How to do the interior decoration of the house with your own hands. Do-it-yourself exterior decoration of the house. Fiber cement boards and siding

The interior decoration of the house made of foam blocks has certain features, and some nuances should be taken into account in its implementation. How the interior decoration of the house from foam blocks is carried out, the photo clearly shows, and there are a lot of options for such an operation. In general, foam blocks are currently competing with bricks and other building materials, causing increased popularity. A phased interior decoration of a foam block house illustrates a video that will help you do all the work yourself.

Foam blocks have properties that distinguish them from other building materials. First of all, they have a porous structure, which provides increased heat resistance and low specific gravity. At the same time, moisture or steam, penetrating into the air pores, accumulates in them and significantly worsens the basic characteristics of the material.

With this in mind, foam blocks, unlike bricks, require double-sided moisture and vapor protection. In other words, regardless of outer cladding foam block walls require waterproofing and vapor barrier for interior decoration.

Blocks differ enough big sizes, what gives great benefits during construction. At the same time, this feature very strongly manifests any masonry defects: the slightest distortion when laying the block creates significant irregularities on the wall surface, which must be smoothed out when interior arrangement. In addition, special adhesive compositions are used during masonry, as a result of which not every finishing solution has good adhesion with it, which must be taken into account when interior decoration.

Finally, at s, it is necessary to take into account technological nuances. Wet finishing processes cause moisture to penetrate inside the blocks, which then remains there. It causes important requirement for work: when applying the coating, it is necessary to minimize the ingress of water into the material.

This is achieved by the following conditions: work related to wet solutions is carried out in warm time years and ensuring complete drying of surface moisture; requires the use of special primer mixtures for foamed concrete, creating a barrier layer to a depth of 3-4 mm.

How to plaster

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of a house made of foam blocks almost always includes such an operation as leveling a wall with plaster. Such an event has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when carrying out work.

  • Primer application. For this purpose, a special primer is used, which creates a protective barrier against moisture; improves the adhesion of the plaster to the wall surface; closes the suture adhesive composition. The most the main task: primary leveling of surface irregularities - defects and cracks in the masonry are eliminated.

  • Mounting grid installation. It is applied after the primer has completely dried and fixed with dowels. As a rule, fiberglass mesh is used. It should be taken into account the fact that plaster applied without a mesh will not adhere strongly enough to the surface of the blocks, and may peel off over time.

  • Wall plaster. The thickness and technology of this operation depends on further finishing. If various tile coverings are mounted on top of the plaster, then it is enough to apply 1 layer of mortar without finishing. When planning painting work or overlay soft roll materials(wallpaper) plaster is carried out in 2-3 layers with a final careful leveling of the wall surface. For plaster, a ready-made mixture based on cement or gypsum is used to internal works, but you can also use a home-made sand-cement mortar (proportion 3: 1). The main layer is made 20-25 mm thick, and the surface layer is about 10 mm thick.

Finishing with paint

Interior wall decoration in a foam block house can be done by decorative surface painting. To do this, first carefully leveling the wall.

When choosing a paint, it is necessary to take into account that acrylic paints for porous concrete not quite suitable, as they eliminate an important advantage - the breathing effect. When finishing foam blocks, silicate or silicone paints. To modern options should be attributed to the use of polyurethane paint.

The original is provided in the loft style. This style involves emphasizing block masonry. This effect is achieved by the absence of plaster. Only a thin primer is carried out, which does not violate the texture of the masonry. Previously, the surface of the foam blocks is carefully polished, and the seams are aligned and formed to give decorativeness. Next, impregnation with a hydrophobic composition and varnishing is carried out.

The loft decoration style requires the appropriate design of the entire room, incl. selection of furniture.

How to finish drywall

One of the most common ways is the interior decoration of the house from foam blocks with drywall.

The main advantage of this method is the possibility of applying any heat, hydro and vapor barrier, as well as the formation of a ventilating gap between the foam block wall and the outer coating. The most commonly used technology is plasterboard wall cladding with the installation of battens. In this case, a wooden beam (rail) or an aluminum profile is attached to the surface of the plastered wall. The crate is made in the form uprights with an installation step of 50-60 cm.

The stages of interior decoration of the house from foam blocks using drywall are as follows:

  • The imposition of a primer and plaster in one layer without finishing alignment.
  • Fastening of vertical racks of the lathing from wooden lath or timber 2x4 or 4x4 cm. Most best option– aluminum U-shaped profile.
  • Laying in the cells of the crate waterproofing from a layer of roofing material or polyethylene film.

  • Applying a heat-insulating layer over the waterproofing. As a rule, mineral wool is used, which has a breathable effect. In order not to install an additional vapor barrier, it is recommended to use rolled or sheet mineral wool with a layer aluminum foil. When laying, this layer faces outward. Protective films are fastened with dowels or by gluing. Particular attention should be paid to the tightness of their fit to the beams of the crate - gaps are not allowed.

  • Sheets of drywall are attached to the crate with screws. Holes are pre-drilled at the attachment points to prevent damage to the material. Screw heads should be sunk.
  • External finishing of drywall is carried out in accordance with the chosen interior (painting, wallpaper, etc.).

Other interior finishes

Interior decoration of walls made of foam blocks can also be done in other ways in 2 main directions: rolled soft cladding and hard coatings. A common method is wallpapering. They can be used over finishing plaster or drywall.

Usually for foam blocks it is not recommended to use wallpaper on polymer base(vinyl), removing the breathable effect. The most suitable are paper, non-woven and fabric wallpaper. For overlay, the usual adhesive composition for the corresponding type of wallpaper is used.

Looks good interior decoration with the use wooden elements. You can use lining wooden panels or panels with imitation of natural wood. Wooden is made using crates - similar to the installation of drywall.

The interior decoration of the house from foam blocks has some features that should be considered when carrying out work. In general, such an event differs little from wall cladding made of other materials and can be successfully carried out with your own hands.

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Building wooden houses will always be popular. It's caused unique properties material, both operational and aesthetic. But when doing do-it-yourself construction work, it is necessary to take into account many nuances that will affect the durability of the walls and the entire building. One of the issues that need to be addressed will be the interior decoration of a wooden house.

Finishing Features

Finishing a wooden house, carried out from the inside with your own hands, should be done only after a thorough study of the technology and methods. It is better to sheathe walls with materials that allow air to pass through well. You can also use materials that are completely sealed, but in this case the walls of the house will stop breathing.
The same rule should be considered for exterior decoration and insulation. If the wall cladding material does not allow air to pass through, the effect of a greenhouse is created in the room. In this case, to ensure a normal microclimate, a device is required forced ventilation. Such activities require additional financial investments.

Also, the interior decoration of a wooden building with your own hands should be made of relatively light materials. In this case Finishing work from the inside they will not have a strong effect on walls and foundations (the load on them will not increase significantly).

When to start

Perform finishing wooden frame only the field of completion of its active shrinkage is possible. If we are talking about an old house, then proceed without fear. If the walls are newly built, it is necessary to take into account the material from which they are built:

  • glued laminated timber - after 3-4 months;
  • ordinary timber and logs - at least after 1 year.

The exact rate of completion of shrinkage depends on the climatic features of the area. Humidity and average temperature have a strong influence. Start finishing internal walls from a bar and a log is allowed only after their caulking. Do-it-yourself work is carried out in two stages:

  • the first caulking of the walls must be carried out a few weeks after the assembly of the walls;
  • the second is done after 6-8 months.

To caulk the walls, you will need to prepare a sealing and heat-insulating material. As it is used jute or tow. Sometimes you can use moss. It is necessary to carry out work simultaneously from the outside and from the inside. Start caulking from the bottom. Having insulated the crown on one side, you must immediately move to the other side. Otherwise, the walls may be skewed.

After completion of the insulation work, the building rises a few centimeters. Over time interventional material compacted, and the height will be the same. It is due to the tight fit of jute or tow to logs (beams) that drafts are prevented, and thermal insulation performance increases.

After the second caulking, it is necessary to periodically measure the height of the walls. If within a couple of months the measurement results do not change, the shrinkage process has stopped. In this case, you can start doing the finishing with your own hands.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, it is necessary to decide whether it makes sense to clad walls with inside. If they are folded neatly, and interventional insulation does not stick out of the joints, sheathing is not required. It will be cheaper and better to use paintwork products.

If the walls are uneven, and the caulk seam is unattractive, you should think about finishing. Regardless of what materials are used, it is necessary to protect the wood from fungus and mold. For this, antiseptic compounds are used.

Flame retardants are used as additional impregnation, they will increase the resistance of the material to fire.

Finish options

With your own hands, finishing a wooden house can be done in the following ways:

  • clapboard (various forms);
  • wall panels;
  • drywall.

For all materials, you will need to make a frame on the surface of the walls. It is best made from wood. Mounting without a frame is also possible. But in this case, it is necessary to carefully align the base and eliminate all protruding elements. Sheathing on the frame is worth it for the following reasons:

  • no need to level the base;
  • providing a gap for air circulation and drying of the walls;
  • the ability to lay heat-insulating material;
  • you can hide the wiring.

The disadvantages of this method include the likelihood that insects or rodents will settle in the gap between the wall and the sheathing. Getting rid of unwanted guests in this case will be quite difficult.

Sheathing a wooden house with your own hands should be done with a small gap between the ceiling. It is necessary for leveling various deformations and shrinkages. The width is taken 2-4 cm. It is easy to close the space with a ceiling plinth.

Clapboard lining

Wall decoration in this case has the most diverse look.

The use of lining with decorative impregnation

You can use material of different widths, from different breeds wood. There are also types of lining depending on the transverse profile:

  • standard;
  • blockhouse;
  • softline;
  • landhouse;
  • American;
  • etc..

Do-it-yourself fastening of the finish to the surface of the walls is carried out in several ways:

  • on nails in the face (now used less and less due to aesthetic considerations);
  • on nails or screws at an angle;
  • on the clamps.

The last two methods are quite laborious. Fastenings are nailed so that there is no damage to the front surface of the lining. Instead of nails and screws, a construction stapler with staples is also used. In this case, staples with long legs and a narrow back are required. Fastening elements are made of stainless steel.

The lining is made of wood, therefore, just like the wall, it can shrink.. It is better to buy chamber-drying material, but if this is not possible, the following points must be considered:

  • planks over time natural drying dry out, gaps appear between the trim elements;
  • you can leave the surface as it is;
  • for aesthetic reasons, you can remove the lining and nail it again;
  • during the initial fixing, it is necessary to take into account that the lining will have to be removed, it is important to choose what will be more convenient to work with: with nails or self-tapping screws.

When removing material from the base, care must be taken to prevent damage to the walls.

This option allows you to diversify the interior and give a unique appearance room. These types of finishes are very fond of designers, the flight of fancy is practically unlimited.

With the help of wall panels you can create an accent in the interior

Finishing a wooden house from wall panels with your own hands can be of different types:

  • wooden;
  • bamboo;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • leather.

Care must be taken when using glass. Such material is quite massive and can have a strong effect on bearing structures building. It is not recommended to use with a small thickness of wall fencing.

Mounting is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The cladding can be fastened either directly to the crate or to a substrate fixed to the crate. The methods are quite diverse depending on the material, before buying it is worth studying the features of each separately. We also recommend that you read articles about interior decoration,.

Application of drywall

Finishing a wooden house from drywall is a common occurrence. Wall cladding can be done quite easily, but the following rules must be observed:

  • Drywall is not a durable material. It is fairly easy to damage when broken. For this reason, it is recommended to perform sheathing 2-3 years after construction. At the same time, the normal operation mode must be observed in the building (heating must be turned on).
  • When cladding is installed within 1-2 years after construction, it is necessary to fix drywall on a floating frame. This way it will be possible to avoid damage: the base and finish will move independently of each other.
  • To prevent or slow down the opening of cracks in problem areas, it is required to glue them with a reinforcing mesh. For work, a grid is taken from polymer material. The main places of reinforcement: joints, seams and corners.

Old wooden house

When performing work inside an old building, it is required to first assess the condition of the walls and take a set of protective measures. All suspicious areas on the walls are checked for strength. To do this, you can use a screwdriver, knife or chisel. Areas with the following features are recognized as suspicious:

  • darker than the main surface;
  • lighter than the main surface;
  • different texture;
  • different density.

If the wood crumbles, it is recommended to contact a specialist who, depending on the nature and extent of the damage, will suggest a further course of action. Even if there are no defects on the surface, it is required to treat the base with an antiseptic.

The interior decoration of the house has some differences from the renovation of the apartment. The volume of work is more impressive, and the action plan must be thought out in advance. At the same time, it is important to choose the right finishing materials and observe the technology of work.

If it is decided to finish interior in his country house, you should get acquainted with some tips of professional builders, as well as see photos finished works. If you do harmonious combination materials, interior decoration of a country house will give the room comfort. Finish photo country house inside the economy class will help solve the problem of choosing the style and materials for facing various surfaces.

Popular materials

Finishing wall coverings are installed after communication networks have been laid, as well as after surface insulation. It is worth choosing a specific material only taking into account such characteristics:

  • available budget;
  • building type;
  • purpose of the room.

Such factors should be considered before starting wall decoration.

You can decorate the walls in a private house with several materials. There are many popular options, each of which has a lot of advantages. Most often, for finishing the walls of a building, they use:

  • wood;
  • PVC panels;
  • wallpaper - you can save a lot on such material;
  • ceramic tile;
  • decorative plaster.

It is worth considering each material in more detail.


Quite often, summer residents completely sheathe the walls with clapboard. This material is relatively inexpensive and easy to install. When installing the lining in the room, a special comfort is created. In addition to this type of wall decoration with wood, a block house or imitation of timber is often used.

It seems to many owners of private houses that when cladding walls using wood, the interior will take on a monotonous look. However, this can be called a myth. There are many techniques that allow you to combine this material with other types of finishes. Sheathing can be carried out in different directions. In addition, the walls can be painted.

PVC panels

This wall decoration option is ideal for economy class repairs. The cost of such a solution is quite small. Such coverage is inexpensive and practical. It is quick to install and easy to clean. A wide range of colors allows you to find perfect option to create an original interior.

For example, such a material can perfectly imitate wood. When facing various surfaces plastic panels solve many problems at once. The costs are minimal. When choosing this material, the surface must be leveled. As a result, the interior takes on a noble look.

Wall decoration with PVC panels that imitate wooden board, can be combined with vintage style furniture. It is better to choose such material if it is necessary to finish the summer cottage. This is due to the fact that the material is quite fragile. Moreover, it does not provide required level thermal insulation.

Decorative plaster

High-quality, but expensive material is used for interior decoration. Thanks to the use of decorative plaster, the surface of the walls is visually leveled. At the same time, small defects are hidden, and the wall can be painted in any shade. In addition, a rather unusual texture is obtained. Caring for tiled walls decorative plaster, is quite simple. It can be used for rooms with high humidity.


This type of wall decoration is traditional. It is in demand not only among the owners of city apartments, but also among the owners of cottages and summer cottages. Wallpaper can be selected for every taste, which opens up wide possibilities for creating original design. However, after several years of operation, the wall cladding will have to be completely changed.

If the room is unheated, it is better not to glue the wallpaper. They can deteriorate after six months. This is due to the temperature difference and the dampness of the walls. As a result of such influences, bubbles appear on the wallpaper. Therefore, it is better to glue wallpaper in rooms with working heating.

You should also remember about the possible decoration of the walls with bamboo wallpaper. Such material is rather unusual. It consists of thin pieces of bamboo that are placed on a fabric base. These wallpapers are very easy to clean. In addition, they do not lose brightness, are resistant to mechanical damage. They are often used to decorate the kitchen and hallway. bamboo wallpaper different high price and complexity of installation.

Ceramic tile

The apron of the kitchen and the bathroom are more practical to design using ceramic tiles. You can highlight certain parts of the room, focusing on them with the help of mosaics. If all the walls are completely covered with tiles, the room will look uncomfortable.

Ceiling materials

If a attic room combined with a residential area, it must be reliably insulated, and the roof must be protected from leaks. This will create a cozy space.


Both the walls and the ceiling can be finished with an imitation of timber, clapboard or block house. There are also quite interesting combinations. Meet various combinations. For example, you can finish the ceiling with clapboard, and the walls with a block house. In some interiors, the ceiling is finished with wood, and the walls with other material.


Such material is quite quick and easy to mount on various surfaces. When using drywall, the walls and ceiling can be aligned perfectly. It is possible to create multi-level steps and bends different forms. By choosing this material, you can save a lot.

Stretch ceiling

Using tensile structure ceiling repair is carried out almost instantly. Some companies begin work on finishing the ceiling in this way already 2 days after the receipt of the order.

The surface of the ceiling is perfectly smooth. Thanks to this solution, you can successfully hide communications. Stretch ceilings are becoming increasingly popular. An interesting option is obtained in which they combine stretch ceiling and drywall.

The choice of flooring

There are many materials used for flooring. Among them, the most popular are wood, ceramic tiles, laminate, linoleum, carpet. Each material needs special care. Operation features different surfaces you need to know before going to the hardware store. With this approach to the choice of coverage, you can save a lot.


In a private house, such material can be used as flooring. They are ideal for floor surfaces. The tree is able to retain heat, has high aesthetic properties and environmental friendliness. In case of budget finish choice falls on ordinary boards. With proper preparation and installation, they are able to preserve the “naturalness” of the interior and last for many decades.

A more expensive option is parquet board. It is characterized by increased strength and visual appeal. However, even such material has to be processed protective compounds. This measure is mandatory. Many owners of country houses save on repairs by choosing wood.


In private houses that are designed for all-season living, laminate is often installed. It is available in a variety of colors and textures. For this reason, for your home you can find suitable option. Many owners of private structures resort to the installation of this flooring.

Ceramic tile

This material is commonly used for finishing floor surfaces in bathrooms and hallways. Quite often, tiles are used for residential premises. On the market you can find a variant of ceramic tiles made "under the tree." When choosing this finish option, the floor is as durable as possible.

If you lay a warm floor system under such a tile, you get a rather practical coating. Outwardly, it will resemble parquet board. In terms of strength and durability, such a floor is not inferior to high-quality wood.


Such a coating is often used for finishing floors in heated houses in which people permanently live. If you install carpet in unheated premises, it will dampen and rot. Carpet attracts the attention of rodents.


Such a coating is inexpensive, but practical. Today, there are many options for such a material with a variety of visual finishes. However, a heating system cannot be laid under such a floor. Linoleum, which imitates parquet, will harmoniously fit into classic interior. If you choose linoleum, you can save a lot on floor repairs.

Finishing different rooms

When choosing a material for certain premises its purpose should be taken into account. There are a few tips to keep in mind when creating high-quality flooring:

  • For rooms in which humidity is high, you should choose coatings that are resistant to moisture. They must be well washed.
  • For residential premises in the construction market is represented big choice materials. You can choose products for the living room, bedroom, nursery or hallway.
  • Floor coverings should be chosen in the same way - for rooms with high humidity - resistant to damage and moisture.

Such features must be taken into account when choosing a coating for the ceiling, walls and floor. By choosing the right materials for various coatings You can save money on home renovations.


Decoration of premises is carried out not only taking into account the purpose various rooms but also the cost of various materials. The internal lining of various surfaces is a rather laborious and lengthy process. The choice of material for finishing country house must be carried out taking into account the characteristics and properties various kinds coatings.

Today, many home owners act thoughtlessly when buying material for the construction and decoration of their cloister. Everyone prefers the decorative factor, and the other criteria, which are much more important, are not even considered.

However, buying finishing material, it is worth paying attention to a number of factors, especially if you plan to carry out robots on your own, without involving specialists.

Later in the article we will tell you what material to choose for quality finishes at home outside, we will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the intricacies of working with specific representatives, which will allow you to make the right choice.


Wet finishing of the house outside popular for the simple reason that it is the most a budget option, relative to other types of finishes. I would also like to note that the use of this finishing method is considered folk decoration, which has a lot of disadvantages.

But, there are also exceptions, and this is classic plastering, the disadvantage of which lies only in the problematic application on your own without outside help. About all the other shortcomings that manufacturers so often talk about modern materials for finishing the building from the outside, one can only say that they are far-fetched. In modern synthetic materials for construction, there are much more flaws that are very difficult to hide.

And what are modern synthetic materials? This is very common stuff that you have most likely seen at least once in your life:

Decorative plaster
By itself, plaster can be revetted frame house outside, but if we are talking about finishing foam, then here you will encounter many disadvantages. The technology of such finishing carries a threat to human life:

  • poor fire resistance;
  • toxicity;
  • the effect of "thermos";
  • high probability of mold and fungus development, etc.

And how do the founders of such a miracle technology warn you about such “nuances”? We can say that in no way, because they call it all special requirements, which requires sufficient ventilation, a lot of protective equipment etc.

Warm plaster

Warm plaster

This is the same material that cannot boast of its vapor permeability. But, its only difference from the previous version is fire safety. According to all other criteria, this is the same "thermos", which creates favorable conditions for the development of mold.
The safest type of warm plastering is to use a solution of cement and sand with the addition of sawdust. But, this finishing option is rarely used, because it is very vulnerable to natural factors.

I don't want to say anything negative about paintwork materials, which are often used to decorate houses from the outside wet finish. It is clear that any person absolutely does not want to load himself with repairs every year, and it is clear that paint manufacturers are trying in every possible way to help with this. But, I would like to note that most paints for decorating facades, after drying, cover the surface with a moisture-repellent film, which makes its own adjustments to the moisture exchange process. If to speak in simple words- the walls stop "breathing" and you have to use powerful ventilation, additional heating, and then get depressed after seeing the amount in the payment for gas or electricity.

But, manufacturers do not stop claiming positive moments when using their materials, and sell not only foam blocks and plaster, but also ventilating and heating systems etc.


I would like to immediately note that this is a very good option to finish the frame house. If you approach the work correctly, you will not disturb the natural course of natural processes. The only "but" is the glue used to fix the plates. When working with bricks, you can do without glue, but if you are laying tiles, this is another matter, for which it will not be enough to use a cement-sand mortar.

Modern masters in the field of construction, in order to finish a frame house, have not used such a technique for a long time, because dry building mass allows you to work faster, easier and easier. It refers to standard plates that imitate brick or natural stone.

Things are a little different when using natural stone, which is cut under the stove. Due to the weight, such material can be fixed to the wall in 2 ways at the same time. Initially, the blocks are glued to a solution of cement and sand, after which they are fixed with anchors with a special clamp. The clamp is designed in such a way that one plate is able to hold both the top and bottom tiles. This is a very convenient technology, but it is quite expensive. It is also impossible to name the budget cost of materials and their installation.


Today, a ventilated facade, finished with panels - the best solution to veneer the frame house from the outside. There are a lot of positive qualities of this technology:

  • there are no violations of natural processes;
  • safe insulation of the building is carried out;
  • attractive appearance at home.

Facing a wooden house with panels allows you to simulate natural and artificial material, namely:

  • wood;
  • brick;
  • marble, etc.

The essence of finishing the house with ventilated material is that a small gap is left between the bearing surfaces, which provides the necessary moisture exchange. The insulation can be absolutely any mineral wool made of stone or sand.

One catch is the protective film, which is made in such a way that it allows a permissible amount of moisture to pass through.


aerated concrete

Today, such material as aerated concrete blocks are widely used for construction and decoration. residential buildings. This is due to the availability of the material from a financial point of view, the elementary installation and high level thermal insulation. But, whatever one may say, there are also negative aspects: aerated concrete blocks are afraid of moisture and have an unpresentable appearance that needs to be decorated with additional building materials.

Technical features of aerated concrete blocks are shown in the table below.

Peculiarity Index
Dry thermal conductivity 0.12 W/mS
Thermal conductivity at humidity 0.145 W/mS
Frost resistance F35
fire resistance Class A1
Compressive strength 25-50 kg/cm2
Water absorption 20%

It’s better to specify right away that the finishing of the house with aerated concrete panels should not interfere with the diffusion process - in other words, the surfaces should “breathe”. That is why it is better not to finish aerated concrete blocks with film paint, not to process cement mortar and do not attach foam plastic to the frame profile.

Most best way- finish the house with brick, plaster or textured mass or siding panels, and which option suits you best - decide for yourself.

If you decide to finish the aerated concrete blocks with bricks, get ready that such a finish has both advantages and several disadvantages.

pros brick finishes:

  • attractive appearance;
  • the ability to strengthen the building;
  • deprivation of walls of hydrophobicity.

Brick has such limitations:

  • high cost;
  • problematic masonry.

Having decided to plaster blocks of aerated concrete, it is better to acquire a special plaster mass, which should be distinguished by the following features:

  • the mass must pass steam;
  • in the composition to have binding components;
  • it is necessary to trim the frame profile with reinforcement in order to increase strength.

Using such budgetary ways finishes, get ready for the fact that the plaster is afraid of natural disasters that can spoil its quality and integrity. To avoid this, it is necessary to acquire a solution with special ingredients, which in turn will increase the cost of the mixture.

To date, aerated concrete blocks are most often trimmed with siding panels, because they have the following advantages:

  • affordable price category;
  • large color range;
  • allows you to imitate any natural design;
  • ease of installation work;
  • moisture resistance;
  • long service life;
  • such a finish is not amenable to putrefactive changes;
  • fire resistance;
  • unpretentiousness in care.

The disadvantages include only the fact that the finish can be easily ruined. mechanical influences, but note that for this you will have to acquire heavy items.

Well, we tried to tell you about the most popular materials for exterior decoration of the house, and which one to choose for yourself is up to you. All ventilated blocks, like any material for the construction of residential buildings, are good in their own way and most often cope with the task.

based on materials from the site: ON-FINISH.RU

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Some Construction Materials, from which walls are erected, immediately imply the need for exterior decoration of the house: the picture is very unsightly. Others may lose their appeal over time. And the third case is extensive fissure formation, which is “treated”, but the results remain visible. In all these cases, the question arises: "How to sheathe the house from the outside." Moreover, most often it is required to “sheathe” - without the use of a solution or other similar means that require a large number money and time. I want to do everything quickly and, very preferably, inexpensively, and even, if possible, with my own hands. Oddly enough, but the choice of materials and technologies is, and considerable.

Basic Rules

When choosing materials for cladding a house from the street, be sure to remember that in order to maintain normal humidity in the premises, the vapor permeability of materials must decrease from inside the room to the outside. That is, the exterior finish should conduct steam better than the material of the walls. Then high humidity, which is typical for our dwellings, will be displayed naturally through the walls (explanations in the photo).

If this principle is violated, moisture will accumulate at the boundary of materials with different vapor permeability. It condenses, creating conditions for decay, the development of fungi and mold. AT winter time freezes, destroying the material of the wall and / or finishes. Sooner or later, such a system will have to be dismantled and redone.

The trouble is that only wood meets this requirement. Most of the other materials for the exterior of the house has a low vapor permeability. The problem is solved in two ways:

Today, the second option is becoming more and more popular. There are very effective thermal insulation materials allowing for a significant reduction in heating costs. But they have very low vapor permeability (expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam). When using them, only the second humidity control scheme is possible. When choosing how to sheathe a house, consider these points.

wood paneling

Wood in construction and decoration has been used for centuries, and it looks like it will be relevant for a long time to come. All thanks to the excellent appearance and the ability to regulate the humidity in the room. This is perhaps the only material that will easily remove excess moisture, no matter what material the walls are built from.

Wooden sheathing can have a completely non-standard look: different colors and sizes different direction. It's simple and the effect is amazing

The most popular wall cladding materials are block house and timber imitation. There is also a lining for exterior decoration - it has a greater thickness, compared to the one intended for the rest, it is no different.

The block house imitates the surface of a rounded log - the front part has a rounded shape. Imitation of a bar is very similar to a planed bar. Both types of cladding are attached to the crate, then sanded and coated with protective impregnations, optionally varnished or painted.

What does lumber look like? outer cladding at home

If you can’t decide how to sheathe a foam block house on the outside, consider wooden cladding. In this case, a crate (metal or wooden) is nailed to the walls. If necessary, insulation is placed between the slats - basalt wool(styrofoam or polystyrene foam cannot be used), and then the wood paneling is nailed.

This building is sheathed with imitation timber. Under the skin there can be a brick, a log house, a frame or any of the building blocks

If you need the most cheap option, for most regions of Russia, this is an ordinary planed board. Its thickness is from 40 mm, it is stuffed in the same way as a lining or a block house on a crate, the lower end of the upper board goes 10-20 mm onto the one located under it. It turns out the principle of the bump. So you can veneer cheaply country house or even residential. With proper processing, such a lining has a very good appearance.

What is the cheapest way to sheathe a house outside? For middle lane Russia - planed wooden board

The disadvantages of such a finish are the same as for any wood: it can be damaged by pests, rot, without proper care it quickly loses its decorative effect, becomes dark and ugly. If you want to sheathe a house and not think about it for years, this is not your choice. Per wooden paneling care is required, and, most often, annual.


In some regions, boards and other lumber are far from the most available materials. In this case, it is cheaper. This is the option when, after finishing once, you can forget about it for a long time.

If you are thinking about how to decorate a house from a bar from the outside, perhaps your option is siding.

Since the sheathing is nailed to the crate, the facade is ventilated. If you need to finish inexpensively wooden walls(from timber, logs, shields) siding is one of the options. It can also be used for building from any other material: foam block, aerated concrete, slag filling, etc. This cover is universal.


Siding is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and is therefore also called vinyl siding. It is a strip of material with a width of 205 and 255 mm, a thickness of 1.1 mm and 1.2 mm. On the longitudinal edges there is a lock on one side, on the other - perforation for fasteners (self-tapping screws are more often used).

The siding is also attached to the crate. It is recommended to use a special metal one, but impregnated ones are quite suitable. wooden blocks. Only regular starting and side lanes will be needed. The only caveat: the self-tapping screws need to be “short” a little, leaving a backlash in order to compensate for temperature changes in materials. With this installation, the siding will not crack from the stresses that have arisen.

The advantages of this material for outer skin at home: low prices, easy installation.

The disadvantage of vinyl siding: it quickly fades in the sun, so it is advisable to use soft colors. Has a fairly wide temperature regime operation: from +50°C to -35°C, but even in slight frosts it becomes brittle and easily damaged.

Another point: the houses sheathed with siding, which have a broken configuration, look good. If the building is rectangular, without architectural excesses, it does not have the most attractive appearance (in confirmation of the photo below).

If the building is just long, without reliefs and ledges, wall cladding with sadding will not embellish it very much.


Metal siding is a strip of thin aluminum or galvanized steel, which is coated with a protective and decorative coating. It has the same mounting system as vinyl.

House cladding metal siding simple: you can do it yourself even without much building experience

The coating may be of polymers. Differs in reliability, resistance to burning out, other climatic factors. Its disadvantage is the limited choice of colors. The second coating option is powder coating. The color gamut is much wider, the paint lasts for years without signs of flaking.

If you are looking for something to clad the outside of the house so that the finish is reliable and bright, one of the metal siding options may suit you. It can be bent, broken very difficult, installation is not very difficult: you need good metal scissors, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver or a screwdriver. All installation features are the same as for vinyl, with the only difference being that metal can also be mounted at low temperatures.

It is not easy to harmoniously decorate a building sheathed with metal siding

From the point of view of durability, this is a good option, but from the point of view of aesthetics, it is difficult to work with it: it looks too “productive”. The building no longer looks like a residential building, but a warehouse or some kind of workshop.


This is one of the varieties of vinyl siding, but it has a completely different configuration, appearance and greater panel thickness. It was developed specifically for decorating and protecting the plinths of buildings, but it was so well liked that it was also used for facade cladding. External design- under brickwork different kind and colors, with or without drawings, wild stone. Sometimes imitation is so successful that you can't understand what's in front of you. brick cladding, and vinyl, you can only touch the wall.

Mounted, like other types, on the crate, there is perforation and locks. The difference is that the basement siding panel does not look like a long rectangle, but a certain section of the wall with curly edges. These curly edges are joined. Accordingly, the crate must be adjusted to the size of the fragment. When installing, first the edge of the panel is brought into the lock of the already installed one, matches are achieved, and then fixed. The main thing - during installation, do not tighten the screws too much, leaving the siding to move with temperature changes.

The crate can be made of treated wooden bars (protective impregnation) or from drywall profiles (galvanized). How to mount basement siding look at the base in the video. Similarly, it is attached to the wall. Area difference.

Fiber cement boards and siding

Relatively recently, a new cladding appeared on our market: fiber cement boards and siding from the same material. They consist of wood fibre, quartz, mica, cement, may contain chlorine and asbestos (some materials used only for exterior finish). This mixture is molded into sheets, then dehydrated in several stages, and fired using some technologies. Then a protective and decorative coating is applied to the surface:

The coating can be smooth - glossy and matte, can imitate brickwork, wood and other finishing materials. Mounted on mounting rails, fastened to the wall with clamps. This material may suit you if you do not know how to sheathe a frame house from the outside: it creates a solid surface, the panel joints are sealed and precipitation will not get inside.

This house is also lined with fiber cement boards.

How to fix fiber cement boards, see the video.

Fiber cement siding is made using the same technology, only it is molded into long strips. They are basically standard: 3600*190*12mm. This material is cut with an electric jigsaw, installed on a wooden crate with an overlap (according to the cone principle) and nailed to it or screwed with self-tapping screws.

Thermal panels

Thermal panels are a material that performs two functions at once - cladding and external insulation of houses. A layer is applied to the thermal insulation layer at the factory decorative coating. It looks like marble a natural stone, does not burn, has low water absorption characteristics.

Make this finishing material based on foam, mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. Depending on the type of insulation, the installation method is selected: polystyrene foam and polystyrene are glued to the appropriate composition. The joints are closed with a special aluminum bar or rubbed with paste.

Based on mineral wool, they are mounted only on a special system of profiles, the joints are also sealed.

A very attractive idea is to immediately insulate the house and revet it. Excellent appearance, and the characteristics of such a cladding are impressive. It’s just a pity that there is little operating experience and there are no reviews yet: it appeared quite recently.

There are also clinker thermal panels. Clinker tiles are glued to the insulation. The material is not cheap, but the characteristics are impressive, as is the variety of finishes.

Another option for thermal panels - with clinker tiles

The choice of materials with which you can sheathe the house at any time - in winter or summer - is considerable. There are expensive options, there are cheaper ones. In any case, in addition to cost, be sure to consider vapor permeability. Then you do not have to deal with mold and dampness.