Boris Grachevsky with his wife. Dmitry Borisov. Inna Razumikhina: head over heels

Boris Grachevsky's new wife is 14 years younger than his son August 30th, 2017

“No one understands, believes in what is happening, does not perceive the information, because we have a big age difference,” the 32-year-old wife of the 68-year-old head of Yeralash complains in an interview.

By the way, the “young” got married back in February 2016, and met a year earlier. Although after his second divorce (Boris was married to his first wife Galina for almost 35 years) in 2014, Grachevsky said in an interview that he had no plans to appear at the registry office gates again as a groom: “God forbid! As they say, after being burned with milk, they drink vodka.” Then his divorce from Anna Panasenko, with whom he lived for only 4 years, was heatedly discussed in the press. The director was blamed - he married a provincial girl who is 38 years younger - reap the benefits. But, apparently, new love makes you forget all past grievances and believe in yourself.

It is known about Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya (Ponkina) that she was born in 1984 and graduated from the Astrakhan College of Culture. Then she moved to Moscow, studied at the Moscow Art Theater School... This elderly freak is lucky to find provincial ski jumpers with characteristic surnames: Panasenko, Ponkina.

“Everyone expects only “Yeralash” from me,” complains Boris Grachevsky, “actually, I periodically make some films. I finished the film “Between Notes or Tantric Symphony.” The film is creaking. Because the movie turned out to be not narrow-minded with from the point of view of festivals and not consumer goods. But human, about people and for people, which you need to watch and think about. It’s a story about the love of a great composer and a simple young girl with a strong age gap. For 10 years, I tormented the script, about how love can be like this... Although my heroine at the end of the film leaves without anything, abandons everything. And in life, my ex-wife Panasenko left in two trucks full of clothes... But Ekaterina is different. This is the person I love and the person who loves me. Everything is fine with us. She’s a talented girl, she can handle it herself.”

Boris Grachevsky was married to his first wife, Galina, for 35 years. They already have two adult children, son Maxim and daughter Ksenia.

History is silent about how Grachevsky’s son reacted to the fact that his father left the family, but recently it became known that Maxim had financial difficulties, and his father was in no hurry to help him.

But the daughter directly stated in the press that she hated her father, in response Boris began to lament, saying that he “raised Judas.”

“Grey hair in the beard, demon in the rib” - this is about Grachevsky. At the moment, Yeralash is a popular brand that brings considerable dividends to its creator, but this was not always the case.

There were hardships, difficult times when livelihoods were not enough. Then Boris cared little about the “glamor” of his wife. But over time this changed.

Not so given Boris Grachevsky declared publicly that he had changed a lot in his life - he quit smoking, divorced his wife and fired his daughter. Now he calls his ex-wife nothing more than a widow - emphasizing that he died for Galina.

As soon as Yeralash began to bring significant sums to his creator, fame “went to his head.” A huge number of young girls and women always revolved around him.

Galina repeatedly caught her unfaithful husband, found notes in her pocket from his fans, and several times she came across more obvious evidence of his infidelities. However, she loved him, and therefore tolerated him.

It’s not so simple with his daughter either; Grachevsky was in no hurry to employ his “native blood” and share with her the secrets of the family business, not to mention the business itself.

As a result, after the divorce, Galina received 30,000 rubles of monthly maintenance, an apartment and a car, but she received all this only because she threatened Grachevsky with division of property. All property, which, by the way, is the Yeralash program - after all, this is intellectual property acquired during marriage.

But not so long ago Boris met a new love Anna Ignatyuk, who is almost three times younger than him.

Little is known about Boris Yuryevich’s chosen one: she is 23 years old and came to Moscow from Minsk. She has already given birth to her newly-made husband a child, a girl. She often goes with him to social events, and Grachevsky, apparently, is crazy about her.

Boris Yurievich Grachevsky is a director and screenwriter, director of the children's program “Yeralash”.

Boris Grachevsky's career was not dizzying; he went from a loader to the director of Yeralash, made two full-length films and established himself in life as a director.

It is probably difficult to find a person who has not watched “Jumble” at least once in his life. Hearing his call sign, both children and adults rushed to the TV sets so as not to miss the next episode. The founder and ideological inspirer of the film magazine, beloved by millions of viewers, was Boris Grachevsky.

Childhood and youth

Boris Grachevsky was born on March 18, 1949 in Moscow, into a creative, intelligent family. A family with a newborn son moves to the Moscow region, to the small town of Polushkino, where his parents worked in a rest home.

The boy’s mother worked in a library, his father was engaged in cultural work. Bori spent his childhood years in the Polushkino holiday home, among numerous vacationers. His childhood memories are connected with this place. He often remembers his first love - the four-year-old daughter of a washerwoman, his father, who was a real holiday man, could make a good joke to cheer everyone up. He knew a lot of jokes, which he always inserted to the point.

Bora was only 5 when he first appeared on stage in his father's concert number. At the age of 6, the boy already had his first success.

At school, Boris always took a leading position among his classmates. He often recalls an incident when the boys one autumn decided to take a shortcut to school and went across the river. The ice was still very thin, but Boris was not afraid and went first. When the ice began to crack under him, the boy did not return, but simply lay down and crawled over the entire distance. He managed to maintain authority in the eyes of his friends, and besides, none of them set foot on the ice.

During his school years, Boris devotes a lot of time to sports - playing basketball and skiing.

After school, Grachevsky decided to learn to become a turner and became a student at the Kaliningrad Mechanical College, which he successfully graduated in 1968. Upon completion of his studies, he gets a job at a factory as a turner, and then works as a design technician. Next was service in the ranks of the Soviet Army, from where he was discharged due to a head injury.

Creative path

Upon returning from the army, the guy realizes that working as a turner is not the limit of his dreams. He asks his father for help and he helps his son find a job at the M. Gorky film studio. He was hired as a loader in the props shop. During the filming of the film Crime and Punishment, he became a laborer. The young man was very interested in everything that happened on the set. Then he worked for the famous A. Rowe, during the filming of the film “Barbara the Beauty, Long Braid.”

After two months of filming, Rowe noticed the enthusiastic guy and decided to use him in the film. Boris is given a very tiny role of a monster who was supposed to stick his hand out of the water. This was the beginning of my creative journey. Then there were more and more episodic roles. And during the filming break, Boris still had to wash the floors and carry props. But there was an opportunity to study the entire filming process from the inside and see the basics of directing.

In 1969, Grachevsky became a correspondence student at VGIK, passing documents for the specialty “Organization of Film Production.” He received his higher education diploma 23 years later.


In 1974, A. Khmelik, who held the position of deputy editor-in-chief at a film studio, began looking for a suitable candidate for the role of director in the newly organized film magazine “Yeralash”. Remembering Grachevsky’s outstanding organizational skills, Khmelik invited him to take up the project. His intuition did not let him down - “Jumble” became popular from the very first release.

Photo: Boris Grachevsky in the Yeralash studio

From 1974 to 1984, Grachevsky was the permanent director of the film magazine, beloved by many. During this time, almost 700 episodes were released, in which now popular, but then just beginning artists, A. Loye, S. Lazarev, A. Golovin and others, starred.

The presence of Grachevsky himself on the set is not required. His task is to debug the filming process and set up the team. It was Boris Yuryevich who first suggested inviting popular singers, actors, and showmen to filming.


Grachevsky shot his first full-length film entitled “Roof” in 2009. Then there was the drama “Between the Notes, or Tantric Symphony,” filmed in 2014, which tells the story of an elderly musician who falls in love with a young provincial girl. Y. Melekhova also starred in this film.

Personal life

Boris met his first wife at a time when he had just gotten a job at a film studio as a laborer. The girl’s name was Galina, she studied at a Moscow university and did not even take the young man’s advances seriously. But thanks to his leadership character and amazing perseverance, Boris still achieved reciprocity.

Photo: Boris Grachevsky and Anna Panasenko

In 1970, the young people got married. The couple's first home together was a barracks located on the outskirts of the capital. When the young people realized that they would soon have a child, they moved to live in a communal apartment where Gali’s parents lived. In 1972, their son Maxim was born. 7 years later, in 1979, the couple had a daughter, who was named Ksenia.

Their personal life lasted 35 years and fell apart abruptly. The divorce was unexpected for everyone - neither family and friends, nor children expected such a development of events. The daughter was never able to come to terms with her father’s departure, considers him a traitor and refuses to communicate with him.

Grachevsky’s second wife was the young actress Anna Panasenko, born in 1986. Their age difference was an astonishing 38 years. But this did not become an obstacle to marriage. Their marriage took place in 2010, and 2 years later, in 2012, they became the parents of their daughter Vasilisa.

This marriage suffered the same fate as the first. The divorce took place in 2014, and was quite loud. The ex-husband and wife expressed themselves very bitingly, not hesitating to give each other unpleasant characteristics and make accusations.

Grachevsky’s third wife was Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya, an actress and singer. They met when Boris was filming his second feature film. He is 66, she is 31. Their wedding took place at the end of 2015 on the island of Mauritius, where a few guests congratulated the newlyweds.

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“My wife manages the budget. When she says “I need money,” I just ask “how much,” and then I say “for!” and that's all. And he watches his diet. Despite the fact that we have food at our studio that is very tasty, she always gives me food to take with me. Counts these calories. Sometimes at about nine o'clock in the evening you ask for an apple, and she answers - no, it's too late. Well, look at her, you have to be a match for her,”– Boris Grachevsky shared.

Everyone really liked the steak Boris Yuryevich cooked. Only Nikolai Nikolaevi Drozdov could not appreciate the taste of meat, since he had not eaten food of animal origin for many years. He eats only vegetables and fruits, sometimes eats fish, loves oatmeal with water and steamed buckwheat. All guests tasted the meat dishes prepared by the stars.

Everyone tried to distinguish themselves by preparing a delicious dish. Alexander Shoua and Victoria Talyshinskaya, the soloists of the Nepara group, also cooked meat: the woman – beef steaks, the man – Ossetian-style roast. True, they could not appreciate each other’s talents. Many assumed that the soloists were in a quarrel, but no. It turns out Victoria is on a diet and she can’t eat fatty foods. It is worth noting that Shoua and Talyshinskaya did not communicate at all for several months. After a stormy romance, they did not want to see each other, and during this period the group broke up. But for the sake of their love, they sacrificed their families, but could not preserve their feelings. Now Alexander and Victoria have found their soul mates. They decided that there was no longer any reason for disagreement, so they resumed performing together.

Also, the heroine of the program was the young and talented actress Olga Lomonosova. She said that she does not limit herself in food, but at the same time watches her figure. The actress told how her older children reacted to the appearance of the baby. Varvara, a 12-year-old girl, was happy, but 6-year-old Alexandra was very jealous of her mother and brother and fought for her mother’s love. " Everything was fine, but then we went to the theater, where one artist asked: “Do you love mom?” “Yes, very much,” answered the child. “So enjoy, because soon your mother will be taken away from you,”the artist emphasized. She did not immediately show her emotions, and then after some time she suddenly began to scatter his things, such a story began ... "– said Olga Lomonosova.

On the “Stars Aligned” program, celebrities talk about their lives in a relaxed atmosphere. The audience is delighted with the show, because this way they become closer to the stars.

    Boris Grachevsky became one of the heroes of the next episode of the “The Stars Aligned” program, the theme of which was cooking. On the air of the program, the guests told which dishes they prefer, what they know how to cook and like to cook. The artistic director of the children's film magazine "Yeralash" is a meat eater, so he calls his favorite dish steaks made from high-quality veal, which he is well versed in, buys only at the market and cooks himself. The 68-year-old director admitted that he does not always eat what he wants - his young wife strictly monitors his diet. Grachevsky’s third wife, actress and singer Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya, does not allow her husband to eat too much, and in addition controls the family budget. Boris Yuryevich, although he complains, apparently does not mind, he says that he must live up to his wife, who is 35 years younger than him.

    “My wife manages the budget. When she says “I need money,” I just ask “how much,” and then I say “for!” and that's all. And he watches his diet. Despite the fact that we have food at our studio that is very tasty, she always gives me food to take with me. Counts these calories. Sometimes at about nine o'clock in the evening you ask for an apple, and she answers - no, it's too late. Well, look at her, you have to be a match for her,” said Boris Grachevsky.

    // Photo: frame from the program “The Stars Aligned”

    The studio guests supported Boris Yuryevich and appreciated his steaks. Everyone except Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov. The country's chief zoologist, an 80-year-old TV presenter, has not eaten meat products for many years. He was once overweight, which he got rid of by completely giving up food of animal origin and switching to a raw food diet. For some time, Drozdov ate nothing at all except fresh cabbage, lettuce, bell peppers and cucumbers. Now Nikolai Nikolaevich allows himself to feast on fish, loves oatmeal on the water and steamed buckwheat. The audience and guests of the studio enthusiastically accepted Drozdov's story and continued to taste burgers, roasts and other meat and fish dishes prepared by the stars.

    The soloists of the Nepara group Alexander Shoua and Victoria Talyshinskaya also cooked meat: he cooked Ossetian-style roast, she cooked beef steaks. True, we never tried each other’s dishes. Not because they are in a quarrel - it’s just that Victoria, after the birth of her child, adheres to a strict diet to lose weight. Showa and Talyshinskaya really didn’t communicate at all for some time. They were partners not only on stage, but also in life. When we met, we fell in love, despite the fact that both were not free. He left the family, leaving a little daughter, she left her husband. But the Nepara soloists never became spouses; they separated and the group ceased to exist. Now both are happy again in a new relationship, their families are friends and they are performing together again. Victoria is married for the third time, her daughter Varvara is one year and four months old.

    // Photo: frame from the program “The Stars Aligned”

    The guest of the program was another young mother, actress Olga Lomonosova. The theater and film star gave birth to her third child in April last year. Answering questions from the presenters, Olga said that she eats almost everything she wants, although she tries to watch her figure. She also told how the older children reacted to the appearance of their brother. 12-year-old Varvara was truly happy, but 6-year-old Alexandra began to be jealous. “At first everything was fine. Then we went to the theater and there one people’s artist asked: “Do you love your mother?” “Yes, very much,” answered the child. “So enjoy it, because soon your mother will be taken away from you,” the artist noted. She did not immediately show her emotions, and then after some time she suddenly began to scatter his things, such a story began...” Olga Lomonosova shared on the air of the “The Stars Aligned” program.