Why Russia attracts migrant workers. The Olympic torch may once again travel to outer space. Japan plans to deliver it to the ISS

According to Vesco Construction, the average salary of a Russian citizen is employed in 2012 at a construction site in Moscow and the region doing menial work, is 30,800 rubles per month. At the same time, guest workers from Central Asia cost their employer an average of 13 thousand rubles per month, writes RBC. Do you feel the difference? More than two times cheaper.

Kyrgyz are the lowest paid workers, but the difference compared to Uzbeks and Tajiks is very small. By the way, the Kyrgyz, unlike the Tajiks, are different. There is a very significant layer of Russian speakers, this is due to the fact that the Russian language was very widespread among the capital’s population back in Soviet times. Some of them did not even know their native language. Their situation, as a rule, is better; they open their own small businesses and work in clean jobs. Tajiks and Uzbeks are more homogeneous.

At the same time, employers complain that they cannot lure Russian citizens to work on construction sites. Real, “native” Russians don’t really want to work in construction, including those from the regions. This can, in principle, be understood: working on a construction site and even as a laborer has become shameful, it has become a sign of a guest worker, a person of low status in the eyes of the majority of Russian residents. Well, just like in ancient times, a free man did not want to do the work of a slave, even for normal money. I’m exaggerating, of course, but there is something like that. That is, it is also psychology.

In Soviet times, by the way, people weren’t particularly eager to work as laborers on construction sites. Komsomol members were recruited, former prisoners, poor students, “limita”, and sometimes their proto-gastar workers were hired as “season workers” (they went to Russia for seasonal work) as we called them in Baku, or coven workers.

These are Caucasians who built a lot, though not in the capitals, but all sorts of cowsheds, because the locals didn’t want to build, and they negotiated with them semi-legally. So they were wealthy people against the general background, well, in Soviet times, waiters were richer than other directors, that was the economy, that’s not what we’re talking about now.

So, Russians from the regions can also work as security guards - for the same money, but cleaner. To be honest, many migrants from Central Asia are “deserting” from the construction site. They go as sellers, dacha watchmen, gardeners, and wherever they go. Or they're just playing the fool. Community thinking. Here are examples from life: from some of my friends, an Uzbek gardener received 500 dollars a month, from others, an Uzbek gardener offered to dig up a plot for 300 rubles. per square. Is it normal? 10 dollars per square meter, for the entire plot 10,000 dollars. Even if it’s just the two of us for a whole month, it’s still very decent money. The way out is to oblige companies to pay more, not break laws, not register under gray schemes... Strictly punish illegal workers. But on the other hand, you can’t pay 60,000 thousand to handymen... Then it will be unfair and unprofitable.

In general, interesting data. According to them, laborers from Moldova and Vietnam cost construction companies an average of 17 thousand a month, Ukrainians and Belarusians 25 thousand, and Turks are generally the same as Russians. In fact, experts say that in connection with the signing of agreements on the Customs Union, Belarusians and Kazakhs feel on an equal footing with Russian citizens. The lowest paid workers are Chinese with an average salary of 10,500. Well, Chinese workers are more exotic, they have very low salaries in China, and in general everything is different. By the way, everyone who talks about the rate of economic growth in China with envy and talks about the Chinese miracle, that we missed such a miracle and need to learn from experience, should also take note of Chinese salaries.

Of course, this is all conditional data. Salary depends on many factors: production, qualifications, seasonality of work and other aspects.

Vladimir Yakovlev

Why Russia attracts migrant workers

A fresh study of the global labor market, undertaken in June 2018 by The Boston Consulting Group, The Network and HeadHunter, showed: in 4 years after the crisis year of 2014, Russia rose from 30th to 25th place in the ranking of attractiveness for labor migrants, ahead of Ireland, Poland and the Czech Republic. And in terms of the volume of migrant workers received, the Russian Federation confidently ranks second in the world, second only to the United States.


Expert estimates and statistics show: every year in the world at least 10 million people leave their countries in order to find more profitable work, sending their families more than $450 billion in total. At the same time, the picture of global labor migration looks like this: Europe accounts for approximately 33% of guest workers, Asian countries take about 28%, and North American countries - 24% (other regions - 12%).

In the professional situation, countries that consume foreign labor need both people with education and qualifications (for example, in the USA there is an urgent need for nurses, and in Russia for drivers) and unskilled workers (in Italy and Poland there is a great need for cleaners and agricultural workers, and in Germany - in social workers caring for elderly people at home). Moreover, many sectors of the economy of developed countries (such as construction, agriculture, retail trade, hospitality, etc.) have become so “addicted” to migrant labor that they can no longer refuse it. Thus, in Holland, about 30% of migrant workers are employed in the service sector. In Germany, a third of unpopular manufacturing and mining jobs are occupied by guest workers, and in the US, even in the field of education, one in six are foreigners.

According to the relevant UN department, the most attractive country for labor migrants in terms of volume indicators remains the United States, which receives about 45.8 million people per year. Moreover, Mexico alone annually “supplies” up to 13 million workers to the States. Russia takes second place in the ranking of the volume of foreigners received (11.2 million labor migrants), followed by Germany (9.8 million), Saudi Arabia (9.1) and the UAE (7.8) in the top five most popular countries among guest workers. ). The top ten includes Great Britain (7.8 million labor migrants), France (7.4), Canada (7.3), as well as Australia and Spain (6.5 million each).

Despite the fact that Russia became less popular as a place of work after the 2014 crisis, it has now returned to the top of the rankings in terms of attractiveness for guest workers. Sociologists note: as an employer country, Russia is primarily popular among residents of a number of CIS countries (including Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus). In addition, residents of Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey and China, as well as some Asian countries, rate the Russian Federation as an interesting place to work. At the same time, labor migrants believe that finding a job in Russia is not a problem, and the level of its payment, compared with that in their homeland, is still significantly higher.

In particular, the minimum wage in Uzbekistan (it is this country that supplies the largest number of labor migrants to Russia) is only $23 per month, and the average wage in Tashkent is approximately $200. In St. Petersburg, accordingly, the minimum salary is 16 thousand rubles (about $250), and the average offered income in vacancies is almost $700.

And if cleaners, auxiliary workers and other unskilled workers are offered only 25 - 35 thousand rubles per month, then drivers, for example, are offered from 40 to 100 thousand, and the number of available jobs for them now exceeds 3.5 thousand. Moreover Many employers are happy to hire properly registered migrant workers, offering them the same wages as Russians. If we take Moscow, then the indicators of the level of wages in the capital of the Russian Federation are even higher (by about 20%). It is not surprising that residents of many Central Asian countries are still very willing to go to work in Russia: here they can earn 4-5 times more than at home, thereby providing for their families.

Researchers also cite the language barrier as an additional incentive for labor migration to Russia: while a significant portion of residents of the CIS countries at least know Russian, they most often do not speak European languages ​​(English, German, etc.) due to a low level of education. And working in Europe without knowing the local language is almost impossible. And although they pay much more for similar work than in Russia, the overwhelming majority of CIS citizens are still focused on the Russian Federation.


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Moscow authorities have developed amendments to the law “On Employment in the City of Moscow”. According to them, migrants and Russians will be paid the same salaries. This was stated by the deputy head of the department of external labor migration of the capital’s Department of Employment, Alexander Ni.

As Komsomolskaya Pravda reports, according to him, in each specific organization and in a specific position, the salary of a guest worker must correspond to the salary of a Russian employee. “Migrants, as a rule, receive ridiculous amounts of money. We need to get rid of this discrimination,” explained Alexander Ni.

By the way, the amendments were initiated by Sergei Sobyanin. After the scandalous story with the janitor Bakhrom Khurraev, who threw a shovel at a schoolboy, it turned out that the man worked illegally, lived in a garbage cell and received six thousand rubles a month. The mayor ordered all management companies to be checked to see whether migrants work there legally and how much they actually earn. And also make their salaries white.

As Alexander Ni explained, now when considering employers’ applications for quotas for migrants, it is only checked that salaries are not less than the minimum wage for Moscow - 11,700 rubles. However, no one compares migrant salaries and the salaries of Russians. But when the bill is adopted, the employer will not be able to pay a newcomer less than a Muscovite.

“First of all, it's fair. Secondly, the employer will not have an incentive to attract guest workers - after all, they will still have to pay decently, explained Alexander Ni. “And we will get rid of the dumping of ultra-cheap labor.”

“But will it be possible to control the employer? After all, many pay foreigners in cash... We are now developing a control mechanism. We will conduct monitoring through the tax office and the pension fund, where employers make contributions for foreigners,” he said.

Now it is more profitable for employers to hire migrants, including illegal ones, who cannot be outraged by either the conditions or wages, reports Newsmsk.com. As it turned out, visitors are increasingly occupying prestigious niches. Meanwhile, the mayor's office revoked more than 14 thousand quotas for attracting migrant workers due to gross violations of labor laws.

Companies are most often deprived of quotas because they house guest workers in basements, do not provide medical care, and do not feed them if they work the night shift. Some companies do not pay wages in full or not at all.

Mikhail Antontsev, Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Social Policy and Labor Relations of United Russia, told M24.ru that the capital’s parliament plans to consider the amendments of the mayor’s office no later than March of this year. “The new version of the city employment law was adopted in the first reading in November, but a whole package of amendments is being prepared for the second reading - it is expected that at least half of the articles of the document will be changed,” Antontsev noted.

According to the deputy, salaries for one position in one organization should be the same for everyone, regardless of whether they are Muscovites, visitors from other cities of Russia, or guest workers. “The Labor Code guarantees equal rights and opportunities for workers,” Antontsev emphasized.

However, the Moscow law needs a separate article specifying this provision, including regarding migrants. “This should become a legal basis for bringing unscrupulous employers to justice; with the adoption of the law, a precedent for legal claims from foreign workers can be created,” the capital’s parliamentarian specified.

Meanwhile, Mikhail Antontsev admitted that it would be extremely difficult to prove the employer’s guilt. “Often, according to papers, migrants receive a higher salary than what they are given in person,” the deputy clarified. “If a foreigner regularly signs a statement with a false salary every month, it will be almost impossible to do anything.”

The wages of Russians in Europe have been equated to slavery - Interesant Magazine - website

The wages of Russians in Europe have been equated to slavery

German journalists found out how much migrant labor is valued at and were horrified. What would they say about the salaries of our citizens?

08/18/18 parallels

What comes to your mind when you hear the words “slave” and “slave owner”? Probably something like Ancient Rome in its decline. In the role of slaves - slaves from Africa or Greece. But today the word “slave” has acquired new meanings, often not even related to the slave trade. Or - connected, but differently than we used to think. This article will not talk about criminal cases when people in certain countries are actually bought and sold. We will talk about the civilized West and our country. The fact is that slavery today has become a hidden, veiled phenomenon. There's a lot to think about here.

So, have you ever wondered how different the perception of reality is in Europe and in Russia? Or is everything the same? Such thoughts are suggested by the recent publication of the German portal Die Zeit, dedicated to migrants from Africa working in the harvest in Italy.

Imagine: it’s very hot, sunny, no one wants to work, but the crops need to be harvested, and for this purpose, plantation owners hire migrants because they don’t have to pay like locals, they don’t have to comply with labor safety standards, they don’t have to deal with trade unions, make contributions to various funds, etc. They can be paid hand to hand. German journalists conducted an investigation and found that migrants from Africa are suffering from their difficult lot in the fields of sunny Italy. Journalists call it slavery, but they immediately point out that slavery is paid. Now let’s figure out how well or poorly slaves are paid and what the residents of our country might think about this.

German journalists talked with migrants and their “owners” living in the vicinity of the town of Foggia, in Southern Italy, and found out the following: for a day of work in the fields, modern European slaves receive 35 euros. So, there are approximately 21-22 working days in a month. This means that a migrant receives an average of 760 euros per month of work, or 58 thousand rubles at today’s exchange rate. Of course, some are paid more and some are paid less. Let us repeat, the Germans believe that this is a slave’s salary.

Now let's think about the difference in living standards. If we take the average salary in Russia in 2017, this figure does not stand up to comparison - about 36 thousand rubles per month, or about 470 euros. Of course, the situation may differ in different regions of our country, but you must agree that “on average in a hospital” everything is not the best.

In what professions in Russia do people receive wages comparable to the wages of migrant “slaves”? According to the portal trud.com, in St. Petersburg, for example, some higher school teachers receive such a salary. The average salary here is from 20 to 30 thousand rubles, that is, two times less than the salary of migrants in Italy.

The current situation makes me think about the meaning of the word “teacher”. And about how strangely this meaning is reflected in our modern realities. The word itself, of Greek origin, meant a slave or slave who taught children to read and write. In addition, those slaves who taught other slaves to serve in the master’s house were also called teachers. Agree, some unpleasant associations may arise if you know the meaning of the word “teacher”: one slave teaches other slaves to be slaves.

But let's return to modern times. Other categories of so-called state employees receive even less. And after the upcoming increase in the retirement age, the picture will become even bleaker. And the point is not that pensioners will now work and not sit with their grandchildren, but that finding work itself can be much more difficult for them than for “slaves” in Italy.

Retirement at 55 for women and at 60 for men gave them a guaranteed income, albeit a small one. When implementing pension reform, there will be a danger that workers will turn into slaves of a new type, not yet described by historians and sociologists.

They may object to us that prices in Europe are higher and payment for various services exceeds ours. However, the quality of life itself is higher there. The problem of European slaves is not even earnings, but their vulnerability to a country in which they are not citizens, which, however, does not prevent them from moving around Europe. We are talking about the earnings of a huge number of Russian citizens.

According to the portal trud.com, on average in Russia, none of the popular professions allows you to earn at the level of a European “slave”.

Meanwhile, the wage gap between executives and ordinary workers is growing exponentially.

Here's the latest news: almost all of the largest Russian oil and gas companies increased payments to members of their boards of directors and management boards based on the results of the first half of 2018.

At Lukoil, compared to the same period last year, management remuneration increased more than 8 times. Payments for each top manager (14 people) amounted to 350 million rubles. We repeat once again: for everyone!

Gazprom Neft set aside about 1.4 billion rubles for management remuneration payments for the first half of the year. This is almost one and a half times more than in 2017.

Novatek increased payments to top managers by 48 percent, to 2.1 billion rubles. Transneft - by 36 percent, to 895 million rubles. At the same time, Transneft’s net profit decreased by 85 percent over the six months of 2018.

Weren't you surprised by these numbers too? In general, in recent years, we have somehow forgotten how to be surprised. Moreover, everything here is natural: where there are slaves, there must be masters.


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