Waste paper collection campaign “Let's give paper a second life! Request for voluntary contribution

Events to raise money for an organization or a specific cause always require particularly careful planning. Today we decided to focus on the most important aspect of such events.

How can you collect the maximum amount of money? Use 10 simple methods.

1. Attracting sponsors

Many organizations are ready to become sponsors. However, not every owner of a large business will agree to do this without any benefit for his company.

When asking for sponsorship, be sure to mention what the business representative will receive in return. This could be advertising at an event, products, etc.

2. Grants

Today, there are quite a few options available for obtaining grants for non-profit organizations. You can also try to get a grant for the fundraising event itself. Please note that it may take more than one month to make a decision on issuing such a subsidy, so it is better to address this issue long before the expected date of the event.

3. Ticket sales

Selling tickets to an event is a great way to raise funds. Unusual solutions will further interest potential guests. In addition to simple tickets, you can offer to buy special sets of several pieces at a discount, tickets to the VIP area, sponsorship packages, etc.

Also, additional profit will come from ticket lotteries for guests, receiving a souvenir or cocktail when providing a ticket, etc.

4. Lotteries

This simple activity can be used at almost any fundraising event. You can offer guests the option to purchase raffle tickets along with their admission ticket for little or no fixed fee.

Prizes for the lottery can be any souvenirs or any original things donated for this purpose by sponsors (for example, paintings or products of a company).

Lotteries based on the “who is bigger” principle are especially effective. The prize (usually quite significant) here is given to the one who buys the most tickets. Less expensive prizes go to the next 10 most active buyers.

5. Silent auction

Everyone is familiar with this popular type of auction, when participants do not openly announce their bids, but use some kind of gesture to inform the auctioneer about the bid. If you don't have the opportunity to offer large, interesting items, get creative and offer guests to buy sets or collections of some items.

Remember that unique and original items will be in greatest demand at the auction. Any services that offer a non-standard experience will also be in demand: a hot air balloon flight, an unusual trip, etc.

6. Live auction

In a live auction, a good professional auctioneer plays a major role. Only he has the power to create a special trading mood, attract buyers and turn the auction into a memorable entertainment for guests. For this type of auction, also try to find exciting original items.

7. Request for a voluntary contribution

A fairly effective method of raising funds is to ask guests directly from the stage. Many wealthy people love public recognition. The host should ask guests to make contributions, announcing a specific goal. At the same time, it is imperative to publicly express special gratitude to those who donate large sums.

8. Selling food and drinks

One of the simplest and most effective methods of attracting money. You can come up with many creative options for such a sale. For example, organize a dessert auction, sell cards for individual tables (drinks, desserts, snacks), sell unusual and unfamiliar dishes/drinks to guests, or invite chefs to create their masterpieces right in front of the public.

The Skyfly aero complex, in collaboration with the Forsazh Automotive Sports Center and the always entertaining 3D cinema complex "Luch", is holding a competition among schools in the city of Krasnoyarsk to collect waste paper!
1. Send your application by e-mail: [email protected]
2. Collect more waste paper from other schools! (You need to collect separately for each class of waste paper (paper waste, cardboard, newspapers) and prepare it for delivery (waste paper is handed in in bundles suitable for transportation, but not in bulk, without using closed packaging: bags, boxes).
3. Hand over your waste paper to us after May 15th! (Check-in and weigh-in will be on your school premises)
4. Wait for the results on June 1st!
Waste paper for us - prizes for you! :)

on holding a competition for the collection of secondary resources

1. General Provisions
1.1. This Regulation on holding a competition for the collection of secondary resources among educational institutions of the city of Krasnoyarsk (hereinafter - the Regulation) establishes the goals, procedure and conditions for organizing and conducting a competition for the collection of secondary resources among educational institutions located in the territory of the city of Krasnoyarsk (hereinafter - the Competition).
1.2. The organizer of the competition is Skyfly LLC.
1.3. Sponsors of the Competition: Maltat-Cinema LLC, Forsazh LLC.
1.4. The competition is held from April 15 to May 15, 2016.
1.5. The results of the competition are summed up and the winners are determined by the organizing committee of the competition (Appendix No. 1).
2. Objectives of the Competition
2.1. Popularization of the idea of ​​conserving natural resources and reducing environmental pollution through separate waste collection.
2.2. Attracting the attention of children, adolescents and young people to the problems of resource conservation, involving them in the process of separate waste collection for further processing.
2.3. Formation of an environmental culture among students of secondary schools, careful attitude towards natural resources, expansion of ideas about the possibility of recycling waste.
3. Conditions of participation in the Competition and procedure for its conduct
3.1. The competition is held to collect the following types of secondary resources:
- waste paper (newspapers, books, magazines, paper, archives, cardboard, corrugated packaging, etc.).
3.2. Representatives of educational institutions submit an application to the organizer using the form (Appendix No. 2) before April 30, 2016 by e-mail: [email protected](marked “for competition”).
3.3. In institutions participating in the campaign, waste paper collection and sorting is organized, storage is provided separately for each class of waste paper (paper waste, cardboard, newspapers) and preparation for delivery (waste paper is delivered in bundles suitable for transportation, but not in bulk, without the use of closed packaging : packages, boxes).
3.4. The removal of collected secondary resources is carried out by the organizers of the competition at the time of delivery and weighing from May 15, 2016. The exact time of acceptance is communicated to the school contact person in advance, but no later than 2 working days.
3.5. Weighing of waste paper is carried out by a responsible representative of the competition organizer at the time of acceptance. Accounting for the amount of collected waste paper (in kg) is carried out in the form of an acceptance certificate (Appendix No. 3) to this regulation.
3.6. After weighing and handing it over to the organizer’s representative, the waste paper becomes the property of Skyfly LLC free of charge.
4. Evaluation of results and determination of the winner
4.1. The winner of this Competition is the educational organization that handed over the largest amount of waste paper in kilograms to the organizers.
4.2. The winners of the Competition (2nd and 3rd place) are two educational organizations that handed over to the organizers the amount of waste paper in kilograms following the winner.
4.4. The results of the competition are summed up by the organizing committee on the basis of acceptance certificates for each participating organization.
4.5. Based on the results of the competition, the winner (1st place) and runners-up (2nd and 3rd places) are awarded certificates and valuable gifts from the organizer and sponsors of the Competition.
4.6. Participants of the Competition are awarded certificates.
4.7. The results of the competition will be announced and the winners will be awarded no later than June 1, 2016. 4.8. The prize fund of the competition is formed from the own funds of Skyfly LLC, as well as from the sponsors of the Competition:
for 1st place - 30 certificates for flights in the wind tunnel of the Skyfly Aerocomplex with a nominal value of 2 minutes each;
for 2nd place - 30 certificates for karting at the Forsazh Motorsport Center;
for third place - 30 invitation tickets to the cinema at the 3D Entertainment Cinema Complex "Luch" with an open date.
4.8. The decision of the organizing committee is documented in a protocol, signed by the chairman and secretary of the competition commission and published on the official website of Skyfly LLC.

Appendix No. 1

Organizing Committee of the Competition for the Collection of Secondary Resources

Kirakosyan A.S. - General Director of Skyfly LLC;
Dolidenok V.V. - Executive Director of Skyfly LLC.

Appendix No. 2
to participate in a competition to collect secondary resources

Educational organization
Organization address
FULL NAME. (Head teacher for educational work)
Phone number
E-mail address

Representative's signature

(full name)

Appendix No. 3

Recyclable materials delivery and acceptance certificate No. ______

From "___"___________ 2016

Results table

Educational organization (full name)

Weight of waste paper, kg

Representative's signature
institutions _____________________ /_______________/
(full name)
Signature of the organizer’s representative ____________________ /_______________/
(full name)

Well, there is a way out, and it is only one - hand over used galvanic cells to the appropriate collection points. At the festival of creativity "Workshop of Miracles" project "Eco-boom" presented his own battery collection point, and not quite an ordinary one at that - in the form of an intricate house with bipolar residents.

Here's a creative container for collecting batteries

A competition with incentive prizes was organized for the children: for example, each used energy source was exchanged for a candy, and those who brought the maximum number of batteries earned special gifts.

Well, it's time to raise the curtain and announce the most responsible young ecologists!

The winners of the children's battery collecting competition at the Workshop of Miracles festival were: six-year-old Zhurkov Viktor and three year old Golovko Maxim! They moved as many as 103 and 62 residents into the miracle house, respectively! We sincerely congratulate our team and wish them not to stop there, continuing to follow the path of a careful and caring attitude towards the world around them.

Thanks to mothers who pay attention to environmental education of children

By the way, at the same time we are making our special prizes public: Victor, who took first place, receives a certificate for free photography from family photographer Marina Strenado, and Maxim - an eco-bag, a handmade cat-pillow and a book with children's fairy tales.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all the participants in our competition and, of course, Yulia and Alena, who directly provided the guests of the holiday with information about the importance of recycling batteries and the location of collection points in Simferopol. Through joint efforts at the festival it was collected 392 batteries.

Natalya Kharitonova
Waste paper collection campaign “Let’s give paper a second life!”

Waste paper collection campaign« Let's give paper a second life

Motto stock: "Hand over waste paper - save a tree


1. Conservation and responsible consumption of our planet's natural resources.

2. Attracting the attention of the younger generation to the need secondary use of natural resources.

3. Disseminate information about the importance of the delivery event waste paper for recycling.

4. Involving children and parents in a playful, competitive form in practice collection and delivery of waste paper.


1. Instill a love for nature and cultivate a caring attitude towards it.

2. To educate the principles of ecological culture in preschool children.

3. Involve students and their parents in active environmental activities.

4. Give children an idea of ​​the beneficial properties of forests.

5. Collect and recycle waste paper, save trees from cutting down.

Planned results:

1. The emergence of a need for resource conservation among children, drawing attention to environmental problems.

2. The emergence of a sense of responsibility for the cleanliness and safety of the surrounding world.

3. Involving parents in joint environmental activities.

4. The emergence of an idea among preschoolers about the benefits of the forest.

5. Collection and delivery of waste paper, saving trees from cutting down.

6. Acquiring skills of social partnership with other organizations.

Methods and techniques: story, conversation, reading fiction, playing, making and guessing riddles, TSO.

Materials and equipment: costumes for characters, rope, paint or chalk, pine cones, books to encourage participants stock.

Event script.

(for children 4-6 years old)

The event takes place on the territory of the kindergarten on a day off with children and parents.

Presenter: Hello, dear children and parents! We welcome you to our event on waste paper collection« Let's give paper a second life.

We live in a huge, beautiful world, in a world of wondrous nature and amazing people!

The world we live in

Bright and wonderful

A bright ray of sunshine

Heated everywhere.

The world we live in

The sun warms us.

To feel comfortable in it,

Be kinder to him!

Presenter: We must protect and preserve our nature. Today Grandfather Lesovichok came to our kindergarten. Let's listen to what he tells us.

Lesovichok: Hello guys and parents! I came to you from our green Ural forest. I keep it clean and tidy. The forest is the wealth of our planet, our green friend. We must protect and protect it. The forest is the lungs of the Earth, giving us fresh air.

Presenter: Guys, do you know what they are made of? paper, without which not a single day can go by?

Children and parents: … (answer)

Lesovichok: Correctly made of wood. paper made from different types of trees. What trees do you know?

Children: Birch, pine, aspen...

Lesovichok: And now I’ll tell you riddles, and you try to guess them.


In spring, summer, autumn, winter -

I always wear my green outfit. (Pine, spruce)

The white beauty sways in the wind.

Black brooches, earrings on the branches. (Birch)

You draw different pictures on me,

You make white snowflakes out of me. (Paper)

Wrap your arms around me

No one will succeed.

My trunk is growing in width over the years.

I can live for two hundred years. (Oak)

I'm growing up by the river, children,

Spreading branches to the ground. (Willow)

In winter my needles fall off,

And by summer they grow again. (Larch)

Presenter: Well done boys! We were able to guess all the riddles of the old man - Lesovich. Did you know that for production paper More than 125 million trees are cut down in the world every year - this is a whole huge forest!

New paper can also be made from waste paper, which you all brought today. And to save one tree from cutting down, you need to collect approximately 80-100 kg paper for recycling.

The Christmas tree came to visit us.

She asks us all very much

Do not cut down the green forest,

Let's listen to her.


I am growing in your forest.

I bring benefit to people.

I release oxygen

Day after day, year after year.

Don't cut me down.

I dream of living long!

We need a green forest!

I will help you breathe!

I want to live! Help!

You bring some paper.

Together we will hand it over,

Let's keep the forest green!

(parents and children carry waste paper for Christmas tree)

Presenter: Guys, do you think we saved at least one tree from being cut down today?

Children: Yes!


I thank you all

And I give you a smile!

You saved me now

I will make you happy!

I'll help you breathe

I can give you oxygen!

Thanks a lot, everyone

I want to say it now!

And now I want to play with you.

(Yelochka plays games with children and parents)

Game of tug of war "Firs and Lumberjacks".

Two teams of participants are formed.

To the team "Christmas trees" we deliberately recruit stronger players than the team "Lumberjacks". The team that pulls its opponents over the dividing line wins. In our case we must always win "Christmas trees" to achieve a positive outcome. If the opposite outcome occurs, you must add to the team "Christmas trees" I'll help.

A game "Badgers and Squirrels".

Participants are divided into two teams of equal numbers.

"Badgers" And "Squirrels" take turns throwing pine cones from the boundary line into the contours of the Christmas trees drawn on the playground. The winner is the team whose circuit has the most pine cones after the last member of each team throws.

Lesovichok: Children, do you know poems about the forest?

(4 children take turns reciting a poem "Clean Forest")

1 child: Pure forest is the decoration of our Earth,

Her fabulous, wonderful outfit.

It is important that we always take care of it.

The forest is rich in its beauty.

2 child: It purifies the air from harmful substances,

So that we can breathe freely.

Forest for a variety of land creatures -

This is home. We need to know this.

3 child: Produce paper and fabric made from it,

And building material

We need a forest, friends. And his wealth.

It is important that it does not disappear.

4 child: We will never litter our forest.

We will not play with fire in it.

We will plant young trees.

We will take care of him!

Presenter: A small horse came to our event - a pony named Funtik. He will take our children around our kindergarten, and after that Funtik will help us deliver waste paper to the place of delivery.

(children ride ponies around the kindergarten building)

While skating, preschoolers can spend "Fun Starts" for those who are waiting their turn.

Presenter: Our event is over. It's time for Old Lesovich and Elochka to return to the forest. We thank you for participating in our stock« Let's give paper a second life» . Why have we all gathered together today?

Children: … (answer)

Presenter: We will continue to work in this direction. Now in our group there will be a box for waste paper collection. From now on we will not throw away unnecessary paper in the trash. We have a chance to save even more trees in our forest!

At the end of the event, the presenter gives the participants promotions compilations ecological poems “The World We Live In!” of his own composition.

Video example of an event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbL2SD8dkj0

Publications on the topic:

On the website of the Gift of Life charity foundation, we saw an announcement about the start of the traditional New Year’s campaign “Give children a postcard” for.

“We invite EVERYONE to the cafe, stock up on cocoa and tea. And we also have a special order for YOU! It’s on a painted and decorated platter.

The Russian Federation is one of the most polluted states in the world and the situation has recently taken place, despite some measures taken.