Rules of behavior on reservoirs in winter. Rules of behavior on reservoirs in summer and winter Features of the condition of reservoirs at different times of the year

As you know, in Russia the water temperature in reservoirs is low, and in winter they are also covered with ice of varying thickness depending on the time of year and air temperature. However, bodies of water are dangerous at any time of the year.

When swimming and using watercraft, the danger lies in strong currents (including underwater), deep pools and underwater cold springs. In summer, low water temperature is added to these factors. In winter, most reservoirs are covered with ice, which poses a great danger, especially after the first frost and during the thaw period. At this time, the ice is thin and there is a very high risk of falling into icy water.

It is very important to follow the rules of safe behavior on water bodies, both in summer and winter. In summer, you should not swim in unfamiliar places and especially dive into the water: at the bottom there may be snags, pieces of metal, scraps of reinforcement and other objects that can cause serious injury.

In addition, a reservoir can contain everything from very cold underwater currents to the presence of pathogens of severe infectious diseases in the water. The best place to swim is where most people swim. If no one drowns or gets sick, then everything is fine. Such places are the city beach or the village bank near the river, where all the children swim. It is dangerous to play games in water that involve diving under water for a time. An untrained person cannot stay under water for more than 1 minute. Then comes a sudden loss of consciousness. It is impossible to control this moment, therefore it is extremely dangerous.

You cannot swim far from the shore unless you are insured by a boat or motorboat. The wind may pick up or the current will be stronger than you expected, and then you may not have enough strength to go back. It should be emphasized here that under no circumstances should you drink alcohol (including beer) while swimming. It’s not for nothing that people say: “The sea is knee-deep for a drunk!” Drunk people do not measure their strength and most often drown.

If you have swam far from the shore and feel that you will not swim back, do not panic. Calm down and assess the situation. Remember that a person with full lungs of air is lighter than water and cannot drown himself. Practice near the shore: take a breath and lie on your back, balance your body, then stop moving your legs, and then your arms. You will find yourself lying quietly on the water with your nose, mouth and eyes on the surface. It is he himself who drowns a person, or rather, his fear and panic.

So, you are tired, and the shore is far away. Lie on your back and rest. Relax your arms and legs. If your nose still floods, lightly work with your palms as you dive. You can stay in this position for a long time. The only signal is hypothermia. After a few minutes, once you have regained your strength, swim further to the shore. It is better to swim breaststroke rather than crawl or strides, because... breaststroke saves strength.

Now a little about watercraft. Unless you are authorized to operate them, never drive a boat or handle the handle of a boat's outboard motor. This is the same as without a license to drive a car. Water does not forgive mistakes, but many do not understand this. In strong winds and side waves, you may be capsized. In turn, a good wave will not allow either you or your fellow travelers to swim to the shore. An overloaded boat or boat can also take on water and sink. They also have a hard time steering and you could be the victim of a large river boat that will crush your boat like a shoe would crush a cockroach. I repeat once again: water does not forgive mistakes!

What should you do if, despite all your efforts and warnings, your friend still drowns? If you are not a good swimmer, it is better not to try to save him. Then instead of one victim there will be two. If he is near the shore, throw him a rope or stick and pull him towards you. Well, if there is a boat, jump in it and sail it to him. Well, if there is nothing at hand, urgently call adults, good swimmers - they will help.

Assuming you are a good swimmer, then jump in to help. Swim up to the drowning man from behind, otherwise he will wrap his legs and arms around you and pull you along with him. Wrap your hand around the neck so that his head remains on the Surface and, raking with the other hand, drag him to the shore. Already at the shore, if he is conscious, try to push him into shallow water. Such an operation on water will require all your strength and skill. Now let’s assume the worst: you pulled your friend out, but he “drank” water and lost consciousness. The first thing to do is to clear the airways. To do this, you need to put the victim face down so that your knee is under his stomach. It’s difficult to do this alone; it’s better to work with helpers. An unconscious person is worse than a slippery heavy bag, and handling him is very, very difficult.

So, after you put pressure on his stomach with your knee, water may come out of his mouth. There are cases of bronchospasm when water does not enter the lungs, but the above procedure still needs to be done. After this, he must be placed on his back on a flat surface and his pulse and breathing checked. If they are present, it is necessary to bring the victim to his senses with light slaps on the cheeks; if they are absent, immediately begin closed cardiac massage and artificial respiration. When performing a heart massage, the palm of the right hand is placed slightly to the left of the middle of the victim’s chest, the left palm is pressed on top and rhythmic movements are made with sharp pushes of both hands. There is no need to be very zealous, because... You can break your ribs.

At the same time, artificial respiration is performed. It can be done using the mouth-to-mouth method, or it can be done by spreading it to the sides and pressing the arms (or legs) of the drowned person to the body. With the mouth-to-mouth method, you take in lungfuls of air and blow it into the victim's mouth. The air comes out spontaneously. During these procedures, it is necessary to monitor the victim’s tongue. It may sink, and then your efforts will be in vain. Therefore, you need to take your tongue by the tip with a handkerchief and keep it in sight. The pace of work should be as follows: for 6 rhythmic movements of the heart, 1 artificial respiration. This work, as a rule, is difficult, long, and sometimes requires superhuman efforts, especially if resuscitation measures are carried out by one person. Unfortunately, the author of these lines had to find himself in such a situation, and this resulted in physical fatigue of all muscles for literally a week. Resuscitation must be continued until the victim has a pulse and breathing or until obvious blue (cadaveric) spots begin to appear on the body. But in case of any development of events, it is necessary to immediately take measures to call professional ambulance doctors and rescuers. They have significantly more resources and experience to save your comrade.

Now, having dealt with summer swimming, let’s move to winter and see what we should do on reservoirs when they are covered with ice. The basic rules of conduct here are as follows. Ice that has a bluish or greenish tint is considered reliable; therefore, ice with a yellowish tint is dangerous. Also considered dangerous are areas of ice near steep banks where small rivers and streams flow into the river and at sharp bends of the riverbed. The washouts are immediately visible. Usually in this place the water comes out on top of the ice. It is best to cross bodies of water on ice during daylight hours and with good visibility. It is better to carry the backpack on one shoulder. Then, if necessary, it is easy to reset. When moving on ice, a group of people must maintain a distance of at least 5 m.

If you are not careful and still fall through, you need to lean on the ice, put one foot on it, then pull out the other, roll onto a hard surface and carefully move away from the dangerous place. Before doing this, it is better to take off your shoes. You need to leave in the same direction from which you came. If the current quickly pulls you under the ice, open your eyes and look where it is brighter. This is where you need to swim. Once you've managed to get out, be aware of the risk of frostbite, but we'll talk about that in another chapter. If you have to cross a water obstacle on ice in a car, keep the doors slightly open so that you can immediately leave the sinking vehicle.

Our country has a large number of reservoirs where you can relax in the summer or go winter fishing. Relaxing on the banks of a river or lake is wonderful, but a huge number of people die on the water every year.
Most often this happens during bathing, especially in places that are not intended for this. In winter, when the water is covered with ice, some still manage to fall under it. This is why it is so important to know what safe behavior is on bodies of water under various conditions.

Rules of conduct on reservoirs in the summer
It is impossible to imagine a summer vacation without a trip to the sea, river or pond. When the sun is hot, you really want to take a dip in the cool water. In hot weather there are especially many vacationers near water bodies. It is very important that before going on such a vacation you remember about safe behavior on bodies of water in various conditions. A document that reflects all the rules of behavior on the water should be in every administration and rescue organizations. Fresh air and water are excellent hardening factors, but we must not forget about the danger that may await you in open bodies of water.

There are some recommendations that relate to swimming:
- Some diseases may be a contraindication to swimming, so consult your doctor before going to the river or sea.
- The best time to take water procedures is 9-11 am and 17-19 pm.
- You should not swim if you have just eaten, an hour and a half should pass.

If you know how to swim, then this is to some extent a guarantee of your safety on the water, but there are cases when excellent swimmers find themselves in extreme situations and die. Therefore, it is especially important to follow safety rules for all categories of citizens.

Rules for safe behavior on the water
Safe behavior on bodies of water in various conditions must be strictly observed - this is the guarantee of your excellent vacation without incidents. After you arrive at a river or lake, after spending a lot of time on the road in a hot car, you should not immediately rush into the water. You need to rest a little, calm down and cool down, only after that you can go swimming.

To prevent your holiday from being overshadowed by unexpected situations, follow these simple rules:
- It is best if you take water procedures in places that are specially equipped for this.
- If you come to this place for the first time, before a full swim you need to examine the bottom for snags, glass and any debris.
- Do not dive in unfamiliar places, otherwise you may bury your head in the ground, snags or concrete slab.
- If on the shore of a reservoir you find a sign that swimming in this place is prohibited, then you should not risk your health, it is better to go to another beach.
- At sea, rescue services usually install buoys that you can’t swim behind; you don’t need to show your courage and compete with friends, this can be dangerous.
- If you like to play games in the water, then be careful: do not grab each other’s arms or legs, you can swallow water in the excitement and lose consciousness.
- If your leg cramps in the water, you need to call for help.
- Do not go into the water while drunk, it can end tragically.

For some reason, not everyone follows these simple rules, which then leads to accidents.

Behavior during unexpected situations
An unexpected situation can happen to anyone on the water if safe behavior on water bodies in various conditions is not observed. Your life or your friends will depend on your actions at this moment.
When swimming in rivers, it may happen that you caught in a whirlpool . You need to put aside panic, take a lot of air into your lungs, dive under the water and try, using movements with your arms and legs, to swim away from the funnel. If you do everything correctly and, most importantly, calmly, then you will be able to get out of it easily.
Another situation that occurs quite often is swimming across a river or lake for a bet . You may simply miscalculate your strength; it is impossible to predict how your body will behave under such overload. If you know how to relax on the water, lying on your back, then it’s not so bad, you may be able to win the argument.
The ability to rest may also be useful to you if my leg cramped in the water . This is very dangerous, because no one can quickly help you at a great distance from the shore; you can only rely on yourself. For such cases, always take a pin with you; they say it is a good remedy for cramps in the water.

Safety of children on water bodies
The rules for safe behavior on bodies of water at different times of the year are also relevant for children. In the summer, it is impossible to keep our kids away from the water; all sorts of prohibitions do not work, so it is necessary to strictly follow the following recommendations:
- You can swim with children only in places specially equipped for this.
- Do not leave your child unattended, even if he is just playing on the shore.
- Don't let children dive.
- After a long stay in the heat, you must enter the water slowly, otherwise breathing may stop due to a sharp temperature change.
- Try to learn to distinguish your children among a large number of children, believe me, this is not at all easy to do.
- The duration of stay in the water depends on the age of the child, but it should be much less than for adults.
- Do not allow children to swim in places where motor boats and speedboats ply, and you should not do this yourself.

Keeping track of children while swimming is quite difficult, especially if there are a lot of them, as, for example, in camps. Therefore, for safety reasons, swimming is prohibited in many health centers to prevent accidents.

Rules for swimming children in open water
Water procedures for a child are very good and healthy, but the main thing is that it is safe. Since many people relax with their parents on the banks of rivers and lakes, or go “savages” to the sea, it is worth considering some universal rules:
- A child can go into the water if it has warmed up to 22 degrees, and outside it is at least 25 degrees.
- It is better to swim in the morning.
- During the first swim, 2-3 minutes of staying in the water is enough.
- Do not plunge your child's head into water.
- After leaving the water, you need to dry your body well and rest.

Relaxing on the river bank is a great opportunity to improve your health and get a lot of positive emotions. The main thing is to choose the right bodies of water. The conditions of water bodies differ at different times of the year, and this must be taken into account.

Behavior on reservoirs in winter
It would seem that winter has come, ice has frozen all the rivers and lakes, and you can safely skate and play hockey. But it is worth saying that the rules of safe behavior on reservoirs in winter must also be observed.
Here are a few rules that will help you preserve your life and health on the pond in winter:
- Ice at least 7 centimeters thick can support one person.
- Near various drains, the ice is usually not too strong.
- Do not test the strength of the ice by kicking it.
- If you are moving along a frozen body of water, then it is better to follow an already trodden path.
- When you walk in a group, the distance between you should be 5-6 meters, especially if the area is unfamiliar.
- It’s better to carry a backpack on one shoulder, so that in an emergency you can use it as a handy tool.
- If this happens and you fall through the ice, then spread your arms wide and hold on to the edges of the ice so as not to go under it headlong. Without panic, slowly get out of the hole, crawling with your chest and pulling out your legs one by one.

In any unforeseen situation need to stay calm and composure, and in order to exclude such cases, you must always remember about safe behavior on reservoirs in various conditions.

Water and danger are concepts that are very close, so it depends only on you whether a body of water will become a place of excellent relaxation for you or will bring misfortune.

With the onset of the long-awaited summer, hundreds of people flock to the reservoirs to relax. Water is a good friend and ally of a person, helping to get maximum pleasure from relaxation and improve health. But at the same time, it does not tolerate frivolity and can be a source of increased danger. The consequences of frivolous behavior will be the most severe. To avoid them, every person should know basic water safety rules.

Causes of water accidents

You can identify a drowning person by the following signs:

  1. The head is deep in the water, the mouth periodically disappears and appears above the surface. A drowning person cannot call for help, only breathe in and out.
  2. The mouth is half-open or open, the head is thrown back strongly.
  3. The eyes become glassy and lose the ability to focus.
  4. Vertical body position.
  5. Difficulty and rapid breathing.
  6. A person is floundering in place, not floating anywhere.
  7. Attempts to roll over onto your back and assume a horizontal position are unsuccessful, while the drowning person tries to climb out of the water as if using a rope ladder.

If at least one of the listed signs is present, you need to ask the person if everything is okay. If he doesn't answer, it most likely means the person needs help. The main thing in this case is not to waste time.

Rescue of a drowning man

Water safety precautions say that the most correct thing to do is to call for help from rescuers or people who know how to swim well. But if the situation is such that you have to save someone in distress alone, these recommendations will help you do everything right:

  1. First of all, you should try to calm the drowning person, let him know that help is close. Sometimes this is enough for a person to stop panicking and swim to shore.
  2. The most effective method of rescue is to extend a long pole or rope from a boat or from the shore to a drowning person, which he can grab onto and swim out. If there is a life preserver, you need to throw it.
  3. It is best to swim up to a person in distress from behind, since a drowning person instinctively grabs his rescuer and fetters his movements, and can even involuntarily stun him with a strong blow.
  4. You need to turn the person on his back and swim with him to the shore. If he resists and thereby drags the rescuer to the bottom, you can dive into the water with him for a few seconds, this will help free you from the convulsive grip of the drowning person.
  5. If a drowning person goes to the bottom, the rescuer must dive, take the drowning person under the armpits or hair under the water and, pushing off strongly from the bottom, float to the surface with him.

First aid

Providing first aid to a drowned person should be done right on the shore and as quickly as possible, since death from drowning usually occurs within 5-6 minutes. The method of providing first aid depends on the state of the drowned person.

If the victim is conscious, you need to remove all his clothes, dry him and wrap him in something dry and warm. In order for all the water to leave the lungs, it is necessary to induce vomiting by irritating the root of the tongue. After the lungs are free of water, it is advisable to give the victim a warm drink.

If the drowned person is unconscious but breathing on his own, he is given ammonia to sniff, then the whole body is vigorously rubbed. After consciousness returns, the lungs are cleared of water through vomiting. The victim must be taken to the hospital, especially if there is bluishness of the skin.

If a person removed from the water shows no signs of life, first of all he needs to clean his mouth. Then the rescuer must turn the victim onto his stomach through his leg bent at the knee so that the victim’s head is below the stomach and lungs. The rescuer then presses rhythmically on the back until water drains from the mouth and nose. Manipulations to remove water should take no more than 10-15 seconds, then you should immediately begin removing fluid from the respiratory tract.

To remove water from the lungs, the victim is turned over on his stomach and given mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration in combination with closed cardiac massage. After the person regains consciousness, he must be warmed up and immediately taken to the hospital for subsequent intensive care.

Signs of effectiveness of resuscitation measures

A set of measures to revive a drowned person can be considered effective if his skin turns pink, his pupils constrict, and with massage shocks the pulse in the carotid artery is clearly felt. Revival of the victim should last until the person is able to breathe on his own. This can last several minutes, and sometimes several hours, until the ambulance arrives.

Swimming in an open pond or pool is an excellent health procedure, from which, with the right approach, you can get a lot of positive emotions for both children and adults. But water safety rules must be strictly followed, because the price to pay could be your own life or the life of a loved one.


- Rules for crossing the ice:

1. Cross a body of water on ice only in good visibility.

2. While skiing, unfasten the bindings and remove the pole straps from your hands.

3. Take a long stick (pole), a rope at least 5 meters long.

4. Descend where there are no gullies or reed bushes frozen into the ice.

5. Walk carefully, checking the ice with a stick.

6. Do not open the soles from the ice.

- How to get out of the hole:

1. Try not to submerge your head in water.

2. Don't panic, call for help.

3. Get out in the same direction from where you were going.

4.Crawl onto the ice with your arms outstretched to the sides.

5. Throw your leg over the air and roll away from the hole.

6. Crawl 3-4 meters in your tracks.

7. Without resting, run to the nearest housing.


- When swimming it is unacceptable:

1. Swim in an unfamiliar place, under bridges and near dams.

2. Dive from a height without knowing the depth and topography of the bottom.

3. Swim behind buoys and fences.

4. Approach ships, rafts and other watercraft.

5. Jump into the water from boats, boats, piers.

6. Organize games with grabbing body parts.

- When using the boat it is unacceptable:

1. Make sure the boat is in good working order and that life-saving equipment is available.

2. Rock the boat, stand up to your full height, sit on board.

3. Swim into places where ships pass and where there is mass swimming.

4. Grab tree branches and other objects while walking.

- Rescue equipment:

1. Lifebuoy.

2. "The End of Alexandrov."

3. Rescue balloons.

4. Paddle or pole.


The winter period of fishing begins with the establishment of ice on reservoirs. Fishing from ice requires the angler to constantly take precautions. When moving on ice, the danger of falling under it can arise quite suddenly.

Before entering the first ice, you need to check its strength. To do this, you need to take a pointed stake or a metal pin. You should punch several holes and determine its thickness. If the ice thickness reaches 6-7 cm, you can go out on it. Thinner ice may not support a person. It must be borne in mind that with the onset of a short thaw, the first ice weakens significantly, and going out on it is dangerous.

On the first ice, you cannot gather in groups near one hole; the ice may not withstand the weight of several people and break. Holes should be drilled at a distance of 5-6 m from one another.

In the first days of ice formation, its thickness is not the same everywhere. Ice is usually thicker in shallows, in bays and backwaters of lakes and reservoirs, in quarries, and in rivers with quiet currents. In places with greater depth, in places with fast currents and on the fairways of rivers, the ice is always thinner.

When moving on the first ice you need to be extremely careful. You cannot walk on such ice alone, especially over long distances. It is advisable to have a strong and long rope with you, with a small weight at the end, so that if necessary, you can throw it further away and help a person who finds himself in the water. The person walking behind carries the rope. They walk along the pond one after another with an interval of 4-5 m. The one who goes ahead constantly checks the ice with an ice pick, bypasses all suspicious places, bypassing areas with cracks and water spills on the ice surface.

The first ice with snow that has fallen on it is especially dangerous. If you are out on thin ice and it begins to crack or collapse, stop immediately, grab a pick or ice ax in the middle, glide backwards along the path previously taken, and then follow a different direction or return to shore. Do not come close to thickets of reeds, sedges, or flooded bushes - near them the ice is usually thinner.

The fisherman must be able to determine the strength of ice by external signs. Transparent and dark ice is more durable. White, spongy ice frozen with snow is less durable; such places should be bypassed or first checked with an ice pick.

Useful tips and first aid.

Rules of behavior on reservoirs in winter.

The following reservoirs are considered the most dangerous during the period of autumn freeze-up (November - January) and spring flood (March - mid-April).

Security measures.

  • Avoid walking alone near dangerous bodies of water;
  • Slide down slides (on skis, soles, snow scooters) onto the surface of the river, as well as ride in unfamiliar places on snowmobiles;
  • Do not ride on ice floes, avoid riffles, ice holes, ice holes, ice edges;
  • Do not test the strength of ice by kicking.

Rules of conduct in case of emergency on ice.

  • Do not come close to someone who has failed;
  • Urgently report an emergency (place, time, causes of the emergency).
  • Call adults;
  • Give the person who has fallen through support (ski, stick, crossbar, etc.);

Remember, the time for critical hypothermia of the body in water in winter occurs within 10 minutes.

  • Try to drag the victim in using a scarf, rope, belts and other available means;
  • Provide assistance after removing a person from the water (physical exercises to warm up, running);
  • It is forbidden to come close to the edge or give a hand to the victim.

If you fall into the water, you need to: do not panic, try to get to the surface of the ice on your own and crawl towards the shore, call for help, go ashore and do not let yourself freeze.

How to avoid falling through the ice?

In almost any part of Central European and northern Russia there are large or small bodies of water that are covered with ice in frosty times. Any hunter, fisherman, tourist or person simply walking in the park can find themselves in an ice-related emergency. An ice-covered body of water is dangerous due to warm underwater currents, sudden changes in air temperature - temporary thaw, or any other reasons. The ice may not be strong enough, and while on it, a person risks falling into cold water at any moment. Follow the rules of behavior on ice, study the basic methods of rescuing a person who has fallen through the ice. Then, if necessary, you can protect yourself from harm and help save the life of another.

Choosing a path and checking the strength of the ice.

If the ice is not covered with a layer of snow, you can determine its strength by its color. Ice that has a bluish or greenish tint, without bubbles, is the most durable. If the ice has a milky tint and breaks without cracking, it is about half as weak. This type of ice occurs after heavy snowfall. In addition, the ice cover on any body of water is uneven - somewhere there are strong places, and somewhere the ice is weaker.

To make sure that the ice is safe to walk on, you need to carefully step on it and see if cracks form on its surface. Small radial cracks and crunching of the ice indicate that the ice can already be walked on. At the same time, remember that you must walk carefully, constantly checking the shape of the cracks that form under your feet. If ring cracks form, the ice is not strong enough, and it is better to abandon further travel along it. Porous ice during the spring thaw, after rain or drizzle, acquires a matte white or yellowish tint. He is very unreliable. Porous ice formed during heavy snowfall can also be dangerous. Remember that safety on ice can only be guaranteed by the absence of cracks at all; only in this case is the ice stable and strong.

You need to be very careful when going down onto the ice and leaving it on the shore when crossing a fast river; such ice is usually multi-layered and has a lot of air bubbles, which make it quite fragile. On winding, fast-flowing rivers, the weakest points are located near the banks, called the ice, and in the middle the ice has a more uniform and durable structure. It is better to go down to the river or approach the shore where there is no snow. River ice is thinnest under snowdrifts, near rocks and steep banks, near trees, snags, thickets of reeds or cattails, as well as at the confluence of different water flows - the inflow of streams and tributaries or their outflow from the river. A hole or ice hole dusted with snow or slightly covered with a thin layer of ice is also dangerous. Such wormwood is quite difficult to notice, especially after a snowfall.

Rules for safe behavior on ice.

Correct behavior on ice will help you avoid possible risks and prevent danger to other people while walking or having to cross an ice-covered body of water. You should remember and follow the rules of safe behavior on ice.

  • Do not cross a frozen body of water in places where it is prohibited.
  • Do not go out on recently frozen and not yet hardened ice. If necessary, check the possibility of crossing the ice using the method described above.
  • Do not gather in large groups on one piece of ice. If you need to cross a body of water as a group, spread out and walk a short distance behind each other.
  • Do not approach ice holes and holes on the ice.
  • Do not slide sleds, ice skates, or skis from the shore onto thin, not yet hardened ice, and categorically prohibit children from doing this without supervision.
  • Do not go out on the ice in poor lighting or visibility, especially at night.
  • Do not drive your car onto the ice outside of specially organized crossing areas.

The procedure for crossing a reservoir on ice.

Before going out on the ice, you should make sure that it is strong and reliable. After this, carefully move along the ice with a sliding step, leaning on your entire foot. Be prepared to turn back to the shore in case of danger or doubt. If you are crossing a body of water on skis and are not sure of the strength of the ice, you should unfasten the bindings on your skis so that you can quickly get rid of them in an emergency. You should not completely remove your skis when crossing a body of water, as they reduce the pressure on the ice and reduce the risk of it breaking. If you have a backpack, you need to remove one strap from your shoulder in advance, and also remove your hands from the lanyards of your ski poles in order to also quickly throw away unnecessary ballast in case of danger.

A group of people is transported in a chain with a distance of at least 5 meters between people. The most experienced and prepared member of the group goes first, who analyzes the condition of the ice along the way. When crossing in a group, you need to belay yourself with a long rope or use a pole for this purpose; you can also wear a life jacket. You should walk on ice slowly. Walking slowly will not break the ice instantly. It will crack and sag. Based on changes in its appearance, the shape of cracks and the appearance of water, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the reliability of the ice and the degree of risk of such a transition. If there is any alarming sign, you should immediately go back. You should return in your own footsteps, smoothly gliding along the ice, without lifting your feet or making sudden movements.

Being on an ice-covered body of water can be dangerous at any time of the year and in any weather. The most dangerous periods are considered to be the periods of autumn freeze-up (late autumn - early winter), since the ice is not yet strong and stable enough, and spring flood (beginning and mid-spring), when the ice becomes loose and weak under the influence of the sun and above-zero temperatures. The most common emergencies on ice are general hypothermia, various injuries, and drowning. Knowing the rules for saving people and yourself, the ability to act quickly and organize a rescue operation can help you cope with an emergency situation and save the life of yourself or other people.

If the ice breaks under you.

If the ice breaks under you, remain calm. Try to throw off your backpack and other things that get in your way. Lie on your back or stomach with your arms and legs spread wide. If you were on skis, then try to lie down on them and crawl away in the direction from which you came. Ski poles should be held in the middle, used to fix your position and belay. If you find yourself in water, throw all heavy things aside. Try to stay on the surface and climb out onto the ice. To do this, stick a ski pole or knife into the edge of the ice and, leaning on them, get to the surface. In a narrow ice hole, it is better to lie horizontally to rest your feet on the ice, or simply make swimming movements. If you manage to rest your feet and hands on the ice, roll to the side and crawl away from the hole. As a rule, at the site of the failure the ice edge is quite weak. Therefore, first you will have to break the ice with your hands or improvised means until you reach a solid surface. At the same time, you should loudly call for help.

Saving a person if he falls through the ice.

If you decide to help a person who has fallen through the ice, carefully crawl on your stomach to the hole, spreading your arms and legs wide. It is advisable to lean on a board or ski. Do not come close to the breach; it is enough to crawl to it at a distance that is sufficient to provide assistance. Throw the end of a rope or belt to the victim, or extend a board or ski pole. You can only pull the victim out of the hole while lying down. Help can only be provided by one, maximum two people; a whole group of people trying to help will definitely not be able to withstand the ice. If absolutely necessary, several people can lie down on the ice in a chain, holding each other’s legs, and crawl into the ice hole.

Actions on a floating ice floe.

If you find yourself at sea on a broken floating ice floe, the first thing you should do is not panic and try to calm others down. Distribute the load on the ice floe so that it does not turn over and break in the middle. Check the wind direction and its strength. The direction of movement of the ice floe can be determined by the compass, stars, and landmarks on the shore. Try to attract attention to yourself: shout, burn torches, or shoot with a rocket launcher. Check the availability of products and distribute food into several meals. Assess the condition of each person, provide first aid to the wounded. You can’t even take off wet clothes; they can still slow down the cooling process. Get rid of unnecessary ballast that will not be useful to you during a forced trip. Save food, spend incendiary supplies sparingly, and try to maintain a warm, friendly atmosphere of mutual assistance while waiting for rescuers.

Rules of conduct in cold water.

Being in cold water at any time of the year is extremely dangerous. While in it, in a matter of minutes the human body can become completely hypothermic and die. Not every experienced and healthy person is able to stay in ice water for long enough. However, some recommendations will help you hold out as long as possible while waiting for help. If you fall into water, try to hold on to any floating objects, including the ice itself. To reduce heat loss, keep your head and neck above the water. If several people fall into the water, it is better to stick together. Try to take care of the weak and wounded - give them random flotation devices to make it easier for them to stay on the water, or use them in turns.

You should get out of the water immediately, despite the fact that strong winds create the illusion that the water is much warmer. While in the water waiting for help, move as little as possible. Active movement increases sweating, which accelerates the process of hypothermia. You can begin active movement only when you reach strong ice in order to reach its surface or help other people. You should swim calmly, with small strokes underwater, without sudden movements. If there is numbness in your limbs and cramps, do not panic. Do not be alarmed, severe chills and pain in the limbs are local in nature and do not threaten a person’s life. Only general hypothermia of the body can lead to death.

Protection from cold.

Cold is the main enemy of a person caught in icy water. Once on shore or on solid ice, first wring out your wet clothes. If there is no way to stay warm in any building, find a place protected from the wind and take shelter there. To warm up, you should move actively and preferably eat something sweet. Lay out wet matches to dry. Build a temporary shelter or barrier out of branches, rocks or ice to protect yourself from wind and precipitation. On the shore you can light a fire and try to warm up. Don't sleep and don't stay motionless. Better keep yourself busy with work and thinking about your next steps.

How to swim and behave near water in summer?

The experience of rescue stations shows that an accident when swimming can happen to almost anyone, but children, drunk people, and those who consider themselves unsurpassed swimmers are most at risk.

So, here are some simple recommendations on how to behave near bodies of water.

You should enter cold water gradually. This is necessary so that the muscles are able to adapt to the temperature and there are no cramps. For the same purpose, before taking water procedures, it is highly recommended to do light exercises and stretch your muscles - this will improve blood circulation.

It is not recommended to swim in unequipped reservoirs or where there are no rescue stations. And in equipped rivers and lakes, you should not swim beyond the swimming area marked by buoys. To avoid electric shock, do not swim during a thunderstorm.

Unnecessarily, try to avoid dangerous long-distance swims. And if such a swim happens, you should calculate your capabilities, including the return trip. So, if you swam across a wide river, but on the other side you feel that you have no strength left for the return swim. DON'T SWIMM! The risk could cost you your life. Get back by boat or bridge. As a last resort, have a good rest - let your body recover properly.

Do not swim while intoxicated. In this state, certain physical and mental changes are observed in the body. Intoxicated people tend to overestimate their capabilities, while at the same time the level of their physical strength and skills decreases. In addition, swimming while drunk can lead to complete cardiac arrest, and there will be no one to help on the water.

Don't swim alone. When relaxing in a group, watch other swimmers, especially children. Keep in mind that drowning people only scream in movies. In real life, when water gets into the throat, a choking person is not able to make sound signals.

If you feel that you are starting to drown, then try not to panic, save your remaining strength and breath, give signs to the rescuers and other people. Having given a signal, in order to stay on the water, it is recommended to lie on your back so that only your face (respiratory organs) remains on the surface, and make light movements with your legs and arms under water. In this state, a person can, using a minimum of effort, remain on the surface for a long time. Keep in mind that your entire body should be under water, including your ears and hair. The more part of our body we immerse in water, the more the saving buoyant force of water will act on us. Every swimmer should know this technique, and it should be learned in advance.

What not to do when swimming. Water safety rules.

  • DO NOT swim beyond the guardrails;
  • DO NOT swim in prohibited areas;
  • DO NOT leave children swimming unattended;
  • DO NOT give false signals;
  • DO NOT swim up to passing boats, boats or boats;
  • DO NOT jump into the water from bridges, dams, piers, boats and boats;
  • DO NOT dive in an unfamiliar place.

Boat water safety rules.

  • DO NOT use ownerless or technically faulty boats;
  • DO NOT go sailing without life-saving and water-draining equipment;
  • DO NOT overload the floating craft with passengers and cargo beyond the carrying capacity indicated in the technical passport;
  • DO NOT ride while intoxicated;
  • DO NOT sit on the side or bow of the boat;
  • DO NOT change from one place to another, as well as from one boat to another while afloat;
  • DO NOT dive from boats;
  • DO NOT use watercraft after dark.

Children under 14 years of age are prohibited from using watercraft unless accompanied by an adult!

After severe overheating in the sun, do not rush to plunge into cold water. A rapid change in temperature causes a sharp contraction of blood vessels, which can lead to fainting.

First aid for victims in water.

  • Remember! The victim can be restored to life no later than 6 minutes after breathing stops.
  • Turn the victim's head to the side and clear the mouth of sand and silt.
  • Remove water from the respiratory tract and stomach. All this should not take more than 15 seconds.
  • Determine whether the victim is breathing and has a pulse. If there is no pulse, begin artificial respiration using the mouth-to-mouth method.
  • External cardiac massage is performed simultaneously with artificial respiration.

First aid for seizures.

Fingers: quickly and forcefully clench your hand into a fist, make a sharp throwing motion with your hand to the side and unclench your fist.
Calf muscle: bend, grab the foot of your flattened leg with your hand, and pull it towards you with force.
Thigh muscles: grab the outside of your leg at the ankle (by the instep) and, bending it at the knee, pull it back towards your back.
If the cramp does not go away, repeat the dose!

If you are caught in a whirlpool.

Take in more air, plunge into the water and, making a strong jerk with the current, float to the surface.