What business to invest money in. The most profitable investments in Russia. Pros and cons of this investment method

Nobody objects that there is no such thing as extra money. But it happens that free funds appear. This could be a pleasant inheritance, a large bonus, or a well-worked project. For some, this will be a reason to spend it with pleasure, while others will think about how to save this money, or better yet, increase it. Let's try to think about where to invest money in 2020 to make money. To correctly answer this question, let’s get acquainted with the concept of “investment”.

Basic terms

Investments are understood as material and intellectual means aimed at making a profit using various financial instruments or commercial activities. Investments can be:

  • direct - when the investor directly selects investment objects and participates in the process of profit-generating activities;
  • indirect - in this type, the investor’s funds are transferred to the management of special structures or institutions whose activities are aimed at making a profit.

In terms of time, investments can be:

  • short-term;
  • medium-term;
  • long-term.

Investment portfolio is a collection of all types of investments in various instruments that make up the investor’s assets. For example, investments in deposits, bonds, real estate, business.

Types of investments

The problem with choosing investments for individuals is not that there are few offers. It’s just the opposite; there are a lot of offers for investing money, even if you ignore the not entirely legal and fraudulent options when they offer to increase the amount several times over a short period. But there are options that are under state control, which guarantees compliance with laws and not the use of money in criminal schemes.

Such options can be divided into risky investments and low-risk investments. Based on the level of risk, you can immediately judge the profitability; they are directly related. If you want to make more profit, you will have to take more risks. Let's look at some well-known and popular types of investments.

Investing in your education

This is the only type of investment without risk. At the same time, it is deservedly considered a highly profitable type of investment. And most importantly, it is best to start any other investment by gaining knowledge on investing in general and more in-depth knowledge of the selected types. This may not always be the case if you engage in self-education, but you can also choose educational trainings, courses, and consultations.


A familiar, understandable, calm investment option. When all the work comes down to choosing a reliable bank with decent interest rates. It is a low-risk investment, but the profit received will at most exceed the level of official inflation. The average rate will be about 6% per annum. In addition, you will have to limit the deposit to 1.4 million rubles in order to receive money from the insurance fund in the event of liquidation of the bank.

Real estate

Another seemingly reliable type of investment. The good thing is that the risk of complete loss of property is very low, but it does not guarantee the impossibility of partial loss of funds. Investments in real estate for profit can be as follows:

  1. Purchase of residential real estate under construction for subsequent resale in finished form.
  2. Acquisition of residential and commercial real estate for rental.
  3. Long-term lease for subsequent sublease for short periods.
  4. Acquisition of land plots for sale in parts or for the construction of facilities with subsequent sale.

The main disadvantage of this type of investment is the high level of initial investment. Additional difficulties are caused by an unstable market, difficulty in selling, and competition when renting. Currently, the purchase of foreign real estate, apartments in resort regions for rent during the tourist season is gaining popularity.

For example, currently in Bulgaria you can buy an inexpensive studio by the sea or in a ski resort for a very low price, starting from 10,000 euros. The cost of renting such a studio during the season starts from 20 euros per day.


Making a profit from buying bonds is another way to invest money with low risk. At their core, bonds are securities issued by companies that act as promissory notes. Borrowers on bonds can be private companies or government companies.

In terms of reliability, such investments are inferior to bank deposits only in that they are not insured by the state. The profit generated can be on average 10%, but it is not guaranteed. Sometimes bonds of some companies bring very high returns up to 100%, but such investments are high-risk.


Investing in shares of large and small companies has been practiced in Western countries for many years, being the most popular type of investment. Shares are understood as securities that fix the owner’s right to receive a share of profits and participate in the management of a joint-stock company in accordance with the existing block of shares.

There are two ways to make a profit from shares:

  1. Due to dividends paid on existing securities.
  2. In the form of profit from buying and selling shares on stock markets.

Investing in shares carries high risk, especially when trading in the stock markets. For such operations it is necessary to have appropriate knowledge and experience, as well as resistance to stress. At the same time, investing in shares can bring high profits.

Foreign exchange market

The Forex currency market is a very risky investment. They make money on it by changing the exchange rate when buying and selling. Ideally, the purchase price is lower than the sale price. But exchange rate changes can be so unpredictable and rapid that a lack of knowledge and experience leads to a quick loss of invested funds.


The ability to get a quick and large profit can only be rivaled by the Forex market, where profits sometimes amount to several hundred or even thousands of percent. Accordingly, the risks here are higher than in other markets. Working with cryptocurrencies is complicated by the fact that the status of this financial instrument remains a controversial issue throughout the world. Emerging scandals and bans greatly affect the already unstable rate of cryptocurrencies, turning the market around and devaluing existing assets.

Management companies

Investment options in stocks, the foreign exchange market and cryptocurrencies are very risky. It is possible to work in such markets if you have the appropriate training, experience, and a stable nervous system. Therefore, before doing this yourself, you can transfer the money to a trust. Various types of such services are offered by special management companies.

Here you can select one or more personal brokers, specify your investment portfolio, including certain types of shares, currency pairs, precious metals, etc. The degree of risk and the level of acceptable losses are also specified. The minimum threshold for investing in such management companies is very low, starting at $10. This amount allows the investor himself, if desired, to try his hand at . The average profit from such investments can range from 2-10% per month.

mutual fund

Mutual investment funds specialize in professional work with stock markets. For people who are ready to take risks, but have no experience in stock trading, mutual funds are a good alternative to brokers. Here you can buy small shares, but it is better to distribute the invested money over several shares, in which case the risk will significantly decrease. The cost of shares is affordable to almost everyone, because it starts from 1000 rubles. Such a contribution will not bring a lot of money, but it will allow you to gain not very expensive experience.

Such investment belongs to the category of trust management, since the investor does not influence the process and choice of tools for generating profit. Investments in mutual funds do not guarantee profit, but, on average, with low risk they can bring up to 30% profit. The fact that the activities of such funds are under state control gives reason not to fear fraudulent schemes.


Individual investment accounts created in 2015 became an indicator of the state’s interest in enhancing the investment activity of the population. Opening such an account for a period of three years allows you to receive tax benefits in the amount of 13% for an amount of up to 400,000 rubles. That is, simply opening such an account allows you to receive 52,000 rubles in three years by saving on tax deductions.

You can open only one account for one person; only rubles are accepted for crediting. Otherwise, this account is similar to other trust management options. Accounts are not insured, although in some management companies you can use part of the money to open a deposit, but the funds on such a deposit will not be insured.

Venture funds

Already in their name, these investment funds speak of risk. The English word “venture” is translated as “risky undertaking.” The activities of such funds are based on financing innovative projects. Moreover, it begins at an early stage, then projects are developed for several years. The effectiveness is not very high; usually 20-30% of developed projects are successful. But even these percentages are enough to cover all costs and make a high profit.

In Russia, venture capital investment is currently still at the development stage. To enter such projects, fairly high amounts are required: from 100,000 in rubles, from 500,000 in dollars. Potential profits start at 40% and can exceed 1000%. But, of course, loss of invested funds cannot be ruled out.


A great way to invest money, sometimes very small ones, to increase it, is to open your own business or become a business partner. There are many possibilities for this. People who can do things better than others are still in demand. Opening workshops for repairing equipment, sewing clothes, selling handmade goods, with the right approach, can be the start of a successful business. No one argues that organizing a business will require more time and effort than opening a deposit, but the return will be greater.

In our time, the Internet provides excellent opportunities for starting a business and attracting investment in it, where the number of potential clients and buyers is not limited. You can open online stores, advertise the services provided, and engage in wholesale trade. Franchises are a good option for starting a business. When you can buy the right to organize an already operating business, all stages of its creation and the requirements for the quality of products or services are specified. In this case, risks are reduced, and the opportunity to receive the necessary assistance allows you to make a profit in a fairly short time.

Where to invest 100,000 rubles

If we talk about an example with a specific amount, we get the following options where you can invest money in 2020:

  1. Bank deposit with guaranteed low income.
  2. Investing such an amount in real estate is only possible for the option of renting an apartment and then subletting it.
  3. Buying bonds.
  4. Transfer to trust management to a management company on the terms of a personal broker, purchase of mutual funds or creation of an individual investment account.
  5. Opening an account with a management company for independent work in the stock or foreign exchange markets.
  6. Investing in venture funds.
  7. Opening your own business independently or in partnership.

Review of management and investment companies

The choice of management companies is one of the main components of successful investments. To make your choice, it is most convenient to focus on the ratings of operating companies. They can be compiled according to different indicators. To determine the reliability of a company, it is worth basing it on the size of its assets. The profitability rating of the proposed financial instruments gives a reason to decide how profitable such investments are.

Currently, Sberbank Management Company is the leader in terms of assets, with assets accounting for 30% of the entire market. The three include Alfa Capital and VTB Capital. If you look at the ratings for mutual fund profitability, the leader for the last month is URALSIB with a mutual fund yield of 3.66%.

Investment companies are assessed by their international rating and the financial instruments they offer. For example, the FINAM company has a high rating and offers its clients a large selection of investment options, including those with guaranteed returns, mutual funds, and individual investment accounts. And with another leader among investment companies, QBiEF LLC, you can open bond portfolios, weighted average portfolios, and structured products with maximum protection.

That is, if you wish, you can find one or more companies where you will select the most suitable conditions for investing money. Almost all leading organizations have their own websites and offer investment opportunities on the Internet.

Ways to reduce losses

No one is immune from the risk of losing part or all of the money invested in most investment methods. You need to be prepared for this. Therefore, the most important thing for an investor should be that the money invested is free. They can be used in a variety of ways without reducing the investor's standard of living.

When deciding where to invest money profitably, it is better to follow certain rules:

  1. Collect detailed information on the types of investments you are interested in. Assess how much the investment amount can bring profit and how the resulting profit compares with possible risks.
  2. Do not look for options for making big profits in a short period, this is most likely a scam.
  3. Do not start investing with large amounts.
  4. Check the availability of licenses from investment companies, especially when opening an individual investment account.
  5. Try to distribute the investment amount over several options, among which there should be investments with varying degrees of risk: low, medium, high.
  6. If you start a business, do not rely on it to work without your participation. Find opportunities to improve your educational level to improve the operation of your open business.
  7. Trust money only to professionals, analyze the activities of management companies based on the results of their work and reviews of working with these companies.
  8. When making a profit, look for opportunities to invest it in new options in order to expand the scope of investments.
  9. Consider options for long-term and short-term investments. For example, buying shares for the purpose of receiving dividends is suitable for a long investment period.

How to reduce risks

How to reduce labor intensity

How much money to invest

Current types of low-risk investments

What to look for when choosing where to invest money

To understand whether it is worth investing in a particular source of income, you must first determine the criteria by which it will be determined whether this is a worthwhile venture or not.

If we limit ourselves to three simple criteria, we would like to highlight the following:


Profitability is undoubtedly one of the determining factors when choosing where to invest money in order to earn money. It is most often measured as a percentage per annum on the amount of invested capital and determines how much the capital will increase in a year, that is, how much the investor will earn. If we want the invested money to work, and not just save it, then at a minimum, the level of return must be higher than the level of annual inflation. At the moment, bank deposits in Moscow cannot boast of this, since the average rate on them is about 8.5% - this is below the level of average annual inflation, which over the last three years until 2017 was 9.9%. Therefore, in order to invest money at a high interest rate and make money on it, you need to use other opportunities, which we will consider later.


The level of risk is also the main criterion when choosing where to invest money at interest. Risks are the likelihood of events occurring in which an investor could lose profits or even their investments. If, when considering ready-made investment proposals, the amount of profitability is most often immediately determined, then the quantitative assessment of risks is almost always unknown. This is due to the fact that it is often very difficult to predict the likelihood of certain negative consequences. And not all consequences can be determined. Therefore, when choosing where to put money at interest, it is best to understand for yourself how the project actually makes money, how long this process has been established, and whether a situation may arise in which something goes wrong. If you do not have sufficient experience in these processes, then it is better to involve experts who understand and understand this. You also need to understand that most often, the higher the profitability, the higher the risks. If you are a novice investor, then at the initial stage it is better to invest money at a small percentage, and as you gain experience, switch to more profitable offers at a high percentage.

Labor intensity

If in pure investing, when you invest money and do nothing else, it is enough, in our opinion, to understand the levels of profitability and risks, then, for example, when investing money in your own business, an additional factor appears, such as labor intensity - this is the amount of working time spent, multiplied by the experience and expertise of the performers. In other words, how much time you or your team will spend developing the business, and how much knowledge and skills you have. The development of your own project can have the highest profitability: hundreds or even thousands of percent per annum, but at the same time the required labor intensity of the process greatly increases, especially if you independently participate in business processes. In this case, risks have an inverse relationship with the experience and expertise of the team, that is, the more experience and knowledge, the less risks.

Where to invest money in 2020 so as not to lose - advice from Moscow experts

When there is an understanding of what factors are decisive when choosing where to invest money so that it works, you can already consider and evaluate specific investments, which is what we will do now.

All options will be related to secured loans in one way or another.

We believe that such investments, for objective reasons, are the least risky, but at the same time they have high returns.

At the same time, everyone will be able to find a type that is acceptable to them, based on possible labor costs and the availability of expertise.

To begin with, we’ll tell you in more detail what secured loans are and why the risks are minimal. Secured loans are loans issued by financial companies (MFOs, credit unions, car pawnshops, leasing companies) or private lenders secured by real estate and cars. All this activity is legal and regulated by the relevant laws of the Russian Federation. The rates on such loans are much higher than those on bank loans, averaging from 40% to 100% per annum. Borrowers are most often entrepreneurs - the level of profitability of their business allows them to cover high interest rates, and they do not have the opportunity to undergo long and thorough bank checks. The second category of borrowers are people with a damaged credit history, for whom the road to banks is closed. Or people who are unable to confirm their unofficial income.

All loans are issued either secured by real estate or secured by cars. In this case, the maximum loan amount most often does not exceed 50% of the market value of the collateral, and the loan term is usually no more than one year. If the borrower cannot repay the loan, the collateral is sold at market value, which makes it possible to cover both the principal amount and the accrued interest. If there is a difference, it is transferred to the borrower.

It is the presence of collateral that ensures a minimum level of risks for the investor, financial companies and this activity in general.

In 2020, as experts note, activities with collateral loans have become especially popular and in demand among borrowers, while worthy players have appeared in the non-bank lending market, allowing ordinary individuals to invest money in this area without any labor costs and not only not to lose, but also make good money on this, receiving your interest with a guarantee secured by the presence of collateral.

Now that we have figured out how it works and why the risks are minimal, let’s move on to considering specific types of investments, their profitability and labor intensity. There are three options in total:

  • Profitable treasures from 14% to 22% per annum
  • Investing-Easy at 24% per annum
  • Investing-Profi up to 100% per annum

Let’s look at each of the options in a little more detail, and you can find out more about each by clicking on the corresponding link, where you can also leave an application for participation in the corresponding program.

Profitable savings

This type is suitable for those who do not want or cannot devote time to investing. Everything is simple here: you invest money and receive income upon expiration or in monthly payments, depending on the type of savings. No labor costs on the part of the investor, but the profitability is not the highest, but 2.5 times higher than bank deposits - from 14% to 22% per annum. Profitable savings are suitable for those who want to invest, for example, 100,000 rubles, since the minimum amount is 1,000 rubles. Companies accepting savings:

This type is for those who want to dive deeper into investing in secured loans and get a higher return on investment than regular deposits. Here, the investor himself issues secured loans on his own behalf, but all other business processes, such as searching for borrowers, underwriting (risk assessment and verification of the borrower), collateral assessment, drawing up contracts, accepting payments and others, are carried out by qualified specialists. The investor’s labor costs include reviewing and selecting investment proposals and attending the conclusion of the contract. Yield 24% per annum. Suitable if you have an investment of 300,000 rubles, optimally invest 500,000 rubles or more.

The most profitable, but also the most labor-intensive type of investment. This method is suitable for those who are well versed in secured loans. Unlike the previous method, all business processes, except for searching for borrowers, must be carried out independently. Profitability up to 100% per annum. A good option where to invest 1,000,000 rubles and within a year and a half earn a million rubles on top.

Where is it profitable to invest money at interest - comparison of options

  • Risks
  • Payments
  • Labor intensity
  • Investment amount

One of the most affordable options for “where to invest on the Internet,” and sometimes very profitable, is. Next, you can look towards creating or ready-made Internet sites (online stores) for the purpose of further earnings or resale. Purchasing shares (shares) in already existing Internet projects is also an investment, although quite risky, because you don’t fully know what real goals the organizer is pursuing.

Despite the obvious availability, I do not recommend investing in HYIPs, lending (loan exchanges), binary options, sports betting, because... the risks are extremely high. As a rule, in the options proposed above, it is possible to work using electronic payment systems, such as Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Perfect Money, QIWI and others.

Where to invest 100,000 rubles (dollars, hryvnia)

First of all, it is worth deciding on the risks. If the main goal is to try to preserve your savings, more conservative options are suitable, for example, bank deposits, purchasing precious metals for a long time, investing in antiques. For an amount of $100 thousand, you can add the option of purchasing real estate.

Considering more profitable, but also riskier options “where to invest 100,000 rubles,” you can pay attention to the purchase of companies (Gazprom, Google, Yandex, etc.), (trust management). You can learn more about the pros and cons of the listed options above in the article.

The richest people (video)

Many people, when a large and free amount of funds appear, think about various possibilities for increasing it. To do this, you can use different investment methods. They involve investing money in business, bank deposits, PAMM accounts, cryptocurrency, real estate or other projects in order to obtain high profits. If a person has never invested money, then he has a question about how to invest correctly. The procedure completely depends on what amount is used for this, what experience and skills the citizen has, as well as where he plans to invest the funds.

Investment concept

The process involves investing money in a chosen project with the aim of making a profit. This helps to increase the initial capital.

It is important not only to understand where you can invest money, but also how to invest correctly in order to reduce risks and get high income. Risks vary significantly when working on different projects. Bank deposits are considered the most stable, but they offer low returns that only cover inflation. If you invest in cryptocurrency or PAMM accounts, you can count on high profits, but there is a risk of losing all your invested funds.

Where to get funds from?

Before choosing an investment method, you should decide where the money will come from for these purposes. Many people, when thinking about where to invest money, act rashly, as they try to get income as quickly as possible. They take out loans, borrow funds from relatives or pledge their property. Such actions can lead to negative consequences if the investment does not bring the desired profit.

How to invest correctly? To invest successfully, consider the recommendations of professionals:

  • only own funds are used, set aside from salaries or other income, which are not urgently required for various purposes, and their use will not damage the family budget;
  • At first, you need to rely exclusively on available sources of income, since at first investing almost never brings high profits;
  • It is advisable to start with small amounts in order to understand the rules and nuances of generating income and reducing risks;
  • in the first year, all funds earned are used to increase the capital used for investment, which will create an interesting and profitable investment portfolio;
  • the profit received must be controlled, which allows you to understand how different earning schemes work.

If you figure out how to start investing correctly, you can get really significant income within a few months with a small initial investment.

Where to invest money?

The main question that arises among novice investors is related to the choice of direction for investing money. It is impossible to say exactly where to invest money correctly, since each method has both pros and cons.

It is advisable to focus on projects in which the investor is well versed. It is recommended to start with the least risky schemes, and after studying already risky projects, try more interesting investments.

Bank deposit

Such investment is considered standard and not very profitable. It is as follows:

  • a bank for cooperation is selected that offers the highest interest rates on the deposit;
  • a program is selected that does not allow partial withdrawals or deposits, since in this case the highest percentage will be offered;
  • a corresponding agreement is concluded;
  • money is frozen in the account for a selected period of time;
  • After the end of the term, funds are issued with accrued interest.

It is almost impossible to lose money due to deposit insurance, but you still need to choose only reliable and profitable banks for cooperation. But even when choosing the highest bet, you cannot count on good profits. Usually it only covers inflation, so it is difficult to call this method investment.

Investing in foreign currency

People who are thinking about where to invest correctly often choose investing in foreign currency. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • banknotes of popular currencies are purchased;
  • a foreign currency account is opened at the bank;
  • Profits are generated by increasing the value of the currency.

This type of investment has many advantages. This includes the fact that you can start work even with a minimum amount of funds. Selling and buying currencies is a simple process and there is no loss of investment. If you have a good understanding of politics and economics, then with the right choice of moment to buy currency, profits can reach 60% per month of work.

The disadvantages include the high risk of investing money. To properly invest money in foreign currency, you should study the dynamics of exchange rates, evaluate possible prospects and check expert forecasts. Additionally, you have to pay a high commission to the bank.

Buying real estate

If a person wants to save his money as much as possible, where should he invest his money? If an investor does not want to understand the peculiarities of economics, politics and investing, then he can spend the money on purchasing real estate. Even after crises, housing costs are constantly increasing. The process involves the purchase of housing at the first stage of construction, and after the house is put into operation, the apartment is sold. Profitability can reach from 30 to 60%.

The advantages include low risk and good profitability. The downside is that apartments take quite a long time to sell, and there is always the possibility that the developer will declare bankruptcy.

Buying gold or precious metals

The demand and prices for gold are constantly growing. If an investor does not want to engage in risk assessment, purchase and sale of various stocks or bonds, and also wants to make a profit after a sufficiently long period of time, then an investment that involves the purchase of gold is chosen.

The investment process involves purchasing precious metals in bars or coins. Additionally, depersonalized metal accounts are available. Profit will be made when the price of gold changes.

The advantages include the reliability of investment, as well as a guarantee of profit. The disadvantages include the need for a long-term investment of a large amount of funds. Deposits in metal accounts are not subject to insurance, and income is subject to personal income tax. If profit is needed urgently, then such an investment is considered pointless.

Investing in business

This method of investing money is considered interesting and complex, and therefore is suitable only for investors who want to work in the economic field. How to invest money in business correctly? The process can be performed in different ways:

  • purchase of a company;
  • purchasing shares of successful organizations;
  • investing in startups that are profitable and promising.

Each option requires the investor to have knowledge in the field of economics. Additionally, it is necessary to regularly participate in the management process of the company in order to monitor the correctness of its development. Therefore, such investing is considered interesting only for active investors who are not interested in passive income.

Investment in PAMM accounts

Many beginners and even experienced investors often think about how to properly invest in PAMM accounts. This type of investment is currently considered the most promising and profitable among various opportunities and projects.

The process consists of the following steps:

  • the investor collects the required amount of funds;
  • a broker company engaged in trading on the Forex market is selected;
  • the company is engaged in currency exchange and trading on behalf of the client;
  • if the optimal organization is truly selected, then its work brings in high income, from which only a commission for intermediary services is charged.

Some investors, after using PAMM accounts, begin to independently engage in trading on the Forex market. But even to make a profit without direct participation, it is important to understand how to properly invest in PAMM accounts. Alpari, Instaforex and Exness are the most famous and largest broker companies, so you should focus on cooperation with them. In this case, you can guarantee a high return on investment.

For people who want to properly invest in PAMM accounts, it is important to understand the rules of operation of brokers, choose the platform wisely, and also distribute the available capital between several companies in order to reduce the likelihood of losing all funds. In another way, such investment is called trust management, so it is important to really trust the chosen organization.

The advantages of such an investment include the fact that the investor independently chooses who is entrusted with his funds, and is also provided with maximum information for making important decisions. With the right choice of broker, annual profitability can reach 100% of the initial capital. Control is carried out via the Internet, so this procedure can be performed from anywhere in the world.

Investing in mutual funds

They are considered an interesting and profitable way of investing. The money is transferred to trust management, so this instrument is considered the most convenient for every novice investor. How to invest in mutual funds correctly? To do this, perform the following steps:

  • a reliable and long-established investment fund is selected;
  • a share in the general fund is acquired;
  • a management company is engaged in investing money in stocks, bonds or various currencies, and the main goal of this process is making a profit;
  • income depends on how efficiently and correctly the fund's assets are allocated.

The advantages of such investment include a low entry threshold, so to participate it is enough to have only 3 thousand rubles. Funds are in the hands of experienced managers. The activities of mutual funds are regulated at the state level. If necessary, you can quickly sell your existing share.

The disadvantages include restrictions on the purchase of different stocks, which leads to low profitability. The company may not have time to get rid of securities whose value decreases, so such investments are not always successful.

Work on the Forex market

Every investor can always become a successful broker in the Forex market. The process involves the sale or exchange of currencies. To work successfully, you need to have a good understanding of the various factors that influence exchange rates.

The advantages of such investing include the opportunity to receive really high income if you use winning strategies. But at the same time, there are significant risks of completely losing all invested funds. Additionally, difficulties often arise with the withdrawal of earned funds. The Forex market is practically not regulated by government agencies.

Investing in cryptocurrency

This method of investing money appeared relatively recently, but quickly became popular among experienced investors. The high demand for cryptocurrency is due to the use of modern technologies to create digital money. The cost is constantly increasing, and the number of areas of activity in which this money is used is also expanding.

How to invest in cryptocurrency correctly? To do this, it is important to choose digital money wisely, since you should only buy profitable currencies, the use of which will not lead to serious losses. During the selection process, the popularity of the cryptocurrency, its mobility and security are assessed. The most commonly purchased types of digital money are Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin.

The investment process is divided into the following stages:

  • the optimal cryptocurrency for investment is selected;
  • funds are allocated by the investor;
  • a wallet is created;
  • an exchange suitable for work is selected on which you need to register;
  • cryptocurrency is purchased at a favorable rate, for which a period of decline is selected;
  • digital money is transferred to an offline wallet, which provides protection against theft;
  • sale or exchange occurs during the growth period.

To get a good income, it is important to have a good understanding of different cryptocurrencies, as well as regularly monitor changes in rates.


Many novice investors want to know how to properly invest in bonds. The process is divided into the following steps:

  • bonds are represented by promissory notes issued by state or foreign companies, and according to these documents the borrower undertakes to return the money with interest, so it is important to choose reliable and profitable securities;
  • they are purchased at an affordable price;
  • After a certain period of time, the amount is paid with interest, and the rate can be fixed or floating.

The advantages of such an investment include the presence of low risks, predictability of profits and the opportunity to get a good income with an investment of 500 thousand rubles.

The disadvantages of using bonds include the fact that if you choose truly reliable securities, then the yield on them will be low.


This service is represented by an investment project that provides microloans to citizens and companies. With its help you can get a good return on investment.

How to invest in Cashbury? For this purpose, minimum deposits are opened, the size of which is 1 thousand rubles. These funds are borrowed by other persons at interest. It is impossible to know exactly what income will be received from this investment. Additionally, there is a risk of losing funds.


Each person planning to invest funds in different projects can choose a large number of schemes for earning money. They differ in the actions performed, risks and profitability. The more funds an investor wants to receive, the higher the risks he will have to face.

To get a really good income, you need to understand exchange rates or work in the Forex market. If an investor plans to receive passive income, then trust management is used or funds are invested in business and gold.

Many who have available funds want to invest money to make it work. It is important that the income received exceeds the inflation rate. At the same time, every investor wants the risk to be minimal. There is no way to avoid this situation without studying modern investment options.

Before you begin to analyze and compare investment options, you should remember a number of rules. They help you invest your money as efficiently as possible. Below are some expert tips that can help you avoid most investing problems.

  1. You can only invest free money. In other words, the amount that can be invested is defined as the remainder of the income after paying basic payments and needs. You should also not risk your own money, borrowed or on credit. If you do not follow this rule, you can find yourself in a difficult financial situation. There are cases when investor families were left without a livelihood. In addition, there is a risk of loss of funds, which will lead to the inability to pay the loan. The result may be a damaged credit history.
  2. You should not expect that you will immediately be able to provide for yourself by receiving passive income. Most likely, at first it will be too small to ensure a comfortable existence. Therefore, at first, most of the funds earned will have to be reinvested, that is, used to increase the invested capital.
  3. It is imperative to draw up an investment plan. It must clearly indicate all the parameters of investing money. First of all, such a plan must fix which investment options will be carried out and in what proportion. At the same time, it must be flexible enough and easily adapt to changing conditions.
  4. In order not to lose all your invested funds, risks should be diversified. That is, you cannot invest all your capital in one investment project. It is best to choose at least 3 suitable options. The likelihood that three projects at once will turn out to be unprofitable is small. With proper analysis, at least one will bring profit.
  5. It is important to constantly monitor the money invested. Regular monitoring of the situation allows you to make the right decision, as well as adjust your financial plan if necessary.
  6. You should not get involved with dubious projects that promise huge profits. In this case, there is a high probability of encountering scammers, which means losing your invested funds.

These simple tips help even novice investors enter the financial investment market wisely. Don't forget that investing is also work. Without regular analysis of the situation, it is unlikely that you will be able to make money.

Top 10 most profitable investments in 2020

The instability of the economic situation leads to the fact that the profitability of investment products is constantly changing. It is important to calculate all possible options and coordinate them with the prevailing circumstances in the country and the world. In search of an answer to the question of where to invest money profitably in 2020, experts have compiled a rating of the best options.

Investments in small business development (Alfa.Digital platform)

For those who decide to start investing with an amount of 100 thousand rubles or more, investing in small businesses through specialized platforms is excellent. Most often, such options are offered by large banks. They develop investment products. By investing money in them, the owner of the funds essentially lends to companies selected by the bank.

Despite the fact that the risk in this case falls entirely on the shoulders of the investor, it can be noted that it is relatively low. This is due to the fact that the money invested is distributed among a large number of organizations.

An excellent example of a platform that offers to make a profit in this way is Alfa.Digital, organized by the bank of the same name. The following investment conditions are offered here:

  • yield up to 30% per year;
  • payments are made once a week with accrued interest;
  • The minimum investment amount is from 100 thousand rubles.

Investments in P2P lending

The P2P lending service allows you to invest almost any amount. In essence, it is a so-called social loan. Both the borrower and the lender in this case are private individuals.

This option represents a very profitable investment. The interest rate on P2P lending is about one and a half percent per day. True, about half of them will have to be paid to the service that provides intermediary services.

Those looking for P2P lending services can explore two interesting portals – Vdolg.ru and Loanberry. The first site accepts investments ranging from 4 thousand to 10 million. This amount is enough to invest money and receive monthly income. Loanberry allows you to start investing in loans to individuals from 1000 rubles with interest from 20-30 percent per annum. Moreover, now there is a function where, for a fee of 5%, you can connect insurance against default, when the site takes over the payment of the debt in the event of a borrower’s default.

Investments in Forex (foreign exchange market)

Many people have heard what Forex is. However, not everyone understands that it is not limited to independent trading. To make money in the foreign exchange market through trading, you will need a significant amount of serious knowledge. In addition, without experience, it is unlikely that you will be able to make money by trading independently.

However, you shouldn’t refuse to invest money in Forex; just choose one of two popular methods:

  1. PAMM accounts represent a certain type of transfer of funds to professional traders for management. In this case, you can invest even a small amount. It is determined solely by the conditions of the selected PAMM account.
  2. Those who dream of making Forex transactions on their own can use social trading systems or copying the transactions of professionals. In the first case, based on the opinions of experienced traders, forecasts of market behavior are made, which help beginners make the right decision. When copying trades, you should choose a trader you trust so that you can learn about all the trades he makes.

When opening positions independently, the investor has more opportunities to reduce risk. This is explained by the fact that if there is no confidence in a particular forecast, you can refuse to conclude a deal. In PAMM accounts, all decisions are made by the manager himself.

Investments in startups

Investing in a startup is a profitable investment that can bring significant profits if successful. A startup in the financial world is a business project or idea that is at the initial stage of development. It is quite natural that even the best projects need an infusion of funds for their implementation. However, not all idea owners have available funds. Therefore, they are forced to seek help.

It is unlikely that you will be able to get a loan for the development of a project from a bank. This is due to the lack of confirmation of the profitability of new projects. Investors who prefer to invest in promising projects at their inception stage come to the aid of beginning businessmen. The main difficulty of investing in startups is that it is very difficult to determine which project will be profitable and which will bring a loss.

Investing money in mutual funds

A mutual fund or mutual investment fund is a promising investment that can be classified as a type of collective investment. Investors (in this case they are called shareholders) purchase part of the fund's property, called a share, and wait for its value to increase. In fact, such investments must be long-term, in which case the probability of making a profit is the highest. The advantages of mutual funds are:

  • high degree of protection from the state;
  • no need to have special knowledge;
  • low entry threshold - the cost of a share starts from two thousand rubles.

The profitability of a mutual fund depends on the investment strategy it applies. There are moderate, conservative and aggressive funds. In the order in which they are transferred, profits increase. But do not forget that the risk is directly dependent on it.

Experts recommend that if an investor, when choosing where to invest profitably and safely in 2020, has given preference to mutual funds, choose for investment funds that invest the collected funds in the field of IT technologies. Today they are the most promising. In addition, such mutual funds have the best combination of profitability and risk.

Investments in investment or savings insurance

Investment and savings insurance programs are a combination of a profitable financial product with insurance. When signing an investment insurance contract, the client receives a number of advantages:

  1. guaranteed return of 13% from the state due to tax deduction;
  2. investment returns due to the management of your money by an investment or management company;
  3. the opportunity to open a deposit for a longer period than regular deposits.
  4. Free life and health insurance;

Endowment insurance allows you to solve two problems:

  • protect yourself in case of financial problems;
  • accumulate a significant amount of money through effective money management.

Investments in securities (Through IIS)

Those who decide to invest in stocks and bonds should open an individual investment account. This can be done by contacting brokers or a management company. Most often, investors make money on the stock market in one of two ways:

  1. Independent trading involves opening transactions solely on the basis of the investor’s own knowledge. In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a profit without experience and certain skills.
  2. Copying the strategies of experienced managers. Such profitable investments, for example, are offered by the company Finam. It is implemented using the Trade center service. It is enough to choose a strategy and connect to it so that all transactions made on the professional’s account are transferred to the investor’s IIS.

Investing in real estate

This method requires the investor to have a fairly large amount of money. The amount of capital depends on the region and the type of property purchased.

In order to make a profit, you can purchase both residential and commercial real estate. There are several options for making a profit with this method of investing:

  1. purchase of real estate for the purpose of subsequent rental;
  2. purchase for resale.

In the second case, you can increase your income by buying real estate under construction or purchasing dysfunctional or granny flats and selling them after renovation.

It is important to remember that the sale of real estate that has been owned for less than five years results in an obligation to pay income tax.

Bank deposits

Deposits have recently lost their popularity. This is explained by a decrease in interest rates. Nevertheless, they deserve attention. Despite the fact that this option is not a real way to earn money, if you invest money at interest on a deposit, you can reduce the impact of inflation. Deposits are suitable for those investors who do not have sufficient financial knowledge, as well as large capital.

A deposit can be opened even for small amounts - many banks offer to conclude an agreement for one thousand rubles or even less. For many, the determining factor when choosing a deposit is the interest rate. Due to the current deposit insurance system in our country, choosing a bank has faded into the background. In search of where it is more profitable to invest your money, you should pay attention to the programs offered by Tinkoff Bank. The stakes here are always at a fairly high level.

Investments in microfinance organizations

Investments in microfinance organizations allow you to invest your own capital at a high interest rate. In this case, you do not need to have any additional knowledge and skills.

However, this option is not suitable for everyone. Most companies set a fairly high minimum entry threshold. Traditionally, it is at the level of one and a half million for individuals and 500 thousand for legal entities.

Thus, there is no universal answer to the question of where it is better to invest money. The decision must be made for each case separately, focusing on the available amount, as well as the desired risk and return.