Magic days of September. Magic calendar for September Magic calendar September

The best month to free yourself from internal negativity

Each day of the month carries its own magical secret. September is the month that sees off summer. It is called the month of summer completion, when life slows down and nature itself prepares for hibernation.

Traditions and attributes
"Septem" was the seventh month in the oldest of the Roman calendars. Subsequently, when other months were added to the calendar, September was given its former name. The autumn equinox was and is still celebrated by many peoples of the world.
September is the perfect time to organize and get rid of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual waste. This is the key month. If the path traveled is now comprehended, results are summed up and future plans are outlined, then the doors will open on their own. There is calm all around, but the wind brings change.
Month attributes:
– Nature spirits: goblin.
– Plants: fennel, rye, wheat, valerian, fireweed, lingonberry, raspberry.
– Colors: brown, green, yellow.
– Flowers: daffodil, lily.
– Scents: gardenia, bergamot.
– Stones: sapphire, lapis lazuli, jasper, pearl, diamond.
– Trees: hazel, laurel.
– Animals: snake, jackal.
– Birds: ibis, sparrow.
It’s much easier to say goodbye to all this negativity in September. This is the time when you should slow down your life and find time to look around, get rid of grievances, anger, bad thoughts, and anxiety.

Star alignment
I am glad that from the very first day of September is marked by a beneficial astrological aspect between the Sun and the Moon. This promises harmony in relationships. The first half of the month will give you strength, but will require special composure. From September 10, Mercury, the patron of commerce, moves through the field of Virgo. It's time to do some magic to streamline your financial flows.
Until the evening of September 22, the Sun will remain in the sign of the economical and thrifty Virgo, and then will visit the balanced Libra. The Sun in Virgo will enhance any magical practices to strengthen the family, health, and well-being. And being in Libra, the luminary calls for rituals for beauty.
In September there will be one very “magical day”, the numbers of which mirror each other: 09.09. Since Nine corresponds to Neptune, which is responsible for intuition, concentrate on the desires associated with its development. By the time you meet the cherished day, prepare an offering for Neptune - nine incense sticks with the scents of juniper, wormwood, and chamomile. At midnight on September 9, take three incense sticks of each type and light them. While they spread their scent, ask Neptune to help you foresee the future.

Important days
The time for prayers and rituals will come on September 4-6. Light a candle and ask the celestials to grant you and your loved ones good health.
It is better to refrain from business negotiations, litigation and transactions on September 7-8. Do not take out loans on these days - there is a risk of falling into a debt trap.
The time has come to let go of old grievances, get rid of mental torment on September 9-10. Take a black candle. Prepare rose thorns (exactly as many as you have painful problems). Rub the candle with juniper essential oil. Take the first thorn in your hand and, looking at the tip, say: “I call you... (for example: unrequited love, your fear, your debts, your loneliness, your irritability).” Stick the spike into the candle. After all the thorns have been inserted, light the wick with a match and say: “When the candle burns out and the thorns fall away, my problems will immediately go away. So be it!” Do not put out the candle; it must burn out completely. Bury the cinder along with the fallen thorns in the ground.
The time to strengthen friendly and business ties is September 11-13. Call your parents, gather your loved ones and friends around the table, play board games, joke around, have fun and sing. Give gifts to your colleagues. Wearing yellow clothes these days will bring you success.
Magic powers on September 14-15 are activated by water. To cleanse yourself of negativity, strengthen your aura and biofield, when taking a shower, say the ancient spell: “Water from the duck, from me - God’s servant (name) - Likhovitsa. From whom it came, it was transmitted to him; to him, with prickly malice, to him with burning tears. So be it!” You can also open the tap, sit comfortably nearby and, looking at the running stream, tell the water about your sorrows, problems and sorrows. The water will take them with it.
The time of the autumn full moon is September 16. Recharge a silver coin with the energy of the night luminary. To do this, go out onto the street or balcony, position yourself so that the moon is reflected in the coin and, looking at the glowing coin, say: “Silver coin, silver Moon, bring me good luck, bring me in full!” Silver coin, silver moon, bring me riches, bring me in full. This is how I want it, so be it, and no one can cancel my conspiracy. So be it!” Leave the coin on the windowsill overnight so that it is even more saturated with the power of the Moon.
If you have problems in relationships with loved ones, then on September 17-18, activate the relationship sector with the help of the art of Feng Shui: this is the southwest of your home. Place figurines or images of mandarin ducks and two lit red candles there. Tie a red ribbon to the bedroom doorknob. Through these actions, you will attract peace, understanding and happiness into your life.
Do you want to strengthen your intuition and strengthen your creativity? Wear turquoise jewelry on September 19-21. Before using turquoise, place it in a jar of salt and place it in the freezer for three hours. Frost and salt will cleanse the turquoise and prepare it for use. Rinse the salt under running water, then hold the stone in your right hand and apply it to your heart. Ask turquoise to protect you and open all roads for you. Then carry the stone with you or on yourself for three days, then put it in a box and put it on on those days when you need special support or protection.
The autumnal equinox is September 22. The magical holiday of abundance and prosperity differs from others in that the Earth emits powerful energy on this day. A strong talisman on this day is the cornucopia. It wouldn't hurt to get a little rich. For the ritual, prepare a large round plate. Go to the market and buy a variety of vegetables and fruits: apples, grapes, nuts, and of course corn. Collect fallen leaves from the street. When you come home, beautifully arrange the autumn gifts on a large plate - this will be a cornucopia. Decorate the table with fallen leaves. Light the red candles. Place decorations on the cornucopia you made yourself, which you will wear until the onset of spring. They will be filled with strength that brings prosperity. The decorations should remain on the plate with the fruit for three days. After which they can be put on. Place the contents of the plate and leaves with gratitude under the tree that grows next to your house.
Conflicts at work are possible on September 23-25. Don't get into arguments, don't gossip. Keep your mouth shut. Do not visit places with large crowds of people. Blue clothes will protect you from negative energy.
To cleanse the body - September 26-27. Avoid heavy foods. Follow your diet. Drink more water. Visit a bathhouse or sauna. There, troubles will evaporate, you will feel renewed and filled with harmony.
The most difficult days of the outgoing month are September 28-30. Wearing black clothes will heal your aura. Before going to bed, thoroughly ventilate the room and apply one drop of cedar essential oil to the pillow. Cedar cuts off all harmful energy. In the morning you will wake up refreshed and happy.
Make the most of every day in your life! During these 30 days, words such as “sorry”, “forgive”, “love”, “thank you” should be heard more often. Be prepared for the desired changes, listen to your heart, and then the first month of autumn will give you happiness.

Source – “Women’s Magic” (

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 15 books.

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September 11 – Cornelius(truncation of the head of John the Baptist chron.) Strict fasting. It is better to generally fast from 18:00 on September 10 to 18:00 on September 11.

The roots collected on this day are very strong. They eat root vegetables.

September 21 – Harvest Festival. Autumn equinox, farewell to summer. They set tables, walk around, celebrate the end of the summer season, and rejoice at the harvest. Say goodbye to summer.

Children are doused with water at the doorstep.

September 27 – shift(exaltation of the Cross of the Lord) On this day they do not go into the forest. They allow snakes, frogs, hedgehogs, and badgers to quietly crawl into holes for winter hibernation.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

September. Days of Power. Magical accurate calendar.

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People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

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Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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There is an old, forgotten legend about two brothers - the Sun and the Moon, which talks about their lives. About how, thanks to them, worlds and universes were created, how they gave life to everyone and everything night and day. But people appeared who considered themselves entitled to choose between two brothers, the strongest and the best. Thus the world was divided into those who worshiped the Sun and those who worshiped the Moon. There were also those who maintained love and loyalty to both brothers, because they understood that by uniting night and day, the Sun and the Moon, they gain life, integrity and strength.

Fragments of this legend have survived to our time, and we can see it in calendars. It is by them that people calculate chronology, divide days into holidays, weekends and workdays. Thanks to the calendar, we can calculate a favorable day for a new business or see under what star we were born. If we look closely at calendars, we will understand that many of them are based on lunar and solar cycles.

Speaking about the magical calendar, it must be said that it will be holistic when we take into account the influence of both the Sun and the Moon. You can take their influence into account by living in unison with their rhythms. How to do this? Very simply, start by performing holiday magical rituals in honor of the Moon and Sun throughout the year.

Eight solar holidays

We all know that each season is another stage in the development of the world, which we perceive as a natural period of general development. There is nothing sad about the fact that autumn and winter give way to summer. This is a natural process that represents the harmony between life and death. The magical calendar consists of eight solar holidays, which are also called the holidays of the Wheel of the Year. These are fire holidays (days on which it is customary to light fires): Yule, Imblock, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon and Samhain (these are Celtic names, but this does not mean that the holidays themselves are of purely Celtic origin, they are present in almost every culture). These holidays are equidistant from each other and in this article you will find updated information on the dates of the rituals, as well as an explanation of these dates.

So, the Wheel of the Year is symbolically divided into four parts:

  • from November 7 to February 2 – Dark Time;
  • from February 2 to May 5 – Time of Awakening;
  • from May 5 to August 7 – Light Time;
  • from August 7 to November 7 – Harvest Time.

Dates may vary slightly from year to year, but these changes occur within 1 day.

Solar holidays are dedicated to one of the stories about the heavenly marriage of God and Goddess, thanks to which our Earth began to bear fruit. There are many variants of this myth, but only the one that is associated with the main description of the fire festivals is true.

Determining the exact date of the ritual is not difficult. As we know, all solar holidays are equidistant from each other. We determine the year by the conventional movement of the Sun in a circle (of course, we all know that the Earth revolves around the Sun, but observing from the Earth itself we see the imaginary movement of the Sun), the circle consists of 360 degrees, which we divide by 8 and get 45 degrees . Therefore, the date of each holiday falls on the beginning of the 45-degree segment of the path of the Sun. Below in the descriptions of the holidays degrees and approximate dates are given.

On the winter solstice during Yule(Sun at 0-1 o Capricorn - December 21) The goddess gave birth to a son, God. Yule is the time of darkness, the shortest day of the year. Since ancient times, people have celebrated this celestial event, they asked the forces of nature to shorten the night and lengthen the day. Sometimes magicians celebrate this holiday before sunset, and then greet the rising Sun as a worthy result of their efforts.

Yule Day is the starting point of the year when the Sun begins to be reborn. At this time, magicians light candles or burn fires, calling on the light of the Sun to return. The goddess sleeps throughout the winter after her labors and childbirth. Yule reminds modern magicians that the inevitable result of death will be rebirth.

Imbolc(Sun at 14-15 o Aquarius - February 2) marks the first appearance of the Goddess after the birth of God. The growing day awakens her. God is still young, but his strength increases as the days lengthen. In the fertilized, warm Earth (Goddess), seeds sprout. This is what happens in early spring.

Imblok, through the regenerating power of the Sun, brings purification after the reclusive winter life. This day is a holiday of light and fertility. It is sometimes celebrated in the light of torches and bonfires. This fire symbolizes our own enlightenment and inspiration, like light and warmth. Imbolc is also known by the names: Festival of the Waxing Light, Festival of Torches, Festival of Pan, Snowdrop Festival, Brigid's Day, Lupercalia, Oymelk and many others. Some magicians, according to the old custom, put on a crown of lit candles during prayer, while others simply hold candles in their hands. This is considered one of the moments of initiation into magic, as well as a ritual of self-initiation.

Ostara(Sun at 0-1 o Aries - March 21) - this is the time of the spring equinox, when night is equal to day, this is the first day of true spring. It is also known as Ostara Day and the Rite of Spring. The energy of nature gradually changes: from the slow and sluggish winter to the quickly spreading spring. The Goddess covers the Earth with her fertility, overflowing it after sleep, and God fills with strength and matures. He walks through the fields and they turn green; it brings abundance to nature. Light reigns over darkness, the Goddess and God encourage all earthly creatures to reproduce. Ostara is a time for beginnings, new things; magicians create spells for the future growth and care of their ritual gardens.

The Young God enters into maturity the Sun at 14-15 about Taurus - May 5 is the time of entry, Beltane. Controlling the energies working in nature, he wants the Goddess. They are filled with love, united, they recline among the herbs and flowers. The goddess becomes pregnant from God. Mages celebrate the symbol of her fertility in rituals.

Beltane (also known as May day) has long been celebrated with festivals and rituals. In old village rituals the Maypole was given a central place as a symbol of God. At this time, many people collect flowers and green branches from fields and gardens to decorate the Maypole, as well as their homes and themselves. The flowers and greenery on the Maypole are symbols of the Goddess. Beltane marks the return of life, passion and hope for perfection. Modern magicians sometimes use the Maypole during Beltane rituals, but the central place is given to the cauldron, which represents the Goddess - the essence of femininity, equality, the fulfillment of all desires.

Lita is the holiday of the summer solstice, the longest day of summer (midsummer - Sun at 0-1 o Cancer - June 21), when the forces of nature reach their highest point. The earth reaches the peak of fertility given by the union of the God and Goddess. On this holiday, our ancestors jumped over bonfires for purification, health, fertility and love. Midsummer is a classic time for any kind of magic.

Lammas(Sun at 14-15 o Leo - August 7) ​​- marks the first harvest, when plants begin to dry out, and fruits and seeds fall off for the next harvest. Mystically, the same thing happens with God, who is losing his power, like the Sun, which moves further and further to the South and shortens the day. The goddess looks sadly and joyfully, waiting for God to die, and then come to life again and sit opposite her like a child. Summer is passing, but magicians remember its warmth and generosity by the dishes that we eat. Each meal symbolizes an act of unity with nature, and one must remember that nothing lasts forever in the Universe.

Mabon falls on the autumn equinox (Sun at 0-1 o Libra - September 21) - the time of completion of the harvest. Day became equal to night. This period shows God’s readiness for death, for a great journey into the unknown, and again for his conception and birth as a Goddess. The earth is withering and preparing for winter, to rest. Under the weak rays of the Sun, the Goddess falls into sleep, although the fire is lit in her womb. She feels the presence of God, even if weakened.

On Samhain(Sun at 14-15 about Scorpio - November 7) magicians say goodbye to God. But this farewell is temporary. He does not go into eternal darkness, but prepares for a new birth as a Goddess. This day is also called November Christmastide, the Feast of Death, the Day of Apples, and the Day of Honoring Ancestors. In some places, livestock is slaughtered at this time and supplies are prepared for the deep winter. God, like animals, feels that he must sacrifice himself to ensure our continuation of existence.

During Samhain, people look back at the years they have lived, realizing that they have no control over only one thing in their lives - death. Mages feel how physical and spiritual realities are shifting on this night. They remember their ancestors and everyone who lived before. From the next holiday (Yule - December 21), the Wheel of the Magic Year makes a new turn.

Of course, this is all purely mysterious. Many will find it unacceptable to see God as both the son and husband of the Goddess. Gods are not people, and, accordingly, this is not incest and incest, but symbolism. In this magical story, the Earth receives eternal fertility from the Goddess and God. The mystery of birth, death and rebirth is what this old myth is about. He celebrates the amazing manifestations and wonderful effects of love, the admiration for female guardians and for male protectors of the human race. He also talks about the strong dependence of our daily life on the Earth, the Sun and the Moon, and the change of seasons.

Name Month Astronomical event Rituals and rituals
Yule December Solstice The birth of something new, cleansing, rebirth.
Imbolc February The destruction of the old, the arrival of the new.
Ostara March Equinox New ideas and beginnings in the spiritual sphere.
Beltane April New beginnings in all areas, love.
Lita June Solstice Thanksgiving, love, wealth, success, protection, health.
Lammas August Gathering fruits, thanksgiving.
Mabon September Equinox Plans for next year, new things to do, picking fruits.
Samhain November Formation of intentions, the birth of something new.

Thirteen lunar holidays

As we know, we are influenced not only by planets, but also by constellations. Each segment of the year corresponds to a specific zodiac sign and falls under its influence. The full moon of each month has its own specific character, in accordance with the time of year and the zodiac sign. But here the question arises: when should a magical full moon ritual be performed, and what should be the starting point. Some point to the need to strictly follow the count of lunar days and carry out the ritual on the 14th-15th lunar day, others point to determining the moment of greatest visibility of the moon. But let's remember that the full moon is the opposition of the Sun and the Moon in the sky, and it follows that the greatest power of this moment is realized when the Sun and Moon are in opposite constellations. There are twelve such magical full moons per lunar year. The thirteenth full moon is considered sacred. This is the time of the best and most effective rituals. Mages celebrate every full moon with a festival, thus strengthening their connection with the Gods. The Full Moon gives special power to magical actions. But, the magic of the full moon can be even more effective if you take into account the position of the Moon in the zodiac signs.

Name Sun position Moon position Rituals and rituals

As usual, summer flew by in full sail, leaving us bewildered and wanting to extend the warm days. The season turned out to be difficult, but certainly with moments of happiness, joy, fateful turns, but is there any point in being upset, because autumn will be no less rich in important events.

September 1 is a day of inspiration, catch it at every step today, the baggage that you stock up on will be useful for new ideological and creative endeavors. The day is entirely creative and positive, therefore, if you add negativity and conflicts to it, you will soon realize that you have not learned to listen and hear your interlocutor, and this is so useful to learn now.

September 2 – money energy is strong today, so it’s good to look for work and attract money. Take out your bills more often in the first half of the day and, while counting them, create feelings of joy and magnetism, as if they are all reaching out to you and this makes you feel good. If you have the opportunity, be sure to give your loved one a gold or gilded item today, it will become a money talisman for him.

From September 3 to 6 - unlike previous days, the energy during this period is completely different, very aggressive and dynamic, and dynamics combined with aggression will, in turn, provoke nervous breakdowns, disordered thinking, so we go from the opposite - slow down and calm down , and aromatherapy will help to cope with all this, take out your favorite warm aromas and, of course, soothing ones, such as lavender, sage, thyme. For lovers of herbal teas and peaceful tea drinking ceremonies, stress is generally not a problem.

September 7th is a day on which you can turn to the goddess Venus, for example, simply light a pink or red candle and address the goddess in your own words. You can also attract money luck today; for this ritual you need: a grape leaf, a pen with black ink, two ears of wheat, three coins of any denomination, two glasses of water, a green candle, a saucepan.

Conduct the ceremony before noon. Light a green candle in the kitchen (using matches) and concentrate on your goal. Imagine yourself lucky in money matters, do not think about material difficulties.

Place a saucepan filled with water on the fire. When the water boils, throw two spikelets into it first, repeating:

“Symbol of fertility, symbol of abundance, bring me what I want and may my plans come true!”

Then, on a piece of grape paper, write with a pen your last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth. Throw the leaf into the water to boil.

“The money comes to me. So be it!”

Close the saucepan with a lid and turn off the stove until the candle burns out completely; do not remove the saucepan, and when this happens, strain the broth. Throw away the herbs or bury them, let the coins dry and keep them in your wallet as a money talisman; do not spend them under any circumstances. Sprinkle the decoction into all the corners of the house and, most importantly, the threshold at the front door; you can do the same with your workplace.

It is also important today to make an amulet for family happiness. This amulet strengthens family relationships, preserves peace, mutual understanding, mutual respect, harmony, enhances warm feelings, and attracts family well-being.

To make it you will need: a sheet of white paper, an orange felt-tip pen or pen, essential oil of orange, cedar, pine or sandalwood, a wooden or cardboard box with a lid, an orange or golden ribbon, two pigeon feathers, 7 apple seeds, a pinch of clover flowers, a pinch of celery seeds, a piece of red coral stone, a piece of rock crystal, a piece of malachite, a piece of soft pine resin, an incense stick with the scent of cedar or sandalwood.

Light an incense stick. Write the text of the spell on a piece of paper:

“God and Goddess, bless my family! Unite us (names) tightly. Aphrodite, Diana, Ishtar, bless us, unite us in love and harmony. Holy martyrs Gury, Samson and Aviv, protect my family. Protect from troubles and misfortunes, establish in peace and unanimity. Before the Lord, ask for us (names), so that we (names) can be together, appreciate and love each other, not quarrel, not part. So that family and feelings are strong, words are sculpted, deeds are tenacious. Crystal, coral, malachite, with the help of the Lord, will save the family. So be it, amen"

Now read this spell, put three drops of essential oil on it and hold it over the incense smoke. Wrap feathers, seeds, flowers, crystals in this leaf. Seal the sheet with pine resin. Tie a ribbon into nine knots, securing each knot with the words: “So be it!”

Hold the finished amulet over the incense smoke, imagining your happy family. Now put the amulet in a box or box and store it in a safe place in the house so that no one else touches it.

September 8 - on this day, luck smiles on those who make large, important and useful purchases; the whole space today favors this process.

September 9 – amazing power, be sure to read, I already wrote about it. This day marks the opening of a period of seriousness, thoughtfulness in business, and encourages workaholics and fans of a rational approach. Work, personal growth, elaboration of financial aspects will give unprecedented results, which you can accelerate with the help of a red candle; be sure to say what business you are lighting it to accelerate.

September 10 is a busy time, it’s worth remembering the things that you have been putting off for so long and carefully, probably quite a few of them have accumulated, write down everything you remember and get down to business, don’t miss the opportunity, because today will be the easiest time to redo the whole heap.

September 11 is considered a border day on which viburnum berries, lingonberries, cranberries, as well as herbs and roots have power or, as people say, wisdom. On this day you need to be patient and understanding in order to avoid the influence of conflict and confusion.

From 12 to 15 September– days of hard work, consistency, rationality, try to introduce order, planning, clarity into your life, because It's Virgo month, so staying organized will serve you well.

From 16 to 19 September- the moon is still growing, and any tasks you have worked on are also growing. These are windy days, because... information, news, gossip spreads at speed, but if used for good, you can easily convey information to a person, requests, prayers to gods and saints, good wishes for wealth, health and a happy, cloudless life to loved ones.

September 20-23 - celebration of the second harvest, we set the table with gifts of the earth, fruits, vegetables, flowers, nuts, berries and thank the Earth for a good fruitful year and ask that the next year be rich, fruitful on the table and in our lives, deeds, events, plans. Since these are power days, you should pay especially close attention to signs, dreams and clues.

Make a talisman for a loved one with your own hands, embroider with red thread a figurine that you associate with protection, and while embroidering, think intently about what you are making the talisman for and for whom.

Water these days also has great power, so before you wash your face or your child, cast any spell or good wishes on it; the same should be done with drinking water.

September 24 - on this day all psychosomatic problems emerge, which are reflected in the form of diseases, so devote the day to strengthening your health, analyzing psychological blocks, because behind every problem there really is a physical part and a psychological one, so it is necessary to work through both.

September 25 is a full moon in the sign of Aries, not the best time for serious matters and decisions, people will not behave very appropriately, it is worth warning yourself and your loved ones against rash actions, words, and conflicts.

September 26 is a day of spontaneity and flexibility; today you must learn to react correctly to circumstances, especially the most unexpected ones.

September 27 is Mother's Day - the Earth, the creative force, so if your child often upsets you, perform a ritual. One of the parents should cut off some hair from the head of their child, then go alone to any running body of water that has a directional current, wrap the hair in any leaf from a tree, tie the leaf with a thread and lower it into the water with the words:

“Let all the bad things in my son’s (daughter’s) character go away with this hair, amen.”

Leave without looking back and silently until the very threshold of your home.

From 28 to 30 September The healing magic of nature is strong, try to get out and spend these days in silence in cozy company or alone, ask the forces of nature, the Earth and the Sun to heal your body and soul, give strength, clear your thoughts of bad things and fill your heart with love.

Have a wonderful magical September!
