Kevin Spacey admitted to being unconventional. Kevin Spacey came out after being accused of pedophilia. That is, you think that being rich is still better

58-year-old actor Kevin Spacey made a statement about his personal life. The two-time Oscar winner published a post on Twitter in which he spoke candidly about his relationships with men. The celebrity had to turn to the public after Star Trek star Anthony Rapp accused him of harassment. According to the artist, this happened in 1986, when he was 14 years old. Rapp claims that Spacey invited him to his home for a party and then intended to seduce him. “I understood that he was trying to have sexual contact with me,” Anthony said. However, Kevin was intoxicated, so his colleague managed to free himself and leave.

In his official statement, Spacey admitted that he does not remember the incident that Rapp described. Nevertheless, Kevin apologized to the man and noted that he admired his acting abilities.

“I respect and admire Anthony Rapp as an artist. I was horrified by his story. To be honest, I don’t remember our meeting; it was more than 30 years ago. But if I behaved then as he describes, then I owe him a sincere apology for behaving inappropriately. “I deeply regret the emotions he had to live with all these years,” Spacey said.

// Photo: Still from the series “House of Cards”

According to Kevin, Anton's story made him think and rethink his behavior. Spacey intends to dig deeper into himself. According to the Hollywood star, he decided to decide on his sexual preferences and start dating men.

“I know that there were a lot of rumors about me, which were fueled by my closed position regarding my personal life. In my life I have had relationships with both men and women. Throughout my life I had romantic encounters with men and decided to live as a gay man. “I want to deal with this honestly and openly, and that starts with examining my own behavior,” Spacey said.

Rumors have been circulating for a long time that the star of the TV series “House of Cards” and the film “American Beauty” is a representative of a non-traditional sexual orientation. The artist himself, who was never married, carefully hid his personal life from public attention. For a long time, Kevin denied such speculation. According to some reports, Spacey met with actress April Winchell and screenwriter Dianne Dreyer, who worked with Pollack and Shyamalan.

American actor Kevin Spacey admitted that he is gay after being accused of molesting a minor actor. Spacey tweeted that his inner circle knew that he had been bisexual all his life and now preferred men. “I want to say this honestly and openly,” the actor said.

Spacey made this admission after actor Anthony Rapp accused him of sexual harassment in an interview with BuzzFeed. According to Rapp, the incident occurred in 1986, when he was 14 years old, after a party at Spacey's house when all the guests left. Spacey himself said that he does not remember such an incident, but if everything was as Rapp describes, he is “horrified” with him, and believes that such behavior while drunk was completely unacceptable.

"I have great admiration and respect for Anthony Rapp as an actor. I am shocked by this story. Honestly, I do not remember our contact with him, it was more than 30 years ago. If I really behaved the way he says, "I offer him my sincerest apologies for what would have been completely inappropriate behavior from an inebriated person. I am sorry for what he has had to endure all these years," Spacey wrote.

“I know that there are various rumors about me, which are only fueled by the fact that I care very much about the inviolability of my privacy. People who have known me all my life know that I have had relationships with both women and men. “Throughout my life I had romantic relationships with men, and I decided to live as a gay man,” the actor explained.

Kevin Spacey has starred in dozens of films and won an Oscar twice - for his leading role in American Beauty and his supporting role in The Usual Suspects. Since 2013, Netflix has released the series House of Cards, in which Spacey plays a bisexual US president.

In recent weeks, the scandal surrounding sexual harassment in cinema and show business has continued in the United States. In October, several dozen Producer women were expelled from the American Film Academy, and the police began an investigation.

An acquaintance of the Hollywood actor, Nikolai Khalezin, founder of the Belarusian Free Theater, spoke to Current Time about Kevin Spacey’s coming out, accusations of pedophilia and the roles reflecting reality.

Many say that Kevin Spacey’s homosexuality was, as they say, an open secret, and, rather, the context within which this coming out happened is unpleasant. Do you think this is actually a coming out, or rather, as it is commonly called, outing, that is, a person was forced to admit that he is gay?

I have a feeling that the truth is in the middle in this case, because, of course, in the art environment, everyone basically knows about who belongs to what sexual orientation, and this is no secret, of course, within the art environment. But some people want to talk about it openly, while others don’t want to. Kevin kept it inside his circle for so long. But it happened on the general wave of conversations and facts about harassment, and the story with Anthony appeared. And I have a feeling that this in many ways gave him the opportunity to throw off this long, long burden that he was trying to somehow carry delicately.

What do you think, as a person who communicated quite closely with Kevin Spacey, how much of a burden was this for him, how much did he look for a reason to get rid of this burden?

I think it gets harder every year. This is not just about Kevin, this is true for many actors. It was the same with Ian McKellen. When a person gets older, everyone in the environment, in the industry, already knows everything, and you already feel somehow strange. Because Kevin was bisexual, he had completely different novels in his life, and the fact that now his final choice fell on homosexuality, then, naturally, this no longer makes sense, and it weighs heavily. Therefore, this would have happened sooner or later, but this story happened with Anthony. But here you need to understand that this is still part of the general campaign against violence. I, of course, would not put Kevin in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, these are completely different stories.

However, how much of a blow do you think this whole story could be for Kevin Spacey? Because we can say endlessly that Hollywood is an open, tolerant platform, but we actually see all the traditionalism and patriarchy of Hollywood studios, and the future for actors who openly admit their own homosexual orientation is often very vague : These are not the same roles, the wrong relationships with producers, these are fewer orders. Could Kevin Spacey be touched by all this in any way?

I think that if the story with violence does not continue, if this was a one-time incident, and Kevin will somehow deal with Anthony completely calmly, and they will find a common tone for the conversation. If nothing else happens, it won't affect his career. The fact is that if you look at Kevin's work not only in recent years, but in the last couple of decades, he has practically no work that would make him very disingenuous. That is, he has very few works where he has relationships with women. And therefore, in this sense, it is unlikely that anything will happen.

Plus, Kevin has such an armor-piercing reputation and such a margin of safety that I think, again, if this is just a one-time incident, it will simply come to naught. But he has now already received a lot of negativity addressed to him, and now it turns out that he is kind of sitting on Harvey Weinstein’s tail, which are completely different natures of the stories. Therefore, I really hope that nothing major will happen, he will continue to work calmly.

Hollywood actor, star of the TV series “House of Cards” Kevin Spacey announced his non-traditional sexual orientation. He made such a confession against the backdrop of the scandal with Anthony Rapp, who accused him of sexual harassment. Spacey's personal life has always been the subject of various rumors: some attributed whirlwind romances to the actor, while others guessed about his orientation.

On October 30, Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey came out and officially admitted his non-traditional sexual orientation. He published the corresponding statement in his Twitter.

For a long time he had affairs with both men and women, the actor himself said. “Throughout my life I have loved and been romantically involved with men, and now I have decided to live as a gay man,” the actor wrote at the end of his message.

Spacey made a shocking admission about his personal life amid the recent scandal with Anthony Rapp. The latter complained to Buzzfeed about harassment from the House of Cards star. In 1986, 14-year-old Rapp was allegedly a guest at Spacey's party, which took place at the actor's home. When they were left alone, the host of the celebration threw him onto the bed and lay on top of him. Rapp kept this case secret for many years.

Spacey himself admits that he does not remember harassing an underage colleague. At the same time, the actor offered an official apology to Rapp, clarifying that this story became the impetus for admitting homosexuality.

The secret has become clear

Kevin Spacey has carefully hidden his personal life from prying eyes for many years - all that is known is that he has neither a wife nor children. The actor was credited with having affairs with actress April Winchell and screenwriter Dianne Deyer. While the girls were talking about short-term romances with Spacey, the artist himself denied any speculation about his personal life.

Soon, speculation about the actor’s unconventional sexual orientation appeared in the press: in 1999, Playboy asked him uncomfortable questions on this topic, and in 2007, Gotham Magazine.

But the British publication The Daily Mirror “distinguished itself” most of all: in 2006, it published an entire article where Spacey was called one of the most famous gays in the world. Moreover, his last name is allegedly used to prevent homosexuality among high school students. After some time, journalists admitted this statement was a “mistake” and apologized to the actor. Since then, it has been impossible to find the article in the public domain.

“My attitude towards a professional actor has not changed”

A person’s sexual orientation should not affect his creative career, director and member of the “I” quartet Alexander Demidov told 360. “I love Elton John very much, and the fact that he has a non-traditional sexual orientation does not make my love for his music any less,” he clarified. Some artists deliberately “earn points” by making loud confessions about their personal lives, which is not entirely professional. If a person does not focus on his sexual preferences, then the attitude towards his work should not change, Demidov believes.

If I love the work of this person, then no matter what nationality, religion and country he is, my love for his work will not become less.

Alexander Demidov.

Kevin Spacey's admission of homosexuality is the actor's personal matter, says State Duma deputy Vadim Dengin. An artist's talent has nothing to do with his sexual preferences. Moreover, romantic relationships between people should not become the subject of public discussion, the parliamentarian said in an interview with 360.

I never pry into other people's personal lives. Everyone has the right to express their opinion as they see fit<…>If it is so convenient and comfortable for him, then let him live as he sees fit. My attitude towards him as a professional actor has not changed

Vadim Dengin.

There are many homosexuals in American show business, but not everyone admits it, State Duma deputy Vasily Vlasov told 360. The Russian side should not comment on Spacey’s confession - this information pod is artificially inflated by the media, he believes.

Actor Dmitry Nagiyev also does not consider it necessary to evaluate the coming out of his American colleague - the non-traditional sexual orientation of the star of “House of Cards” has been known for a long time. “There are so many interesting things happening in our country that I don’t really want to comment on the confessions of an old gay man,” the artist said in an interview with “360.”

Russia needs to stop reacting to any kind of propaganda, State Duma deputy Mikhail Degtyarev told 360. Lately, the media has been full of headlines with evaluative opinions of officials and representatives of creative professions. “They very often slip into reacting to all sorts of provocations,” Degtyarev clarifies. To avoid this, you need to create decent content and agenda yourself.

Kevin Spacey is a very talented actor, I enjoy watching the films in which he plays. It doesn’t matter to me what orientation this or that person is

Mikhail Degtyarev.

Some suggested that the actor decided to take such a step on purpose - so that everyone would forget about his scandal with a teenager. After such confessions, Spacey wants to “wash his eyes with soap” and delete all his films, users admit.

The life of Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey, star of House of Cards and dozens of successful films, changed dramatically in a week: after one actor was accused of sexual misconduct, Kevin was accused by more than ten other men in the film industry. Because of this, the series “House of Cards” was already closed, Spacey was deprived of an honorary Emmy award, and he himself did not appear in public and announced that he was undergoing “treatment.” Medialeaks tells what and who accuses the actor of and how it turned out for him.

A week ago, American actor Anthony Rapp spoke about 1986, after which the actor came out and admitted that he did not remember what happened 30 years ago. After this news appeared in the press, Netflix suspended work on the sixth season of House of Cards, and on Wednesday it became known that the actor was undergoing treatment (what exactly was not specified).

New charges

After Rapp, several more men spoke about Spacey’s harassment over the years. Among them is the Mexican actor Roberto Cavazos, who Facebook claimed that Kevin groped him and initiated sexual advances toward him and other young actors at London's Old Vic theater, where Spacey was artistic director for 11 years.

Director Tony Montana told Radar that the actor "forcefully" grabbed him between the legs in 2003 at a bar in Los Angeles. Another man, who wished to remain anonymous, said that in 1985, when he was 17 years old, he also became a victim of Spacey’s harassment. The guy, according to him, stayed overnight in the actor’s apartment, and in the morning he woke up and saw that Spacey, in his underwear, put his head on his stomach and put his arm around his waist.

Another man, an artist, anonymously told Vulture that in the early 1980s, when he was 14 years old, he had a sexual relationship with 24-year-old Spacey that ended when the actor tried to rape him. Following a wave of these accusations and widespread discussion in the press, the agency and PR manager with whom Spacey had worked for many years terminated their contract with him, BuzzFeed reports.

There was a 'toxic atmosphere' on the set of 'House of Cards'

The latest known accusation was a statement by eight members of the House of Cards crew, who said that Spacey systematically pestered them and used his position to get what he wanted. CNN, citing these men who wished to remain anonymous, writes that because of Spacey, the atmosphere on the set was “toxic.”

All eight men describe Kevin's behavior as "predatory", recalling incidents in which the actor touched them without consent or made lewd comments. According to them, Spacey was most attracted to young people under 30 years old.

One production assistant told reporters that he was sexually assaulted on the day he was traveling with an actor to the set near Baltimore, Maryland, where much of the series was filmed. A few minutes before arriving at the scene, Spacey allegedly put his hand on his private parts without permission.

I was shocked. He occupies a very high position in the series (Spacey, in addition to playing the main role, is an executive producer - Medialeaks note), and I am practically a nobody in the food chain.

The production assistant declined to say what happened next, fearing the details might give away his identity. After that, the young man helped Spacey carry things into his trailer. There, according to him, the actor drove him into a corner, blocked his way to the exit and initiated physical contact.

I told him that I didn't like it, that I felt uncomfortable with his actions.

After the refusal, Spacey allegedly became “very nervous,” ran out of the trailer and left the set for the rest of the day. The man did not tell management about this incident or report it to the police, but shared the story with a colleague. The assistant claims he complained to his manager for months before the incident that Spacey was harassing him. The manager allegedly simply suggested that he not be alone with the actor. For a while, Spacey kept a low profile, says a production assistant, which is why he agreed to go with him to the set together.

I have no doubt that this type of predatory behavior was commonplace for him and that my case was one of many, and Kevin had little or no concern about exploiting his position in this way. For all the young people who came into contact with him - crew members, actors, extras - it was a toxic atmosphere.

Another crew member who worked on the show for all six seasons said that Spacey regularly touched and harassed him.

He put his hands on me in a very strange way. Sometimes he would massage my shoulders or hug me from behind and very awkwardly touch my stomach, which in a normal situation is considered simply unacceptable.

According to the young man, he was “embarrassed” and scared to ask Kevin to stop.

Another time, the actor made an indecent comment in front of everyone: “nice ass” in relation to a guy who was bending over to pick up something and whose low pants were showing his buttocks.

Netflix officials said they were aware of one "incident" five years ago that was quickly resolved. They say they are not aware of the new charges against Spacey. At the same time, on November 2, the MRC company, which produces House of Cards, opened an anonymous hotline for employees, where they can talk about what happened and receive psychological and legal assistance. In their statement, they also recalled the only complaint against Spacey in 2012. Then, according to them, after the conflict was resolved, all parties were satisfied.

Mr Spacey willingly participated in the training and since then MRC has not received any communications with complaints relating to Mr Spacey.

The former camera assistant, however, said that Spacey touched other men openly and that “everyone saw it.”

All members of the film crew discussed his behavior. What infuriates me is that we all sign documents regarding sexual harassment before starting work, but Spacey doesn’t have to worry about it at all and gets away with it.

According to him, no one dared to complain because everyone was afraid of being fired.

Spacey's inappropriate behavior was also confirmed by a female production assistant.

It was common knowledge that Kevin's behavior was inappropriate, and male colleagues complained to me that they felt uncomfortable. Kevin sometimes pretended to jokingly fight with them so he could touch them.

She allegedly saw many times how, after shaking hands, Kevin could touch men between the legs. And some friends told her that he could even put his hand down their shorts.

While MRC and Netflix have not officially announced the series' cancellation (though filming on the sixth and final season has officially been suspended), a crew member told reporters that "no one expects the series to return."

On November 20, Spacey was scheduled to receive a special award from the creators of the Emmy Awards, which is given to those “whose creative achievements have contributed to the improvement of the quality of global television production.” But, as the BBC reports, the committee decided to withdraw the award “in light of recent events.”

“Kevin, why?!”

The Spacey scandal (as well as his coming out) is widely discussed on Russian-language Twitter. Some consider the victims themselves to be guilty (which in the West is called victim blaming), but this comes out somewhat comically due to Spacey’s admission that he is gay.

Other users believe that the whole topic of harassment of men is greatly exaggerated.

Against the backdrop of the story with and on her, accusations against Spacey became part of the scandal of harassment and violence in the field of cinema and theater. But people joke about it more often.

Some users decided that accusing famous people of harassment is now such a fashion in Hollywood.

Similar opinions that anyone can be accused of sexual harassment without evidence are also found in the official instagram"House of Cards".

“So if someone says, ‘I was raped,’ and so on, is that necessarily true? Why? Where are the docks? Shame on you Netflix, support this great man and actor and stop this nonsense."

But many users don’t seem to care at all about the accusations brought against Spacey. They are sad about the cancellation of the series and are angry at the actor because of it.

“Why, Frank, why. Aaah, dude, why did you have to screw it up like that? Now I won't see the new season. Damn it, Kevin."

“Have you canceled House of Cards? Is it true? This show needs another season. The story needs to end!”

“Netflix canceled the show because Kevin Spacey acted like Frank Underwood. This is irony."

"Don't close it!"

“What the hell, please don’t cancel the show.”

“Just kill Frank and Claire will continue the story.”

Spacey himself did not comment on the new accusations and did not make any statements after coming out and apologizing to Rapp.

It became known that the popular Hollywood actor decided to admit that he is gay. This time such a loud statement was made by actor Kevin Spacey, who left a message on his Twitter.

In his Twitter account, the American actor left a message responding to the accusations of another actor Anthony Rapp against Spacey that the second allegedly molested him 30 years ago. The Oscar-winning actor himself hastened to apologize for his drunken behavior. He said that he respects and admires Anthony Rapp as an actor, but he was sorry to hear about the feelings that the latter had kept inside all these years.

Kevin Spacey also addressed other things in his life. He said that there have always been some stories and rumors around his life regarding his private life. The actor admitted that in his life he had relationships with both women and men. According to Spacey, he has had romantic encounters with men throughout his life and is now choosing to live as a gay man. The actor wants to be honest and open about this.

According to, Kevin Spacey is a popular Hollywood actor who has starred in many films. He voiced and donated his appearance for the main antagonist of the game