Uranus in the 5th house of a man. Marriage in the female horoscope. Uranus in Gemini

Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system and the third gas giant. The planet is the third largest and the fourth largest by mass, and got its name in honor of the father of the Roman god Saturn.

Exactly Uranus honored to be the first planet discovered in modern history. However, in reality, his original discovery of it as a planet did not actually happen. In 1781 the astronomer William Herschel when observing the stars in the constellation of Gemini, he noticed some disk-shaped object, which he first recorded in the category of comets, which he reported to the Royal Scientific Society of England. However, later Herschel himself was puzzled by the fact that the orbit of the object turned out to be practically circular, and not elliptical, as is the case with comets. And only when this observation was confirmed by other astronomers, Herschel came to the conclusion that he had actually discovered a planet, not a comet, and the discovery finally received wide recognition.

After confirming the data that the discovered object is a planet, Herschel received an unusual privilege - to give it his name. Without hesitation, the astronomer chose the name of the King of England George III and named the planet Georgium Sidus, which means "George's Star". However, the name never received scientific recognition and scientists, for the most part, came to the conclusion that it is better to adhere to a certain tradition in the name of the planets of the solar system, namely, to name them in honor of the ancient Roman gods. This is how Uranus got its modern name.

Currently, the only planetary mission that has been able to collect data on Uranus is Voyager 2.

This meeting, which took place in 1986, allowed scientists to obtain a fairly large amount of data about the planet and make many discoveries. The spacecraft transmitted thousands of photographs of Uranus, its moons and rings. Although many photographs of the planet showed little more than a blue-green color that could also be observed from ground-based telescopes, other images showed the presence of ten previously unknown satellites and two new rings. No new missions to Uranus are planned for the near future.

Due to the dark blue color of Uranus, it turned out to be much more difficult to make an atmospheric model of the planet than models of the same or even. Fortunately, images from the Hubble Space Telescope have provided a broader picture. More modern telescope imaging technologies made it possible to obtain much more detailed images than those of Voyager 2. So, thanks to the Hubble photographs, it was possible to find out that there are latitudinal bands on Uranus, like on other gas giants. In addition, the speed of the winds on the planet can reach over 576 km / h.

It is believed that the reason for the appearance of a monotonous atmosphere is the composition of its uppermost layer. Visible cloud layers are composed primarily of methane, which absorbs these observed red wavelengths. Thus, the reflected waves are represented as blue and green.

Beneath this outer layer of methane, the atmosphere is about 83% hydrogen (H2) and 15% helium, with some methane and acetylene present. This composition is similar to other gas giants of the solar system. However, the atmosphere of Uranus differs sharply in another respect. While the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn are mostly gaseous, the atmosphere of Uranus contains much more ice. Evidence of this are extremely low temperatures on the surface. Given the fact that the temperature of the atmosphere of Uranus reaches -224 ° C, it can be called the coldest of the atmospheres in the solar system. In addition, the available data indicate that such extremely low temperatures are present around almost the entire surface of Uranus, even on the side that is not illuminated by the Sun.

Uranus, according to planetary scientists, consists of two layers: the core and the mantle. Current models suggest that the core is mostly composed of rock and ice, and has about 55 times its mass. The mantle of the planet weighs 8.01 x 10 to the power of 24 kg, or about 13.4 Earth masses. In addition, the mantle is composed of water, ammonia, and other volatile elements. The main difference between the mantle of Uranus and Jupiter and Saturn is that it is icy, albeit not in the traditional sense of the word. The fact is that the ice is very hot and thick, and the thickness of the mantle is 5.111 km.

What's most amazing about Uranus' composition, and what sets it apart from other gas giants in our star system, is that it doesn't radiate more energy than it receives from the Sun. Given the fact that even, which is very close in size to Uranus, it produces about 2.6 times more heat than it receives from the Sun, scientists today are very intrigued by such a weak power of energy generated by Uranus. There are currently two explanations for this phenomenon. The first indicates that Uranus was impacted by a large space object in the past, which led to the loss of most of the planet's internal heat (gained during formation) into outer space. The second theory claims that there is a barrier inside the planet that does not allow the internal heat of the planet to escape to the surface.

Orbit and rotation of Uranus

The discovery of Uranus itself allowed scientists to expand the radius of the known solar system by almost two times. This means that the average orbit of Uranus is about 2.87 x 10 to the power of 9 km. The reason for such a huge distance is the duration of the passage of solar radiation from the Sun to the planet. Sunlight takes about two hours and forty minutes to reach Uranus, which is almost twenty times longer than it takes sunlight to reach Earth. The huge distance also affects the length of the year on Uranus, it lasts almost 84 Earth years.

The orbital eccentricity of Uranus is 0.0473, which is only slightly less than that of Jupiter - 0.0484. This factor makes Uranus the fourth of all the planets in the solar system in terms of a circular orbit. The reason for such a small eccentricity of the orbit of Uranus is the difference between its perihelion of 2.74 x 10 to the power of 9 km and aphelion of 3.01 x 109 km is only 2.71 x 10 to the power of 8 km.

The most interesting moment in the process of rotation of Uranus is the position of the axis. The fact is that the axis of rotation for every planet except Uranus is roughly perpendicular to their orbital plane, however, Uranus's axis is tilted by almost 98°, which effectively means that Uranus rotates on its side. The result of this position of the planet's axis is that the north pole of Uranus is on the Sun for half of the planetary year, and the other half falls on the south pole of the planet. In other words, daytime on one hemisphere of Uranus lasts 42 Earth years, and night time on the other hemisphere lasts the same. The reason why Uranus "turned on its side", scientists again call a collision with a huge cosmic body.

Given the fact that the rings of Saturn were the most popular of the rings in our solar system for a long time, the rings of Uranus could not be detected until 1977. However, the reason is not only this, there are two more reasons for such a late discovery: the distance of the planet from the Earth and the low reflectivity of the rings themselves. In 1986, the Voyager 2 spacecraft was able to determine the presence of two more rings on the planet, in addition to those known at that time. In 2005, the Hubble Space Telescope spotted two more. To date, planetary scientists know 13 rings of Uranus, the brightest of which is the Epsilon ring.

The rings of Uranus differ from those of Saturn in almost everything - from particle size to composition. First, the particles that make up the rings of Saturn are small, little more than a few meters in diameter, while the rings of Uranus contain many bodies up to twenty meters in diameter. Second, the particles of Saturn's rings are mostly ice. The rings of Uranus, however, are composed of both ice and significant dust and debris.

William Herschel discovered Uranus only in 1781, as the planet was too dim to be seen by representatives of ancient civilizations. Herschel himself at first believed that Uranus was a comet, but later revised his opinion and science confirmed the planetary status of the object. So Uranus became the first planet discovered in modern history. The original name proposed by Herschel was "George's Star" - in honor of King George III, but the scientific community did not accept it. The name "Uranus" was proposed by the astronomer Johann Bode, in honor of the ancient Roman god Uranus.
Uranus rotates on its axis once every 17 hours and 14 minutes. Likewise, the planet rotates in a retrograde direction, opposite to the direction of the Earth and the other six planets.
It is believed that the unusual tilt of the axis of Uranus could cause a grandiose collision with another cosmic body. The theory is that the planet, which was supposedly the size of the Earth, collided sharply with Uranus, which shifted its axis by almost 90 degrees.
Wind speeds on Uranus can reach up to 900 km per hour.
The mass of Uranus is about 14.5 times that of the Earth, making it the lightest of the four gas giants in our solar system.
Uranus is often referred to as an "ice giant". In addition to hydrogen and helium in the upper layer (like other gas giants), Uranus also has an icy mantle that surrounds its iron core. The upper atmosphere is composed of ammonia and icy methane crystals, giving Uranus its characteristic pale blue color.
Uranus is the second least dense planet in the solar system, after Saturn.

Unexpected and extraordinary love adventures, unexpectedly begin and end. Eccentric, inventive and idiosyncratic partners in love. The search for impressions and adventures in pleasure, the rejection of established morality. Interest in new methods of education and upbringing. Give children freedom up to abandonment and lack of supervision. Often can mean inspiration and ability in art, interest in electronic art.
You are unstoppable and have a wild, incredible sense of humor. You like to give yourself free rein in everything and often you are impulsive, “wild”. Even if you look ordinary, you are attracted to very eccentric, creative or unusual friends. In love, you feel most happy if there is an element of surprise, unpredictability or adventure. Sometimes you can choose fickle partners in love.

B. Israelite. planets in houses

A person goes from one love at first sight to another. His life is a continuous series of bright, unusual experiences.
Trouble with children. A person either has a very early child, or he abandons the child. A woman's maternal instinct may be violated.
In creativity - avant-garde, follows the latest trends. Reckless, reckless enough, maybe unreasonable. A small win does not interest him - "all or nothing."

Francis Sakoyan. planets in houses

Uranus in the 5th house is symbolically imprisoned.
The higher planets in the V house give certain qualities to the images of the “I” of a person, regardless of his will and desires. Uranus, in particular, gives them such explosiveness and sudden aggressiveness that a person, even if he wants to, cannot stop himself and introduce himself into a socially acceptable framework.
Elaboration gives his roles and individual manifestations a touch of genius: what he does has never been possible for anyone.
When Mars is trine or sextile to Uranus, a sports career is possible.
Remarkable creativity is possible, especially with designs that can be extraordinary and promising. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles in the way of not only the embodiment, but even the execution of these ideas, and, as a rule, they remain undeveloped or are vulgarized along the way by the author himself. Uranic ideas require very careful and careful development, which is very difficult when creating an image of the "I", because they require a lot of self-sacrifice, (even meditative) renunciation of the claims of the ego.
This position of Neptune gives peculiar signs of fate: they relate to the features of the images of "I" created by man, which suddenly begin to behave in an unpredictable way; deciphering the features of their behavior, a person can read the instructions of karma.
Love will be extraordinary and accompanied by strong energy effects: a person can literally go crazy (or drive his partner crazy), but the development of events is unpredictable, and love (and its accompanying suffering and affects) can end suddenly and without any warning.
Religious states can be very peculiar, at a certain level of revelation, grace and illumination happen quite often, but it is not easy to learn to maintain constant contact with God: this position of Uranus illustrates the thesis: "The ways of the Lord are inscrutable."

Bill Herbst. Horoscope Houses

Conscious person. Eccentricity is a key concept in the image of a conscious person. You like to surprise and even shock viewers by not meeting their expectations. The conscious expression of your ego is passive, almost cold-blooded, but as soon as you take center stage on the stage, there is an energy explosion, a hurricane of electrification rises. Your divine gift lies in the unexpected display of unyielding will combined with revolutionary susceptibility. The trap is capricious inattention to the public, while the goal is to demonstrate your ability to perform any number of unusual roles in the most improbable situations.
Romance, giving love. In courtship, you show true individuality. Often you exude a detached composure, almost passive solitude, and other people consider you not interested in love adventures. But at some point in time, you inevitably switch to an exuberant romantic feeling. The rules of ordinary social behavior are thrown out the window; love here is not just a ritual, it is a hurricane fueled by your ego. Your focus on your loved one, mentally and emotionally, like a laser beam, is manic. Traps - inconsistency and insane exactingness: "Give, or else ...". Remember, love cannot survive if you willfully demand freedom for yourself and deny the same freedom to others. The challenge is to let the shock of romance break past expectations and change your orientation.
Sexy performance. Your attitude to the love game is revolutionary, experimental, impossible to describe logically. Extremism reigns here. Disconnection and inclusion in love games change each other, and often these states are mutually exclusive. Willfulness, which exists outside the boundaries of a conscious personality, can rumble, pushing you either towards a loved one or away from him. Sexual style changes from situation to situation, from moment to moment. What is always present is the susceptibility to the electrical shock of change, coupled with the need to look completely unique, different from others. Pitfalls are a confusing cycle of insatiable craving and repulsive love relationships. The goal is to make sexual relationships become a means of transformation that lifts you above the ordinary.
Personal creativity. There is a strong desire within you, almost a compulsion, to break the rules, to go beyond your own limits in an eternal majestic act of creativity and mental radiance. And often you achieve spectacular success. By never performing the same song twice, you rush to new creative achievements, rarely looking back. The trap is to take your ego for itself, and the challenge is to fill what you create with true originality.
Competition. You are not particularly competitive, although you are capable of demonstrating an iron will to win if you "rise up". Neither a successful game nor a warning about danger play any role here, the will dominates here. The feeling of rejection that so often haunts the Saturnian personality only strengthens the reputation of the Uranian: "I don't care what they say about me, as long as they spell my name correctly." Pitfalls lurk in unpredictability - when it comes to risk, nothing can be predicted. The task is to remember that adventures are a natural part of the process of your development. Success or failure means little. A new consciousness is the final result.

universal interpretation. planets in houses

This romantic person loves everything unusual and tends to make many strange love affairs. He loves financial speculation and gambling, but more often loses and loses than makes a profit at their expense. An illegitimate child, unusual behavior of children, or the transfer of a child to be raised by other people is possible. A very creative start. Excellent physical coordination can be beneficial in sports. Sometimes such a person becomes restless, shows thoughtless courage and pretends to be an important person, deliberately abandoning everything ordinary and familiar. He tends not to obey, but to lead and lead. Unusual love adventures start unexpectedly and end strangely. This is a very peculiar, eccentric and inventive lover. He is characterized by an active search for experiences, an adventurous desire for pleasure and a rejection of any established moral standards. There is a tendency to scatter and promiscuous erotic relationships. Children of such people are often gifted and original. Interest in new methods of training and education is characteristic. Such people give their children complete freedom, up to abandonment and lack of any supervision. Possible interest in electronic music and avant-garde art. Often such a person becomes a popular pop star, a well-known journalist and a wonderful film actor. There is a tendency to antisocial acts and wild love life. Extramarital affairs are characteristic, love relationships are unstable. Such people are alien to conventions in regard to intimate relationships. Their intimate life is full of secret and lightweight connections, with the announcement of which a lot of troubles and scandals are associated. There may be many worries associated with children, and separation from them. Such people should beware of excessive risk, since the accidents in their lives are mostly negative, and the excitement and daring passion for entertainment can lead them to the brink of death. They have excellent intuition, but their plans are utopian and their ideas are unrealistic. They demand absolute freedom in love and are prone to spendthrift. Sometimes their sensuality becomes clearly unhealthy. Such a person strives precisely for creative work, unusual hobbies and spicy entertainment. His nature is mystical and mysterious, so he is almost always interested in esotericism. Often such people raise other people's children.

The higher planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - move very slowly. Uranus stays in one sign for an average of about seven years, Neptune for fourteen, and Pluto for twenty-one years. Accordingly, the aspects that arise between them also continue to operate for years. Each such constellation gives certain features to the generation born at that time. The individual significance of such aspects depends only on the position of the higher planets in the houses of the horoscope and on major aspects with personal planets.

Principle of Uranus: individuality, freedom of thought,
scientific experiments, brilliant insights.

Man with strong Uranus in the birth chart is unusual. He is distinguished by ingenuity, independent disposition and does not doubt his genius.

Such people often choose the following professions and occupations: inventors, engineers, test pilots, IT specialists, professional revolutionaries, anarchists, social reformers, avant-garde artists, astrologers, futurologists, onto-, ethno- and near-psychologists, all kinds of eccentric ways to earn money causing surprise, bewilderment, shock.

In the appearance of a person, uranium energies will be reflected only if Uranus is in a strong angular position (in an angular house, especially on Asc). A person will have a particularly strong urge to express his unconventional in an obvious, radical way, not only in the sphere of the home, but in all manifestations of his personality. Here, a person will deviate from the standard norms of self-expression in such a way that these deviations will be conspicuous, expressed in a special manner of dressing, behaving, and in a generally unusual appearance of a person. He will reject the traditions of style as useless obstacles to the expression of his individuality in order to create his own, avant-garde standards. He will exaggerate fashionable ideas, bringing them to the extreme degree of paradox and originality. For some, it turns out well: interesting and exciting, witty and really original, while for others it is only as a claim to the avant-garde.

The person in whose horoscope Uranus is in the middle or declining house, expresses his desire for non-standard, non-template in a more subtle, implicit way: in work, in the creativity of everyday life, in the constant background of his reactions to the world. It can be expressed in ingenious in its strength and simplicity ways of solving specific practical problems. For example, to use a specially trained dachshund dog as a cable layer when installing computer networks in the false ceilings of an office. Outwardly, such a person may give the impression of a rather conservative. His image may not even contain a hint of a high degree of activity of the principle of Uranus in his life.

The sign in which Uranus is located indicates the common features of the generation, the characteristics of all people who have Uranus in this sign.

Uranus in Aries: the goal is free will, the freedom to be a pioneer. Unrestrained individualism.

Uranus in Taurus: the goal is the freedom to arrange life according to your taste, the freedom of possession.

Uranus in Gemini: the goal is freedom of thought, opinion, speech.

Uranus in Cancer: the goal is freedom of choice of place of residence, homeland.

Uranus in Leo: the goal is the free development of the individual, personal creativity.

Uranus in Virgo: the goal is the freedom of routine work, progressive methods of maintaining health.

Uranus in Libra: goal - freedom to choose a partner, freedom of relationships; freedom of art.

Uranus in Scorpio: the goal is freedom of exploration, overcoming taboos. Exploring taboo topics; sexual freedom.

Uranus in Sagittarius: the goal is freedom of religion, freedom of outlook and movement.

Uranus in Capricorn: the goal is the freedom to choose a vocation and a duty to take on.

Uranus in Aquarius: the goal is freedom of invention, freedom of scientific, technical and social reforms, freedom of the individual in the team.

Uranus in Pisces: the goal is the freedom to choose the path of salvation from self-destruction; freedom of access to the collective unconscious, freedom to choose ways to gain integrity.

The house where Uranus is located indicates the individual characteristics of a person as a representative of a generation. The house of the position of Uranus in the chart indicates that area of ​​life where a person deals with things that he would like to get rid of, to be freed both personally and socially. Interaction with these things forms the independence of a person, contributes to the manifestation of his originality. These things make him invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved; force him to break a promise he once made to himself or to others. The house of Uranus is full of surprises (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. It is full of madness and wild antics, but it always remains a source of the uniqueness of a person, his originality and ability to find brilliant solutions in a hopeless situation.

Uranus in 1st house: extravagant, eccentric personality. The individual characteristics of a person as a representative of a generation will be manifested in his views on life, appearance, manners of behavior. Ideas about yourself and the world are unusual, unique. Appearance and demeanor are extraordinary. The ingenuity, paradoxical nature of a person, his independent disposition are striking at the first meeting. He would like to get rid of some of his personal qualities known only to him. I would like to free myself, both personally and publicly, from the need to look according to generally accepted laws and rules. When he satisfies his personal needs, takes care of his appearance, talks about himself, finds himself in a new environment for the first time, reflects on his views on life, on the world and on himself, his own independence is formed, his originality is manifested. His outlook on life, personal interests, understanding of his own appearance and image make him invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved in himself; force him to break a promise he once made to himself or to others regarding his personal interests. When he takes care of himself, he constantly encounters surprises (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. His self-expression, when he is in the spotlight, is full of follies and wild antics. For himself, he always remains the source of the uniqueness of Man as an ideal, his originality and ability to find brilliant solutions in a hopeless situation.

Image: eccentric, extraordinary.

Uranus in 2nd house: Financial independence. The individual features of a person as a representative of a generation will manifest themselves when he begins to independently earn a living, provide himself with everything necessary, manage personal property, acquire, spend money. He would like to get rid of false values ​​that bring him nothing but empty troubles. To free himself both personally and socially from useless, from his point of view, properties of his character. Interaction with personal things and finances forms the independence of this person, contributes to the manifestation of his originality. The need to earn a living on his own forces him to invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved in himself as a quality of character; makes him break a promise he once made to himself or to others. The sphere of personal earnings and property, as well as personal talents and abilities, is full of surprises for him (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. Here he is full of follies and wild antics, but personal earnings and his own talents and abilities, self-esteem always remain the source of his uniqueness, originality and ability to find brilliant solutions in a hopeless property and value situation.

He is distinguished from the crowd by resourcefulness and ingenuity in everything related to money, his strong desire for financial independence. He is always inventing unusual ways to make (and spend) money. He is not afraid and even happy to invest in new, unfamiliar things and areas of research. He also has extraordinary abilities. His bank accounts increase and decrease with literally fabulous speed. This is financial genius. The problem for him is the extravagant handling of money and his abilities. His love for acting "differently" quite often plays a cruel joke with him, as a result of which his financial situation, health as a resource, and personal property suffer. He rightfully considers himself an outstanding person who does not suit to earn money in the usual ways. But this does not mean that in the absence of brilliant ideas about new sources of income, one should lie on the couch, not earning anything at all by any means. The rejection of traditional ways of earning in the absence of creative ideas will certainly end in financial difficulties. He values ​​his freedom to choose a way of earning more than security and well-being. But in order to allow yourself to really be free in choosing ways to earn money, you should have a guaranteed constant source of income and financial reserves.

Handling money: genius on the verge of insanity.

Uranus in 3rd house: paradoxes friend. The individual features of a person as a representative of a generation will most clearly manifest themselves when he begins to communicate in his immediate environment, with neighbors, relatives, and acquaintances. And also when he will be engaged in any kind of intellectual activity: to study and teach others, to read, write, transmit information, collect and process information, move a short distance, play sports. He would like to get rid, to be freed, both personally and socially, of thoughts and knowledge, as well as connections that, from his point of view, are worthless, worth nothing. Interaction with information, communication and thought process forms the independence of a person, contributes to the manifestation of his originality. Everyday reflections and fresh news make him invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved; force him to break a promise he once made to himself or to others. His daily communication and acquaintances, small trips and travels, learning, writing, teaching are full of surprises (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. Here he is full of madness and wild antics, but this sphere always remains the source of his own uniqueness for him, his own originality and the ability to find brilliant solutions in a hopeless mental situation.

Thinking is original, inventive, but often jumps from one subject to another, although due to such jumps he is often ahead of his time or the ideas of others. Sudden insights, revelations and discoveries (eureka effect). Freedom of thought, not recognizing any framework. Improviser, speaks and writes without a predetermined plan. Self-taught, quickly grasps everything and remembers in some of his own, often in a very unusual way. Creates an uplifting atmosphere around you. Learns constantly. He stands out with his mind already in childhood, against the background of sisters and brothers. His personality is creative, far from mass consciousness, lonely in its incomprehensibility. Thinking is unusual, non-standard, often running counter to the generally accepted. Studying at school causes him suffering, because it imposes its own norms, imposes too many restrictions and does not allow it to overtake the curriculum. He is "chasing many hares" (multiple ideas at the same time).

The style of speech is paradoxical, original, explosive, suddenly jumping from one to another.

Uranus in 4th house: loft style home. The individual characteristics of a person as a representative of a generation will appear when he begins to deal with the arrangement of his home, household problems, real estate issues, national history and tradition. He would like to get rid of, both personally and socially, from family and national traditions, which he considers archaic, not in keeping with the spirit of the times. Interaction with parents, studying the history of the family and native land, arranging one's own home and family, real estate transactions - all this forms the independence of a person, contributes to the manifestation of his originality. These things make him invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved; force him to break a promise he once made to himself or to others. The sphere of his life, connected with home, family, parents, ancestors, real estate, is full of surprises (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. This area is full of follies and wild antics, but it always remains for this person a source of his uniqueness, originality and ability to find brilliant solutions in a hopeless situation. Often such a person leaves the parental home early. He needs absolute freedom from family ties and clan responsibilities. Unites under one roof only with like-minded people and only at will. Creates an original habitat, very mobile. Tends to change place of residence unexpectedly. As a child, he may be visited by ideas that his parents are step-parents. He is wary of family, homeland, traditions. Never sit still for a long time.

Father image: great original, but unpredictable.

Uranus in 5th house: unique works of personal creativity. The individual characteristics of a person as a representative of a generation will manifest themselves when he engages in personal creativity, interacts with children, engages in hobbies and hobbies, rejoices, has fun, has fun, plays, flirts, embarks on love adventures and financial scams. In this area of ​​life, he encounters things that he would like to get rid of, to be freed both personally and socially. For example, from some of his hobbies, created in a fit of creative inspiration of works, including, no matter how harsh it sounds, both children and lovers. Interaction with the products of personal creativity and the creative process itself form the independence of this person, contribute to the manifestation of his originality. Hobbies, entertainment, hobbies, games, theater, adventures, children make him invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved; force him to break a promise he once made to himself or to others. This sphere of life is full of surprises for him (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. It is full of follies and wild antics, but always remains for this person a source of his own uniqueness, his originality and ability to find brilliant solutions in a hopeless situation. This person is fascinated and entertained by various follies, frequent changes in unusual experiences, extravagant flirting, but above all, he puts his own freedom, preferring to play by his own rules both in life and in love. Personal creativity is extraordinary, "with devilry". Shows his abilities or communicates with someone only of his own free will. Does not tolerate coercion, imposed obligations.

Attitude towards children is "modern", a scientific approach to education. Often children appear to him as a factor limiting the freedom of his creativity.

Uranus in 6th house: work beyond modern methods. The individual characteristics of a person as a representative of a generation will manifest themselves when he takes up routine work, daily duties, service, and maintenance of health. And also will interact with subordinates, employees, servants, pets, work tools. He would like to get rid, free both personally and socially from the need to perform boring monotonous work, to take care of his health. Work, maintenance of health, pets, servants, tools form the independence of this person, contribute to the manifestation of his originality. These things make him invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved; force him to break a promise he once made to himself or to others. The sphere of everyday routine work and work for hire, health, tools, hired workers, pets is full of surprises for him (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. It is full of follies and wild antics, but always remains for this person a source of his uniqueness, originality and ability to find brilliant solutions in a hopeless situation. In this area, a person finds unexpected ideas and original solutions. However, for their implementation, he must have sufficient freedom. Therefore, such people usually choose for themselves some kind of free profession. He creates original theories, comes up with new methods, and in general very subtly feels the trends and dictates of the times.

The style of work is subtle, non-trivial, every time different, inventive.

Uranus in 7th house: free relationship. The individual characteristics of a person as a representative of a generation will appear when he begins to interact with other people on the basis of the principle "you - to me, I - to you": marriage, cooperation, union, open enmity, restoration of justice in court, realization in the field of art and diplomacy. In this sphere of life, a person deals with things that he would like to get rid of, to be freed both personally and socially. He may be burdened by partnership obligations, agreements, the need to comply with the rules of cultural behavior, courtesy. Interaction with these things forms the independence of a person, contributes to the manifestation of his originality. Significant people and relationships with them, as well as all kinds of social contacts in standard everyday situations, participation in public life make him invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved; force him to break a promise he once made to himself or to others. The sphere of relationships is full of surprises for him (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. It is full of follies and wild antics, but always remains for this person a source of his uniqueness, originality and ability to find brilliant solutions in a hopeless situation. He establishes relations on the basis of mutual freedom, if possible without rigid mutual obligations. Signatures, seals, registry offices have no value for him in the generally accepted sense. But he is able to be a good partner and be faithful as long as no one seriously encroaches on his freedom. The union is unusual, inventive.

The concept of marriage/union: "I'm on my own, you're on your own, but we can be together as long as it suits us."

Uranus in 8th house: brilliant intimate friend. The individual characteristics of a person as a representative of a generation will be manifested in his sexual relations, in his relations with intimate friends, as well as in the period of overcoming crises, in marginal situations on the verge of life and death, in handling the finances and property of other people, in matters of wealth accumulation. In these areas of life, a person deals with things that he would like to get rid of, to be freed both personally and socially. For example, he would like to get rid of a heavy emotional burden, a sexual relationship, an intimate friend, crises, debts, the need to deal with other people's financial and property affairs. Interaction with these things forms the independence of a person, contributes to the manifestation of his originality. These things make him invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved; force him to break a promise he once made to himself or to others. The sphere of sex, intimate friendship, deep investigations and secrets, accumulated finances and finances of other people is full of surprises for him (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. It is full of follies and wild antics, but always remains for a person a source of his uniqueness, his originality and ability to find brilliant solutions in a hopeless situation. Often he behaves like a person, free from any social conventions, not recognizing any taboos and secrets. He is not alien to the idea of ​​becoming free from the inevitability of death. Can conduct scientific investigations, for example, in the field of increasing life expectancy, in the financial sector, in the field of psychoanalysis, forensic science, sexology.

Attitude towards death: sudden death, death as liberation.

Uranus in 9th house: freedom of religion. The individual characteristics of a person as a representative of a generation will be manifested in his ideals, beliefs, ideas about the law, in his worldview. And also when he begins to study a large amount of curricula, master a narrow culture, teach, publish his own manuscripts, make a long journey, engage in law, travel business, and advertising. In these areas of life, a person deals with things that he would like to get rid of, to be freed both personally and socially. For example, he would like to be freed from certain religious and philosophical debts, ideas about law and morality, from the need to comply with a law that he does not consider fair. Interaction with things related to foreigners, higher education, jurisprudence, religion and philosophy, forms the independence of this person, contributes to the manifestation of his originality. These things make him invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved; force him to break a promise he once made to himself or to others. This sphere of life is full of surprises for him (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. It is full of follies and wild antics, but always remains for this person a source of his uniqueness, originality and ability to find brilliant solutions in a hopeless situation. This person has a progressive idea of ​​legality and morality, based on broad knowledge. His formulation of the meaning of life is very non-trivial and individual. He hates to identify himself with any particular religion, philosophy or political grouping. He will invent his own religious-philosophical concept, proclaim his own law just. He is always open to any new ideas. Ready to reform the education system, religion, philosophy.

Conception of God: Everyone has their own God.

Uranus in 10th house: extraordinary profession or rebellion against authority. The individual characteristics of a person as a representative of a generation will manifest themselves when he begins to realize his vocation, make a career, achieve his serious strategic goal, climb the social ladder, solve issues of honor and reputation, social status, receive honors and recognition. In the sphere of career and social status, a person deals with things that he would like to get rid of, to be freed both personally and socially. For example, this can be expressed in the desire not to have any guidance over oneself, from parental guidance to government guidance. A person may have serious problems in the field of career and social status due to the fact that he is sickened by obeying his superiors and obeying the law. Interaction with superiors, issues of career, honor, reputation, vocation, achieving a high social position through the implementation in a career or through the achievement of some own strategic goal forms the independence of this person, contributes to the manifestation of his originality. These things make him invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved; force him to break a promise he once made to himself or to others. This area is full of surprises for him (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. It is full of follies and wild antics, but always remains for him a source of uniqueness, originality and the ability to find brilliant solutions in a hopeless situation. To realize his career, it is preferable for him to work individually, independently and on a contractual fee basis, even if his work will be work in some enterprise, production team, in the public service. He should find a common language with his superiors and get individual working conditions for himself, suggesting a free schedule and a workplace outside the team. He cannot stand any “temniki” (i.e., lists of topics given from above) and, in general, other people's c.u. He introduces an element of his extraordinary personality into any business, sincerely (and often not without reason) believing that he, as a genius, is always allowed as an exception.

The image of the mother: a woman not attached to anything or anyone.

Uranus in 11th house: brotherhood friendship. The individual characteristics of a person as a representative of a generation will be manifested in his relationships with friends and like-minded people, in his club life, in his attitude to the team and his own unique role in it, in his scientific experiments and plans for the future. In these areas of life, a person deals with things that he would like to get rid of, to be freed both personally and socially. For example, he may seek to get rid of one of his friends, from the team, from something that he had previously planned. Interaction with friends and like-minded people, collective activity, scientific research form the independence of this person, contribute to the manifestation of originality. These things make him invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved; force him to break a promise he once made to himself or to others. They are full of surprises (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. They are full of madness and wild antics, but always remain for this person a source of his uniqueness, originality and ability to find brilliant solutions in a hopeless situation. He is very friendly, original, even extravagant. Able to cause shock in others or an influx of new ideas, keeps an independent bright individualist. He mockingly rejects all formalities between friends, does not undertake to be and remain a friend, however, at his own request, he can maintain friendship all his life. Looking for acquaintances with like-minded people, for example, in international clubs or associations.

Role in the group: genius, not-like-everyone.

Uranus in 12th house: alas, he does not seek happiness and does not run away from happiness. The individual characteristics of a person as a representative of a generation will appear when he finds himself in a situation of forced or voluntary seclusion: a prison, a hospital, a rehabilitation center, a foreign land, exile, emigration, working alone away from people, secret activities (intelligence, secret services), employment, requiring solving riddles (mythology, cultural studies, art, anthropology, history of civilizations, psychology). He would like to get rid, free both personally and publicly from his irrational fears, from self-destruction, from chronic diseases, from addictions, from self-sacrifice, from painful memories, from insults. Interaction with the collective unconscious, overcoming self-destruction, situations of solitude form the independence of this person, contribute to the manifestation of his originality. These situations force him to invent, use the latest achievements of advanced science and technology, experiment and reform everything that he once loved; force him to break a promise he once made to himself or to others. This sphere of life is full of surprises for him (pleasant and different), sudden changes, flashes of brilliant insights after long logical rationalizations. It is full of follies and wild antics, but always remains the source of the uniqueness of this person, his originality and ability to find brilliant solutions in the most hopeless situation.

This person is distinguished by amazing insights and the ability to clearly see the prospects for future development. He has an increased susceptibility to the processes taking place in the collective unconscious. The unique ability to discover unexpected meaning in the images created by the subconscious and on their basis to make revolutionary changes in one's life, allowing one to get rid of self-destruction. He rebels against any restriction of freedom. Able to destroy all walls to free himself from isolation, prison or captivity. He ingeniously uses secret information and hidden knowledge to solve mysteries and escape from captivity. He finds an ingenious way to enjoy freedom in the most hopeless situation.

In solitude finds true freedom.

16 Lipnya 2009

Planets in the 5th house of the horoscope

The fifth house of the horoscope opens the second four houses. It is similar to the first in that it symbolizes a person. However, here is the first disclosure of personality in society, an attempt to try on a certain social mask. It is here that the ability for acting, playing for the public, acting out one's role is revealed.

A person's creative potential is revealed, charisma for the first time from the unconscious becomes controlled, a person realizes the power of his charm and begins to use it for his own purposes. Immediacy, self-expression help creative work. In addition, the 5th house of the horoscope reveals the beauty of risk, it controls excitement. Having consciously started the game, the person more and more shows his potential, comes into closer contact with the outside world.

The sexual aspect of the relationship, the area of ​​flirting and active conquest, is tangibly manifested here.. The birth of children also applies to this house, as it is a material confirmation of victory on the love front. The fifth house also governs the upbringing of children and mentoring. It has a very great influence on the formation of the child's mind and value system.

As for creativity, here it is maximally concentrated on the self-expression of the individual, therefore it is often strictly individual. Competition reigns here, professions are often associated with risk and competition.

Parade of planets

Sun in 5th house of horoscope

The sun in the 5th house illuminates your life with the lights of a theater stage. All the events that take place are perceived as an exciting plot of the play with you in the lead role. The desire to live life vividly leads to a constant search for new experiences. There is a danger of excessive egocentrism, insensitivity towards others.

Of the hobbies, theater, art, cinema, and entertainment events predominate. The Sun in the fifth house gives generosity and love for children, artistry allows you to master professions related to being in public: politics, show business, media, art. A responsive audience defines a quality show. In this way, mutual energy supply is carried out.

Moon in the 5th house of the horoscope

The Moon in the 5th house bestows weakness and insecurity. The transit of the Moon gives self-expression a sacrificial tone. The desire to take care of everyone, to provide help and support, while remaining in the shadows, form the image of "Mother Teresa". Often the vocation is education and mentoring. In love relationships, a more maternal, protective instinct also works.

Creative activity is very intuitive and romantic. In sports, people who have the Moon in the fifth house are attracted to water activities (swimming, diving). In the upbringing of children, their character is weak and malleable, and the inability to effectively apply parental authority is expressed. There is a tendency to go along with children's whims.

Mercury in the 5th house of the horoscope

Mercury in the 5th house is the case when work can become a favorite thing. Creativity is perfectly combined with a hobby, usually associated with communication channels. It can be media, writing, public speaking. Communication with a loved one is built through correspondence (letters, SMS, calls), external information is often perceived with difficulty.

Attitude towards children is cool, people are attracted to their intellect.

Often, those who have Mercury in the fifth house have picky attitudes towards loved ones, high demands on their spouse and relatives. But at the same time, the planet gives them a well-developed ability to combine business with pleasure.

Venus in the 5th house of the horoscope

Venus in the 5th house - the desire for secular life, love of luxury. In the upbringing of a child, great emphasis is placed on aesthetic development: circles, sections, art schools. Effective work in the entertainment industry (organization of holidays, hotel and restaurant business, amusement parks).

The love life of individuals who have Venus in the fifth house is very diverse, very popular with the opposite sex, many lovers. Creativity is related to decoration: design, fine arts. Life flows in harmony with the environment.

Mars in the 5th house of the horoscope

Mars in the 5th house obliges its owner to be the first in everything. The transit of Mars causes excitement and impulsiveness in self-expression. Often there are conflicts on the basis of competition, a strong sexual attraction to the opposite sex. Much attention is paid to physical development, courage and courage. A brilliant military career, high sporting achievements, setting new records.

Outstanding leadership. In the social hierarchy, one who has Mars in the fifth house occupies the alpha role. To feel the fullness of life, he needs victories, competitions and overcoming obstacles. The propensity for risky entertainment can create a danger to life and health.

Jupiter in the 5th house of the horoscope

Jupiter in the 5th house can create financial problems for the owner. The planet brings breadth and scope to the area of ​​the fifth house. Creative activity acquires impressive proportions (mass spectacles, big cinema). Luck in foreign exchange transactions, on the stock exchange. Life on a grand scale.

In a love relationship, it often indicates infidelity due to great love of life, there may be illegitimate children.

Gambling and extravagance negatively affect the financial situation of a person who has Jupiter in the fifth house. He has a pronounced desire to look like a patron, philanthropist, to exaggerate his authority.

Saturn in the 5th house of the horoscope

Saturn in the 5th house - unwillingness to play "first violin", intentional withdrawal into the shadows. With age, self-confidence grows stronger, in adulthood, rightfully deserved authority comes. Everything that concerns self-expression in public is given with great difficulty, literally overcoming oneself.

The unwillingness to have children gives Saturn in the fifth house, communicating strictness in education, pickiness. The inability to build an equal dialogue with the offspring, coupled with conscientious concern for their well-being, is strong. Constant drill and self-discipline.

Uranus in the 5th house of the horoscope

Uranus in the 5th house is impermanent, fraught with sudden breaks in relationships. Eccentricity of behavior, which is not always beneficial to personal reputation. The eternal search for something new, unusual, unknown. Tireless experimentation, innovation in all areas of self-expression.

In art, Uranus in the fifth house brings a penchant for avant-garde trends, the use of the latest technologies and techniques. Its owner is cool in raising children, prefers to be friends rather than educate. Often they leave offspring in the care of relatives or spouses. Parental rights may be terminated.

Neptune in the 5th house of the horoscope

Neptune in the 5th house can make the owner suffer from platonic love. The transit of Neptune causes the sacralization of love experiences. Romantic feelings are transferred to the sphere of transcendence, emotions become sacred, and the partner is placed on a pedestal, turning into a divine icon.

On the other hand, Neptune in the fifth house brings excellent contact with children, unconditional understanding and acceptance of their needs. Music predominates in creativity, prefers water sports from sports. A penchant for mysticism and romanticization of the surrounding world. Its owner is a person of great heart, inclined to mercy and compassion, can shelter a homeless animal or adopt a child.

Pluto in the 5th house of the horoscope

Pluto in the 5th house bestows the ability to give of oneself to the end of one's role. His features are amazing passion in relationships, jealousy and intolerance. After a breakup, love is often replaced by hatred for a former lover, the inability to forgive bad deeds.

In relation to raising children, Pluto in the fifth house is a poor helper. It carries a severity that borders on cruelty. Often children leave the parental nest forever due to conflicts and nagging. A person can get lonely in old age as a result of mutual rejection of generations.

Video: Planets in the houses of the horoscope

  • If Saturn strikes the marriage planet (the ruler of Dsc), this gives a delay in marriage.

  • Saturn on cusp 5, 7 houses in barren signs - there may be no marriage. (Fertile signs - Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio; barren - Virgo, Gemini, Leo, (Capricorn))

  • If the Sun or Moon is at 5 - early hobbies.

  • If Jupiter or Venus in the 7th house - a happy married life, comfort and profit from marriage.

  • To the indicator of marriage, the quadrature of Uranus, Saturn, Mars - with a spouse there may be an accident or an operation. The square of Saturn - another delay in marriage, grief, disappointment, Mars - suspicions, irritability, scandals. Square of Neptune - cheating in marriage.
  • Planets in the 7th house.

    In the male horoscope - a proud, worthy partner, success from marriage. In the female horoscope - marriage in middle age and a happy family life.

    The partner is unreliable, especially in the female horoscope. Romance on the side. Often early marriage.

    The partner is smart, resourceful. Marriage after correspondence, communication, travel. The partner is younger, may be a relative.

    A happy marriage to a beautiful, lucky partner. If Venus is afflicted, then each next partner will be better than the previous one.

    Quarrels, the danger of the violent death of a spouse. In the female horoscope - energy and devotion (her).

    Faithful partner, success from marriage, wealth and independence. Jupiter is struck - courts and litigation.

    A reliable partner, older, cold, dry in a relationship.

    Divorce, infidelity, early marriage. If with harmonious aspects, then the spouse is a friend.

    An unusual spouse, in a relationship goes to extremes. Platonic union, or, conversely, a strong emphasis on the physical side of marriage. A person marries only if Neptune has harmonious aspects, otherwise - difficulties. Neptune without harmonious aspects - there may be a marriage with a cripple, an inferior person.

    Dominance in marriage, the desire to remake a partner in your own way. But if the 1st house is weak, then these indicators soften.

    Marriage in the female horoscope.

  • Good indicators of the stability of marriage - the Sun in conjunction with the Moon with harmonious aspects with the 1st and 7th houses (with their owners or planets);
  • A good aspect of Venus to Mars speeds up marriage.
  • If the Sun has any aspect with Saturn or Uranus, and Saturn and Uranus themselves are in a harmonious aspect with each other, the marriage is late, unsuccessful or early widowhood. If Saturn and Uranus are in a tense aspect - celibacy.
  • Sun conjunct Jupiter, or trine Saturn - remarriage.
  • Sun in dual signs and 7th house almuten in dual signs (Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra) - remarriage.
  • The Sun is in harmonious aspect to Mars, and Mars is well placed - a good marriage.
  • If the Sun has no aspects to Mars, but there are bad aspects to Saturn, it is difficult to get married.
  • The tense aspect of Venus with Saturn means difficulties in family life.
  • Almuten 1 and 7 houses in good aspect with each other - a favorable marriage.
  • Venus has an aspect with Jupiter or Mercury - the attitude to sex is cultural. If Venus has an aspect only with Mars (without Jupiter, Mercury) - laziness, love of sexual pleasures. If Venus is in conjunction with the Sun, but not burned - often the mistress of a superior person.
  • Saturn in a female sign, having negative aspects, inclines towards sinfulness. If he is in the East in a male sign - base love, low passions. If there is an aspect of Mercury to it, it is made public. If at the same time there is a positive aspect to Jupiter or Venus, the situation is smoothed out.

    Marriage in the male horoscope.

  • If the Moon is in the East and in phase 1 or 3, he marries early, or to a younger one. Moon in the West in 2 or 4 phase - marries late, or older.
  • It is more difficult for a man to marry if his Moon is in Aries, Virgo, Capricorn, Leo, Gemini.
  • Mars characterizes the sexual desire of a man. If Mars does not have aspects with Venus and Saturn, but has any aspect with Jupiter - an honest person, faithful in marriage. If Mars is associated only with Saturn, the man is phlegmatic and cold. If Mars has an aspect with both Venus and Jupiter, it is ready to love itself and has a need for love, but at the same time observes moderation. If Mars and Venus are in the West, it tends to women. If at the same time both planets are in female signs, it is easily enslaved by women. If both planets are in the East - a tendency to homosexuality.
  • Mars, Saturn, Venus have positive aspects with the luminaries - marriage is legal, and its fate depends on the aspects between the planets.
  • If Venus is in good aspect with Saturn - constancy, fullness of love. If Mercury is added to this, happiness is enhanced. And if Mars is added - jealousy, quarrels in marriage. If at the same time Venus and Saturn are in signs related to them, then there is a connection with relatives by blood.

    Marriage in any horoscope (for both men and women).

  • If the Sun is in the place of the Moon in another horoscope, or Mars is in the place of Venus - good physical compatibility.
  • Marriage is favorable when it is concluded during the passage of Jupiter through the corners of the horoscope (cusps of houses).
  • The moon, passing through the 7th house, usually excites love feelings.
  • Venus in conjunction with Saturn - an obstacle to marriage, sometimes a lonely life. Especially dangerous for a person with a weak will.
  • Venus conjunct Jupiter - happiness in family life.
  • Venus in conjunction with Mars in the 7th house in the male horoscope - passion, immorality, danger from women. And in the female horoscope - the lack of principles.
  • Sun conjunct Moon, if Venus is in the 6th house and the Moon is in the 7th, the bride and groom will separate before the wedding.
  • Mars in opposition to Venus - unhappiness in love, especially in women.
  • Venus conjunct the Moon in a man with a nocturnal birth is a secondary marriage.
  • The Sun in conjunction, square, or opposition with Mars in the female horoscope - an unhappy marriage, if the defeat of Saturn or Uranus is added to this - the sudden death of the husband.
  • If the Sun and Jupiter are in a tense aspect, and one of these planets is in 7, a difficult family life.
  • If the Sun or Saturn in the 8th house is struck by Mars - quarrels in the division of inheritance, up to violent death.
  • If, in addition to the Moon in opposition to the sun, there is also their tense aspect with Mars, the marriage is unhappy, and if Mercury is added to this, publicity.
  • Saturn in 8 - the spouse will be poor, and marriage will give material troubles.
  • Saturn at 12 - the spouse is sickly, in poor health.
  • Venus square Saturn and one of them at 7 - unhappy love, marriage, in men - misfortune from women.
  • Jupiter at 11 - usually an early marriage.
  • Mars not more than 5 degrees from the cusp of the 7th house, in Aries, Cancer, or Scorpio - life will be shortened by excesses, and in 6, 18, 30 and 42 years of life - danger from fire and enemies.
  • Mars in the 11th house in the female horoscope - the husband is wasteful, quarrelsome. In the male horoscope - poor health, quarrels in the family, dangerous birth of the wife, deception of friends, attack by criminals.
  • Venus in the 2nd house is a good financial situation in marriage, but not always a happy marriage, and in the male horoscope there is also extravagance.
  • Venus in the 3rd house in the female horoscope - marriage with a foreigner is possible.
  • Venus at 8 with bad aspects to Saturn and Mars - loss of fortune, early widowhood, divorce, loss of children, instant death, but long life.
  • Venus in the 9th house - marriage to a foreigner.
  • Venus in 4th house - marriage arranged by parents.
  • Venus in the 5th house - love marriage.
  • Venus in the 11th house - a happy marriage, a good financial situation. If the 11th house is in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Pisces - a second marriage.
  • If Saturn strikes almuten 7 - the death of a spouse, or a cooling of relations.
  • If the Sun and Moon are weak, and Saturn is strong, and the signs on cusps 5 and 7 are barren, marriage is unlikely.
  • If the almuten is 7th in Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, and has more than one aspect, the likelihood of remarriage.
  • In the male horoscope, the Moon in any aspect with Uranus is a connection with a married woman, and Venus with Uranus is with an unmarried woman.
  • If Saturn, Neptune and Uranus are in the 1st, 5th or 7th houses, there is a tendency to be unfaithful.
  • The Sun in conjunction with the Moon at 7 - honor and respect in society after marriage.
  • Sun at 7 afflicted by Uranus - adultery.
  • Moon at 7 in Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius - relocation due to marriage.
  • Moon in 7 in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius in the male horoscope - the wife will be the real head of the family, enemies among women.
  • The moon at 7 in air signs in the female horoscope is an unfaithful husband.
  • Mercury struck in 7 - marriage of convenience, possibly with a relative. Marital infidelity.
  • Venus at 7 in Aquarius in the female horoscope - late marriage, in Virgo - celibacy.
  • Mars at 7 in the female horoscope, with a tense aspect with Mars, widowhood is possible.
  • Mercury in 7 - in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces - more than one marriage, marriage with a senior partner in a prominent public position.
  • Saturn in 7 - obstacles to marriage, if at the same time he has good aspects to the Sun, or Uranus - marriage with a widower with children. And if tense aspects to Venus, the moon - a fruitless marriage.
  • Uranus in 7 - often cohabitation without registration. If he has harmonious aspects with Jupiter - a rich dowry, and if tense aspects with the Moon - a love affair with a married or married person, if a tense aspect with Venus - then a relationship with minors.
  • Neptune at 7 - spiritual marriage, tends to get married in the church. In case of defeat - a fictitious marriage or marriage with unworthy people.
  • Pluto in 7 - marriage with a famous person, in case of defeat - collapse, bankruptcy of a partner and loss of property through the court.
  • The sun at 8 is a generous partner, but in the female horoscope - widowhood.
  • Jupiter at 8, in good aspect with the Moon - financial situation improves after marriage.
  • Saturn at 8 in Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, in good aspect with Jupiter - a rich inheritance from a spouse.