Facing an adobe house with siding. External plastering of adobe walls - features and technology of finishing. Fiber cement boards and siding

Cob blocks are made exclusively from natural materials without the use of any chemicals. These are mixed clay, sand, straw and water, which are the main substances. And additional ingredients that are added if necessary include: tyrsa, wood chips or wood chips, sometimes fresh cow dung is used.

The walls of the house made of adobe are famous for their energy saving and comparative cheapness. Most owners of houses made of adobe have appreciated the advantages of this natural building material: in summer the house keeps cool by heating up from the outside, and in winter it keeps warm by being exposed to sub-zero temperatures. Such an advantage is unlikely to be found in the properties of cinder blocks or bricks.

However, the disadvantage adobe house, as already mentioned, lies precisely in the sensitivity to water and moisture, which is why it is so important to find the right solution for a reliable and at the same time environmentally friendly cladding of its walls.

There are several finishing options adobe houses outside:

  1. siding and composite sheathing;
  2. laying stone over the house;
  3. tiling;
  4. plaster coating with subsequent painting with facade paint;
  5. fur coat finish.

lovers current trends in the exterior decoration of adobe houses, they come to the decision to use siding coatings, often forgetting about the harmfulness of certain types of plastic. Typically, siding attracts with its practicality in operation and hermetic protection against moisture and dampness of coatings. Although such a sheathing of an adobe house is made using the technology of ventilated facades, plastic heated in the sun can still emit harmful substances that eat into the walls. Most do not consider this moment a fact, however, in any case, if we compare living natural material and synthetic material, the advantage in safety for human health will still be given to environmentally friendly natural building materials.

Overlaying an adobe house with stone is considered an environmentally acceptable way to protect such a house from moisture, but it is not affordable for everyone. Often, a stone means the use of such materials: wild stone, fake diamond, shell rock, sandstone. The stone also has the natural ability to "breathe", while allowing the cob blocks to "live and breathe" as well.

Tiled ceramic cladding, although more laborious to work with and less durable, but also, like stone, belongs to environmentally friendly materials. But there is one “but” - this is tile adhesive for outdoor use, which just can be quite toxic. Therefore, in order to achieve greater harmlessness in the decoration of exterior adobe walls use cement mortars, or anchor or wire fixtures and fasteners.

Plastering adobe walls with subsequent painting is a very environmentally friendly way to clad your home. Plastering must be done using a special plaster mesh, which must first be fixed on fragile walls. Many insulate walls using various heaters such as special foam. Plaster is applied on top and after it dries, the walls are painted with facade paint. Environmental friendliness and durability of such a coating are guaranteed!

Finishing an adobe house outside "under a fur coat" is also classified as in a safe way lining. In addition, this method is considered quite economical and affordable in terms of the cost of building materials for a “fur coat”. The house is also well protected from moisture, and at the same time allows the adobe material to "breathe".

Thus, we see that four of the proposed five methods are the safest in order to veneer and protect the walls of an adobe house from moisture and other undesirable influences.

Building an adobe house is part of the philosophy of an eco-friendly and economical lifestyle. There is always a good microclimate here, adobe is able to absorb from the air excess moisture and if necessary, can give it back. This material is cheaper than other wall solutions (brick, wood, modern blocks), and you can make it yourself. The building has good heat and sound insulation.

The owners of adobe houses are proud of the originality of their homes, the expressiveness and originality of their interiors. And this, perhaps, is the main attraction of adobe construction.

From plastic material, you can make rounded walls, arches, benches and beds. Right in the walls you can make shelves, window openings various shapes, for example with rounded corners. And window panes can be embedded directly into the wall, without a frame.

Even children can take part in creating the interior, only time and imagination are needed. Creativity captures, and, having mastered the technology, some do not stop at the construction of one building: they plan to build a workshop, a garage, a house for guests or parents from adobe.

Used in the decoration of adobe houses natural materials(clay, lime or gypsum plaster on the walls, wood and ceramics on the floor). Ovens are often used for heating and cooking (the simple and economical Kuznetsov stove is especially popular).

But there are no barriers to equipping adobe house modern engineering equipment, conduct gas into it, connect an electric or gas boiler. An effective solution, given the massiveness of heavy adobe and its ability to accumulate heat, there will be a "warm floor" system. Engineering Communication easy to hide in the floor and walls.

Can be used to finish the latter quite environmentally friendly drywall sheets, acrylic plaster and paint. well handle wooden structures modern protective impregnations. The combination of ancient methods of adobe construction with modern technologies enhances comfort in the home.

The need for ventilation

You need to understand that adobe absorbs moisture well (much more than brick, and about the same as aerated concrete). A heavily wet wall can suddenly collapse (such are the properties of clay).

Therefore, the house should be good ventilation to prevent saturation of the walls with water vapor. The walls must be provided ventilation ducts. Insofar as adobe technology allows you to wall up windows directly into the wall, without a frame, but it will be impossible to open them.

Decorating the walls of an adobe house is an unlimited scope for creativity and implementation. creative ideas, as well as the opportunity to create environmentally friendly housing to your taste. The main thing when choosing finishing options is to maintain a favorable microclimate of an eco-house, take into account the recommendations of specialists in the choice of materials and strictly follow the installation technology.

Clay construction - The best decision for those who appreciate energy-efficient and health-friendly technologies. And although adobe is not an innovation in construction, high-quality and performance characteristics materials have turned the ancient technique of building cheap housing into a technology of the 21st century. The main advantages of a house made of adobe - a mixture of sand, clay, water and straw: heat capacity, reliability, a positive effect on the human body, medicinal properties, durability ( hundreds of years), natural moisture exchange. An additional "plus" is the unique exoticism of an adobe house and the ability to implement any design passages in the interior.

Decorating the walls of an adobe house: features of the choice of materials

Saman is a 100% safe for health material that creates a favorable microclimate in the room. Particularly useful in the composition of adobe is radium, which helps to remove from the human body everything that decomposes, rots and leads to cellular disorganization. In addition, radium has a positive effect on nervous system- that is why the ancestors living in earthen houses, did not complain about health. Therefore, the main thing when choosing materials is to preserve healthy, unique and medical microclimate eco houses.

General principles for choosing materials:

  1. Wall decoration from the inside of an adobe house performs only decorative functions - the enclosing structures DO NOT NEED to be protected! Therefore, when choosing materials, it is enough to pay attention to environmental friendliness, vapor permeability and aesthetic characteristics.
  2. The best finishing option is with a small layer of adobe and with natural dye. When choosing dyes, it is recommended to give preference to mineral ones based on metal oxides - resistant formulations, well retaining the brightness of colors throughout the entire service life.

Important! Not allowed to be used when interior decoration adobe house cement, modern latex and water dispersion paints! The latter are undesirable for two reasons: 1) insufficient vapor permeability; 2) the presence of polluting processes that are used in production.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of shades of mineral dyes, which provides talented designers with unlimited scope for implementation. original ideas. good decision for interior decoration is a combination of painting walls and.

  1. The easiest finishing option is: prime the walls with highly diluted glue, let dry and glue the material sheets.
  2. All types of plasters, including gypsum, are suitable for finishing an adobe house. Looks bewitching textured plaster“antique”, which emphasizes the effect of adobe walls, is not only an opportunity to please the eye with a rough texture and give yourself a pleasant tactile sensation, but also a proven way to recreate cozy atmosphere country house with excellent sound-absorbing properties.

From the point of view of preserving the unique microclimate of an adobe house, it is undesirable, since the GKL sheets create an insulating air layer, which prevents the walls from accumulating heat and warming up from the inside. Therefore, due to the loose adjoining of drywall to curved building envelopes made of adobe, freezing of the walls is possible.

When decorating the walls of an adobe house, special attention should be paid to amateurs. The easiest way is to stick the lining on the clay mortar - a short-lived option, as the tile will fall off over time. Therefore, experts recommend using this type of finish in rooms where it is difficult to do without cladding ( bathroom, toilet, kitchen).

If it fits well into the interior and is considered as the main type of decoration, then optimal solution drywall will be used. First you need to screw the GKL sheets directly to the walls using long screws, or pre-make a frame from galvanized profiles, and then fix drywall to it. After that, prepare the surface, perform the cladding ceramic tiles- and beautiful wall will please the eye with a spectacular view of a stylish finish.

In terms of material consumption, time and money, plastering and filling operations take the largest share in finishing work. Their total sometimes reaches a third of the entire interior decoration. Even in newly built houses, the levels of curvature of floors, corners and walls are quite large, not to mention typical buildings. Therefore, it is impossible to put or paste it qualitatively without leveling the walls. Accordingly, the cost of repairs increases significantly.

Construction and repair companies offer detailed plan work, which includes finishing. Each organization has its own gradations, but there are, as a rule, some common points. This is usually either simple finish, improved (paint removal up to the concrete itself, surface leveling) and high-quality (where it is envisaged to apply soil in several layers, the use of a different type of material for each layer, etc.).

Away from such technologies are adobe houses, which are a special type of environmentally friendly housing made from natural materials. In our article we will talk about the interior decoration of adobe walls. Cob houses are often thatched, respectively, and the decoration should not violate the concept of natural, clean house. Therefore, the walls of such buildings are either left purely adobe, or plastered, or covered with colored clay.

If the house is made of adobe, but the owner wants to give it more modern look, then the roof is covered with any type of tile or other roofing material, and when carrying out outer walls are used facade materials.

It is possible to impose an adobe house facing brick, sheathe facade tiles, thermal panels, siding, etc. Panel facade materials are mounted on profiles, stone or brickwork do with a small gap from the wall (the presence of a ventilated gap is required). In order for the adobe walls to breathe, this natural ventilation must not be violated. Otherwise, the natural microclimate in the house will worsen, and the adobe itself will become damp and lose its strength.

The best option is to cover the adobe house with bituminous or metal tiles, and the outer walls with decorative plaster. This is quite acceptable both in terms of price and quality, a kind of compromise between ancient technology and modern materials.

Decorating adobe walls

An article has already been posted on the Vedruss website, telling how we built an adobe house measuring 10x10 meters. In the photographs, the house is not finished outside. It must be said that he is still in this state. But this year we would like to do exterior finish adobe walls. I think that my readers will be interested in the question of how exactly you can finish the walls of an adobe house from the outside.

What kind of advice we have not heard enough during this time. Most of all there were words that the house should be overlaid with bricks. True, the advisers immediately began to groan that it was terribly expensive (of course - 80 square meters bricks are needed, not counting the gables) and they said that it was cheaper - finishing the facade with siding. But we dismissed this option right away, because we are trying to build an environmentally friendly house, so the plastic that makes up the siding has no place in our construction. After all the ordeals, the search for an acceptable option, we settled on two possibilities:

1. Plaster and whitewash the walls using lime. It will turn out to be an ordinary Ukrainian hut with white walls, which must be re-whitewashed annually. The option is good because it requires very little money.

2. Plaster the walls special composition using plaster and then paint with facade paint. This method is more expensive, but it has more advantages - when choosing the right composition of plaster and paint, it is provided environmental Safety, plaster and paint are lighter than in the case of lime composition, you can choose any color of paint that does not need to be updated every year.

Personally, I have been dreaming of a light green house for many years, so we will most likely stop at the paint option. If you also want to make colored walls, then you need to know some points related to paint. Facade paints are divided into three types - acrylic butadiene styrene and PVA. In our case, we can only choose acrylic paints, as only they meet all the requirements of adobe for facade paint. They breathe (let moisture pass from the adobe, but not to the adobe), are not affected by precipitation and do not fade in the sun.

It is important to remember one thing - the adobe walls should be finished at least in the third year of their existence, and preferably in the fourth. By this time, the adobe will be completely dry, sit down, decide on optimal humidity and state. If you do the finishing earlier, there is a risk that it will have to be redone soon.

If you decide to choose lime mixtures, then there are also some tips. The first and most important - slaked lime, diluted with water, should not be exposed to freezing. If it freezes, then your plaster and whitewash will fall off the walls in flakes of beautiful snow. It is better to add finely chopped straw to the plaster, as well as fermented manure - then it adheres perfectly to the walls and is easier to apply. Fermentation of manure is carried out as follows - half-and-half of manure with clay is poured with water until a thick “sour cream” is formed and left for three days in a warm place (preferably outside). After this time, the mixture ceases to smell unpleasant, all microbes are processed in it and it becomes suitable for the manufacture of plaster. Do not apply plaster external walls in the hot season - this work is best done in spring or autumn.

Saman is ecological pure material made from a mixture of clay, straw, sand and water. Houses built of adobe are a real masterpiece that can stand and give comfort to those living in it for hundreds of years.

However, as you might guess, these buildings require a special approach to finishing, so further we will consider how and with what to plaster adobe walls.

General information

Adobe houses have a number of advantages, among which, in addition to durability, one can single out a favorable indoor microclimate. In the summer in such a house it is cool, and in the winter it is warm. In addition, this construction option is perhaps the cheapest.

Therefore, adobe houses in Europe are becoming more and more popular every day. However, many refuse the idea of ​​​​such a building due to the fact that they have no idea how to “put in order” the walls.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in this, the main thing is to keep the concept eco house, its main advantages and at the same time take into account some of the nuances of adobe walls.

What kind of plaster can be used

As you know, adobe buildings do not tolerate moisture well, so the finish must be primarily moisture resistant. However, it should immediately be said that the traditional cement plaster absolutely unsuitable for these purposes. The fact is that such a coating has a high heat capacity, good thermal conductivity and poor vapor permeability.

As a result, moisture seeps from inside the house through, and then flows down. In the best case, such plaster of an adobe house will begin to crumble in a few years, in the worst case, this will lead to total destruction walls, which can happen in warm climates.

It is best to use a lime-based finish as a link. Such a composition is easy to make with your own hands from lime and sand in a 1: 5 ratio. It is perfect for thick, rough layers of plaster. For a mixture in a ratio of 1:1.

If the walls of the house are uneven, then to level them, you can make a solution with a small admixture of straw, manure or sawdust. This will strengthen total weight, thus avoiding the need to use plaster mesh. The fact is that the mesh is fixed with long nails that destroy the walls.

For internal plastering adobe house, you can use a mixture based on gypsum.

In the photo - shingle

Performing plastering


Before plastering an adobe wall, it is necessary to prepare it:

  • First of all, the walls need to be treated twice with a deep penetration primer. This will strengthen their surface, provide protection from microorganisms, as well as improve the adhesion of the plaster to the base. (See also the article.)
  • After that, many experts recommend covering the walls with shingles, although this procedure is far from always performed. Used for manufacturing wooden slats no more than 5 mm thick, which are stuffed at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal in 5 mm increments. Planks are attached on top of them, located at a right angle with respect to the first layer of shingles.

If adobe walls are plastered in this way, then the wooden slats must be treated with an antibacterial compound before installation.


After the walls are prepared, you can start applying the coating.

The instructions for doing this work are as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare a solution, in the proportions indicated above, of a creamy consistency.
  • The plaster on adobe is applied by throwing. To do this, stand sideways to the wall at a distance of half a meter and, using a ladle, spray with force. The composition should completely cover the surface of the wall with a thickness of about one centimeter.
  • When the first layer dries, but still remains soft enough, the surface irregularities should be leveled with a wooden grater.
  • Then, the first layer should be moistened with water and another layer of plaster about 1 cm thick should be applied. It can also be roughly sketched with a ladle, or carefully laid with a trowel. If you want to leave a decorative tuberosity of the walls, then the second layer of plaster is not leveled.
  • After the coating dries, you should break off the straw sticking out of the wall.
  • Then decorative adobe plaster is applied, which is also done independently from sand and lime in a ratio of 1: 1. In this case, add the color of the desired color. It is best to use mineral dyes based on metal oxides, as they are very resistant and do not change their color over time.
    If the surface remains bumpy, then decorative painted plaster should be applied with a brush in three layers.