Alexey Mozgovoy. Requiem for a hero. Who and why eliminated Alexey Mozgovoy Mozgovoy VKontakte

One of the leaders of the Lugansk militia, commander of the Prizrak brigade, Alexey Mozgovoy, was shot dead in an assassination attempt near Mikhailovka in the LPR. His press secretary Anna and two or three security guards were also killed, LifeNews reports.

The jeep in which Mozgovoy and his associates were located was shot with small arms, including a machine gun. A sabotage group was operating.

As a result of the explosion, the commander of the "Ghost" brigade received shrapnel wounds, and his Toyota Sequoia car was severely damaged. As the sappers noted, they were waiting for Mozgovoy’s car, since the explosion was carried out remotely.

There have been attempts on Mozgovoy’s life before. So, on the evening of March 7, at the exit from Mikhailovka, at a checkpoint - not far from the place where the brigade commander came under attack today - there was an explosion of three non-sheathed explosive devices with striking elements.

The day before, the army commanders of the Lugansk People's Republic, Alexei Mozgovoy and Pavel Dremov, appealed to the Russian leadership with a request to support the Russian Project. They stated that the conflict in Ukraine arose, in particular, because in Russia there is no national idea at the state level and the rights of the divided Russian people are not enshrined in any way at the legislative level.

The joint appeal of Mozgovoy and Dremov was sent on May 19 to the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergei Naryshkin and the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko.

Editor FORUM.mskDmitry Cherny condolences:

Firstly, to all Russian and Ukrainian communists, socialists, leftists. This is a blow not only to the Prizrak brigade, but to the entire post-Soviet movement of resistance to capitalism in all its, including fascist, manifestations. Secondly, of course, to all family, friends and friends. I’m not sure that a replacement will be found or that the team will survive at all. Alas, this is not the first attempt, and it was expected, predicted, and expected not only as sabotage by the enemy, but also as the elimination of a charismatic leader. Which (leaders) became unnecessary after the official closure of the Novorossiya project. "We are retreating - the enemy is advancing."

No matter how much they talk about saboteurs now, the logic of events is not in favor of the Republicans. First, rebellious Alchevsk holds an Anti-Fascist Forum, which Lugansk was afraid to hold, then the leader of this very left brigade, who dared to convene an international forum against the will of the LPR leadership, is eliminated. According to the militia, at the moment they, the entire brigade, are holding the defense - the matter was not limited to the terrorist attack and the shooting of the brigade commander's convoy. The Minsk agreements are thus obviously torn and the front rumbles again...

Goodbye, Alexey!You were a true hero of Novorossiya, equally dangerous for both the squalor of Kyiv and Moscow. The circumstances of your death are painfully reminiscent of the destruction of Sangak Safarov, a friend of Vladimir Kvachkov, in the spring of 1993. Safarov's army, which fought under the scarlet banner of the USSR, and organized with the help of Colonel Kvachkov, cleared Tajikistan of Wahhabis. And then he was killed. As very dangerous for the local nomenclature. Most likely, it was not the Bandera who killed you in an ambush. There is simply a professional cleansing of Donbass from those who are not puppets, not former bandits or titushka (they are also puppets). You risked your life, speaking primarily for the workers of Donbass. Eternal memory to you!

And I will tell the rest: night is falling on our Motherland. Both in the Russian Federation and in Donbass. Darkness woven from hypocrisy, theft, cowardice, split consciousness-schizophrenia, police brutality, empty propaganda. All living things that dare to have the honor to think for themselves and not grovel before rodents will be suppressed. Whether we like it or not, at some point the vile time of the slaves and their rodent masters will come. Donbass will be sacrificed.

I conjure you all: get out from under the attack now. What is needed now is to build an outwardly apolitical community of mutual support and assistance to Novorossiya. The brotherhood community that I dreamed of in 2006. The time has come. The night does not last forever, and the rodents themselves will bring the country to perestroika-2. There is no need to disturb them. We must deploy forces in time at the decisive moment. In the meantime, imagine that you are in a city with Heinkels and Junkers circling over them. It is necessary to observe light maximization. It is foolish to expose yourself to their attack. Draw down the blackout curtains. And let me not deceive you with all these processions and actions, all these attempts to hide behind the memory of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. The coat of arms of Novorossiya reads: “Will and labor!” Let this become our motto in the Russian Federation too. The motto of everyone who has not turned into stupid humanoids driven by propaganda. We have entered a dangerous and vile time. The main thing now is to preserve strength for the decisive battle ahead.

And to you, Alexey, rest in peace. I believe that your name will still be inscribed on our banners. The tears and blood of Donbass will flow to someone else. Not only Poroshenko, Turchinov or Yatsenyuk. And everyone is guilty of what they did to you. Everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds, but history has now rushed forward at a gallop. Time is compressing.. MAXIM KALASHNIKOV.

It's already finished, there seems to be no point in returning to it. The dead cannot be brought back, and issues of honor and memory in our time in some places, to put it mildly... are insignificant.

But regarding this story, I admit, there was a certain worm sitting inside. And bit by bit. There were too many oddities and inconsistencies, to be honest.

After the second attempt on Mozgovoy’s life, we posted our opinions and reasoning. Alexey Borisovich laughed heartily at them. Although one of the versions, as they say, lay nearby.

After the third and last, we reasoned without his comments. Almost blindly.

Frankly, we did not hit the mark in any of the four versions. Simply because they were not aware of certain things. So this material, to be honest, is not exactly an attempt at rehabilitation for outright lapses in judgment, but rather a used opportunity to show what really happened. If only because the majority of participants are alive and well and continue to work and serve.

All these 10 months since the events, to be honest, I have been digging. Not with an excavator, but rather with a mining shovel. I talked to those who could tell me something. Wrote letters. I received answers. I read different opinions and memories. And so the set of puzzles did not fit into a picture. No way.

Chance helped. At my disposal was the correspondence of Anna Samelyuk and Alexey Mozgovoy with one person from Kyiv. Basically, the value lies in Anna’s correspondence, because Alexey Borisovich had a very unique attitude towards the issues of writing letters. More precisely, I saw this thing in a coffin. Over the course of a year and a half of our communication and cooperation, I received a total of 5 (five) messages of 107 (one hundred and seven) words. Counting prepositions and pronouns. Well, the man didn’t like to write, what can you do?

The authenticity of the correspondence has been verified and cannot be doubted. This was actually written by those who were declared. And the point is not whether I know the style of each of the characters well or poorly. It’s just that until March 2015, I was aware of many of the things that were discussed there. Including me there, quite naturally, they touched me.

In total there are a little more than 500 pages. I had to read everything. And when I finished reading, and then carefully looked through the documents sent, the puzzle, as they say, came together.

Two words about the interlocutor of Mozgovoy and Samelyuk. He is from Kiev. Not a militiaman. Collaborated with Anya, helping her promote her information project. Very successful, by the way. It was at his instigation that Mozgovoy began to talk less about army problems and began to talk about everyday problems. Which, by the way, earned him a lot of political points. And according to the plan he proposed, steps were taken that led to a chain of events.

So what happened early last year?

The following happened. As soon as the reformatting of the LPR army began, “Ghost” began to be bent. With the goal of either pushing them into the corps, or disbanding them, like Cossack units. Everyone remembers, I hope, how much noise there was on this topic.

The main problem with the bending was that, despite repeated proposals from the official authorities of the LPR, Mozgovoy did not make contact. And he refused the proposed positions of Deputy Minister of Defense and Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs. It’s not for me to judge whether he would have been good as a minister or not, but the fact is that in the end the proposals were withdrawn, and Mozgovoy was left out of work altogether. Plus, the brigade began to fall apart due to problems related to lack of funding and supplies. And, importantly, due to the lack of prospects for fighters. For it is one thing to serve in the official Corps, with all that it entails, and another thing to be a fighter in a unit with, to put it mildly, a dubious future. And the fighters left.

And as a result, “Ghost” returned to the composition of a two-company battalion, consisting of local residents and people completely devoted to the ideas and personality of Mozgovoy. In principle, by March 2015 the brigade no longer existed, just as the brigade commander Mozgovoy was purely nominal.

This is precisely what gave us a lot of surprise then. Indeed, what was the point of killing the brigade commander? From almost three thousand fighters, only three and a half hundred remained. It seems that we came to an agreement with Plotnitsky. It seems that the remains of the “Ghost” were taken into the state by the LPR Territorial Police. What's all this for? For what?

The May 9 parade that Mozgovoy wanted to hold in Alchevsk? I didn’t spend it that way. Alchevsk plant? Also past, although personally I was thinking in the direction of the owners of this establishment. Not confirmed.

However, it turned out that there was a reason. And what kind.

In March, just when it became clear that the brigade could not be preserved in the form in which it was, it was decided that the military commander Mozgovoy should retrain as a politician Mozgovoy.

In general, it was not difficult. Mozgovoy already provided all possible assistance to the city and its residents with the help of the brigade. Here you got medicine, food from the brigade assistants, care for children and pensioners, there was a lot of things. The whole department was working. Unit 088. And until March 2015, this unit did a lot of work on Mozgovoy’s image.

But, since the administrative resource was appointed from Lugansk, in fact there was only one way up for Mozgovoy. Elections. Fortunately, they were planned and spelled out in the Minsk agreements.

And a difficult decision was made to register the public movement "People's Revival". To revive, on behalf of and on behalf of the people, everything that is necessary in the LPR. Good idea.

Where should this OA be legally registered? It is clear that not in Russia. It is clear that not in the LPR, no one in the world would look at such a movement. And given the nuance that the elections were planned according to Minsk according to the Ukrainian format, it is clear that the registration should be done in Ukraine.

A normal person will immediately ask: is that all there is to it? How to accept documents from the separatist and terrorist Mozgovoy for registration? That's how. There is such a hole in Ukrainian legislation. A public organization without a current account and the right to conduct financial activities can be registered upon notification. There is such a Regulation No. 140. That is, citizens of Ukraine submit a set of documents of the appropriate sample... by mail. And within 3 (three) days from the date of receipt, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine is obliged to either register or send the applicants to hell.

Further, however, there are nuances. The applicant (or one of the applicants indicated in the documents) is obliged to personally pick up the documents from the Ministry of Justice and then carry out a number of registration actions. But from the moment the stamp “Legalized” or “Registered” appears on the Charter, the public organization is considered established. Full state registration occurs at the moment when one of the founders puts his signature on the receipt for the Certificate of Registration.

I describe everything so verbosely that later it becomes clear what effect these manipulations had.

As a result, three citizens of Ukraine submitted a notification to the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice about the creation of the public organization "People's Revival".

Here is a photo from my personal archive of all three of them. Andrey Kozlov, Anna Samelyuk and Alexey Mozgovoy. The photo, of course, was not taken in Kyiv.

Andrey Kozlov, as a person with a higher legal education, prepared the entire package of documents. In accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. I now also have copies of it.

Since there was a notary office in the LPR at that time... It would be better to say that it did not exist, copies of passports were certified not in Alchevsk, but in another locality. Mozgovoy’s authority and the assistance of the OSCE mission helped.

And on the specified day, Anna Samelyuk sent this package to Kyiv. From Russian Donetsk, naturally. Here is a copy of the acceptance receipt.

Well, having our own man in Kyiv, it was not difficult to find out that on May 8, the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice granted the request of citizens Mozgovoy, Kozlov and Samelyuk to register. There's only one small thing left to do: someone personally (or an authorized person) to pick up the registration certificate.

What happened on May 8 in Alchevsk? If anyone doesn’t know, there was an anti-fascist forum there. About a hundred people came from all over Europe: Spaniards, Greeks, French, Serbs, Slovaks, Bulgarians. There were both ours and Ukrainians. It is difficult to say today who “leaked” the information that Mozgovoy had registered a social movement. I managed to find four people who took part in this forum, but only one, Zlatko Stojkovic, answered my question about when and where the registration became known. He specifically found out from an acquaintance from the OSCE, but by the evening everyone knew.

The forum also became the birthday of the new organization. And at the same time, “People's Revival” received a kind of international recognition, since representatives of other public organizations naturally expressed a desire to cooperate and help.

I have no evidence at my disposal that the registration took place. For obvious reasons. But in the video, the former chief of staff of “Ghost” Shevchenko speaks about this quite openly at a funeral rally. And he, together with “Kind”, was completely aware of what was happening. 6th minute of recording.

By the way, I would like to note that the holding of this forum in Alchevsk was met by the LPR authorities without enthusiasm. But no one began to quarrel with representatives of foreign organizations, including humanitarian organizations.

Let's summarize some results.

1. Brigade commander, and now politician, Mozgovoy, registered the NGO "People's Revival".

2. This NGO was at that time the ONLY public organization recognized by Ukraine on the territory of the LPR since the actual secession of the republic.

3. To doubt that this organization will receive the support of the population, frankly, would be stupid. The work was carried out, and it was done well.

4. According to the Minsk agreements, as far as elections are concerned, Mozgovoy and other members of his organization registered as deputies are the only ones who would be recognized by Ukraine.

At that time, the DPR also had only one such organization. Party "MMM" Pushilin. But where is Pushilin and where is Mozgovoy...

Personally, I have no doubt about the effect that this information could have had, say, in the LPR MGB, and even if it had been presented in the proper form.

“Mozgovoy is a traitor! He conspired with the Ukrainians, they registered a party for him so that he could go to the polls! Here is the evidence!”

Can you imagine such hysteria in some MGB office? And I can. And I can well imagine Mozgovoy’s victory in the elections not only in Alchevsk, but also in Lugansk.

Indeed, the situation can be interpreted in two ways. Apparently, somewhere it was interpreted as required. And we all know the result. The intractable politician Mozgovoy, with his rather peculiar ideas of building a republic, turned out to be much more terrible than a brigade commander with three thousand soldiers, tanks and Grads.

And we shouldn’t forget about the prohibited teleconferences with representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

They removed it from the road firmly and professionally. Without setting up a kindergarten like May 2014, without stupid homemade firecrackers like in 2015. Clearly and coherently.

Okay, ask me, what about Kozlov? Third of the founders?

I don't know.

Andrei “Sledak” Kozlov was arrested the day after the deaths of Mozgovoy and Samelyuk. At first he could still communicate by phone and write. He asked friends for help, he needed treatment, he was even transferred to the hospital. Kidney problems. They say he was simply killed during interrogations.

And now there has been nothing from him for six months. Nobody knows where he is; it is impossible to find out anything. There are fewer and fewer people willing to take risks in the LPR. Although among people who are aware of what is happening, there is an opinion that Andrei has been dead for a long time.

Summary. Alexey Borisovich Mozgovoy did not die because of friction with the Cossacks. Not because of economic relations with the Alchevsk plant. Not because of the actions of the Ukrainian DRG. And not because of the betrayal of those who wanted to take his place. Although the people around him played a certain role in the whole story. But more on that another time.

The point is that, in our opinion, a certain number of sheets of paper with signs on them turned out to be worse for some than tanks and guns. More terrible than the “Ghost” campaign against Lugansk that was once promised in the heat of the moment.

I think the answer to the question “why?” came out pretty clear. There are, of course, still questions, “who is to blame?” and "who benefits?" But it makes sense to return to them in a separate conversation, especially since there is more than enough information for reflection and analysis.

So let's go back.

The commander of the Prizrak brigade, Mozgovoy, was killed near LuganskA representative of the Prizrak brigade said that this happened in approximately the same place where there was already an attempt on Mozgovoy’s life on March 7. He noted that a search for saboteurs is now underway.

Last Saturday, a well-known representative of the Donbass militia, commander of the Prizrak brigade, Alexey Mozgovoy, died near Lugansk as a result of an attempt on his life by an unknown group of people, as militias assume - a sabotage group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces or the Ukrainian National Guard.

I believe that this murder is revenge on one of the founders of the anti-fascist resistance in eastern Ukraine. Revenge for will, courage, defense of Lugansk, capture of Debaltseve and readiness to beat the enemy not only in the open field, but also in his lair.

Alexey Mozgovoy as he is

I met with Alexey Mozgov several times - in Moscow and in Crimea at a conference on the problems of Novorossiya. Communicated, argued, convinced. I convinced myself that it was useless to convince him. Stubborn. He firmly stood his ground: “Donbass must be an independent state, the government must be popular, the oligarchs must be eliminated, and the militias must reach Kyiv.”

“You have to be smarter than your enemies,” I argued. “Enemies only understand strength,” Mozgovoy objected.

“Power must be effective,” I said. “It should be popular,” Alexei retorted.

“The state should be run by professionals, not military men,” I argued. “I hate politicians,” he answered.

“You are an idealist,” I said. “I am a soldier,” said Mozgovoy.

“You will end badly,” I warned. “I know,” he said.

It is known that integral and persistent people die much earlier than those who are flexible and ready to compromise. Alexey Mozgovoy was one of those who did not know how to obey those weaker than him. Perhaps he was too harsh even towards his own people. Hence the different attitudes towards him even among the militia: from unquestioning submission and adoration to, possibly, fear or hatred.

I have no doubt, however, that the latter are a minority.

Rigidity and uncompromisingness are a prerequisite for the presence of many enemies and enemies. And today the press is actively discussing versions that Mozgovoy could have been killed by his own people - he was too inconvenient for some of those who do not intend to go to Kyiv at all.

They also say that he was uncontrollable, and with such people it is impossible to build a peaceful life with all its costs. And that Mozgovoy has done his job and now must leave. To leave gracefully, like a hero: to fall at the hands of saboteurs or any other of your envious people and enemies.

Personally, I am inclined to believe that Alexey Mozgovoy died at the hands of a real enemy - those who knew his true worth on the battlefield. I am sure that he died at the hands of the Nazis, who were preparing to continue the war in Donbass, and therefore were destroying the best in the enemy’s ranks in advance.

However, his death is not just revenge on one of the most prominent militia commanders. It is the beginning of the tactics of struggle against the people of Donbass, which petty and vindictive Kyiv is now adopting, having become convinced of the futility of open confrontation with the people of Donetsk and Lugansk. And who else could the Kyiv ghouls start their sabotage war against Donbass with, if not with the assassination attempt on Mozgovoy? Any fascist in their place would have done the same.

I think The Independent journalist Oliver Carroll is right when he says that with Alexei Mozgov “an entire era has passed.”

What is behind the murder of the commander of the "Ghost" brigade

Basurin: Kyiv is ready to send 85 sabotage groups to DonbassAccording to DPR intelligence, the armed forces of Ukraine have formed 85 sabotage groups of various sizes, including 19 staffed by foreign citizens and special operations forces from Europe and the United States.

In the last two weeks, information has repeatedly been received from the DPR-LPR about the intensification of the activities of various kinds of sabotage groups on the territory of Novorossiya. One sabotage group was neutralized in Donetsk on the eve of the celebration of May 9, another such group on May 16 fired at militia positions near Lugansk and captured two, according to the Ukrainian General Staff, Russian servicemen. And on Sunday, Deputy Chief of Staff of the DPR militia Eduard Basurin told the press that Kyiv is preparing to send 85 sabotage groups with the participation of foreigners to the Donbass to destabilize the situation in the region.

“According to our intelligence intelligence, on the territory of the LPR and DPR, controlled by the occupation forces, 85 sabotage groups of various sizes have been formed, including 19 staffed entirely by foreign citizens and active military personnel of special operations forces from Europe, the USA, as well as Georgia and the Baltic states, well who speak Russian,” said Basurin. The goal of the sabotage groups, in his words, is “the destruction of the transport, economic and social infrastructure of the DPR and LPR,” as well as “the liquidation of the command staff of our combat units.”

Indeed, aren’t American military personnel sent to Ukraine to train sabotage groups? In any case, Ukraine already has experience in training “Right Sector” militants with NATO instructors, who fully demonstrated themselves in the events on the Maidan.

I believe that Poroshenko received the go-ahead to move on to a sabotage war against Donbass some time after the signing of the Minsk agreements and the defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Debaltsevo.

The US State Department, which found itself outside the Minsk format of negotiations, had a choice - to start supplying weapons to Ukraine or to choose some other tactic. The State Department chose to initiate the tactics of organizing a sabotage war against Donbass in Ukraine.

In this case, Kyiv and the Armed Forces of Ukraine formally seem to be complying with the Minsk agreements: heavy weapons have been withdrawn for the most part, and no major ground operations are being carried out either - which, however, does not mean that the Kiev regime has stopped the war.

Instead of shelling Donbass cities from heavy guns, the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched mortar attacks on residential areas - and it is almost impossible for OSCE representatives to establish the location of the mortar units. And from conducting military operations, the Armed Forces of Ukraine switched to sending sabotage groups into the territory of Donbass.

As a result, the same Poroshenko becomes like a character from the famous Ukrainian comedy “Chasing Two Hares”: the transition to sabotage tactics makes it possible to continue the destruction of the hated “Colorados” in the south-east of Ukraine, as well as to direct the energy of the “Right Sector” and other “cynical Banderas” ( who organized a safari in the center of Kiev - if we take into account the murders of Buzina, Kalashnikov and many other unwanted politicians and journalists) there too - against the “separatists” and “terrorists” of Donbass, that is, away from Kyiv.

What can Donbass do against saboteurs?

It is difficult to fight saboteurs in the east of Ukraine: there are no organized borders, the saboteurs speak the same language as the local residents, and some even come from Donbass.

Moreover, since the militia does not set as its task to harm Ukraine - that is, to commit sabotage outside the Donbass, the sabotage war, firstly, will take place exclusively on the territory of the DPR-LPR, and secondly, the militia becomes in this case defensive and only reactive a side deprived of the opportunity to counterattack, and therefore doomed to significant casualties.

Thus, the tactics of sabotage and terrorist attacks can turn out to be very effective - not for the inclusion of Donbass into Ukraine (the chances of this are dwindling day by day), but for carrying out banal and vile Nazi-Bandera revenge - since it is aimed at the destruction of vital facilities and , importantly, the leaders of the militia.

And I well understand the concerns of DPR Plenipotentiary Representative Denis Pushilin, who considers the murder of Alexey Mozgovoy a planned provocation by Kyiv, aimed at “shaking the situation” in Donbass “from the inside.”

From my point of view, Kyiv’s transition to sabotage attacks against Donbass makes it, in principle, impossible to preserve the region as part of Ukraine. And if so, then the militia and, by the way, Russia must free their hands to provide a tough rebuff to various kinds of headhunters.

I believe that the leadership of Donbass is obliged to immediately begin the arrangement of controlled borders with Ukraine and mobilize the population of Donbass to patrol cities and towns. However, the militias know this even without me. Another thing is that this is not enough.

I think that the leadership of the DPR-LPR should consider the possibility of organizing retaliatory sabotage actions on enemy territory. And besides, Kiev’s organization of terrorist attacks in Donbass is the case when UN troops and CSTO peacekeepers should appear in the contact zone of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Militia.

Who it Alexey Mozgovoy? Name Alexey Mozgovoy Little is known to the general Lugansk public. Brigade commander "Ghost" Alexey Borisovich Mozgovoy successfully led his unit, the Prizrak brigade, during the military campaign to defend the independence of the Lugansk People's Republic from Ukrainian troops and unauthorized battalions. As a result of pressure from the leadership of the LPR, Alexey Mozgovoy was killed at the end of May 2015 in the LPR as a result of an assassination attempt by unknown assailants. Assassination attempt Alexey Mozgovoy many experts tend to associate it with the official leaders of the LPR (as before, the execution of Alexander “Batman” Bednov, who also did not agree with the official position of the Plotnitsky government), although the Ukrainian sabotage group “Shadows” officially took responsibility for the destruction.

Biography of Alexey Mozgovoy

Alexey Borisovich Mozgovoy
Citizenship: USSR → Ukraine
Birth: April 3, 1975 Nizhnyaya Duvanka, Ukrainian SSR
Death Date of death: May 23, 2015

Alexey Borisovich Mozgovoy(Ukrainian Mozgoviy Oleksiy; born April 3, 1975, village of Nizhnyaya Duvanka, Svatovsky district, Lugansk region, Ukraine) - one of the leaders of the people’s militia of the Lugansk People’s Republic.
Alexey Borisovich Mozgovoy born on April 3, 1975 in the village of Nizhnyaya Duvanka, Svatovsky district, Lugansk region of Ukraine. He was a soloist of the Svatovsky male ensemble, representing the Lugansk region in the reporting concert at the festival of folk talents. He served in the army under a contract, after which he worked for some time in the matchmaking military registration and enlistment office.

Participation of Alexey Mozgovoy in the unrest in the South-East of Ukraine

In 2014, he took part in the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine as the leader of the Lugansk region militia.
On April 21, a split occurred in the ranks of Lugansk supporters of the referendum. During the People's Assembly of Lugansk region Cerebral with a detachment under his control, he tried to enter the SBU building, where at that moment the congress of people's delegates was beginning. After a short clash (without the use of weapons), Alexey Mozgovoy climbed onto the barricade near the building, greeted by the joyful cries of the people. The attack was repulsed and Mozgovoy left the city, leaving the SBU to his former allies.

On May 6, a video appeared in which Oleg Tsarev, Valery Bolotov and Alexey Mozgovoy announced reconciliation and further cooperation for the benefit of the LPR and DPR.
On June 7, the Lisichansky battalion of Mozgovoy merged with the Severodonetsk detachment of Pavel Dremov and announced the transition to subordination to the commander-in-chief of the DPR troops, Igor Strelkov.

July 22 units Alexey Mozgovoy retreated from Severodonetsk and Lisichansk
He says this about his relations with the authorities of the LPR and DPR:
“I’m not fighting for the LPR. I am fighting for Novorossiya, which should include not only two regions, but the entire Southeast. Initially, I was never happy with the fact that someone wanted to make two republics out of two regions. So what now, what next? Two governments, let there be two presidents, then another region-republic will appear - and another government, and so on, and so on... This is all exactly what is called “divide and conquer.”

He was a soloist of the Svatovsky male ensemble and represented the Lugansk region in the reporting concert at the All-Ukrainian festival of folk talents.
He served in the armed forces of Ukraine under a contract, after which he worked for some time in the matchmaking military registration and enlistment office.
He headed the Lugansk branch of the Young Guard organization.
He was persona non grata and blacklisted by the EU. Divorced.
Cerebral was a poet and singer-songwriter. He composed and sang songs in both Russian and Ukrainian.

Participation of Alexey Mozgovoy in the events of 2014 in the East of Ukraine

During Euromaidan he was in Russia. He took an active part in protests in South-Eastern Ukraine, and then in the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, as the leader of the Lugansk region militias.

On April 10, 2014, in the State Duma of Russia, Mozgovoy met with the leaders of the parliamentary parties LDPR and A Just Russia - Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Sergei Mironov. In his own words, he managed to enlist their “moral support.”
April 21 during the People's Assembly of Lugansk region Cerebral with a detachment under his control, he tried to enter the SBU building, where at that moment the congress of people's delegates was beginning. After a short clash with representatives of other movements in the Lugansk militia (without the use of weapons), Alexey Mozgovoy climbed onto the barricade near the building, greeted by the joyful cries of those gathered. After an unsuccessful attempt to lead the protest movement, Mozgovoy left Lugansk, leaving control of the SBU building to his former allies.

On May 6, a video appeared in which Oleg Tsarev, Valery Bolotov and Alexey Mozgovoy announced reconciliation and further cooperation for the benefit of the LPR and DPR.
June 7 Lisichansky Mozgovoy's battalion merged with the Severodonetsk unit of the Cossack National Guard Pavel Dremov and announced the transition to subordination to the commander-in-chief of the DPR troops Igor Strelkov.
July 22 Mozgovoy's troops retreated from Severodonetsk, Lisichansk and Rubezhnoye to Alchevsk.
On May 8, 2015, in Alchevsk, on the territory of the LPR, a forum of international solidarity “Anti-fascism, internationalism, solidarity” was held, in which delegates from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Italy, Spain, Greece, Great Britain, Germany and Turkey took part. Brigade commander “Prizrak” Mozgovoy took an active part in organizing and conducting the forum, who also opened the event with his opening speech.

Assassination attempts and death of Alexey Mozgovoy

March 7, 2015 car Alexey Mozgovoy was blown up. He himself received a tangential wound to the head from a shrapnel.
The next attempt was made on May 23, 2015 at 17:30-17:45 near the village of Mikhailovka. Mozgovoy’s car was moving from Alchevsk to Lugansk along the M-04 road; near the old checkpoint at the entrance to the village (near the site of the previous assassination attempt), a distracting explosive device (“cracker”) was detonated next to the car, then the car was fired at from machine guns and other automatic weapons. As a result of the assassination attempt Alexey Mozgovoy was killed, along with his press secretary, two security guards and the driver. Two civilians were also killed, whose car happened to be next to the car at that moment. Mozgovoy.
The so-called Ukrainian partisan detachment “Shadows” was the first to claim responsibility for the murder of Mozgovoy. The head of the investigative department of the LPR Prosecutor General's Office, Leonid Tkachenko, said that the investigation is considering several versions of what happened, “including the work of sabotage reconnaissance groups on the part of Ukraine.” Murder in the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Alexey Mozgovoy associated with his conflicts with the leadership of the LPR.
Alexey Borisovich Mozgovoy buried on May 27, 2015 in the city of Alchevsk.

Views of Alexey Mozgovoy

On August 26, 2014, in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper, Mozgovoy stated:
Many people believe that we are terrorists, that it is not local militias who are fighting, but representatives of another state. We, for our part, are trying to explain that this is not so, to get in touch with those people who are opposed to us, and to prove that we are actually residents of this region and do not want to fight with them. We did the uprising for the sake of the common people. On the contrary, we want to unite what the real separatists separated in 1991 in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
From the very beginning of the conflict, he opposes the creation of “separate principalities” of the LPR and DPR, but supports the creation of a single “Novorossiya” on the territory of the entire south-eastern Ukraine.

On September 3, 2014, he expressed the idea that representatives of the same people - activists of the Maidan and Novorossiya - are killing each other, but the inhabitants of the latter, unlike the representatives of the Maidan, are not under the influence of the ideological machine of the West. He believes that “as we opposed the oligarchy, we will continue to speak out,” and for this it is necessary to unite and all together oppose the authorities in Kyiv. Mozgovoy also noted that so far the army of Novorossiya has learned to fight, endure and achieve success.
On September 15, 2014, he sharply criticized the Minsk Agreement and demanded the immediate resignation of the governments of both people's republics.
On September 17, 2014, he sharply criticized the formation of the United Army of Novorossiya. On October 20, 2014, a video appeared in which Igor Plotnitsky, Nikolai Kozitsyn and Alexey Mozgovoy announced reconciliation and further cooperation. In November, he gave a joint interview with Kozitsyn to Novaya Gazeta.

Mozgovoy has repeatedly reported disagreements with the leadership of the self-proclaimed LPR. The latest conflict occurred in early May: Mozgovoy accused “managers and relatives of the LPR authorities” of establishing a “dictatorship” and ignoring the interests of the people.
The Novaya Gazeta journalist noticed that in Mozgovoy’s office there were icons, the Victory Banner - a copy of the assault flag of the 150th Order of Kutuzov, II degree, Idritsa Rifle Division, hoisted on May 1, 1945 over the Reichstag, and the Baklanov black banner with a skull, bones and Quoting from the Creed: “I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the next century. Amen".

Mozgovoy Alexey Borisovich

Date of birth: 04/03/1975

Date of death: 05/23/2015

Alexey Mozgovoy is a militiaman from the Lugansk People's Republic. "First". The legendary brigade commander of the Ghost. He was declared persona non grata and included in the EU “blacklist”.

The militiaman was born in the village of Nizhnyaya Duvanka, Svatovsky district, Voroshilovgrad region, Ukrainian SSR. Alexey Borisovich is a hereditary Cossack. The warrior was a very versatile personality. Soloist of the matchmaking men's ensemble. Represented the Lugansk region in the reporting concert at the All-Ukrainian festival of folk talents. Also Alexey Mozgovoy is a poet and author-performer. He composed and sang songs in Russian and Ukrainian. He headed the Lugansk branch of the Young Guard organization. For some time he worked in the Svatovsk military registration and enlistment office, after which he headed the Lisichansk military registration and enlistment office until the very beginning of the war in Donbass.

The militia took an active part in peaceful protests in the Lugansk People's Republic. Later he decided to take up arms. On April 6, 2014, he took part in the assault on the Luhansk SBU.

There were two attempts on Alexey Mozgovoy’s life. On March 7, 2015, his car was blown up near the Mikhailovsky checkpoint. The militiaman received a tangential wound to the head from a shrapnel, which turned out to be harmless. After the dressing was changed, Alexey Mozgovoy left the hospital the same day.

The next attempt was made on May 23, 2015 at 17:30-17:45 at the same place - near the village of Mikhailovka. The rebel’s car was moving from Alchevsk to Lugansk along the M-04 road. When entering the village, a distracting explosive device (“cracker”) was detonated next to the car, then the car was fired at from machine guns and other weapons.

Unfortunately, as a result of the assassination attempt, Alexey Borisovich was killed. Along with him, his press secretary, two security guards and the driver were killed. Two civilians also died, whose car was at that moment next to the car of the legendary brigade commander.

The memory of the deceased brigade commander is alive. In the summer of 2015, the premiere of the film “First. (The last year of Alexey Mozgovoy).” On May 17, 2016, soldiers and commanders of the Prizrak brigade unveiled a monument at the grave of the fallen hero.

On May 23, 2016, a monument to Alexey Borisovich was erected in Alchevsk. St. Petersburg composer Alexander Petrov dedicated his piece for violin and accordion entitled “Sorrowful Song” to the memory of Alexei Mozgovoy.

Eternal memory to our comrade in arms!