Strong magical rituals and rites of sorcery. White magic: conspiracies and spells for all occasions. Conspiracy for money abundance

During the existence of magic, a lot of definitions of magic have arisen. And the magic itself, in turn, is very different. One of the most common definitions of magic was given by Aleister Crowley - "Magic is the science and art of causing changes in accordance with the Will using methods not recognized by modern science."

For some time, a kind of cult of the mysterious and incomprehensible, inaccessible to many, was made from magic. This gave rise to many fairy tales and false currents. It's funny to say that some people think that it's enough to snap your fingers and get what you want. This is an erroneous definition..

Magic is sorcery, sorcery, sorcery, based on the belief in the human ability to influence people, objects with the help of mental efforts, performing rituals.

Ultimately, this could make a major difference in the real world. For example, you perform a magical ritual to get money. Your Will is to get rich.

Types of magical influences

You go for a walk, and although you usually go to the left, something made you turn right, where you meet an old friend who pays you back. There are many such examples.

It is currently accepted that what magic is called is, for a number of reasons, unknown to the modern majority of people. They are convinced that magic is supernatural sorcery, accessible only to people with paranormal abilities, or that it is a complete fabrication.

Love magic includes influences aimed at strengthening the relationship between two people.. This includes the creation (feeding) of emotions, feelings that bring joy to mutual communication, and the harmonization of relations, and the impact aimed at eliminating rivals.

Love magic can guarantee the fidelity of a partner, help marriage (or marriage), cope with loneliness, attract a loved one into your life.

The impact of love magic will help remove negativity from your life, eliminate the crown of celibacy.

The influence of the biofield is very strong on various objects that have served a person for a long time, and especially on his personal belongings.

In the event of a transition to a new owner, these objects can have a favorable or unfavorable effect, depending on what effect the owner's biofield had on them.

Things of the owner, who died “before their eyes”, can bring misfortune. Gold and jewels obtained by force never bring good luck.

Knowing these properties of things, experienced criminals usually bury what they got by robbery in the ground in order to free them from the biofield of the former owner. However, despite such measures, the loot often brings them misfortune. After all, stress fields are not removed by the earth.

Nature and magic

Many people are extremely skeptical about the process of summoning spirits, moreover, almost all of them have never participated in spiritualistic sessions, they do not know how such rituals are carried out and what their results may be. But the call of the spirit is not just a magical rite that allows you to talk with otherworldly entities, it is also a great way to look at yourself from the outside, to identify your own psychological and life problems.

Some of these rituals are several hundred, if not thousands of years old, and there are many examples in history that indicate that people from ancient times were able to communicate with spirits and receive help and necessary information from them. I think you have heard of the Swedish scientist Emanuel Swedenborg, who was born in 1688 and died in 1772. His ability to get in touch with the souls of the dead staggered the imagination of his contemporaries.

One day, the Queen of Sweden herself decided to test his abilities and asked her recently deceased brother to ask something. Some time later, Swedenborg brought the queen an answer, and at the same time described in great detail her last meeting with her late brother, which took place without witnesses. The queen even fainted from shock.

The independent conduct of magical rites requires especially careful preparation and the right attitude from a person.

If you decide to engage in witchcraft, you must understand that this is a powerful force that can only be controlled by a person with good energy. If you are weak in spirit, then magic will not succumb to you, but rather, on the contrary, it will make you your slave.

Throughout a person's life accompanied by rituals. This is a set of specific actions that is used unchanged in some situation. The simplest and most familiar to all of us is the greeting ritual.

Ceremonies are close to rituals. Briefly, they can be defined as a set of rituals for special occasions.. Rites are held in important life situations. The wedding ceremony, the ceremony at the engagement, at the birth of a child, the funeral ceremony are well known. Rituals are part of rituals. There are also special rites and rituals. They are associated with magic.

Black, white magic, conspiracies and other well-known types of practical magic and witchcraft in our time are not only highly profitable types of business, but also widely available to ignorant people.

There are a huge number of books about magic and esotericism. People who have personal problems and either do not have the desire to solve them in an honest way, or who do not know what they can doom themselves to, often read spells and conspiracies of magic on their own or turn to witch grandmothers.

  • white magic- magic aimed at doing good deeds and protection from the forces of evil.
  • Black magic- magic associated with turning to evil spirits to cause harm (damage) and commit evil deeds.

What is the difference between black and white magic? It probably depends on the user. The knife can serve as a tool for the surgeon and protection from attack, as well as for threats and murder.

A ritual is considered to be an established procedure, which is developed by customs, a ceremonial. A combination of rites that accompany some kind of religious act and make up its design as a whole. For example, when greeting an acquaintance, we are used to pronouncing traditional phrases, making a series of gestures, the meaning of which we are only partially aware of.

Various types of rituals

It is worth saying that such ritualized behavior allows us not to think about our every word and step, obviously, the famous Confucius assumed exactly this when he said the following phrase to his stepson: “rituals give support in life.”

All rituals can be divided into types according to various criteria-bases. One of the most important divisions is between religious and magical. Their difference lies in the fact that religion is social in nature, and magic is individual. Let's consider this in more detail.

Magic, unlike religion, does not imply belief in a supernatural personified force (God). Thus, magical rituals pursue the immediate, immediate goals of one person. As a rule, the whole society (tribe, clan, and so on) is interested in the results of religious rituals.

In addition, all rituals are divided into groups according to their functionality. First, it is necessary to focus on crisis rituals that are performed by a group of people or by one person during a critical period of life as a search for an answer to an urgent or acute problem.

An example is the rain dance, which is usually performed during a long drought and loss of crops. This ritual is performed with the participation of a whole tribe, led by a shaman, priest or priest.

There are also calendar rituals that should be regularly performed as recurring natural phenomena occur (changing phases of the moon, changing seasons, ripening crops, and so on). All rural cultures have in their arsenal many such rituals that have their heroes, gods, mythical characters.

A special class of rituals is intensification. This term was introduced by famous American anthropologists Kuhn and Chapel to refer to a group of rituals of various types: calendar, crisis, and so on.

With such rituals, for example, we encounter at weddings or other family celebrations, when all relatives come together. The function of intensification is performed by crisis rituals. Undoubtedly, the rituals of intensification do not have their own specific content, but they are aimed at reunification, interaction and rallying.

Magic rituals and their features

I would like to dwell on magical rituals in more detail. Just a few decades ago, such magical rituals for the uninitiated were a closed area, since the conditions and rules for conducting were kept in strict confidence. This knowledge could be transmitted either to the student from the teacher, or by inheritance. However, today everything has changed, and the main factor can be called the development of the Internet.

Everyone today can get acquainted with information that was previously closed, anyone can learn the basics of magic and, with the help of special rituals and ceremonies, try to influence the world around them and their own lives.

Are magical rituals safe?

Many inexperienced performers who decide to try their hand at magic ask this question. Of course, the church does not welcome magic and magic. The first popular opinion of the representatives of the church is that magic is a terrible sin, therefore, in the future, a terrible punishment awaits the performer, which will be reflected not only during life on earth, but also after his death.

This opinion is quite common in our country, but this point of view, most likely, arose as a result of fear of the unknown and the unknown.

The main ideologists of this opinion are the clergy, but in reality there is no evidence in the Bible that says that magic is a sin and evil.

The next point of view belongs to professional magicians who provide paid services to the population. It lies in the fact that magical rituals can have dire consequences, but they threaten only those who independently conduct magical rituals without the necessary experience and proper training. This point of view is easily explained by financial intent.

It is undeniable that professional magicians earn their living by doing some kind of witchcraft and taking money from people for this. Sorcerers do not want to lose their earnings, which is why they claim that they cannot influence their lives on their own.

In fairness, we note that there is some truth in this statement. After all, magical rituals can really be dangerous, can lead to serious irreversible negative consequences, but here we are talking exclusively about black magic aimed at harming another person.

It is also necessary to say that black rituals in themselves carry a serious danger not only for the enemy, but also for the performer and all members of his family.

Remember, the message with which the ritual takes place is sure to come back. Our ancestors from ancient times used white magic and were not afraid of the Lord's Punishment.

Ancient rituals are very similar to modern rituals presented on the Internet in a wide variety. Our ancestors, like our generation, always wanted to protect their loved ones and themselves from adversity and illness, they wanted to attract wealth and happiness, they wanted to enlist the support of good luck. Thus, the rituals of white magic are safe and do not imply serious consequences.

The consequences of rituals should be feared by those people who decide to resort to them in order to harm another. It is worth remembering that all completed actions are always returned. Thus, for hate you can get hate, for love - love. This is the main principle of all magic, in particular rituals, and if you always remember this, then you can not be afraid of witchcraft.

Very often in the current situation it seems that there is no way out. Everything piles up at once, problems, illnesses, and you don’t know how to get rid of them.

Today I will share with you, dear readers, some magical rituals that help cleanse the house of negative energy, protect it from the evil eye, depression, stress, and evil tongues.

To believe or not to believe, everyone decides for himself. Although it is not in vain that they say that true faith works miracles! Proof of this is the amazing stories of people with healing.

Powerful magical ritual

There is an old strong magical rite. In addition, thanks to the energy of fire and faith, inner relief comes, cleansing from negativity.

The technique is very powerful, so use it only in extreme cases and preferably during a big Orthodox holiday.

It consists of two parts: the first is performed at home, and the second - in the temple.

Buy 15 consecrated candles and at home on each read the prayer "Our Father" to the words inclusive "... and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

Already in the church, arrange and light in a certain order, with faith, reading prayers with all your heart:

Above the first, second - any "For the rest."

Above the third-fifth - "Honest Life-Giving Cross."

How to arrange?

The first is for the repose of dead enemies in the past and this life.

The second is for the repose of all deceased relatives in the past and this life.

The third is for the health of enemies.

The fourth is for the health and well-being of relatives and friends.

Fifth - for your health.

The sixth - to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ with gratitude and repentance.

The seventh - to the icon of the Mother of God, reading 5 times “Virgin Mary, rejoice”

Eighth - to the icon of the Archangel Michael with a request for help.

The ninth - to the icon of the Archangel Raphael with a prayer to him.

The tenth - to her guardian angel, asking for support and protection.

Eleventh - to the icon of Panteleimon the healer on health.

The twelfth - to the icon of St. Nicholas for the fulfillment of desires.

The thirteenth - to the icon of Seraphim of Sarov with a prayer to him.

The fourteenth - to the icon of Sergius of Radonezh with a prayer to him.

Holding the last fifteenth candle, light it in your hands and pray for the forgiveness of sins and for the help of the Lord with your own hands.

Do not leave this candle in the church, take it home and light it again in the bedroom, reading "Our Father" and "Honest Life-Giving Cross" until it burns out. Imagine that all hardships, troubles, burn with a flame.

Magic ritual for weight loss

Ritual for excess weight.

“In a wide expanse, in a clean field, a linden grew. Under that linden tree there were oak tables covered with silk tablecloths. All tables are lined with cups of silver and gold dishes. In the cups of those wines are poured honey, and on the dishes are swans, pies and other royal food.

I will get up, the servant of God (name), in the morning, I will leave the yard, blessed, go out the doors, go through the gates, lock them with reliable, strong locks, golden keys.

It’s not the doors, but the gates that I lock, it’s I that shade my eyes so as not to look at the oak tables, at the silk tablecloths, at the goblets with honey, and at the dishes with delicacies. I will close my hunger and my thirst, I will be satisfied with black bread and drink clean water, and I will not even touch anything else. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After that, extinguish the candle, wrap the cinder in the paper on which the words were written and put it under the pillow. Do not remove the amulet until you lose as much weight as you want.

Magic rituals for stress and negativity

To calm the heart.

If you have experienced severe stress, to relieve stress you need to do the following. Pour into a liter jar of water. Say the words: “Water, water, sister of the earth. Take away from me, servant of God, everything bad, everything bad. Thank you".

Light a candle and place it nearby. Break an egg into a jar (preferably homemade), wrap your arms around it and relax. Sit for 5-7 minutes without crossing your legs. Don't look at the contents of the jar. Then pour it outside in the place where there are birds (preferably crows). The action is performed once.

A black streak can come in a person’s life, when another comes after one misfortune. To protect the premises, it is often necessary to fumigate it with dry wormwood, juniper, thistle. You can burn with a candle, bypassing the room around the perimeter, starting from the front door. Go clockwise, drawing crosses and reading "Our Father".

In places where the flame smokes and crackles, stay longer.

You can sprinkle rooms with holy water.

If a curse was sent to your address, then mentally say: “There is a circle around me, it was not I who drew it, but my Mother of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

There is protection from obscene words. Say mentally three times to your aggressor, looking at the bridge of his nose: “It rolled, it bounced off, it rolled over you. Amen".

The best magical ritual

The biofield can be strengthened.

With fire, you can independently clean and strengthen your biofield. Take the candle in your right hand, draw along the contour of the body, starting from the head, then along the left arm, then the legs. Then - along the right leg and the right side surface.

Shifting the candle to the left hand, surround the right hand with fire, then return to the top of the head. Again shift the candle to the right, make three, five or seven circular movements clockwise above the head, at the forehead, throat, chest, stomach, pubis and tailbone (that is, all 7 chakras). Clean the candle from soot and leave to burn out to the end.

And wrap the soot in paper and throw it into the river or stream, turning over your left shoulder.

If the body and soul of a person are healthy, the candle burns with a high flame, without forming droplets. If there are influxes - not all is well. She began to smoke with black smoke - it means that there is a disease in the internal organs, they must be treated. When the fire goes out, you need to repent, ask for forgiveness from those who have offended, and forgive those who have offended you.

When heavy obsessive thoughts overcome, negative emotions crush, it was a difficult day - wash your face, light a candle and look at the flame. It will cleanse the negativity in the soul and thoughts. The candle should be of such length that the flame, when you are sitting, is opposite your eyes: look at it not from above, but from the side. Mentally ask to release you from experiences, resentment. Let all the bad burn in the fire.

And after a while you will feel better. If you feel tired, stressed, perform this cleansing daily and every other day for two weeks. You will notice that your health and relationships with other people will improve.

An unkind word, thought or look leaves a mark on the person to whom they are sent. He may feel bad, be depressed. But, most likely, this is not damage (since it is difficult to bring it on), but the negative influence of someone else's energy.

5 prayers that can be found in the prayer book will help to remove this state:

  • Symbol of faith;
  • Let God Resurrect;
  • Alive in help;
  • To the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • Our Father.

Why these particular prayers? For humanity, they are like a code - an entrance to the bioinformation field. They heal, save from slander, evil eye, damage. During any healing magical ritual, you need to constantly read them.

What do you need to have?

Water. It must be consecrated or taken on Epiphany night in a well, a key. Preferably between 4 and 6 am.

Salt. Contains strong internal energy. Before the magic ritual, it must be calcined in a pan for 10 minutes at midnight.

Knife and scissors. With their help, the entrance to evil forces is closed.

Beeswax. Draws out negative energy and sends it as a boomerang to the one who sent it.

The one from whom the damage is removed should sit with his back to the north. Under his chair, you need to put a knife with a point on the way out to the door, scissors (with rounded ends on the way out), a small cross, a candle. Next to the table put another knife, put a bowl of water.

Melt the wax in a bowl. Cross the bowl of water with a knife, surround the person's head clockwise three times. Then, holding the bowl with your left hand above your head, pour the wax from the pan clockwise into the water with your right.

After half a minute, put the bowl that was held over your head to the side, wait until the wax hardens on the water. Gently turn it over with a knife and carefully examine the underside. Here you can see the cause of a person's malaise - there is a chance that the resulting patterns will suggest this.

Repeat the magic ritual and also consider the second circle of wax. There will already be fewer patterns on it, because someone else's evil gradually disappears in the process of actions. And for the third time, melt the wax, do everything in the same way as in the previous times, only carry the container with wax not around the head, but from the feet to the head 3 times. The third portion of the hardened wax should be different, if it is completely smooth, the ceremony can be completed. If not, repeat until the bottom surface of the wax is gone.

Magic ritual from the evil eye

The most ordinary things at home can reliably protect against negative effects that can be harmful to health. We need a regular pin and a candle.

At midnight, light a church candle, hold the pin over the flame for several minutes. Then drip three drops of wax into the eye of the pin, reading the plot:

“Guardian angel, deliverer from all evil hearts. Stand before me, cover with your reliable protection. Avoid my spoken words."

After the ceremony, the wax does not need to be removed, it will go away by itself. It is necessary to check the pin, if it is unfastened, it should be thrown away and replaced with a new one. And if it has changed color, covered with rust, it means that it has completed its task.

I would like to note another strong protection - clothes inside out. Many consider this a bad omen, attracting misfortune, problems. A bad omen works only if it is done unconsciously, when we do not notice that we have put on something wrong.

But if a thing is put on inside out on purpose, it will bring health and happiness.

A pin is the easiest way to protect against negativity and the evil eye. To protect yourself from negativity and maintain health, you need to buy a new pin or use an old, family one.

Magic rituals from damage, evil eye, negativity

1) A strong amulet against damage, the evil eye, read on a new candle.

“I speak the servant of God (name) from all sorcerers, sorcerers, from the croaking raven, from the ascetic and the ascetic, from the old man and the old woman. I send from the servant of God (name) everyone to walk through the forest, take the tinder from the ground, bother my head. As long as the servant of God (name) is alive, do not mutilate him, do not bewitch, do not get drunk, do not spoil him by word or deed, neither by spruce, nor by aspen, nor by a stake, nor by a candle, nor on Kupala night, nor on Christmas time, nor in one a day that is given for corruption. Word and deed. Amen".

With the power of these words, you can resist various energy attacks.

2) When you need to put protection on the whole family and avert trouble, cleanse the house of negativity, damage, evil eye, bad luck, lack of money, illnesses, you can use “broom candles” and fill the house with the energy of support and protection.

To make such a whisk is simple. You need to take a few candles: one for the house, one for yourself, one for loved ones in whose well-being you are interested. Any colour. It is better to take small ones (or cut a large one into the right amount).

Take candles, mentally say everything you need to get rid of. At this time, constantly think that the whisk will sweep away all your problems and clean your house. Open windows and doors so that all the accumulated negativity can leave. When finished, immediately take out the remnants of the candles in the trash.

Then light a white or red candle to fill the house with the energy of well-being and to protect it. Let it burn a little and put it out, so that later you can use it any time you need protection at home.

3) It happens that you only boast of good health and immediately fall ill. To resist the self-evil eye, there is a proven technique: spit three times over your left shoulder, knock on wood, bite your tongue lightly.

There is also an old conspiracy. You need to stand in front of a mirror with a lit candle and, looking at your image, say three times: “The mirror world, take away the cursed evil eye, plant it with you, hold it tight, don’t let go anywhere, don’t return back. Amen".

Magic ritual for health

It is believed that if a person has a strong amulet, then he is not afraid of either damage or the evil eye, and illnesses and troubles are bypassed. How to make such a charm with your own hands? The master of alternative medicine offers the following amulet.

Wax is an energy sponge that absorbs any information. Using it to make a doll, it creates its own energy phantom that protects us.

You need to take only church candles (do not buy them on Parents' Saturdays and All Souls' Days).

Women should make a doll on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). Men - on men's (Tuesday, Thursday).

You can create such a charm for yourself and for a loved one.

The rite is performed on the growing moon or on the full moon.

There should be a good mood and a calm environment. Appliances must be turned off.

Take three candles (light the fourth nearby). If the room is cold, before starting, they should be dipped in water (36 degrees to soften slightly).

Place all candles wick up. Put the first two on top of each other with a cross. To fix them with the third, bandaging them with a conditional figure eight.

Get the letter "J". The upper ends of the two candles are the arms, the lower ends are the legs, the figure eight is the head and torso.

“Now you are me, all my trouble goes to you.”

After that, the doll should be dressed (sew her a suit or dress). Be sure to wear a headdress.

Such a charm should always be with you, wherever you go, do not go. In order not to damage, sew a bag made of natural fabric.

Once a month, take out the doll and read the naming spell.

An indicator that the doll has taken the disease is the wax color has changed. In this case, it must be burned with the words:

“She took it away with wax, annealed it with fire, from me, a servant of God, the evil eye, damage, disease took away.”

When you burn a doll, you need to order a magpie in the church about your health.

Conclusion: magical rituals are inherited, they are able to remove damage, expel diseases, attract love, money. The main thing to remember is that whatever actions you take, such will be the consequences. For hate - hate, for good - good.

Sincerely, Olga.

From this article you will learn:

    What is white magic

    How is white magic different from black and gray

    Is it possible to learn white magic

    What are the conspiracies for money, love and the beauty of white magic

    What tools are needed for this

People are always attracted to magic. One of its most accessible types is white magic for good luck. Real miracles can happen without a magic wand. It is enough to awaken the power of positive energy in yourself and learn how to manage it correctly. White magic will help you find the strength in yourself to solve all the pressing problems of your personal life, mental and financial well-being. With its help, any obstacles are overcome and truly great successes are achieved.

What is white magic

Several centuries ago, mankind chose the path of technogenic development. Thanks to the rapid industrialization, the emergence of the latest machines and technologies, scientific and technological upheavals and revolutions, as well as the formation of scientific materialistic philosophy, the educated part of society has completely lost interest in strong white magic, leaving only small fragments. Ancient knowledge partially emerges in medicine and home or village magic. Three centuries of persecution did their job, because the most gifted were forced to hide all their skills and not develop them in any way. The small number of scientists who tried to study this phenomenon were ridiculed and not taken seriously.

Modern science distinguishes the concepts of "occultism" and "occult sciences". They denote secret knowledge, accessible only to a few who understand that in every person and in everything that surrounds him, there are unknown forces that are not subject to the uninitiated. But in all ages there have been people who are fond of esoteric knowledge and its practical expressions - white magic, witchcraft, divination, shamanism, necromancy.

White magic is a practical action that directs the supernatural forces of the surrounding world to obtain the desired result. A person who possesses secret knowledge and skills attracts these forces, controls them, and with the help of them influences the material world in order to obtain the desired thing or event.

The term "magic" itself originated in Persia, where the priests who possessed secret knowledge and skills were called so. From there he came to Greece, and then to other countries.

Magic is a rather broad concept that is usually classified. The most famous division is white, black and gray magic. White and gray magic is commonly called magic, and black magic is witchcraft.

Very few researchers were engaged in a serious study of such a supernatural phenomenon, who came to the conclusion that magic happens:

    malicious (black);




    hunting (shamanic);


Magical practices, in turn, are divided into:



  • necromancy;


    ceremonial magic;

    sorcery, shamanism.

Of particular note is the extremely negative attitude of all religions towards magical practices. The times of the Inquisition are known, when for such actions people were executed and burned at the stake. It can also be interpreted as the eradication of dissent in society.

Black and white magic: what is the difference

For a simple layman, at first glance, there is no particular difference. But in fact, these are three completely different directions, three different types of energy.

  1. White magic.

The purest is considered to be white magic. Combining a huge number of directions, it instills in the soul a feeling of love and kindness. Man is pleased with everything living and inanimate, plants, souls, people. Followers of white magic feed their powers with the energy of the four elements.

Understanding the purpose of such magic implies sending a request for help, and not ordering the Universe to give an instant result. You should not choose a specific person, asking the Universe to send love, because you have no right to force him into a relationship. White magic serves just forces, which, albeit not in a direct way, will lead a person to love and happiness.

The action of white magic will always help a truly needy person who makes ends meet in order to feed the children and give them the necessary minimum. She gives a chance, and it is important not to miss the moment. A person can find coins or get help, win the lottery or get a good job.

Receiving money dishonestly by taking it from another person is contrary to the essence of white magic. For these black thoughts and deeds, good forces will turn away, and justice will require severe punishment for you. Don't ask for more than is necessary.

White magicians often turn to their assistants - Angels, Spirits of Light, feeding on the energy of natural elements. All these are light forces that can protect, help in the proper conduct of the ritual and endow with incredible energy.

In white magic, an indispensable condition for any spell or ritual is the condition that the fulfillment of the desired does not harm anyone. White magic does not allow submission or imposing one's will on another person.

  1. Black magic.

Since ancient times, the great power of black magic has been known. But there is also a huge price to pay. Having obtained the desired by this method, a person loses much more. Why look for love if you can make a person be around with a love spell. And it’s okay that he is unhappy, but you didn’t want such love at all. The result has been achieved.

Black magicians can force to change fate and even kill. They guard their knowledge well and do not share it. Black sorcerers, deeply aware of divination, are well aware of the value of their deeds. This is a secret for people who are ignorant, because they can harm themselves with their ignorance. You can not thoughtlessly use black witchcraft, this can lead to irreparable consequences, including illness, loss or death. You need to understand how to protect yourself from your actions. Pay attention to how black magicians are hung with runes, amulets and protective stones that take away all the negativity. In addition, they cast special spells that save them from trouble.

Black magic is essentially violence against nature or the will of man. If the purpose of a ritual or spell is to cause harm, to force a person to act against his will or interests, such witchcraft can be called black.

Having easily obtained power or money by this method, you will definitely pay a high price by making a "sacrifice on the altar of divination." Any action of the sorcerer requires an equivalent return. By forcibly changing fate, intruding into the course of planned events, you must be ready to compensate for everything.

Sorcerers call for help demons, devils, demons, various entities of the lower world. They are messengers from hell. Working with them requires special care, considering every word, so as not to become a slave to their blackest desires. Is unwanted love or money worth such sacrifices? Think about it.

White magic and its consequences

You can’t just interfere in the sphere of the Higher powers. It is important for our heavenly patrons that each of us fulfill his mission, and not get involved in the affairs of others. Therefore, carrying out any ritual or ceremony is always a risky business, because the magician, whether white or black, tries to redirect energy without asking permission. Errors are always pointed out. For the Universe, this is a loyal approach, while a person aggressively perceives this as an undeserved punishment. The most negative consequences of white magic can be expressed:

    in minor illnesses;

    in unexpected material losses;

    and other life lessons.

Not all of these problems are catastrophic. To change the course of events in your favor, if such punishments are not taken into account, white magic and spells will help. In this case, the love spell is removed, the energy auras of its participants are cleansed and, if necessary, a completely different ritual is performed.

Everything that has just been told does not mean at all that the use of magic is impossible due to subsequent punishment and that a person cannot be helped in any way without loss and suffering. Everything is possible, and white magic helps, but only one of its most important rules must be observed: the basis of any ritual or ceremony should be bright feelings. If the rule is observed, and the result is used for creation, without hurting the will and desires of other people, then there is nothing to be afraid of. At home, a white love spell is also done with a consideration of one's fate from the outside, with a wish of happiness to the one you bewitch. One must refuse to fulfill the desire in any case if it does not bring happiness to both parties involved. It is possible that at a particular moment it is not easy to do this, but it is always better than paying for what you have done later. Over time, feelings can cool down, the desire will no longer be so relevant or will not justify the hopes invented, because reality is always tougher than dreams.

White magic - conspiracies, spells, healing

  1. Spells and rituals.

Speaking of white magic, first of all, it must be emphasized that all the conspiracies and rituals that are used in it are directed only to positive creation. Destructive power abhors white magic. All laws and rules turn for help to a person or his family precisely to the forces of light.

As for the love spell, it is also designed to create a new feeling, a new relationship. It is unacceptable that the desire of one person enslave the will of another and go against his dreams. Light forces are not able to make a person unhappy for the sake of someone's whim.

Simply put, it is possible to interest a person with the help of white magic, but to take him away from the family by hurting his wife and children - no, this is already black magic.

  1. Healing.

Healing is considered a special section of white magic. Rituals and conspiracies aimed at healing even the most hopeless diseases help people gain faith in their own strength. Healers remove damage or the evil eye, which is often the cause of various ailments.

The healer becomes the center of accumulation of positive energy, thereby helping a person to get rid of illness or negativity.

A whole subsection in healing is devoted to medicinal herbs, the power of which has been known since ancient times. The herbalist knows not only which herbs will help in any situation, but also when and how they should be collected in order to properly release their magical properties.

The planet generously gives us the means to help make our lives healthier and happier, and healers know how to use them.

Those who practice healing magic need to master both protective magic and self-cleansing practices, since when working with an illness or injury, there is a risk of taking bad energy and illness for yourself.

Removal of damage and negativity

Are you chasing failures? We will diagnose the negative impact, help identify the causes and correct the situation

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  1. Predictions.

Predictions are also under the jurisdiction of white magic. It should be emphasized that divination and prediction are not divination, capable of doing both good and evil.

There are many conspiracies for all occasions. All of them are designed for a positive result, but are read on the waning or growing moon, depending on the goal. For example, if a person is sick, then all forces should be directed to destroy the disease, reduce it and win. It is customary to read such conspiracies on the waning moon. If a person needs help to feed his family, get a job or find his love, then the growing moon will help.

Both black and white magicians understand and access the rites and rituals of opposite schools. At the same time, the white magician will never agree to perform a black rite. A black magician can use white conspiracies, if only to remove his own spell.

Is white magic possible at home

Is it possible to perform rituals and conspiracies for an ordinary person? Can you learn this on your own? Is it possible to carry out conspiracies of white magic at home? It should be understood that, like any abilities, the abilities of a magician can be innate, or they can be the result of hard work. Conspiracies are also inherited or come from above, and can also be the result of the creativity of the magician himself.

Of course, a person gifted with magical abilities, especially if they are inherent in the family, has much more opportunities and strength than a mere mortal. It often happens that having a gift, a person does not know how to use it or does everything badly, turning his power to harm. An ordinary person, having diligence, diligence, perseverance and desire, will always reach the highest peaks in white magic.

White magic reveals its secrets gradually. Any person who decides to learn the basics of white magic and continue to improve must understand that everyone has a chance to reach heights, regardless of the presence of innate talent. It is important that a person has the most developed willpower, the power of thought, the power of emotions, the craving for improvement and the constant development of the main quality for white magic - love for people.

At the first steps of comprehending white magic, you need to get rid of your vices, negative habits, go through the procedures of spiritual and physical purification.

Remember that black and white magic are serious actions. Do not underestimate their strength and capabilities. Once you have taken up white magic and thought about dedicating yourself to it, know that you may feel the need to help people. Do not be afraid of responsibility, because with it magical power will come to you, and the satisfaction that you help people find joy and happiness.

See also: How to make a voodoo doll and a love spell on it

What tools does white magic use at home

White magic performed at home suggests availability of the following tools:

    divination cards;

    special ritual knife;

    a prayer book or a book of conspiracies;

    pendulum to help get answers;

  • crystals, minerals, stones.

This is a short list of the most necessary things used by white magicians. Gaining experience, each of them supplements this list with their attributes, which work easier and more accurately.

white magic for love

We have already mentioned more than once that a correctly done white magic love conspiracy is practically harmless. It does not go against the desires of a person, but only enhances the attractiveness of the one who asks for it. Unlike black magic, here all requests are directed to light forces that do not accept violence. White magic helps to find the right path to love, strengthen relationships, avert separation from the family in any form, draw the attention of a particular person.

Conspiracy to strengthen relations

White magic always stands guard over family relationships. It helps to strengthen them even if you have been married for a long time and do not experience such passionate feelings as before. To return the former attraction will help a conspiracy to love. Knead the dough by adding a small amount of honey, powdered sugar and a few drops of rose oil, and then say:

Lada, bright Mother, Svarog, great Father, You have bound our souls forever, tied us together.<

Make your favorite pastries with this dough. Here you can change the recipe by recipe. Add berries, cream, jam, jam, make a cake or pie. Eat this dish only together with your spouse. Don't feed strangers. This meal will strengthen your relationship, making your family happy.

Conspiracy to return passion in a relationship

There are many conspiracies to inflame passion and return old feelings. The most famous of them is on the water. Perform the ceremony only on the growing moon. To perform the ritual, it is necessary in the early morning, during sunrise, to collect running water. Water is best taken from a well or spring. You will need a full cup.

A bowl filled with running water must be hidden from prying eyes in the house until the evening. As soon as the sun sets and it begins to get dark, take the bowl with both hands and say the following plot into it three times:

A bird does not live without a clear sky,
A wild beast - without meadows and forests,
(name) - without me, (your name).
Bored and grieving
Cries and suffers
Good and fret does not know.

Make sure that during the reading of the plot there is no one next to you, you do not need anyone to hear you. Sprinkle your bed with spoken water, where you sleep with your husband. If you sleep separately, then you need to sprinkle his things, clothes, etc. Pour the rest of the water out the window.

Conspiracy to return the love of his wife

There are families in which the husband loves his wife very much, and she is already bored with the relationship and begins to be interested in other men. A simple conspiracy of white magic will help restore the location of the spouse and become the most important person for her. To do everything absolutely right, perform the ceremony exactly on the full moon. Collect water and pour it into a clean bowl. Hide it from prying eyes in the house until the evening.

At nightfall, in the evening, but before midnight, you should take the bowl in your left hand and stand near the open window. Position yourself so that the full moon is visible in the sky. Point her light directly at the water and read the plot:

As flowers bloom under a clear sun, so let my wife bloom from me and shine with love.
As the heat in her ignites, sinks down to her bosom, so my wife will spit to me and smile all the time.
At night, she caresses me all the time, and during the day without me, cry and kill herself.
Key. Lock. Language.

Exactly 12 drops of this water should be added to a non-hot drink and served to your wife. Offer her a glass of compote, water, juice, etc. When she drinks, sprinkle the remaining water on her clothes, personal items, and bed.

Conspiracy if the husband does not want a wife

What if intimate desires are completely gone, but you love your husband and want to be with him? White magic will help you and rekindle passion. Draw one liter of water from the spring at dawn. No other water is suitable. Do not take mineral water without gas. Let it be from the source, but the time of its recruitment is not known.

In advance, you should prepare a new nightgown and a large basin. Make sure that it is not Sunday and that there are no church holidays on this day. The ritual should be performed only on the growing moon.

It is necessary to carry out the ritual all alone, at midnight, wearing a new shirt. The basin should be placed next to the table, and on the table put a container with water collected at dawn. Say the following spell into the water 12 times:

I was born a red girl, I was baptized a red girl, I will always be the same fine and red. I, (your name), will never forget a man's blessing. Mouth to mouth, hands to hands, feet to feet.

Stand in the basin and pour all the water you have spoken on yourself. Remove the wet shirt and dry without washing. Wear this shirt to bed with your husband and enjoy your intimate life.

Conspiracy against cheating husband

How much grief and pain infidelity brings to women. White magic on the husband will not only stop them, but also prevent them forever in the future. You will need one liter of water. Conspiracies from treason are read on the waning moon, as we want to destroy this process. Read the pre-learned text immediately after the full moon.

You need to wake up before sunrise, stay completely alone in the room, pick up a bowl filled with one liter of water and, looking at the bottom, sincerely wanting the fulfillment of desire, read the magic plot 10 times:

Domovoi can’t leave the hut, can’t come to someone else’s doorstep.
So my dear, neither pockmarked nor fine, I can not change.
According to my words, everything will be, my beloved will never forget me.
Key. Lock. Language.

After reading to the end, go around the whole house with a bowl in your hands in a clockwise direction. Sprinkle every corner of your home with water, and add the remaining water to your husband in cold drinks in the morning, 10 drops each time.

White magic for money

Magic for money on the spring equinox

Rituals of white magic have been around for a long time. One of the most ancient is a conspiracy for money, which helps to increase the income of the family and is held on March 21, at the time of the spring equinox. The best time to spend is at sunrise. You should turn your face to the east, performing the ceremony.

For the ritual, stock up on a fresh chicken egg, best from a domestic chicken, a candle bought in the church, and a small stick or wood chips. It is necessary to carefully make holes in the egg on both sides and, separating the protein from the yolk, pour the entire contents into two saucers.

The next step is to light a candle and, having crossed yourself and the eggshell, say a magic conspiracy for money:

By the grace of God, yes with the help of the Almighty.

Now with a prepared wooden stick dipped in yolk, you need to write your initials on the egg shell. Point each letter three times. Then blow on the shell three times and extinguish the candle with your hands, without using water or air.

As soon as you put out the candle, immediately count all the money you have, including your wallet and pockets, as well as all bank accounts, remembering the exact amount of funds in them. Write down the sum of all your savings on the smallest paper bill.

Prepare a small amount of dough to coat the egg shell by mixing only water and flour. Immediately coat the eggshell and glue a bill to it, on which the total of the funds you counted is recorded. Sincerely wanting to achieve a positive result, read the plot:

The testicle is white, you spin, spin,
Turn around in the sun.
I conjure with the song of the nightingale,
In a clear day, but in a dark night I bless,
Melodious copper, flowing water,
Burning fire, but flying wind.
From this day on, my wealth will increase,
And (your name) will forever forget about sorrows!
And now, and forever, and forever and ever!

Plant the shell using flower pots and earth for this purpose. Water it from time to time, especially when the moon is waxing. Imagine when watering how your wealth, profit and prosperity grow.

Conspiracy for wealth

Prosperity and wealth is a topic that interests everyone without exception. Everyone wants to have money, but not everyone succeeds. Wealth can break the soul, make a person vicious.

Some want to give happiness to their family, take care of children and their future, help the weaker and the disadvantaged by giving them money or participating in charity events. Others want only a luxurious life for themselves, imaginary happiness and the same love.

Fate gives everyone a chance when you can fully show yourself, using money as a test. If, having received profit, you are drawn to good, then it will give you everything. But if you have only your own wealth in your head, then you will lose yourself in it.

  • Take handful of coins, read the plot on them and always carry with you:

Hello king of copper, silver and gold. Hello and live with me, in my wallet. Key, lock, tongue.

  • Three beautiful red apples they will bring wealth and money to your house, you just have to pronounce the following conspiracy on them three times:

Remember my poverty for peace, and wealth and health are always with me.

Magic apples must be taken to the cemetery and placed on an old unmarked grave.

  • To attract wealth and money to the house will help fresh gingerbread. Buy it and put it on the windowsill so that it gets moonlight. Do a conspiracy on the full moon, at night from Wednesday to Thursday, clearly pronouncing the following words:

I’ll give sweet ladies porridge to the marten, I’ll appease her with honey gingerbread. The marten will bring me monetary wealth, fertile lands, tall houses, jewelry, and gold coins. If a black raven begins to take away a gingerbread from a marten, I (name) will drive him with a stick from a marten. If the bear starts to take that gingerbread, I will drive him and scold him. And for that I will receive wealth from the marten, monetary grace.

Early in the morning, divide the gingerbread among all the people living in the house. Everyone should definitely get a piece. This will bring prosperity to the house, save the family from debts and allow you not to live from hand to mouth, but to calmly acquire everything you need.

Conspiracy to find a high paying job

White magic is a great assistant in getting a well-paid job. To perform the ritual, you should purchase six large candles, as well as draw water. At home, add to this an earthenware mug or cup, or any other clay container that can hold water.

For maximum effect, perform the ceremony between sunrise and noon.

You need to put 2 purchased candles on the table and light it. Pour water into an earthenware bowl and place in front of the candles.

Immediately drink three sips of magical water and put the bowl back. Do not touch, leaving it in the same place until the evening, and wash yourself with this water right before going to bed. Let the candles burn out completely.

Repeat the whole rite for three days, lighting new candles each time. There will be six in total. After three days, you can start looking for a job using all possible methods. Be sure of success!

Conspiracies of white magic for beauty

  1. Weight loss conspiracy.

Conspiracies of white magic can help a person in all his desires. Especially if it is the pursuit of perfection. The conspiracy pushes the energy of a person in the right direction, restructuring the work of the body to achieve the goal. Of course, a lot depends on the will of a person and his perseverance.

When performing a strong ritual aimed at fulfilling the dream of losing weight, some features of its implementation should be taken into account:

    read the plot on the waning moon, before sunrise or after sunset;

    perform the ceremony alone and in complete silence;

    perform all the actions of a magical ritual aimed at losing weight, exclusively on an empty stomach;

    pronounce all the words of the magical conspiracy clearly, distinctly, without stammering;

    you should not devote anyone to your plans, keep the ceremony secret.

Do not try to find complex conspiracies and rituals for weight loss. The same effect will be from simple but miraculous words spoken before eating. The attitude and faith that everything will work out is important.

As you begin your meal, say in a whisper:

How can I, (proper name) resist and not grab the largest piece and not stuff it into my mouth. Save and help!

It has long been known for its effectiveness as a weight loss ritual performed with charmed honey. Magicians are sure that this completely eliminates the process of re-gaining weight. You should prepare a jar of natural honey. On Monday, at dawn, with a good heart, read the plot:

To be me, (proper name) a beautiful girl, slender and stately! I command with a magic word: get rid of all excess fat from me, get rid of all unnecessary fat from me! Do not go to me (proper name) more fat, do not live with excess weight. The fat will go away, run away from me and never come back!

Be me, (proper name) slender and graceful forever and ever! Like a thin and graceful birch, like an aspen fragile and thin, like a graceful and sweet swan, I will be slender and sweet to everyone. I will speak with magic words, I will bewitch with magic phrases, with honey, charmed and healing, I will treat myself. My will is strong and my desire is strong, with magical words I seal what was said. It will only be this way and nothing else!

Every morning, dissolve a teaspoon of magical honey in a glass of cold water and drink. Thanks to this drink, not only does the appetite decrease and the weight goes off quite quickly, but the whole body heals due to the stabilization of metabolic processes.

After 10-15 days, the results of the work of white magic will be clearly visible. For a month of systematic intake, a fairly large number of kilograms are dropped without any harm to the body.

  1. Attractiveness conspiracy.

White magic can help in any matter. For example, to increase your attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. This is an almost universal method, suitable for both men and women, with the exception of some nuances. The ritual will not only make you more beautiful and interesting, having performed such a ceremony, it will be much easier for you to meet your love.

You need to prepare for the ritual and stock up on a red candle, a glass of water, a mixture of essential oils for bathing (rose, patchouli and ylang-ylang oils), a few handfuls of rose petals of any color. It is necessary to choose relaxing music associated with romance, relaxation and tenderness.

The ceremony is performed on the night of the new moon, when new dreams, desires and relationships are born. Place a full glass of water on a windowsill so that moonlight is reflected in the water. Leave it until full moon. Thus begins the female ritual. Men who want to meet the girl of their dreams as soon as possible need to saturate the water with sunlight, not moonlight. Women need to put a glass in a dark place at dawn, and men - at sunset.

The next step is to fill the bath, you should be comfortable in it. Pour water into it, saturated with moonlight or sunlight. Try to imagine how the water in the bath for a woman shines with silver, and for a man - with gold. Visualize this radiance.

Turn on the prepared music, add rose petals to the bath. Take your time, take each ritual step with tenderness. Add a mixture of essential oils to a small amount of milk (you can also put a few drops on sea salt) and add to the prepared bath. Take a relaxing bath for as long as you feel comfortable. Imagine that your skin is filled with the glow of water and begins to glow. Ask the Moon or Sun for attraction and love, imagining yourself in an ideal way.

Protective white magic

The protective power of white magic is enormous. Special spells can forever protect against curses and corruption, an influx of problems and lack of money, negative energy and intrigues of enemies, the evil eye and evil spirits. You can protect yourself and your family by knowing just a couple of spells.

  1. Protecting and cleansing the house with herbs.

To protect the house from negative energy and ill-wishers, you can use both conspiracies and herbs. There is a simple ritual that helps to save and protect your home from the evil eye, damage, evil spirits, etc. It must be carried out monthly, during the waning moon.

A strong infusion of thistles and dill should be prepared. Such herbs can be found in fields and gardens. Both fresh and dried herbs can be used. Wormwood is also perfect, it has long been used as a protective agent.

Tie white, pockmarked, and black chicken feathers into a small broom. Dip the broom in the infusion of herbs and sprinkle the entire dwelling with it, moving clockwise. Pay more attention to the front door, windows and window sills. Do not forget about the bathroom, closet, balcony, etc.

  1. Protective conspiracy from problems.

White magic will help protect you from negativity and obstacles outside the home with a conspiracy on a scarf or towel. Read the following just before leaving home:

The shield is my bail and my protection.
I go and everywhere I have a path and a bright road.

After reading, wipe your face with this handkerchief or towel. Good luck will accompany you.

  1. Protection from negative energy.

It happens that after an unpleasant meeting or conversation, a person is drawn in by negativity, instilling irritation in him and taking away positive energy. An ordinary black thread, equal in length to the distance from the brush to the elbow, and a wax candle will help get rid of this condition. It is believed that it is best to use black candles from negativity, but you can choose any, especially if black ones remind you of the dark forces of magic. Remove all other lighting, only candles.

Winding the thread around the index finger on the right hand, read the following seven times:

You go, the pain is evil from me to Ivan, and from Ivan to Pakhom, from Pakhom to Nikitka, and from Nikitka to this thread. She will always be there, and I (name) will live in peace. Word. Key. Language. Lock.

Pull the thread from the index finger as if it were a ring and, without unwinding, burn it with the flame of a burning candle. After the candle has completely burned out, throw the ashes from the thread outside of your home.

  1. Conspiracy before a long journey.

It has long been considered a good sign, going on a long journey, to take a handful of native land in a bag. It is difficult to overestimate the power of this most powerful amulet of white magic, which can save the life of a traveler on a long journey. You need to put in a canvas bag a little earth taken from your home with the words:

Father's house, yes mother earth, save and protect (name) from evil on his way.

Tie the bag and put it in a suitcase or pocket of clothes in which you plan to go on a journey. It is better to do such a ceremony immediately before departure or early in the morning. You can take care of all family members by making them amulets.

  1. Damage protection.

White magic has a strong protective effect. When you hear any curses or threats in your direction, stop listening to the words and try to mentally abstract from them. Cross yourself and say:

Everything came, passed on to you. Get lost, get lost, get out.

If talking on the phone, then speak without hanging up. It does not matter at all whether the interlocutor heard you or not. What matters is that you sent all the negativity back.

Magic rituals in everyday life

Magic rituals are considered a small opportunity to change the world around you. Despite scientific and technological progress, faith in the possibility of magic has not disappeared. So let's look into some of the intricacies of this case, so as not to make irreparable mistakes.

Distinctive features between black and white magic

Modern people are divided into two types. The first is those who see something sinister in magic and try not to encounter it in any way. The second is people who, out of their curiosity, are ready to experiment on themselves and plunge headlong into the study of esotericism.

In the discussion of white magic, it is said about some pure and immaculate action, since it does not affect strangers, but directly on the person who addresses it. It differs from black in that most often there is no pronounced self-interest in it. Its manifestation is the search for information, treatment from diseases and protection from negative influences. When using it, magicians turn to pure forces: the Holy Trinity, the forces of nature and in prayers turn to God.

Black magic refers only to dark evil forces. In their appeals, they ask for help in the implementation of insidious plans in relation to other people. These spirits help to gain power, love, wealth and harm any person. However, you have to pay for such help, most often this fee is too high. And downright scary.

Magic rituals are a very effective method to solve all sorts of problems. In the experienced hands of a master, this enormous power can seriously affect the life of any person. Although not in one description of the magical rite you will not find a 100% guarantee of success. Each result depends on a huge number of factors, starting with the correctness of the actions and ending with faith in one's capabilities.

For a long time, magic attracts more and more attention. If until quite recently only dedicated people could use it, now anyone can try their luck in this matter. Here are examples of how to conduct magical rituals for the most urgent desires.

How to get out of a predicament?

Such a rite is suitable for solving any complex problem. To improve the result, this ritual must be performed on the last day of the year. At this moment, remember all the problems that prevented you from fulfilling your dream. Then take paper and a simple pencil. Write out all your pain, disappointment and resentment on a sheet. In order for all the negativity to leave you, tear your record into the smallest pieces. Further, imagining how your life will change for the better, burn the paper on a saucer, and scatter the ashes in the wind.

Salvation from the evil eye

In order to quickly and independently save a loved one from the "evil eye", you will need three lit candles. To conduct a conspiracy, sit a person with an evil eye in front of you and read the following prayer:

“In the blue sky, on the high mountains. May the Almighty God arise, may those who hate Him flee from him, as wax runs out from the heat of fire, so the demons perish from the power of God. God, cleanse the sinner (name), for he will do a good deed before You. Deliver from the evil one and Thy will be done in him. Amen".

We attract wealth

This is carried out on a clean Thursday. To complete it, you need to collect two harvests of coins and throw them into a basin of water before dawn. Then over them we whisper the following words:

“Voditsa is vital, we sanctify you on this day. We ask for your forgiveness and help. There are many of you on earth, but like a river you flow violently, let money float into my house every day.

After reading, wash the whole house with this water, you should start from the threshold and move deeper into the rooms.

How you want to know what awaits us in the near future, and whether the person is next to you now, what can be done to fix everything. Many believe that the future cannot be changed. And suddenly, if you open the door to the unknown and mysterious, you can do something. There are many divination options. We present you some of the most interesting ones.

Fortune telling on fruits

The apple is a mystical item. It has been used since ancient times. And so, for fortune-telling, you will need as many apples as you like guys. On each write the names of the chosen ones. Next, go into a dark room and bite all the fruits, bring the most delicious to the light and read the name. It is this young man who suits you the most.

book divination

Bibliomancy is a way to find out the desired answer with the help of books. For this, religious books or philosophical treatises are used. If you don't have one with you, the book you read most often will do. Mentally ask the question that interests you and, having opened the book on any page, without looking, poke your finger into the text. The phrase you have chosen will be the answer, the main thing is to interpret it correctly.

Learn the answer with rice

For this divination, take a bowl of cereal and, holding your left hand over it, ask your question aloud. Then take a handful of grains and pour on a napkin, if there is an even number, then the answer is positive, odd - negative.

Magic follows every person completely invisibly in water, air and in all objects around. Magic rituals have firmly entered our lives, we use them, sometimes without even knowing it. If you want to delve into the unknown depths, try to choose divination methods and rituals as scrupulously as possible. Take care of yourself and loved ones!