Sagittarius compatibility husband and woman. Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility. Sagittarius - a general characteristic of the sign

Sagittarius woman- this is a brilliant, independent, free from prejudice, very lively, natural woman in her behavior.

Sagittarius charms with its friendliness, simple and sincere attitude, there is nothing false in it. And tears, and her laughter - from the heart. She is noisy, cheerful, cheerful, interesting in communication, smart, extravagant in ideas, an inexhaustible dreamer and knows how to surprise others with her enthusiasm and optimism.

Melancholy and pessimism are completely uncharacteristic of Sagittarius, and she needs to receive enough blows from fate so that gloom touches her for a long time.

Everything this woman does, she does with brilliance. She is quick in movements and decisions, smart, attracts people, and especially men.

In relationships with men Sagittarius woman does not recognize any conditions. She is on a short footing with them, does not consider herself inferior, is always in their environment and from the outside seems frivolous, ready for flirting and love adventures, especially since she is feminine and alluringly desirable for men.

But you need to know that Sagittarius woman she is so careless about what they think of her, and does not care about her reputation, behaves with men so relaxed and free, because she knows herself, her honesty, decency and impeccability. This knowledge is quite enough for her to ignore rumors and gossip. In addition, this is a strong-willed woman who knows how to protect herself and not give offense.

Men who interact with her Sagittarius woman can also be misleading. It seems to them that she is easily accessible, since they consider any flirting as a prelude to an intimate relationship. In fact, this is not so, and a woman of this sign knows how to show men how superficial they are in their assessments and do not know how to understand women. She can discourage any seducer, forcing him, perhaps for the first time, to fail, coldly and proudly rejecting his claims.

This woman does not know how to lie and will tell the merciless truth to anyone who asks for her. And to her unfortunate cavalier, she will directly express everything that she thinks about him, without trying to soften the blows to male pride in any way.

Sagittarians value sincere, honest, direct relationships with others. Often they do not have enough female sensitivity, female softness, to feel for themselves all the horror of their straightforwardness. Often their remarks are tactless, but never intended to offend or humiliate. Everything they say is from the heart and for the good, as it seems to them. Lies are simply disgusting to them, and they rush into battle with their truth bravely and fearlessly, not realizing that sometimes it is better to remain silent. This has nothing to do with heartlessness, and they will be perplexed and deeply offended if their desire for sincerity and truth does not cause the reaction they expected.

Sagittarius woman is just as independent and values ​​​​freedom, like a man of this sign. She treats marriage with prejudice and may well remain an old maid without experiencing any inconvenience and without becoming a man-hater. For her, getting married means losing her freedom. First of all, she will have to forget about her broad interests, she will have to stay at home, she will be ordered to travel, and her energy and passion for movement, diversity in life will be shackled into a family framework. She does not see the meaning of life in a family calm way, and future cares for her husband and children for her are fetters and fetters that prevent her rapid flight through life.

Fearing to fall into the hotbed of passions, leading, as it seems to her, to the abyss of vegetating in a dull prettiness, in subordinating herself to the generally accepted norms that a married woman is obliged to adhere to, she can pretend to be cold and restrained, which, of course, is completely wrong. In fact, she is romantic and remembers everything that touched her heart, carefully stores gifts and letters. Sagittarius belongs to the fiery signs, this woman has a warm heart, a kind and beautiful soul, asceticism is alien to her, she loves life, sensual and emotional.

Having decided to tie such a woman with family ties, you need to show a lot of patience and a lot of imagination in order to show her how diverse and emotional her role of hostess, mother, wife can be. It is necessary to direct her curiosity towards the family hearth and promise her to dominate her own destiny in the future, firmly promise not to interfere with her interests and hobbies, not to put slingshots before her desire for freedom, not to demand obedience from her.

Although Sagittarius woman reluctantly allows herself to be tamed, tied up in marriage, she will be interesting and energetic in her new role. After all, she always believes in a good future, she is an optimist to the marrow of her bones. Not very inclined to domestic daily work, however, she will become a good housewife, hospitable, resourceful. She will find an opportunity to create and experiment here. As objects of application of her imagination and ingenuity, she will choose exquisite, unprecedented dishes and a house that she will transform into a secular salon. She will find a way to spend the money that used to be spent on her travels and entertainment - now she will furnish rooms, dress children, arrange receptions for friends.

If the husband knows that his wife is from the “breed” of Sagittarius, he will not make scenes when she packs her suitcase at a time not scheduled for vacation, will not suspect her of selfishness or infidelity when she from time to time prefers his company to another. A woman of this zodiac sign appreciates trust and will respond to it with an honest attitude towards her husband. She is not capable of a double game and loves clarity and sincerity.

Children will love their Sagittarius-mom, interesting, cheerful, sociable, romantic, dreamer, proud, sincere, wise, incapable of tricks and deceit.

For husband Sagittarius woman will be an ideal sexual partner. She knows how to do everything gracefully, with brilliance. Intimate relationships are no exception. She craves new experiences - and in sex is also inventive. Her partner gets real pleasure, since her energy and temperament are inexhaustible, she seeks to convey to him all her emotions, which she also gives herself without a trace.

Sex for Sagittarius Women- this is part of the pleasures that life gives people. It is sad if the husband of this woman does not have the same openness of feelings and the same temperament. This is fraught with complications in relationships. A woman of this zodiac sign, usually faithful to her sexual partner, will be forced to suffer, which can result in nervous stress. There are other ways out to which disharmony will push her: either extramarital affairs, or divorce. At the same time, this strong woman, faithful to her fiery sign of the Zodiac, can perceive such an outcome as an unsuccessful joke of fate, not lose heart, not see tragedy in this.

Marriage is a complex and confusing concept. A woman and a man born under this sign invariably feel mutual attraction. They may have an ardent passion or light love, but all this, as a rule, develops into a romance. However, such an alliance is rarely successful. They love freedom too much, which prevents them from being together.

How does this relationship start?

Already at first glance, the Sagittarius man feels a loved one in this woman. She attracts him literally with everything: character, appearance, worldview, sense of humor. All this is close to him and understandable. That is why Sagittarians easily and quickly converge. They enjoy talking and just being around. It does not matter at all what will serve as the foundation for their relationship: sexual attraction, common interests, mutual understanding. In any case, these relations will develop rapidly or ... slowly. They will gradually contain absolutely all possible and impossible points of contact.

Freedom in relationships

Sagittarius is a zodiac sign that is very sensitive to its freedom. However, an excessive demonstration of it by a woman can scare off a Sagittarius man. She can be called a real Amazon, independent and self-sufficient. However, the Sagittarius man is not a hunter, and will not chase prey. Rather, he would prefer to sit in a secluded place and wait for the woman herself to sail into his arms. If a Sagittarius woman wants to get this representative of the stronger sex, she will have to give up her desires for a while. He must clearly see the interest in the lady. Only sincerity and openness can interest him.

The perfect couple

Marriage largely depends on the development of their relationship in the first stage. This couple makes an indelible, vivid impression. But dealing with them can be exhausting. They are too active, contact and noisy. Sometimes the interlocutor gets the impression that there are not two, but ten. This quality makes Sagittarius favorites in large companies and at parties. They are unlikely to want to participate in home gatherings - this is boring and uninteresting. You will often meet a couple at the resort, on a hike, at courses and seminars. They love large-scale and entertaining events. They like to visit prestigious restaurants and large supermarkets. Entertainment shows and holidays are their usual habitat.

Another kind of relationship

Sagittarius is a sign of the Zodiac, which is able to surprise with its originality. There is also a completely different type of Sagittarius couple. These are spiritually mature people. They exist in the world of philosophy, esotericism and religion. Most likely, these are mentors and teachers. In this case, Sagittarians have strong convictions and are ready to defend them at all costs. They devote their lives to faith and bring it to people. The most important thing for them is Truth. The marriage of Sagittarius with Sagittarius in this case is her spiritual union. In each other, they see not only lovers, but also like-minded people. In this case, the marriage is concluded once and for all. Such couples are found among church ministers and teachers.

What difficulties lie ahead

The development of relationships largely depends on the time of birth and on what year it is. Sagittarius took Jupiter under his protection. He pushes them to a variety of recklessness, the search for a new and unknown, to constant changes of residence and travel. This character leaves an imprint on the relationship. It is difficult for Sagittarians to stay in one place and be close to one person for a long time. In order to maintain a long-term relationship, one of the representatives mentioned will have to give up their interests and become the basis. Otherwise, the compatibility of Sagittarius and Sagittarius in marriage will be in jeopardy. In most cases, these couples break up by agreement of both parties and subsequently remain friends.

Only truth!

Sagittarius is a zodiac sign that does not tolerate lies in relationships. He appreciates frankness and sincerity. But he likes to exaggerate and embellish everything. Having chosen an honest, but less truth-loving person as a partner, who will turn a blind eye to the exaggerations of Sagittarius, the latter will be quite happy. But between two partners born under this sign, such a relationship is impossible. They will be offended when they hear from a partner not quite the truth, while they themselves will behave in exactly the same way.

Is peace possible in this family

A happy marriage of Sagittarius with Sagittarius is possible. But for this, both will have to make a lot of effort. Relationships are stronger if people have crossed the age limit of 24, and preferably 36 years. In this case, they have already tried a lot, and most importantly, they have determined the direction in which they want to move. It can be a career, travel, knowledge of the world, spiritual development, and so on. Adult Sagittarians are looking for a life partner among like-minded people. Then the chances of a happy marriage increase. At the same time, it is difficult for young Sagittarians to stay together for a long time. They want to have time to test all their possibilities and try everything that life offers. For the sake of this, they are ready to give up the biggest marriage. It will be much better if they wait a bit and formalize the relationship when they reach adulthood.

Sagittarius man married

He is handsome and charming, attracting women with his independence. It is difficult to lure him in a network and it is almost impossible to marry him. A man chooses a life partner for himself and is not inclined to listen to someone's advice and recommendations. In order to win it, a woman will have to try hard and show all possible ingenuity. However, even if she does everything right, this will not give her a guarantee that something will work out. In a relationship, the Sagittarius man is extremely unpredictable. Marriage compatibility will be more favorable if your chosen one has already left a young age. Deciding on marriage for him oh how difficult. Such a step will show that he has become a serious and responsible person, appreciating sustainable and stable relationships. It is extremely difficult to come to such a conclusion, and it is not worth pushing it. However, if a Sagittarius man decides to lead you down the aisle, he will certainly bring the matter to an end. His wife should not try to tie her husband to the house. For him, this is a place where you can spend the night, change clothes and take a shower. Sagittarius does not have particularly warm feelings for him. Even after becoming married to people, Sagittarius does not consider himself locked in four walls. He is still free to do almost anything. This does not mean at all that he will cheat on his wife. If she wants to live happily ever after with him, then she will have to learn to trust and let her beloved out of the house without scandals and tantrums. The Sagittarius man loves to dream and live in an imaginary world. If the wife manages to create an appropriate atmosphere at home, then the marriage can be considered happy.

Sagittarius Woman: Marriage Compatibility

This lady can be called windy in the full sense of the word. She is not inclined towards marriage and even long-term relationships. To lure her into his networks, a man will have to give everything one hundred percent. This woman has many admirers, she often enters into sexual relations with them. However, he appreciates love, loyalty and especially friendship. She marries late and carefully chooses her husband. This event radically changes her and her life. A Sagittarius woman in marriage is an excellent wife and mother. She is the keeper of the hearth, but at the same time she is fair and demanding of her relatives. And no one will allow him to command! If you want her to do something, just ask for it, but in no case order. The Sagittarius woman will not tolerate encroachments on her freedom and will not change her habits for the sake of someone.

House of Sagittarius

Representatives of this sign do not like washing, cleaning and try to avoid boring household chores. They have a relative order in the house. If Sagittarians have the opportunity, then they hire a housekeeper. Everyone benefits from this: husband, wife, children, and home. The Sagittarius woman does not really like to cook, however, like the man. Ordinary female duties do not delight her. On weekdays, she can make a huge effort on herself and cook dinner. But on weekends, he will certainly require you to go to a restaurant. However, the Sagittarius husband will not be against this at all. And at the same time, guests are always welcome in their house. Their hospitality will quickly become known to all friends and acquaintances. They are ready to chat and entertain friends all night long and will not get tired at all. Sagittarians are friendly, welcoming hosts. Everyone will feel comfortable in their home.

Sagittarius children

This family is an excellent environment for raising children. Children adore, and most importantly, respect their parents. Fun reigns here, laughter is heard, and optimism overflows. Sagittarius parents teach their children courage, honesty and justice by their own example. The only drawback of this family is the lack of discipline.


Minor flaws in the characters of this pair can be easily eliminated with the help of the right stones. Many minerals are suitable for Sagittarius, but far from everything will help to find happiness in family life. One of the brightest and most useful in this case is sapphire. However, it must be blue. This one has a very necessary property - it helps a person cope with a storm of emotions, and direct energy into a creative channel. Restless Sagittarius, thirsty for adventure, sapphire will bring peace.

He will pacify the desire for freedom and allow family life to be happier. In addition, blue sapphire brings good luck to its owner in all matters. Another stone that these people are recommended to wear is ruby. This is a first class gem. It contains inexhaustible energy and the ability to bring an endless stream of love into the life of its owner. Ruby is especially suitable for a Sagittarius woman who is married to a man of the same zodiac sign. He will help her maintain interest in her spouse and maintain relationships for many years. In addition, the stone attracts good luck in all fields. Ruby is also known as the stone of wish fulfillment. If you wear it constantly, then everything that its owner wishes will certainly come true. As recommended turquoise. The stone protects its owner from all misfortunes and failures. It has a positive effect on health. Turquoise helps build relationships, make the right connections and strengthen existing ones. This mineral is useful not only for marriage, but also for friendship, business, career. For the lively, windy character of Sagittarius, chrysolite will also be useful. It balances and calms, helps to find supporters and protects from enemies. Chrysolite normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, drives away bad thoughts and restores confidence in the future. Sagittarius should carefully select stones that affect the character. They should calm and pacify the stormy temper of the people of this sign.

The compatibility of a man and a woman born under the sign of Sagittarius is arranged so that these two will never be bored, such lovers of all kinds of surprises cannot be found throughout the Zodiac. Both are cheerful, active, love entertainment, incredibly nice to each other. At the same time, they are extremely self-sufficient and freedom-loving, so there are no guarantees of eternal love. No matter how long the union of Sagittarius lasts, it will give a lot of vivid impressions and will forever remain in memory.

Compatibility of characters Sagittarius woman and Sagittarius man in the family

The planet Jupiter does not allow its wards to be inactive, to remain alone or in oblivion for a long time. Sagittarius is always in search of fun, thrills, new knowledge, like-minded people. And he always finds. When there is more than one Sagittarius in one company, you can forget about quiet gatherings with intimate conversations. The party will be noisy, which, however, will not disappoint the guests at all: Sagittarians know how to be the soul of the company, even in secular society, even in a tent by the fire. Incredible stories sprinkled with sparkling jokes, games, all kinds of undertakings will make any evening unforgettable.

The home of Sagittarius is kept in creative chaos, where luxury items coexist peacefully with camping equipment, rare books, and tools. Is it worth it to deal with the interior too carefully when there are so many much more interesting things around? Sagittarius woman and man attend fashion premieres, exhibitions, concerts, meetings of opposition parties. It is not uncommon for a couple to become addicted to extraordinary spiritual teachings, or both become public figures.

Only at a fairly mature age, the Sagittarius man and woman realize that the meaning of life is in themselves, and not outside. This is the best time to get married, although it happens that Sagittarians get married at a very young age, obey the impulse. By their nature, these are very contradictory, but happy people for whom there is no clear line between favorable and unfavorable circumstances.

Work Compatibility

The compatibility of Sagittarius in a business setting can only be envied. A crisis or an emergency for them is another adventure, the orders of the authorities are akin to fascinating puzzles, no matter what these two undertake, there will be aesthetics and fantasy in everything. If a routine task cannot be turned into something entertaining, these two will simply refuse it. No one needs leadership and does not want to lead a tandem, because an excellent mutual understanding is quite enough.

Under the guidance of the Sagittarius man, employees go to work as if it were a holiday: every day, it’s training, a corporate party or a business game to maintain team spirit. The boss, whenever possible, goes to meet his subordinates when it comes to personal requests, distributes incentives right and left, turns a blind eye to minor violations of discipline. Such a democratic approach is not always favorable for the production process.

A representative of her sign will seem unusually attractive to a Sagittarius man, who likes literally everything: cheerfulness, mobility, a sense of humor. It is easy to strike up a conversation with her, soon find out how much you have in common, instinctively catch a playful temperament.

An unfortunate mistake can cancel the beginning of the novel: unnatural behavior, attempts to assume stiff impregnability or secular glamor are unlikely to add beauty, but they will let the guy know that it is not easy to win this little thing. Not a single Sagittarius likes difficulties and goes in search of more sympathetic persons. Although it is possible that he will recognize the masquerade and join the game.

Who and how in the family brings up children

The Sagittarius woman and man are very open parents, able to learn a lot from their children themselves. Sagittarius parents spend a lot of time with their kids, bring novelty to children's games, come up with entertainment themselves, teach unobtrusively, trying not to interfere with their nature. It seems that mom and dad are not tired of children's questions, not a single one is left without a detailed detailed answer, even if adults have to look for it in an encyclopedia.

In intellectual development, Sagittarius children are often ahead of their peers, which does not threaten them to turn into such a know-it-all bore. A man and a woman realize the importance of emotional development, initiate friendship with peers, organize children's holidays at home. Being supporters of outdoor activities, father and mother Sagittarius arrange family picnics, travel, which significantly expands the horizons of the children.

Children grow up in an atmosphere of trust, self-confidence, opportunities, sometimes exclusivity, they practically do not face prohibitions. In such an environment, a sense of responsibility, justice, and common sense is formed. Sometimes they feel uncomfortable in a team with strict rules, but with the help of their parents, the problem is solved, first of all, based on the interests of the children. Divorce Sagittarius threatens to turn into a real tragedy for the younger members of the family.

Intimate Compatibility Sagittarius Man and Sagittarius Woman

Compatibility between loving Sagittarius is established at a glance. A man and a woman at an unconscious level recognize the similarity of temperaments, the discovery entails desires, fantasies that they can not wait to bring to life.

Sagittarians do not see anything obscene or reprehensible in sex on the first date, after which the partner's significance usually increases. Prolonged anticipation is more likely to transform into disappointment than to increase attraction, dissatisfaction encourages representatives of the sign to look for new experiences.

Sagittarians are looking for much more vivid sensations than purely physical intimacy can give. Spiritual connection is important for them, the exchange of male and female energies, they often practice tantric sex to gain new experience.

Fiery symbols are confident enough in themselves, however, they need regular nourishment of self-esteem, confirmation of their sexuality. Compliments and non-verbal expressions of sympathy from a loved one are an indispensable component of intimate relationships in a couple.

Pros and Cons of Sagittarius Man and Sagittarius Woman

Contrary to common misconception, ease does not always contribute to compatibility. The development of relations takes its course, often becoming superficial. A similar problem is observed in everyday communication. Not a single Sagittarius likes to receive inaccurate information, at the same time, he easily embellishes, understates, manipulates facts.

Contradictions literally haunt this union. Cheerfulness, friendliness, harmony can also get boring, then the Sagittarius woman begins to provoke a man just in order to make at least some variety. Fortunately, cocky moods rarely cover both spouses at the same time, because one of the Sagittarians prudently neutralizes the aggression of the other.

The freedom of these two knows no bounds. At the same time, everyone knows for himself that an attempt to limit a partner will not lead to anything good. In addition, both more than once had to exit beautifully from the most ugly, sometimes dangerous situations, so there is little reason to worry about your neighbor. Paradoxically, the fewer deterrents, the higher the chances of keeping the family together, at least in the short term.

What is the compatibility of a male Sagittarius and a female Sagittarius

According to astrological compatibility statistics, the lowest percentage of divorces is observed among thirty-forty-year-old couples and older. In cases where parting is still inevitable, Sagittarius disperse amicably, often continue to maintain friendly relations, keep in their memory bright memories of the years they lived together.

Sagittarians are very independent, they constantly need a change of scenery, new impressions, acquaintances, therefore the probability of spending the rest of the days together with a pair of representatives of this symbol is not too high.

Article content:

Easily meeting new people, a man of this Zodiac Sign can also easily enter into relationships. He is liked by the surrounding ladies due to the fact that aggressiveness is not characteristic of him. Responsiveness, friendliness, cheerful disposition and special luck in all matters and undertakings make him favorite of women. Is that what attracted you to it? Let's figure out what he is, a male Sagittarius, how to understand and conquer him.

November 23 - December 21
Element - Fire
Planet - Jupiter
Stone - Sapphire

How to recognize it immediately?

The Sagittarius man is a combination of optimism and expansiveness. He has such qualities of a real hero, such as:

  • straightness;
  • courage;
  • purposefulness in achieving the set goals;
  • sociability;
  • openness;
  • friendliness;
  • curiosity;
  • generosity;
  • good nature.

With all these qualities, Sagittarius knows how to attract attention. He is a born lover to flirt and seduce the fair sex. Often, Sagittarius goes through many romances before reaching the altar with a single lover. Being a man of honor and conscience, he almost always strives to act honestly. That is why he listens to both the voice of the heart and the mind.

Sagittarius classification

Men born under this sign can be divided into two main categories.


The type of men who choose the field of politics or science as their profession. Such a representative of the stronger sex can become a successful thinker or philosopher. A man of this type can often feel that he is constantly missing something. Representatives of this category have a particularly good-natured disposition.


Sagittarius man, full of courage and striving for adventure, adventure and romance. Such representatives of the sign can become soldiers or sailors, be vagabonds or pirates.

Sagittarius in love

It is believed that a man is a Sagittarius in a relationship quite fickle. Love for him is more of an exciting adventure than something serious, requiring a life's commitment.

Candy-bouquet period

During the period of courtship, such a guy is particularly persistent in his desire to get an object of sympathy. Sagittarius can be much more active and resourceful than their rivals. The problem may be that, having achieved success, he can immediately cool down to the object of desire and go in search of a new lady of the heart. He enjoys being in love.

Romance with a Sagittarius guy

Starting an affair with such a guy, it seems to every girl that she is special and unique. Because of this special romance, a man can even be forgiven regular glances at other women.

Despite the open interest in the attention of other women, the Sagittarius man, being in a love relationship, is extremely prone to jealousy and possessiveness.


Zodiac signsCompatibilityLoveCommunication
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Family life and the Sagittarius man

Some astrologers are of the opinion that often a Sagittarius man in marriage is not a very suitable match. Even after marriage, he feels single for a long time. Sagittarius in the family is a cheerful and warm, friendly and sociable partner.

The representative of this zodiac does not know how to live only for himself or his wife. His broad soul is interested in solving many global problems which are much more global than anything that happens in marriage.

How does he get married?

It is important for a girl who wants to build a good relationship with Sagittarius to know that He makes all decisions himself.. He will make the choice of a girl exclusively without outside help. Therefore, neither to marry him nor to fall in love with him will not work. Being a very serious step, marriage in the life of a Sagittarius man turns out to be a kind of indicator of maturity. But even after that, it cannot be considered your property and restrict freedom. Very often, Sagittarius perceives his wife as a lover.

Home for Sagittarius

Home for such a man is a very relative concept. A nomadic lifestyle, receiving and visiting guests every day is very to the liking of such a guy. The warmth of the hearth seems to him attractive only in old age. Prior to this, he is disgusted with domestic gatherings.

What is a Sagittarius man in sex?

In this matter, the duality of Sagittarius is also on the face. In bed, the Sagittarius guy is of two types: a romantic idealist and a seeking lover.

Loyal and romantic

Such a person directs the abundance of sexual energy inherent in his sign exclusively to work or creativity. In bed, a romantic Sagittarius man will expect from a woman not only praise for the pleasure delivered to her partner, but also reciprocal, no less passionate caresses.

windy adventurer

Such men lead enough rich sex life, constantly changing partners looking for the perfect love. It even happens that a representative of this Zodiac Sign meets several women at the same time. He does not shy away from relationships for one night at all, the prospect of getting married or getting into the network of a serious relationship is what scares him much more. Why? Answers.

Who is more likely to be in the Sagittarius bed?

Possessing a prudent mind, the Sagittarius guy, even in sex, tries to take into account their mercenary interests. Men born under this sign may have an affair at work, often with a woman of high status. May have multiple extramarital affairs.

Famous Archers

A large number of representatives of this Sign are real world celebrities. Among them:

  • Alexander Suvorov(November 3 (24), 1729 or 1730) - the famous Russian commander.
  • Bruce Lee(November 27, 1940) - famous martial artist, stuntman, American and Hong Kong film actor, film director, producer and screenwriter.
  • Ludwig van Beethoven(December 17, 1770) - famous German composer, conductor, pianist.
  • Mark Twain(November 30, 1835) - famous American writer, journalist, public figure.
  • Alisa Freindlich(December 8, 1934) - the famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Britney Spears(December 2, 1981) - famous American singer, dancer, songwriter, actress.
  • Milla Jovovich(December 17, 1975) is a famous American actress, musician and model of Montenegrin-Russian origin.

Read also:

Orthodox calendar

Sunday, March 15, 2020(March 2 O.S.)
Week 2 of Great Lent
Icons of the Mother of God, called "Reigning" (1917)
St. Arsenia, Ep. Tverskoy (1409)
St. Gregory Palamas, Archbishop Thessalonica
Shmch. Theodotos, ep. Cyrene (c. 320-326)
Cathedrals of Saints:
Cathedral of all the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Caves.
Saints' Day:
Mch. Troadia (c. 249-251). Mts. Euphalia (257). Rev. Agathon of Egypt (V). Mchch. 440 Italian (c. 579).
Great post.
Marriage is not performed during Great Lent.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
Morning: - Luke 24:36-53 In lit.: -Ap.: Heb.1:10-2:3 Ev.: Mark 2:1-12
Morning: - Ps.9-16; Ps.17-23

Author User deleted asked a question in Horoscopes, Magic, Divination

What awaits Sagittarius (wives) and Aries (husband) in a relationship? and got the best answer

Answer from Yatiana Zhu[guru]
Imagine such a picture - a herd of wild horses rushing through the endless expanses of the steppe. And two horses are galloping ahead - this is an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman. They get to know each other quickly, meet quickly, get married quickly - everything goes very quickly for this couple. Both are representatives of the fire element, and this includes a certain dynamic in their relationship. The Sagittarius woman is a slender, physically strong, strong-willed personality, falls in love with an ingenuous and open, but no less strong Aries man, not immediately. At first, she tests his fortitude, as in folk tales, offering to carry out this or that assignment. If a man copes, then she allows him to walk side by side through life, without restricting his freedom. Such an alliance can last for 12 years if their relationship is built on trust and the achievement of one goal. But if the Aries man tries at least once to express his dissatisfaction with the behavior of the Sagittarius woman, then he will no longer see her. Such a speed with which she will collect her things and leave him, even Aries himself will envy. The sincere nature of both partners makes it easy to terminate any relationship without hurting each other.

Answer from Day[guru]
Good question, and most importantly, I'm also curious about the topic

Answer from Amazon[guru]
Both are prone to conflict, so there will be plenty of them on sexual grounds. Aries optimism and a good sense of humor. Overcome the Sagittarius tendency to despondency and introduce a playful attitude towards love. Mutual understanding achieved in the bedroom can create a favorable atmosphere for relationships. Successful connection. Marriage will be closely related to the problem of physical satisfaction.

Answer from Kirill Popov[guru]
Aries Sagittarius Compatibility. Reciprocity and sympathy here arise quickly, and constancy in relations never happens. The initiative in this pair usually belongs to Aries. Sagittarius, without knowing it, helps Aries grow and develop. For Sagittarius, at first, this is only a love affair and nothing more. They are provided with disputes on various issues, they will also find a match in their views. This couple experiences the holidays of life with pleasure, but does not cope well with boring everyday life. Sagittarius rarely stops at one marriage. In addition, both are impatient, categorical and do not know how to hide adventures on the side. Long-term relationships are hard to imagine. Personal freedom of both is more important than family obligations. Here again, everything depends on how Aries relates to marriage and his chosen one. This is, first of all, a romantic union - something, and there will be plenty of romance here. Love here is both spiritual and bodily, and both will be an incentive for development. Sagittarius looks at Aries and sees love and creativity, Aries for him is an unreasonable and adored child. Aries looks at Sagittarius and sees a role model in the pursuit of spiritual search and new knowledge. Aries loves in Sagittarius precisely this eternal movement towards the elusive horizon. They are wonderful partners, lovers, friends. By the way, about friendship. Even after parting, Aries and Sagittarius can keep warm feelings and, if necessary, help each other. As for social success, both will support the other half not only with advice, but also with deed. True, Sagittarius in this matter appreciates the material side more, and Aries will have to work for the success of Sagittarius. Aries better save their enthusiasm and not turn into a draft horse. Problems await this duet in their own home: it is difficult for them to reconcile their different views and ideas about family life. They will spoil each other's blood. It will be easier for Sagittarius to give in, and for Aries to continue to stick to his line. But these guys will meet difficulties shoulder to shoulder and overcome any adversity. The more minor troubles, the stronger their advice and love. Aries brings energy to their alliance, Sagittarius will fill the relationship with feeling and meaning and indicate a strategic goal to the partner. This is the love of youth, but the marriage of maturity. Let them be active outside the house, and then the house will not collapse. How easy it is to give advice here and how difficult it is to follow it!

Answer from ***** [active]
One of two things: either gore or shoot

Answer from AlexeyDWKH[guru]
Sagittarius - Aries This is one of the favorable unions. Similar energy characteristics of signs make possible a long and creatively rich coexistence. True, one cannot count on the stability of relations - the element of Fire in this case doubles, but this is not the main requirement of partners in such an alliance. Passion is born so quickly that the Sagittarius lady can take Aries simply with her bare hands - so great will he be interested in mutual contact. If they are united by joint work, they will invariably achieve dizzying success. Both adore travel, reasonable joint risk and witty adventures. Excellent sexual partners. They know how to turn their lives into a continuous holiday, but both have enough reason to stop in time and not cross the line of what is permitted. They are always surrounded by many friends and admirers, but they rarely cheat on each other and almost always accidentally, because they understand that neither one nor the other can find a better option in marriage. Their life together is overshadowed only by the absence of children. The initiative in this pair usually belongs to Aries. Sagittarius, without knowing it, helps him grow and develop. However, there are also negative aspects of such an alliance. Pargners do not cope well with boring everyday life. In addition, both are impatient, categorical and do not know how to hide adventures on the side. Personal freedom for both is more important than family obligations. However, where there is a need to join forces or resist adversity, these partners will be simply irreplaceable for each other. Aries feels strong support from Sagittarius, who is truly considered the teacher of the Zodiac, and Aries recognizes this. Straightforward and sincere statements of Sagittarius are clear to Aries and inspire him. At the same time, if the relationship deteriorates, then Sagittarius is ready to perceive Aries simply as a lost sheep, and not as a serious opponent, therefore, he always leaves the path to reconciliation and refuses any form of revenge. If in a business partnership Aries does not squeeze and try to control every action of Sagittarius, giving him some inner freedom, then he will be an almost indispensable worker. It is possible that Sagittarius, especially if he does not belong to the highest type and is not generous enough, will be annoyed that such a deeply intellectual person as Aries is in his submission. This can cause some tension, which will prevent Sagittarius from working fruitfully. Aries leader will almost certainly be able to get along with Sagittarius, as he is well versed in people and does not consider it shameful to indulge human weaknesses. Sagittarius' exactingness will appeal to Aries if he is interested in work. Even after parting, Aries and Sagittarius can keep warm feelings and, if necessary, help each other and support the other half not only with advice, but also with deed.