How to charge a thing with positive energy. How to charge a talisman: the right actions to make it work. Power from trees

At all times, people have sought to become more successful, richer, happier. To achieve their goals, they often use magical items - amulets, talismans, amulets. In order for a thing to turn from an ordinary one into a sacred one, to perform protective functions, to attract good luck, money, after manufacturing it is activated using special magical rites. If the item was made from natural materials - stone, minerals, metal - or passed to a new owner by inheritance, before activation, the amulet must be cleared of someone else's energy.

How to cleanse the amulet of negative energy

Cleansing by fire

Fire has long been considered one of the most powerful, beyond human control, purifying the magical object from negative energy. Practicing magicians use a "living fire" to neutralize bad information on the talisman. It is laid out in the forest, away from people.

The collected brushwood is kindled in a primitive way - two branches are rubbed against each other until they ignite. You can use a fire that flared up as a result of lightning hitting a tree to make a fire.

In order to clean the talisman with fire at home, the fire is not lit. For these purposes, use a candle. To work with Slavic amulets, they buy an ordinary wax candle. If Christian symbols (inscriptions) are applied to the object, church candles are used in the ritual. The ceremony is performed alone after sunset.

  1. The table is covered with a clean tablecloth.
  2. A candle is placed in the center on a candlestick.
  3. Light the wick from a match.
  4. The amulet is held over the flame of a candle, held over it if the amulet is made of flammable materials.
  5. They ask the gods to cleanse the talisman of bad energy, fill it with light energy.

The color of the candle is chosen if they work with objects of Slavic origin. Talismans that attract love are cleansed with fire of an item made of Money magnets are cleaned with a green candle. Neutral white, yellow shades are universal.

Cleaning with water

Water is associated with purity and renewal. This element is often used when bad information needs to be removed from an item. There are many ways to clean the amulet with water.

  1. Using water collected from a spring, spring or brought from a church. Such a substance is energetically charged. Forest spirits live near the springs - nymphs, mermaids. They sing songs to the sounds of murmuring water, simultaneously charging it with positive energy. The same recharge occurs during consecration. The object is lowered into a container with charged water, left in it for 3-8 hours. Then dried under the sun.
  2. Ice. This is one of the transformations of water, which has a powerful cleansing effect. This method is used mainly for cleaning the Slavic amulet, which is not compatible with holy water. The amulet is immersed in spring water and frozen. After defrosting, the negative from the object leaves with the melt water.
  3. Flush. Express cleaning of the talisman means placing the jewelry under a stream of running water (tap, river, spring). The minimum session time is 5-7 minutes. During this time, the performer of the rite must ask the spirits of the elements to cleanse the amulet from evil, the evil eye.

These methods are suitable for home use. They are effective and easy to perform.

Neutralization of negativity with the elements of earth

The earth evokes associations with a swamp, mud. But it is a source of valuable minerals that can absorb negativity and purify the aura. These crystals include salt.

To remove the negative from the amulet, use seasoning without additives. The easiest way to cleanse is to immerse the item in crushed salt crystals overnight. But this method is not suitable for metal talismans - an aggressive environment causes corrosion of the material.

A more gentle, but no less effective way to cleanse the amulets is to place them in a cave, a salt room, for 1-3 days. The object is left on the floor of the mine or suspended.

Why charge a talisman

After cleansing the jewelry from negative energy, you need to charge the amulet with good energy, make it work for the owner. Activating a magic item is the stage that distinguishes it from a normal decoration.

If the rite is performed correctly, the person receives

If additional symbols are applied to it during the manufacture of the Slavic amulet, they will serve as a magnet to attract money, love, good luck.

The action of magic items is cyclical. If they are charged, they work at full capacity. But over time, the energy charge is depleted, the effect of the decoration weakens. To avoid cyclical work, it is necessary to periodically charge the amulet.

Activation methods

Mages have developed many ways to activate individual talismans and amulets. The most common of these is the ritual with the four elements. It is carried out in complete solitude.

  1. On the table are containers with the elements: a lit candle, earth or salt, a glass of water and incense, personifying Air.
  2. Ritual actions are not technically complicated. An amulet is placed in the middle of the table, in the circle of the Elements. The ceremony begins with the consecration of an impromptu altar and the lighting of a candle. A person who knows the art of visualization can activate a magic item in this way. First you need to imagine how the amulet should work, what to attract into the life of the owner. The jewelry is picked up, warmed with the warmth of the palms, energized.
  3. The decoration is carried three times over the flame of a candle, each time saying: "I consecrate you with the power of the Holy Fire."
  4. To charge the amulet with Air, it is carried three times over the smoke of lit incense (medicinal herbs or incense sticks), repeating: "I activate your powers with the energy of Air."
  5. Then the amulet is dipped into a container of water: “I consecrate you with the power of Water.” If the object is made of materials that cannot be wetted, liquid is sprayed onto it with the middle and index fingers of the non-working hand.
  6. To consecrate the talisman with the Earth, they put it on the palm of their hand and, sprinkling it with salt (sand) crystals, say three times: “I consecrate you with the fertile power of the Earth.”

After these actions, the object is taken in the palm of your hand, brought to your mouth and, making deep exhalations, mentally say "I revive (activate) you with my spirit."

The final part of the activation of the magical talisman by the circle of the Elements is an appeal to the Gods. To do this, the decoration is taken in the working hand, raised above the head and pronounced:

“Oh, Gods (Slavic, Scandinavian, Christian - depends on the symbols that are applied to the base)! Endow my work with the power to protect me from an evil thought, an unkind deed (to attract love, money into my life). May it be so".

After these words, the object is placed in the center of the circle of the Elements and left there until the candle burns out and the incense goes out. Ritual items are removed from the table. The amulet is used for its intended purpose - as

Charging the ward with energy

So that the magic symbols do not lose their strength, work smoothly, the amulet must be periodically recharged after activation. You can charge the amulet in several ways.

  1. personal energy. After cleaning in one of the ways, the object is placed on the palm, covered with the other hand. In this position, the talisman is held for at least 10 minutes, at the same time imagining how it is filled with light energy, begins to radiate light, heat.
  2. If there are Christian symbols on the jewelry, the inscriptions (“Save and Save” ring) can be charged using the energy of a church candle. It is carried over the flame, while reading prayers-amulets ("Save and Save, Lord," prayer to the Mother of God "Save us").
  3. To renew the energy balance of the artifacts of the Indians, Hindus, it must be put under the pillow for 3-5 nights. During this time, he will absorb the energy of the owner's dreams, his warmth, true thoughts and desires.

To select the method of recharging, the material from which the base for the amulet is made is taken into account. To charge the amulet at home, it is placed at night on the windowsill, under the moonbeams. Symbols cast from gold, copper, yellow metal are left in the sun.

Working with Slavic artifacts

Work with Slavic amulets, their manufacture, activation and recharging are carried out in a special way. Depending on the purpose, these magic items look different.

  1. Rusty nails are used to protect the home and family well-being.
  2. From spoilage and the evil eye, bracelets are made for small children, on which symbols of pagan gods are applied.
  3. Young girls, women, as well as adult representatives of the stronger sex used body jewelry (pendants) or on clothes with protective symbols encrypted in the pattern.

To charge the Slavic amulet, it is necessary to take into account its sacred meaning, the history of origin.

Male talismans

In ancient times, people worshiped many gods. Each deity had its own sphere of power. There were also patrons of male power.

  1. This is a powerful male talisman, which is usually worn around the neck (pendant) or behind the belt (Hutsul axes). The amulet was made of metal. Activated and recharged with energy on a sunny day with the power of the Living Campfire. Today, the Ax of Perun is recommended to be charged in solitude, using the fire of a wax candle.
  2. Right handed. This image was applied to a gold or silver base, carving choosing solid male breeds. They made a talisman in order to protect themselves from damage, the evil eye, to attract love, wealth. Before charging the amulet, it was cleansed with the power of the earth, and then filled with personal energy - body heat, breath.
  3. designed to protect warriors, gave men courage, courage, increased strength, kept from death in battle. The symbol was drawn directly on the weapon. Rarely used as body jewelry. Recharged with fire energy.

Signs Gromovik and Grozovik were worn only by warriors. Symbols were painted over the front door, protecting the home from lightning strikes.

Women's protective signs

From time immemorial, Slavic women have worn amulets that ensure a happy family life, easy childbirth, and the health of all family members. The most popular protective symbols are the signs of the goddesses of kind and love.

  1. Makosh sign. It was painted on jewelry made of precious metals, embroidered on clothes - a hair band, a belt, a shirt. The symbol attracts happiness, good luck to the hostess, contributes to the development of female intuition. The amulet does not need constant recharging. It is important for him to contact the owner's body. If the Symbol is used as an ornament, 2 times a year on the day of the Solstice it was cleansed with the element of Water.
  2. , the sign of the new moon. It was made for girls and women of different ages from silver, gold, copper, iron. The amulet protected from damage, evil eye, malicious intent, gave health, provided easy childbirth. Recharging the symbol is carried out by moonlight. Cleansing - the energy of air and water.
  3. Woman in labor. This is one of the oldest Slavic talismans. The symbol was applied to jewelry, embroidered on clothes, painted on the walls of the house. The main task of the amulet is to protect women, ensure easy childbirth, increase sexuality, and attract female happiness. The talisman was recharged with personal energy. For purification, icy water (thaw) or air was used.

Why do we need a talisman? To attract positive circumstances into our lives, to improve our existence. In order for the talisman to begin to act, it must be charged with the right energy. Consider the question: how to charge the talisman?

The main types of talisman charging:

  • own energy;
  • by the power of the earth;
  • by the Power of Water;
  • by the Power of Fire;
  • Air energy;
  • The energies of the sun and moon.

When we are looking for our talisman, it is important to understand that any object can become one. You just need to feel that this is your thing that can radically change your whole life. Just take the object in your hands, feel its energy, warmth - imagine what will happen to you when you use it. If you feel a thing, its radiation, a positive or other positive response, then this is your talisman. The item is suitable for use.

Heat radiation will be a particularly good signal - then you will receive a powerful amulet. If the response of the object occurs after a certain time, then this will be a weak talisman. No answer - it's not your choice.

It is necessary to establish individual contact with the selected object. Just talk to him, gently, affectionately - explain to him the mission that you entrust to him. The amulet will understand what it is for, and in the future it will act according to the plan you have trodden. Your energy message to the subject is important. This is the call of your heart to the Forces of the Universe, which will manifest itself through the talisman.

Here, also keep in mind that the specifics in the messages to the subject are important. Accuracy is the key to success. If your dreams are smeared like a crying girl's makeup, then the answer of the amulet will be the same. It is also advisable to constantly take the talisman in your hands in order to charge it with energy and receive a reciprocal return. You are his, and he will lead you with his strength to the intended goals.

We charge the talisman with our own energy

So, we have found an item that will become our amulet. We can charge it with our own energy, which will not weaken its power in the least. Only to begin with, the chosen thing needs to be cleared of all the energy that it possesses. God knows what is hidden in this thing, what she managed to grab for many "lived" years under the moon.

For cleaning, we need an ordinary candle. Just pick up and hold the object over the fire flame. In doing so, say:

"Burn the dirt, go away the evil!"

When cleaning or charging an amulet, you must work with the energies

Imagine how negative energy, for example, black in color, slowly and surely burns out in a candle flame.

Then sit down, taking the amulet in your hands and filling it with your energy. Your task is to clearly imagine how a stream of energy comes out of your palms and is absorbed into the amulet. If you want him to protect you, then say words of help about protection. If you have certain fears, then name the subject them, ask for protection from phobias, as well as very real threats. Although experts do not recommend doing this, because in this way you set up the item to protect against exactly the problems that they said. Thus, you kill its versatility, but add specific protection from certain evils. It's all about choice, sometimes it's better to have protection from certain evils - especially if you know where the roots of troubles grow from.

Charging with the power of the earth

Paint the prepared object blue or gold with washable paint. After painting, the thing should be buried in the ground. This element will give strength to the talisman, after which he will be able to resist any negative energy.

For the ritual, choose any natural environment: field, forest, lawn or clearing. If not possible, then put on the ground in an ordinary flower pot. Just keep in mind that this will give the amulet a small charge of strength. We also need a full charge of the talisman.

Here we are already in place, dig a small hole, and imagine how your object will absorb the power of the earth.

Elemental charging is a very powerful process.

Put the thing in the hole, fill it in, and then step through the treasure three times. Crossing over, ask the earth to accept your object. You should return for your artifact in three days.

Charging the amulet with the power of Water

Water is the meaning of the life of everything earthly, therefore it is a sin not to use its energy. Water cleanses, removes negative manifestations, can charge objects.

Use only pure natural water, suitable from a stream, spring or well.

Turn to the water, apologize for having to disturb it. Ask to charge your object. Then lower our object into a container of water. Next, you need to remove the container in a dark place - for three days.

After three days, remove the artifact from the water. Just be very careful. Let the excess water drain, and put your amulet in the box. Water should be poured at the intersection of three roads.

By the Power of Fire

To charge a thing we need a wax candle. Light the candle and pass your thing over the flame three times. Just like with water, ask the fire for forgiveness and permission. Charging an artifact with fire will help with luck, but this will require a lot of energy. The power of fire will be able to give the object such energy.

Cleansing by fire - the strongest ritual

After charging the amulet, blow on the fire three times. The first two times weakly, and then stronger to put out the flames. Let the Salamanders imbue your talisman with the tenacious power of fire.

By the Power of Air

Air is a strong element that is used in various rituals. There are two options here: charging the talisman with your own breath or with smoke that comes from an aromatic candle.

If you decide to use your own air power, then take the object in your hand, and then you need to open your palm and blow on your thing. Strong but gentle. When you blow, imagine all your dreams in the brightest colors.

Using scented candles, you should carry the object over the smoke three times. At the same time, asking to fill our amulet with the power of air.

We can fix the charging of our object by the forces of the sun and moon. Just leave the thing so that the rays of these luminaries fall on it. It is enough to hold our object for only a couple of hours to nourish it with the power of heavenly bodies. In the case of the sun, you can leave the thing for the whole day.

From time to time, approach the artifact to stroke it and imagine how the luminary fills it with its energy. Our ancestors knew this since ancient times and constantly used the talisman in charging.

Any amulet or talisman, no matter how strong the magician created it, periodically requires recharging. This is due to the fact that protecting its owner, the talisman gradually gives up its strength and sooner or later loses its properties. There are several ways to charge the amulet, but it is important to always adhere to strict rules during the ritual. Otherwise, the power of the amulet may noticeably weaken.

Reasons to charge the amulet

The amulet has the ability to accumulate negative energy, which was directed at its owner, but the talisman was able to reflect it. To solve the problem, you can replace the amulet with a new one or take it to the magician so that he can perform the appropriate magical manipulations. But if you figure out how to charge your talisman at home, using simple recommendations, a visit to the magician is not required.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that restoring the power of the amulet requires a serious approach to this activity. If a person is not confident in his abilities or is set up for failure in advance, then it is better to entrust the ceremony to a professional.

The discharge rate of the talisman depends on the number of negative effects on its owner. That is, if a person is always in sight, constantly in contact with other people who are unfavorably disposed towards him, then the totem can lose its properties in just a month.

The fact that the amulet is discharged is evidenced by the fact that its owner again begins to be haunted by failures in business, frustrations in his personal life, petty intrigues from colleagues and other troubles.

General rules for recharging the amulet

Only a charged amulet will bring help to its owner. If the amulet is inherited, given to someone, or simply purchased in a souvenir shop, it must first be charged with power. Some sellers claim that they sell already charged amulets and that they supposedly will begin to benefit immediately. This is a big lie.

How to charge your amulet and what its wearer needs to know for this are questions that not every magician can answer. It is important, when carrying out recharging rituals, to endow the talisman with the energy of a specific person, therefore it will not work to carry out magical manipulations en masse, in relation to several souvenirs, for different people.

Important! A magical item can have a certain power only if it was made specifically for a person.

Do not trust charging an attribute to an unfamiliar person or even a relative. That is, if the appropriate manipulations are carried out to order by a magician in whose strength there is confidence, then this is permissible. If you ask a friend, girlfriend or close relative about this kind of thing, then such an amulet can cause some harm, because each person first of all thinks about himself and can involuntarily charge the talisman with negative energy.

Ways to clean the amulet

Before carrying out magical manipulations to charge the amulet, it must be cleared of the accumulated negative energy. In the old days, it was believed that only fire could cleanse stone amulets. Today, this myth has been dispelled. Depending on the material from which the amulet is made, you can choose a method of purification that will not damage the talisman.

  1. Cleaning with running water. This method is suitable for products that are made of metal or stone. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the object for a long time was under a stream of running water, which is able to "wash" all the negativity. Do not just soak the product in a vessel of water, as this will not help. To use this type of cleaning, the amulet is placed in a bowl, which is placed under a tap with running water. It will take 2-3 hours to remove negative energy. After that, the talisman is not wiped, but left to dry in a place where it gets the maximum amount of sunlight.
  2. Sun cleansing. The method is similar to the previous one, but in this case, the object is placed in a transparent dish, which is filled to the top with water and left in the sun for 3-4 days.
  3. Use of church paraphernalia. To clean fragile amulets, you can use the smoke of a church candle. To do this, it is necessary to drive a lit candle near the amulet for as long as the wax melts. At the same time, it is necessary to visualize that negative energy is burning along with the smoke. You can also use holy water to sprinkle the product, fragrant oils and myrtle. In each case, cleansing is combined with prayer.
  4. At home, you can clean the amulet by immersing it in a bowl of sea salt. Grains of salt should completely cover the object of purification. Negative energy will completely disappear in three days.

Having chosen a convenient method of cleansing, you need to make it a rule to carry out such manipulations at least once a month. This will extend the charging time of the amulets and preserve their magical power.

Charging the amulet with your own energy

As you know, every person has an inner strength. Also, the mind is inextricably linked with the cosmos and other worlds, where it draws energy and restores strength. Charging an amulet can occur using this gift when the amulet is endowed with the power of its owner. It is believed that the power of such a talisman increases hundreds of times, since now the object and its carrier have a common feature - one energy essence.

Important! You should not experiment with charging the amulet with internal forces for those who are temporarily weak or do not feel enough energy in themselves. In this case, the object may take too much of its owner's life force.

So, how to charge the amulet with your energy - just follow the above sequence of actions. The ceremony takes place after sunset. It is advisable to go to a secluded place on the street or choose a day when you will be at home alone. The one who performs the ceremony must sit on a chair, put his feet so that the foot is entirely on the floor or ground. The whole body should be in a relaxed state. The item to be charged is placed in the right hand so that it is maximally immersed in the fist. In the left hand you need to take a green candle on fire.

During the ceremony, a person should peer into the flame of a candle for 5-10 minutes in order to clear his mind of negative thoughts. Then you need to close your eyes and imagine how a light beam is directed from the top of the head into the sky. Reaching the sky, it increases and returns back as a huge light flux, which enters the person through the top of the head, spreads throughout the body and connects to the earth through the feet. At the moment of visualization, you need to feel how the light fills every cell of the body, at this moment you can clearly feel the warmth. To enhance the effect, you need to pronounce a conspiracy:

“Give me me when I am not able, when I am powerless. From now on, you and I are one!

You need to pronounce the conspiracy 3-4 times with full faith in its action. After that, the talisman is completely ready for use.

Charging the amulet with the power of the water element

Slavic rituals often use water, which is considered the strongest conductor of energy. If a person is not confident in his own abilities, that he will be able to independently feed a magical item, then it is worth learning how to charge the amulet from water. It is advisable to carry out such a ritual at an open reservoir (sea, river, lake, spring) or at a well, but so that no outsider sees this. If there is no opportunity to find such a reservoir, then the bathroom can also be used for the ceremony.

Before starting the ritual, a person should thoroughly wash and wash their hands, imagining how negative flows down the drain along with water. After that, you need to take a magical object in your hand and bring it to a stream of water, taking it while saying a conspiracy:

“The water is pure, the water is transparent. No power can stop your flow. You, Voditsa, cleanse my amulet from unclean power, from an evil look. Feed him with your powerful strength. Thank you, Voditsa, for your help."

Each word must be pronounced thoughtfully and seriously. In total, the plot is read three times. After charging the amulet, you need to hide it in a secluded place and store it like that for three days. Then the magic item is completely ready for use.

Using the power of other elements

If the amulet is not charged, and for some reason there is no desire to use the methods described above, then you can turn to the rest of the elements for help - air, earth or fire. All of them have enough power to charge a thing for good luck, love, health or well-being. So, how to charge a talisman from the elements:

  1. In order to charge your amulet with the power of the earth, you need to dig it into the soil overnight. Any area is suitable for this, the only condition is remoteness from the bustle of the city and prying eyes. During this ritual, you need to say the magic words: "Give to the land, accept the amulet." In the morning, the amulet is ready for use.
  2. If you need to charge the amulet with fiery power, you need to purchase a yellow candle. suitable as a store option, and church. After the wick has caught fire, the amulet must be stirred so that the flame of the candle barely touches it and say: “In the flame of anger and hatred, burn, and multiply goodness. I ask for strong strength from the majestic fire. The duration of the ritual is equal to the time that the candle will burn.
  3. You can also charge your amulet with the power of the wind. To do this, in windy weather, you need to go outside and put the talisman on an outstretched arm under the air flow. You also need to say a conspiracy: “Wind-breeze, I ask you for protection from an unclean eye, from a swear word. Take away all my troubles and strengthen my strength and my spirit.

Whatever method of conspiracy a person chooses, the amulet will gain strength only if you believe in what you say. Therefore, the main thing in this matter is to concentrate on what is happening and trust the power of the elements.

Despite all its strength and capabilities, any talisman or amulet needs to be recharged from time to time, saturating it with energy. It is necessary to do this - during its work, protecting its owner and reflecting the negative influence, the talisman spends its strength. Over time, it weakens and can turn a once-powerful amulet into a mere decoration. There are several ways to recharge the talisman. And, no matter what method you use, it is very important to approach recharging seriously, with the right attitude and follow some rules.

Reasons for discharging the amulet

Any amulet or talisman during its work in one way or another protects the owner, protecting him from problems and filling him with strength. As a result, it reflects or accumulates negative energy directed against the owner. Over time, the owner of the amulet begins to notice that problems and minor troubles have increased in his life, a series of failures has come. This indicates that the talisman is "discharged".

The speed with which the talisman "discharges" largely depends on the amount of negativity that it has to withstand. If the owner of the talisman often comes into contact with ill-wishers and envious people, the talisman can be discharged in a matter of months and even weeks. In this case, it is necessary to clean the amulet from the accumulated negative energy or replace it with a new one.

It can be produced by a magician who is versed in this, however, the ritual of cleaning the talisman can be performed independently. The main thing is to follow a few important rules and be tuned in to the success of this event.

Talisman Charging Rules

It is worth remembering that only the talisman that has a sufficient “charge” can help the owner. If the amulet was inherited, donated by someone or simply bought. First of all, it should be charged. In many cases, sellers say that their talismans are already loaded and ready to use. However, this cannot be true.

The fact is that when charging a talisman, it should be endowed with the energy of a specific person for whom it was made. In the mass production of amulets, it is impossible to endow several different amulets with power intended for several different people (moreover, unfamiliar to the magician). Moreover, even people familiar to the owner of the amulet (friends or relatives) can charge incorrectly. Therefore, it is recommended to charge the amulet yourself or entrust it to an experienced magician.

Cleaning the amulet

Before charging the talisman, it must be completely cleansed of the negative energy accumulated in it. This must be done even if the talisman has not been used before. There are several ways to clean up:

  • Cleaning with water. This method is well suited for metal and stone amulets, the material of which will not be damaged by exposure to water. You should place the talisman in a bowl and put it under running water. Within 2-3 hours, the water will “wash away the accumulated negative. After the “washout” is over, the talisman does not need to be wiped off - it must be left to dry in the sun in such a way that as much sunlight as possible falls on the amulet.
  • Sun cleaning. This method will take a little longer. The talisman must be placed in a transparent container and placed in the sun (for about 3-4 days).
  • Cleaning of church paraphernalia. The material of many amulets can be damaged by water used in previous methods. In this case, you can use the smoke of a church candle. To cleanse, you need to drive it around the amulet and clearly imagine how negative energy burns out along with the candle. This should be done until the candle burns out.
  • Cleaning with sea salt. This method is also suitable for fragile amulets. The talisman must be placed in a container with sea salt so that the salt completely covers it, and left for 3 days.

You can explore other ways to clean amulets. In order for the talisman to work with maximum efficiency, this procedure must be repeated periodically. A sufficient frequency of cleaning the amulet is about once a month.

Charging the amulet with its own energy

One of the most popular ways to charge a talisman is to charge the wearer's own energy. Many believe that it is the charging of the energy of the carrier that makes it possible to fully realize the potential of the amulet, since it will have the same energy nature that is inherent in the owner.

However, it is worth remembering that such a procedure can take too much energy from the owner. If you feel that you are weak or suspect that your own energy may not be enough, or you are simply not confident in your abilities, you should choose a different charging method.

The ritual of charging must be carried out after sunset. The wearer should sit on a chair or any other surface in such a way that the feet are completely on the ground and the body is as relaxed as possible. you need to place in your right hand, and take a lit candle in your left. Next, you need to clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts (they can carry negativity). It is easier to do this if you peer into the flame of a candle for 5-10 minutes. Next, you need to close your eyes and imagine how a ray of light comes out of your head into the sky. As it approaches the sky, the beam should expand, and then return back in a powerful stream. Next, you need to visualize how this flow fills every cell of your body with strength. This visualization should be done 3-4 times. Now your amulet is charged and ready to use.

Charging the amulet with the forces of the elements

Another way to charge your amulet is to nourish it with the power of one of the four elements: Earth, Water, Fire or Air. This is done as follows:

  • Charging with the Earth Force is carried out in a manner similar to cleaning a talisman. You need to put the talisman in salt for a day so that the salt completely covers it. However, when charging, you need to carry out a different visualization - instead of cleansing the talisman from negative energy, you need to imagine how it absorbs the power of the Earth. Used salt should be discarded.
  • Charging with the Power of Water will require you to find a source of pure natural water - a stream, a spring or a well. It is necessary to mentally (or verbally) ask the element to charge your amulet, then scoop up water with some dishes, put the talisman in it and put it in a dark place for 3 days. The used water must be discarded.
  • Charging with Fire is done with the help of a candle. It is necessary to draw the talisman three times through the flame of the candle, then blow out the candle with three blows - the first time very weakly, then stronger and the third - to put out the fire. Before charging, you also need to ask the elements to help you and charge the amulet.
  • Charging with the Energy of Air is carried out either in two ways. In the first case, you need to blow very hard on the amulet, visualizing filling it with energy. The second method is similar to charging with fire, but you need to carry the amulet not through the flame, but through the smoke.


Any talisman requires periodic and charging. The more responsibly you treat this process, the better you visualize the purification of the energy of the talisman and its filling, the better you imagine how the amulet will help you get what you want - the more powerful the amulet will have for you and the more effectively it will serve you.

For many people, luck unfairly bypasses. In this case, an effective way will help you, thanks to which you can get the favor of Fortune - with the help of an ordinary thing, which first needs to be properly charged.

On the shelves of shops you can see a huge variety of amulets that can attract money, luck, love and so on. You can always purchase such a talisman, but it will be much better if you charge with your energy the thing that already belongs to you. In this article, site site experts will tell you about proven methods by which you can charge any thing, thereby enhancing its energy.

Method one

If you have already chosen a thing that will become your good luck charm, it is time to learn how to properly charge it. You can do this using the energy of the four elements.

The element of fire. From time immemorial, fire has been considered a symbol of victory. That is why the fire element can rightly be called the most powerful. In order to charge a thing with fire, you need to purchase one church candle. Light a candle and pass a thing over the flame several times so that it can be charged with the energy of fire. Let the candle burn out. You can charge any thing in this way, and then it will become your good luck charm.

The element of water. If you want to charge an accessory that will not be damaged by moisture, you can do this using the element of water. It is advisable to use consecrated, river or melt water, since such water has a stronger energy than ordinary water. In no case should you use boiled water, since it is completely devoid of energy properties, which means that you will not be able to charge a thing with it.

Fill a shallow container with water, and then lower the accessory there. Leave it for a few hours and then take it out and pour the water away from your house. During this short time, the energy of your talisman will become stronger, which means that with its help you will be able to attract good luck into your life and become happier.

Earth element. Quite often, earth is used as an attribute for rituals, so you can use it to charge your thing. To do this, you need to collect land, preferably in the forest. After that, bring it home, put it in a strong bag and put your thing there. Leave the package untouched for a day. After the time has elapsed, take out the talisman, and take the earth to where you got it. Be careful not to dig the ground near hospitals, cemeteries, landfills: there is a risk that the talisman can absorb negativity.

air element. Probably the easiest and fastest way to charge a thing. To do this, you need to go outside, raise your hand in which you will hold your talisman. At this moment, you should imagine how your thing literally absorbs the energy of the world and becomes stronger. After that, return home and do not pick up the talisman for a day so that its energy properties become stronger.

Method two

Using the energy of the night light, you can charge your talisman in one night. But for this you need to choose the most suitable phase, namely the Full Moon. During this period, the Moon has the strongest energy that you can use for personal purposes.

Put the thing on the window so that the moonlight at least partially falls on it. After that, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“The light of the moon hits my talisman, empowers it. May he save me from problems and attract good luck into my life.

The next day, at the same time that you charged the item, pick it up and always carry it with you from now on, as now it will bring you good luck.

Method three

At all times, people resorted to the help of rituals in order to find what they wanted and change their lives for the better. Now we suggest you use an effective rite, thanks to which you can make a strong talisman out of an ordinary thing.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • three church candles;
  • any thing;
  • red fabric.

After sunrise, retire to a separate room, light three candles and arrange them so that a triangle forms. In the middle of the triangle, put a red cloth, and on it is the thing you want to charge. Then say these words:

“I charge the thing, I attract good luck in my life. Fire burns everything in its path, so let all my problems and failures burn. I give power to my every word.

Leave the candles to burn out, and get rid of the remaining wax. Wrap the item tightly in red cloth and leave overnight.

Most often, stones are used as talismans, since their energy is so strong and constant that with its help you can attract whatever you want into your life, as well as solve your problems. To choose the right talisman, find out which stone suits you according to your Zodiac Sign. We wish you happiness and good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.09.2018 06:24

Many people do not even realize that some familiar things attract money and good luck. Be sure to place...