What an event July 17, 1942. The Battle of Stalingrad has begun. Army Group B

Battle of Stalingrad from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943
military operations of Soviet troops in the defense of the city of Stalingrad.

Group Private Darin - Volgograd - Stalingrad

How Stalingrad was liberated
The strategic offensive Operation Uranus, during which Stalingrad was liberated, became one of the most significant military operations in history. More than 300 thousand Wehrmacht soldiers and officers ended up in the “Stalingrad Cauldron”.

Military classics
Operation Uranus was one of the largest and most heroic battles of the Great Patriotic War. It unfolded over a vast territory of about 100 thousand square meters. km with a front length of 400 - 850 km.

The Red Army was opposed by the German 6th field and 4th tank armies, the Romanian 3rd and 4th armies of Army Group B, which numbered more than 1 million soldiers, about 10.3 thousand guns and mortars, 675 tanks and assault guns, more than 1.2 thousand combat aircraft.

The Red Army’s offensive developed “according to the classics” of military strategy and was in many ways reminiscent of the German offensives of 1941. First, the northern wedge with two points attacked the Romanian units of the 3rd Army, the second wedge hit the southern flank of the Stalingrad Front.

The attack was preceded by more than an hour of artillery preparation, after which “the first waves of attackers appeared.”

The calculation of the strike on the Romanian positions was justified. Despite the courage and resilience that the Romanians showed in the first hours of defense, they eventually succumbed to panic.

On November 19, several divisions of the Romanian front surrendered and fled. During stubborn battles, an enemy force of almost 300,000 soon found itself surrounded.


Paul Karel in his book “Scorched Earth” wrote that the Stalingrad offensive operation “Uranus” could have turned into an even greater tragedy for the Wehrmacht. According to the German historian, Stalin’s plans were much larger than capturing one army. Karel talks about “Superstalingrad”, that the Soviet military command wanted to crush the entire southern flank of the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front and encircle German troops in the Caucasus. Then one and a half million Wehrmacht soldiers and officers would have immediately found themselves in Soviet captivity.

Karel writes: “Through a gigantic operation of eight armies, attacks on Rostov and the lower reaches of the Dnieper from the Kalmyk steppes and the Middle Don, he (Stalin) wanted to cut off and then destroy the German southern flank - three groups of seven armies in total. Military history does not know a plan of operation comparable to this in the grandeur of its scale.”

Why Uranus?

Why was the operation to liberate Stalingrad codenamed “Uranus”? Throughout the war, the Red Army conducted 47 strategic and 150 front-line operations. In the complete list of more than 200 operations published in the second issue of the Military Historical Journal for 1989, there are only nine (“Uranus”, “Little Saturn”, “Ring”, “Don”, “Iskra”, “Suvorov” , “Kutuzov”, “Rumyantsev”, “Bagration”) have code names.

Marshal Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky in his memoirs “The Work of a Whole Life” writes that Joseph Stalin himself came up with the code names for all strategic operations. Why was this operation called “Uranus”?

According to the astrological version, a number of strategic decisions of the Soviet command in the Battle of Stalingrad were influenced by practicing astrologers.

Operation Uranus began on November 19, 1942 at 7:30 am. At this moment, the so-called “ascendant” (the point of the ecliptic rising above the horizon) was located in the planet Mars (the Roman god of war), while the setting point of the ecliptic was the planet Uranus.

According to astrologers, it was this planet that controlled the German army. It is interesting that in parallel, the Soviet command was developing another major offensive operation on the Southwestern Front - “Saturn”. At the last moment they abandoned it and carried out Operation Little Saturn. It is interesting that in ancient mythology it was Saturn (in the Greek epic - Kronos) who castrated Uranus.

Psychological warfare
They say about the Battle of Stalingrad that it “broke the back of the fascist invaders.” It was in many ways a revolutionary battle. The Red Army used its entire arsenal of means to suppress the enemy here. Including methods of psychological influence.

From the loudspeakers installed at the front line, favorite hits of German music were heard, which were interrupted by messages about the victories of the Red Army in sections of the Stalingrad Front.

The most innovative and effective means was the monotonous beat of a metronome, which was interrupted after seven beats by a comment in German: “Every seven seconds one German soldier dies at the front.” At the end of a series of 10-20 “timer reports,” a tango sounded from the loudspeakers.

Paul Karel in his book “Eastern Front” wrote that during Operation Uranus, leaflets calling for surrender were dropped into the “cauldron” in which the German army found itself. All those who surrendered were guaranteed life, safety, food, safety of clothes and belongings. These calls had a serious impact on the morale of the Germans, for whom Stalingrad had already become a real hell.

Hell on Earth
The Germans called Stalingrad “hell on earth”, “Red Verdun”. In their memoirs, former German soldiers and officers who managed to survive the Battle of Stalingrad note the unparalleled courage and even fierceness of Soviet soldiers who fought to the last bullet (then hand-to-hand), to the last man.

On January 15, 1943, a German officer wrote in his diary: “There is no way out of the cauldron and there never will be. From time to time, mines explode around us.”

And this was the general condition. A state of panic, confusion and fear in a ring of Soviet troops. And this ring was shrinking.

Friedrich Paulus

It must be said that despite all the Germans’ fears about their fate, the Soviet soldiers were more than tolerant of those who voluntarily surrender. Those who needed it received medical care.

It is well known that captured Germans worked. And not for “a crust of bread,” as Soviet prisoners worked in Germany. The NKVD circular of August 25, 1942 ordered that prisoners be given monetary allowances (7 rubles for privates, 10 for officers, 15 for colonels, 30 for generals). There was also a bonus for impact work - 50 rubles per month. Prisoners could even receive letters and money transfers from their homeland, and they were given soap and clothing.

Indicative of “mercy for the fallen” can be considered the fate of Friedrich Paulus, one of Hitler’s favorite marshals, who the day before his personal surrender received the rank of field marshal and an unequivocal “hello” from the Fuhrer: “Not a single field marshal of the Third Reich has yet surrendered to the enemy.”

On August 8, 1944, Friedrich Paulus spoke on the radio, calling on the Germans to renounce the Fuhrer, in 1946 he moved to a dacha in Tomilino as Stalin’s “personal guest”, in 1947 he went to a sanatorium in Crimea, in 1953 he went to Germany, where he became a mouthpiece positions of the Soviet Union, condemned West Germany and repeated:
“No one can defeat Russia.”

City restoration

After the liberation of the city, in early February 1943, the Soviet government raised the question of the inappropriateness of rebuilding Stalingrad, which would cost more than building a new city.

However, Joseph Stalin personally insisted on the decision to rebuild Stalingrad literally “from the ashes.” So many shells were dropped on Mamayev Kurgan that after the liberation, grass did not grow on it for two whole years.

Molotov stated that not a single German would return to his homeland until Stalingrad was rebuilt.
Video: Defense of Stalingrad

In the Voronezh region, fighting continues with the same intensity. Numerous attempts by the enemy to move forward were unsuccessful. Piles of Nazi corpses and dozens of burned German tanks remained on the battlefield. At one of the sites, a regiment of enemy infantry attacked our unit. Our fighters allowed the Nazis to get close, and then opened fire with mortars, machine guns and rifles. Having lost over 800 people, the enemy retreated. Pursuing the Germans, our tanks broke into a populated area, destroyed 2 artillery batteries, 7 heavy machine guns, 3 armored vehicles and exterminated over 200 Nazis. In another area, a detachment of Soviet machine gunners managed to break into the area of ​​the enemy’s fortified lines and sow panic there. Our tankers and infantrymen, who had arrived by this time, took advantageous positions. In this battle, the enemy lost 5 tanks and up to 600 soldiers and officers.

Intense fighting is taking place southeast of Millerovo. Our troops, retreating under the pressure of numerically superior enemy forces, exhaust the Germans at intermediate lines and inflict great damage on them. In one of the sectors, our tankers and infantrymen defeated a part of the enemy that had broken through. 11 German tanks and 1,800 Nazis were destroyed. Our artillerymen and mortars fired at the enemy infantry and tanks that had accumulated at the river crossing. 14 tanks were burned and destroyed, up to 600 German soldiers and officers were killed.

Units operating in certain sectors of the Leningrad Front destroyed over 200 Nazis in two days. Artillery fire destroyed 3 enemy bunkers and an observation post, shot down a balloon and suppressed the fire of several enemy artillery mortar batteries. Air bombing caused destruction and caused fires in one Finnish port. During the fighting, prisoners were taken and trophies were captured.

A detachment of Kursk partisans under the command of Comrade. S. made a night raid on a settlement occupied by the Germans. The partisans silently removed the sentries and threw grenades at the houses in which the Nazis were sleeping. Having destroyed over 60 invaders, Soviet patriots burned two tanks, 8 vehicles and a food warehouse.

A detachment of German soldiers from the 245th Regiment of the 88th German Infantry Division, led by the commander, non-commissioned officer Kurt G., voluntarily surrendered. The division commander stated: “In early July, the Russians defeated the 246th regiment. On July 7, the command brought the 245th regiment into battle. We fought with the Russians for only five days. During this time, our regiment lost up to half of its personnel. Here at the front we realized that Hitler had driven us to Russia to certain death. As soon as an opportunity presented itself, I ordered my squad to surrender. The soldiers found complete unanimity and willingly laid down their arms.”

In the village of Matuzovka (Ukraine), Hitler’s executioners committed an unheard-of crime. The German military authorities ordered the peasants to hand over 2 thousand pounds of bread and 100 pounds of meat within two days. The peasants said that they themselves were starving, since the German soldiers had robbed them clean. On the third day, the German commandant ordered all pregnant women in the village to report to the commandant’s office. 27 pregnant women volunteered. Hitler's monsters drove them all into the cellar and threw grenades at them.

Radio Vichy (France) yesterday broadcast a message about the situation in Moscow, in which it states that “the Moscow population receives 80 grams of bread per person.” There is no doubt that by spreading this kind of lie, Hitler’s henchmen from Vichy are trying to please Berlin. However, this time they were in trouble. It is known that one resident of Moscow receives more bread than one resident of Berlin, one resident of Rome and one resident of Vichy combined. It is also known that the French people are starving because the traitors handed France over to the German occupiers for plunder.

During July 17, our troops continued fighting with the enemy in the Voronezhai area south of Millerovo.

There were no significant changes in other sectors of the front.

On July 16, units of our aviation in various sectors of the front destroyed or damaged 90 German tanks, 265 vehicles with troops and cargo, several tankers with fuel. The fire of 2 anti-aircraft artillery battalions was suppressed, 5 ammunition warehouses were blown up, and up to four enemy infantry battalions were scattered and partially destroyed.

In the Voronezh region, our troops launched a series of counterattacks in some areas, causing great damage to the Germans. In a fierce battle, the soldiers of the guards unit destroyed 680 enemy soldiers and officers. In addition, 3 tanks were knocked out, 4 guns and 13 vehicles with ammunition were destroyed. Our other unit in the same area destroyed more than 400 Nazis and 2 mortar batteries. Soviet tank crews and artillerymen successfully crush the enemy. A large detachment of Germans made an attempt to encircle our infantry battalion near the village of D. Soldiers of the artillery battery, where the commander, Comrade. Demidov, rolled out the guns to open positions and began to shoot the enemy with direct fire. The artillerymen destroyed up to 1,000 Nazis. In another sector, our fighters knocked out 15 German tanks, destroyed 14 guns, destroyed the headquarters of three enemy regiments and captured documents, trophies and prisoners.

Fighting continues south of Millerovo. Our troops are repelling fierce enemy attacks. In one of the sections, 12 German tanks and 60 vehicles with infantry entered the rear of our unit. A stubborn battle ensued, during which 8 German tanks and over 400 Nazis were destroyed. Not far from point K, our tanks, covering the withdrawal of infantry units, launched a counterattack four times during the day and destroyed 1,200 Nazis, 5 tanks, 18 vehicles and 7 enemy machine guns.

Local battles took place in certain sections of the Kalinin Front. Enemy infantry, supported by a group of tanks, tried to break through the front line of the defense. Our armor-piercing units destroyed 8 German tanks with group fire. Deprived of tank support, the German infantry retreated, suffering heavy losses.

Sappers under the command of Lieutenant Fadeev quietly made their way to the enemy’s firing points. Several fighters, led by Red Army soldier Vasiliev, threw anti-tank grenades at the bunker in which the Nazis were located. Another group of fighters, led by Sergeant Kiselyov, blew up two fire receptacles. During this operation, sappers killed 25 German soldiers and officers.

Scouts Anorshin and Denisyev met behind enemy lines with a group of German soldiers. In the shootout, the scouts killed five Nazis, and captured two and brought them to their unit.

The Germans surrounded the soldier Comrade. Shcheglov and tried to take him prisoner. Red Army soldier-Kazakh comrade. Ishaliev rushed to the rescue of his comrade. Acting together, they destroyed 10 Nazis and rejoined their platoon.

Partisan detachments under the command of comrades V. and T., operating in one of the regions of the Leningrad region occupied by the Germans, were sent under the enemy’s otkosvoinsk echelon. 10 wagons with troops and 2 wagons with ammunition were destroyed.

Richard M., a soldier of the 533rd Regiment of the 383rd German Infantry Division, who voluntarily surrendered, said: “In ten days of fighting near Voronezh, the 533rd Regiment lost over half of its personnel. Companies and battalions are drained of blood. We lost a lot of equipment and weapons. For example, in my company there is only a tri-automatic rifle and one machine gun left.”

Yugoslav partisans drove the Italian occupiers out of a number of captured cities. The exhausted population enthusiastically greeted the partisan detachments. The patriots captured numerous trophies from the invaders. In one fence alone, the partisans captured 16 machine guns, 250 rifles, several vehicles, ammunition and military equipment. The German-Italian invaders are now forced to use their aircraft against the partisans. However, the partisans skillfully hide their bases and fire at enemy aircraft with infantry weapons.


Response form
Battle of Stalingrad. Chronicle, facts, people. Book 1 Zhilin Vitaly Alexandrovich

July 17, 1942



at 8.00 07/17/42

Cards: 500,000 and 100,000

During July 16, the troops of the right wing of the Southern Front fought heavy defensive battles with enemy tank and infantry units and continued to retreat to new lines of defense along the right bank of the river. Seversky Donets.

In the Voronezh direction, during July 16, our troops continued to wage stubborn offensive battles against the enemy group that had broken through to the Voronezh area and with tank formations advanced to the line of the river. Dry and Sore. Vereyka.

On other fronts, our troops occupied their previous positions during July 16, strengthened them, and fought local battles at a number of points.

9. Voronezh Front.

60th Army units of the 161st, 107th, 195th Infantry Division and 25th Tank Tank continued to conduct stubborn offensive battles with the enemy during 16.7. The fighting took place in areas 2 km southwest. NP Podgornoye, 0.5 km from the crossing at NP Star. Semiluki, in the area of ​​the mounds, which is west of mark 164, on the northern outskirts of Rabochy Gorodok and in the area of ​​the hospital (on the northern outskirts of Voronezh).

40th Army, continuing to hold their positions, units of the 121st Infantry Division fought 0.5 km north-east. Art. Voronezh 1st. In the battles of 16.7, up to 3 infantry battalions were destroyed, 22 vehicles, 11 machine guns, 6 machine guns, 60 thousand cartridges and many mines were captured, 4 tanks were knocked out and 1 enemy aircraft was shot down by infantry fire.

6th Army units of 206, 309 SD and 4, 24 Tank continued to fight for the capture of Petropavlovskoye. The fighting took place on the western, northern and eastern outskirts of this point. Army units in the area of ​​the Petropavlovskoye settlement destroyed units of the enemy's 75th Infantry Division. The headquarters of the 102nd infantry regiment was destroyed, and two regimental headquarters were destroyed. Documents and trophies were seized, including many cars, machine guns and ammunition. 12 prisoners were taken. 15 enemy tanks were knocked out and 19 enemy firing points and 14 anti-tank guns were destroyed. Our aircraft in this area destroyed 2 crossings across the river. Don, while 6 pontoons, 2 ferry crossings and 6 enemy boats were destroyed. 1 enemy aircraft was shot down by our infantry fire.

10. Troops of the Stalingrad Front During 16.7 they continued to occupy their previous positions, strengthened them, carried out a partial regrouping of forces and, in certain sectors of the front, repelled small groups of the enemy who were trying to conduct reconnaissance.

63rd Army continued to defend its positions and strengthened them.

The 153rd Infantry Division's forward units repulsed the enemy's attempt to conduct reconnaissance at the high line with the strength of up to an infantry battalion with 13 tanks. 191 (5 km southwest Kazanskaya village) - Stogovsky. The battle at this point continued.

62nd Army continued to occupy its previous positions, strengthened them and conducted reconnaissance.

3rd Guards KK and the 10th division of the NKVD occupied the same position.

13. Air Force fronts during 16.7 they operated against troops, airfields and railways. enemy nodes.

747 sorties were carried out, of which: against enemy troops - 508, to cover friendly troops - 145, for reconnaissance - 86 and for transporting cargo - 8.

Destroyed and damaged: 38 tanks, 130 vehicles; 3 ammunition depots were blown up; broken 5 w. d. wagons; The fire of 2 field and anti-aircraft artillery battalions, 1 MZA battery and 7 anti-aircraft points was suppressed. machine guns; up to 2 enemy battalions were scattered and partially destroyed.

In air battles, 3 enemy aircraft were shot down, 7 were damaged, and 1 enemy aircraft was destroyed at the airfield.

Our losses: 1 plane; 10 aircraft did not return to their airfields.

According to additional data, Air Force of the Navy, Stalingrad, Southern And North Caucasian fronts for 15.7 they carried out 509 sorties.

Destroyed and damaged: 38 tanks, 116 vehicles; 4 tank trucks with fuel; 3 ammunition and fuel warehouses were blown up; broken 25 w. d. wagons; The fire of 1 field artillery battery was suppressed; 1 tanker sunk; scattered and partially exterminated to a battalion of enemy infantry.

In air battles, 8 enemy aircraft were shot down, 1 was shot down, and 2 were destroyed at the airfield. Our losses: 3 aircraft (of which 1 is non-combat); 6 aircraft did not return to their airfields.

I. o. deputy chief of operations management

General Staff of the Red Army

major general


Military Commissar of Opera. management

General Staff of the Red Army

brigade commissar


Head of the information department of operations. management

General Staff of the Red Army

major general


Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 16, op. 1072ss, no. 7, l. 151-157.


Eastern Front

Army Group A

There are no significant changes on the southern wing of the army group and in the central sector. On the left flank, the enemy retreats, hiding behind weak rearguards. Our formations are moving east accordingly. The enemy opposed our attacks in the area of ​​Kamensk-Shakhtinsky with fierce resistance, in which tanks participated. At the same time, he stubbornly continues to destroy bridges. Southeast of the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, our units managed to cross the river. North Donets. In the strip 40th Army Corps attacks by scattered enemy groups from the west continued. Our troops captured the city of Millerovo. Enemy units retreat to the south. In the Millerovo area, Tarasovka settlement, 2,500 prisoners were captured. In some places there is still a fierce battle with tanks.

Parts 48th Army Corps, rapidly moving forward, they reached Milyutinskaya and, with the forces of the 29th Motorized Infantry Division, captured a bridgehead south of Morozovsky. At the Morozovsky airfield, 50 enemy aircraft were captured or destroyed, 20 of them in serviceable condition. According to yet unconfirmed data transmitted by aviation, advanced units reached the river. Don in the area of ​​Tsimlyanskaya village. The corps units advancing in the second echelon quickly tighten up.

Weather. In the southwestern part of the combat area it is hot and dry, in the northeastern part there are thunderstorms in places, and road traffic is low.

Army Group B

6th Army. The formations are moving east according to plan. Enemy attacks were repelled at the Korotoyak bridgehead. The arrival of his reinforcements has been detected. Since July 15, 15 enemy tanks have been destroyed here.

Army Group von Weichs1

##1 Shock group of German troops, the deployment of which was completed in the zone of the left-flank armies of the Bryansk Front by the end of June 1942. The group included 2nd field, 4th tank German and 2nd Hungarian armies under the command of General M. Weichs.

On the northern wing of the Voronezh sector and north of Zemlyansk, enemy attacks with the participation of tanks continue. Although its active operations do not have a common leadership and are carried out by disparate groups, the use of tanks and aircraft in this area suggests the possibility of long-term resistance. 11 tanks were destroyed northwest of Zemlyansk. There is intense movement of trucks and enemy troops in the forests north and north-west of Voronezh. From this we can conclude that enemy pressure will continue.

Weather. Clear, hot.

KTV OKW.Вd.II, s. 825-826.


The headquarters of the 28th, 57th and 38th armies, with their communications equipment and the troops sent to them, should be placed at the disposal of the commander of the Stalingrad Front.

Report to the commander of the Stalingrad Front about the situation and convey your thoughts on the procedure for using these headquarters and troops.


Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 48a, op. 1640, d. 180, l. 34. Original.


Copy: to the commander of the Voronezh Front

Due to the fact that the 60th Army of the Voronezh Front, advancing along the eastern bank of the river. Don, has advanced and is waging protracted battles in the Podkletnoye area - the northern outskirts of Voronezh, and the left flank of the Bryansk Front continues to linger on the western bank of the river. Don on the line Fomino-Negachevka - Lomovo - Spasskoye - Khrushchevo and further to the west, there was a threat of a possible crossing of the river by the enemy. Don and its exit to the river. Voronezh, encirclement and capture of the 60th Army.

Orders: The Bryansk Front, on the morning of July 18, using the 340th, 284th and 193rd Infantry Divisions, the 104th Infantry Brigade, the 1st Tank Corps, to begin active offensive operations along the western bank of the river. Don with the task of clearing the enemy at all costs and occupying the western bank of the river. Don on the Fomino-Negachevka - Malyshevo section, for what: by the end of 18.7 reach the Lebyazhiy, Kaver - Olkhovatka line, by the end of 19.7 to the Bol line. Treshchevka, r. Treshchevka - Russkaya Gvozdevka, to the end of 20. Vereika - Perlevka - Semiluki and to the end of 21.7 Golosnovka - Zemlyansk - r. Veduga - Ustye, securing the crossings at Malyshevo.

The rate obliges you to use all the forces and means at your disposal to achieve the completion of this task on time at any cost.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command

I. Stalin

A. Vasilevsky

Reported to Comrade Stalin and approved by telephone on 17.7 at 16.30.


Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 132a, op. 2642, d. 32, l. 124-125. Script.




The headquarters is dissatisfied with the actions of the 6th Army and the tank units of Mishulin and Badanov in the Petropavlovskoye area.

The headquarters demands at all costs, no later than the morning of July 18, to take Petropavlovskoe and completely clear the northern bank of the Don in this area from the enemy. No later than July 19, cross to the southern bank of the river. Don, take possession of Korotol and firmly secure the crossing at Korotol behind you, involving aviation in this matter.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command

I. Stalin

A. Vasilevsky

Reported and approved by telephone by Comrade Stalin at 18:20.


Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 132a, op. 2642, no. 12, l. 259. Original.


Copy: to the commander of the North Caucasus Front

You have not fulfilled the order of Headquarters to advance strong forward detachments from the schools, reinforced with tanks, to the line of the river. Tsimla.

The headquarters of the Supreme High Command orders, under your personal responsibility, to immediately organize strong forward detachments and send them to the border of the river. Tsimla from the village of Chernyshevskaya to its mouth, especially firmly occupy the village of Tsimlyanskaya, entering into contact here with the troops of the North Caucasus Front.

If the deportation of detachments at the expense of the schools is delayed, the detachments should be immediately expelled from the 29th Infantry Division, 66th Naval Brigade, reinforced with tanks from the 137th Tank Brigade, followed by detachments from the schools when they are ready.

Execution and report on the composition of the detachments.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command



Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 132a, op. 2642, d. 32, l. 128. Original.


Lieutenant General MALINOVSKY

Marshal Comrade BUDENNY


Lieutenant General GORDOVA

In connection with the current situation at the junction of the North Caucasus and Southern fronts on the river. Don

1. The commander of the Southern Front immediately occupy the southern bank of the river. Don from the village of Konstantinovskaya inclusive to the city of Bataysk and ensure the defense of the southern bank of the Don in this area. All parts of the North Caucasus Front defending along the river. Don in this sector, come under the command of the commander of the Southern Front from 22:00 on 22/7/42.

2. The aviation of the Southern and North Caucasian fronts should be united in the hands of the commander of the Southern Front, also from 10 p.m. on July 22, 1942.

3. From the Verkhne-Kurmoyarskaya village to the Konstantinovskaya village, exclusively the southern bank of the river. The Don is defended by units of the North Caucasus Front. The dividing line between the North Caucasus Front and the Southern Front will be temporarily established by Konstantinovskaya - Proletarskaya, all points inclusive for the Southern Front, the dividing line on the left will be the old Kagalnik - Kushchevskaya - Pavlovskaya (all points except Pavlovskaya, inclusive of the Southern Front).

4. The commander of the Stalingrad Front should include in the zone of operation of his combat aviation the strip of the North Caucasus Front from the Verkhne-Kurmoyarskaya settlement to the Konstantinovskaya settlement and carry out all requests from the commander of the North Caucasus Front.

5. Confirm receipt. Deliver the execution.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command

I. Stalin

A. Vasilevsky

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 132a, op. 2642, no. 31, l. 229-230. Script.


Start - 19:50

End - 20:45

S t a l i n g r a d. At the apparatus of Gordov, Khrushchev, Bodin.

Moscow. At Stalin's apparatus. Hello, please report briefly what happened on your right flank.

PROUD. Hello. I'm reporting.

1. The enemy began active operations on the right flank of 62A in the morning - introduced one infantry division and one TD in the Verkh sector. Cherensky - Perelazovsky - Kopanya state farm. The main attack of the tank division was directed from the Chernyshevskaya area through the village of Petrovka, Kalach-Kurtlak, and attacked the front line of the 33rd State Regiment on the move. Of the 150 tanks that took part in the battle, we knocked out 35 tanks, up to 30 tanks wedged into the defense line of the 33rd State Duma Division, with which battles took place at an altitude of 163.5, etc. Berezovy. On the far right flank, minor attacks by motorized infantry with small groups of tanks were repulsed with losses; on the left flank there were no changes. The enemy's Tsimlyansk crossing was destroyed by our aircraft.

2. Using all types of reconnaissance and intercepted documents, we determine: against the right flank of 62A, the Boca 1 army group is concentrated, consisting of at least three tank divisions, two motorized divisions, the 17th Army Corps, and the advance of the 6th Romanian Corps has been established.

##1 Colonel General Weichs took command of Army Group B instead of Field Marshal Bock on July 13, 1942.

3. 62 And in this situation, it carries out the following measures: it concentrates the tanks, “RS” and ap VET at its disposal on the front of the 33rd State Duma to prevent enemy tank attacks. The 184th Infantry Division withdraws to the right flank to consolidate the battle formation of the 192nd Infantry Division on the Evstratovsky - Kalmykov sector, the 196th Infantry Division, replaced by units of 64A, is withdrawn to the reserve behind the center of the army. From the morning of 24, 50% of the front air forces are sent to front 62A to counter and eliminate enemy attacks.

4. During day 23, the activity of enemy aviation on front 62A has significantly revived, which was not the case in previous days, and the remaining 50% of front aviation will carry out the task set by you to destroy the enemy at the crossings near the village of Tsimlyanskaya. All.

We ask you to approve our proposals, which have just been submitted to Comrade Tikhomirov. All.

STALIN. 1. The main thing now is not the crossings at Tsimlyanskaya and Nikolaevskaya, but the right flank of the front. The enemy, by throwing his units into the Tsimla area, diverted our attention to the south, and at that very time he was slowly bringing his main forces to the right flank of the front. The enemy succeeded in this military ruse due to our lack of reliable intelligence. This matter must be taken into account and the right flank of the front must be strengthened in every possible way. In this regard, I consider it absolutely necessary to immediately concentrate nine-tenths, I repeat, nine-tenths, of all the aviation of Khryukin and Stepanov in the area of ​​the right flank of the front and order both of them to throw the entire mass of fighter and attack aircraft against the enemy on your right flank. Do not pay attention to the enemy’s sabotage and tricks in the Tsimla area and transfer the entire force of the attack, I repeat, to the right flank of the front. Today we sent you five fighter regiments to reinforce Khryukin and Stepanov and two attack aircraft regiments in addition to the 90 attack aircraft that you have. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we will send new aviation regiments. Tell Stepanov from me that I demand that he destroy enemy tanks and motorized infantry from the air. If you can report enemy concentration areas, I can send Golovanov's aircraft to you for night bombing.

2. The plan for the formation and concentration of the 1st and 4th tank armies that you just conveyed is approved by the Headquarters.

3. Keep in mind that if the enemy breaks through the right flank and approaches the Don in the Gumrak area or further north, he will cut off your railway communications with the north. Therefore, I now consider the right flank of your front to be decisive.

4. I demand that the defensive line west of the Don from the village of Kletskaya through Rozhkovskaya to Nizhne-Kalinovka be retained in our hands unquestioningly. The enemy who has wedged into this line in the area of ​​operation of the guards division should be destroyed at all costs. You have the strength to do this, and you must do it. I categorically prohibit any departure from the specified defensive line. I demand that no sacrifices be spared in order to maintain this milestone. All. Is everything clear, are there any comments?

PROUD. Everything is clear. We begin to carry out your instructions.

STALIN. Do it, please comrade. Gordova send short messages by telegraph or radio to the General Staff about the state of affairs every three to four hours.

PROUD. We have just received a report from Kolpakchi that up to 50 enemy tanks have broken through in the direction of Kalmykov - Manoilin and through the Kopanya state farm in the direction of the Pervomaisky state farm. We will clarify the situation and report on the liquidation of the enemy who has broken through. All.

STALIN. What, don’t you have tanks on the right flank? What is our aviation doing? It’s a shame to retreat in front of 50 tanks of the German scoundrels, [having] about 900 tanks at the front. All.

PROUD. Everything is clear, we are taking measures to eliminate the group of enemy tanks that has broken through.

STALIN. All the best, I wish you success.

PROUD. All the best, thank you, goodbye. Gordov, Khrushchev, Bodin. All.

STALIN. Is Comrade Gordov there?

STALINGRAD. No, he's already left.

STALIN. Tell Gordov the following: keep in mind that Kolpakchi is a very nervous and impressionable person, it would be good to send someone stronger to Kolpakchi to maintain his spirit, and if Gordov himself goes to him, it will be even better. Hand this note to Gordov immediately.

PROUD. Yes, I received the entire note. Everything is clear.

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 96a, op. 2011, d. 26. l. 158-161. Verified with ticker tape. Published with abbreviation.


Lieutenant General T. MALINOVSKY


Marshal T. BUDENNY


Lieutenant General T. GORDOVA

If the Germans manage to build pontoon bridges on the Don and thus get the opportunity to transfer artillery to the southern bank of the Don. and tanks, this circumstance will create a great threat to the Southern, Stalingrad and North Caucasus fronts. If the Germans fail to bridge the pontoon bridges and they transfer them to the south. Don bank only infantry units, then this will not pose a great danger to us, since dept. German infantry units without artillery. and the tanks will be easy to destroy by our troops.

In view of this, the main task of our units on the southern bank of the Don and our aviation is to prevent the Germans from building pontoon bridges on the Don, and if they still manage to build them, they must destroy them with an artillery strike. ground troops and the entire mass of our aviation.

Please accept this instruction to the leadership and regularly report on implementation to the General Staff.

I. Stalin

Dictated by Comrade Stalin by telephone and approved by him

Major General Tikhomirov

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 132a, op. 2642, d. 32, l. 132. Original.



Copy: Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Spacecraft

The Volga military flotilla from 25.7 is transferred to operational subordination to the Stalingrad Front.

Supplying the flotilla with ammunition and weapons for the combined arms nomenklatura is entrusted to the Stalingrad Front.

The command and headquarters of the flotilla are located in Stalingrad.

Vasilevsky Alafuzov

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 48a, op. 1640, no. 27, l. 15. Original.


The experience of combat shows that our command and control of troops remains at an unacceptably low level. Unfortunately, we have to note again that most of our commanders continue to consider wired communications to be the main type of communication.

Troop control is carried out as long as there is a wire connection, but as soon as the wire connection is disrupted, control is immediately lost. They still use radio communications reluctantly, forcedly, they do not care about radio stations, they are kept far from command posts, and sometimes even at the second echelons of headquarters. Insufficient attention is paid to the training of radio operators; most of our radio operators work slowly and have little knowledge of radio communications technology.

Loss of communication is a loss of control, and loss of control of troops in battle inevitably leads to defeat.

The headquarters of the Supreme High Command orders:

1. Under the personal responsibility of commanders and commissars of all levels, in the shortest possible time, eliminate the underestimation of radio communications at headquarters, communications units and among the command and political staff of units and subunits. When organizing communications with troops, consider communication to be reliable only if there is well-established radio communication, and give this issue paramount importance when organizing any type of battle or troop maneuver. The free use of radio communications for transmission is allowed in all cases of combat activity of troops, unless prohibited by a superior commander or headquarters. The use of radio communications for transmission is limited only during periods of regroupings and concentrations of troops.

2. Allow open radio transmissions in formations and units from division and below in the following cases:

a) when transmitting fire control commands;

b) when transmitting reports from aircraft about observed targets, movements of enemy troops, target designations when adjusting artillery fire from the air;

c) all teams in battle in tank units within companies, battalions and brigades.

3. Allow radio communication between clerks in the army in the following cases:

a) reports on the receipt of orders, on the commencement of actions, on the achievement of areas and boundaries specified by the order;

b) calls for artillery fire, aviation, tank units. In this case, encode the names of the parts and the map.

All other transmissions must be made only in code, especially combat orders.

4. In connection with the permission of open radio transmissions, the conditions for mutual information between units are facilitated, but for this, at headquarters from the division and above it is necessary to clearly organize information radio reception, as well as create conditions for mutual understanding. To do this, it is necessary for the army headquarters to develop a single coded map and code table for all units and formations that are part of the army and have radios.

5. The permission for open radio transmissions should be brought to the attention of all commanding officers and radio operators of all radios. The command staff is strictly obliged to make a mark on a document subject to open transmission by radio indicating the order of transmission - “open”, and to put their signature.

6. Start implementing the directive immediately and inform about its implementation.

On behalf of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command


Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 96a, op. 1711, d. 7a, l. 57-59. Script.



marshal BUDENNY,


Lieutenant General MALINOVSKY,


Lieutenant General GORDOVA

The headquarters of the Supreme High Command orders:

1. Defense along the left bank of the river. The Don from the village of Verkhne-Kurmoyarskaya to the city of Azov is entrusted to the commander of the Southern Front.

2. To the Commander of the North Caucasus Front, from 22.00 on July 25, 1942, until further notice, transfer the 51st Army to the Southern Front on the defensive lines it occupies, consisting of 138, 91, 157, 302 Rifle Division, 110, 115 Kd, 255 OKP , 18 and 19 GMP, 457 AP RGK, 1168 and 1188 AP, 1246 AP PTO with other army units and institutions.

The commander of the North Caucasus Front, after the transfer of the 51st Army to the Southern Front, should focus on the defense of the northwestern and western coasts of the Azov and Black Seas from the city of Azov to the village of Lazarevskoye (25 km south of Tuapse)

3. Until further notice, the aviation of the North Caucasus Front will remain under operational control of the Southern Front. The commander of the Southern Front should freely carry out the requests of the commander of the North Caucasus Front to defend the coast of the Azov and Black Seas.

4. With the transfer of the 51st Army to the Southern Front, establish demarcation lines for the Southern Front:

a) on the right with the Stalingrad Front - Verkhne-Kurmoyarskaya, Ketchenery, Shebenery, Astrakhan (all points except Verkhne-Kurmoyarskaya, incl. for the Stalingrad Front);

b) on the left with the North Caucasian Front - Kagalnik, Kushchevskaya, Novopokrovskaya, Petrovskoye, Budennovsk (all points included for the Southern Front).

5. The headquarters of the Supreme High Command considers it a disgrace for the command of the Southern Front that, having sufficient forces and means, it nevertheless allowed the enemy machine gunners to capture the southern bank of the river. Don and categorically demand, under your personal responsibility, to immediately clear the southern bank of the enemy and firmly occupy it from Verkhne-Kurmoyarskaya to Azov with front troops.

6. Report execution.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command

I. Stalin

A. Vasilevsky

Reported to Comrade Stalin and approved by telephone on July 25, 1942 at 16:30.


Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 132a, op. 2642. d. 12, l. 261-263. Script.


The Povorino-Stalingrad railway section is subject to systematic enemy air raids. The movement of operational echelons in this area during July 23rd and 24th was essentially suspended.

25.7 at 16.00, according to the head of the road, Comrade Shakhrai, a double raid by a group of 8 aircraft at the station. Aleksikovo was bombed by trains No. 22/424 and 22/214, there were direct hits, the results are being clarified.

All these unpunished enemy air raids occur due to poor cover organization, despite the additional means sent to your disposal, in particular fighter aircraft.

This situation creates a clear threat of disrupting the concentration of troops.

The Headquarters of the Supreme High Command requires:

1. Cover the concentration of troops coming at your disposal, in particular the railway section. Povorino village - Stalingrad.

2. Force the Air Force and Air Defense apparatus to firmly grasp all the means at your disposal to organize cover for the concentration of troops.

On behalf of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command

Chief of the General Staff of the spacecraft

A. Vasilevsky

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 48a, op. 1640, d. 180, l. 63. Original.





In connection with the withdrawal of the 214th Infantry Division of the 64th Army south of the mouth of the river. Chir beyond the Don and the enemy’s exit here to the western bank of the river. The Don direction Nizhne-Chirskaya - Stalingrad is currently the most dangerous for the front, and therefore the main one. This danger lies in the fact that the enemy, having crossed the river. Don, can bypass Stalingrad from the south and reach the rear of the Stalingrad front.

The headquarters of the Supreme High Command orders:

1. Continuing actions to completely destroy the enemy in the Verkhne-Buzinovka area, the main task of the front in the coming days is to have active actions by units of the 64th Army using the 204th and 321st rifle divisions that have arrived in the Kalach area and to the south and the 23rd tank corps, at all costs, no later than July 30, defeat the enemy, who came south of the Nizhne-Chirskaya settlement to the west. river bank Don, and completely restore the defenses along the Stalingrad line here, subsequently pushing the enemy west beyond the river. Tsimla.

Report the measures taken to Headquarters no later than the morning of July 29.

2. At the same time, take immediate measures to strengthen the defense of the southwestern front of the Stalingrad outer contour from the station. Krasny Don to Raigorod on the river. Volga and by the morning of July 29, report to Headquarters how strong this front is and what parts it is made of and about your additional measures to strengthen it.

3. By the morning of July 29, convey to Headquarters your thoughts on the further use of the ten rifle divisions arriving at the front, taking into account all the changes that have occurred in the situation.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command

I. Stalin

A. Vasilevsky

Transmitted at 17:15 on 07/28/42.


Received by Chief of Staff Stahl. front

Major General Nikishev

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, f. 132a, op. 2642, no. 12, l. 272-273. Script.


In the Voronezh region, fighting continues with the same intensity. Numerous attempts by the enemy to move forward were unsuccessful. Piles of Nazi corpses and dozens of burned German tanks remained on the battlefield. At one of the sites, a regiment of enemy infantry attacked our unit. Our fighters allowed the Nazis to get close, and then opened fire with mortars, machine guns and rifles. Having lost over 800 people, the enemy retreated. Pursuing the Germans, our tanks burst into the populated area, destroyed 2 artillery batteries, 7 heavy machine guns, 3 armored vehicles and exterminated over 200 Nazis. In another area, a detachment of Soviet machine gunners managed to break into the area of ​​the enemy’s fortified lines and sow panic there. Our tankers and infantrymen, who had arrived by this time, took advantageous positions. In this battle, the enemy lost 5 tanks and up to 600 soldiers and officers.

During July 17, our troops continued fighting with the enemy in the Voronezh region and south of Millerovo.

There were no significant changes in other sectors of the front.

In the Voronezh region, our troops launched a number of counterattacks in some areas and inflicted heavy damage on the Germans. In fierce battles, the soldiers of the guards unit destroyed 680 enemy soldiers and officers. In addition, 3 tanks were knocked out, 4 guns and 13 vehicles with ammunition were destroyed. Our other unit in the same area destroyed more than 400 Nazis and 2 mortar batteries. Soviet tank crews and artillerymen successfully crush the enemy. A large detachment of Germans made an attempt to surround our infantry battalion near the village of D. Soldiers of the artillery battery, where the commander, Comrade. Demidov, rolled out the guns to open positions and began to shoot the enemy with direct fire. The artillerymen destroyed up to 1000 Nazis. In another sector, our fighters knocked out 15 German tanks, destroyed 14 guns, destroyed the headquarters of 3 enemy regiments and captured documents, trophies and prisoners. From the author's book

July 18, 1942 EXTRACT FROM OPERATIONAL REPORT No. 199 OF THE GENERAL STAFF OF THE RED ARMY 8.00 07/18/42 Maps: 500,000 and 100,000 During 17.7, the troops of the Southern Front, part of their forces, fought stubborn defensive battles with enemy motorized infantry and tanks, r. Seversky Donets in the area of ​​the settlement

From the author's book

July 19, 1942 EXTRACT FROM OPERATIONAL REPORT No. 200 OF THE GENERAL STAFF OF THE RED ARMY 8.00 07/19/42 Maps: 500,000 and 100,000 During July 18, the troops of the Southern Front partly fought stubborn defensive battles with enemy tanks and motorized infantry, crossing the river . Seversky Donets in the area of ​​the settlement

From the author's book

July 20, 1942 EXTRACT FROM OPERATIONAL REPORT No. 201 OF THE GENERAL STAFF OF THE RED ARMY 8.00 07/20/42 Maps: 500,000 and 100,000 During July 19, in the Voronezh direction, our troops continued to conduct stubborn offensive battles against enemy groups that had broken through to the areas of the city.

From the author's book

July 21, 1942 EXTRACT FROM OPERATIONAL REPORT No. 202 OF THE GENERAL STAFF OF THE RED ARMY 8.00 07/21/42 Maps: 500,000 and 100,000 During July 20, in the Voronezh direction, our troops continued to conduct persistent offensive battles against enemy groups that had broken through to the areas of the city.

From the author's book

July 22, 1942 EXTRACT FROM OPERATIONAL REPORT No. 203 OF THE GENERAL STAFF OF THE RED ARMY 8.00 07/22/42 Maps: 500,000 and 100,000 The troops of the left wing of the Bryansk Front went on the offensive in the direction of Zemlyansk on the morning of July 21 and, overcoming stubborn enemy resistance, advanced beyond

From the author's book

July 23, 1942 EXTRACT FROM OPERATIONAL REPORT No. 204 OF THE GENERAL STAFF OF THE RED ARMY 8.00 07.23.42 Maps: 500,000 and 100,000 The troops of the left wing of the Bryansk Front resumed the offensive in the direction of Zemlyansk on the morning of July 22 and, overcoming stubborn enemy resistance, slowly

From the author's book

July 23, 1942 DIRECTIVE No. 45I. During the campaign, which lasted less than three weeks, the major tasks I assigned to the southern wing of the Eastern Front were largely completed. Only small forces of Timoshenko's armies managed to escape from encirclement and reach the southern bank of the river. Don.

July 26, 1942 EXTRACT FROM OPERATIONAL REPORT No. 207 OF THE GENERAL STAFF OF THE RED ARMY 8.00 07/26/42 Maps: 500,000 and 100,000 Troops of the Southern Front continued to fight heavy battles with enemy tanks and infantry in the area of ​​Rostov on July 25. On Stalingrad our front troops partly

From the author's book

July 28, 1942 EXTRACT FROM OPERATIONAL REPORT No. 209 OF THE GENERAL STAFF OF THE RED ARMY 8.00 07/28/42 Maps: 500,000 and 100,000 During July 27, the troops of the Southern Front continued to fight with enemy units that crossed the river. Don in the areas of Tsimlyanskaya, Nikolaevskaya, Razdorskaya, Bataysk,

From the author's book

July 29, 1942 EXTRACT FROM OPERATIONAL REPORT No. 210 OF THE GENERAL STAFF OF THE RED ARMY 8.00 07/29/42 Maps: 500,000 and 100,000 During July 28, the troops of the North Caucasus Front fought defensive battles with enemy tank and motorized units that had broken through, to the Manychsky Canal in

Taking into account the tasks being solved, the peculiarities of the conduct of hostilities by the parties, the spatial and temporal scale, as well as the results, the Battle of Stalingrad includes two periods: defensive - from July 17 to November 18, 1942; offensive - from November 19, 1942 to February 2, 1943

The strategic defensive operation in the Stalingrad direction lasted 125 days and nights and included two stages. The first stage is the conduct of defensive combat operations by front-line troops on the distant approaches to Stalingrad (July 17 - September 12). The second stage is the conduct of defensive actions to hold Stalingrad (September 13 - November 18, 1942).

The German command delivered the main blow with the forces of the 6th Army in the direction of Stalingrad along the shortest route through the big bend of the Don from the west and southwest, just in the defense zones of the 62nd (commander - Major General, from August 3 - Lieutenant General , from September 6 - Major General, from September 10 - Lieutenant General) and the 64th (commander - Lieutenant General V.I. Chuikov, from August 4 - Lieutenant General) armies. The operational initiative was in the hands of the German command with an almost double superiority in forces and means.

Defensive combat operations by troops of the fronts on the distant approaches to Stalingrad (July 17 - September 12)

The first stage of the operation began on July 17, 1942 in the big bend of the Don with combat contact between units of the 62nd Army and the advanced detachments of German troops. Fierce fighting ensued. The enemy had to deploy five divisions out of fourteen and spend six days to approach the main defense line of the troops of the Stalingrad Front. However, under the pressure of superior enemy forces, Soviet troops were forced to retreat to new, poorly equipped or even unequipped lines. But even under these conditions they inflicted significant losses on the enemy.

By the end of July, the situation in the Stalingrad direction continued to remain very tense. German troops deeply engulfed both flanks of the 62nd Army, reached the Don in the Nizhne-Chirskaya area, where the 64th Army held the defense, and created the threat of a breakthrough to Stalingrad from the southwest.

Due to the increased width of the defense zone (about 700 km), by the decision of the Supreme High Command Headquarters, the Stalingrad Front, which was commanded by a lieutenant general from July 23, was divided on August 5 into the Stalingrad and South-Eastern fronts. To achieve closer cooperation between the troops of both fronts, from August 9, the leadership of the defense of Stalingrad was united in one hand, and therefore the Stalingrad Front was subordinated to the commander of the South-Eastern Front, Colonel General.

By mid-November, the advance of German troops was stopped along the entire front. The enemy was forced to finally go on the defensive. This completed the strategic defensive operation of the Battle of Stalingrad. The troops of the Stalingrad, South-Eastern and Don Fronts completed their tasks, holding back the powerful enemy offensive in the Stalingrad direction, creating the preconditions for a counter-offensive.

During the defensive battles, the Wehrmacht suffered huge losses. In the fight for Stalingrad, the enemy lost about 700 thousand killed and wounded, over 2 thousand guns and mortars, more than 1000 tanks and assault guns and over 1.4 thousand combat and transport aircraft. Instead of a non-stop advance towards the Volga, enemy troops were drawn into protracted, grueling battles in the Stalingrad area. The German command's plan for the summer of 1942 was thwarted. At the same time, the Soviet troops also suffered heavy losses in personnel - 644 thousand people, of which irrevocable - 324 thousand people, sanitary 320 thousand people. The losses of weapons amounted to: about 1,400 tanks, more than 12 thousand guns and mortars and more than 2 thousand aircraft.

Soviet troops continued their offensive

71 years have passed since fascist tanks, like a jack-in-the-box, found themselves on the northern outskirts of Stalingrad. Meanwhile, hundreds of German planes dropped tons of deadly cargo on the city and its inhabitants. The furious roar of engines and the ominous whistle of bombs, explosions, groans and thousands of deaths, and the Volga engulfed in flames. August 23 was one of the most terrible moments in the city's history. For only 200 fiery days from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943, the great confrontation on the Volga continued. We remember the main milestones of the Battle of Stalingrad from the beginning to victory. A victory that changed the course of the war. A victory that was very costly.

In the spring of 1942, Hitler divides Army Group South into two parts. The first should capture the North Caucasus. The second is to move to the Volga, to Stalingrad. The Wehrmacht's summer offensive was called Fall Blau.

Stalingrad seemed to attract German troops to itself like a magnet. The city that bore the name of Stalin. The city that opened the way for the Nazis to the oil reserves of the Caucasus. A city located in the center of the country's transport arteries.

To resist the onslaught of Hitler's army, the Stalingrad Front was formed on July 12, 1942. The first commander was Marshal Timoshenko. It included the 21st Army and the 8th Air Army from the former Southwestern Front. More than 220 thousand soldiers of three reserve armies were also brought into the battle: the 62nd, 63rd and 64th. Plus artillery, 8 armored trains and air regiments, mortar, tank, armored, engineering and other formations. The 63rd and 21st armies were supposed to prevent the Germans from crossing the Don. The remaining forces were sent to defend the borders of Stalingrad.

The residents of Stalingrad are also preparing for defense; units of the people's militia are being formed in the city.

The beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad was quite unusual for that time. There was silence; tens of kilometers lay between the opponents. Nazi columns quickly moved east. At this time, the Red Army was gathering forces to the Stalingrad line and building fortifications.

The start date of the great battle is considered to be July 17, 1942. But, according to the statements of military historian Alexei Isaev, soldiers of the 147th Infantry Division entered the first battle on the evening of July 16 near the villages of Morozov and Zolotoy not far from the Morozovskaya station.

From this moment on, bloody battles begin in the big bend of the Don. Meanwhile, the Stalingrad Front is replenished with the forces of the 28th, 38th and 57th armies.

The day of August 23, 1942 became one of the most tragic in the history of the Battle of Stalingrad. Early in the morning, General von Wittersheim's 14th Panzer Corps reached the Volga in the north of Stalingrad.

The enemy tanks ended up where the city residents did not expect to see them - just a few kilometers from the Stalingrad Tractor Plant.

And in the evening of the same day, at 16:18 Moscow time, Stalingrad turned into hell. Never again has any city in the world withstood such an onslaught. For four days, from August 23 to 26, six hundred enemy bombers made up to 2 thousand sorties daily. Each time they brought death and destruction with them. Hundreds of thousands of incendiary, high-explosive and fragmentation bombs continually rained down on Stalingrad.

The city was in flames, choking with smoke, choking with blood. Generously sprinkled with oil, the Volga also burned, cutting off people’s path to salvation.

What appeared before us on August 23 in Stalingrad struck us like a terrible nightmare. Fire-smoke plumes of bean explosions soared upward continuously, here and there. Huge columns of flame rose to the sky in the area of ​​oil storage facilities. Streams of burning oil and gasoline rushed to the Volga. The river was burning, the steamships on the Stalingrad roadstead were burning. The asphalt of the streets and squares smelled stinking. Telegraph poles flared up like matches. There was an unimaginable noise, straining the ears with its hellish music. The screech of bombs flying from a height mixed with the roar of explosions, the grinding and clanging of collapsing buildings, and the crackle of raging fire. The dying people moaned, the women and children cried angrily and cried out for help, he later recalled Commander of the Stalingrad Front Andrei Ivanovich Eremenko.

In a matter of hours, the city was practically wiped off the face of the Earth. Houses, theaters, schools - everything turned into ruins. 309 enterprises in Stalingrad were also destroyed. The factories "Red October", STZ, "Barricades" lost most of their workshops and equipment. Transport, communications, and water supply were destroyed. About 40 thousand residents of Stalingrad died.

Red Army soldiers and militias hold the defense in the north of Stalingrad. The troops of the 62nd Army are fighting heavy battles on the western and northwestern borders. Hitler's aircraft continue their barbaric bombing. From midnight on August 25, a state of siege and special order were introduced in the city. Violation of it is punishable strictly, including execution:

Persons involved in looting and robberies should be shot at the scene of the crime without trial or investigation. All malicious violators of public order and security in the city should be tried by a military tribunal.

A few hours before this, the Stalingrad City Defense Committee adopted another resolution - on the evacuation of women and children to the left bank of the Volga. At that time, no more than 100 thousand were evacuated from a city with a population of more than half a million people, not counting those evacuated from other regions of the country.

The remaining residents are called to the defense of Stalingrad:

We will not hand over our hometown to the Germans for desecration. Let us all stand as one in defense of our beloved city, our home, our family. We will cover all the streets of the city with impenetrable barricades. Let's make every house, every block, every street an impregnable fortress. All for the construction of barricades! Everyone who is capable of carrying weapons, go to the barricades, to defend their hometown, their home!

And they respond. Every day, about 170 thousand people go out to build fortifications and barricades.

By the evening of Monday, September 14, the enemy had penetrated into the very heart of Stalingrad. The railway station and Mamayev Kurgan were captured. Over the next 135 days, height 102.0 will be recaptured more than once and lost again. The defenses at the junction of the 62nd and 64th armies in the area of ​​Vitriol Balka were also broken through. Hitler's troops were able to shoot through the banks of the Volga and the crossing along which reinforcements and food were coming to the city.

Under heavy enemy fire, fighters of the Volga military flotilla and pontoon battalions begin transferring from Krasnoslobodsk to Stalingrad of units of the 13th Guards Rifle Division of Major General Rodimtsev.

In the city there are battles for every street, every house, every piece of land. Strategic objects change hands several times a day. The Red Army soldiers try to stay as close to the enemy as possible in order to avoid attacks from enemy artillery and aircraft. Fierce fighting continues on the approaches to the city.

Soldiers of the 62nd Army are fighting in the area of ​​the tractor plant, Barricades, and Red October. At this time, workers continue to work almost on the battlefield. The 64th Army continues to hold the defense south of the Kuporosnoye village.

And at this time, the fascist Germans gathered forces in the center of Stalingrad. By the evening of September 22, Nazi troops reach the Volga in the area of ​​9 January Square and the central pier. These days begin the legendary history of the defense of the “House of Pavlov” and “House of Zabolotny”. Bloody battles for the city continue; the Wehrmacht troops still fail to achieve their main goal and take possession of the entire bank of the Volga. However, both sides suffer heavy losses.

Preparations for a counteroffensive near Stalingrad began in September 1942. The plan for the defeat of the Nazi troops was called “Uranus”. Units of the Stalingrad, Southwestern and Don Fronts were involved in the operation: more than a million Red Army soldiers, 15.5 thousand guns, almost 1.5 thousand tanks and assault guns, about 1350 aircraft. In all positions, Soviet troops outnumbered the enemy forces.

The operation began on November 19 with a massive shelling. The armies of the Southwestern Front strike from Kletskaya and Serafimovich, during the day they advance 25-30 kilometers. The forces of the Don Front are thrown in the direction of the Vertyachiy village. On November 20, south of the city, the Stalingrad Front also went on the offensive. On this day the first snow fell.

On November 23, 1942, the ring closes in the area of ​​Kalach-on-Don. The 3rd Romanian Army was defeated. About 330 thousand soldiers and officers of 22 divisions and 160 separate units of the 6th German Army and part of the 4th Tank Army were surrounded. From this day on, our troops begin their offensive and every day they squeeze the Stalingrad cauldron more and more tightly.

In December 1942, troops of the Don and Stalingrad fronts continued to crush the encircled Nazi troops. On December 12, Field Marshal von Manstein's Army Group attempted to reach the encircled 6th Army. The Germans advanced 60 kilometers in the direction of Stalingrad, but by the end of the month the remnants of the enemy forces were driven back hundreds of kilometers. It's time to destroy Paulus's army in the Stalingrad cauldron. The operation, which was entrusted to the soldiers of the Don Front, received the code name “Ring”. The troops were reinforced with artillery, and on January 1, 1943, the 62nd, 64th and 57th armies of the Stalingrad Front became part of the Don Front.

On January 8, 1943, an ultimatum with a proposal to surrender was transmitted by radio to Paulus's headquarters. By this time, Hitler’s troops were very hungry and freezing, and their reserves of ammunition and fuel had come to an end. Soldiers are dying from malnutrition and cold. But the offer of surrender was rejected. An order comes from Hitler's headquarters to continue the resistance. And on January 10, our troops launched a decisive offensive. And already on the 26th, on Mamayev Kurgan, units of the 21st Army linked up with the 62nd Army. The Germans surrender by the thousands.

On the last day of January 1943, the southern group stopped resisting. In the morning, Paulus was brought the last radiogram from Hitler; in anticipation of suicide, he was awarded the next rank of field marshal general. So he became the first Wehrmacht field marshal to surrender.

In the basement of the Central Department Store of Stalingrad they also took the entire headquarters of the 6th German Field Army. In total, 24 generals and more than 90 thousand soldiers and officers were captured. The history of world wars has never known anything like this, either before or since.

It was a disaster from which Hitler and the Wehrmacht were never able to recover - they dreamed of the “Stalingrad cauldron” until the end of the war. The collapse of the fascist army on the Volga convincingly showed that the Red Army and its leadership were able to completely outplay the vaunted German strategists - this is how he assessed that moment of the war General of the Army, Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Battle of Stalingrad Valentin Varennikov. - I remember well with what merciless jubilation our commanders and ordinary soldiers greeted the news of the victory on the Volga. We were incredibly proud that we had broken the back of the most powerful German group.