Deity Vajrasattva - meditation on improving karma. Text, meaning of the hundred-syllable mantra of Buddha Vajrasattva Purpose and benefits of the mantra

Karmaraksha about the Power of the Holy Name Vajrasattva - Translation from Sanskrit of the Brief Essence Mantra of Purification - "OM VAJRASATTVA HUM"

Part No. 3

This is the Famous Tibetan Mantra OM BENZA SATO HUNG! :))

Let's consider the translation in the context of the Three Dimensions and Five Wisdoms! And let's also look at several levels of meaning.


I realize the Highest State of Vajrasattva (Indestructible Essence)!

To put it very simply, “I realize the Body, Speech and Mind of Vajrasattva!”

By the Omnipresent Grace of the Buddha (in the Five Aspects of Self-Existence)!
By the Omnipresent Grace of Body, Speech and Mind of All Enlightened Beings
May we attain the Nondual Realization of the Indestructible Wisdom
and Compassionate Magickal Activity
Three Dimensions and Five Wisdoms!

By the Omnipresent Grace of the Buddha (in the Five Aspects of Self-Existence)
By the Omnipresent Grace of Body, Speech and Mind of All Enlightened Beings


This is exactly what the “SHADAKSHARA MANTRA OF VAJRASATTVA” is about - the Six-Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva! She is also the Brief and Essential Mantra of Vajrasattva!

Who is Vajrasattva? "Hu from m. Vajrasattva?"!

Look at the values ​​for yourself "VA" - "JRA", "WAJ" - "RA", "VAJRA""SAT", "TVA" "SATTVA":

1) SAT(Dictionary meanings)

सत् -adj. honest, right, present, solid, good, solid, real, factual, true, good, respectable, happeningvital, wise, beautiful!

सत् - excellent, existing, happening, really appearing. "good or honest or wise or respectable people""what, which is good or real or true"

सत् - “good or wise person”, truth, reality, water, advantage, good person

2) And now a little bit about " TVA "

त्वम् tvam - you - You

कः त्वम् ? - kaH tvam? - Who are you? - Who are you?
तत्त्व - TAT_TVA- Reality, being, truth, a real state, principle, element, elementary real estate, truth, principle, essence of elements, essence or substance from nothing, originality, axiom.
तत्व - TA_TVA- Reality, truth!
That is TVA- This is the Essence-Essence
SAT(Being, Light, Truth, Truth, Purity, Reality, Justice and Faith)

3) And सत्त्व - SATTVA -Wisdom, clarity, harmony, strength of character,

  • truth, essence, hardness, reality

  • question, location means,permission being.

  • thing, spirit, nature, object, spiritual essence, creation, generosity, consciousness

  • material or elemental substance

  • vital breath, quality of purity or goodness, existence, good meaning

  • relating to the qualities of sattva, also the first.

  • rudiment from life, fruit, life, kindness, mind, energy,

  • self-control, living being, sentient being, character.

This is how diverse and meaningful the term is SATTVA !

Vajrasattva - vajrasattva is a Being of Indestructible Wisdom and...! I repeat, because this is important,Buddha has a separate commentary name meanings " Vajrasattva" V " Hevajra"tantra!

" Vajragarbha asked:

Why Vajrasattva?
How so Mahasattva?

And for what reason Samayasattva?

Won't he explain it to me? Bhagavan?

Bhagavan replied:

1) Vajra name because indestructible ;

2) Sattva - because he unites three beings . Because of this reasoning, he is called Vajrasattva.

3) It's fulfilled scent of Great Wisdom , and that's why his name isMahasattva .

4) Since he always true to his vow , his name is Most sattva ."

Regarding the history of the term " Vajra", weapons of Indra, about what they are like, “fire and water, thunder and lightning,the inevitable magic of retribution and the removal of obstacles"Most information is found on this topicin Vedic literature and sources.

If you look at the essence, then Vajra these are the three indestructible dimensions of Buddha (Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, Nirmanakaya)! A Sattva - this Creature which is the indivisible Unity of these Three Dimensions. Also, Va - this is the indestructibility of the Vajra, A Jra - his Compassionate Magical Activity.Limiting ourselves to this for now, let’s summarize:

Vajrasattva isCreature of the UnbreakableWisdom, Honor-Loyalty and Compassionate Magical Activity!"

If you expand " VAJRA" How " WAJ" And " RA" or " RA(M)", then we get the brute force element of the Water element (" WAJ"), which can represent the Power of the Peaceful-Calm manifestations of Buddha Vajrasattva and all Buddhas and the syllable RA (RAM, only without bindu" M". but the bindu is at the end of the mantra HUM !). RAM- a syllable of the element of Fire and Light! In this context, the element of Fire, Light and Power of the Wrathful Compassionate Manifestations of Buddha Vajrasattva may appear! RAM, also Victorious Syllable of Excellent Purification, Rudra Bija, and Bija Mantra of Historical Rama( RAM- Holy Name)!

By the way, it is interesting that according to the Laotian Poem " PRALAK PRAYAM",
"FRAME" is the previous incarnation of Buddha!

VAJRA- Indestructible, by the way, was the name of Krishna’s grandson in the Mahabharata, who survived the battle with clubs.
VAJRABALA- Strong as Thunder!
VAJRAVEGA- Fast as Lightning!
VAJRA- Decoration of the Gods and Weapons of Indra, Shiva-Rudra, Vishnu, which causes thunder, lightning, torrents of rain, etc.
VAJRA- Lightning-fast, Thunder-like Wisdom of Existence, Power and Activity of the Deities, promoting Liberation!


By the way, it is interesting that the famous Vedic names " SATI" And " SATYAVATI" mean SATI- "WITH ushaya", "Real", "Existing", "Truthful", "Honest".And SATYAVATI - " TRUTH-TELLER", "TRUTH-TELLER", "TRUE", "RIGHTEOUS", "FAIR" - Accordingly "VAJRA+SATTVA" - THIS NON-DUAL WISDOM OF BLISS OF ALL-PERPEUTABLE AND COMPREHENSIVE WISDOM!

AND " VAJRA" or Vajra symbolizes Vajra-Scepter, A " SATTV" or Sattva symbolizes Vajra Bell in the hands of Vajrasattva! The result of the merger of which is Nondual Bliss - "VAJRASATTVA"

And we abide and integrate everything in this Blissful state with " HUM"!

VAJRASATTVA'S WHITE LIGHT - This is the Light of Primordial Purity! And this White Light represents the unity of all the colors of the spectrum and the Inseparable Unity of the Wisdom of All Buddhas!


The word itself VAJRA"has the function of Purification, Strength and Calming Activity, represents Mirror-like Wisdom and personifies Perfection of Form all Buddhas! Vajrasattva bestows Vajra siddhi, bestows Siddhi blessings of all Tathagatas, bestows siddhi blessings of Peaceful, Joyful and Wrathful manifestations of Buddhas or Deities!

VAJRASATTVA- this is the Name of Truth and the Word of Truth! And therefore His Merits are innumerable! This Holy Name is the Blessing of all Tathagatas!

There is a sloka in the Padma Purana, which is given in Hari bhakti-vilasa (2.527):

"If any Devotee chants the Holy Name of the Lord once, or if it penetrates his mind or enters his ears, then the Holy Name will certainly liberate him from material bondage, whether it is chanted correctly or incorrectly, or whether it is correctly combined or pronounce different parts of the name.
O brahmanas, therefore the power of the Holy Name is great."

Dzogchen master Namkhai Norbu in his “Teachings of Semde” writes about purification with the Vajrasattva mantra:

"The hundred-syllable [mantra] represents one hundred manifestations of the mandala of the body, that is, one hundred forms manifested in the various functions of our energy. In fact, the hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva is not only Vajrasattva, but all Tathagatas or Realized Beings. Therefore, it is considered a very important means for activating their Wisdom. When we do this Practice, we enter into communication with all Tathagatas with a request to receive their Wisdom, thereby purifying and eliminating obstacles and hindrances."

And since in Six-syllable mantra" OM VAJRASATTVA HUM"the very essence and Heart of the 100 Hundred Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva is concentrated, then 6 syllabic, with the right attitude, pronunciation and understanding, it becomes a very powerful means of purifying, removing obstacles and activating the Wisdom of all Realized Beings!

Also, we understand the importance of fulfilling our obligations and agreements,the importance of maintaining vajra relationships between practitioners, teachers and students,and we try to fulfill them properly,and if we don’t fulfill them, or forget about them, ignore them, etc.then we break our vow,and obstacles, problems and tensions only multiply and multiply.It is important to realize that the mostimportant for Realization and it is associated with purity, honor and loyalty,and it must be taken care of, protected, supported, fulfilled, andclean with effective and environmentally friendly means and methods:

Through practice:

1) Sutra (By the Way of Renunciation, Accumulation of Merit, Increase of Virtue, Concentration and Will, which is equivalent to Raja Yoga)

Through practice:

2) Tantra-Vajrayana (Through Transformation and Accumulation of Energy, Transfiguration of Vision, which is equivalent to Kundalini Yoga)

Through practice:

3) Maha Ati-Dzogpachenpo (By Self-liberation of Self-perfection, by Integration of Mind and Transcendental Wisdom, which is equivalent to Mahamudra and Jnana Yoga), as well as purification in the basic and fundamental dimension of Refuge

Through practice:

4) Namo-Namaha(i.e. Cooperation, Service and worship of the Guru-Teacher, Deities, sacred Mandala, Sangha, Divine Helpers and Noble entourage, practice of rituals, kirtans, bhajans, sacred vajra joy dances and vajra joy songs, which is equivalent to Kriya-Karma-Yoga and Bhakti -Yoga)

Accordingly, each level has its own unique methods and practices. None of the levels is higher or lower. The practice of “Beings of Unbreakable Wisdom, Honor-Loyalty and Compassionate Magical Activity” is self-sufficient and does not exclude or reject any of them and works perfectly on all these conditionally 4-5 levels. Actually, the practice of Vajrasattva is another universal option and way of practicing Guru Yoga.

Thus, by the Omnipresent Grace of the Buddha (in the Five Aspects of Self-Existence)
By the Omnipresent Grace of Body, Speech and Mind of all Enlightened Beings
may all our accumulations (the sense organs and their faculties, the organs of action and their faculties, and the mind and its faculties) become
Truly Divine, Enlightened and Blessed!

Tadyatha OM panchendriya avabodhana ye svaha

तद्यथा ॐ पञ्चेन्द्रिय अवबोधन र्य स्वाहा
ཏདྱ་ཐཱ། ཨོཾ པཉྩནྡྲི་ཡ་ཨཱ་བ་བོ་དྷཱ་ན་ཡེ་སྭཱ་ཏཱ།


I finished the comments and began chanting the Vajrasattva mantra at 16.00, April 27, 2015, Moscow. Immediately lightning flashed, thunder roared, a swift wind rose, and a cleansing downpour poured in!


This 10th lunar day, Guru Padmasambhava Day, inspires and impresses! Glory to the Guru and all Vajra Lords! Glory Always! Hooray!


(For those who are burning with desire
or wants to know even more about what happens when we shout
Holy Name "Vajrasattva"
I recommend checking it out for yourself on the Internet.
with translations of the Vajrashekhara Sutra - by the way,
approximate translations into Russian of the Sutra (Tantra) of the Diamond Peak,
Sutra (Tantra) of the Vajra or Diamond Crown or Diadem
(Vajra or Diamond Crown or Peak).

The Buddhist mantra of Vajrasattva is one of the most effective and popular in Tibet and India. It is called magical and miraculous. The perfectly chosen sound of sacred sounds, grouped into one hundred syllables, has a powerful effect on and produces dramatic changes on the physical plane.

Let's consider the topic: mantra practice - the hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva. How many times do you need to say the text, at what time of day, how many days in a row - all the answers will be in the article.

Vajrasattva in Buddhism and Hinduism

Vajrasattva is the embodiment of purity and purity. This image in Buddhism symbolizes sincerity, sinlessness and freshness. Vajrasattva is depicted on a lotus throne with a lunar disk.

In his right hand he holds a vajra - a symbol of steadfastness and compassion. With his left hand, Vajrasattva holds silver bells - a symbol of spirituality and wisdom.

The word "vajrasattva" is translated as "diamond indestructible being." There are other interpretations of this word - “the soul of lightning”, “a force similar to a strike of thunder and lightning.” Under this name are united five incarnations of Buddhas who have achieved enlightenment, purity, harmony and fortitude.

Effect of the mantra

The hundred-syllable mantra has been known since ancient times; it was used by Buddhist monks to rid the soul of sins, correct karma and move to a new level of perception. The power of the mantra is so great that it can correct the karma of a person’s past incarnations.

The text is written in sacred language and has no literal translation. Through the utterance of sacred sounds, a person turns to the divine essence with a request to cleanse the soul and grant enlightenment.

As a result of practicing the mantra, you can achieve the following results:

  • get rid of chronic diseases;
  • relieve mental suffering;
  • get rid of immoral thoughts;
  • get rid of internal blocks - anger, envy, jealousy;
  • calm the soul and achieve enlightenment;
  • understand your earthly purpose;
  • cleanse yourself of induced negative magic;

The mantra has an effect only on those people who sincerely want to get rid of their own negativity, strive to comprehend wisdom and gain enlightenment. Without a sincere pure heart it is impossible to achieve spirituality.

Here is what is written in Tantra about the practice of the 100-syllable mantra:

How to Practice Mantra

The sacred text can be listened to recorded, sung or read. To better enter a meditative state, take a cleansing shower or bath and burn incense - aroma sticks with the scent of sandalwood or lotus. Smells excite the human astral body and tune in to perceive transcendental vibrations.

At the beginning of practice, you can simply listen to the words in the recording, then try to repeat it out loud. During meditation, you need to imagine the image of Vajrasattva or contemplate the image in the picture. In Buddhism, Vajrasattva is a symbol of purification and deliverance.

When you learn the text of the mantra, repeat it along with the recording. In the future, you can practice the mantra yourself, using rosaries with beads - 108 pieces (the one hundred and ninth bead in the rosary is used for separation). According to Buddhist beliefs, one who recites a mantra a million times can achieve enlightenment during his lifetime.

Literary translation of the text:

How many days does the mantra practice - the 100 syllable mantra of Vajrasattva? It should be read 108 times (or 21 times) daily. The more days you devote to practice, the better for you. The time of day for practice does not matter: the main thing is that no one bothers you. Some yogis recommend meditating completely naked. If there is such an opportunity, be sure to take advantage of it.

The Vajrasattva mantra is practiced with visualization - you need to imagine the image of a golden Buddha above you. If visualization does not work, you can look at a statuette or image of a Buddha.

To receive cleansing of sins, you must sincerely repent in your heart - otherwise you will not be able to achieve cleansing. However, your soul must make a conscious decision - not to commit any more sins, to follow the path of wisdom and purity. If you are not ready for such a decision, ask higher powers to give you understanding.

The Vajrasattva mantra is a mantra for purifying karma of enormous power. How does the practitioner feel on a physical level after mediation? The result of practice is:

  • feeling of lightness in the body;
  • less need for sleep;
  • good health; clarity of memory and thinking;
  • development of intuition.

The Tantra of Pure Repentance says that one who practices daily meditation becomes a son of the Buddhas during life and a Bodhisattva after death.

Listen to Vajrasattva's mantra in the recording.

By practicing the Vajrasattva mantra, a person can purify himself, know himself, reach a new spiritual level, and also be cured of many ailments. The use of this miraculous text, according to the beliefs of practicing yogis, allows one to achieve a state of enlightenment much faster than other methods.


Vajrasattva in Hinduism and Buddhism

Vajrasattva is the image of Buddha nature and the main deity of tantra (esoteric Indian tradition).

In Hinduism

In Hinduism, Vajrasattva is characterized as follows:

  1. In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Vajrasattva is called differently - Buddha Akshobhya, which means “unshakable” and “unchangeable”. Akshobhya transforms the anger of living beings into pure wisdom and teaches them to see things unclouded.
  2. In Tibet, Vajrasattva is called Dorje Sempa. It means "diamond mind."
  3. The body of this god in a peaceful incarnation has snow-white skin - this symbolizes purity. The wrathful incarnation of the god is Vishuddha Heruka with blue skin and six arms. In his lower hands are bowls in the shape of a skull - kapals - which symbolize the impermanence of existence, and in his upper hands - weapons.

In Buddhism

In Buddhism, Vajrasattva is a symbol of purification and deliverance. The rituals of this religion also use a vajra, which resembles an ancient scepter. Depictions of Vajrasattva in Buddhism hold the vajra in his right hand.

This item symbolizes:

  • awakened consciousness;
  • karuna—compassion;
  • I'll fall - a skillful method.

Vajrasattva is often depicted with his wife, whom he embraces - both in a peaceful and in an angry guise.

Effect of the mantra

The mantra works like this:

  • cures many chronic diseases;
  • capable of purifying karma;
  • the soul is deprived of suffering;
  • understanding of one’s earthly purpose comes;
  • karmic load is cleansed and corrected;
  • the practitioner gets rid of internal blocks: anger, envy, jealousy;
  • peace of mind comes;
  • enlightenment is achieved;
  • a person is cleansed of induced negative magic.

How to practice correctly?

You need to practice the mantra like this:

  1. First, the words of the mantra are listened to in the recording several times.
  2. Then you need to try to repeat it by ear, maintaining the rhythm and intonation.
  3. During meditation, you need to imagine the image of Vajrasattva or contemplate the image in the picture.
  4. It is necessary to repeat the mantra every day, and not from time to time.
  5. You can sing and listen to prayer at a convenient time of day. In this case, listening to the mantra works as well as reciting it.
  6. It is best to practice alone, in a familiar, comfortable room.

Some experienced yogis insist that it is more effective to chant this mantra naked.

The video shows an example of reading a mantra. Courtesy of Magic Mantra Channel.

Vajrasattva texts with translation

There is a short version of reading this mantra and a long one, also known as the table mantra.

The short mantra goes like this:


Interpretation of the mantra in Russian:

I take refuge in the Three Jewels. I will liberate all sentient beings and bring them to awakening. Therefore, I perfectly generate the attitude of achieving enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Meditation for the hundred-syllable mantra

Features of meditation for the hundred-syllable mantra:

  • when reading it, you need to focus on the image of Vajrasattva;
  • you need to imagine that this god is hovering above your head, as a white light emanates from his body, which penetrates the reader through the crown;
  • one should think about how the purified body glows white.

The long version of the mantra goes like this:



The video shows the practice of the Vajrasattva Mantra. Taken by user Inna Romanenko.

Vajrasattva is a bodhisattva, the main deity used by practitioners at all levels of Tantra. Depending on the methods of practice, he can be visualized alone or with his spouse.

Vajrasattva has a white body color, which denotes his impeccable purity. Like Vajradara, of whom he is a manifestation, Vajrasattva holds a vajra, symbolizing method, in his right hand and a dilba (bell), symbolizing wisdom, in his left. Vajrasattva is dressed in beautiful silk robes and precious jewelry. Vajrasattva is the personification of the principle of purification.

Tantric methods of transformation (transformation) will not produce deep and perfect results as long as our body, speech and mind remain polluted by the obscurations accumulated due to our past harmful physical, speech and mental actions. To achieve perfection in our spiritual practice, we must not only avoid such harmful actions now and in the future, but we must also cleanse ourselves of all the negativity that we have accumulated over many lifetimes. Vajrasattva practice is the main method recommended by various traditions of Vajrayana Buddhism for such purification. Additionally, these methods are very effective in correcting broken vows.

The word "Vajrasattva" has several meanings: "Diamond Soul" or "Soul of Lightning", "Nature of Diamond", "Diamond Nature", "Strength Like a Lightning Strike", "Power of Thunder", "Diamond Mind" or "Lightning Mind" . In a tantric context, the meaning indicates the possessor of an indestructible state of consciousness, in other words, the vajra is a symbol of Buddha nature. “Vajrasattva” is the personification of the essence of our own pure, diamond nature.

Vajrasattva represents the synthesis of the Five Dhyani Buddhas - a group of five celestial Buddhas that are visualized during meditation. They are not historical figures and therefore should be distinguished from historical Buddhas such as Gautama Buddha or Padma Sambhava. He is sometimes called the sixth Dhyani Buddha.

The Five Dhyani Buddhas, along with Vajrasattva, are the central deities of esoteric Buddhism. They represent five different aspects of enlightened consciousness and serve as guides to spiritual transformation. Students of Tibetan Buddhism begin to practice meditation on the Five Dhyani Buddhas through the sixth Dhyani Buddha - Vajrasattva.

Vajrasattva is depicted in two forms: single and in the Yab-Yum union.

The white single form has one face and two arms, the right hand holds a golden vajra (Tib. dorje) at the heart, and the left hand holds a silver bell with the hollow part of the bell facing up at the hip. The form of the deity sits cross-legged in a meditative pose (padmasana, lotus pose) on a blossoming lotus, on top of which lies the flat disk of the moon, forming the throne of Vajrasattva. Vajrasattva has precious ornaments and Sambhogakaya silk robes. In meditation, this form is imagined as insubstantial, like a rainbow, as a union of form and pure appearance.

There are images of Vajrasattva in both white and blue colors.

In the Yab-Yum union, his wife holds a curved knife (Sanskrit kartika / symbolizes cutting off the root of the Three Poisons) in her right hand and a skull cup (Sanskrit dripping) in her left.

Vajrasattva Hundred Syllable Mantra

As an addition to personal practice, the Vajrasattva mantra has the ability to purify karma, bring peace, alleviate the suffering of the person reading or listening to the mantra, and cause enlightenment in general. It is believed that it purifies the karma of not only this incarnation, but also many other incarnations. Simply by repeating the Hundred Syllable Mantra 21 times, we prevent negative karma from growing and purify it. The mantra cures many chronic diseases. Clears away harmful qualities such as anger, envy, hatred. Used to prepare the mind for more advanced tantric techniques.

"Dorje Sampa or Vajrasattva Meditation is the most effective and most wonderful purification practice that belongs to both sutra and tantra. The purpose of this meditation is to purify us from all kinds of delusion and confusion in the mind, everything negative, and negative karmic structures that emerge as a result of this confusion and error." (Kalu Rinpoche. “The Jewel Ornament of Various Oral Instructions.”)

Many Tibetan empowerments begin with an invocation of Vajrasattva. To purify and prepare for further progress along the path of enlightenment, candidates meditate on him and repeat his mantra. Ultimately the disciple comes to the realization that he is to find Vajrasattva at the center of his own being, seated on the lotus throne in the secret abode of the heart.

In his dictation given in 1993, Vajrasattva, speaking as a representative of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, explained how they help us: “We help you discover your innermost essence - the secret abode of the soul, which turned out to be closed to it due to karma and excessive desires. We open hidden doors, and the desired door becomes an open door for further advancement.

If the soul has the courage, and you inspire, support and guide it, bathing it with love and compassion, then it will be able to open these doors and enter. And if you have taken care of the needs of your soul, it will come to know its inner Christ and its inner Buddha.

You can visualize Vajrasattva as a golden Buddha, shining as if illuminated by the dazzling rays of the sun. He sits in the lotus position and holds the vajra scepter in his right hand at the level of his heart. In his left hand he has a bell.

The vajra represents his compassion, and the bell represents great wisdom. Compassion and wisdom are the basic pair of virtues needed to achieve self-realization. On another level, the vajra and bell symbolize the Buddha's enlightened mind and body in blissful union with perfect Reality.

The practice of the Vajrasattva mantra helps to cleanse oneself from sins and remove spiritual obstacles.

Transliteration of the Hundred Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva

oṃ va jra sa ttva sa ma ya ma nu pā la ya va jra sa ttva tve no pa ti ṣṭha dṛ ḍho me bha va su to ṣyo me bha va su po ṣyo me bha va a nu ra kto me bha va sa rva si ddhiṃ me pra ya ccha sa rva ka rma su ca me ci ttaṃ śre yaḥ ku ru hūṃ ha ha ha ha hoḥ bha ga van sa rva ta thā ga ta va jra mā me mu ñca va jrī bha va ma hā sa ma ya āḥ sa ttva aḥ hūṃ phaṭ

Russian reading of the Hundred Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva



100-syllable mantra (translation)
Translation by Batarov V.

Vajrasattva, protect my obligations,
Vajrasattva, support me,
Please stay firmly with me.
Make sure you are pleased with me.
Always be open to me.
Be kind to me.
Grant me the realization of all achievements.
Make sure that all my actions are good.
Please make my mind always virtuous.
Enlightened Conqueror, Having Achieved Suchness,
Vajrasattva, don't leave me -
Having great obligations.

Additional explanations
“Om”, consisting of three letters, symbolizes the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddha.
“Hung” is the seed syllable symbolizing primordial awareness.
“Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho” symbolizes the five types of primordial awareness or wisdom.
“A” means that phenomena lack their inherent nature.

One Indian work writes about the meaning of the hundred-syllable mantra:

The reader of One Hundred Syllables is not affected by illnesses, torments, premature death,
The reader of One Hundred Syllables is not surrounded by poverty, misfortune, grief, troubles.
His enemies are crushed to dust, his wishes are immediately fulfilled,
To the reader of One Hundred Syllables may he have a son, if he desires a son,
Or wealth, if he so desires, or land, which he previously lost.
Anyone who strives for longevity, let him incessantly say Hundred Syllables,
And if he thinks: “The years have flown by,”
That's three hundred times more years ahead!
And the same person, lucky in this world,
In Bliss, Sukhavati will be reborn.
The reader of One Hundred Syllables is not threatened
Neither ghouls-khados, nor undead rolangi, nor various evil spirits, nor demons of oblivion.
By constantly reading those Hundred Syllables, a stupid fool will gain understanding,
The villain will see Bhagavan Buddha,
And the unfortunate is constant luck,
Both melancholy and unsteadiness will disappear.
A hundred syllable will cleanse the worst villain,
And in this and in future lives he will be the Lord of the Universe.
And finally, in the equanimity of freedom,
The reader will achieve Awakening.

The Tantra for Decorating the Vajra Essence says:

Clearly visualizing, in accordance with the usual sadhana, the jeweled Vajrasattva with a vajra and a dilba in his hands, embodying the one body of all Buddhas, sitting in the center of the lunar disk, lying on a white lotus, recite the hundred-syllable mantra twenty-one times, this will stop the growth of the root falls and eradicate the smaller ones flaws. Practice this method between main meditations. If the hundred-syllable mantra is repeated with such contemplation one hundred thousand times, then this will completely eliminate the consequences of falls and restore broken vows and obligations in all purity.”

The Tantra of Pure Repentance says:

"The hundred-syllable mantra is the very essence of the heart of all sugatas. It purifies all weakening and broken vows and all obscurations. If this highest expression of repentance is repeated one hundred and eight times in a row, then one can restore all weakened and broken vows and be saved from falling into the lower worlds. That “Whoever chooses to repeat the hundred-syllable mantra as his daily practice and carries it out, already during his lifetime becomes a son for the Buddhas of the three times and receives their protection, and after death he will undoubtedly become the best of bodhisattvas.”

And it is also said that if you are diligent in the practice of this contemplation and reading the mantra, then you will be completely cleansed of your small and medium-sized atrocities. Your great evils will not increase, but will fade away and gradually be completely washed away.
Generally speaking, if you truly believe in the doctrine of action and result, then you will inevitably renounce all your harmful actions. And then your repentance will become completely sincere and genuine. Insight will inevitably follow purification. But those who simply mutter prayers and violate the practices of monastic life, who have not cultivated true faith and repentance, will have no more Insight than the hair of a turtle.

And this is Thangka Vajrasattva Yab-Yum. Buddhist traditional painting. A thangka depicting Vajrasattva and Vajravarani Yab-yum (Tib. Dorje sempa) is quite rare in Tibetan painting. This is due to the fact that previously tantric images could be seen by people with the appropriate initiation. Tanka visualizes ritual sexual intercourse (Tib. Yab-yum) symbolizing the union of Method and Wisdom - the parents of enlightenment.

Video "Vajrasattva Hundred Syllable Mantra in Free Performance":

Mandalas Vajrasattva

Hello, curious readers! Today you will find out what kind of deity Vajrasattva is, what most important Buddhist practice cannot do without his participation, and what sacred significance its implementation has for any Buddhist.

A little from the theory of teaching

Vajrayana symbolizes the highest stage of development of Indian Buddhism. In contrast, it offers a path to enlightenment several kalpas (billions of years) long, although it is its branch, it attracts its adherents because the state of Buddhahood can be achieved in one life, while remaining in one’s body.

The word "vajra" originally referred to the scepter of the thunder and lightning god Indra, but it has other meanings as well. In particular, it is “diamond” or, in the old way, adamant.

Diamond is known to be extremely hard. In this regard, the word “vajra”, according to Buddhist concepts, means the indestructible state and perfection of enlightened consciousness, which arises suddenly, like a flash of lightning.

Therefore, Vajrayana is also called the Diamond Way (vehicle).

Description of the deity

The rituals also use a vajra, which resembles an ancient scepter. This item symbolizes:

  • awakened consciousness;
  • karuna—compassion;
  • I'll fall - a skillful method.

The Vajra can be seen in Vajrasattva's right hand. In Tibet he is called Dorje Sempa, which means “diamond mind.” He is mentioned in two sutras: Vajrasekhara and Mahavairocana.

Vajrasattva personifies the Buddha, who helps to remove all negativity from a person’s karma. He is often depicted with a vajra pressed to his heart, while in his left hand he holds a bell with the hollow part facing up.

The bell is associated in Buddhist practice with wisdom (prajna) and emptiness. Thus, Vajrasattva holds in his hands a reminder that enlightenment can be achieved through the combination of method and wisdom, compassion and emptiness.

Vajrasattva is usually depicted sitting on a flat moon, which lies on a lotus flower. His legs are crossed, his feet are turned upward, in the so-called Vajrasana pose.

The body of the deity is similar to other Buddha images. But he personifies the mind, which knows everything.

The deity wears a large number of jewelry - earrings, necklaces, tiara and others. They are also symbolic - they are different facets of the Buddha's mind.

His tiara has five prominent decorations. They say that the deity has perfectly mastered the Five Wisdoms - the Five Takhtagat, which are a community of five skandhas:

  • Rupa – material body, corresponds to the Buddha Vairocana;
  • Vedana - perception - from Ratnasambhava;
  • Samjna - mental actions and conclusions - from Amitabha;
  • Samskara - manifestations of karma - from Amoghasiddhi;
  • Vijnana - discriminating consciousness - with Akshobhya.

Vajrasattva's body has snow-white skin, indicating purity. In both peaceful and angry form, he is often depicted hugging his spouse.

Vishuddha Heruka is considered to be his wrathful incarnation.

He is six-armed, blue in color, in his lower hands he has cups - bowls in the shape of a skull, reminiscent of the impermanence of all things, and in his upper hands - weapons. It is believed that the practice of his tantra directly leads to enlightenment.

Completing the cleansing procedure

Any person consists of four components:

  • object;
  • motivation;
  • action;
  • completion.

If all these parts are involved, then karma will manifest itself powerfully in a positive or negative sense. The practice of Vajrasattva was created to cleanse negative karma when it is formed.

There are many meditative contemplations in Kriya Tantra. The Gelug school suggests contemplating Vajrasattva before going to bed.

To do this, you need to have a rosary with a prominent twenty-first bead, so as not to be distracted by counting, and recite the hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva from twenty-one to one hundred and eight times:









Sometimes you can pronounce it in a shortened version: OM VAJRA SATTVAH HUM.

First you need to visualize Vajrasattva in front of you, and then above your head, sitting on a lotus.

It is necessary to create four opposing conditions to eliminate negative karma, such as:

  • repentance;
  • support potential;
  • purification of the mind;
  • the power of determination.

Before starting sadhana (spiritual practice), it is necessary to create the necessary motivation, that is, think about much more effective help to all living creatures on their path to becoming a bodhisattva after purifying karma.

Then you should sincerely repent, while meditating on changeability and dormition - focus on the three realities that exist in the existence of every person:

  • death will come someday;
  • the end of life is unknown to anyone;
  • at the moment of departure, the teaching will help the adept; material things cannot do this.

After this, they think about the indescribable amount of negative karma that has been accumulated over several of their lives through wrong speech, thoughts and actions.

Negative karma is like poison: it acts, even if taken secretly, and it is impossible to hide from its effects anywhere.

According to the law of cause and effect, whatever cause is created, such an effect is obtained. This is also immutable for karma. And its manifestations will inevitably have to be experienced.

Having realized the acceptance of this poison, you need to think about support, where can you find a refuge that can save you from negative consequences? For any Buddhist, this is the Buddha, his teachings - and the Sangha - the community of monks.

Having relied on their protection, you should proceed directly to the cleansing process. To do this, imagining Vajrasattva, first think about the negative actions of the body: committed theft, murder, adultery and similar things, sincerely repent of doing this and recite the above-mentioned mantra, deeply regretting what they have done.

They imagine how a dazzling radiance and nectar emerge from Vajrasattva and flow into an imaginary gap at the top of the person being purified, completely filling the body and removing all kinds of dirt from it.

After descending cleansing, you should apply the ascending technique, without ceasing to recite the mantra, visualizing the deity. All impurities appear to be carried upward in an avalanche of radiance and nectar through the upper body.

For a successful result, you need to know the hundred-syllable mantra from memory and say it automatically, without interrupting the visualization and sincerely repenting. And the work with the body is completed by the representation of spontaneous or spontaneous purification: the penetration of the radiance of Vajrasattva instantly destroys negative karma.

The purification of speech is done in the same way, only this time they regret their lies, swear words spoken, insults inflicted on someone. And it needs to be completed by cleansing the mind. Afterwards, it is necessary to repent of actions that involved speech, mind and body at the same time.

Buddhist teachings say that karma can be accumulated and created. The accumulated one is created unconsciously; the individual has no idea what he has done. But when performing a bad deed with joy, karma is both created and accumulated.

If a person does something unseemly and immediately regrets it, this is already accumulated, but not created, karma. And finally, created but not accumulated karma is a bad intention that could not be realized due to external reasons.

The teaching says that by doing something bad, while triumphing, a person will receive retribution during his lifetime.

At the end of the cleansing practice, one should imagine that the entire stream of dirt from the adept rushed into the open mouth of some monster that is located underground. It turns into nectar, and the monster begins to feel warm feelings towards the person being purified.

This is how forgiveness manifests itself. After this, the visualized mouth is slammed and mentally closed tightly with the help of two vajras crosswise.

Then the person being purified begins the fourth stage of practice: he expresses a firm determination to do everything in his power so as not to repeat such mistakes as those for which he repented. He dedicates the merit created through meditation to his purification.


Whenkarmaaccumulated, but not created, this is not so scary, it is easily cleaned. The worst thing is whenkarmacreated and accumulated, it is extremely difficult to eliminate it.

In this regard, it is of fundamental importance to daily repent and regret the unseemly acts committed. . And if today you managed to burden your karma, you need to immediately repent of it.

Friends, now we say goodbye to you. If you liked the information, recommend reading our articles on social networks.