accommodate guests, organize holidays and simply live in the fresh air. To prevent mosquitoes from annoying you in the summer, hang nets or decorative curtains.

Construction planning: timber or brick. Which foundation is better?

To implement the design of a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue that you like, you need to think carefully about what material to build from. Perhaps one of the best is timber. Its advantages are obvious:

  • holds heat well, so additional insulation is not required;
  • creates an inimitable “bathhouse” atmosphere, because for a long time people have been steaming in wooden buildings;
  • regulates indoor humidity. This is possible due to the fact that wood “breathes”;
  • allows you to implement non-standard architectural solutions;
  • environmental friendliness. It has been proven that wood enhances the healing effect of a bath.

Rest room

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that the timber is susceptible to mold, as well as its low reliability in terms of fire safety.

Attention! Glued laminated timber and logs are different building materials. The first one is cheaper. Logs can be rounded, planed, etc.

Brick baths are less fire hazardous, but they take longer to warm up, consuming a large amount of fuel. In addition, in such buildings, quality is required. Without it, condensation collects inside, which can cause mold and mildew. Speaking about the advantages of brick, it is necessary to note its environmental friendliness, long service life and the ability to erect a building of almost any shape, which is proven by photos of already erected buildings. It is important that the cost brick baths lower than wooden ones, and they do not require external finishing.

Advice. To build a bathhouse, you can take other materials, for example, gas silicate blocks. Popular and frame houses, which are inexpensive and can be built quickly.

Depending on the project and the building material for its implementation, the basis of the bathhouse is planned - the foundation. It could be:

  1. Screw. For it, special piles are used on which the structure will stand. Suitable for almost all soil types. Does not require preparatory earthworks. It can be built quickly (in 1-3 days) and at any time of the year.
  2. Columnar. This is the simplest of all types of foundation, and also the most economical. It can be used to build a small bathhouse with a terrace.
  3. Tape. The work on its construction is considered quite labor-intensive, so it is advisable to resort to this option in the following cases:
  • if your site has complex soil - for example, clay or sand;
  • It is planned to build a two-story bathhouse.

Attention! Since a bathhouse is heavier than a terrace, different foundations are usually laid under them.

Tips for designing a recreation area with a sauna, barbecue and terrace

  • When planning construction, consider the main wind direction. The bathhouse should cover the terrace from drafts. This is also necessary in order to correctly position the barbecue - it is not very convenient when smoke flies towards vacationers.
  • Decide why you need a terrace. If you want to hide from the sun's rays on a hot day, do not choose the south. If you are going to sunbathe, design the location of the terrace on the sunny side.

Bathhouse with barbecue
  • A terrace in its classic form does not have a roof, but for convenience and protection from bad weather it can be covered, for example, with transparent polycarbonate.
  • Regardless of the area of ​​the finished bathhouse, it is necessary to provide for the location of 3 separate rooms: a locker room, a shower room and a steam room.
  • To build a barbecue, you should use refractory bricks. In addition, for better fire safety, you can lay out the area around it with ceramic or stone tiles. It is also necessary to make a separate chimney for the barbecue.
  • If you plan to use a sauna with a terrace for all year round, take care of heating.

Bathhouse with barbecue area: video

The relaxation room in the bathhouse has become as important a part as the steam room. During bath procedures, the effects alternate high temperatures saunas with intervals to restore the body between visits to the steam room. The rest room is designed to make these breaks comfortable. When planning to build a bathhouse, you should definitely allocate a room for restoration.

Advice from professionals will tell you how to choose the right project wisely.


Bathhouse designs with a relaxation room can be divided into three groups. The first group is traditional one-story baths. They are built from capital building materials with low thermal conductivity and have a standard set of premises: there is a steam room, a shower room, a relaxation room, a dressing room, and sometimes a terrace.

The relaxation room is located on the ground floor next to the steam room and washroom and combines the functions of a locker room. This is the most convenient option, which allows you to maintain optimal temperature in all rooms, since the stove evenly heats all adjacent rooms with steam supplied to the sauna compartment.

This layout allows you to place the furnace firebox both in the steam room, which is not always convenient, and in the relaxation room.

The stoker is in comfortable temperature, besides, it is easier to remove debris after kindling. Modern technological furnaces long burning can have a glass screen, which allows you to admire the play of the flame while relaxing, creating a pleasant fireplace atmosphere and giving living warmth to the inhabitants of the room. Simple layout, however, includes everything necessary for bath procedures and has great variability in area.

The minimum building area is from 16 square meters. meters, which is convenient for small plots, maximum - at the request of the owner. This option does not require large investments due to the energy intensity of heating.

The second group is projects with a recreation room located in the attic or on the second floor. This will require the construction of a second floor or roof insulation., which will entail additional consumption of materials, the foundation will need to be strengthened to increase the load-bearing load. This option is convenient when small area buildings.

On the ground floor there is a dressing room, a locker room, a steam room, and a wash room. On the second floor there is a rest room with or without a balcony. It will be necessary to allocate space for flight of stairs. Beautiful spiral staircase can decorate the interior of the bathhouse.

The third group of projects involves moving the relaxation room onto the terrace. This layout is convenient for summer use. In the cold season, the terrace will need to be glazed and a heating system needs to be thought through. However, this arrangement of the rest room provides a lot of scope for implementing design solutions.

A panoramic view of the landscape adds aesthetic pleasure to moments of relaxation.

The choice of layout depends on the seasonal use of the bathhouse. The first and second group of projects are suitable for year-round use. In summer, it is enough to have a rest room under a canopy with flexible glazing made of film or polycarbonate for a budget option.

The availability of free space on the site is of great importance, and if it is not enough, then raising a recreation room to the attic would be a good solution. Heating the second floor in the cold season requires the installation of an air or water circuit. Installing a long-burning stove with a convector on the ground floor can solve this problem.

The location of the bathhouse on the site must meet fire safety standards and ease of use. It is advisable to orient the windows of the rest room towards an attractive view. It's nice to see beautiful landscapes before your eyes, and not a fence or a neighbor's shed.

It is advisable to choose an elevated area for good ventilation and water drainage. The proximity of an artificial or natural body of water can be an effective addition.

Particular attention is paid to materials for the construction of a bathhouse. Traditionally, preference is given to natural wood in the form of timber or rounded logs of linden, aspen, and cedar.

Pine is more affordable and has beautiful drawing fibers of knotty wood and is a popular material for a bathhouse in the country. Its disadvantage is the porous structure of the wood, which greatly changes its performance due to heat and high humidity, so in the steam room and shower the pine needs to be sheathed with a lath made of hard rocks tree, and for the rest room pine with its pleasant smell and aesthetic appearance will be the optimal solution.

Brick is a more expensive material, but it has the best durability and resistance to temperature changes.

A budget building can also be built from foam blocks. The construction of a bathhouse from blocks can be done with your own hands, even without special knowledge.

The interior spaces are lined with a block house and finished with tiles or natural stone.

The design of the rest room involves following a certain style, depending on the design, finishing materials are selected.

Subtleties of design

Design a bathhouse yourself - exciting activity. To do this, you need to stock up on paper, pencil and ruler.

For a family of 4-5 people and several guests optimal size a bathhouse of 6x6 meters with an attic is considered. On the ground floor there is an entrance hall, steam room, shower room with toilet, relaxation room or living room. The recreation room can be supplemented with a kitchen, and the second floor is reserved for leisure and additional space to accommodate guests or family members. Entrance area The second floor, with an area of ​​18 meters, can be used as a studio or billiard room. Behind it there are two symmetrical bedrooms or rooms for children of 9 square meters. meters.

The functionality of the bathhouse is significantly expanded, and for this there is no need to build big house. Compact layout with a bathroom satisfies the needs of the average family for a country holiday.

With terrace

Bathhouse with terrace – great option for summer meals in the fresh air after bath procedures. A barbecue grill can be placed on the area in front of the bathhouse or a grill area can be added to the veranda space. To do this, the size of the terrace must be increased so as to provide free access to the brazier and avoid smoke. dining table and windows.

The minimum distance between the stove and the table must be at least 2 meters. A ready-made metal brazier is installed or built stone grill made of brick with a chimney. For such a barbecue, a separate foundation is erected, which is taken into account at the design stage.

It is better to make the floor of the terrace from paving slabs or sandstone if the terrace is open. A wooden floor is also used for a glazed terrace.. Glazing is made of sliding aluminum or plastic frames. Plastic frames are used for warm glazing. Lightweight aluminum structures provide protection from the elements, but the temperature inside the enclosed space will only be a couple of degrees higher than outside.

A bathhouse with a barbecue and panoramic glazing on the veranda will become a place of attraction for household members after a working week.

With a swimming pool

The benefits of bath procedures will increase many times over when arranging a swimming pool or plunge pool in the relaxation room. The pool is located near the shower room.

The pool bowl is made of concrete and finished with tiles.

The tiles are selected to match the overall decoration of the rest room. Oriental flavor will add floral patterns and mosaics. For a Russian-style bathhouse, stone, brick and wooden sides are suitable.

IN one-story baths often they design a complex of a terrace with a plunge pool under a canopy. The font is made of wood and placed on a wooden platform in the fresh air.

In the Japanese version, the hot tub is heated with electric heating elements, which are built into the housing. Combining a recreation area with a bathhouse, a ready-made frame is installed or erected for summer swimming permanent pool, there are sun loungers or beach chairs nearby.

The reservoir can have strict geometric outlines or be close to its natural shape. In this case, the shore is decorated with pebbles and plants: hosta, astilbe, and cereals. The bathhouse with a swimming pool on the terrace is protected from prying eyes by a hedge from flowering bushes or vines on supports.

For a comprehensive recreation area it is required good lighting, since it is used in the evening.

Lighting the area with electricity is done if there are communications, more economical option– lighting with LEDs or solar-powered lanterns.

Small room

Small baths cannot boast of a large set of rooms, so they often have a shower in the rest room. In the decoration of premises with such planning solution must be taken into account high humidity and select appropriate materials: tiles, plastic panels, natural or artificial stone.

The shower must be separated from the relaxation area with a glass or plastic partition so that splashes do not disturb vacationers.

It is preferable to purchase furniture from moisture-resistant materials. Correct selection finishing will make using the shower convenient, and staying in the rest room will be comfortable.


The design of the rest room is determined by the chosen design style. For finishing a bath it is better to choose natural materials, resistant to moisture. All rooms are convenient to keep clean if the space is not cluttered extra items, and the surfaces are easy to clean. The design of the rest room is determined by the chosen design style.

Rural or Russian style

The direction involves the use of natural wood for covering walls and floors. Wood is processed special compounds against fungus and coated with oil or wax. Natural color wood gives the interior light tone, which visually increases the space.

It looks interesting to use in wall cladding unedged boards, which is cleared of bark and polished. The room takes on brutal features.

This inexpensive finish provides thermal insulation and an aesthetic accent.

The walls can be lined with clapboard coniferous species, decorate with carvings.

The furniture for such a relaxation room is made with your own hands from solid pine or purchased ready-made and complemented with decor from relief images on wood with a bathhouse theme. Look beautiful log walls as a symbol of traditional Russian culture. For budget options, a block house made of plastic is used simulating various breeds tree.

Scandinavian style

Optimal combination functionality and simplicity. The decoration prevails white with brown or black structural elements.

The main materials are wood and glass. The entire color scheme is calm, and the geometric theme can be seen everywhere. It is appropriate to use natural or artificial stone, the panel made from wood cuts looks original. The entire furnishings are practical and durable.

Reading time ≈ 11 minutes

If you are the owner of a summer house or country house, then you simply cannot do without a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue with a relaxation room, photos and projects of which are so often found on the Internet. There will always be such a building profitable investment strength and finances. It’s much more pleasant after work or a hard day to take a steam bath and eat delicious food. flavorful meat and have a better rest than just going and sitting in front of the TV.

Terrace near the bathhouse

Such construction requires a significant budget and patience. After all, the amount of work to be done is more than enormous. But the result will not keep you waiting long.

Features of the variety of bath structures

The popularity of the bathhouse is explained quite simply. From time immemorial, the bathhouse has been symbolized as a place where you can not only bathe, but also cleanse your soul. Centuries have passed, and the understanding of the purpose of the bathhouse has changed somewhat. Now they clean it up faster physical body rather than spiritual. Nowadays, this is a place where you can have a good steam, wash, and sit with friends while having heartfelt conversations and a well-laid table. Because of the last point modern baths became more spacious with huge lounges. And attached terraces and barbecue ovens are frequent companions.

If you nevertheless decide to engage in such construction, then the first thing you need to do is choose what type of bathhouse you will have. There are several of them.

  1. Built-in. This bathhouse is combined with the house itself. In this case, the steam room and washing room are part of the house area. This option involves setting aside the living room as a relaxation room.
  2. Attached. The bathhouse has compact parameters. It is attached to one of the walls of the house.
  3. Standing alone. This is a bathhouse that is complete and does not touch any structure. In other words, this is an ordinary building that is built separately. In such a building, all the necessary premises are available, such as: a washing room, a dressing room (can be replaced or combined with a relaxation room, a steam room). The recreation area may not be in the building itself, but located outside it - on a terrace or in a gazebo with a barbecue oven.
  4. Bathhouse tent. Mobile option bathhouse, which is useful for hiking and active recreation in the fresh air.
  5. Economical. Such baths are small in size, but at the same time have a large terrace. Options without a terrace are possible. Such baths are used only as a steam room.

Small bathhouse with terrace

You should choose according to your needs. Having decided on the type of bathhouse, you can begin to choose the correct location for the building. This stage is no less important than all the others, and should not be taken lightly.

The right place is the key to a successful holiday

Regardless of the parameters and functionality of the building, the construction itself must be coordinated with local authorities. When creating a project for a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue, correctly calculate all the distances and sizes, do not forget about the relaxation room, take a photo. The bathhouse should be on correct distance from other buildings. The standards are specified in sanitary regulations and rules for the development of personal plots and planning of residential buildings.

According to experts’ recommendations, such a structure is best done on an elevated surface. This way you will not only protect the building from flooding due to seasonal precipitation, but will also greatly simplify the process of creating communications for draining water from the bathhouse. It is also better to give preference to backyards, so as not to clutter the yard in front of the house. And the space on the site will be used more rationally.

Beautiful sauna with a terrace

Materials for building a bathhouse with a terrace – which ones should you choose?

The most popular material for building a bathhouse, of course, remains wood. But nowadays you can increasingly see this type of building made of bricks and foam blocks. Let's talk about the advantages and features of each of them.

Rounded wood or timber

Its popularity is easy to explain - naturalness, environmental friendliness, accessibility, ease of use and operation, durability. Using wood in a bathhouse it is easy to create cozy and comfortable conditions. In addition, this wooden version always looks impressive and majestic, which will only emphasize your status.

Another advantage is that exterior decoration you don’t need it, because wood already looks chic and complete thanks to the straight or convex shapes of the material.

Interior finishing is optional. For this, lining made from deciduous trees is used. The use of spruce or pine material is allowed only in the dressing room or rest room. Their use in the steam room is prohibited due to dangerous volatile resin compounds that are released at high temperatures.

Wooden sauna


This material can be found least often when constructing a bathhouse. The fact is that the equipment required for such construction is quite expensive, which significantly increases the budget of the construction process. Another disadvantage is the property of bricks such as hygroscopicity (the ability to absorb moisture and water from the air). Therefore, using such material, it is worth special attention pay attention to insulating the walls from the inside.

Despite the listed disadvantages, brick has undeniable advantages. It has high fire resistance. Also has good thermal insulation and sound insulation.

Brick bath

Foam block

It is often compared to wood due to its ability to “breathe”. But wood has better thermal insulation properties. So, when choosing a construction project, you need to take care of the good additional insulation. The main advantages are:

  • cheapness;
  • light weight;
  • ease of installation.

But it’s better to finish the interior wooden materials for cladding. This will not only insulate your bathhouse, but will also help give the rooms a natural feel. wooden structure. External cladding can be made of any material. For example, cover it with a material that imitates a wooden beam - siding. They are also often plastered or faced with clinker tiles.

Bathhouse made of foam blocks

But during the construction of a complex, the base of the terrace is often laid out with tiles that will be in harmony with the facing materials of the building.

You can often find baths that are built on a foundation of piles. Since wooden baths is many times lighter than monolithic brick buildings, then pouring a solid foundation is not necessary. It is worth noting that the cost of such filling is quite expensive. The advantage of a pile foundation is that communications and water drainage are significantly simplified.

Features of the bath layout

Each bathhouse project with a terrace, barbecue and relaxation room involves dividing the space into a dressing room, washing room and steam room.

Sometimes, if the parameters allow, you can add some more elements - a bathroom, a swimming pool, a relaxation room and even a bedroom. Baths that are combined with a terrace and have one roof are very popular.

It is better to entrust the creation of a project to professionals in their field. This way you will be sure that everything is calculated correctly, and during construction you will not encounter any unpleasant moments. In many companies, when creating a bathhouse project, you can view 3D models in order to fully appreciate all its features and nuances.

There can be a countless number of layouts. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities. But conditionally, there are several options that can be taken as a basis for any bathhouse construction project.

One-story bathhouse

This option has one floor, but the parameters can be very diverse. It could be a small house with only a steam room and a washing room. In such a bathhouse you can have a good time and just relax. Or there may be an option to build a full-fledged bath house, in which, in addition to standard premises, there will also be a bathroom and rest rooms.

If we talk about the recreation area, then the placement can be outside the bathhouse itself, for example, on the terrace. Another option for placing a recreation area is a veranda.

You have big family and many friends? Then it is better to opt for a large bathhouse project on one floor, which will have a separate area for a barbecue oven. IN in this case relaxation can take place both inside the bathhouse and on a cozy terrace.

Bathhouse with terrace and barbecue in the country

Two-story bathhouse

This type of layout is not often encountered. Much more often they are simply called that if there is an attic in the plan. Whatever one may say, the area increases noticeably thanks to the additional floor. Often there is a recreation room on both the first and second floors.

Of course, such a bathhouse will be able to accommodate many more people. So a noisy big party is possible! Even an inexpensive two-story bathhouse plan can have a terrace and two rooms for a pleasant time.

Bathhouse with two floors

Bath cottage

This is really big project, which combines separate areas on the street, recreation rooms inside the building (several pieces), bedrooms, small pools and even a kitchen. Not only the body, but also the soul will truly rest here.

In most cases, such buildings are built for future rental. After all, it is unlikely that anyone will constantly gather in huge groups. And maintenance of such a complex requires considerable financial and physical costs from the owner. Therefore, use for private purposes is not rational.


Design of a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue

Basically, a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue oven has a single roof. But if we talk about the foundation, then its pouring takes place separately. After all, the bathhouse part is many times heavier than the terrace. So for large sauna need to create a tape monolithic foundation. Pile foundation Suitable for compact buildings.

If the terrace is made of wood, then a foundation made of piles will suffice. Recommended use screw piles in areas where the soil is quite complex and prone to crumbling and freezing. Do not forget to properly perform insulating actions between the foundation and wooden elements. This will prevent the wood from rotting.

Regardless of the type of bathhouse, there must be at least three rooms inside:

  • dressing room or dressing room - minimum parameters: 3 * 1.20 m. If you follow the standards, then there should be 1.30 square meters for each vacationer;
  • shower or washing room - dimensions minimum 2*2 m;
  • steam room - 1.30 * 1.80 m is enough for two or three people.

They often make a room in which you can relax, although owners of terraces often refuse it.

Corner bath complete with terrace

By building a corner bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue area, you can make the most of the free space on the site. Especially if it is placed in the corner of the yard.

Corner bath project

In such buildings, the placement of premises is as rational as possible. The shower room is made quite spacious, and a cold font is installed in it. Steam room too large sizes, which will not create discomfort when lighting the stove.

A special feature is the placement of the stove - closer to the corner, and as far as possible from the entrance door. This corner option is quite safe.

You can enter the dressing room from two sides. The first exit is from the terrace, and the second from the street. The area of ​​the presented project is 98 square meters. So for constant use at any time of the year, take care of the heating system.

A large recreation room along with a kitchen is located inside. The terrace is located on one side of the bathhouse and occupies about half of the entire structure.

In the plan below, the door that leads to the rest room deserves special attention. As you can see, its placement has been moved as far as possible from the barbecue oven itself. This ensures that smoke will not penetrate into the room.

Bathhouse project

When creating a bathhouse project where you plan to build a barbecue, you should not neglect fire safety rules. Therefore, it is necessary to lay out around the stove stone tiles or tile. It is better not to use a wooden covering. This will prevent fire and damage to the floor from sparks.

Before starting construction, you need to lay a separate foundation for the barbecue. And for the construction of the furnace itself, choose red refractory brick. The main point is the height of the stove base, which is 70 cm from the floor level.

Take care of good chimney. Its height should be sufficient so that the smoke goes to the side and not into the room itself.

Beautiful sauna with barbecue

Bottom line

What your bathhouse will be like is purely your personal decision. But it is worth paying attention to important components - a competent choice of a place for construction, a suitable layout of the bathhouse, which will combine the functional features you need.

To simplify the design process, contact a construction company, where specialists will help you choose the ideal option from ready-made layouts or create a unique project.

When choosing the size of the bathhouse, realistically assess how many people it will be designed for. A bathhouse for personal use may well be designed in an economical style. For three to five people, it is better to make a bathhouse option in which there will be an attic. In this case, bedrooms can be located on the top floor. Such a bathhouse can easily replace a guest house.

As you can see, creating a bathhouse project with a terrace, barbecue and relaxation room is not at all difficult. And the result will definitely please you. Discover a real holiday that will truly satisfy you. For even more inspiration, check out the video below.

A special feature of corner baths is their unusual shape. In the classic corner version, the main part of the room (steam room and washing room) is built perpendicularly, at an angle of 90⁰ to additional rooms for leisure activities.

Why build a corner bathhouse, and what advantages does it have over a rectangular structure?

  1. The stove in such buildings is located in the middle between the steam room and the relaxation room, so it can heat the entire room, which is especially important in winter.
  2. Corner baths are designed specifically for installation in areas small sizes or in courtyards where there are already additional buildings, flower beds, garden furniture and other decorative elements. The building is necessarily located in one of the corners of the site, and therefore does not take up much space and does not disturb overall composition.
  3. A building whose shape resembles an angle or triangle is a rather unusual and interesting architectural solution.

Besides all your additional benefits, compact corner baths, manufactured by experienced specialists, will do an excellent job with their main goal - to help a person or a group of people have a good time.

Corner sauna made of timber

The compact building is equipped with a vestibule room, which additionally helps maintain a warm temperature in the building even in the coldest season.

This project takes up very little space on the site, but at the same time the building is quite spacious and practical.

The rest room and wash room are combined here, which allows you to save more free space in the room and save on the cost of building materials.

The presented project has a very interesting triangular shape and will look original on any summer cottage.

On the ground floor there are all the main components (steam room, wash room, vestibule and bathroom), and on the second floor there is an additional recreation room where you can equip a kitchen, billiard room or even a workshop and a very spacious balcony on which summer time good for romantic dates and friendly gatherings.

This project is very remarkable thanks to unusual design and spacious open veranda.

There is a barbecue oven on the veranda, so... warm time year, you can hold barbecue parties here.

Inside the building there is a steam room, separate washrooms and toilets, and three rooms for rest and leisure, which can be furnished to your own taste.

The project with a terrace and barbecue will appeal to all lovers of bathhouses and traditional outdoor recreation, since it combines all the components for an ideal leisure time.

Corner sauna for 10 people

A wonderful project with a spacious steam room and open terrace, where a company of up to 10 people can freely accommodate.

Bathhouse with swimming pool 129 sq.m. m.

An elegant structure is guaranteed to decorate your site and give it status. A room equipped inside the building with a swimming pool of more than 40 square meters will comfortably cool off after water treatments.

The building has a main (from the terrace) and an additional (from the porch) entrance, is equipped with a separate kitchen and guest room, separate bathroom and comfortable steam room.

On the second floor there is an additional guest room where you can arrange a bedroom or a billiard room, which will allow you to use the building as a guest house or even the main house.

Bathhouse with veranda and barbecue 8x9

A surprisingly compact and at the same time very pretty and roomy building project with a barbecue - perfect choice for people who are concerned about the issue of comfortable leisure time.

Enclosed veranda With large windows allows you to comfortably spend time in the bathhouse both in summer and winter. The building also houses small room rest room, wash room, steam room and bathroom.

Bathhouse with veranda and barbecue 8x10

Small bathhouse With separate room the barbecue can safely be called successful architectural solution, since the building measures 8x10 and actually accommodates a spacious kitchen combined with a dining room, a living room, a separate bathroom and a steam room.

The developers also propose installing a fireplace in the relaxation room to maintain a cozy atmosphere and the possibility of autonomous heating of all rooms of the bathhouse.

In fact, in such a building you can not only spend your leisure time comfortably, but even organize holiday parties, accommodate unexpected guests and live independently.

Two-story bathhouse made of laminated timber 94 sq.m.

Buildings made of laminated veneer lumber are distinguished not only by their reliability, but also by the high speed of assembly of the structure. By ordering the construction of this project, you will be able to enjoy the procedures on your own site in the shortest possible time.

Two-story bathhouse with a separate boiler room, very convenient, designed taking into account, first of all, the comfort and hygiene of visiting the steam room and living in the house.

All main premises are located on the ground floor, including toilet room, kitchen and living room, and the second floor is ideal for equipping a bedroom on it. Thus, this building can perfectly perform not only its main functions, but also serve as an excellent place for a small family to live.

L-shaped bath

Project L-shaped designed specifically for placement in the corner of the site. The building combines a separate dressing room, steam room, washroom, bathroom and vestibule, as well as a spacious lounge.