World religions. Similarities and differences in Christianity (Orthodoxy), Islam, Judaism How do temples of different religions differ

Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has been obsessed with the desire to understand what is above them. People believed in different gods and life after death, followed one or another tradition. With the rise of civilization, religion has become a major motivating factor for humanity - both good and bad. To pay tribute to God, people created simply amazing places of worship.

Since the birth of the first religions, nothing has changed fundamentally. Religious religious buildings are not just buildings, but original houses of gods and goddesses. So they just have to be great! Thanks to the need to glorify the gods, tourists have been given the opportunity to visit the most beautiful and inspiring places around the world.

When it comes to constructing religious buildings, the real expert is the Catholic Church. The architecture of cathedrals has changed a bit over the years, but the only thing that has remained the same over the centuries is that they were built purely for inspiration. Most Catholic cathedrals are very tall, pointing upward towards God.

One of the most famous cathedrals is, of course, Notre Dame. This is an early example of French Gothic architecture. Rejecting the simpler style of Romanesque cathedrals, Notre Dame features flying buttresses, beautiful stained glass windows, skyward spiers, and impressive sculptures. It took 200 years to complete the construction of the cathedral.

Baha'i is a little-known religion, although one of the fastest growing in the world with more than five million adherents. Due to their lack of worldwide fame, Baha'i religious buildings are often forgotten. But this is a huge mistake, because the places of worship dedicated to her impress with their solemnity and grandeur.

Baha'i religious sites can be found throughout the world. However, the two largest shrines are located in the northern part of Israel. Both the Temple of Bahá'u'lláh and the Temple of the Báb are the resting places of the remains of the early founders of the religion. There is a garden around the tomb of Bahá'u'lláh, forming a circle around the mansion. It was in this place, according to believers, that the saint stayed in the last years of his life. Israel's third largest city, Haifa, is home to the enormous domed Shrine of the Bab. Around it there are nineteen terraces with gardens stretching along the mountainside and reminiscent of the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Built in the 17th century, Harmandir Sahib is the center of worship for all people professing the Sikh faith. Their fifth guru and religious leader built the temple as a place of spirituality for all monotheistic religions. As a sign of welcome to any person, the doors are open to all four cardinal directions. In the nineteenth century, the upper part of the temple was covered with gold, making the temple even more solemn, and giving it the nickname “Golden Temple”. Those who visit it will be able to see the Guru Sahib, the holy text of Sikhism.

One of the first religious sites known to mankind is Stonehenge, a mystical place surrounded by mystery. Scientists suggest that it may have been built 4-5 thousand years ago. Huge stones, installed according to some principle in the shape of a ring, simply amaze the world. Without modern technology and machines, moving and installing such huge boulders from the point of view of a modern person seems almost impossible. Today there are a huge number of assumptions regarding who, how, when and most importantly why Stonehenge was built. After ancient burials were found in this place, the idea of ​​Stonehenge religiosity found even more fans. Although the cultic meaning of the site was lost due to the spread of Christianity in England, the revival of pagan and Druid beliefs restores the religious significance and sanctity of the site.

In the sixth century, Hagia Sophia, the seat of power of the Eastern Orthodox Church, was built in Constantinople, the former capital of Byzantium. For almost a thousand years it was the largest cathedral in the world. Unfortunately for the church and especially for the Byzantine Empire, in the 15th century Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks. The city became Turkish and was renamed Istanbul, and the cathedral was turned into a mosque. Later, four minarets were added, which today form an integral part of the structure of the building. And only in 1935 a secular museum was opened here.

The most widespread religion in the world, with more than 2 billion people professing it, is Christianity. Approximately half of all Christians are Catholics. For many years the Catholic Church had great power. In the past it was one of the most powerful organizations in Europe, and although it has subsequently lost much of its control, it still retains an important place on the world stage.

In the center of the Italian capital of Rome is the independent city-state of Vatican City. It is the center of power of the Catholic Church, the home of the Pope and a simply stunning historical monument. It is impossible to choose just one place that is worth seeing in the Vatican, because both the Apostolic Palace and the house of the Pope, built in the sixteenth century, are located here. It is here that you can see the famous Sistine Chapel with frescoes created by the famous artist Michelangelo. It is also home to one of the holiest places for Christians - St. Peter's Basilica, the burial place of the first Pope, St. Peter.

On the banks of the Nerenyana River lies Bodh Gaya, the home of an ancient tree known as the Mahabodhi Tree, as well as the Mahabodhi Temple. It was under the ancestor of this tree that Gautama Siddhartha sat and meditated until he achieved enlightenment, becoming the Buddha. Of the four Buddhist pilgrimage sites, Bodh Gaya is the holiest. According to Buddhist teachings, Bodh Gaya is the holiest place on Earth and is considered the navel of the world. When visiting Bodh Gaya, you can also see the amazing Mahabodhi Pyramid, covered with gold.

Built on the banks of the Ganges River, Varanasi is one of the oldest cities in the world. For Hindus and Jains it is sacred. The spiritual capital of India is considered the city of the main Hindu deity, Shiva. The settlement is also closely connected with Buddhism, as it was here that Buddha preached his first sermon.

Buddha is not the only famous person associated with the city, as many great spiritual leaders lived in Varanasi and important sacred texts were written here. This is a city of temples. Here, visitors can visit Kashi Vishwanath, the famous temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, as well as Vishalakshi, the temple of the main female deity of Hinduism. The Ganges River, on which the city is built, is itself a sacred place for the god Ganges. However, despite such popularity, you cannot swim in the river, because it is one of the dirtiest in the world.

Each year, Muslims around the world gather in the holy city of Mecca for a religious pilgrimage known as the Hajj, in honor of Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, and the Muslim prophet, Muhammad. At the end of the journey, the pilgrims arrive at the holy city, a place where they all offer prayer. The main attribute of Mecca is the Kaaba - a cube-shaped building, the Islamic mosque Al-Masjid al-Haram. Muslims believe that the Kaaba was built by Ibrahim (Abraham) as the first place of worship of Allah.

Many ancient maps show Jerusalem as the center of the world. From this we can judge how important the city was in those days. It is a holy place for the three major monotheistic religions of the world. It was there that Abraham tried to sacrifice Isaac, Solomon built the Jewish Temple, Muhammad went to Mecca, and Jesus preached and was crucified.

Visitors to Jerusalem can see several holy sites. For Jews, this is the city of King David. They can visit the Western Wall, the ruins of Solomon's Temple, which the Romans destroyed two thousand years ago. At the city's highest point, you can see the Muslim Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, associated with the night of Muhammad's flight. Just a few blocks from these holy sites, Christian pilgrims can visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built on the site of Jesus' crucifixion. And in Israel there is an amazing woman who managed to raise

Hello, dear friends!

Currently, there are a huge number of religions in the world that give people strength and faith in the future. In today's article I would like to tell you about what kinds of faiths and religions there are?

Many wars and disagreements have occurred due to the fact that a person, having decided on his faith and found the source of his beliefs, ceases to respect other points of view and religions. But is there any point in finding out who is right or more accurate in the context of such an individual approach to the issue?

It doesn’t matter what a person believes in, the main thing is that he finds the light and strives for it! Living in harmony with themselves and bringing creative energy to the masses, people can be called people. And it doesn’t matter what name of religion lies at the basis of his actions.

Classification by type arose from the desire of religious studies to separate modern and ancient trends. Today, religions can be divided into several types: tribal, world and national.

Many peoples of the world called God by different names. And every belief always had its own truth. For some, the Easter Bunny could act as the highest power of existence and the universe, while others had the right to consider pagan rituals true, which sometimes contradicted most of the canons of the religious system of Christianity.

Atheism acquired the rights for its formation relatively recently. Totemism and acceptance of oneself as a person similarly took a place in the framework of self-expression. If earlier man was on Earth, and the Gods were in heaven, then today agnosticism, as a faith “between faiths,” projects completely different rules of thinking and understanding of the world.

I would like to talk about some of the religions in more detail. I would like to present to your attention a list of different religions of the peoples of the world. You will, of course, be familiar with some of them, but you will encounter some for the first time.


Buddhism is one of the oldest religions in the world, originating in India. Thanks to its founder Siddhartha Gautama, known to us as the Great Buddha, people all over the planet still seek solace in the true understanding of the words “awakened” or “enlightened”.

Buddhist philosophy is based on the teachings of the "noble truths". There are only four of them. The first explains the existence of suffering, the second talks about its causes, the third calls for liberation, and the fourth teaches how to achieve it.

The tenets of Buddhism and the very understanding of life can be called a river or a stream of immaterial particles. It is their combination that determines the existence of everything existing on Earth and in the Universe.

The laws of karma entail rebirth and therefore, it is worth respecting what deeds a person committed in a past life. The ideal of Buddhism can safely be called moral. Its essence is clothed in the motto “ Do no harm. No one!».

And the main goal is to achieve the state of Nirvana - that is, complete peace and tranquility.


This religion also has its roots in India. It was developed thanks to Vedism. What does she teach? The most important thing is the awareness of the divine principle of everything vital and tangible, called revelations about Brahman.

And also about Atman - a unique and personal spirit. Experts in the Vedas played an invaluable role in the formation of Brahmanism as a free movement. In the religious system, the original role was assigned to them.

The main idea was based on the belief and propaganda that people are unique and it is impossible to find another identical one. That is, from childhood, a person has his own unique strength, mission and task.

Brahmanists were distinguished by complex and cult rituals. And rituals occupied the bulk of their lives and were strictly controlled.


This religion was revealed to the masses thanks to China and its founder, the sage Lao Tzu. Thanks to the philosophy that resulted in the life's work of the founder - "Tao Te Ching", religion is dedicated to 2 concepts.

The word “Tao”, which can be interpreted as a tool or method, and the letters “De”, which mean grace, prompted the thinker to deeply rethink the model of this world.

According to his thoughts, we can conclude that the Universe is controlled by an even more powerful force. The essence of its occurrence is full of secrets and mysteries, and at the same time, its influence leads existence to harmony.

The main goal of religion is to bring man closer to immortality. According to Taoist adherents, it is this that helps the individual to reveal the full power of religious contemplation of the naked beauty of the world. And breathing and gymnastic training, alchemy, hygiene of soul and body help to achieve such a state of eternal life.


Jainism is a religion that originated on the Hindustan Peninsula. Vardahaman is the great founder of religion. And it is thanks to his vision that Jains are convinced that no one created our world. He has existed forever and will continue his path no matter what.

What's important? The most valuable and true thing is the desire for self-improvement of one’s own soul, strengthening its strength. The teaching says that it is precisely because of such work on oneself that the soul is liberated from everything worldly.

Also, religion is not free from belief in the transmigration of souls. Jains believe that the success of living this life is directly related to how you behaved in the previous one.

It is worth mentioning that the practice of asceticism is very significant in the understanding of religion as such. The ultimate goal of the individual is to break the cycle of rebirth. That is, to achieve Nirvana and find harmony. And only an ascetic can do this.


Hinduism is a whole system of beliefs or laws of the Hindus. It differs in that it does not carry certain and established dogmas. The characteristic features or signs of the followers of Hinduism is the authoritarian recognition of Vedic teachings and, consequently, the brahmanical foundation of the worldview.

I would like to note that only those people who can boast of at least one Indian parent have the full right to profess Hinduism.

The main idea of ​​​​the faith that is confessed is following certain guidelines for deliverance. Karma, as an act, and samsara, as the wheel of existence, must be overcome by an individual for complete and true liberation.


I could not help but mention this world religion that originated in Arabia. Prophet Muhammad, who spoke in Mecca, is considered its founder. According to his beliefs, as well as thanks to his statements, labor was created after his death. In the future, it became the holy book of Islam and to this day bears the famous name - the Koran.

What's the point? The main teaching is this: “ There is no God except Allah" But angels and other entities of the higher worlds are not free, but in complete submission to Him.

Also, Muslims are convinced that their religion is the most correct, since Muhammad is the last prophet whom God sent to Earth. The knowledge and wisdom of previous religions, in the opinion of Muslims, is not reliable due to the fact that people have repeatedly rewritten and deformed sacred knowledge.


This is the earliest religion that arose in Palestine. It became widespread mainly among Jews. Belief in one God, as well as the immortality of the soul and the afterlife, is closely related to the perception of the Jewish people as the personification of the Messiah and the bearer of Divine revelation.

The sacred books of Judaism include the Torah, a huge number of works of the prophets and interpretations that are collected in the Talmud.


This is one of the three most powerful religions in the world. Originated in Palestine, and then spread to the Roman Empire and throughout Europe. She won the hearts of many believers living on planet Earth.

The belief that God sent his son Jesus Christ to Earth, who lived righteously, suffered and died like an ordinary person, lies at the core of the religion.

The main book of religion is the Bible. It preaches the doctrine of three hypostases of one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Christians especially relate to the concept of the first sin and the second coming of Christ to Earth.


Polytheism is the belief in many Gods. This can be called a certain belief system, an entire worldview, or a basis for disagreement. Religion is based on belief in several deities, which are collected in a pantheon of goddesses and, of course, gods.

Polytheism is a type of theism and is opposed to monotheism, that is, belief in one, single God. And at the same time, he also disagrees with the judgments of atheism, where the existence of any higher powers is completely denied.

In fact, such a term was introduced by Philo of Alexandria because there was a need to create some kind of difference between polytheism and paganism. Since at that time all those who did not profess Judaism were called pagans.


More of a philosophical movement than a religion, I couldn’t help but mention it! The Jedi believe in the Force, a comprehensive energy field created by all living beings that surrounds and penetrates all living things, and work to develop their own, much like the Jedi knights from the movie "". There are no cultic actions or dogmas in Jediism, and about half a million followers of this movement have already been registered, especially in America and Great Britain.

And the Jedi code reads as follows:

There are no emotions - there is peace.
There is no ignorance - there is knowledge.
There is no passion - there is serenity.
There is no chaos - there is harmony.
There is no death - there is Power.

So most likely, the Jedi movement is in many ways reminiscent of Buddhism.

In conclusion, I will say that, in my opinion, the central idea of ​​all religions is the same: the existence of a higher Power and subtle, invisible worlds, as well as the spiritual improvement of man. All religions, in my opinion, come from ancient esoteric knowledge. So, it will be joyful when each person believes in what he likes most, and also provides the same freedom to others. After all, first of all, we must remain human!

On this philosophical note, I end it.

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Religion occupies a vital place in the life and history of mankind. It is not surprising that religious monuments have always been distinguished by their beauty and scale. Temples and churches, mosques and cathedrals, chapels and synagogues - no matter what religion is professed in them - they are all architectural landmarks, interesting for their centuries-old history or modern ideas. Most of them are included in the lists of world cultural heritage and are protected by the state. It is the temples that exist in every city in the world that primarily attract the attention of tourists. We invite you to get acquainted with the most beautiful and most impressive temples in the world.

1. Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Israel

One of the greatest and most beautiful shrines for the entire Christian world is considered the Jerusalem Temple of the Resurrection of Christ, better known as the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, Israel. It is here that every year during the bright holiday of Easter the miracle of the Descent of the Holy Fire takes place, which is transported to all corners of the globe. According to legend, the temple was built on the site of the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ. Today it is a large complex containing many Christian relics, for example, the stone of anointing, the Cave of the Holy Sepulcher, the funeral bed, Golgotha ​​and many others. Inside, the temple is divided between numerous denominations: Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Armenian, Syriac, Coptic and Ethiopian. Liturgies at the Holy Sepulcher are served in turns, and the keys to the temple are kept in the Muslim family to avoid conflicts between faiths.

2. Hagia Sophia, Türkiye

Hagia Sophia - the Wisdom of God - is an ancient Orthodox church in Istanbul, Türkiye. The church is a world-famous architectural monument of Byzantine architecture; at one time it was both a mosque and an Orthodox church, and today there is a museum inside. The first church on the site of the modern cathedral was built at the beginning of the 4th century under Emperor Constantine. The temple we see today was built by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century, its construction consumed three annual revenues of the entire (!) Byzantine Empire, and for many centuries it remained the largest church in the world. The appearance of the temple still amazes with its scale, and the interior decoration with its luxury and richness. In addition to Orthodox images, here you can find quotes from the Koran, as well as runic inscriptions.

3. Notre Dame de Paris, France

Notre Dame Cathedral or Notre Dame de Paris is one of the most ancient monuments of religious architecture. The location of the temple on the Ile de la Cité in Paris is by no means accidental. In ancient times, there was a pagan temple of Jupiter here, later - the first Christian church of the city - St. Stephen's Basilica, and in 1163 construction began on Notre Dame Cathedral, which lasted more than 200 years. The main architectural style of the temple is Gothic, but the towers are very different in appearance, this is explained by the participation of many architects in the construction. The cathedral houses the greatest Christian relic - the Crown of Thorns of Jesus Christ - transported here from Jerusalem. There are no paintings on the walls inside, but the largest stained glass windows at the time of construction illustrate scenes from the Bible. An interesting legend is the story of the casting of the Emmanuel bell, weighing 13 tons: it was created from melted women's jewelry. The famous book by Victor Hugo about the Hunchback of Notre Dame and the beautiful Esmeralda brought particular popularity to the cathedral.

4. St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican

St. Peter's Cathedral or Basilica is considered the largest Christian church in the whole world, capable of accommodating up to 60 thousand people at a time. It is also the central and largest building of the Vatican. In 324 AD. On the site of the cathedral, Emperor Constantine built a church that stood for about 1200 years. In 1506, they decided to convert the church into the largest Christian cathedral. The most outstanding artists and architects of the Renaissance took part in this: Bramante was the first architect, after his death Raphael led the construction work; Michelangelo designed the dome and vaults of the cathedral, and Bernini designed the main square. The interior of the cathedral is striking in its harmony and beauty: there are many statues and sculptures, tombstones and altars, and wonderful works of art.

5. Paraportiani Church, Greece

Residents of the island of Mykonos in Greece claim that there are exactly 365 churches on its territory - one for every day of the year, and the most beautiful is the Paraportiani Church, the construction of which dates back to the 15th-17th centuries. The snow-white structure, which has survived to this day, looks especially impressive against the backdrop of the azure sea and the bottomless blue of the sky. The temple consists of four churches, standing with their foundations on the ground. And the fifth church is located on the next floor above them. The temple was built of stone, strictly adhering to the canons of Byzantine architecture. The absence of external decorations gives it a certain severity and special holiness. They say that the beautiful streamlined shapes of this particular church inspired the great Gaudi to create his famous masterpieces.

6. Sagrada Familia, Spain

By the way, about Antonio Gaudi. The magnificent Expiatory Temple of the Holy Family or Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, ​​Spain, designed by the great Spanish architect, is considered one of the hallmarks of this country. The construction of the temple lasted 40 years under the leadership of Gaudi, and is not completed to this day. According to one version, the initiators of the construction stipulated that the temple be built exclusively with donations from parishioners. Modern masters suggest that construction work will be completely completed by 2026, but the local population called the church “The Cathedral that will never be completed.” The plan of the temple is made in the shape of a Latin cross, the facade is decorated with sayings from the Bible, and such a long construction of the temple is also explained by the length of time it took to manufacture the stone blocks, which form the bizarre shape of the church.

7. St. Basil's Cathedral, Russia

The most beautiful Orthodox church on Red Square in Moscow is named after the holy fool Vasily, who dared to express his dissatisfaction with his rule to the great Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Another well-known name is also the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin, and until the 17th century the temple was called Trinity. The cathedral was built in the mid-16th century; according to legend, the architect who built it was blinded by order of Ivan the Terrible, so as never to create anything more beautiful. The temple is considered the hallmark of Moscow and all of Russia; it is included in the UNESCO list of world cultural heritage. Today, a branch of the State Historical Museum is located inside. The height of the cathedral is 65 meters, and the total number of domes is 11.

8. Las Lajas, Colombia

The Catholic Cathedral of Las Lajas is located in the department of Nariño, Colombia, and is one of the most visited cathedrals in the country, not only by church parishioners, but also by numerous tourists. The church was built directly on a bridge over the Guaitara River. The construction of the cathedral dates back to 1916-1949, and the main architectural style of the building is neo-Gothic. There is a beautiful legend associated with the construction of the cathedral: there was a cave here, which enjoyed a bad reputation among the local population. One day a mother and a deaf-mute daughter passed through it, and a miracle happened: the Mother of God healed the sick girl, and her mother Maria, as a sign of gratitude, painted a beautiful portrait of the Mother of God on the walls of the cave. By the way, experts still cannot determine what kind of paint was applied to the walls of the temple. The only thing that could be found out was that the stones were soaked through with paint.

9. Taj Mahal, India

In addition to Christian religious monuments, it is worth mentioning the masterpieces of architecture belonging to the Muslim world. One of these is the Taj Mahal mausoleum in Agra, India. It was built in the 17th century by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. The mausoleum-mosque is considered the most outstanding example of Mughal architecture, combining elements of Islamic, Persian and Indian styles. The Taj Mahal is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List and represents not only the mausoleum itself, but also the whole complex around it. Translucent marble was used in the construction, which makes the mosque multi-colored at different times of the day, as well as beautiful inlays of gems - turquoise, agate, carnelian, malachite and others.

10. Crystal Cathedral, USA

The most valuable from the point of view of architectural attractions are ancient churches and cathedrals, which have amazingly survived to this day. However, we cannot fail to mention the modern attempt to combine the latest trends with religion. The result of this can be considered the Crystal Cathedral in California, USA, built in the late 80s of the 20th century. This Protestant church of amazing size is made almost entirely of glass blocks, of which there are more than 10 thousand. The exterior of the church is a four-pointed crystal star, but the cathedral is most striking from the inside, especially when the sun's rays penetrate through the glass. One of the special attractions of the church is a huge organ with 16 thousand pipes, and the room itself can accommodate about 3 thousand parishioners.

They amaze even experienced tourists. It's hard to believe that this is the work of man. “Houses of the Gods” are huge and magnificent, designed to make you think about the frailty of existence and find peace of mind.

Sagrada Familia Cathedral has become a symbol of Barcelona (Spain), although construction has not yet been completed. It has been going on since 1882 and is financed only by donations from private individuals.

The architect of the temple, Antonio Gaudi, was a famous specialist in non-standard solutions, whose projects were ahead of their time and were truly fantastic. This is how the Holy Family Cathedral became. All covered in fancy curlicues, it looks like a huge rock in the middle of the square. But once you get closer, you can look at the structure for hours. Fragments from the Bible are carved into the walls. This was the genius’s idea - to create a unique architectural book.

When listing the most beautiful temples in the world, one cannot fail to mention St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. It is the heart of the Catholic world; such a miracle simply could not become an ordinary architectural monument. Over the course of 100 years, 18 popes supervised the construction of the cathedral. The design was carried out by 12 greatest architects, including Michelangelo and Raphael.

The size of a football field, it does not depress with its grandeur, but amazes. From the outside, the cross-shaped building looks like a castle with domes, but inside it is a real museum. Everything here is a work of art: altars, naves, statues, mosaics, columns. Tourists should go up to the famous statue of Peter on the papal throne and rub his feet. The saint's feet are already worn out by those who like to make wishes.

The most beautiful Orthodox churches

The Orthodox Church can also boast of architecture.

St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia there are 9 churches built on the same foundation. Many people know the terrible story of how Ivan the Terrible ordered the eyes of the masters to be gouged out so that they could never repeat such beauty again. The onion domes of the temple are especially stunning, with unique decoration and different patterns.

How many times the fate of the cathedral hung in the balance! Either the French wanted to blow it up in 1812, or party leaders tried to clear a place for parades, but it survived, although it remained a museum. Only occasionally are services held here.

Famous St. Andrew's Church in Ukraine – a representative of the Baroque. It was built on the terrace of a two-story building that stands on an artificial hill. Empress Elizabeth herself laid the foundation for the court church. According to legend, St. Andrew the First-Called erected a cross at this place and declared that God’s Grace resides here.

The church does not have a traditional bell tower that calls the townspeople to the service. For a long time, services were not held there, because the heirs to the throne rarely visited here, and the church was royal. There is a legend that the sound of the bells can awaken an underground spring, which will finally flood the shrine.

The most beautiful Buddhist temples

Wat Rong Khun Temple in Thailand - an amazing snow-white fairy tale, which was created in 1997 by a famous artist. Halermhai Kositpipat spent 20 years collecting money from the sale of his works to build an all-white temple with glass mosaics. The structure surrounds a pond with white fish.

At sunset, this magnificence reflects the red rays of the sun, and during the day the beauty is simply dazzling. The temple is like a lace, all in curls, with interesting sculptures. Tourists note that the structure does not look like traditional Thai ones. If you are not interested in Buddhism, then you should definitely come here to take amazing photos.

Shwedagon Temple Complex in Burma differs from the traditional Buddhist architecture in color and splendor. In addition to the fact that the pagoda is one of the unique temples in the world, it is also one of the holiest for believers. Relics from various Buddhas are walled up under Shwedagon: a bowl, part of a tunic, a staff and 8 hairs. The famous pagoda has no entrance; it is a raised hill, lined with stone and brick, and covered with gold on top.

Silver bells hang on the spire to catch the wind. The entire top of the temple is strewn with emeralds, rubies, sapphires and diamonds. It has shrines that correspond to the days of the week. They believe that wishes come true if you leave gifts in the one that corresponds to your birthday.

The most beautiful Muslim temples

The mausoleum-mosque (India) ranks not only among the most beautiful temples in the world, but also among the most famous. Translated from Persian, the name of the tomb means “crown of all palaces.” Previously, the snow-white building was crowned with silver doors, the walls were decorated with pearls and precious stones. Such wealth has not survived to our time. But inlaid gems, fine painting and mosaics remained.

The Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan for his third wife Mumtaz. This is an amazing Indian story: the emperor met love in the market and, blinded by her beauty, stopped noticing the poverty around him. Mumtaz, despite her advanced age (19 years), bore him 13 children, and died giving birth to the 14th. The tomb still conveys all the beauty of Shah Jahan's beloved.

Famous Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, built in Abu Dhabi, demonstrates the power and wealth of the UAE. Here you can see the world's largest carpet, a chandelier in Swarovski crystals, listed in the Guinness Book of Records for its size. The spiers of the minarets support the sky, their height is 115 meters. The largest mosque can accommodate 40 thousand believers.