Psychology of a leader. Rating of books by Antonio Meneghetti Psychology of leader Antonio Meneghetti

Antonio Meneghetti

Introduction to ontopsychology

© 1992, Psicologica Editrice di T. Meneghetti Viale delle Medaglie d’Oro, 428 00136, Roma

© Charitable Foundation “Ontopsychology”, 1993, 2004, 2007

© NF “Antonio Meneghetti”, 2015

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This is the second edition of the book, which for many years since its publication has been a valuable tool for studying the fundamentals of the science of ontopsychology.

The book includes materials from lectures given by Professor Antonio Meneghetti in the former Soviet Union in 1990 to an audience of psychologists who were first introduced to the theory of ontological psychology. Subsequently, the joint work of Professor Meneghetti and Russian psychologists led to the implementation of a number of international projects. The result of this long and fruitful activity was the opening in 2004 of the Department of Ontology Psychology at St. Petersburg State University.

Today, ontology is studied as a specialty, as a field of knowledge used in various spheres of human activity - business, law, medicine, pedagogy, art.

The book “Introduction to Ontology” offers a practical approach to understanding the basic concepts of ontology, such as human intelligence, the semantic field, the constant “N”, psychosomatics, negative psychology, and can serve as a beginning for the study of ontopsycho logy as a science. These topics are discussed in more detail in other works of Professor Meneghetti, many of which are published in Russian - “Project “Human””, “Psychosomatics”, “In-se of man”, “Monitor of deviations in the human psyche”, “Onto psycho ology: practice and metaphysics of psychotherapy”, etc.

Chapter one

Only the accuracy of knowledge can guarantee the quality and result of psychotherapy

What is psychology?

At first glance, it does not belong to the exact sciences. However, thanks to the method discovered by the ontological school of psychology, it is psychology that can become a criterion for the accuracy of other sciences.

From Aristotle, Descartes, Kant to the present day, it has been discussed how accurately a person can know himself and the world around him. In mathematics and physics, it is not difficult to come to a general criterion, since the goal of these sciences is to record data obtained in the process of cognition (to the extent that this data is accessible to humans). But what can guarantee the accuracy of a scientific criterion in the humanities, such as philosophy, psychology, sociology, as well as in explaining phenomena that we attribute to the category of paranormal, spiritual, religious and mythological.

To study psychology means to be able to understand and create a person. Knowledge that has no real power and is not supported by an accurate result is meaningless. Opinion is acceptable in philosophy, sociology and politics, but in psychology what is there is, and what is not is not.

For more than a hundred years in different parts of the world, scientific psychology has been developing as applied psychology. However, despite its evolution, today many aspects of spontaneous psychology, voodoo psychology, and everything that belongs to the field of parapsychology, such as, for example, the phenomenon of a miracle in a religious sense, still remain unknown.

To study psychology means to know the intrinsic self-movement of mental activity, behind any phenomenon, detect with maximum accuracy the obvious reason that determines a certain consequence in human behavior. For example, what internal reason causes anxiety, or a cancerous tumor, or dissatisfaction in achieving one's own goals?

The vast field of psychosomatics still baffles and surprises most researchers in the field of medicine and psychology. For the ontopsychological school, the ability to understand the essence of all psychosomatic phenomenology and resolve the problems associated with it is already the norm.

It would be interesting to give a description of various scientific studies over the last hundred years, however, summarizing what has been said, I am going to move on to the first fundamental question of this series of lectures.

What is the main mistake that gives rise to all the problems of psychological science?

Such a mistake exists, since we all see its consequences both in the life of an individual and in the life of society as a whole. Painstaking and lengthy research has no starting point: the error is becoming more and more obvious and the need for research with truly scientific accuracy is becoming more and more tangible.

The source of error in all psychological science and humanities research lies in the lack of accuracy of knowledge. Almost none of the people who reason, compare and cognize have consciousness that reflects the reality of existence. How then can one engage in science if consciousness does not correspond to reality?

The first main conclusion that I came to in the course of my own scientific research can be formulated as follows: the consciousness of a researcher, a scientist, like any other person, does not accurately reflect reality. A person is created in a certain way, but he imagines himself, thinks about himself, reflects himself not as he really is. In this case, the way a person imagines himself is non-functional for his real existence.

Let us imagine that consciousness is a mirror: then the action of the “I” is similar to the function of a mirror, which reflects the real action of the object, creating an image. However, in fact, a constant distortion occurs: consciousness, which should serve as a mirror of existence, does not reproduce what is happening as it really is. This was the first important conclusion of my scientific research.

I came to the conclusion that nature sends us a huge amount of data, projecting it in the form of codes. This is a kind of text consisting of emotions, biological, chemical reactions, internal experiences. In other words, a person is designed in such a way that of the signals that nature sends him in abundance, his consciousness is able to catch only some of them, and even those in a distorted form: consciousness does not know how to correctly understand the call of instinct.

The individual existential organization, in my terminology “organismic,” is in constant self-motion, opens up, transmits information, openly expresses its needs, but consciousness does not perceive these signals. We tend to blame everything on nature or the chemical and biological processes in our body, while forgetting that the original sabotage that harmed our biology was carried out by our consciousness. The appearance of somatic disorders cannot be attributed to the body’s internal need for them. What is considered a mistake of nature is in reality the consequences of incorrect mental behavior in relation to one’s own body.

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Psychology of a leader Antonio Meneghetti

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Title: Psychology of a leader
Author: Antonio Meneghetti
Year: 1995-2007
Genre: Management, personnel selection, Foreign business literature, Social psychology, Foreign psychology

About the book “Psychology of a Leader” by Antonio Meneghetti

Antonio Meneghetti is an outstanding Italian writer and scientist. His acclaimed book entitled “The Psychology of a Leader” is a philosophical work that talks about what a leader should be, what personal qualities he needs to have, and what his essence and role are allotted to him.

There are no specific recommendations for achieving leadership, but there is a holistic and generalized view of the global picture of this phenomenon. According to the author’s firm conviction, a leader is a person who, from birth, is endowed with the necessary inclinations for this, has a certain character, and also continuously and purposefully develops in this direction through the tension of his entire life. Reading this work will certainly be interesting to anyone who wants to better understand who a leader is and what his mission is on a global scale.

In his book, Antonio Meneghetti talks about how today even the largest business empires are faced with the need to radically change all previously developed company management models. The immediate proof of all this was the global financial crisis. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this same crisis provided all the conditions for the emergence on the scene of fundamentally new players, businessmen, for whom entrepreneurship embodies endless mind games and a springboard for satisfying adequate ambitions, and not just a way to make a profit. The business world is overflowing with people who, through healthy ambition, can ensure the wealth and well-being of society at various levels.

Antonio Meneghetti, in his famous work “Psychology of a Leader,” describes various kinds of global political and economic processes that have had a significant impact on business. Thanks to their scrupulous analysis, we get the opportunity to look at the state apparatus and social security of citizens from a completely different angle.

As for the main theme of the story, this book will certainly help breathe life into any business, no matter what stage of its development it is at. In addition, it is designed to completely transform those who run this business, turning them into true entrepreneurs of life. Thus, reading the work will be exciting and useful both from the point of view of receiving practical advice and expanding one’s horizons in the context of the social sciences.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “The Psychology of a Leader” by Antonio Meneghetti in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Antonio Meneghetti is the founder of a new modern direction in psychology - ontopsychology. Author of more than fifty books and monographs, translated into various languages ​​of the world - English, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, French, German. His worldview and the scientific discoveries he made, introducing integral rationality into everything that relates to elementary psychology, have found their recognition in the scientific world, which is officially confirmed by the opening of the Department of Ontopsychology at the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University.
Antonio Meneghetti was born in 1936 in Italy.
In 1962, A. Meneghetti graduated from the Faculty of Library Science at the Vatican Apostolic Library; in 1967 he became a Doctor of Social Sciences at the Pontifical University of Thomas Aquinas in Rome; and then received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the same university and the degree of Doctor of Theology from the Pontifical Lutheran University of Rome.
In the late 60s, his attention as a scientist and researcher was attracted to psychology.
In 1970, A. Meneghetti founded the ontopsychological school. From 1970 to 1973 he teaches psychology, psychotherapy and ontopsychology at the Thomas Aquinas University of Rome, which educates young people from around the world.
During these years, he studied at famous European psychoanalytic schools: London, Tavistock, the Jung Institute in Freiburg, a psychiatric clinic in Baden-Baden, psychoanalytic centers in Paris and Vienna, studying the practical experience of the best representatives of modern psychology and psychotherapy.
He also gets acquainted with American psychological schools and movements, among which his special attention is drawn to the works of representatives of humanistic psychology - C. Rogers, R. May and A. Maslow.
The works of E. Husserl and M. Heidegger had a great influence on the formation of A. Meneghetti’s scientific views.
In 1972 he received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Psychology from the Catholic University of Milan Sacro Cuore.
For ten years, A. Meneghetti has been devoting himself to intensive work in the field of clinical psychotherapy (10 to 12 psychotherapeutic sessions per day), understanding the causes and eliminating the most severe chronic symptoms in the treatment of neuroses, schizophrenia and psychosomatics. While working with patients belonging to different social classes and cultures (Europeans, Arabs, Jews, Chinese, etc.), there is an in-depth study of the pathological manifestations of the human psyche.
Based on successful clinical practice, A. Meneghetti formulates the methodological foundations of ontopsychology, which can also be considered as a philosophical direction. It takes several years to rationally substantiate the achievements of clinical practice. In the late 70s - early 80s A. Meneghetti made his main discoveries in the field of psychology:
1976 - discovery of the semantic field - a basic form of communication between people, which occurs on an unconscious level;
1979 - discovery of the deviation monitor - an element of the structure of the human psyche that distorts the process of perceiving reality;
1981 - onto In-se - the formal rational principle underlying historical self-creation.
In parallel with his clinical activities during this period, A. Meneghetti repeatedly speaks at international congresses and conferences. In 1989, he met the luminaries of the St. Petersburg psychological school - B. F. Lomov (the acquaintance took place at the 1st European Congress of Applied Psychology), A. A. Krylov, Yu. M. Zabrodin, subsequently, at whose invitation he comes to Russia. The result of this cooperation was the opening in 1998 of the “Ontopsychology” specialization at the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University, and in 2003 of the Department of Ontopsychology, which became the methodological basis for conducting scientific research in the field of ontopsychology.
1994 - Professor Meneghetti is awarded the Doctorate Honoris Causa in nuclear physics by New York University for his discovery of the semantic field.
Multiple winner of the Italian State Prize for achievements in the field of science and culture; Vice-President of the International Academy of Informatization at the United Nations; President of the Italian Academy of Informatization; founder and president of the International Association of Ontopsychology. In 1998, for scientific activities in the Russian Federation, A. Meneghetti received the degree of Grand Doctor of Psychological Sciences.
Meneghetti gradually moved away from clinical practice and in the 90s leaned more and more towards sociology, emphasizing the importance of the relationship between man and society, paying special attention to the psychology of self-realization and creativity, leadership in the macro- and microcosm, considering the leader as a natural vector of creativity.
Today prof. Meneghetti is an internationally recognized expert in the study of leadership phenomena. His ideas inspire and contribute to the development of progressive individuals in the fields of science, art, entrepreneurship, and politics.
In 2001, Antonio Meneghetti founded the international business school "FOIL" (Interdisciplinary Ontopsychological Formation of Leader), which offers a radically new, unique approach to leader education in modern society. FOIL helps the leader use psychology in application to economic reality, considering issues of management psychology, organizational psychology, and the rational use of the leader’s intuition.
Exploring the patterns of development of society at the present stage, Antonio Meneghetti pays special attention to aspects related to the influence of the process of development of information technology on the human psyche, including the emergence and development of the global information network Internet. In 2002, for the first time in the history of psychology, the international congress “Ontopsychology and Memetics” was held, where the concept of information, the laws and mechanisms of its impact on society and the individual, methods of information management, and the concept of memetic information are examined from a scientific and practical point of view.
The results of the use of ontopsychology in the field of business and the study of the phenomenon of intuition were presented at the first international Congress "Business Intuition", organized by FOIL in 2004. in Riga (Latvia).
Antonio Meneghetti uses any field of activity where a person can realize and find himself: economics, art, politics, music, fashion. He is the founder of the OntoArt school (1976) - a new direction in art, and an honorary member of the Senate of the International Academy of Contemporary Art. His paintings and sculptures were shown at personal exhibitions in the most prestigious art galleries in the world: Rome, Venice, Sao Paulo, Vienna, St. Petersburg. During his studies at the Vatican, A. Meneghetti professionally studied Gregorian chant, polyphonic music and learned to play the organ and piano.
The basic principles of ontopsychology formulated by Meneghetti contribute to the development of humanistic ethics, especially when applied by healthy individuals who exercise their own leadership through serving the progressive needs of the individual and society.