Set of rules sp 160.1325800. Stu on multifunctional buildings. Requirements for space-planning and structural solutions of multifunctional buildings and complexes

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A.1. Area calculation

A.1.1. A multifunctional building may include both residential and public premises, and the residential and public parts of the building should be distinguished for calculations. The residential part includes apartments for permanent residence, apartment-type apartments, and residential premises of apartment-type dormitories. Public part - public premises. Their areas are calculated in accordance with A.1.2 and A.1.3.

A.1.2. For the residential part of the building (living premises), area calculations are carried out in accordance with Table A.1.

Table A.1


Calculation procedure

Living area of ​​the apartment

Sum of living room areas

Total area of ​​the apartment

In accordance with SP 54.13330, in addition, explanations are given in,

Area of ​​the apartment or total living area

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 15, as well as SP 54.13330

] and codes of fire protection system rules, provisions of current building codes and codes of practice, domestic experience in research and design practice (JSC TsNIIEP housing and other leading institutes), requirements of international and European regulatory documents.

This set of rules establishes requirements for the design of multifunctional buildings and complexes, taking into account existing SP 54.13330, SP 118.13330, SP 113.13330, SP 59.13330.

The set of rules was implemented by JSC “TsNIIEP residential and public buildings (TSNIIEP housing)”. The head of the work is Ph.D. architects, prof. A.A. Magai, responsible executor - Ph.D. architects, associate professor N.V. Dubynin; performer - Ph.D. tech. sciences, prof. V.S. Belyaev.



Mixed-use buildings and complexes. Regulations of design

Date of introduction - 2014-09-01

1 Application area

1.1 This set of rules applies to the design and construction of new, reconstructed and overhauled multifunctional buildings up to 75 m high with the placement of public premises on floors located no higher than 55 m and with an underground depth of up to 15 m, as well as multifunctional complexes and sections of these buildings and complexes.

1.2 This set of rules does not apply to the design of multifunctional seasonal and mobile buildings and structures.

2 Normative references

2.1 This set of rules uses regulatory references to the following documents:

4 General provisions

4.1 The rules for determining the area, construction volume, building area, number of storeys, height and depth of multifunctional buildings are given in the appendix

4.2 The design of buildings with space-planning parameters (height or depth) exceeding those specified in this set of rules is carried out taking into account the provisions.

4.3 Accessibility of multifunctional buildings and complexes for people with limited mobility (MGN), the layout of the site, premises intended for stay or residence of MGN, and their equipment must comply with the requirements of SP 59.13330, SP 136.13330, SP 137.13330, SP 138.13330, SP 140.13330, SP 147.1 3330.

4.4 In multifunctional buildings and complexes, measures must be taken to protect residents, workers and visitors from criminal activities, taking into account the requirements of SP 118.13330 and SP 132.13330.

4.5 When a multifunctional building or complex is put into operation, the customer is provided with instructions for the operation of its premises, which must contain the data necessary for tenants (owners) of residential and public premises, as well as operating organizations to ensure safety during operation. The instructions are developed by the designer, the customer or another organization on behalf of the customer. The procedure for developing instructions and composition is given in.

4.6 Safety when using multifunctional buildings and complexes is ensured in accordance with.

5 Requirements for sites for the placement of multifunctional buildings and complexes

5.1 On the sites of multifunctional buildings and complexes, within them or within walking distance from them in accordance with SP 42.13330, the following should be placed:

Service facilities for residents and workers;

Parking and stopping places for passenger cars for residents, workers and visitors;

Parking and stopping places for trucks and buses servicing the building (if necessary).

5.2 The required number of parking spaces for cars belonging to residents of multifunctional buildings should be determined at the rate of 450 cars per 1000 residents. The number of parking spaces for passenger cars in guest parking lots should be determined in accordance with SP 42.13330.

5.3 The required number of parking spaces for parking passenger cars of workers and visitors of objects of various functional purposes that are part of multifunctional buildings should be determined in accordance with SP 42.13330.

5.4 The planning organization and development of the site must ensure the autonomy of the functional planning components of multifunctional buildings by organizing separate entrances, entrances and lobbies for each of them. City service facilities located within the boundaries of the site must be provided with free access for the city population.

5.5 Landscaping of the territory of multifunctional buildings and complexes should be designed in accordance with SP 42.13330.

5.6 The green area of ​​the territory of multifunctional buildings and complexes is determined at the rate of at least 5.0 m2 per inhabitant, taking into account the greening of operated roofs and special recreational premises (winter gardens) distributed on the floors of the building.

6 Requirements for space-planning and structural solutions of multifunctional buildings and complexes

6.1 Buildings

6.1.1 The composition, area and relative arrangement of functional and planning components of multifunctional buildings and complexes are determined by the design assignment.

6.1.2 The list of main groups of premises that can be included in multifunctional buildings and complexes is given in the Appendix.

It is not allowed to place premises for storing flammable and combustible liquids of categories A and B in multifunctional buildings and complexes, taking into account.

6.1.3 In multifunctional buildings and complexes, where, in accordance with the layout of civil defense structures and the design assignment, civil defense facilities must be installed, dual-use premises should be provided for these purposes in accordance with SP 88.13330.

6.1.4 Functional and planning components of multifunctional buildings and complexes can be combined by horizontal and vertical communications (passages, stairs, etc.), but at the same time they must be functionally and planning separately and have separate evacuation staircases and exits in accordance with fire safety regulations requirements, as well as halls and lobbies.

6.1.5 Through passages and passages in buildings and structures at ground or first floor level should be designed in accordance with SP 118.13330.

6.1.6 The height of floors and premises is determined in the design assignment, but not less than that established by SP 118.13330 for public premises, as well as SP 54.13330 for residential premises.

The height of the technical floor is determined depending on the type of engineering equipment placed in it, utility networks and the conditions of their operation in the design assignment, but not less than the established SP 118.13330.

6.1.8 At all external entrances to multifunctional buildings and complexes, vestibules with parameters corresponding to the requirements of SP 118.13330 should be provided.

The need to install a double vestibule at the entrance to the lobbies and staircases of the residential part of the building is determined in accordance with SP 54.13330.

Natural lighting of double vestibules may be provided with a second light.

6.1.9 Roofs should be designed taking into account the following requirements:

Up to two floors (not higher than 6 meters) inclusive - any drainage is allowed, including unorganized drainage with the obligatory installation of canopies over the entrances and balconies of the second floor, the projection of the cornice must be at least 0.6 m;

Up to five floors (not higher than 15 m) inclusive - an external organized drainage system or, if necessary, an internal one must be provided;

Six or more floors (above 15 m) - only internal drainage should be installed.

6.1.10 Places for various purposes for residents and employees of multifunctional buildings on the roof in use should be in accordance with SP 54.13330; recommendations for their organization are given in.

6.1.11 In the lobby group on the ground floor, a storage room should be provided for storing cleaning equipment, a location for mailboxes, a room for a security post, a duty officer (concierge), and also, if required by the design assignment, a control room.

It is recommended to design the premises of the control room, security post, and duty officer (concierge) with natural lighting (second light is allowed) and with access to the lobby group. The workplace must be provided with an area of ​​at least 3.5 m2. In addition, the security post premises should provide a place for heating and eating, as well as rest.

These premises must have a bathroom equipped with a washbasin and toilet. Entrance to the bathroom is allowed from the work area.

6.1.12 When placing adjacent residential and public premises, the restrictions established in SP 54.13330 should be taken into account.

6.1.13 Means of vertical transport (elevators, etc.), as well as the parameters of elevator halls serving public premises, should be designed in accordance with SP 118.13330, residential premises - in accordance with SP 54.13330.

6.1.14 In multifunctional buildings and complexes, it is allowed to construct premises for the temporary stay and leisure of children (up to 3-4 hours without catering and sleep), in compliance with SanPiN and SanPiN Such premises do not contain bedrooms and kitchens. They should be placed no higher than the second floor and with an autonomous evacuation exit, preferably on the side opposite from the main entrances to the building.

6.1.15 An operated roof with a total area of ​​less than 300 m2 or intended for occupancy of less than 15 people must have one emergency exit.

Additional emergency exits should be provided from the roof in use with a total area of ​​more than 300 m2, or intended to accommodate more than 15 people; recommendations for their construction are set out in.

6.1.16 Requirements for concrete and reinforced concrete structures without prestressing reinforcement used in the design of multifunctional buildings and complexes are established in a set of rules approved and recommended by the State Construction Committee of Russia.

6.2 Living quarters

6.2.1 Requirements for residential premises in the form of apartments and penthouses should be taken in accordance with SP 54.13330 and taking into account the rules given in.

Residential premises in the form of apartment-type apartments and dormitory apartments in composition and planning parameters must also comply with SP 54.13330.

6.2.2 All living rooms in hotel rooms, apartment-type apartments and apartment-type dormitories must have natural light. Requirements for their natural lighting should be taken in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/, for insolation and sun protection - in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/ Requirements for insolation and sun protection are also given in. At the same time, at least 60% of living rooms in dormitories must be insulated. The time of insolation of hotel rooms is not regulated. Rooms oriented to the horizon sector 180° - 270° must have sun protection devices.

Kitchens in apartment-type apartments can be designed with second-light lighting or in the form of niches, regardless of the number of living rooms.

Apartment bathrooms may be designed as combined, regardless of the number of living rooms.

6.2.3 Apartment-type apartments are designed for single-family occupancy. Apartment-type dormitories - based on the occupancy of one family in each room.

6.2.4 Apartments and apartment-type apartments may include reception rooms for one or two doctors (in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities), and a massage room for one specialist.

6.2.5 Hotel rooms may be designed as one living room. If necessary, they can include additional rooms, a hallway, a sanitary unit, and a dressing room. It is allowed to provide for the possibility of combining two or more adjacent rooms, as well as a device for cabinet (office) numbers.

6.2.6 Superior hotel rooms (apartments, presidential, suites) should be designed as two or more living rooms, providing at least two sanitary facilities. The composition of other additional premises and equipment, including kitchen equipment, is determined by the design assignment.

The apartments may include premises for personal service personnel (living room, service room with wardrobes, bathroom).

6.2.7 All hotel rooms must have built-in wardrobes for outerwear, linen, luggage, located in the front or living room - with a minimum calculation of 1 wardrobe (0.60×0.55 m) per guest.

In superior rooms with 3 or more rooms, dressing rooms with an area of ​​at least 6 m2 should be provided in the sleeping areas.

6.2.8 The height of hallways, corridors and bathrooms of hotel rooms should be at least 2.1 m, living rooms - at least 2.5 m. The width of living rooms should be at least 2.4 m, the width of hallways - at least 1.05 m.

6.3 Public areas

6.3.1 Requirements for public premises, including offices, should be adopted in accordance with SP 118.13330, for parking lots - in accordance with SP 113.13330.

Requirements for sports and physical education premises are given in.

6.3.2 To load the premises of trade and public catering establishments with a total area of ​​more than 150 m2, closed landing stages should be provided, located on the ground floor or in the underground level. If the area of ​​these premises is less than 150 m2, they should be loaded in accordance with SP 54.13330.

6.3.3 The number of visitors to the recreation and winter garden premises located in the building is determined by a specific indicator equal to 0.15 of the estimated number of residents, workers or visitors (depending on for whom these premises are designed).

6.3.4 The design of baths and saunas as part of multifunctional buildings and complexes should be carried out taking into account the requirements of SP 118.13330. The apartments are in accordance with SP 54.13330.

It is not allowed to place individual baths and saunas of apartments adjacent to, above and below the living rooms of neighboring apartments and apartment-type apartments.

It is not allowed to place public baths and saunas adjacent to, above or below residential premises (apartments, apartment-type apartments, hotel rooms).

7 Fire safety

7.1 Requirements for fire resistance and fire safety of buildings and building structures, requirements for preventing the spread of fire, ensuring evacuation, fire safety requirements for engineering systems and equipment of buildings, as well as requirements for fire extinguishing and rescue operations should be taken in accordance with SP 1.13130, SP 2.13130 , SP 3.13130, SP 4.13130, SP 5.13130, SP 6.13130, SP 7.13130, SP 10.13130, SP 54.13330, SP 60.13330, SP 118.13330, GOST 12.1. 004.

This set of rules contains additions and detailing of regulatory provisions that do not reduce the fire safety of buildings and structures in comparison with the requirements of these documents.

7.2 Multifunctional buildings above 75 m or with public premises located on floors whose height is more than 55 meters, as well as classified as particularly complex and unique in accordance with subparagraphs 1 and 4 of paragraph 2 of Article 48.1, must be designed taking into account the provisions of paragraph 2 of the article 78.

7.3 It is allowed to provide access to fire fighting ladders and vehicle lifts from only one side of the building in the following cases:

Equipping the building with the entire complex of fire protection systems in accordance with;

Two-way orientation of premises (apartments, offices, etc.);

Construction of external staircases connecting loggias (balconies) floor by floor, or type 3 staircases with a corridor planning system.

7.4 Part of a building with premises of functional fire hazard class F1 in a multifunctional building of a different functional fire hazard class must be allocated into a separate fire compartment.

Parts of a multifunctional building with an area of ​​4000 m2 or more may not be separated into a separate compartment, provided that this part of the building is separated from others by fire walls and ceilings with a fire resistance rating of REI 180.

7.5 Communication between fire compartments of the same functional fire hazard class (including fire compartments with atriums) can be carried out:

Horizontally - through openings protected by fire doors (sliding partitions, gates, fire curtains or curtains) with a fire resistance limit in accordance with current fire safety standards;

Vertically - through smoke-free staircases and elevator shafts with air pressure in case of fire with doors having a fire resistance rating of at least 1 hour.

7.6 In part of a building of the same functional fire hazard class, instead of fire walls to solve architectural, planning and functional problems, it is allowed:

Installation of deluge curtains in two lines, located at a distance of 0.5 m from each other and providing an irrigation intensity of at least 1 l/s per linear meter of the curtain with an operating time of at least 1 hour;

Construction of fire zones with a width of at least 8 m without placing combustible substances and materials within it.

b) internal fire water supply and automatic fire extinguishing in accordance with SP 5.13130 ​​and SP 10.13130;

c) elevators for fire departments - fire elevators (in buildings with a height of no more than 6 floors and equipped with the entire complex of fire protection systems, elevators for transporting fire departments may not be provided);

d) automatic fire alarm in accordance with SP 5.13130 ​​(an automatic fire alarm device is not required if there is an automatic fire extinguishing system);

e) fire notification and management of people evacuation in accordance with SP 3.13130, taking into account.

f) means of individual and collective protection and rescue of people in accordance with;

g) space-planning and technical solutions that ensure timely evacuation of people and their protection from dangerous fire factors in accordance with SP 1.13130 ​​and SP 4.13130.

i) regulation of fire resistance and fire hazard of structures and finishing materials;

j) devices that limit the spread of fire and smoke (fire barriers, fire compartments, etc.) in accordance with SP 4.13130.

7.8 Control of fire protection systems [listings a) - d)] must be carried out from one central control panel (CPS SPZ) in accordance with SP 3.13130.

7.9 When constructing tunnels with a length (without breaks) of more than 100 m and entrances, exits, entrances and exits from them to buildings and premises in them, it is necessary to provide:

Installation of one fire hydrant and one fire hydrant per 100 m of tunnel length;

Television control device;

Equipment with a smoke protection system, which can be combined with a ventilation system;

Communication between tunnels and adjacent objects should be provided through vestibules, the outer doors of which must be fireproof with a fire resistance rating of at least 0.6 hours.

7.10 The protection of buildings with automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms should be carried out taking into account the requirements.

7.11 The construction of atriums is permitted in a building or in a part thereof allocated to a fire compartment equipped with fire safety protection in accordance with these rules. The atrium and all premises of the building (fire compartment) are equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system, a smoke fire alarm and a smoke removal system.

When the atrium height is more than 17 m, sprinklers should be installed under structures protruding into the atrium space (balconies, ceilings, etc.) without installing sprinklers in the atrium covering.

In the case of replacing a fire wall with a deluge curtain, a fire compartment separated by the said deluge curtain from the fire compartment with an atrium is also equipped with fire protection systems.

7.12 All rooms opening into the atrium (passage) must have at least two escape routes along a horizontal passage (gallery). If the room is intended for sleeping, then the length of the escape route along a horizontal passage from the door of this room to the protected emergency exit leading to the staircase should be no more than 30 m. If the room is not used for sleeping, the length of such passage should be no more than 60 m .

7.13 The connection of rooms and corridors of the underground part of the building with the atrium is allowed only through airlock vestibules with air pressure in case of fire.

7.14 Passage through the atrium from rooms that do not open onto the atrium is not considered a means of evacuation.

7.15 Atrium roof structures must be made of non-combustible materials. The glazing of openings in the enclosing structures (coverings) of atriums must be silicate.

7.16 The finishing of the internal surfaces of atriums should be made, as a rule, from non-combustible materials.

7.17 The fire resistance limit of the enclosing structures of rooms and corridors adjacent to the atrium must be at least 0.75 hours, and for doors leading from these rooms into the atrium - 0.5 hours. It is allowed to use glazed partitions and doors with a fire resistance limit of at least 0, 25 hours, protected by deluge curtains.

The water consumption for fire extinguishing for deluge installations within 1 hour from the start of fire extinguishing should be taken in accordance with.

7.18 Opening of smoke exhaust valves in atriums should be carried out automatically from signals from smoke fire detectors, remotely (from buttons installed in staircases) and manually. The opening of valves in the atrium covering should not be prevented by precipitation.

7.19 The fire control system must provide various options (automatic and from the control center of the fire control system) for its activation depending on the location of the fire: in the atrium (passage), in the galleries, in rooms opening into the atrium (passage).

7.20 The sauna room should be designed in accordance with SP 4.13130, SP 2.13130, SP 5.13130.

7.21 It is not allowed to use floor coverings with a higher fire hazard than those specified in tables 28 and 29 of the Federal Law and SP 1.13130.

7.22 For the installation of coatings, including light-transmitting ones, over halls and atriums in buildings with a height of no more than 30 m, it is allowed to use wooden structures with fire-retardant treatment. The quality of fire retardant treatment should ensure that the weight loss of protected wood when tested according to GOST 16363 is no more than 13%.

A combustible roof should be designed no closer than 4 m from the edge of the light-transmitting coating.

7.23 Roof lights (rooflights), when used in a smoke removal system, must be equipped with automatic, remote and manual drives for opening in case of fire, and when using silicate glass, also with a protective mesh at the bottom.

For overhead lights, it is allowed to use light-transmitting materials on an organic basis that do not form burning melts when exposed to fire.

7.24 Windows of rooms equipped with an air conditioning system may be oriented towards courtyards with a light-transmitting coating. In this case, the fire resistance limit of these windows must be at least 0.5 hours or they must be protected by an automatic fire extinguishing system located above them on the side of the rooms.

In rooms with a two-way orientation (to the paved courtyard and to the street) and fire fighters’ access from ladders and car lifts from the street, automatic fire extinguishing may not be provided. It is also allowed not to allow fire trucks to enter the yard.

It is necessary to provide openings in the yard covering for natural smoke removal.

7.25 Staircases and elevator shafts that provide technological (functional) connection between underground and above-ground floors may be designed no higher than the 3rd above-ground floor, without including them in the calculation of evacuation routes. For 2 or more underground floors, these stairwells must be smoke-free type 2 or 3, and the elevator shafts must have air pressure in case of fire. Moreover, these stairs are evacuation if they have direct exit to the outside, to a vestibule with at least 2 exits to the outside, or a corridor leading to an exit to the outside (no more than 12 m without smoke removal or 24 m with a smoke removal system).

The transition from these stairs and elevators to stairs and elevators intended for maintenance and evacuation of above-ground floors is allowed through a vestibule with air pressure.

7.26 Power supply lines for control panels and fire control devices, as well as connecting control lines for automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal or warning installations should be made with separate wires and cables. The fire resistance limit of fencing channels for laying the electrical network of fire-fighting devices is taken in accordance with SP 5.13130.

7.27 When equipping building facades with lifting devices for repairing and cleaning facades, these devices must be designed for use by fire departments, including for rescuing people.

7.28 Fire water supply and smoke protection should be provided in accordance with SP 10.13130 ​​and SP 7.13130.

7.29 Fire alarm and fire warning systems should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 3.13130 ​​and SP 5.13130.

Multifunctional buildings must be equipped with a channel for transmitting automatic fire alarm information to the fire department.

7.30 When installing built-in or built-in-attached parking lots in buildings, you should follow the instructions SP 1.13130, SP 2.13130, SP 4.13130 ​​and SP 113.13330.

8 Sanitary and epidemiological requirements

8.1 Sanitary and epidemiological requirements should be adopted for residential premises in accordance with SP 54.13330; for public premises in accordance with SP 118.13330, including for dormitory premises in accordance with SP, retail establishments - SP, public catering - SP

8.2 When designing multifunctional buildings and complexes, it is necessary to ensure protection from sources of external noise for residential and public premises and the surrounding area. The required noise reduction value, the choice of measures and means of noise protection are determined taking into account the characteristics of external noise sources.

Permissible noise levels for residential and public premises should be taken in accordance with GOST 12.1.036, SanPiN Requirements for noise levels are also given in.

8.3 Technical rooms that house equipment that is a source of noise and vibration (ventilation chambers, shafts and machine rooms of elevators, pump rooms, machine rooms of refrigeration units, heating units, etc.) should not be located adjacent to, above or below residential premises, as well as public (auditorium and rehearsal halls, stages, reading rooms, wards, doctors' offices, rooms for children in child care institutions, educational rooms, administrative rooms for permanent residence of people).

The placement of technical premises adjacent to, above and below residential and public premises is permitted provided that the standard parameters of noise and vibration are ensured.

8.4 In order to prevent the formation of gas contamination zones and their localization, planning solutions for buildings and territories should be developed that take into account aeration conditions and ensure sanitary and hygienic standards for atmospheric air quality.

9 Durability and maintainability

9.1 Elements, parts, equipment with service lives shorter than the expected service life of the building must be replaced in accordance with the between-repair periods established in the project and taking into account the requirements of the design assignment.

9.2 Structures and parts of buildings and their equipment must be made of materials that are resistant to possible influences of moisture, low temperatures, aggressive environments, biological and other adverse factors, or protected from their influence in accordance with SP 28.13330, GOST 28574, GOST 28575.

9.3 When calculating structures, emergency situations arising in connection with an explosion, collision, fire, which can lead to failure or weakening of any structural element and cause progressive collapse, must be considered.

10 Engineering equipment

10.1 Buildings should provide drinking, fire and hot water supply, sewerage and drains, in accordance with SP 30.13330 and SP 31.13330, as well as SP 4.13130, SP 5.13130, SP 10.13130.

10.2 The drainage of rain and melt water from the roofs of multifunctional buildings equipped with a system of internal drains, if possible, should be carried out through outlets into a closed intra-block storm sewer system in accordance with the technical conditions.

10.3 Buildings should be equipped with heating, ventilation, and, if necessary, air conditioning systems that provide appropriate temperature, humidity, air purification and disinfection.

Heating, ventilation, smoke protection, air conditioning should be designed in accordance with SP 60.13330, SP 7.13130, GOST 30494, GOST R 52539.

10.4 When supplying heat from a common ITP of residential and public premises, each of the systems should be connected via independent pipelines from the distribution (supply) and collection (return) collectors with the installation, if necessary, of heat meters for consumers of each group.

10.5 Ventilation and air conditioning systems should be designed with the possibility of their autonomous control from the room in which the user is located.

10.6 When installing a central air conditioning system, a safe refrigerant should be used; For local applications, it is permissible to use freon or similar refrigerants. Window air conditioners are not allowed.

10.7 Air ducts for ventilation of public premises are not allowed to be laid through residential premises. They can be placed in stairwells or outside corridors.

Pressure sections of air ducts of ventilation systems, the air of which may contain harmful substances of hazard class 1 - 2 according to GOST 12.1.007, should not be laid inside the building.

10.8 Buildings should be equipped with electrical equipment, electric lighting, telephone installation, dispatch and automation systems for engineering equipment, a television and radio broadcasting network, a wired radio broadcasting and cable television network, and the Internet.

10.9 According to the degree of reliability of power supply, electrical receivers of multifunctional buildings should be classified into reliability categories I and II, the requirements for which are also given in.

Electrical receivers of reliability category I should include fire protection systems (fire alarms, elevators for lifting fire departments, warning people about a fire), evacuation and emergency lighting, light fencing lights, communication systems, safety and security, central telecommunications equipment, electrical receivers of engineering systems of the complex , automation and dispatch systems for engineering equipment, control room premises, ASUD (automated dispatch control system), IIASUE (measuring integrated automated energy saving management system) and, if necessary, others.

The remaining electrical receivers are classified as reliability category II.

10.10 In multifunctional buildings and complexes, power supply to electrical receivers of reliability category I must be provided from two independent mutually redundant power sources with an automatic transfer device (ATS).

Power supply to fire protection systems should be carried out from separate main switchboard panels with distinctive markings, in two independent directions, reaching the switchgear of each fire compartment.

10.11 The construction of built-in and attached transformer substations is allowed on the first, ground or first underground floors with exit directly to the outside. They should use only dry transformers.

Residential and public premises should not be located above, below or adjacent to built-in and attached transformer substations.

10.12 It is recommended that the automation and dispatch system for engineering equipment be uniform for the entire building. This system should be controlled from a control room, which can be located both in the designed multifunctional facility and outside it. It is recommended to build the system on a modular basis and have the ability to flexibly add on to process signals of different types without rebuilding the entire system, as well as to have the ability to connect new zones, control or management areas to the dispatch system with access to the dispatcher's console.

It is necessary to ensure high reliability of the system and build it on the basis of a decentralized local network across fire compartments, ensuring the exchange of information between controllers, control equipment, information collection equipment and the central control panel of the dispatcher.

10.13 It is not allowed to provide domestic gas supply systems in multifunctional buildings of 11 floors or more, including gas-fueled kitchen stoves.

It is not allowed to install gas equipment in kitchens of public premises intended for public catering.

10.14 The need for and features of dust collection and waste removal systems are determined in the design assignment.

11 Energy saving

11.1 The design of architectural, functional-technological, structural and engineering solutions for multifunctional buildings and complexes must be carried out taking into account the requirements for the efficient use of energy resources and ensuring the internal microclimate of premises on the basis of, and in accordance with SP 50.13330. Also, the rules for designing thermal protection and requirements for energy efficiency are given in,,.

11.2 Energy efficiency requirements for multifunctional buildings and complexes are determined by the design assignment and calculated in the design documentation.

11.3 Energy efficiency classes of multifunctional buildings and complexes are determined in accordance with SP 50.13330.

11.4 Design of multifunctional buildings and complexes with energy saving classes D, E is not allowed. Classes A, B, C are established for newly constructed and reconstructed buildings at the stage of development of project documentation. Subsequently, during operation, the energy efficiency class of the building must be clarified during an energy survey. If it turns out to be less than class C, measures must be developed to increase it.

For buildings and structures for which there are no regulatory fire safety requirements, special technical conditions must be developed based on the requirements of Federal Law No. 123-FZ, reflecting the specifics of ensuring their fire safety and containing a set of necessary engineering, technical and organizational measures to ensure fire safety ( Part 2 of Article 78 123-FZ).
Technical regulation in the field of fire safety is the establishment in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents on fire safety of fire safety requirements for products, processes of design, production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal (Part 2 of Article 4 123- Federal Law).

Regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on fire safety include technical regulations adopted in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation", federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation establishing mandatory fire safety requirements (Part 2 of Article 4 123 -FZ).
"SP 160.1325800.2014. Set of rules. Multifunctional buildings and complexes. Design Rules" was developed in accordance with the Federal Laws "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" and "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation." SP 160.1325800.2014 does not contain information about its development in accordance with Federal Law No. 123-FZ.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2014 N 1521 (as amended on September 29, 2015) approved the “List of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of the application of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law “Technical Regulations on safety of buildings and structures." This list contains mandatory fire safety requirements, which is due to the fact that Federal Law No. 384-FZ establishes the minimum necessary requirements for buildings and structures (including the engineering and technical support networks included in them). and engineering and technical support systems), as well as to the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) associated with buildings and structures, including fire safety requirements (Part 6, Article 3 384-FZ).

Regulatory documents on fire safety include national standards, codes of practice containing fire safety requirements, as well as other documents containing fire safety requirements, the use of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law (Part 3 of Article 4 of 123-FZ) .
The list of documents in the field of standardization, the use of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" was approved by Rosstandart Order No. 474 of April 16, 2014 (as amended on February 25, 2014) .2016). SP 160.1325800.2014 is not included in this list, therefore, SP 160.1325800.2014 is not a regulatory document on fire safety.

Conclusion: “SP 160.1325800.2014. Set of rules. Multifunctional buildings and complexes. Design Rules" does not contain regulatory requirements for fire safety, therefore, special technical conditions must be developed for multifunctional buildings. In accordance with the Letter of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated May 26, 2014 N 2346-13-2-02 “On fire protection of multifunctional buildings”, these special technical conditions must contain the necessary requirements for dividing the building into fire compartments, water consumption for external and internal fire extinguishing purposes, and also requirements for the fire resistance limits of the walls of staircases and elevator shafts crossing the boundaries of fire compartments (type I fire resistant floors), etc.

For information: Order of Rosstandart dated March 30, 2015 N 365 (as amended on December 25, 2015) approved the “List of documents in the field of standardization, the use of which, on a voluntary basis, ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ” Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures". and structures" non-application of this set of rules cannot be assessed as non-compliance with the requirements of technical regulations.

    Appendix A (mandatory). Rules for determining the area, construction volume, building area, number of storeys, height and depth of buildings Appendix B (informative). List of main groups of premises included in multifunctional buildings and complexes

Set of rules SP 160.1325800.2014
"Multifunctional buildings and complexes. Design rules"
(approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2014 N 440/pr)

Mixed-use buildings and complexes. Regulations of design


This set of rules has been developed in accordance with the Federal Laws “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures” and “On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”. The requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" and codes of fire protection system rules, the provisions of current building codes and codes of practice, domestic experience in research and design practice (JSC TsNIIEP housing and other leading institutes), requirements of international and European regulatory documents were also taken into account .

This set of rules establishes requirements for the design of multifunctional buildings and complexes, taking into account existing SP 54.13330, SP 118.13330, SP 113.13330, SP 59.13330.

The set of rules was implemented by JSC "TSNIIEP residential and public buildings (TSNIIEP housing)". The head of the work is Ph.D. architects, prof. A.A. Magai, responsible executor - Ph.D. architects, associate professor N.V. Dubynin; performer - Ph.D. tech. sciences, prof. B.C. Belyaev.

1 Application area

1.1 This set of rules applies to the design and construction of new, reconstructed and overhauled multifunctional buildings up to 75 m high with the placement of public premises on floors located no higher than 55 m and with an underground depth of up to 15 m, as well as multifunctional complexes and sections of these buildings and complexes.

1.2 This set of rules does not apply to the design of multifunctional seasonal and mobile buildings and structures.

2.1 This set of rules uses regulatory references to the following documents:

4.2 The design of buildings with space-planning parameters (height or depth) exceeding those specified in this set of rules is carried out taking into account the provisions.

4.4 In multifunctional buildings and complexes, measures must be taken to protect residents, workers and visitors from criminal activities, taking into account the requirements of SP 118.13330 and SP 132.13330.

4.5 When a multifunctional building or complex is put into operation, the customer is provided with instructions for the operation of its premises, which must contain the data necessary for tenants (owners) of residential and public premises, as well as operating organizations to ensure safety during operation. The instructions are developed by the designer, the customer or another organization on behalf of the customer. The procedure for developing instructions and composition is given in.

4.6 Safety when using multifunctional buildings and complexes is ensured in accordance with.

5 Requirements for sites for the placement of multifunctional buildings and complexes

5.1 On the sites of multifunctional buildings and complexes, within them or within walking distance from them in accordance with SP 42.13330, the following should be placed:

Service facilities for residents and workers;

Parking and stopping places for passenger cars for residents, workers and visitors;

Parking and stopping places for trucks and buses servicing the building (if necessary).

5.2 The required number of parking spaces for cars belonging to residents of multifunctional buildings should be determined at the rate of 450 cars per 1000 residents. The number of parking spaces for passenger cars in guest parking lots should be determined in accordance with SP 42.13330.

5.3 The required number of parking spaces for parking passenger cars of workers and visitors of objects of various functional purposes that are part of multifunctional buildings should be determined in accordance with SP 42.13330.

5.4 The planning organization and development of the site must ensure the autonomy of the functional planning components of multifunctional buildings by organizing separate entrances, entrances and lobbies for each of them. City service facilities located within the boundaries of the site must be provided with free access for the city population.

5.5 Landscaping of the territory of multifunctional buildings and complexes should be designed in accordance with SP 42.13330.

5.6 The green area of ​​the territory of multifunctional buildings and complexes is determined at a rate of at least 5.0 per inhabitant, taking into account the greening of operated roofs and special recreational premises (winter gardens) distributed on the floors of the building.

6 Requirements for space-planning and structural solutions of multifunctional buildings and complexes

6.1 Buildings

6.1.1 The composition, area and relative arrangement of functional and planning components of multifunctional buildings and complexes are determined by the design assignment.

6.1.2 The list of main groups of premises that can be included in multifunctional buildings and complexes is given in Appendix B.

It is not allowed to place premises for storing flammable and combustible liquids of categories A and B in multifunctional buildings and complexes, taking into account.

6.1.3 In multifunctional buildings and complexes, where, in accordance with the layout of civil defense structures and the design assignment, civil defense facilities must be installed, dual-use premises should be provided for these purposes in accordance with SP 88.13330.

6.1.4 Functional and planning components of multifunctional buildings and complexes can be combined by horizontal and vertical communications (passages, stairs, etc.), but at the same time they must be functionally and planning separately and have separate evacuation staircases and exits in accordance with fire safety regulations requirements, as well as halls and lobbies.

6.1.5 Through passages and passages in buildings and structures at ground or first floor level should be designed in accordance with SP 118.13330.

6.1.6 The height of floors and premises is determined in the design assignment, but not less than that established by SP 118.13330 for public premises, as well as SP 54.13330 for residential premises.

The height of the technical floor is determined depending on the type of engineering equipment placed in it, utility networks and the conditions of their operation in the design assignment, but not less than the established SP 118.13330.

6.1.8 At all external entrances to multifunctional buildings and complexes, vestibules with parameters corresponding to the requirements of SP 118.13330 should be provided.

The need to install a double vestibule at the entrance to the lobbies and staircases of the residential part of the building is determined in accordance with SP 54.13330.

Natural lighting of double vestibules may be provided with a second light.

6.1.9 Roofs should be designed taking into account the following requirements:

Up to two floors (not higher than six meters) inclusive - any drainage is allowed, including unorganized drainage with the obligatory installation of canopies over the entrances and balconies of the second floor, the projection of the cornice must be at least 0.6 m;

Up to five floors (not higher than 15 m) inclusive - an external organized drainage system or, if necessary, an internal one must be provided;

Six or more floors (above 15 m) - only internal drainage should be installed.

6.1.10 Places for various purposes for residents and employees of multifunctional buildings on the roof in use should be in accordance with SP 54.13330; recommendations for their organization are given in.

6.1.11 In the lobby group on the ground floor, a storage room should be provided for storing cleaning equipment, a location for mailboxes, a room for a security post, a duty officer (concierge), and also, if required by the design assignment, a control room.

It is recommended to design the premises of the control room, security post, and duty officer (concierge) with natural lighting (second light is allowed) and with access to the lobby group. The workplace must be provided with an area of ​​at least 3.5. In addition, the security post premises should provide a place for heating and eating, as well as rest.

These premises must have a bathroom equipped with a washbasin and toilet. Entrance to the bathroom is allowed from the work area.

6.1.12 When placing adjacent residential and public premises, the restrictions established in SP 54.13330 should be taken into account.

6.1.13 Means of vertical transport (elevators, etc.), as well as the parameters of elevator halls serving public premises, should be designed in accordance with SP 118.13330, residential premises - in accordance with SP 54.13330.

6.1.14 In multifunctional buildings and complexes, it is allowed to construct premises for the temporary stay and leisure of children (up to 3-4 hours without catering and sleep), in compliance with SanPiN and SanPiN Such premises do not contain bedrooms and kitchens. They should be placed no higher than the second floor and with an autonomous evacuation exit, preferably on the side opposite from the main entrances to the building.

6.1.15 Operated roof with a total area of ​​less than 300 or intended for occupancy of less than 15 people. must have one emergency exit.

Additional emergency exits should be provided from the roof in use with a total area of ​​more than 300, or intended to accommodate more than 15 people; recommendations for their construction are set out in.

6.1.16. Requirements for concrete and reinforced concrete structures without prestressing reinforcement used in the design of multifunctional buildings and complexes are established in a set of rules approved and recommended by the State Construction Committee of Russia.

6.2 Living quarters

6.2.1 Requirements for residential premises in the form of apartments and penthouses should be taken in accordance with SP 54.13330 and taking into account the rules given in.

Residential premises in the form of apartment-type apartments and dormitory apartments in composition and planning parameters must also comply with SP 54.13330.

6.2.2 All living rooms in hotel rooms, apartment-type apartments and apartment-type dormitories must have natural light. Requirements for their natural lighting should be taken in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/, for insolation and sun protection - in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/ Requirements for insolation and sun protection are also given in. At the same time, at least 60% of living rooms in dormitories must be insulated. The time of insolation of hotel rooms is not regulated. Rooms oriented to the horizon sector 180° - 270° must have sun protection devices.

Kitchens in apartment-type apartments can be designed with second-light lighting or in the form of niches, regardless of the number of living rooms.

Apartment bathrooms may be designed as combined, regardless of the number of living rooms.

6.2.3 Apartment-type apartments are designed for single-family occupancy. Apartment-type dormitories - based on the occupancy of one family in each room.

6.2.4 Apartments and apartment-type apartments may include reception rooms for one or two doctors (in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities), and a massage room for one specialist.

6.2.5 Hotel rooms may be designed as one living room. If necessary, they can include additional rooms, a hallway, a sanitary unit, and a dressing room. It is allowed to provide for the possibility of combining two or more adjacent rooms, as well as a device for cabinet (office) numbers.

6.2.6 Superior hotel rooms (apartments, presidential, suites) should be designed as two or more living rooms, providing at least two sanitary facilities. The composition of other additional premises and equipment, including kitchen equipment, is determined by the design assignment.

The apartments may include premises for personal service personnel (living room, service room with wardrobes, bathroom).

6.2.7 All hotel rooms must have built-in wardrobes for outerwear, linen, luggage, located in the front or living room - with a minimum calculation of 1 wardrobe (0.60x0.55 m) per guest.

In superior rooms with 3 or more rooms, wardrobes with an area of ​​at least 6 should be provided in the sleeping areas.

6.2.8 The height of hallways, corridors and bathrooms of hotel rooms should be at least 2.1 m, living rooms - at least 2.5 m. The width of living rooms should be at least 2.4 m, the width of hallways - at least 1.05 m.

6.3 Public areas

6.3.1 Requirements for public premises, including offices, should be taken in accordance with SP 118.13330, for parking lots - in accordance with SP 113.13330.

Requirements for sports and physical education premises are given in.

6.3.2 To load the premises of trade and public catering establishments with a total area of ​​more than 150, closed landing stages should be provided, located on the ground floor or in the underground level. If the area of ​​these premises is less than 150, they should be loaded in accordance with SP 54.13330.

6.3.3 The number of visitors to the recreation and winter garden premises located in the building is determined by a specific indicator equal to 0.15 of the estimated number of residents, workers or visitors (depending on for whom these premises are designed).

6.3.4 The design of baths and saunas as part of multifunctional buildings and complexes should be carried out taking into account the requirements of SP 118.13330. The apartments are in accordance with SP 54.13330.

It is not allowed to place individual baths and saunas of apartments adjacent to, above and below the living rooms of neighboring apartments and apartment-type apartments.

It is not allowed to place public baths and saunas adjacent to, above or below residential premises (apartments, apartment-type apartments, hotel rooms).

7 Fire safety

7.1 Requirements for fire resistance and fire safety of buildings and building structures, requirements for preventing the spread of fire, ensuring evacuation, fire safety requirements for engineering systems and equipment of buildings, as well as requirements for fire extinguishing and rescue operations should be taken in accordance with SP 1.13130, SP 2.13130 , SP 3.13130, SP 4.13130, SP 5.13130, SP 6.13130, SP 7.13130, SP 8.13130, SP 10.13130, SP 54.13330, SP 60.13330, SP 118.133 30, GOST 12.1.004.

This set of rules contains additions and detailing of regulatory provisions that do not reduce the fire safety of buildings and structures in comparison with the requirements of these documents.

7.2 Multifunctional buildings above 75 m or with public premises located on floors whose height is more than 55 meters, as well as classified as particularly complex and unique in accordance with subparagraphs 1 and 4 of paragraph 2 of Article 48.1, must be designed taking into account the provisions of paragraph 2 of the article 78.

7.3 It is allowed to provide access to fire fighting ladders and vehicle lifts from only one side of the building in the following cases:

Equipping the building with the entire complex of fire protection systems in accordance with 7.7;

Two-way orientation of premises (apartments, offices, etc.);

Construction of external staircases connecting loggias (balconies) floor by floor, or type 3 staircases with a corridor planning system.

7.4 Part of a building with premises of functional fire hazard class F1 in a multifunctional building of a different functional fire hazard class must be allocated into a separate fire compartment.

Parts of a multifunctional building with an area of ​​4,000 or more may not be separated into a separate compartment, provided that this part of the building is separated from others by fire walls and ceilings with a fire resistance rating of REI 180.

7.5 Communication between fire compartments of the same functional fire hazard class (including fire compartments with atriums) can be carried out:

Horizontally - through openings protected by fire doors (sliding partitions, gates, fire curtains or curtains) with a fire resistance limit in accordance with current fire safety standards;

Vertically - through smoke-free staircases and elevator shafts with air pressure in case of fire with doors having a fire resistance rating of at least 1 hour.

7.6 In part of a building of the same functional fire hazard class, instead of fire walls to solve architectural, planning and functional problems, it is allowed:

Installation of deluge curtains in two lines, located at a distance of 0.5 m from each other and providing an irrigation intensity of at least 1 l/s per linear meter of the curtain with an operating time of at least 1 hour;

Construction of fire zones with a width of at least 8 m without placing combustible substances and materials within it.

c) elevators for fire departments - fire elevators (in buildings with a height of no more than 6 floors and equipped with the entire complex of fire protection systems, elevators for transporting fire departments may not be provided);

d) automatic fire alarm in accordance with SP 5.13130 ​​(an automatic fire alarm device is not required if there is an automatic fire extinguishing system);

g) space-planning and technical solutions that ensure timely evacuation of people and their protection from dangerous fire factors in accordance with SP 1.13130 ​​and SP 4.13130.

i) regulation of fire resistance and fire hazard of structures and finishing materials;

j) devices that limit the spread of fire and smoke (fire barriers, fire compartments, etc.) in accordance with SP 4.13130.

7.8 Fire protection systems must be controlled from one central control panel (CPS SPZ) in accordance with SP 3.13130.

7.9 When constructing tunnels with a length (without breaks) of more than 100 m and entrances, exits, entrances and exits from them to buildings and premises in them, it is necessary to provide:

Installation of one fire hydrant and one fire hydrant per 100 m of tunnel length;

Television control device;

Equipment with a smoke protection system, which can be combined with a ventilation system;

Communication between tunnels and adjacent objects should be provided through vestibules, the outer doors of which must be fireproof with a fire resistance rating of at least 0.6 hours.

7.10 The protection of buildings with automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms should be carried out taking into account the requirements.

7.11 The construction of atriums is permitted in a building or in a part thereof allocated to a fire compartment equipped with fire safety protection in accordance with these rules. The atrium and all premises of the building (fire compartment) are equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system, a smoke fire alarm and a smoke removal system.

When the atrium height is more than 17 m, sprinklers should be installed under structures protruding into the atrium space (balconies, ceilings, etc.) without installing sprinklers in the atrium covering.

In the case of replacing a fire wall with a deluge curtain, a fire compartment separated by the said deluge curtain from the fire compartment with an atrium is also equipped with fire protection systems.

7.12 All rooms opening into the atrium (passage) must have at least two escape routes along a horizontal passage (gallery). If the room is intended for sleeping, then the length of the escape route along a horizontal passage from the door of this room to the protected emergency exit leading to the staircase should be no more than 30 m. If the room is not used for sleeping, the length of such passage should be no more than 60 m .

7.13 The connection of rooms and corridors of the underground part of the building with the atrium is allowed only through airlock vestibules with air pressure in case of fire.

7.14 Passage through the atrium from rooms that do not open onto the atrium is not considered a means of evacuation.

7.15 Atrium roof structures must be made of non-combustible materials. The glazing of openings in the enclosing structures (coverings) of atriums must be silicate.

7.16 The finishing of the internal surfaces of atriums should be made, as a rule, from non-combustible materials.

7.17 The fire resistance limit of the enclosing structures of rooms and corridors adjacent to the atrium must be at least 0.75 hours, and for doors leading from these rooms into the atrium - 0.5 hours. It is allowed to use glazed partitions and doors with a fire resistance limit of at least 0, 25 hours, protected by deluge curtains.

Water consumption for fire extinguishing for deluge installations within 1 hour from the start of fire extinguishing should be taken in accordance with SP 8.13130.

7.18 Opening of smoke exhaust valves in atriums should be carried out automatically from signals from smoke fire detectors, remotely (from buttons installed in staircases) and manually. The opening of valves in the atrium covering should not be prevented by precipitation.

7.19 The fire control system must provide various options (automatic and from the control center of the fire control system) for its activation depending on the location of the fire: in the atrium (passage), in the galleries, in rooms opening into the atrium (passage).

7.22 For the installation of coatings, including light-transmitting ones, over halls and atriums in buildings with a height of no more than 30 m, it is allowed to use wooden structures with fire-retardant treatment. The quality of fire retardant treatment should ensure that the weight loss of protected wood when tested according to GOST 16363 is no more than 13%.

A combustible roof should be designed no closer than 4 m from the edge of the light-transmitting coating.

7.23 Roof lights (rooflights), when used in a smoke removal system, must be equipped with automatic, remote and manual drives for opening in case of fire, and when using silicate glass, also with a protective mesh at the bottom.

For overhead lights, it is allowed to use light-transmitting materials on an organic basis that do not form burning melts when exposed to fire.

7.24 Windows of rooms equipped with an air conditioning system may be oriented towards courtyards with a light-transmitting coating. In this case, the fire resistance limit of these windows must be at least 0.5 hours or they must be protected by an automatic fire extinguishing system located above them on the side of the rooms.

In rooms with a two-way orientation (to the paved courtyard and to the street) and fire fighters’ access from ladders and car lifts from the street, automatic fire extinguishing may not be provided. It is also allowed not to allow fire trucks to enter the yard.

It is necessary to provide openings in the yard covering for natural smoke removal.

7.25 Staircases and elevator shafts that provide technological (functional) connection between underground and above-ground floors may be designed no higher than the 3rd above-ground floor, without including them in the calculation of evacuation routes. For 2 or more underground floors, these stairwells must be smoke-free type 2 or 3, and the elevator shafts must have air pressure in case of fire. Moreover, these stairs are evacuation if they have direct exit to the outside, to a vestibule with at least 2 exits to the outside, or a corridor leading to an exit to the outside (no more than 12 m without smoke removal or 24 m with a smoke removal system).

The transition from these stairs and elevators to stairs and elevators intended for maintenance and evacuation of above-ground floors is allowed through a vestibule with air pressure.

7.26 Power supply lines for control panels and fire control devices, as well as connecting control lines for automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal or warning installations should be made with separate wires and cables. The fire resistance limit of fencing channels for laying the electrical network of fire-fighting devices is taken in accordance with SP 5.13130.

7.27 When equipping building facades with lifting devices for repairing and cleaning facades, these devices must be designed for use by fire departments, including for rescuing people.

7.29 Fire alarm and fire warning systems should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 3.13130 ​​and SP 5.13130.

Multifunctional buildings must be equipped with a channel for transmitting automatic fire alarm information to the fire department.

8 Sanitary and epidemiological requirements

8.1 Sanitary and epidemiological requirements should be adopted for residential premises in accordance with SP 54.13330; for public premises in accordance with SP 118.13330, including for dormitory premises in accordance with SP, retail establishments - SP, public catering - SP

8.2 When designing multifunctional buildings and complexes, it is necessary to ensure protection from sources of external noise for residential and public premises and the surrounding area. The required noise reduction value, the choice of measures and means of noise protection are determined taking into account the characteristics of external noise sources.

Permissible noise levels for residential and public premises should be taken in accordance with GOST 12.1.036, SanPiN Requirements for noise levels are also given in.

8.3 Technical rooms that house equipment that is a source of noise and vibration (ventilation chambers, shafts and machine rooms of elevators, pump rooms, machine rooms of refrigeration units, heating units, etc.) should not be located adjacent to, above or below residential premises, as well as public (auditorium and rehearsal halls, stages, reading rooms, wards, doctors' offices, rooms for children in child care institutions, educational rooms, administrative rooms for permanent residence of people).

The placement of technical premises adjacent to, above and below residential and public premises is permitted provided that the standard parameters of noise and vibration are ensured.

8.4 In order to prevent the formation of gas contamination zones and their localization, planning solutions for buildings and territories should be developed that take into account aeration conditions and ensure sanitary and hygienic standards for atmospheric air quality.

9 Durability and maintainability

9.1 Elements, parts, equipment with service lives shorter than the expected service life of the building must be replaced in accordance with the between-repair periods established in the project and taking into account the requirements of the design assignment.

9.2 Structures and parts of buildings and their equipment must be made of materials that are resistant to possible influences of moisture, low temperatures, aggressive environments, biological and other adverse factors, or protected from their influence in accordance with SP 28.13330, GOST 28574, GOST 28575.

9.3 When calculating structures, emergency situations arising in connection with an explosion, collision, fire, which can lead to failure or weakening of any structural element and cause progressive collapse, must be considered.

10 Engineering equipment

10.2 The drainage of rain and melt water from the roofs of multifunctional buildings equipped with a system of internal drains, if possible, should be carried out through outlets into a closed intra-block storm sewer system in accordance with the technical conditions.

10.3 Buildings should be equipped with heating, ventilation, and, if necessary, air conditioning systems that provide appropriate temperature, humidity, air purification and disinfection.

Heating, ventilation, smoke protection, air conditioning should be designed in accordance with SP 60.13330, SP 7.13130, GOST 30494, GOST R 52539.

10.4 When supplying heat from a common ITP of residential and public premises, each of the systems should be connected via independent pipelines from the distribution (supply) and collection (return) collectors with the installation, if necessary, of heat meters for consumers of each group.

10.5 Ventilation and air conditioning systems should be designed with the possibility of their autonomous control from the room in which the user is located.

10.6 When installing a central air conditioning system, a safe refrigerant should be used; For local applications, it is permissible to use freon or similar refrigerants. Window air conditioners are not allowed.

10.7 Air ducts for ventilation of public premises are not allowed to be laid through residential premises. They can be placed in stairwells or outside corridors.

Pressure sections of air ducts of ventilation systems, the air of which may contain harmful substances of hazard class 1-2 according to GOST 12.1.007, should not be laid inside the building.

10.8 Buildings should be equipped with electrical equipment, electric lighting, telephone installation, dispatch and automation systems for engineering equipment, a television and radio broadcasting network, a wired radio broadcasting and cable television network, and the Internet.

10.9 According to the degree of reliability of power supply, electrical receivers of multifunctional buildings should be classified into reliability categories I and II, the requirements for which are also given in.

Electrical receivers of reliability category I should include fire protection systems (fire alarms, elevators for lifting fire departments, warning people about a fire), evacuation and emergency lighting, light fencing lights, communication systems, safety and security, central telecommunications equipment, electrical receivers of engineering systems of the complex , automation and dispatch systems for engineering equipment, control room premises, ASUD (automated dispatch control system), IIASUE (measuring integrated automated energy saving management system) and, if necessary, others.

The remaining electrical receivers are classified as reliability category II.

10.10 In multifunctional buildings and complexes, power supply to electrical receivers of reliability category I must be provided from two independent mutually redundant power sources with an automatic transfer device (ATS).

Power supply to fire protection systems should be carried out from separate main switchboard panels with distinctive markings, in two independent directions, reaching the switchgear of each fire compartment.

10.11 The construction of built-in and attached transformer substations is allowed on the first, ground or first underground floors with exit directly to the outside. They should use only dry transformers.

Residential and public premises should not be located above, below or adjacent to built-in and attached transformer substations.

10.12 It is recommended that the automation and dispatch system for engineering equipment be uniform for the entire building. This system should be controlled from a control room, which can be located both in the designed multifunctional facility and outside it. It is recommended to build the system on a modular basis and have the ability to flexibly add on to process signals of different types without rebuilding the entire system, as well as to have the ability to connect new zones, control or management areas to the dispatch system with access to the dispatcher's console.

It is necessary to ensure high reliability of the system and build it on the basis of a decentralized local network across fire compartments, ensuring the exchange of information between controllers, control equipment, information collection equipment and the central control panel of the dispatcher.

10.13 It is not allowed to provide domestic gas supply systems in multifunctional buildings of 11 floors or more, including gas-fueled kitchen stoves.

It is not allowed to install gas equipment in kitchens of public premises intended for public catering.

10.14 The need for and features of dust collection and waste removal systems are determined in the design assignment.

11 Energy saving

11.1 The design of architectural, functional-technological, structural and engineering solutions for multifunctional buildings and complexes must be carried out taking into account the requirements for the efficient use of energy resources and ensuring the internal microclimate of premises based on

11.5 Assignment of energy saving classes B and A to a multifunctional building or complex is carried out only if the following mandatory energy saving measures are included in the project:

Construction of individual heating points that reduce energy costs for circulation in hot water supply systems and are equipped with automated systems for managing and accounting for the consumption of energy resources, hot and cold water;

The use of energy-saving lighting systems for common premises, equipped with motion and light sensors;

Application of reactive power compensation devices for elevator motors, pumping and ventilation equipment.

11.6 Thermal engineering calculations for atriums, winter gardens and glazed verandas are carried out on the basis of heat and air balance equations, which are given in the List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms