Preface to the profession. Without title See what "Glybochko" is in other dictionaries

In 1991, after graduating from the medical faculty of the medical institute P.V. Glybochko continued his studies in clinical residency in the specialty “Urology”.

From 1993 to 1996, P. V. Glybochko studied in graduate school and defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic: “Functional properties of platelets and anti-aggregation activity of the vascular wall in patients with gestational pyelonephritis.”

From 1996 to 1998, P. V. Glybochko worked as an assistant, and from 1998 to 2002 - as an associate professor at the Department of Urology of the Saratov State Medical University, combining work at the department with work as the chief physician of the Saratov Regional War Veterans Hospital. During these years, the scientific activity of P. V. Glybochko was devoted to the study of the clinical and practical aspects of benign prostatic hyperplasia, which made it possible to evaluate the causes of its occurrence from a new perspective, develop methods for the prevention and treatment of this widespread disease and its complications. This topic formed the basis of his doctoral dissertation “Optimization of treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia combined with senile osteoporosis,” which he defended in 2001.

In 2002, P. V. Glybochko was confirmed as the rector of Saratov State Medical University and appointed to the position of head of the Department of Urology at Saratov State Medical University.

The main scientific directions of the Saratov Urological School, headed by P. V. Glybochko, are: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. He is the author of more than 150 published works, including 9 scientific monographs, 1 textbook, 9 teaching aids, 5 patents for inventions. Among the fundamental works of P.V. Glybochko – monograph “Homeostasis and functions of vital organs in patients with multifocal atherosclerosis in the process of complex treatment.” Saratov: Volga Book Publishing House, 2003, 650 pp.; "Hormonal regulation and cell-receptor interactions in benign prostatic hyperplasia and osteoporosis." Saratov: Saratov Medical University Publishing House, 2004, 180 pp.; “Surgical and urological diseases. Aggressive and medicinal treatment methods.” Saratov: Saratov Medical University Publishing House, 2004, 620 pp.; textbook “Radiation diagnostics and therapy: Textbook for medical students.” Approved UMO Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. M.: Publishing house “Medcybernetics”. 2004, 240 p.

P. V. Glybochko is the chairman of the dissertation council on urology of the SSMU, scientific consultant and reviewer for the defense of doctoral and master's theses. P. V. Glybochko - member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Regional Scientific and Practical Society of Urologists, executive editor of a number of collections of scientific papers and refereed journals

In 2006, under his leadership, the Research Institute of Fundamental and Clinical Uronephrology was opened at SSMU.

P. V. Glybochko is a member of the European Association of Urologists, was a delegate of the international Congresses of urologists (Spain-2003, Austria-2004, Turkey-2005), the VII European Congress on Chemotherapy and Infections (Italy-2005).

The university has its own powerful clinical base, including Clinical Hospital No. 3, a clinic for eye diseases, a clinic for skin and venereal diseases, an occupational pathology and hematology clinic, as well as advisory and dental clinics.

The university employs 137 doctors of science, professors, 476 candidates of science, 5 Honored Workers of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, 6 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, 5 Honored Inventors of the Russian Federation, 25 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, 114 excellent health workers, more than 30 full members and corresponding members of social scientific academies of Russia and international academies.

More than 4,700 Russian and foreign students, 314 residents, 204 interns and 117 graduate students study at the university.

P.V. Glybochko is a rector and a reformer of a new formation. He considers the main task of his life to be the introduction of the latest technologies and the most pressing topics of scientific research in the field of medical education and practical healthcare, thereby implementing the priority national project of the President of Russia in the field of healthcare. Since 2005 P.V. Glybochko initiated and organized permanent Russian-Norwegian master classes in urology (Saratov, Oslo).

P.V. Glybochko, being the head of the Department of Urology, directs the scientific activities of employees to the study of angioarchitectonics in various diseases of the genitourinary organs; development of a combined approach to the treatment of bladder tumors; on the introduction of reconstructive plastic interventions for urological diseases. Under the leadership of the head of the department, endoscopic operations were mastered and introduced: transurethral resection and laser destruction for tumor diseases of the prostate and bladder, ultrasound contact ureterolithotripsy, as well as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Treatment work is carried out in 5 specialized urological departments: emergency urology, planned urology, oncourology, urolithiasis, urogynecology. The development and introduction into clinical practice of the achievements of modern science has made it possible to reduce postoperative mortality in the treatment of bladder cancer from 7.2 to 1.7%, benign prostate hyperplasia from 5.6 to 2.1%, urolithiasis from 3.8 to 0, 8%. The medical and social rehabilitation of patients after a number of surgical interventions decreased by 1.5–2 times.

P.V. Glybochko has always paid great attention in his activities to joint work with the city health committee of the Saratov administration and the Ministry of Health of the Saratov region. As rector, he significantly intensified the medical activities of the clinics of the Saratov State Medical University, and resumed the patronage of the Saratov State Medical University over the healthcare of the sponsored areas. P.V. Glybochko intensified economic activities at the university. Under his leadership, the construction of the library was completed, the construction of a new academic building began, two faculties were opened, an institute of higher nursing education was created, on the basis of which representative offices were opened in 3 cities (Penza, Balakovo, Balashov). In a short period of time, dormitories, academic buildings, the building and the premises of the administrative building were repaired and refurbished. The heating system in all university buildings has been put in order.

P.V. Glybochko cares about the health of students and staff. He opened a dedicated catering business to serve students and staff. Much attention to P.V. Glybochko devotes his time to the sports and health camp “Medic”; during his leadership, the camp’s houses and canteen were renovated, and the food was improved. After many years, the university's ski base began to function again, where a new building was built, equipment and sports equipment were brought in.

P.V. Glybochko takes good care of the university staff, takes care of veterans and supports young specialists. Honest, decent, uncompromising, he has always enjoyed and enjoys great authority and love from the entire university staff and students.

Thus, the economic, research, socio-cultural and public activities of P.V. Glybochko made it possible to significantly improve the working conditions of university employees and improve the quality of training of highly qualified healthcare specialists.

P.V. Glybochko was awarded the medals “For Services to the Fatherland” 11th degree (2002), “For a special contribution to strengthening the health of the nation” named after I.I. Mechnikov, the badge “Excellence in Healthcare of the Russian Federation” (2000), for active participation in In preparation for the First Summer Spartakiad of Russian students, gratitude was announced from the Governor of the Saratov Region (2004), he is a nominee for the competitions “Rector of the Year - 2004”, “Manager of the Year - 2004”.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 356 of March 17, 2008, the rector of the Saratov State Medical University, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor P.V. Glybochko was awarded the Order of Honor for the achieved labor successes and many years of conscientious work.

Original of this material
©, 03/24/2010, Medical Academy named after. Sechenov was headed by the head of the Saratov political council of United Russia, a relative of Volodin, Photo: Kommersant

Professor Pyotr Glybochko, who previously served as rector of the Saratov State Medical University named after B.I., was appointed acting rector of the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. Razumovsky, as well as the regional political council of United Russia,.

As the publication notes, Glybochko applied for the post of governor of the Saratov region: his candidacy together with the speaker of the regional Duma Valery Radaev and the current governor Pavel Ipatov was proposed to the president for consideration as a potential head of the region.

According to the newspaper's sources, when on March 23, 2010, the powers of the former head of the region, Pavel Ipatov, were extended for another term, he said that he would not like to see Pyotr Glybochko, who competed with him, in the region. The publication adds that a member of the central political council of United Russia Vyacheslav Volodin and Pyotr Glybochko are brothers-in-law. Their wives are sisters.

["The Fourth Estate", 03/24/2010, "Glybochko headed the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy": From today, Pyotr Glybochko has been appointed acting rector of the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, who until that moment headed the Saratov Medical University. […] Currently, Pyotr Vitalievich is in Moscow and begins to accept cases.
It is worth noting that the appointment of a prominent Saratov United Russia member from the clan of State Duma Vice Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin was expected these days. However, there was talk that Glybochko was rejected from the position of rector of the Sechenov Academy, and he would be appointed head of another prestigious medical institution. But it turned out that Pyotr Vitalievich will still head the second most important medical university in the country. Vyacheslav Volodin, without a doubt, helped him in this. […]
Due to the move to the capital, Glybochko will have to give up his post as secretary of the regional political council of United Russia. It is very symbolic that Pyotr Vitalievich’s career take-off occurred the day after the regional Duma approved Pavel Ipatov as governor. Glybochko was one of three candidates recommended to the president by United Russia. Combined with the fact that the rector is also included in the president’s personnel reserve, he eventually received his long-awaited award. - Insert ]

Meanwhile, as the newspaper notes, the new head of MMA named after. Sechenov is again temporary. Firstly, this is an elected position, and there have been no elections yet. And secondly, Mikhail Paltsev, who served as rector of MMA for twenty-two years, has not yet been given a dismissal order.

Let us remind you that for the last nine months the duties of the rector of the MMA have been temporarily performed by Sergei Grachev, the former vice-rector for science under rector Paltsev. Grachev, in turn, was appointed by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, after Paltsev was dismissed on June 18, 2009 after claims were made by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

["Novaya Gazeta", 07.17.2009, "Few autopsies, a lot of real estate": On May 6, Interfax reported that, according to a source in law enforcement agencies, the Prosecutor General's Office is raising the issue of releasing the rector of the Moscow Medical Academy (MMA) Mikhail Paltsev from his position A submission was made to the Minister of Health and Social Development about the ineffective use of medical equipment and irrational spending of budget funds […]
A request came from the Ministry of Health and Social Development: to provide a written explanation of the facts of violations - 17 points (in connection with the prosecutor's presentation). […]
Points 4 and 5 in the ministerial request are special because they deal with real estate. The Academy faces claims for “the lack of registration of the right of operational management in relation to 56 objects, incl. 2 land plots." Half of the objects have been re-registered, re-registration continues. But MMA owns 139 buildings. Most of them are in the center of Moscow, on Pirogovka. This is the “silver mile” area, where the price per square meter reaches $85 thousand. Raiding of such tasty morsels is one of the versions expressed by the media. - Insert]

I spend most of my time developing the course “Learning to speak publicly.”

I'm writing a script in the evening. It turns out to be up to ten pages, I read them in the morning - I don’t like everything. I put it in the “Marriage” folder.

And so every day.

I visited the company every day. I studied on Saturday and Sunday.

A lot of energy goes into making phone calls. It is difficult to get through to the bosses.

I walk for two hours every day. This helps keep the shape.

I thank our canteen. At my request, they prepare it for me separately, without salt.

Everything upsets me, a lot of things irritate me.

I try not to break down.

I spent a long time discussing with Marat Raufovich every day how to look for employees.

Time is running out, employees don't show up.

But it’s funny that we can’t find three or four programmers in Moscow!

It’s incomprehensible that in Moscow we cannot find three or four talented editors and journalists!

Five days of reflection.

I am raising Alexey Vladimirovich Kosyakin.

He listens carefully and agrees with everything. He promises to help Marat Raufovich look for employees.

Alexey Vladimirovich’s eyes light up when talking about football. I feel that if we were doing a program related to football, he would do it from morning to night and from night to morning.

I recently sent a letter to P.V. Glybochko, rector of the first Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.

He is new to Moscow. In the past, he headed the Medical Institute in Saratov. Pyotr Vitalievich worked a lot in urology.

Here's what I wrote:

To the Rector of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

Corresponding Member of the RAS Glybochko P.V.

Dear Pyotr Vitalievich!

We have something in common.

I have been to Saratov two hundred or more times. And he entered the Saratov University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. And I studied for a year.

Among my acquaintances and friends were famous urologists Z.S. Weinberg, N.A. Lopatkin, A.F. Dorenkov, now I am friends with E.I. Veliev.

Once upon a time, as a young journalist (this was the late 60s - early 70s), I wrote a lot about medicine and at that time I often visited M.I. Sechenov Academy. Cousin.

Everything in this life is intertwined.

However, you, Pyotr Vitalievich, know this better than I do.

I would be glad to meet with you and talk about the role of a doctor, about the education of a doctor, about increasing the authority of doctors in our country.

If such a meeting takes place, of course, I would raise the issue related to “SOLO on the keyboard”.

He is best known for his computer program SOLO on the Keyboard. This is a course, after completing which, any person will learn to type using the ten-finger touch typing method on a computer keyboard. All doctors agree that this skill is necessary.

Unfortunately, we don’t teach this in schools and institutes.

I know that 95% of the teaching staff of your university and 92% of students on the computer type on the computer keyboard with one or two fingers (in all other institutes the ratio is the same).

But you can learn to touch type in three to four weeks and write one page of text in five minutes, and not in half an hour, or even an hour.

We, Pyotr Vitalievich, offer our corporate version of “SOLO on the keyboard”, which can be installed on all computers at the university, so that all students, teachers and other employees can learn to type with the ten-finger touch method.

We are ready to tell you everything in more detail over the phone, and if necessary, come and arrange a presentation of our “SOLO on the keyboard”.

Your university differs from many others in its special attitude to innovations in pedagogy. N.S. once told me a lot about Sechenovka. Queen.

And it seems to me that a modern doctor should save time and spend more of it communicating with the patient than filling out various papers. If you type everything that I have already written about with one finger, then time is sometimes wasted.

Let's help students and future doctors!

Let's teach them how to spend their time wisely!

I’m writing a letter and thinking: do you know how to touch type? If not, we can teach you too.


Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan.

And today I received a response to my letter. Its meaning is simple: thank you, we appreciate you, we treat you well, but we don’t need anything.

It's terrible that doctors are not taught computer literacy.

It's disgusting when a doctor enters data into a medical history with one finger.

Time is wasted unproductively.

And there's nothing you can do about it. Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko does not understand this, and therefore does not support it.

Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko himself does not know how to type blindly using the ten-finger method and therefore does not understand why others need it.

Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko is probably a good rector, I do not rule out that he is a wonderful urologist and scientist, but he cannot learn such simple things.

Is it possible to convince Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko? Probably yes. But for this you need to meet him.

But he doesn’t want to meet.

And in my opinion, in the first year all students at medical institutes should be taught the ten-finger touch typing method on a computer keyboard. Then students will study better.

Some students go through our program.

Many doctors are familiar with the SOLO on the keyboard program.

I remember my conversations with Alexander Fizulievich Aliyev.

He is a radiologist who specializes in pulmonary diseases. Smart, charming, honest, noble, passed SOLO.

If it were my will,” says Alexander Fizulievich, “I would oblige all students of medical colleges, institutes, academies and universities to take “SOLO on the keyboard.” And I would accept it as strictly as we take anatomy.

The young doctor understands. Academician, rector, a person with vast experience Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko does not understand. And there's nothing you can do about it.

It’s so good that I have students, including future doctors! I look at photographs and read profiles of new soloists, and wings appear in me. We are needed, we are in demand, we are understood.

As for Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko, he will understand sooner or later. Life will force you.

Olesya Alekseevna Dovgal

Medicine is changing rapidly. And the doctor of tomorrow will be different in many ways from the one we see today. How to prepare it? The Rossiyskaya Gazeta columnist talks about this with the rector of the First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov, academician Pyotr Glybochko.

Petr Vitalievich, we are talking to you about the training of future doctors because you are not only the rector of Sechenov University, but also the chairman of the Association “Council of Rectors of Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities of Russia.” As they say, all cards in hand. So why has this problem become so pressing? Why, for example, on your initiative, did medical classes appear in Moscow schools? Are they delivering results?

Peter Glybochko: In medicine, more than anywhere else, an informed choice of profession is important. Not everyone can be a real doctor, even if he has a medical degree. Being a doctor is not just a profession, it is a life choice. Let's say that a good engineer does not need to be able to communicate with other people. And it doesn’t matter to the architect. And scientists don't necessarily need the ability to communicate with others. And a doctor cannot do without the ability to find contacts with a patient.

Do you think this postulate is not outdated? Now they say that a gadget can make a diagnosis, and a Da Vinci robot can remove a prostate tumor.

Peter Glybochko: I’ll start with Da Vinci, since this particular robot is used with particular success in surgical urology, and I am a urologist. Our specialists use Da Vinci. And that's good. This helps to carry out the most complex operations almost bloodlessly, without complications. Da Vinci is relevant not only in urology, but also in surgery, gynecology, traumatology, and proctology. But even the most skilled surgeon must talk to the patient before such an operation. This helps to choose the optimal tactics for using the robot and prescribing subsequent treatment. And today we are obliged not only to show the student the Da Vinci robot, but also to teach how to work with it, to teach how to communicate correctly with the patient for whose treatment we are using this robot.

And now about our project “School - University - Clinic”. The fact is that you cannot do what I said above overnight. In addition, it is impossible to allow a school graduate, having passed the Unified State Exam, to simply come to a medical institute. Because God forbid you make a mistake. God forbid, if a medical university student in his 2nd or 3rd year realizes that he entered the wrong field, that medicine is not his business. This is a Moscow project. And it is unlikely that it would have been implemented without the support of Moscow Mayor Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin. There are 110 medical and biological classes in 70 schools in the capital. In addition, the Medical Sechenov Pre-University was created, in which 400 schoolchildren study on a competitive basis. In total, 6,000 schoolchildren study in our program in the capital. For the whole country, I understand, this is not enough. Therefore, we are trying to replicate the project in other regions of Russia. And already in Saratov, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg there are our followers.

What do they teach in pre-university and biomedical classes? Who teaches there?

Peter Glybochko: First of all, mastering the secondary school curriculum. In addition, they are taught to provide first aid and act in extreme situations. These classes are taught by teachers from our university. Sechenov Pre-University is a methodological center for medical and biological classes.

It is important that before entering the institute the applicant is introduced to the “rough” work in the medical profession

Do you think that a future medical student needs to be able to provide first aid? Can't this be taught when he becomes a student?

Peter Glybochko: It's possible, of course. Although I am convinced that each of us should be able to provide first aid. And for someone who is going to become a doctor, this is especially important. It is important that before entering the institute he was introduced to the “gruntly” work in our profession, so that he understands: medicine is not only impressive operations, the immediate arrival of an ambulance, but also everyday life, which is unthinkable without grunt work.

But then a man entered Sechenov University. He still spends the first two or three years studying anatomy, biology, Latin, physics, and chemistry. I know from my own experience that this scares some people away from the profession.

Peter Glybochko: Not without this, but... That is why the Sechenov Pre-University and medical and biological classes exist. There, in the school curriculum, we included layers of chemistry, physics, and biology. This allows already in the first year to study not just biology, chemistry, physics, but molecular biology, medicinal chemistry, medical genetics and gain practical skills at the patient’s bedside.

Is a first-year student eligible for your university clinics?

Peter Glybochko: How else? The university clinics we have revived are open for training. Yes, students, of course, do not treat. They care for patients. This gets them used to interacting with them. I will name some clinics where this process is especially successful. These are the gastroenterology clinic of academician Vladimir Trofimovich Ivashkin, the cardiology clinic of professor Abram Lvovich Syrkin, the clinic of occupational diseases of academician Nikolai Alekseevich Mukhin. Thus, future doctors are introduced to healing.

Admit it, Pyotr Vitalievich, not all medical universities have the same opportunities as Sechenov University. I understand that he is in charge. I understand that the fact that you are the chairman of the Association “Council of Rectors of Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities of Russia” works for your mill. After all, everything you are talking about requires a lot of money. Do you have special funding?

Peter Glybochko: One can only dream about this. I can name the numbers. On average, a year of training for a medical student in the country costs only 70 thousand rubles.

A meager figure. How much do you think it should actually cost to educate one student at a medical university?

Peter Glybochko: It's not a secret. This is calculated: on average 200-300 thousand rubles. How do we get out of this situation? This may not be a recipe for everyone. But we found support in the State Duma, we were supported by State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin and Prime Minister Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. That’s why today the average cost of studying at a medical university has become 115 thousand. It is planned that in 2018 we will become even more expensive. And training one student per year will cost 135 thousand. This will improve the quality of student training, increase salaries for teaching staff and obtain modern equipment for teaching students.

In 2015, your university was the only one among medical universities included in the state project to increase the competitiveness of leading Russian universities among the world's best scientific and educational centers "5-100". Decipher what this means?

Peter Glybochko: Today, 21 Russian universities are involved in this project. 5 of them should be included in the world rankings of the 100 best universities in the world.

Under the “School - University - Clinic” project, 110 medical and biological classes have been opened in 70 Moscow schools. Photo: Alexander Korolkov

Wow swing! Do you think this is possible?

Peter Glybochko: Yes, it's possible! After all, for the first time in its history, our university entered the world rankings QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) and THE (Times Higher Education). I understand that this is just the beginning of the journey. I understand that the one who walks will master the road. And we are purposefully moving towards this. By 2020, we will have created a scientific and technological biomedicine park. It will include the Institute of Molecular Medicine, the Institute of Regenerative Medicine, the Institute of Translational Medicine and the Institute of Personalized Medicine.

Another cluster?

Peter Glybochko: No. Not a cluster. This is something different. New pharmaceuticals and biological products will be created here. And all this will find practical application in our university clinics. Doctors of the future will be “grown” on this basis.

"Grow up"? But they are not bioproducts!

Peter Glybochko: Vocabulary for today. There is no escape from this. The main thing is that this will complete the process of training the doctor of the future. At our university, the international school “Medicine of the Future” is open and operating. From all over the country, every year we recruit 50 talented and promising students from medical universities in the country. The Scientific and Technological Park of Biomedicine will complete the formation of a new “atlas” of specialties of the future and life sciences. After all, medicine, especially the medicine of the future, is life. In this park and its institutes, we will train network doctors, molecular nutritionists, medical device developers, genome editing and manipulation specialists, tissue engineering specialists, 3D printing system developers, nanopharmacologists and, finally, developers of smart drug delivery systems. In the era of the digital economy, this is especially important - the translation of engineering, technical and IT developments into solutions to improve people's health. This forms a personalized health management system.

This year there are twice as many foreign students at Sechenov University as there were a year ago

Peter Glybochko: Of course! At least the fact that this academic year we have twice as many foreign students as there were a year ago. They come to us, bypassing any intermediaries. They enter into contracts with us directly. This suggests that the quality of medical education in our country is quite high at the international level.

Do foreigners pay tuition?

Peter Glybochko: Certainly.

Does a diploma from Sechenov University allow them to work in their countries without additional training?

Peter Glybochko: Almost yes. Our diploma does not require retraining. In countries where Sechenov University has international accreditation, our diploma is recognized automatically; there is no need to go through an additional procedure for admission to professional activities. And finally, I note that Sechenovsky has foreign branches. One is already operating in Azerbaijan.

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Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko was born in the Bryansk region. Graduated from Saratov Medical Institute. He worked as the chief physician of the Saratov War Veterans Hospital, and as the rector of the Saratov State Medical University named after Razumovsky. Since 2010 - Rector of the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. Urologist. Candidate's and doctoral dissertations are devoted to current issues of urology. In 2016 he was elected academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He has more than 400 scientific papers in the field of urology and healthcare organization. His wife Galina Khamitovna is a psychotherapist. Daughter Anna is a dentist. Sons Vitaly and Anatoly are schoolchildren. Two grandchildren.