Automation and dispatching of engineering equipment. Automation and dispatching of engineering systems. Development and design of dispatching systems

Automation of engineering systems of buildings pursues an important goal - automatic control of all communications existing at the facility. The alternative, which involves manual control, is hopelessly outdated - it is necessary to conclude contracts with personnel, constant monitoring of all parameters and indicators, the risk of the human factor increases many times, and one mistake can lead to serious consequences, including accidents.
Did you manage to achieve optimal temperature indicators? Is the system at normal pressure? Does the voltage meet the declared parameters? Are there sufficient volumes of coolant in the working circuit? This is not a complete list of questions that an automated system should answer.
The exact set of complex functions depends on its type and configuration. The specialists of our company are ready to design and install systems of any complexity. The simplest options perform the following tasks:

  • Management of the functioning of the modules that make up heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, reading their performance indicators, checking for compliance with standard values;
  • Actuation of dampers and valves, if the need arises;
  • Security guarantee. For example, if the system detects the immobility of air masses, the heating elements are turned off. If the water heating begins to freeze, the temperature of the coolant automatically rises, which eliminates the formation of ice in the circuit, which can provoke breaks and difficult restoration work;
  • Protection of working modules from activities under increased load, errors in the connection process, short circuits, excessive heating;
  • Assessment of the state of working modules;
  • Adjustment of performance in accordance with current needs, which provides the most comfortable conditions at the facility, and also eliminates the overspending of energy resources;
  • Continuous monitoring of temperature conditions in each of the controlled premises;
  • Changing performance indicators in accordance with given algorithms without the need for human intervention.
Any system can be automated, be it heating, lighting, power supply or alarms.
Automation and dispatching of engineering systems of buildings contributes to the achievement of maximum safety of their work, minimizes the number of accidents. If automation fixes serious deviations from the standard indicators, an appropriate signal is sent to the control panel, where the operator or microprocessor decides on further actions. For example, if the sensor determines that the pressure in the water supply has seriously dropped, the emergency section is turned off. If the threat of failure of the heating element due to a critical increase in temperature is fixed, then voltage is no longer applied to it.
Commands are sent from the control panel to change the performance of the system in accordance with external conditions. For example, it becomes cold in a heated room - this is diagnosed by a temperature sensor, a command is sent to increase the boiler power. If deviations from the standard voltage parameters are observed in the autonomous electrical network, stabilizers or more powerful modules, backup generators are activated.

Any structure without communication systems looks lifeless and is of little value. Only connecting electricity, water and gas, heating and sewer systems to it allows you to use the building for its intended purpose. The totality of all communication systems that provide life b in buildings or structures, commonly called life support systems or engineering systems. In industrial premises, where communications are required not only to maintain the microclimate, but also to ensure production about the process, the volume of consumed resources increases many times over. Along with this, there is an increasing need for accounting and control of the use of water, gas, electricity and the need to coordinate the work of all engineering systems. These tasks are solved by partial or full automation of engineering systems. TORELS LLC offers services for the design, implementation and debugging of automated th systems of dispatching and management of engineering systems.

LLC TORELS - ready-made solutions for automation of production and engineering systems

The specialists of our company offer a full range of work on the development of automation and dispatching of engineering systems. In each specific case, individual solutions are offered for a specific production: monitoring the operation of the system, preventing emergencies, accounting for consumption, the mode of operation and shutdown of devices, maintaining the optimal microclimate and the level of illumination of the premises. We offer rational cost-effective solutions for the automation of engineering systems:

    plumbing and sanitation;

    ventilation and air cooling;

    power supply;



    gas supply;

    warning systems (fire and burglar alarms);

    special systems (intercom, dispatching, etc.).

Automation of engineering systems is a cost-effective project

Implementation of systems of complex or local automation and control of engineering networks helps to avoid waste of resources, maintains a comfortable indoor climate, systematizes consumption accounting.The implementation of control and monitoring automation programs has a huge economic potential and a quick payback due to energy savings. Automation and dispatching of engineering systems ensures the safe operation of industrial premises, shopping and entertainment facilities, sports facilities, medical and preventive institutions. The level of automation of engineering systems can be different: the organization of an automatic dispatch network, the installation of sensors, meters and switchboards or complex intelligent systems with software and the ability to control from individual mobile units. Practice shows that automation systems for managing engineering systems significantly reduce the operating costs of maintaining an object.

IS Ecolife is ready to perform work on automation and dispatching of engineering systems for your facility. At the same time, we both design and implement intelligent solutions for objects of various purposes: residential and office buildings, cafes and restaurants, shops and supermarkets, public and administrative buildings.

In addition, IS Ecolife performs one-time and periodic maintenance of automation and dispatching systems, as well as their maintenance and, if necessary, diagnostics and troubleshooting.
You can call us, order a call or leave a request.
Our manager will contact you and answer all your questions.


Boiler automation
and boiler room
fire alarm

Departure of an engineer to calculate the cost of work is free of charge

Automation and dispatching of engineering systems

Once building and literally forgetting about the existence of engineering systems allows automation and dispatching. Without automation, any of the subsystems would carry more problems than comfort, since it would require constant and careful attention to its work.

Has the correct temperature been reached? Will the water freeze in the heater? Is the tank full? Will the air heater burn out? Is there a water flow? Is the pressure normal? Is there tension? What sensor worked? And this is not a complete list of questions that the automation and dispatching system provides answers to.

The complexity and cost of such systems depends on the level of their intelligence and the number of functions performed. However, any automation system must perform basic functions, which, for example, ventilation and air conditioning systems, are the following:

Control and management of the operation of units that are part of the equipment of ventilation and air conditioning systems,
- control valves and dampers,
- Safety assurance: blocking the heater in the absence of air movement, frost protection of the water heater,
- Protection of equipment from overheating, short circuit, incorrect connection,
- Indication of the state of the operating equipment,
- Performance regulation,
- Centralized temperature control in all rooms,
- Implementation of a temporary control algorithm (daily/seasonal/annual) without the intervention of maintenance personnel.

In addition, automation is mandatory for heating systems, is very popular in electric lighting systems, and can also be introduced into the power supply system, security, etc.

Automation and dispatching are numbers 1 and 2 in the list of design principles and arrangements of modern engineering systems. On the one hand, technology strives to ensure that networks work with minimal human involvement - as they say, build, run and forget. On the other hand, the customer sets the task of ensuring the most reliable control of the processes occurring in the network throughout its entire length.

In the event of a change in the system parameters and various emergency situations, a signal about this should immediately go to the control center, where automation or a human operator will make an operational decision. So, when the pressure drops in the water supply, the automation should immediately turn off the emergency section. If there is a threat of melting the heating element, turn off the incoming voltage or reduce the current.

In addition, commands should be sent as quickly as possible from the control center to change the parameters of individual sections of networks or the entire network in case of changes in external conditions. For example, when the air temperature in a heated house decreases, the power of the boiler automatically increases. If the input voltage drops in the external electrical network, stabilizers, uninterruptible power supplies, and, if necessary, an autonomous generator or other backup line come into operation.

Automated management of building engineering systems is carried out on the basis of industrial controllers. The main advantage of controllers is their functionality and uniformity, that is, the same controller can control any engineering system.
Depending on the connection of the required sensors to any engineering system, the engineer selects a controller that is suitable for the number of digital and analog inputs and outputs.

After completing all the work on the selection of controllers, sensors, other necessary elements, laying communication lines, the programmer proceeds to visualize and program processes directly on the computer. Programming and visualization of processes are carried out in the so-called SCADA system, which is represented by various computer programs depending on the manufacturer of the equipment and data interface.

Examples of automation of domestic and industrial systems

Ecolife Engineering Systems Company has significant experience in designing, installing, commissioning and maintaining engineering systems of any complexity, length and localization. We work with a wide variety of environments:

Water (automation of water supply, heat supply and heating systems);
- air and gas-air mixtures (automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems);
- various industrial fluids and liquid fuels;
- intangible objects - electricity, light, radio waves.

Our engineers and installers perform professional installation and adjustment of auxiliary automated systems - fire extinguishing, security and fire alarms, remote access control, internal and facade lighting.

In all cases, the emphasis is on the maximum autonomy of the systems. For automatic lighting control timers are used that are configured taking into account the calendar duration of day and night, photocells that record the natural illumination of a room or area, motion sensors that are configured to move objects of a given mass and dimensions.

The control of the perimeter or internal volume is carried out by electromagnetic sensors that record the crossing of a conditional border or movement within it.

A fire signal is given by devices that analyze the state of the atmosphere and the ambient temperature. The smoke analyzer, having caught particles or molecules of combustion products in the surrounding space, simultaneously sends a signal to the central control room and activates local means of fighting fire. The automation also reacts in the event of a sharp increase in the temperature of the air or surrounding objects.

As we have already indicated above, automation is needed not only for emergency response in the event of a fire, a flood, or intruders entering an object, but also for resolving quite regular situations associated with a change in the degree of load on the network. For example, in industrial production, working in one or two shifts automation of power supply systems will allow, without human intervention, to increase the power supply of the facility every morning, and to reduce it every evening. Our specialists will quickly and professionally install the necessary equipment that will help optimize energy consumption and reduce current payments to resource supplying organizations.

Building and network management systems

The larger the object on which automated engineering systems are mounted, the more important is the role of their dispatching - that is, remote control and management of engineering systems and notification of all processes occurring in the system. In a large building or structure, where pipes, air ducts, power cables and SCS are tens and hundreds of kilometers long, and the availability of many nodes and sections is very difficult for technical and structural reasons, the availability of a workable end-to-end monitoring system comes to the fore.

Dispatching concerns two main parameters - the state of the environments moving through the engineering systems and the state of the engineering systems themselves.

Temperature, pressure, density, viscosity, direction and speed sensors, and chemical analyzers are used to measure the parameters of the network content. System state sensors react to the appearance of cracks, ruptures, corrosion, mechanical damage to valves and connecting elements, blockages, salt or oxide deposits on pipe walls, and other negative changes that can affect the efficient operation of the engineering structure and jeopardize the safety of the facility. In the case of power supply systems, measuring equipment records the current voltage and current, an abnormal increase in resistance in certain sections of the network, which leads to increased power consumption and overheating of cables, which in turn can cause a short circuit or fire. If we are talking about production with several sections that consume a large amount of industrial current, then competent dispatching of the system will allow rational distribution of loads, thus saving electricity and preventing excessive load on one line in comparison with others.

Automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Ventilation in modern buildings is represented by a supply and exhaust ventilation system with heat recovery in winter. This system provides for the installation of a number of sensors: a temperature sensor for the incoming outdoor air, a temperature sensor for the air leaving the atmosphere, a temperature sensor for the air heater discharge pipe, a temperature sensor for the outgoing air stream from the building, a room temperature sensor, a pressure and air velocity sensor in the air duct. It is also necessary to control the mode of operation of the supply (supply) and exhaust fans, the state of the heat exchanger, clogging of air duct filters and other parameters. For control and operational regulation of all these parameters of the system, automated control systems based on industrial controllers are used.

In commercial buildings (shopping, entertainment centers, restaurants, airports, etc.) there is a need for centralized control of split systems or a combination of systems with a chiller-fan coil. Management can be carried out on the basis of an industrial controller with a supervisory control system.

dispatching and automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems in a large office center will also save the cost of operating systems by taking into account such factors as temperature and humidity in the room and outside the window, the number of people working in the premises, and the insolation of the building. A modern automatic climate control program can save up to 50% of electricity compared to a typical situation when all air conditioners in a building turn on at full capacity in summer. In addition to financial benefits, optimization in terms of climate will help to avoid personnel losses - after all, it is well known that the uncontrolled operation of air conditioners and climate systems is the main cause of colds in the summer.

The engineers of our company will perform the necessary calculations of the ventilation and air conditioning system, install automation equipment and, together with the company's programmers, will set up the system in the shortest possible time.

Automation of alarm systems

Competent alarm system dispatching- a guarantee of the safety of any object. ECOLIFE professionals are ready to perform complex installation of security systems of any level of complexity. We work with perimeter alarms, protection of the internal space of open areas and enclosed spaces, protection of specific objects intended for the storage of inventory items or playing another important role (safes, vaults, pantries, archives, weapons rooms, control and communication points, etc.). d.).

Reliable scheduling is the most important when installing perimeter security systems, which can be tens of kilometers long. More than ten types of alarms have been invented in the world, but they all operate on the same principle: as a result of an attempt to penetrate the perimeter (or even when approaching a conditional line), a certain electrical circuit opens (or vice versa closes), as a result of which an alarm signal is sent to the control room . In modern security systems, penetration can also cause other forms of reaction - the inclusion of emergency lighting, video recording and photo fixation systems, warning sirens, blocking exits, etc. Turning to the specialists of the ECOLIFE Group for help, you can make your facility practically invulnerable to all forms of ill-wishers and intruders.

Automation of heating and heat supply systems. Boiler house dispatching

Our interests extend not only to large industrial facilities that provide large volumes of design, installation, commissioning and service work. With the same responsibility, we are ready to perform automation and dispatching of engineering systems at low-rise construction sites.

Many owners of cottages and dachas seek to equip their homes with the latest technology, without initially thinking about the cost of operating systems. Meanwhile, our experience shows that the correct placement and configuration of networks will make their operation not only convenient, but also cost-effective.

In a small country house, this applies primarily dispatching of a boiler house and a heat substation, which will allow you to effectively spend natural gas or other fuels and maintain an optimal energy balance at home using an autonomous heating system.

IS Ecolife specializes in the automation of all types of heating of residential buildings and other premises.
Temperature sensors are used to automate the process of space heating. At the request of the client, a choice of temperature control method is made, taking into account the optimality criterion. To set the necessary parameters of the system operation, control panels are used, which, together with sensors and servo drives, are connected to the controller.

Optimization of heat in residential buildings has been a trend in developed countries for a decade and a half. Gradually, it begins to gain popularity in Russia, although our climatic conditions are objectively more difficult than in Europe, where the philosophy of internal energy efficiency was originally born. It is curious that in English such a house is called a passive house.

In Russia, with its sharply continental climate, it is hardly possible to do without heating and build a completely “passive house”. But by setting up a competent accounting of heat consumption, using effective insulating materials and controlled heating systems, it is possible to minimize fuel consumption, and hence material costs and harm to the environment.

Boiler house dispatching with the help of IS ECOLIFE specialists - the most important part of the device for autonomous heat supply at home. Often, boilers are installed directly in basements and plinths, however, from the point of view of fire safety and environmental protection, it is better to do this in a separate building. Heat losses during the supply of hot water from the boiler house to the house with high-quality insulation are insignificant.

Having established remote control over the operation of the boiler house, the owner of the house can directly control fuel consumption, steam pressure in the heat exchanger, water temperature in the circuits, the percentage of combustion of the mixture and other parameters directly from the office. Information comes both from a variety of sensors and visually, using video cameras. Broadcasting of telemetry information can go by wire and wireless communication channels (bluetooth, Wi-Fi, radio). Dispatching can also be organized at remote sites, controlling, for example, the operation of the boiler house of a country house from a city apartment, office, or simply from a mobile phone, being on the other side of the globe. Modern mobile and information technologies provide unlimited opportunities for organizing both control room at the facility, and a virtual control room on the World Wide Web.

Five advantages of working with IS ECOLIFE

By ordering automation and dispatching services for engineering systems from ECOLIFE, you can safely count on the following competitive advantages:

  1. The highest professionalism and many years of experience of our specialists, always focused on results and accustomed to unconventional ways to solve the most complex technical problems.
  2. Equipment with innovative equipment, modern tools, materials of the latest generation.
  3. Focus on digital technologies and achievements of the global IT industry.
  4. Rationality and the ability to adapt to any situation. If we see that the good old relay can successfully replace the expensive electronic control module of the heat exchange system at the current stage, we will never insist on excessive spending and will offer our client all options for completing the system. The well-being of our customers is ultimately our well-being.
  5. A universal approach to the design, implementation and implementation of projects. Our specialists are ready to carry out equally high-quality automation project for a small cottage, and dispatching of heat points apartment building, and complex automation of engineering networks of a shopping center or industrial building. The amount of work never frightens us, on the contrary, they serve as an incentive for our specialists to reveal all the facets of their knowledge and talents.
  • INTELVISION offers services for the design, installation, programming and commissioning of automation and dispatching systems for engineering systems and buildings (BMS) in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazakhstan and the CIS.
    We are also software developers.

INTELVISION has created the first in St. Petersburg, which was recognized as the best in Russia according to the results of the Hi-Tech Building Awards.

Our portfolio includes objects for such customers as: Gazprom, YIT, Global, CMI-Development, Russian Railways, Hyatt, Marriott, Yota.

Smart Building Benefits:

  • reduction in electricity costs - up to 60% for various subsystems;
  • possibility ;
  • downsizing of service personnel;
  • increased comfort and safety;
  • reducing the risk of accidents, reducing the insurance premium;
  • increasing the attractiveness of the object for tenants;
  • transparent operating processes;
  • detailed information about the functioning of the building in a visual form.

INTELVISION specializes in creating complex building management systems and integrating building subsystems into a single top-level management system. The following subsystems can be combined into a single building management system (RMS - room management system, BMS, building management system):

  • power supply;
  • HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning);
  • technology-based lighting, DMX;
  • water supply and sanitation;
  • motorized blinds;
  • automated fire extinguishing.

Energy efficiency of buildings

INTELVISION specialists have been trained under the certification program of the largest international green building assessment system LEED and are ready to provide comprehensive consulting support in the development of projects. We have not only the necessary knowledge, but also real experience in creating energy efficient buildings. During the construction of the Alpiysky mixed-use complex, we applied a number of modern energy-saving technologies, thanks to which the complex can qualify for a LEED silver certificate. We will help you develop optimal solutions in terms of resource saving and energy efficiency in the field of
  • integrated building management systems;
  • engineering systems;

building management system

Automation of buildings and automation of engineering systems of buildings begins already at the design stage of any modern complex. When developing projects for building automation systems, the tasks of managing heating systems, electricity supply, water supply and sewerage, lighting, ICT, etc. are solved. The higher the functional load, the more difficult it is to automate building engineering systems: for example, in large shopping, industrial and office complexes to traditional tasks building automation, such specific ones as air conditioning, security and fire fighting, telecommunications, etc. are added. Building automation assumes that all elements of engineering systems, having their own local control points, are combined into a common BMS intelligent building dispatching system.

INTELVISION offers design of building automation systems, supply of equipment, installation, commissioning and technical support of building automation systems and automation of engineering equipment, SMIS and SMIK systems based on equipment from Schneider Electric, Siemens, Wago, Phoenix Contact, at the request of the customer.

We are certified specialists in KNX, Lonworks, DALI, Bacnet, Modbus, PLC technologies, which we actively use in building automation projects.

Building Automation Examples

The INTELVISION company implements projects of Smart Buildings and Residential Complexes based on the equipment of the world's leading brands. Let's highlight the following projects:

As part of the project documentation “Automation and dispatching system for engineering systems. A garage for three boxes, a shed for special equipment” is developing the dispatching of the engineering systems of the building.

On-site engineering networks, roads and other infrastructure facilities. System of automation and dispatching of engineering systems. Garage for three boxes, a shed for special equipment.

1.2 Project documentation is developed on the basis of the following documents:

Contract No. 2/TV-03/10024 for the execution of design work with the branch of JSC "NIKIMT - Atomstroy" TPII VNIIPIET dated February 08, 2010

Design assignment “Capital construction facilities on the territory of a special economic zone of a technology-innovative type in the city of Tomsk (section No. 2 in the area of ​​the Kuzovlevsky tract). Automation and dispatching system for engineering systems” (Appendix A).

Terms of reference for the design of the section "System of automation and dispatching of engineering systems" of the planning project for a special economic zone of a technical-innovative type dated August 19, 2008 (Appendix B).

The concept of the system of dispatching control of infrastructure objects of special economic zones.

1.3 The project documentation has been developed in accordance with the current norms, rules and standards that ensure the safe operation of facilities by maintenance personnel, subject to the measures provided for by the project.

Functionally, the AFIS System is a three-level hierarchical structure.

At the lower (field) level there are sensors, actuators, automation tools designed within engineering systems. At the bottom level, data is collected.

At the middle level (controller) there are AFIS cabinets that perform the functions of collecting, processing and transmitting data.

The role of the top level (human-machine interface level) is performed by Automated workstations (AWS) and server equipment located in the Central Control Room (CDC). CDP is a set of software and hardware tools designed to control and manage the engineering systems of all infrastructure facilities of the SEZ TIT. The upper level is being developed within the framework of project 210-TV-03/10024-D-0007-ATX.

The network layer is made within the framework of a single data transmission network. Allows you to create a single information space within the SEZ TVT, delivering information from the middle level of all objects to a single dispatch center. The network layer is being developed as part of a project carried out by Intant LLC.

In the building "Garage for three boxes, a shed for special equipment", the Automation and Dispatching System for Engineering Systems (AFIS) covers the following engineering systems:

Ventilation system;

Refrigeration system (air conditioning);

Heating system (ITP);

Water supply system;

sewerage system;

Power supply system;

Gas control system;

Fire alarm system;

Security alarm system.

At the lower level, information about the state of engineering systems is collected from sensors, actuators, automation equipment and transferred to AFIS cabinets. The following data interfaces are provided:

Digital signals via Ethernet and RS485 interface;

Analog signals 4-20 mA;

Discrete signals such as open collector or "dry contact".

For signal transmission to AFIS cabinets, the project provides for cables of the appropriate brand, appropriate section and the required number of cores

At the middle level, discrete signals and analog signals such as 4-20 mA are processed by the distributed I / O system and transmitted via Ethernet to the controller. Data coming from engineering systems via RS485 and Ethernet are brought directly to the controller. All data from the AFIS cabinets are sent to the upper level to the central control room.

Data transmission from the middle level to the upper one is carried out through a single data transmission network developed within the framework of the Intant LLC project. To do this, in the premises where the dispatching facilities are located, connection points are provided and a separate data transmission channel for the AFIS system is organized.

Information arriving at the upper level is processed in real time, recorded on the database server and on the history server, and presented in a form convenient for analysis by the operator at automated workstations and on the video wall.

The composition of the AFIS equipment determines the structure of the system (presented in Appendix 1), which is a distributed system for collecting and converting data with a single center for managing systems and processing information, where the role of a distributed system is played by AFIS cabinets, and a single center - CDP.

The structure of the AFIS system of the building "Garage for three boxes, a canopy for special equipment" includes:

Cabinet AFIS-C1;

Cabinet AFIS-C2.

AFIS cabinets are built on the basis of programmable controllers with a distributed signal input-output system and the ability to process information transmitted via RS485 and Ethernet interfaces. This equipment allows you to build a system that has a modular open architecture. This ensures the autonomy of the functioning of various subsystems and the possibility of step-by-step modernization by replacing individual modules, and also provides the ability to quickly restore the system in the event of a failure of any module.

AFIS cabinets include:

Data controller with eight RS485 ports;

Distributed data input/output modules (up to 512 discrete or 124 analog signals);

Ethernet switch with 16 ports;

Uninterrupted power supply unit.

The modular structure of AFIS cabinets allows you to increase the number of processed signals, if you need to connect new systems.

2.4.1 Ventilation system.

In the building "Garage for three boxes, a shed for special equipment" a mechanically driven supply and exhaust ventilation system will be installed. The project of automation and dispatching of engineering systems provides for the collection of data by the AFIS system:

From air handling units P1, P2, P3, P4 via Ethernet;

About the state of fire-retardant valves, discrete signals.

From exhaust ventilation control cabinets, discrete signals.

Possibility of inclusion/switching off of systems of supply and exhaust ventilation is provided.

2.4.2 Refrigeration (air conditioning) system.

The project provides for the possibility of controlling and diagnosing the air conditioning system. For this, data exchange with a group controller for controlling the air conditioning system via Ethernet is organized.

2.4.3 Water supply system.

The water supply system of the building is divided into:

Domestic and drinking water supply;

Hot water supply;

Fire water pipeline.

The organization of water supply in the building "Garage for three boxes, a shed for special equipment" is provided from the on-site network of utility and drinking water supply. At the water metering units of the building, located at the water supply inlet, meters with a pulse output and pressure and temperature sensors with a unified output signal of 4-20 mA are installed. Information is taken from them by the AFIS system. At the inlet of the water metering unit, a valve with an electric drive is installed, controlled by discrete signals from the CDP.

For hot water supply, water is taken from the drinking water supply system, heated in a heat exchanger and distributed to consumers. At all control points, temperature and pressure sensors with a unified output signal of 4-20 mA are installed to transfer data to the AFIS system. Gate valves at the inlet and outlet of the hot water supply system are equipped with an electric drive controlled by discrete signals.

An electric gate valve is installed at the inlet of the fire water pipeline. The AFIS system controls the valve position and its condition. By means of a unified 4-20 mA signal, information about the pressure in the fire-fighting water supply is taken from the pressure sensor.

2.4.4 Sewerage system.

The project provides for the control of the water level of sewage by removing discrete signals from the level sensor. The sewerage system is equipped with an electric valve. The AFIS system receives signals about the state of the valve and controls the valve with discrete signals.

2.4.5 Heat supply system.

A weather compensator and a heat metering unit are installed in an individual heating point (ITP).

The weather compensator automatically regulates the water temperature in the heating network. The project of automation and dispatching of engineering systems provides for the collection of information from the weather compensator via the RS485 interface.

The building has a heat metering unit. Information about the heat consumption from the heat meter is transmitted via the industrial interface RS485 to the AFIS system.

Data on temperature and pressure are taken by sensors with a unified output signal of 4-20 mA at the inlet to the ITP, at the outlet of the ITP, at the outlets for heating, at the outlets for supply systems, at the outlet for hot water supply. All branches are equipped with electric gate valves controlled by discrete signals from the central control room.

2.4.6 Power supply system.

Electricity metering in the building "Garage for three boxes, a shed for special equipment" is carried out in the introductory cabinets and AVR cabinets located in the electrical room. Information is collected by means of three-phase electricity meters. Information is transmitted via the RS485 interface.

The project provides for monitoring the presence of voltage at the input and output of the AVR shields and input shields. The AFIS system controls the position of the machine (on / off) in all switchboards. This information enters the AFIS cabinets in the form of discrete signals.

2.4.7 Gas control system.

The project provides for the possibility of collecting discrete signals (“System failure”, “Power supply”, “Limit concentration”) about the state of the gas pollution control system.

2.4.8 Fire alarm system.

The project provides for the possibility of collecting discrete signals (“System failure”, “Fire”, “Fire extinguishing system activated”) about the state of the fire alarm system.

2.4.9 Alarm system

The project provides for the possibility of collecting discrete signals (“System failure”, “Alarm”, “Object armed”, “Object disarmed”) about the state of the security alarm system.

A detailed list of signals transmitted between the AFIS system and engineering systems is presented in Appendix 4 - List of signals.

The location of the technical means of the AFIS system on the building plan "Garage for three boxes, a shed for special equipment" is presented in Appendix 2. Programmable logic controllers, input / output modules related to medium-level technical means are located in closed AFIS cabinets of hinged and floor versions. The cabinets of the system are located in heated premises of buildings with an ambient temperature from plus 5 to plus 40 °C. The AFIS-G1 cabinet is located in the switchboard room (003). Cabinet AFIS-G2 is located in the control unit (111).

The equipment of the AFIS system belongs to the electrical receivers of the first category.

The technical means of the AFIS system (cabinets, servers, workstations) are powered from an alternating current main with a phase voltage of 220 V ±10%, 50 Hz ±1%. Any voltage deviations within the specified limits do not cause the issuance of false commands and signals.

Uninterruptible power supplies and rechargeable batteries are used for uninterrupted power supply of the technical means of the AFIS system.

In the absence of the main supply voltage, the uninterruptible power supply automatically turns on, at the same time a signal is sent to the controller, which transmits it via a communication channel to the central control room at the dispatcher's workstation.

All metal parts of products accessible to touch, which may be energized in excess of 25 V AC (rms) or more than 60 V DC (rectified) current as a result of insulation damage, must be grounded. They must be connected to a grounded neutral point of the power source by means of a protective conductor (GOST R 50571.3-94).

Cases of cabinets of the AFIS system are grounded with copper conductors to the ground loop of the building.

Cable screens are grounded only from the side of the AFIS system cabinets to avoid the formation of interference propagation loops.

The scope of the automation and dispatching engineering systems project includes cables:

Control cables from engineering systems to AFIS cabinets;

Power cables from automatic machines to AFIS cabinets;

Ethernet cables from cabinets to nearest access point.

All electrical wiring is made with cables with copper conductors.

For Ethernet communication lines, a FTP4-C5E-SOLID-GY 4x2x0.54 type cable is provided.

For the industrial RS485 interface, a KIPvEP cable 2x2x0.78 is provided

As a control cable for the transmission of discrete signals, KVVGEng nx1.0 and KVVGng nx1.0 are provided.

For analog signals, a KVVGEng 4x1.0 cable is provided.

For 220 V power lines, a KVVGng 4x2.5 cable is provided.

Electrical wiring in the building "Garage for three boxes, a shed for special equipment" is made under the false ceiling in metal trays and along the walls in plastic boxes.