Projects of 4-room houses. House planning - a simple guide for beginners. Photos, drawings, ready-made solutions and useful tips. Work rules

The layout of a 4-bedroom house is a topical issue for families with many people. In order for each tenant of the house to feel comfortable and cozy in the space of residential meters, it is necessary to carefully consider the design and design of a four-bedroom house.

Layout and project of a one-story house with four bedrooms

To get a good and harmonious house, it is worth paying tribute to the process of thinking about the interior. In order not to miss anything, you will need to analyze and decide on the following issues:

  • What will be the bedrooms. This is perhaps the main nuance, with. It is important to consider in which side of the world (sunny or shady) rooms for sleeping and relaxing will be located. A good option is to equip the bedrooms in the direction where there is a lot of sun. This will help create the desired effect and atmosphere in the space of the premises;
  • What size will the sleeping rooms be. This issue is also very important, because at the stage when a house project with 4 bedrooms is being built, the footage of the premises is also indicated. For adults, you can equip small, minimalist bedrooms.

    The layout of the cottage 15 by 15 meters with four small bedrooms

    If a place to rest is equipped for children and it is planned that it will be a playroom at the same time, then it is worth allocating more space for equipping the room;

  • What style of premises will prevail. This question is important when designing a 4 bedroom house. It is quite possible to create a different interior in each of the lounges. It is clear that it is necessary to take into account the interests and wishes of those who will live in this space;
  • The placement of bedrooms, starting from the age category of residents. When it comes to the project of a one-story house with four bedrooms, then questions regarding the location of the sleeping rooms should not arise. Another question is when a three-story project is created or. In this case, it is best to equip the rooms in which the elderly and children will rest on the ground floor. For young people and for middle-aged residents, the option of overnight stay on the upper tiers of the house structure is quite suitable;

    Layout option for a one-story house with 4 bedrooms

  • Pricing policy of construction and repair works. With the question of how much money you are ready to allocate to transform the space, you should decide at the stage. After all, a lot depends on this:
    • What materials will it be. If you have enough funds, you can give preference to a brick or panel house. If the budget is limited, you should pay attention to;
    • What bedroom equipment will be possible. Of course, the financial issue directly affects the possible options for renovation transformations inside the bedrooms and other spaces of the house.

All of the above questions must be considered before starting the process of building a project.

The project and layout of the house 15 by 8 meters with 4 bedrooms

This will create an ideal four-bedroom home in which each tenant will be comfortable and cozy.

Important details in the planning process

Of course, as many owners of plots of land on which there will be, there are so many ideas for their construction. The layout of a 4 bedroom house needs some attention and thought on the part of the owners. The most important thing is to think over a comfortable layout so that the sleeping rooms are comfortable and give the desired rest to the guests of the house. Layouts can be very different, you should familiarize yourself with them in order to bet in favor of one or another option. Video review of the project of the house with four bedrooms.


If the design of the house consists of one floor, then it is worth considering the following factors when considering variations in the placement of sleeping rooms:

These nuances are very important for the full furnishing of the space of a 4-bedroom house. It is clear that every tenant, first of all, thinks that the living space should be cozy and comfortable.

Two-storey house

When a house with four bedrooms has two floors or more, then also at the design stage of the project, some factors should be taken into account that will significantly affect the process of arranging the space. It is worth taking into account the following nuances:

In general, it is possible to comfortably equip four bedrooms in one house. The main thing is to take into account important details that will help ensure the most comfortable atmosphere inside the space.

4 room house plan- a very popular, and most importantly convenient, family option. In the Shop-project catalog you will find a wide variety of solutions, among which you can choose by:

Floors. In the project of a house with 4 rooms, usually 1 or 2 floors, depending on which the layout also differs. The living room or hall in a two-story cottage is usually located on the first floor, and the second is reserved for the sleeping area. Sometimes a guest room is also located on the ground floor, and the bedrooms upstairs are complemented by a bathroom. But it already depends on the size of the plot, and on

The area of ​​the cottage, which can be from 60 to 200 square meters. m. When choosing a house project by area and considering 4-room proposals, you, of course, will first of all take into account the composition of the family. So, in two large bedrooms parents (in one) and children - 1 or 2 boys or girls (in the other) can live. Accordingly, the third room remains for guests or grandparents.

Children of different sexes, especially those who are growing up, usually seek to provide different rooms. If there are two children, the bedrooms may well be small; in two spacious rooms it will be comfortable for four (for example, two people in each).

The choice of the project of a 4-room house with functional elements influences not only the composition of the family, but also the habits of your household, hobbies, occupation - in a word, who is who. If you or someone else in the family is driving, you will probably need a garage or carport. Lovers of breakfasts in nature should not deny themselves a terrace, flower growers - in a veranda where you can set up a greenhouse, etc.

Materials from which 4-room houses can be built according to our projects are both stone (brick, ceramic or aerated concrete blocks), and wood (beam, log), and even their combination (for example, S3-116-3 or S3-167-1).

The style of buildings is classic or high-tech. Define the most important criteria for yourself - we have done everything so that you can find an offer that meets them!

The decision to distribute the space of a private dwelling is a responsible matter. At this stage, not only the wishes of the owners regarding the location of residential areas are laid down, but the competent placement of communications is planned. An excellent layout of the house will combine the competent distribution of space, convenience and practicality.

You can do the process yourself, especially if the budget allows you to realize any idea. However, for the qualitative distribution of the available space, the correct assignment of the functional load and the combination of the above with the convenience of living, it is better to involve a professional.

Work rules

Planning in construction refers to the division of space during the construction phase. All subsequent changes refer to redevelopment. Therefore, in order to avoid costly adjustments in terms of time, effort and finances, a good layout of a private house should begin at the stage of laying the foundation. This is necessary in order to initially lay the load-bearing walls and partitions.

The drawing must clearly take into account the size of a private house and meet the basic requirements for the construction of residential buildings.

So, taking into account the norms for the volume of clean air in the room (23 m3), it is necessary with special care to ensure the necessary footage, the level of ventilation. Natural light sources are also important.


The dimensions of the kitchen should be calculated based on how much furniture and household appliances are planned to be placed in it.

The best option for a private building is to combine two areas: cooking and dining. This increases the volume of the room with the benefit of functionality.

The optimal indicator of the area for the kitchen is 10 m2. For a kitchen combined with a dining room, 15m2 is enough.

Toilet and bathroom

For a private building, where the sewer system is a real epic, it is important to use space and material wisely. For this reason, the toilet, bathroom and laundry (if one is allocated separately) are located next to the kitchen.

This placement allows you to comply with hygiene standards by highlighting a separate utility block. At the same time, there is a significant saving on the material and work on laying sewer pipes and water supply systems.

If each of the premises is planned as a separate one, it is worth taking care of the appropriate footage. The minimum indicator in this case will be 5-6 m2.

Distribution of the area of ​​houses of different types

Building bulky mansions that require huge expenditures of energy and resources to ensure their functioning is now too expensive. Taking into account the cost of construction and land for such a building - even more so.

At the same time, compact buildings that fit on small plots of land and combine all the areas necessary for comfortable living remain popular. It is in such buildings that the competent use of space is of paramount importance.

If we talk about the classification of private houses, then we can distinguish two signs of division: number of storeys and size. The most common are compact one- and two-story buildings with an area of ​​​​6x6, 8x8 and 10x10 meters.

Given the limited space, a popular option is a building with an attic - a living space equipped under the roof.

Type 6x6

Planning a house 6 by 6 meters is a difficult task. After all, with small parameters, you need to place all the necessary zones and make the home comfortable for living.

Here it is advisable to place a kitchen / dining room and a bathroom with a toilet on the ground floor. The attic will play the role of a recreation room, which can be divided into a bedroom and leisure area (or a nursery). It will not be possible to single out more than two functional zones due to the dimensional characteristics of the room.

In some cases, homeowners may sacrifice the toilet inside in favor of equipping a wood-fired steam room. And the correction of needs is transferred to a structure such as a closet on a personal plot.

Type 8x8

When it comes to an area of ​​​​64 m2, the process of distributing space becomes not so difficult. So, the layout of the house 8 by 8 meters easily includes:

  • entrance hall - 4 m2;
  • bathroom - 8 m2;
  • dining room kitchen - 15 m2;
  • bedroom-living room - 22 m2;
  • children's room - 15 m2.

This is the distribution when planning a one-story house. If the presence of an attic is implied, redistribution will be required, taking into account the stairs (about 8 m2) leading up. Under the roof, two bedrooms of 20 m2 and 13 m2 can be freely accommodated.

With this footage, space planning for a two-story building can also be freely discussed. In this case, it is worth increasing the bathroom with toilet, dining room and hallway, as well as adding a storage room on the ground floor. A children's room, along with two bedrooms will be located on the second.

Type 10x10

An area of ​​10 by 10 meters is sufficient to accommodate all the necessary premises on one floor. The layout of such a house with an attic will increase the footage of the rooms or, if necessary, their number.

So, in addition to the standard set (kitchen, living room, nursery, bedroom, bathroom), you can allocate space for an office or a specialized place of rest. If you move the nursery to the attic, you can equip a spacious steam room on the ground floor.

The layout of a two-story house of similar footage can only be limited by hygiene standards and fire safety requirements. Otherwise, there is enough space to fulfill the wishes of the owner.

It is advisable to place the kitchen and dining room on the ground floor. Under the pantry in a dwelling with a large number of inhabitants, it is better to immediately allocate 6-9 4 m2. At the same time, the toilet and bathroom can be duplicated for greater comfort for residents.

Speaking of comfort, it is worth considering the needs of all inhabitants. So, the dimensions of the building make it possible to provide children of different sexes with separate rooms. This will be a significant plus when the children begin to grow up.

The placement of bedrooms on the lower floor should be planned, meaning the older generation will live in them. But the office should be located as far as possible from the most visited premises. Better if it can only be accessed from the master bedroom.

When planning the initial placement of the dwelling on the site and the rooms in it, it is worth leaving space for the construction of a wide porch or summer terrace. Such an element will not require significant investments, but will pay off many times over, especially in the summer.

Photo layout of the house

When choosing a project for a private house, a dilemma often arises, how many bedrooms should be provided? Whether there will be few or many four bedrooms in the house depends on each developer. The choice of the number of bedrooms is influenced by the number of storeys of the building and its area. In order to decide whether it is worth choosing one-story house projects for 4 rooms (photos, draft designs, drawings, diagrams, videos are posted on the website in this section), two-story or reduce the number of bedrooms, read the main criteria for selecting house projects.

1. House plans for 4 rooms: plot for construction

The search for suitable land for a turnkey house project should be completed before choosing and buying a project. The nature of the soil, the state of groundwater, the relief and the orientation of the entrance to the site to the cardinal points affect both the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future new house and its number of storeys. In some cases, it is worth choosing a specific architectural project for a 4-bedroom house first, and then looking for a site suitable for development conditions.

2. House plan 4 rooms: issue price

The cost of project implementation depends on factors such as the complexity of the design, the materials provided for by the project and their availability. In order to make the price affordable, you can replace the project materials with more budget ones by making appropriate changes to the project.

3. Layout of house projects for 4 rooms: one-story, residential attic or two-story cottage?

The choice of the number of floors should be based on the advantages of each option. In a one-story house, the single-level space will please you with the absence of stairs, but the disadvantages are quite serious. When choosing a one-story 4-bedroom house, you need to be prepared for overestimation and the need for more building space.

The construction of an attic cottage, which is energy-saving, will also save space on the site, but will cause difficulties with the installation of the roof and its insulation.

The construction of a two-story house will be more expensive than an attic, but it will provide the second floor as a convenient and ready-to-use area.

If you choose a house on one floor and eventually equip the attic, this will become a source of additional space.

4. Project plans for houses for 4 rooms: a reserve for the future

It is important to imagine life in the house in 15-20 years. It is worth considering whether you plan to have a large family, live with adult children, bring your parents to your place and often receive guests. The location and number of bedrooms will be affected by a large number of residents, planned guests and relatives.

5. The optimal area of ​​the house included in the project "4-room house".

The area of ​​the cottage is influenced by several factors: the characteristics of the site, the size of the budget and the lifestyle of the owners. The house should give coziness and comfort. In order to avoid extra square meters or vice versa to get rid of situations where there is nowhere to put your favorite palm tree, rocking chair or build in a closet, when creating a layout, it is important to take the area of ​​​​the house with a margin.

The name of a room

Living room with dining area

Bedroom or room

Kitchen with pantry

Guest room or office


Utility room

WC with shower


Connecting rooms

Garage for one car

One-storey 4-room house

working draft

Door blocks according to STB 1138-98.

Interior decoration: plasterboard ceilings, puttying for two times, followed by applying a paint coating; in the bathroom - the walls are tiled.

  1. Title page
  2. Explanatory note on 5 A4 sheets
  3. General plan
  4. A fragment of a fence made of reinforced concrete panels with the installation of a gate, a fragment of a fence made of reinforced concrete panels with the installation of a gate General data (beginning)
  5. General data (continued)
  6. General data (end)
  7. Facade in axes 1-5
  8. Facade in axes 5-1
  9. Facade in axes A-G, G-A
  10. The design of the outer wall of a residential building, the explication of the premises
  11. Foundation plan, section 2-2
  12. Explication of the floors, detail of the waterproofing of the walls and floor of the bathroom, bathroom, detail of the foundation for the partition
Explanatory note in AutoCAD.

The architectural design of an individual residential building is designed in the axes "1-5" - "A-G" with a size of 11.5x13.6m.

The level of the clean floor is taken as 0.000.
The foundation is monolithic from concrete grade C 16/20.
External walls made of cellular concrete blocks 198x295x598-2.5-500-2 STB 1117-98 with glue.
To insulate the outer walls, use expanded polystyrene grade PPT-15N-A-1000x500x100 according to STB 1437-2004, followed by the application of a decorative plaster layer.
Partitions should be made of ordinary silicate blocks 500x100x250 150/35 according to STB 1228-2000.
Attic floor - wooden beams measuring 50x150 (h) mm long 3.6; 4.4; 5.9m, first grade, laid in 0.8m increments.
Sections of walls with ventilation ducts up to the level of the roof should be made of brick grade KRU 125/25 according to STB 1160-99
on cement-lime mortar M50; above the roof level - from bricks of the KLU 125/50 brand according to STB 1160-99 on a cement-lime mortar M50. Thoroughly fill horizontal and vertical seams with mortar. The solution squeezed out on the inner surfaces of the channels is removed.
The rafter system is made of softwood lumber of the 2nd grade. Roofing metal tile "Monterrey".
Plank floors in the rooms, ceramic tiles in the bathroom.
Window blocks PVC profile with 3 rows of glazing according to STB 1108-98. Window boards according to STB 1074-97.
Door blocks according to STB 1138-98.
Interior decoration: plasterboard ceilings, puttying for two times, followed by applying a paint coating; in the bathroom - the walls are tiled in accordance with SanPiN 9-27-94 "Sanitary rules for the arrangement, equipment and maintenance of residential buildings."
Metal structures should be primed with GF-021 primer (GOST 25129-82*) and painted with 2 layers of PF-115 enamel (GOST 18374-79).

The main building indicators of the house:
Number of floors 1
Number of rooms 4
Plot area 0.1333 ha
The projected building area of ​​a residential building is 177.43 m2
Projected construction area of ​​outbuildings 84.0 m2
Building density 19.6%
Total area 123.84 m2
Living area 72.15 m2
The construction volume of the projected residential building is 882 m3

Contents of the explanatory note
Distances from engineering networks, buildings and structures to trees and shrubs
Conditions for preserving the environment
Basic provisions for the operation of the territory of a residential building
Basic fire safety requirements in housing for the installation of household heat generating units used for heating, cooking and water heating
Basic fire safety requirements for the installation of electric lighting networks in housing
General plan. landscaping
situational diagram
Fragment of a fence made of reinforced concrete panels
General instructions

  • Architectural and construction solutions
  • Engineering support