Why dream of riding a horse: the meaning of the dream. Why do you dream about a horse? I dreamed that I was riding a horse

  • Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign. First of all, it promises you the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting with like-minded people. If you see that your horse is dirty, then deception and envy on the part of those you trust are possible.
  • If you dream that you are riding a black horse, this means that you will succeed in business for a long time and unexpectedly discover the vanity and futility of your activities.
  • Watching brown horses run promises you favorable circumstances that will suddenly change for the worse. This dream can also portend fleeting and superficial hobbies.
  • Seeing horses in apples (spotted) is a sign of future benefits in business.
  • Riding a beautiful bay horse portends exaltation and satisfaction of desires. For a woman who sees this dream, it promises determination to refuse an annoying admirer and material gain in the near future.
  • Seeing your horse running away to join a wild herd means that news of someone's illness awaits you.
  • In general, seeing beautiful horses in a dream promises you success and prosperity.
  • If you cross a clear stream on horseback in a dream, good luck awaits you, but your joy will be overshadowed by something if you look down into the dark water.
  • The fulfillment of many dreams and obtaining benefits in business promises you a dream that you are crossing a clear river on the back of a horse.
  • But seeing a wounded or dead horse in a dream is a sign of sad news.
  • Riding a bucking horse means various difficulties on the path to success. If a horse throws you off or kicks you hard on the back, then fate will send you a test in the form of your opponents, or illness awaits you.
  • Grabbing a horse by the bridle and subordinating it to your will promises you drastic, favorable changes in life.
  • If in a dream you admire a well-shod horse, your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination.
  • For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life.
  • Participating in horse races is a harbinger of a prosperous life. Shoeing your horse yourself means acquiring property through dubious means.
  • If you dream that you are deftly galloping on a bareback horse, it means that you will be able to acquire prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, and in this dream reliable help from friends is also possible.
  • Riding a horse in a female environment promises you uncertainty about your future desires. Your addiction.
  • If you watch a horse being groomed, or clean it yourself with a hairdresser, such a dream promises you great trials, hard work on the path to honors and a firm position in life.
  • For business people, peasants, and writers, a dream in which they decorate the mane and tail of a horse is very favorable.
  • If you dream of horses harnessed to a carriage, then this promises obstacles on the path to happiness. If you dream that you are climbing a high mountain along a narrow path on horseback, in reality you will achieve a very strong position in life. If, with such a climb, the horse cannot stand it and you climb the rest of the way on foot, then your strong position will be won at the cost of great effort.
  • If a girl sees herself in a dream as a rider on a black horse, this means an unexpected event that will help fulfill her desires, as well as her communication with wise, respectful interlocutors.
  • Riding down a hill means failure. Seeing her lover riding a horse behind her promises a woman success with interesting, successful admirers.
  • If the rider is scared, then this foretells her in reality the anxiety and jealousy of a loved one.
  • If a girl dreams that she jumps off a horse and it instantly turns into a pig, then this foreshadows her reckless rejection of lucrative marriage proposals, after which the freedom she prefers will soon seem hateful to her.
  • If a girl dreams that she is riding on a white horse through a hilly area and, looking around, constantly sees a rider on a black horse behind her, this promises her an alternation of successes and failures and constant anxiety in her soul about the fate of a matter that is important to her.
  • If you dream of a horse falling from the sky and turning into a stranger who throws something at you, this means a serious failure, unfulfilled hopes and, for some time, the failure of your attempts to master the situation.
  • If in a dream you see horses grazing in a meadow, this means a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners. A barren pasture and dry land promise you poor but devoted friends. For a young lady, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage.
  • Seeing a horse dealer in a dream promises you material benefits, but risky undertakings.
  • Buying a horse yourself and realizing in a dream that the merchant is deceiving you means losses. Selling a not very good horse while keeping a thoroughbred one for yourself is a sign of great luck.

Did you dream of riding a horse? Such a vision in a dream is interpreted ambiguously by the dream book and can portend happiness, success, prosperity, but also warn of failures and troubles. Other details will help you understand why this plot is being dreamed about.

Miller's Dream Book: You'll have to work hard

Why dream of deftly riding a horse without a saddle? The plot promises: the dreamer will gain a comfortable life and prosperity after a difficult struggle. He also points out: trusted friends will always help.

Good luck awaits you

Why dream of riding a horse? A dream is a harbinger of the complete success of some business.

Seeing yourself on horseback in a dream, riding a pegasus - you need to find a creative approach to solving the issue that has arisen. This will help resolve many problems much faster.

Did you dream of riding a horse in the company of men? Vision means: profit and happiness lie ahead. Women? Beware of betrayal and failure.

Prepare to overcome difficulties

Ride a horse that was kicking and trying to throw you off? The dream book indicates: achieving the goal will be fraught with various difficulties. If he threw you off in a dream, in reality your opponents will try to do a lot of harm. When a stallion kicks on the back, it portends illness.

Seeing yourself as a rider racing at full speed - adventurous ventures can bring unfavorable results. You need to wait until you make any important decisions - from business issues to marriage.

Did you dream of driving in a circle? The dream book informs you: there will be difficulties that are not so easy to cope with.

Prosperity ahead, pleasant acquaintances

To see that in a dream you have subjugated a restive animal to your will and sent it where it needs to go, means drastic, favorable changes in life.

Riding a horse, taking part in a race - according to the dream book, a person will have a prosperous, comfortable life.

Why do you dream of racing on a white horse? In reality, you will meet good people who can play an important role in the life of the sleeper.

Riding a white stallion in a dream promises a woman a meeting with a rich, intelligent, decent admirer. Such an acquaintance can be very promising.

What was the animal like?

The interpretation of the dream is possible according to what the horse was like:

  • beautiful - expects success, prosperity;
  • light color - prosperity ahead;
  • white - joy, happiness;
  • kauriy - previously favorable circumstances will suddenly worsen;
  • black - trouble, sadness;
  • bay - satisfaction of desires, exaltation;
  • in apples - financial gain awaits;
  • dirty, unkempt - deception, envy on the part of those you trust.

Dream interpretation of riding a horse in a dream

In general, horses are good-natured animals when they are not wild and untamed. A dream where you saw riding a horse should evoke positive emotions.

Why do you dream of riding a horse in a dream?

Not everyone can ride in the saddle. You must be in good physical shape and have at least minimal training.

The horse that we dream about represents power, strength and endurance. There is no unambiguous interpretation of a dream where the dreamer is riding a horse, since a number of related details are necessary for correct interpretation.

If you rode a horse in a dream

Why ride a horse in a dream, says the dream book

If in ancient times the interpretation of dreams passed from hand to hand, now there is a special source of information - a dream interpreter. In it you can find the most popular answers to the vision that you are dreaming about.

Muslim dream book

Riding a horse - get power into your hands.

If you dream that someone else is sitting in front of you - with the help of this person you will become an influential person, perhaps even the ruler of the country.

Meridian Dream Interpreter

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Riding a horse means accumulating new knowledge in reality.
  • Jumping on a horse means an influential patron will help you.
  • For a man, a horse with excellent harness promises a loving and faithful wife. But to see the harnessing process means the loss of your beloved girl.

Gypsy dream book

If you dreamed of a white horse

  • A dream in which you had a chance to ride a horse promises success in any business you have in mind.
  • A black horse promises the dreamer a rich heiress as a wife, but with a bad character.
  • White promises a beautiful betrothed, wealth and love.
  • If you ride a horse, and there are men riders around, financial income will increase, happiness will enter the house. A dream where there are only ladies around promises trouble and betrayal of a loved one.
  • A dream where a stranger is dreaming about a horse is a sign of adultery, and you will find out about it.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • A dream in which the dreamer will ride a horse is a sign of joy.
  • Why do you dream about horse riding - it means quick changes in life.
  • Riding a horse in your dream means family well-being in reality.
  • Dreaming of a horse with a saddle and harness - a trip to distant lands.
  • In a dream, riding a harnessed troika - you will pay off your debts for a second of joy.
  • A dream where a woman happened to drive a fast troika can promise a break with her loved one, the reason being female frivolity.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Getting out of the saddle means control over a difficult situation that has arisen in reality.

Riding a horse means you are a clear winner in any troubles in life.

It is very important to remember the appearance of the animal. A well-groomed horse means creative success. Dreaming about a dead nag does not mean anything good. Failures and obstacles await you.

Women's dream book

Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller considered riding on a white horse to be the best sign. Your friends are loyal to you, and in the near future you will find new like-minded people.
  • A dream where there is dirt on a horse - several imaginary friends are very jealous of something in your life.
  • Riding a black horse means success in business, which will accompany you for a long time. You will realize the uselessness of your knowledge and skills.
  • A dream where a horse throws its rider from the saddle is adjacent to a herd - news of the illness of a person who cares about you.
  • Why ride a horse across a clear stream - luck will be favorable. The same dream, but if you see muddy water beneath you, it promises minor troubles that will darken the joy of successfully completing a task.
  • Swimming across a river on the back of an animal - almost all your dreams will come true, good luck in business, financial profit.
  • If in a dream, a horse is trying to knock you out of the saddle - obstacles and troubles on the way.
  • In a dream, a horse threw you out of the saddle, and at the same time kicked you hard in the back - a serious illness, influential enemies.
  • If you dream that you are riding without a saddle, you will win, you will achieve success, but the struggle will not be easy. It is best to enlist the support of true friends who, according to the dream book, will definitely come to the rescue.
  • Why jump around in a dream, surrounded only by women? The dream book says that people who are heavily dependent on something dream about this.
  • If a woman dreams that she is riding a horse and her loved one is walking behind, you will enjoy success with influential male persons.
  • If a girl in a dream experiences fear while riding on a horse, your husband will be very jealous, which will cause disturbing thoughts in you.

Predictions from other dream books

If you happen to jump over obstacles

Why see an unfamiliar rider in a dream? You choose the wrong path in life, when you realize your mistake, you will have to make every effort to turn away from it.

Taming wild horses - in an extreme situation you will show courage that is not inherent in you, which will surprise not only those around you, but also yourself.

Riding a horse through barriers means you are greatly risking your social position and health due to rash decisions.

Riding high in the mountains means you can achieve an enviable position, but at the cost of many sacrifices, efforts and hardships.

The British believe that if you were alone in a dream, it means that you like to make all important decisions alone. Ride in a group - love to work in a team.

Why see that your horse has no tail? In reality, a huge quarrel will break out over an unpleasant little thing.

Stallion color

As has been said more than once, for the correct interpretation of a dream you need as many details as possible. Of course, in this dream, one of the most important points will be the color of the horse you happened to ride:

If your enemy offers you a ride on a bay stallion, it means that in reality you will soon make peace and perhaps even become allies.

According to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, a black horse means your participation in dubious adventures.

Why do you dream of a silver horse? Dream books do not give a definite answer; it is believed that such dreams are visited by dreamy people who are prone to excessive fantasy.

Why else can a horse dream?

If in a dream one or several animals show overt aggression towards you, there is a high possibility of an accident. Try to avoid long trips or flights for the near future.

Seeing a stone statue of a horse come to life before your eyes - you will return to long-forgotten affairs, projects, dreams, and you will be able to make them come true.

Although, if the revived statue behaves aggressively, an unpleasant person will emerge from your past, which will significantly spoil your mood.

To saddle such an animal and ride a horse - you turn a blind eye to the unpleasant actions of the people around you. This negatively affects you and your standard of living.

Climb a saddle to the top of a mountain along a narrow path - with your labor you will achieve a strong official and social position.

If you climbed a mountain on horseback

A positive thing in a dream is leading a horse to water. Longevity is prophesied for a healthy person, and a speedy recovery for a sick person.

According to Nostradamus, treating an animal in a dream means fate has prepared many trials for you that you will need to overcome. Their complexity will directly depend on the general condition of the animal. At the same time, if you cannot cure him and the horse dies, then you will do so many stupid things that you will not be able to get out either yourself or with the help of friends.

If you happened to shoe a horse in a dream, you will receive material benefits that will be acquired dishonestly.

Kissing an animal is a romantic evening with your loved one.


In general, dreams about horses bring us a positive charge, with the exception of some nuances. If you have found a negative prediction, do not despair and lose heart. You have the power to turn your destiny in the right direction, because dreams are given to us in order to warn and give time to correct mistakes. You just need to study the dream book and understand that riding a horse is a positive dream, but with its own pitfalls that are worth taking into account.

A horse is a very beautiful and graceful animal. But the dream in which a horse appeared can be interpreted in different ways. It can foretell both joyful events in real life and warn of troubles. Therefore, it is important to understand what horses dream about in order to correctly interpret the dream.

If you saw a horse in a dream, then it is very important to remember all the details. Only after analyzing the events that happen to a horse in a dream can you correctly interpret the dream in relation to real life.

Ride a horse

Basically, a horse in a dream is a good sign. Happy changes in life await you in the near future. If you dreamed that you were riding a graceful horse with a beautiful flowing mane, then we can definitely say that you have entered a period of good luck and luck. And you should definitely take advantage of this.

Why do you dream about a white horse?

Why a white horse dreams is of interest to many. But you can also see other colors of horses in a dream. And it is this factor that is very important for understanding how much a dream can affect reality.

In almost all dream books, a white horse is associated with positive changes in real life. It is during such a period that you can take on the implementation of the most daring plans and make responsible decisions.

White horse

If you dream of a white horse, this may mean that a life crisis has ended or a period of spiritual enlightenment has begun.

White winged horse

When a white winged horse appears in a dream, this is evidence that during this period of life, higher powers are favorable to you and you can handle any, even bold, undertakings.

Bay horse in a dream

When you dream of a bay horse, it means that you will have to work hard on the way to your goal. But such a dream can also be evidence of your stable well-being; it emphasizes the fact that nothing threatens you in this period of life. A brown horse in a dream is also a harbinger that the crisis is ending.

Red horse

A red horse in a dream indicates that unplanned events are planned in your life. Such a dream can emphasize the fact that you are bogged down in routine affairs and you need to make some spontaneous decision that will move your business forward. At the same time, it is important not to think about the consequences, because if you start to analyze your actions, you will again get stuck in place. If young girls dream of a red horse, then they may soon have to endure the betrayal of a loved one.

Black horse - interpretation of dreams

When you dream of a black horse, this is a rather dangerous warning. A dream may indicate the awakening of some unconscious instincts that can greatly harm you in real life. Therefore, it is important for impulsive people to control their actions and not let their passion run wild.

Black horse

Many dream books interpret a black horse as a symbol of death, so often such a dream can be a harbinger of the development of a serious illness. Moreover, in such cases, the person who dreamed of a black horse does not have the ability to control the events that occur.

The answer to a dream based on the color of a horse

Other color shades of horses that appear in a dream may symbolize the following:
  • The red horse accentuates your sexual dissatisfaction.
  • The golden horse symbolizes making successful decisions. And this means that you have enough mental strength and energy to implement your plans.
  • A blue horse, as a rule, is seen in dreams by creative individuals, for whom intuition always prevails over reason.
  • A gray horse in a dream can have different interpretations. If the horse has a faded tint, then a period of stagnation begins in life, which can cause a depressive state. But a beautiful horse with a steel tint emphasizes the fact that it is during this period that you can start life from scratch.

Horse of natural size

It’s very good if you dream of a horse of natural size. This indicates your realistic perception of life in all its manifestations. You are a reasonable person and always analyze the current situation before making a responsible decision. That is, such a dream is confirmation that the direction you have chosen in life is absolutely correct.


A pony horse seen in a dream is an unobtrusive recommendation that in real life you should moderate your ambitions, otherwise troubles may arise. At the moment, in order not to harm yourself, you need calm and patience. But for an insecure person, such a dream indicates that he is underestimating his natural abilities too much and in order to become successful he needs to increase his self-esteem. In some cases, such a dream warns that at this moment in life one should take current events more seriously.

Dream Interpretation - a huge horse

If you dreamed of a horse of unimaginably large size, then this indicates that you are accustomed to assessing the life around you not with your mind, but with your feelings. This is not very good, since emotions are changeable, so it is impossible to evaluate current events based on them.

Why do you dream about a lot of horses?

Of great importance for interpretation is the number of horses seen in a dream. If you dream about a lot of horses, then you need to pay attention to their behavior.

Seeing a herd grazing in a dream

A calmly grazing herd on a green meadow indicates that in real life you have entered a period of calm and stability. It is better to postpone the start of new projects for a while. This dream is especially important for workaholics who find it very difficult to stop and do not always understand that in order to successfully start new projects, it takes some time to gain vitality.

See the herd from afar

If in a dream you see a herd of horses from afar, or watch them through the window of a vehicle, then this indicates that you do not know how to live a full life, but are a contemplator.

Herd of wild horses

It is very important to know why you dream of a herd of wild crazy horses, because such a dream is a warning sign. It can be a harbinger of natural disasters. But sometimes this dream can reflect your difficult experiences that you have experienced in the recent past.

Herd of galloping horses

When you dreamed of a herd of galloping horses, then in real life you should take care that your emotions do not harm you. You need to learn to manage them in order to direct your energy in the right direction. When you see them running away from any danger, then you need to be careful in making serious decisions or choosing a direction in life. If after the dream you become confident that the horses are running towards the goal, then in real life you should direct all your efforts to achieve your dream. During this period, you will be lucky and all obstacles will disappear on the way to your goal. In any case, galloping horses indicate impending life changes.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller’s dream book emphasizes that if you dream that you are riding a beautiful white horse, this is a very favorable sign. The most likely interpretation is that you will soon find a reliable friend.

Other dreams are interpreted this way:
  • A dirty horse indicates that in life you will encounter the envy of those people whom you trusted endlessly;
  • Spotted horses portend the conclusion of a very profitable deal;
  • A dead horse warns that you will soon receive sad news;
  • If you are thrown by a horse in a dream, it means that various obstacles will arise on your way to your goal;
  • The process of cleaning and washing an animal predicts serious trials in real life;
  • When you see yourself buying a horse, it means that you may be involved in a risky endeavor that will not be successful.

Vanga's Dream Book

Interpretations from Vanga’s dream book are highly reliable.

The great healer associated the appearance of a horse in a dream with the following:
  • Thoroughbred beautiful horses in a dream meant peace and harmony in the family, as well as successful career advancement;
  • If a cat kicked its hoof in a dream, then you should wait for the onset of a dark streak in life;
  • Falling from a horse in a dream means that in real life an accident may happen to you;
  • Reining in a mad stallion in a dream means getting a promotion in reality;
  • A herd of thin and emaciated horses foreshadowed a hungry year, on the other hand, many well-fed horses are evidence that the year will be fruitful.

According to Freud

Freud's dream book interprets dreams with a horse in relation to men. In this case, the animal symbolizes a woman and indicates what kind of ideal partner was formed in the man’s subconscious. If you dream of a stately and thoroughbred horse, this means that a man dreams of an ideal life partner, so he very often experiences disappointments in life. According to Freud's dream book, riding a horse in a dream means experiencing a desire to have children. And if a sick animal appears in a dream, it means that in this period of life you are very worried about your loved ones.

Horse in medieval armor

If you dreamed of a horse in medieval armor, then this is a reflection of your inner rage and aggression towards the world around you. After such a dream, it is necessary to analyze your attitude towards loved ones and friends. Maybe you have been too categorical lately, and your actions have been confrontational. If in a dream you ride such a horse or enter into a fight, then a serious conflict with the people of your immediate circle is possible. Moreover, such a quarrel can lead to the relationship being severed forever.

Equipment for horses

If in a dream you see equipment for horses and this is the first thing you remember after waking up, then this symbolizes true friendship and reliable friends. That is, there are people walking next to you in life who are always ready to support you. But damaged equipment is a bad sign. It indicates that in real life there is a high risk of breaking up with loved ones.

If you dream that you are putting a bridle on a horse, this could mean:
  • For a girl, marriage is imminent;
  • For weak-willed people, it is that they are completely under the influence of other people.

Saddle in a dream

Why do you dream of a saddle in your night dreams? This equipment, which is clearly expressed in a dream, symbolizes success in current affairs. A very nice saddle should make you want to take part in an event that is coming up in the near future.

How to interpret a dream based on the appearance of a horse

The following nuances related to the appearance of the horse are also important in the dream:
  • A cropped mane indicates that you need to get rid of the influence of outsiders, only in this case will things go well;
  • A beautiful tail focuses your attention on the fact that in your immediate environment there are people who are ready to support you financially.
  • A shod horse indicates that in real life you will be offered profitable cooperation.

Horses in the stable

If in a dream you see horses in a clean, well-groomed stable, this means that you are a very successful person and will soon expect good results from your activities. If you see a groom next to the horses, this means that you have an assistant who will always provide you with the help you need. But, if you see yourself inside the carriage, then this means that you are a slave to your unbridled desires and you definitely need to learn how to manage this.

I dreamed of harnessing a horse

A frequently asked question is, why do you dream of harnessing a horse in a dream? When in a dream you harness a horse to a carriage, then in real life a monetary reward awaits you. Also, such a dream is an emphasis that you are on the right path to financial well-being. But if you did not hold the mare and were unable to harness her, then, due to overestimation of yourself, you will suffer defeat.

If a horse is harnessed to a cart in a dream, then this indicates an excess of self-control or an inability to listen to one’s inner voice. You should think about the fact that, most likely, your business is not your calling.

In order to correctly interpret the dream in which you saw a horse, it is important, upon waking up, to try to remember all the details and details of the dream. Only by analyzing all the nuances can you understand how much influence what you see in a dream can have on reality.

This is not given to everyone in a dream, because this strong, freedom-loving animal can easily throw off its rider. A dream in which the dreamer is riding a horse speaks of the speed of his life and that a lot will change soon.

Why do you have a dream?

    Miller's Dream Book

    Loff's Dream Book

    For men, a similar dream indicates success in the professional field, business acumen and the desire to win over competitors. For a girl, riding a horse means good luck on the love front, the favor of her lover. But a girl must remember that love will not be easy and you have to fight for it even with yourself.

    Muslim dream book

    Horse riding indicates gaining power and respect from others. If the dreamer is riding on horseback, and people on foot are walking nearby, this indicates that the dreamer will soon become an influential person and occupy an important post.

    Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

    Riding a black horse portends a meeting with a wise, experienced person, whose advice will help the dreamer in realizing his own plans. Riding a white horse means global changes in life, temporary instability.

    Riding a brown horse for men portends financial, profit, and for women - a large number of fans, attention from the opposite sex. For a girl to fly off the saddle, foretells a declaration of love, which she will reject.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    Horse riding says about training, accumulation of knowledge and experience. Jumping on a horse from a running start means the presence of an influential patron, outside help. Men ride a horse in the saddle indicates a faithful, loving wife, but harnessing a mare with your own hands speaks of separation from the woman you love.

    Gypsy dream book

    Riding a brown horse means success in all matters and a successful completion of the event. A black horse in a dream promises men a rich chosen one with a harmful, difficult character. Riding a white horse promises men to receive love, wealth and.

    I dreamed that I was riding a horse surrounded by riders - this promises family and financial well-being, many friends and allies. Riding surrounded by horsewomen indicates betrayal of a loved one, troubles in your personal life. Seeing an unfamiliar rider indicates adultery.

    Taking part in races indicates haste and bustle, the inability to take a break. Riding a horse in the arena means quick fun and celebration.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Ride a horse portends joy and family well-being, as well as changes in various areas of life. Riding a horse in the saddle speaks of an imminent successful journey.

    Riding on a harness of three horses means that you will have to pay very dearly for a second of pleasure. For women, such a dream indicates separation from a loved one., for which the dreamer herself will be to blame.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    Riding a horse means being a winner in many life situations. To fall out of the saddle means find yourself in a situation that will be difficult to control. A white, beautiful horse in a dream indicates the dreamer’s creative potential and increased efficiency. But a dead, thin horse means troubles and failures.

    Women's dream book

    Riding a horse means intense competition, from which the dreamer, although he will emerge victorious, will suffer serious losses. If a horse throws a man out of the saddle, then fate had prepared many trials for him in the form of illnesses and loss of loved ones.

    The bridling of a wild horse portends bright streak in life, changes for the better. Participation in horse racing means receiving a prize, material benefit.

    English dream book

    Seeing an unfamiliar horseman in a dream indicates that the dreamer is moving along the wrong path and that he has enough strength to change his life. Taming a wild horse in a dream speaks of an extreme situation in which the sleeper will show atypical courage and bravery.

    Ride a horse over obstacles indicates that the dreamer himself exposes his health to serious danger and risk. Riding along a mountain peak means achieving a high position at the cost of numerous sacrifices. The dream also speaks of the conscious loneliness of the sleeper, of his tendency not to consult anyone.

    Riding a horse without a tail predicts a major quarrel over a trifle.

    Lunar dream book

    Ride a white horse in a dream portends speedy and prosperity. Riding together on the same horse means that the dreamer will soon meet his soul mate and truly love someone.

    Riding a bay stallion portends wealth, respect of others, reconciliation with an old, sworn enemy.

    Eastern dream book

    Sitting on a black horse means financial problems, loss of a large amount of money. It is possible that the dreamer risks becoming a victim of scammers. If a wild horse tries to throw a person off, but he manages to remain in the saddle, this indicates quick profit and stabilization of his financial situation.

Rider on a horse

Seeing a rider on a horse in a dream means receiving news, but what it will be like depends on the color of the animal - if the horse is white, then the news will be good, pleasant, and if it is black, it will be sad, even tragic.

For a woman, seeing a horseman in a dream means that she is trying to become like her father, brother, grandfather or other male relative whom she admires. This indicates that a woman cannot find protection in the outside world, so he seeks the strength for this within himself.

For men, a horseman in a dream portends career advancement, success in the professional arena, holding a high social position. If the rider is dressed in armor and armor, then this indicates the important mission of the sleeper, about his work on a major project.

See the headless horseman speaks of receiving unexpected but pleasant news. If a horseman rushes and blows his horn at the same time, this portends the receipt of a valuable gift. Seeing the horseman of the apocalypse in a dream indicates an important event in life, receiving information that will change a person.

A horseman in a dream rushed past the dreamer - this indicates adultery, the infidelity of a partner. If a rider falls from a horse, this predicts a break in the dreamer’s love relationship, a discord in family relationships.

Watch the knights on horseback fighting in the tournament, talks about love affairs the dreamer, to the increased attention of the opposite sex. For a woman, such a dream promises a declaration of love from many fans, and even a marriage proposal is possible.


A horse and cart in a dream represents hard work, back-breaking labor that the sleeping person has shouldered. Such a dream foreshadows the emergence of minor problems and difficulties that will prevent the dreamer from moving forward. In some cases, the dream indicates a person’s desire to earn a little extra money.

Riding a horse-drawn cart yourself means that the dreamer’s professional sphere is now stagnant and he cannot do anything about the difficulties that have arisen. The dream advises to be patient and wait out this difficult period. If the dreamer drives a cart in a dream, then he is able to solve problems and the extent of his troubles depends only on him.

Riding in a cart with a loved one indicates mutual understanding and trust between partners. But for a woman to see a horse and cart driven by a stranger, speaks of her frivolous behavior, naivety in love relationships, which will not bring her to good.

If a white horse is harnessed to a cart, this indicates a happy, prosperous future. If a black horse is harnessed to a cart, then this indicates the machinations of enemies, problems and possible illness.


Riding in a beautiful, comfortable carriage with horses portends changes for the better, happiness in your personal life and wealth. Riding in a broken carriage predicts disappointment and loss of income. Riding in a carriage drawn by a sick, thin horse indicates an imminent illness of the sleeping person or his loved one.

I dreamed of a wedding carriage drawn by horses, indicates that in reality the dreamer will get everything he dreams of. Driving the carriage yourself means that in reality unexpected, interesting events will happen that will surprise the dreamer and remain in his memory for a long time.

Drive a carriage with a coat of arms on the door speaks of the dreamer’s pessimism, tendency to depression and despair, because of which one does not dare to do something truly great and worthy.