Political Science (Bachelor's Degree). Faculty of Political Science Second higher education political science

Previously, this state standard had the number 020200 (according to the Classifier of directions and specialties of higher professional education)



Deputy Minister

education of the Russian Federation


V.D. Shadrikov

State registration number

49 gum./sp.




SPECIALTY 020200 Political Science

Qualification - political scientist

Introduced from the moment of approval

Moscow, 2000

  • 020200 Political Science

    1.1.Specialty approved

    by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2000 No. 686.

    1.2. Graduate qualifications -

    political scientist

    The standard period for mastering the main educational program for training a political scientist in the specialty 020200 Political Science for full-time study is 5 years.

    1.3. Qualification characteristics of the graduate

    Political scientists carry out professional activities in the following areas: in political science, in the system of general and special education, in practical politics. The objects of professional activity of a political scientist include educational and research institutes, state authorities and local governments, consulting centers, and socio-political organizations. A political scientist carries out the following types of professional activities: research, organizational and political, consulting and teaching (in higher education).

    Opportunities for continuing education of a graduate who has mastered the basic educational program of higher professional education in his specialty020200 Political science.

    The graduate is prepared to continue his education in graduate school.


    2.1. Previous level of education –

    secondary (complete) general education. The applicant must have a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, or primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary (complete) general education, or higher vocational education.


    is developed on the basis of this state educational standard and includes a curriculum, programs of academic disciplines, programs of educational and practical training.Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the basic educational program for training a political scientist, the conditions for its implementation and the timing of its development are determined by this state educational standard.Basic educational program for training a political scientistconsists of disciplines of the federal component, disciplines of the national-regional (university) component, disciplines of the student’s choice, as well as elective disciplines. Disciplines and courses of the student's choice in each cycle must meaningfully complement the disciplines specified in the federal component of the cycle.The main educational program for training a political scientist should provide for the student to study the following cycles of disciplines and the final state certification:

    GSE cycle - general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines;

    cycle EN - general mathematical and natural science disciplines;

    OPD cycle - general professional disciplines;

    DS cycle - specialization disciplines;

    FTD – elective disciplines;

    Contents of the national-regional component of the basic educational program for training a political scientistmust ensure the training of graduates in accordance with the qualification characteristics established by this state educational standard.


    020200 Political Science

    Name of disciplines and their main ones


    Total hours

    General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines

    Federal component

    Foreign language

    Specifics of articulation of sounds, intonation, accentuation and rhythm of neutral speech in the target language; the main features of the complete pronunciation style, characteristic of the field of professional communication; reading the transcription. Lexical minimum in the amount of 4000 educational lexical units of a general and terminological nature. The concept of differentiation of vocabulary by areas of application (everyday, terminological, general scientific, official and other). The concept of free and stable phrases, phraseological units. The concept of the main methods of word formation. Grammatical skills that provide general communication without distorting the meaning in written and oral communication; basic grammatical phenomena characteristic of professional speech. The concept of everyday literary, official business, scientific styles, and the style of fiction. Main features of the scientific style. Culture and traditions of the countries of the language being studied, rules of speech etiquette. Speaking. Dialogue and monologue speech using the most common and relatively simple lexical and grammatical means in basic communicative situations of informal and official communication. Fundamentals of public speech (oral communication, report). Listening. Understanding dialogic and monologue speech in the field of everyday and professional communication. Reading. Types of texts: simple pragmatic texts and texts on broad and narrow specialty profiles. Letter. Types of speech works: abstract, abstract, theses, messages, private letter, business letter, biography.

    Physical Culture

    Physical culture in general cultural and professional training of students. Its socio-biological foundations. Physical culture and sport as social phenomena of society. Legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports. Physical culture of the individual. Basics of a healthy lifestyle for a student. Features of using physical education means to optimize performance. General physical and special training in the physical education system. Sport. Individual choice of sports or physical exercise systems. Professional applied physical training of students. Basics of self-study methods and self-monitoring of the state of your body.

    National history

    Essence, forms, functions of historical knowledge. Methods and sources of the study of history. Concept and classification of historical source. Domestic historiography in the past and present: general and special. Methodology and theory of historical science. The history of Russia is an integral part of world history. Ancient heritage in the era of the Great Migration. The problem of ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs. The main stages of the formation of statehood. Ancient Rus' and nomads. Byzantine-Old Russian connections. Features of the social system of Ancient Rus'. Ethnocultural and socio-political processes of the formation of Russian statehood. Acceptance of Christianity. Spread of Islam. The evolution of East Slavic statehood in the 10th-11th centuries. Socio-political changes in Russian lands in the X111th-XVth centuries. Rus' and the Horde: problems of mutual influence. Russia and the medieval states of Europe and Asia. Specifics of the formation of a unified Russian state. The rise of Moscow. Formation of a class system of society organization. Reforms of Peter 1. Age of Catherine. Prerequisites and features of the formation of Russian absolutism. Discussions about the genesis of autocracy. Features and main stages of economic development of Russia. Evolution of forms of land ownership. The structure of feudal land tenure. Serfdom in Russia. Manufacturing and industrial production. The formation of industrial society in Russia: general and special. Social thought and features of the social movement in Russia in the 19th century. Reforms and reformers in Russia. Russian culture of the 19th century and its contribution to world culture. The role of the twentieth century in world history. Globalization of social processes. The problem of economic growth and modernization. Revolutions and reforms. Social transformation of society. The clash of tendencies of internationalism and nationalism, integration and separatism, democracy and authoritarianism. Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The objective need for industrial modernization in Russia. Russian reforms in the context of global development at the beginning of the century. Political parties of Russia: genesis, classification, programs, tactics. Russia in conditions of world war and national crisis. Revolution of 1917. Civil war and intervention, their results and consequences. Russian emigration. Socio-economic development of the country in the 20s. NEP. Formation of a one-party political regime. Education THE USSR. Cultural life of the country in the 20s. Foreign policy. The course towards building socialism in one country and its consequences. Socio-economic transformations in the 30s. Strengthening the regime of Stalin's personal power. Resistance to Stalinism. USSR on the eve and during the initial period of the Second World War. The Great Patriotic War. Socio-economic development, socio-political life, culture, foreign policy of the USSR in the post-war years. Cold War. Attempts to implement political and economic reforms. Scientific and technological revolution and its influence on the course of social development. USSR in the mid-60s-80s: growing crisis phenomena. Soviet Union in 1985-1991 Perestroika. The 1991 coup attempt and its failure. Collapse of the USSR. Belovezhskaya agreements. October events of 1993. Formation of a new Russian statehood (1993-1999). Russia is on the path of radical socio-economic modernization. Culture in modern Russia. Foreign policy activity in a new geopolitical situation.

    Cultural studies

    Structure and composition of modern cultural knowledge. Culturology and philosophy of culture, sociology of culture, cultural anthropology. Culturology and cultural history. Theoretical and applied cultural studies. Methods of cultural studies. Basic concepts of cultural studies: culture, civilization, morphology of culture, functions of culture, subject of culture, cultural genesis, dynamics of culture, language and symbols of culture, cultural codes, intercultural communications, cultural values ​​and norms, cultural traditions, cultural picture of the world, social institutions of culture, cultural self-identity, cultural modernization. Typology of cultures. Ethnic and national, elite and mass culture. Eastern and Western types of cultures. Specific and “middle” cultures. Local cultures. The place and role of Russia in world culture. Trends in cultural universalization in the global modern process. Culture and nature. Culture and society. Culture and global problems of our time. Culture and personality. Enculturation and socialization.


    State and law. Their role in the life of society. Rule of law and normative legal acts. Basic legal systems of our time. International law as a special system of law. Sources of Russian law. Law and regulations. System of Russian law. Branches of law. Offense and legal liability. The importance of law and order in modern society. Constitutional state. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental law of the state. Features of the federal structure of Russia. The system of government bodies in the Russian Federation. The concept of civil legal relations. Individuals and legal entities. Ownership. Obligations in civil rights and responsibility for their violation. Inheritance law. Marriage and family relations. Mutual rights and obligations of spouses, parents and children. Responsibility under family law. Employment agreement (contract). Labor discipline and responsibility for its violation. Administrative offenses and administrative liability. Concept of crime. Criminal liability for committing crimes. Environmental law. Features of legal regulation of future professional activities. Legal basis for the protection of state secrets. Legislative and regulatory acts in the field of information protection and state secrets.

    Psychology and pedagogy

    P s i c h o l o g y : subject, object and methods of psychology. Place psychology in the system Sci. History of the development of psychological knowledge and main directions in psychology. Individual, personality, subject, individuality. Psyche and body. Psyche, behavior and activity. Basic functions of the psyche. Development of the psyche in the process of ontogenesis and phylogenesis. Brain and psyche. Structure of the psyche. The relationship between consciousness and the unconscious. Basic mental processes. Structure of consciousness. Cognitive processes. Feeling. Perception. Performance. Imagination. Thinking and intelligence. Creation. Attention. Mnemonic processes. Emotions and feelings. Mental regulation of behavior and activity. Communication and speech. Psychology of Personality. Interpersonal relationships. Psychology of small groups. Intergroup relations and interactions.

    Pedagogy: object, subject, tasks, functions, methods of pedagogy. Main categories of pedagogy: education, upbringing, training, pedagogical activity, pedagogical interaction, pedagogical technology, pedagogical task. Education as a universal human value. Education as a sociocultural phenomenon and pedagogical process. Educational system of Russia. Goals, content, structure of lifelong education, unity of education and self-education. Pedagogical process. Educational, educational and developmental functions of training. Education in the pedagogical process. General forms of organization of educational activities. Lesson, lecture, seminar, practical and laboratory classes, debate, conference, test, exam, elective classes, consultation. Methods, techniques, means of organizing and managing the pedagogical process. The family as a subject of pedagogical interaction and the sociocultural environment of education and personality development. Management of educational systems.

    Russian language and culture of speech

    Styles of modern Russian literary language. Language norm, its role in the formation and functioning of a literary language. Speech interaction. Basic units of communication. Oral and written varieties of literary language. Regulatory, communicative, ethical aspects of oral and written speech. Functional styles of modern Russian language. Interaction of functional styles. Scientific style. Specifics of using elements of different language levels in scientific speech. Speech norms for educational and scientific fields of activity. Official business style, the scope of its functioning, genre diversity. Language formulas of official documents. Techniques for unifying the language of official documents. International properties of Russian official business writing. Language and style of administrative documents. Language and style of commercial correspondence. Language and style of instructional and methodological documents. Advertising in business speech. Rules for document preparation. Speech etiquette in a document. Genre differentiation and selection of linguistic means in journalistic style. Features of oral public speech. The speaker and his audience. Main types of arguments. Preparation of a speech: choosing a topic, purpose of speech, searching for material, beginning, development and completion of speech. Basic methods of searching for material and types auxiliary materials. Verbal presentation of a public speech. Understanding, informativeness and expressiveness of public speech. Colloquial speech in the system of functional varieties of the Russian literary language. Conditions for the functioning of spoken speech, the role of extra-linguistic factors. A culture of speech. The main directions for improving competent writing and speaking skills.


    Background and socio-philosophical premises of sociology as a science . Sociological project of O. Comte. Classic sociological theories. Modern sociological theories. Russian sociological thought. Society and social institutions. World system and processes of globalization. Social groups and communities. Types of communities. Community and personality. Small groups and teams. Social organization. Social movements. Social inequality, stratification and social mobility. The concept of social status. Social interaction and social relationships. Public opinion as an institution of civil society. Culture as a factor of social change. Interaction of the economy, social relations and culture. Personality as a social type. Social control and deviation. Personality as an active subject. Social changes. Social revolutions and reforms. Social progress concept. Formation of the world systems. Russia's place in the world community. Methods of sociological research.


    Subject of philosophy. The place and role of philosophy in culture. The formation of philosophy. Main directions, schools of philosophy and stages of its historical development. The structure of philosophical knowledge. The doctrine of being. Monistic and pluralistic concepts of being, self-organization of being. Concepts of material and ideal. Space, time. Movement and development, dialectics. Determinism and indeterminism. Dynamic and statistical patterns. Scientific, philosophical and religious pictures of the world. Man, society, culture. Human and nature. Society and its structure. Civil society and the state. A person in a system of social connections. Man and the historical process; personality and masses, freedom and necessity. Formational and civilizational concepts of social development. The meaning of human existence. Violence and non-violence. Freedom and responsibility. Morality, justice, right. Moral values. Ideas about the perfect person in different cultures. Aesthetic values ​​and their role in human life. Religious values ​​and freedom of conscience. Consciousness and cognition. Consciousness, self-awareness and personality. Cognition, creativity, practice. Faith and knowledge. Understanding and explanation. Rational and irrational in cognitive activity. The problem of truth. Reality, thinking, logic and language. Scientific and extra-scientific knowledge. Scientific criteria. The structure of scientific knowledge, its methods and forms. The growth of scientific knowledge. Scientific revolutions and changes in types of rationality. Science and technology. The future of humanity. Global problems of our time. Interaction of civilizations and future scenarios.


    Introduction to economic theory. Good. Needs, resources. Economic choice. Economic relations. Economic systems. The main stages in the development of economic theory. Methods of economic theory. Microeconomics. Market. Supply and demand. Consumer preferences and marginal utility. Demand factors. Individual and market demand. Income effect and substitution effect. Elasticity. Supply and its factors. Law of Diminishing Marginal Productivity. Effect of scale. Types of costs. Firm. Revenue and profit. The principle of profit maximization. Proposal from a perfectly competitive firm and industry. Efficiency of competitive markets. Market power. Monopoly. Monopolistic competition. Oligopoly. Antimonopoly regulation. Demand for factors of production. Labor market. Labor supply and demand. Wages and employment. Capital market. Interest rate and investment. Land market. Rent. General balance and well-being. Income distribution. Inequality. Externalities and public goods. The role of the state. Macroeconomics. National economy as a whole. Circulation of income and products. GDP and ways to measure it. National income. Disposable personal income. Price indices. Unemployment and its forms. Inflation and its types. Economic cycles. Macroeconomic equilibrium. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Stabilization policy. Equilibrium in the commodity market. Consumption and savings. Investments. Government spending and taxes. Multiplier effect. Fiscal policy. Money and its functions. Equilibrium in the money market. Money multiplier. Banking system. Money-credit policy. Economic growth and development. International economic relations. Foreign trade and trade policy. Payment balance. Exchange rate. Features of the transition economy of Russia. Privatization. Forms of ownership. Entrepreneurship. Shadow economy. Labor market. Distribution and income. Transformations in the social sphere. Structural changes in the economy. Formation of an open economy.

    Disciplines and courses of the student's choice, established by the university.

    General mathematics and natural sciences

    Federal component

    Mathematics and computer science

    Axiomatic method, basic mathematical structures, probability and statistics, mathematical models, algorithms and programming languages, standard software for professional activities, basic concepts and methods of information security, computer workshop.

    Concepts of modern natural science

    Natural science and humanitarian cultures; scientific method; history of natural science; panorama of modern natural science; development trends; corpuscular and continuum concepts of describing nature; order and disorder in nature; chaos; structural levels of matter organization; micro-, macro- and mega-worlds; space, time; principles of relativity; principles of symmetry; conservation laws; interaction; short-range, long-range; state; principles of superposition, uncertainty, complementarity; dynamic and statistical patterns in nature; laws of conservation of energy in macroscopic processes; principle of increasing entropy; chemical processes, reactivity of substances; evolution of the Earth and modern concepts of the development of geosphere shells; features of the biological level of organization of matter; principles of evolution, reproduction and development of living systems; the diversity of living organisms is the basis for the organization and stability of the biosphere; genetics and evolution; human: physiology, health, emotions, creativity, performance; bioethics, man, biosphere and cosmic cycles: noosphere, irreversibility of time, self-organization in living and inanimate nature; principles of universal evolutionism; the path to a unified culture.

    Disciplines established at the suggestion of the UMO


    Biosphere and man: structure of the biosphere, ecosystems, relationships between the organism and the environment, ecology and human health; global environmental problems, environmental principles of rational use of natural resources and nature conservation; fundamentals of environmental economics; environmental protection equipment and technologies; fundamentals of environmental law, professional responsibility; international cooperation in the field of environmental protection.

    National-regional (university) component

    General professional disciplines of specialization

    Federal component

    History of political doctrines

    Subject, periodization and methodological problems of the history of political doctrines; political-legal tradition Ancient East and antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance; political teachings of the New Age; main schools and directions of political thought of the twentieth century; Russian political thought; the main stages of the emergence and development of political science; history of political science in North America; main stages in the development of Western European political science; political science of Eastern European countries; political science in Afro-Asian countries;political sciences in Russia and CIS countries.

    Political history of Russia

    Features of the Russian political tradition; main factors, stages and characteristics of the formation and development of Russian statehood; typology of inclusion of various regions and peoples into Russia and historical features of the country’s development as a multinational power; power and property in the domestic political tradition; reforms and counter-reforms in the political history of Russia; popular movements, political struggles and political ideologies in Russian history; Soviet model of society in the political history of the twentieth century

    Politics theory

    Subject and method of political science, theory of power and power relations, political life, its main characteristics, political system, institutional foundations of politics, political relations and processes, subjects of politics (essential characteristics, typology, hierarchy), political leadership and political style, political culture, political ideologies, theory of political change.

    Comparative Politics

    History, subject, methodology and conceptual-categorical apparatus; main schools and directions; typology of political systems and regimes; modern political cultures (comparative analysis); modernization in comparative political science research; political life of Russia in the system of comparative dimensions.

    Political philosophy

    Subject and method of political philosophy; political ontology; political anthropology: characteristics of a political person; political epistemology: specificity of knowledge of political processes; political praxeology.

    Political sociology

    Conceptual methods and conceptual apparatus of political sociology; specificity of sociological analysis of political life; subjects and forms of manifestation of political life; sociological analysis of political life; political changes: sociological characteristics.

    Political psychology

    The subject and method of political psychology, the main schools and concepts of modern political psychology (behaviorism, cognitivism, etc.), formal and informal structures, macro- and microlevels (political-psychological analysis), political processes in the political-psychological dimension, psychological factor in technologies of political action

    Political relations and political process in modern Russia

    Historical background for the emergence and features of the political system of modern Russia; political stratification and political modernization; development of Russian state institutions; the role of social, ethnic and religious groups in the political process in Russia; political parties, elites and leadership; mechanism for the formation of civil society in Russia; political ideologies of modern Russia.

    World politics and international relations

    Theoretical schools in the study of international relations; the relationship between domestic and foreign policy; participants in international relations; international systems, international interactions (conflicts and cooperation), alternatives to the new world order; Russia in the global political process.

    Political analysis and forecasting

    Features of the methodology of political analysis. Methods of political analysis. Forecasting and modeling of the political process (specifics, technology, tools). Political marketing.

    Political management

    Political management: making and implementing political decisions, political socialization and mobilization, political participation, political advertising, political consulting, lobbying, negotiations, election campaign technology.

    Basics of life safety

    National-regional (university) component

    Disciplines and courses of students' choice,

    established by the university

    Specialization disciplines

    Federal component

    Political conflictology

    Conflicts as a phenomenon of social life. Typology of conflicts. Features of political conflicts. Causes of political conflicts. Prevention of political conflicts. Initiation, regulation and resolution of political conflicts: methodology, techniques and procedures. Political conflicts in modern Russia.

    Public Policy and Administration

    Public policy: essence and types; mechanisms for developing public policy; politics and governance; power and management; theories of public administration: administrative state, public management, neo-institutional public administration; theories of bureaucracy, universality of administrative management; management and self-government; the relationship between state and municipal government; world experience and Russian specifics of state and municipal management.

    Political regional studies

    Subject and method of political regional studies; subjects of regional policy; federalism (typology, principles, national characteristics); sectoral and territorial principles of management and their reflection in political systems; regional studies and territorial movements of our time; subsystems of regional policy: economic, demographic, eco-, ethno- and geopolitics; political regional studies in the Russian dimension.

    Ethnopolitical science

    The subject and method of ethnopolitical science, the main directions and concepts of ethnopolitical science, ethnopolitical dimensions of the system of international relations, nationalism in the modern world, ethnopolitical problems of modern Russia.

    National-regional (university) component

    Optional disciplines

    Military training

    Total hours of theoretical training: –8100 hours.



    020200 Political Science

    The period for completing the main educational program for training a political scientist in full-time study is 260 weeks, including:
    • theoretical training,

    including student research work,


    and practical training: 150 weeks

    • examination sessions 36 weeks
    • teaching practice: at least 12 weeks
    • final state certification,

    including preparation and protection

    qualifying work: at least 14 weeks

    • holidays

    (including 8 weeks of postgraduate leave) at least 48 weeks.

    For persons with secondary (complete) general education, the time frame for mastering the main educational program for training a political scientist in full-time and part-time (evening) and correspondence forms of education, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of education, is increased by the university to one year relative to the standard period established by p. .1.2 of this state educational standard.The maximum volume of a student's academic workload is set at 54 hours per week, including all types of his classroom and extracurricular (independent) educational work.The volume of a student's classroom work during full-time study should not exceed an average of 32 hours per week during the period of theoretical study. At the same time, the specified volume does not include mandatory practical classes in physical education and classes in elective disciplines.In case of full-time and part-time (evening) training, the volume of classroom training must be at least 10 hours per week.When studying by correspondence, the student must be provided with the opportunity to study with a teacher for at least 160 hours per year.The total amount of vacation time in the academic year should be 7-10 weeks, including at least two weeks in the winter.



    6.1. Requirements for the development of the basic educational program for training a political scientist

    6.1.1. A higher education institution independently develops and approves the main educational program of the university for training a political scientist on the basis of this state educational standard, and the recommendations of the UMO of Russian Universities in the direction 020200 Political Science (the UMO recommends including political anthropology, political ethics, history and theory of political institutions in the block of professional disciplines, history of international relations).

    Disciplines of the student's choice are mandatory, and elective disciplines provided for by the curriculum of a higher educational institution are not mandatory for study


    Coursework is considered as a type of academic work in the discipline and is completed within the hours allocated for its study.

    For all disciplines and practices included in the curriculum of a higher educational institution, a final grade must be given (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, pass, fail).

    Specializations are parts of the specialty within which they are created, and require the acquisition of more in-depth professional knowledge, skills and abilities in various fields of activity within the profile of this specialty.

    In basic educational programs that have the words “by industry” or “by type” in their names, the specifics of training for a particular industry or type are taken into account primarily through specialization disciplines.

    6.1.2. When implementing the main educational program, a higher education institution has the right:

    change the amount of hours allocated for mastering educational material for cycles of disciplines within 5%;

    form a cycle of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, which should include, from the eleven basic disciplines given in this state educational standard, the following 4 disciplines as mandatory: “Foreign language” (in the amount of at least 340 hours), “Physical education” (in volume of at least 408 hours), “National History”, “Philosophy”. The remaining basic disciplines can be implemented at the discretion of the university. At the same time, it is possible to combine them into interdisciplinary courses while maintaining the required minimum content. If disciplines are part of general professional or special training (for humanitarian and socio-economic areas of training (specialties), the hours allocated for their study can be redistributed within the cycle.

    Classes in the discipline "Physical Education" in part-time (evening), correspondence forms of education and external studies can

    be provided taking into account the wishes of students;

    teach humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines in the form of original lecture courses and various types of collective and individual practical classes, assignments and seminars according to programs developed at the university itself and taking into account regional, national-ethnic, professional specifics, as well as the research preferences of teachers providing qualified coverage of the subjects of the cycle disciplines;

    establish the required depth of teaching of individual sections of disciplines included in the cycles of humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and natural science disciplines, in accordance with the profile of the cycle of specialization disciplines;

    establish the name of specializations in the specialties of higher professional education, the name of the specialization disciplines, their volume and content beyond that established by this state educational standard, as well as the form of control over their mastery by students;

    implement the basic educational program for training a political scientist in a shortened time for students of a higher educational institution who have a secondary vocational education in the relevant profile or a higher professional education.

    The reduction in terms is carried out on the basis of the existing knowledge, skills and abilities of students acquired at the previous stage of professional education. In this case, the duration of training must be at least three years.

    . Education in a shortened period of time is also permitted for persons whose level of education or abilities are a sufficient basis for this.

    6.2. Requirements for staffing the educational process

    Implementation of the main educational program for training a political scientist in specialty 020200 Political Science

    , should be provided with teaching staff who, as a rule, have a basic education corresponding to the profile of the discipline being taught, and who are systematically engaged in scientific and/or scientific-methodological activities;

    Lecture courses in all general professional disciplines and specialization disciplines included in the federal component must be given by teachers with scientific qualifications of at least a candidate of science degree and systematically engaged in research work in the relevant discipline. 20% of teachers in these disciplines must have a doctorate degree.

    The implementation of the main educational program should, as a rule, be ensured by full-time teachers of the university. The university has the right to attract up to 25% of teachers from third-party organizations to teach courses included in the federal component

    6.3. Requirements for educational and methodological support of the educational process

    Educational and methodological support for the implementation of the basic educational program for training a political scientist includes:

    • curriculum developed in accordance with the requirements of this state educational standard;

    work plans for each year of study;

    • programs of general courses of the federal, national-regional components and courses of students' choice in all cycles of disciplines, approved by the university (faculty), as well as programs of special courses approved by the departments;
    • regulations approved by the university (faculty) on coursework, final qualifying work for a political scientist, state exam and teaching practice, as well as a list of topics of coursework and final qualifying work;
    • the presence of a computer class available to students and allowing each of them to work on a computer for at least 20 hours a year;
    • Availability of Internet access available to students.
    • availability in the university library of textbooks, teaching aids, educational and methodological literature in all disciplines of this state educational standard in a volume of at least 0.5 copies per student;
    • the presence in the university library of works by classics of world political thought in a volume of at least 0.5 copies per student, as well as political science journals of academic institutes, "Bulletins" of classical universities (serial - Political Sciences) and regional political science journals.

    6.4. Requirements for material and technical support

    educational process

    A higher educational institution implementing the basic educational program of a political scientist must have a material and technical base and classroom facilities that ensure the conduct of lectures, seminars and other types of educational and research work for students provided for by the curriculum and complying with current sanitary and technical standards.

    6.5. Requirements for organizing practices

    . Research practice includes:

    – writing coursework and final qualifying work under the guidance of a supervisor;

    – mastering the work with library catalogues;

    – training in the skills of searching for scientific information using the Internet;

    – participation with speeches at scientific student conferences;

    – mastering the practice of editorial work and preparing scientific publications using computer systems;

    . Internship is organized after completion of the third or during the fourth year of study and is aimed at obtaining practical skills in accordance with the types of intended professional activity: organizational, managerial, research. The internship ends with a written report and abstract in accordance with the scope of the internship. Based on the results of the practice, a credit is given. Teaching practice organized, as a rule, in the fifth year under the guidance of a supervisor. It includes providing each student with the opportunity to master the appropriate educational and professional pedagogical program, which gives the opportunity to obtain the qualification “Teacher of Political Sciences”. Pedagogical practice can be expressed in conducting seminar classes under the supervision of the leader, participating in the preparation of teaching materials, in the work of the selection committee, etc. The practice ends with a discussion at the department of its results and a final grade.


    7.1. Requirements for professional preparedness


    The graduate must be able to solve problems that correspond to his qualifications specified in clause 1.2. of this state educational standard.

    The graduate must:

    • be able to determine the specifics of the political environment and the activities of the “political person”, their influence on the development of society and its individual components;
    • have an understanding of the ideological level of politics, the foundations of political philosophy, the relationship between politics and ideology, politics and culture;
    • know the conceptual-categorical apparatus and methodology of political science, the main branches (directions) of political knowledge, master the tools of political analysis and forecasting;
    • know and be able to identify theoretical and applied, axiological and instrumental components of political knowledge, its expert, predictive and other functions, understand the role of political science in the preparation and justification of political decisions;
    • be able to identify instrumental and extra-institutional aspects of politics, rational and irrational in it;
    • master the methodology and technology of empirical political research, be able to apply this knowledge to solve theoretical and applied problems.
    • know the main types of modern political systems and regimes;
    • master a range of problems related to the human dimension of politics, the specifics of political socialization of the individual, political ethics, criteria and methods for the humanization of politics, the relationship between what is and what should be, the common good and individual interest;
    • be able to work in a team, make management decisions in conflict situations;
    • understand the specifics of the main stages of the political history of Russia and the world political process; be able to use knowledge of political history to analyze the current political situation in the country and the world.
    • Have an understanding of the basic theoretical concepts of world politics and international relations.
    • Be able to analyze international political processes, the geopolitical situation, problems related to the place and status of Russia in the modern world;
    • Possess knowledge “of the political world” in its correlation with civil society, the economy, and the sociocultural system.

    7.2. Requirements for the final state certification of a specialist

    The final state certification of a political scientist includes the defense of a final qualifying thesis and a state exam.

    The final certification tests are intended to determine the practical and theoretical preparedness of a political scientist to perform professional tasks established by this state educational standard and to continue education in graduate school in accordance with clause 1.4 of the above-mentioned standard.

    At the request of students, the university can conduct additional state exams in disciplines that are included in the list of admission exams for graduate school. The marks obtained by students in all state examinations can be counted as results of entrance examinations to graduate school.

    Certification tests, which are part of the final state certification of a graduate, must fully comply with the main educational program of higher professional education, which he mastered during his studies.

    Requirements for a specialist's thesis.

    The thesis must be presented in the form of a manuscript. It should be an independent study in which, on the basis of acquired knowledge in general professional disciplines, as well as on the basis of knowledge in a narrow specialization, one’s own position on a particular scientific problem of theoretical, methodological or practical importance is put forward, justified and defended.

    Specific requirements for the content, volume and structure of the thesis are determined by the higher education institution on the basis of the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions, approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia, the state educational standard for the specialty 020200 Political Science and the methodological recommendations of the UMO for education in the field of Political Science

    The time allocated for preparing qualifying work is for a specialist at least fourteen weeks.

    Requirements for the state exam

    The procedure and program of the state exam in the specialty 020200 Political Science are determined by the university on the basis of methodological recommendations and the corresponding sample program developed by the educational educational institution for education in the field of Political Science, the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions, approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia, and the state educational standard in the specialty 020200 Political science.

    The final state certification of the knowledge and skills acquired by the student is carried out in the form of an oral examination at a meeting of the State Certification Commission, the composition of which is formed from leading university teachers in political science. The fund of assessment tools for the state exam is formed by the university and must include questions on all disciplines included in the cycle of general professional disciplines and specialization disciplines included in the federal component of this state educational standard.


    Educational and methodological association for

    education in the field of philosophy,

    political science and religious studies

    The state educational standard for higher professional education was approved at a meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council for specialty 020200 Political Science

    Chairman of the UMO Council

    V.V. Mironov

    Deputy Chairman of the UMO Council

    A.V. Ivanov


    Department of Educational Programs and

    higher and secondary standards

    vocational education

    G.K. Shestakov

    Head of the Department of Humanitarian Education

    T.E. Petrova


    supervising this direction

    Politics, as one of the most controversial “inventions” of man, has always been and will be an integral sphere of social life in any country in the world. It directly concerns many life processes, including socio-economic, educational, cultural, historical and many others. In addition, it should be noted that in everyday life the concept of “politics” is a “negative” phenomenon for many people. Moreover, many consider professions related to politics to be dirty and unjustified, immoral work.

    Features of the profession of political scientist

    Who are these mysterious people? What kind of experts, professionals, analysts are they? What is the subject of their profession and what tasks are assigned to them? If a politician is a person who makes politics, then a political scientist is a person who can evaluate the political actions of a politician. As a matter of fact, in the ranks of political figures there are very few real specialists, professional political scientists, but of course they exist. The intensity of their work largely depends on the existing political situation in the country. In addition to political subjects, the media very often resort to the help of political scientists. A political scientist is a kind of connector between the media and the sphere of politics

    The activities of a political scientist have a clear focus. It evaluates aspects of the development of the political process in a historical context, takes into account traditions, modern trends and political culture. Coming from this, a political scientist can give an effective assessment of the phenomenon that is being studied, as well as make a forecast of the development of political processes.

    It is also worth mentioning the political neutrality of the political scientist. Only objectivity and impartiality from various kinds of political orders and projects can speak of his high qualifications and professionalism. True, in most cases it is due to the latter that the political scientist mainly survives.

    Demand for the profession of political scientist

    The specialization of political science is quite common in universities that have a humanitarian bias. But the demand for this profession is not so great. Many political scientists do not work directly in their profession. But it is strongly connected with jurisprudence, political economy, philosophy, and journalism. It is in the latter, according to statistics, that a lot of people with qualifications as political scientists work. The demand for qualified political scientists is greatly increasing on the eve of the election campaign. They can take part in political marketing, management, consulting, develop various kinds of political technologies, conduct research and much more.

    Advantages of being a political scientist

    Political scientists of the highest echelon work in central government bodies. It is they who occupy numerous positions of advisers and assistants to deputies, give them advice, and sometimes write speeches for top officials of the state.

    These people not only study social trends, but to some extent also make politics themselves. But the circle of specialists of such a high level is very narrow. This is a closed profession and such positions are not recruited through advertisements in newspapers.

    An aspiring political scientist who has just graduated from college can work as a journalist and write articles about politics, or in an organization engaged in social surveys. Political scientists can also work in the central offices of political parties or their regional offices.

    People in this profession have their own niche in the economic sector: they can work in consulting agencies as business consultants. And based on their research and forecasts, give advice to entrepreneurs on where they should or should not invest their assets.

    You can build a successful career as a political scientist by working at a research institute, starting with junior positions and gradually climbing the career ladder. A clear confirmation of this can be the rating of political experts compiled by Russian journalists. In first place were:

    • Evgeniy Minchenko, who runs the Center for Political Expertise
    • Mikhail Vinogradov, head of the St. Petersburg Politics Foundation
    • Dmitry Oreshkin, working in the presidential office and
    • Stanislav Belkovsky Deputy Director at the Center for Political Technologies

    Disadvantages of being a political scientist

    The main disadvantage of the political scientist profession is that it is not always possible to openly convey your opinion to the public. All newspaper publications and television broadcasts are checked for political correctness by editors and sometimes by government agencies.

    Working in any political party, a political scientist is forced to obey its regulations. One way or another, there are always some limits that significantly limit freedom of action.

    Another disadvantage of this type of work is the inability to quickly climb the career ladder. After all, the main criterion for a good political scientist is his wisdom and professional experience, which is why famous political scientists are almost always people with gray hair.

    Political scientists do not always work on the side of the current government. Sometimes advisors to the country's top leadership are bribed or they initially come to these positions with not entirely pure intentions.

    Political scientists are different, don’t lump them all together.

    There are scientists. It is worth listening to them; they often conduct serious research into electoral behavior, government mechanisms, international relations, and the causes of conflicts. Of course, fame (this is difficult), citations, the number of works in important journals and place of work (university, institute, organization) play a big role. For what? First, scientific thought is often beautiful in itself. Second, the work they do can influence your behavior and decision making. For those who are interested in sociology, economics, law and management in general.

    Political strategists/political consultants. Closer to PR, press and management, perhaps psychology. If you are confident in being honest with such people, you can learn from them how to work with public opinion, study the needs of another person, draw portraits and decipher their true intentions through words and actions. More than relevant, but specific to regions/countries/political regimes/ value guidelines. Objective truths cannot be found here, but you can find out some secrets about popular personalities.

    Political managers. Those who take the material of the former and are clients of the latter (often, but not always). They are the most difficult to deal with, because they are usually limited to being invisible to the eye of an outside observer who is not involved in certain information. It’s worth reading their words and trying to understand their motivations, trying to predict the future yourself.

    Political philosophers. In my opinion, the best people. Related area, they can be representatives of the listed areas. Their task is to present their ideas and vision of ongoing processes. Don’t expect dry statistics and numbers, because they talk and write about what should be done and in accordance with what. It’s worth learning the skill of proving your position and criticizing someone else’s. It’s also just fun to count them, because their works touch the most important part of your consciousness - values ​​that can ultimately be revised or approved. Is this useful? Just like any other literature.

    In my opinion, yes. I don’t remember ANY case AT ALL when the forecasts of some famous political scientist came true at least halfway on a single issue. If we talk about serious problems. And any fool can predict who will win the elections if he has poll statistics in his hands.

    Why then do these political scientists exist? Yes, to talk intelligently and competently in front of cameras and microphones, scattering in special concepts and terms, on those topics that are on the agenda. People want someone to tell them and show them something like this, if they can’t figure it out themselves. Moreover, most of them are populists, and they say exactly what they want to hear.

    This is about those who appear in television studios and at press conferences. University political scientists are generally somewhat refined, living in their own world. I majored in political science, and then for some time I even tried to study political science in graduate school. I was somewhat impressed by the teacher P.P.P (perhaps someone will understand by the abbreviation who we are talking about)). And then, in general, my political views coincided with his. A convinced communist, and even a Stalinist. Well versed in the material he presented, he differed favorably from democratic historians in that he never allowed inaccuracies in the presentation of individual facts. In fact, what he expounded was a pure theory of dialectical materialism and political economy of Soviet times. At the same time, not forgetting to leave out competing schools. For some time I even “believed.”

    In graduate school, however, I realized that this was not what it was all about. All the topics that could be chosen seemed completely pointless. And the atmosphere and mentality of the political science teachers were absolutely archaic, as if protected from the outside world by a special shell. In fact, what they said about global world events, and what they taught the students, could not in any way affect the fate of the world. With this it was impossible to plow or sow. Naked academic science, which has very little connection with reality. Therefore, he soon left there. The future prospect would be either to teach students the same meaningless (and, in fact, deeply subjective) things, or to break into the Mass Media and scratch their tongues about what will be possible.

    Historians, unlike political scientists, speak, as a rule, only about what really happened. Based on sources and found artifacts.

    70% of television political scientists are people who come from related sciences. Sociologists, historians, lawyers, etc. The political science school in Russia did not develop for a very long time; almost all scientists who call themselves political scientists over the age of 40 are those people who simply changed their profile.

    In fact, to be a political scientist you need to learn from political scientists.


    Political scientists and political strategists, who are also most often political scientists by training, advise government agencies, politicians, and stand behind their election programs. They charge huge sums of money for these consultations. And this is a very closed area that is very difficult to get into, and the average person most likely will not know anything about it. And those experts who appear on TV are most often not political scientists, but “smart scientists” with the help of whom some opinion is supported. And yes, any fool can predict how the elections will go when there is electoral authoritarianism in the country. And the key to democracy is precisely that the rules of the game are known, but the result is unknown. That's why it's only like this for us. Moreover, heads in games can be lost due to a half-percent omission. In addition, there are other regions where great things are being done. The federal level is, of course, important, but God forbid it is one tenth of Russian politics.



    Political science is not even a specialty as much as a science. Moreover, it is quite extensive and has a long history. And, in my opinion, it’s useful. A person who has studied political science understands politics and the structure of the state, which gives him the advantage of not being deceived and fooled.

    In the modern world there are many professions. Increasingly, schoolchildren are giving preference to unusual specialties, which, they believe, will save them from boring, monotonous work in adulthood. Girls and boys who are interested in events taking place in the country and abroad often choose the profession of political scientist. However, as practice shows, not every person is able to understand political phenomena, processes, economic relations and the social structure of society. Therefore, before settling on a specialty related to politics, it is necessary to find out: who is a political scientist and what are his functions. And then you need to think about whether this particular one is right for you.

    Who is a political scientist?

    A political scientist is a specialist who is well versed in current political events, both in his own state and in other countries. This is a person who also knows how to solve management and leadership problems in a large company. Therefore, such a specialist turns out to be indispensable in a large developing company. A political scientist knows how to professionally evaluate all factors in order to properly coordinate the company’s activities. The profession of a political scientist belongs to the unique category. A person who has received higher education in this specialty is considered an expert in forecasting the world and the main function of a political scientist is to increase the level of political literacy of government bodies and society as a whole.

    Politician or political scientist?

    Many people identify these concepts. But it's not right. It is necessary to distinguish between the meaning of the word “political scientist” and the term “politician”. Politicians are people who make decisions and implement them. Political scientists are engaged in developing such solutions; they study the activities of politicians and make forecasts of their future actions. The profession of political scientist is needed in modern society. Thanks to them, people become more literate in political matters and gain an understanding of state values ​​and norms.

    Does the state need political scientists?

    Of course we do. And not only for the state, but also for its people. Politics is the real art of managing society and the country as a whole. Therefore, this area requires real professionals who are well versed in the political events taking place in the world. The opinion of political scientists is always taken into account by the government. After all, one mistake can be costly for the state. And correcting the government's erroneous actions is even more difficult. Therefore, the work of political scientists is extremely necessary for the country. This specialty is not only prestigious, but also in demand. The intellectual activity of a professional political scientist is always highly valued.

    Where do you study to become a political scientist?

    They have been teaching in Russia since 1755. But political science, as a field of professional activity, has recently appeared in Russian universities. The rapid development of this specialty is associated with a shortage of qualified personnel who have special knowledge in important government areas, such as geopolitics, political management, analysis and policy planning of the Russian Federation.

    A political scientist is a researcher. He studies and analyzes the state's political system, political culture and behavior. Now this prestigious specialty can be obtained in many Russian universities, such as:

    • Russian State University named after. I. Kant;
    • Academy of MNEPU (Moscow);
    • MGIMO;
    • State University (Higher School of Economics);
    • MSLU and others.

    How are political scientists trained?

    The profession of a political scientist exists in 3 aspects: a public expert, a political scientist-scientist, and a specialist in the practice of political life of society. In the first case, a political scientist is a public expert in politics, economics. A political scientist is a scientist in the field of political science; this is an expert capable of correctly interpreting the political life of society. In the third option, a political scientist performs the functions of a political analyst, a consultant, a political journalist, and a political science teacher. It is these people who organize elections and create the image of politicians and political parties.

    University education includes students studying certain aspects of political science. Certain political disciplines are studied at different faculties. Students become acquainted with the history of political doctrines, conflictology, ethics, and rhetoric in the aggregate only at the Faculty of Political Science. All of the listed disciplines are studied in detail so that the knowledge gained can be applied to analyze the political situation within the country and abroad. Russian political scientists analyze the current situation in the country and predict possible options for further developments. Every political science graduate must learn to perform this task. A professional political scientist must keep up with current politics. To assess current events, he must apply the acquired knowledge, his own logic and erudition.

    Who is a political scientist-lawyer?

    Applicants who want to work in the political sphere can obtain the qualification “political scientist” or “political scientist-lawyer”. But to work in a second specialty, a student must have knowledge both in the political sphere and in the legal sphere. So, a political scientist-lawyer is a specialist who can work in the system of executive, representative, judicial authorities, as well as in other government bodies (institutions). To be a political scientist-lawyer, a specialist must meet certain requirements:

    1. Be well prepared to carry out analytical, organizational, and management activities.
    2. Know the field of political-legal, socio-economic, and humanities.
    3. Be able to analyze political and legal problems (processes).
    4. Understand the essence of your work.
    5. Possess management methods.
    6. Be able to organize the work of performers.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

    The profession of a political scientist has its pros and cons, which should be taken into account by those who want to work in the political sphere.

    The advantages of the specialty include:

    The profession of “political scientist” has only one drawback: specialists have become less in demand as independent experts. And this happened as a result of the cancellation of gubernatorial elections in Russia, an increase in the barrier to entry into the State Duma, as well as a decrease in its political role.

    The most common entrance exams:

    • Russian language
    • Mathematics (basic level)
    • History - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
    • Foreign language - at the choice of the university
    • Social studies - by choice of university
    • Geography - at the choice of the university

    The major test is always history; applicants also take the Russian language test. The university, at its discretion, selects one or two additional tests in the following subjects: foreign language, social studies, world geography.

    The term “politics” itself was formed about 2.5 thousand years ago, when the ancient Greeks tried to give a single concept a name for the totality of such spheres of life as government activity, economic events and social activity. Now political scientists study not only these three areas, but also delve into sociology, psychology, analytical history and other sociological disciplines. For those who want to build a career in politics, gaining knowledge and initial practical skills through this program is a must.

    Brief description of the specialty

    There are several specializations in the field of Political Science, including: public policy and management; regional studies and political culture; political analysis and forecasting; theory of politics. The knowledge gained during undergraduate studies will help not only to collect the necessary information and analyze it, but also to plan or predict the likelihood of a particular event. This specialty will be incredibly interesting for those who are interested in the intricate threads of international relations, treaties and agreements, the influence of one event on another, the reasons and significance of the actions of this or that political figure.

    For a political consultant, there is always an opportunity to earn money by predicting the future actions of a political opponent for a client. The profession is truly unique. The knowledge gained during training will greatly help in journalistic, entrepreneurial, teaching activities, as well as in the process of employment in the field of PR.

    Large universities in the capital

    Educational institutions in Moscow with the highest ratings that offer mastery of the specialty “Political Science” in the undergraduate program:

    • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
    • MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;
    • Moscow State University of Linguistics;
    • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • REU im. V.G. Plekhanov;
    • another dozen and a half metropolitan educational institutions.

    Terms and forms of training

    Studying for a bachelor's degree will take 4 years if you are studying full-time, and 5 years if you master the specialty part-time or in a mixed form (part-time and part-time, when classes are held in the evenings on weekdays).

    Subjects studied by students

    In addition to general education disciplines, the program for each educational profile consists of a set of specialized subjects. Among the important disciplines:

    • domestic and foreign history of politics, history of political directions and trends;
    • political theory;
    • aspects of modern public policy of the Russian Federation;
    • traditional and innovative views on international relations;
    • modern world politics;
    • political psychology;
    • rhetoric and oratory.

    Universities consider it necessary for students to have practical classes and electives in communication, speaking and other skills, as well as practical training in the existing headquarters of political parties and representative offices of public organizations. Students will have to constantly work to expand their horizons and improve their intellectual abilities.

    Gained knowledge and skills

    Bachelor's degree graduates must be aware of the activities of the headquarters of a political organization, be able to plan and organize the work of the headquarters, distribute responsibilities and plan events in accordance with the goals set. Important skills that students acquire during the learning process:

    • write plans and texts for speeches and reports, present the report in public;
    • understand modern political trends and structures of different countries;
    • be able to predict the development of international relations, find the causes of conflicts and ways to resolve them;
    • organize public and presentation events.

    Who to work with

    The most desirable prospect for political science students is to become an expert in political science who knows the current situation in the Russian Federation and abroad, can advise on relevant issues, as well as develop a strategy and manage the election campaign of a candidate for elected office. After graduation, yesterday's students are employed in the following positions:

    • political consultant;
    • organizer or functionary of the election headquarters;
    • specialist of the press service and other services under the municipal or other administration;
    • assistant, deputy assistant;
    • organizer of public events;
    • political strategist;
    • representative of a public, youth or other organization;
    • specialist in corporate policy and PR organization;
    • consultant in a consulting agency, analyst in a government center;
    • Lecturer at the Department of Political Science, researcher.

    The salary level depends on the place of work, region of the country and previous experience. The starting salary for the position of assistant or PR specialist can range from 25-30 thousand rubles. Analysts and consultants with extensive experience receive very decent money. In addition to your main job, you can engage in private consulting or teaching.

    Continuing training in the specialty

    For many bachelors, the desired option is to study for a master's degree in a similar specialization. You can enroll in a master's program either immediately after completing your bachelor's degree or after some time has passed. For working applicants there is a mixed or part-time form of master's study. Further education will be of interest to those planning a teaching job; a career as an analyst or scientific consultant, which requires the preparation and defense of a Ph.D. dissertation.