How to get a car loan. Rules and conditions of the program of preferential auto crediting. What cars are eligible

Due to the critical situation that has arisen in the automotive industry, the Russian Government has launched a new program aimed at supporting car loans. This program began to operate on April 1, 2018.

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It is assumed that with the assistance of the state budget, the demand for cars produced in the Russian Federation will increase significantly.

What does this mean

The main goal of the program is to stimulate the growth of car production by Russian companies. The state allocated 1.5 billion rubles for this. This amount will allow selling about 200,000 new cars.

Any banks in Russia can take part in the program. Credit organizations, issuing car loans to individuals at reduced rates, compensate for their costs at the expense of the state.

State support proposes to reduce the loan rate by 2/3 of the current refinancing rate, that is, approximately by 9.33% (the refinancing rate is 14%).

For example, the bank's rate on a regular car loan is 18%, the program discount is 9.33%. A preferential loan for the purchase of a car can be obtained at a rate of 18-9.33=8.67% per year.

However, you can get a soft loan only for cars of a certain value. This measure is also aimed at supporting the domestic auto industry, the price parameter of which varies within the stated limits.

The next task, which is solved with the help of this program, is to stimulate car loans, and, consequently, the development of banks registered in Russia.

The reverse side of the program is the occurrence of traffic jams on the roads of the state due to an increase in the number of cars. This problem is already being solved at another level.

A similar program was already running in 2009 and had a positive impact on the Russian automotive industry. However, the terms of that government support were more stringent than currently accepted.

Terms and Conditions

The conditions for obtaining a preferential car loan in 2018 are as follows:

  • only individuals can purchase equipment under the state program;
  • the loan is issued only in Russian rubles;
  • the car must be produced in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • the mass of vehicles should not exceed 3.5 tons, that is, cars;
  • the equipment should be released in 2018;
  • The value of a car cannot exceed $1 million. rubles;
  • the initial payment of the buyer must exceed the threshold of 20% of the cost of the car and additional options;
  • The maximum loan term is 3 years.

The program is currently expected to end on December 31, 2018. But after calculating the economic benefits, it can be continued. The Ministry of Industry insists on the work of the state program for at least 4 years, that is, until the end of 2018.

Requirements for borrowers

Since banks are one of the main participants in the preferential car loan program, the requirements for prospective borrowers are regulated by these structures.

The main requirements of credit institutions are as follows:

  • borrower's age. The minimum age for a participant in the state program of preferential car loans in 2018 at Sberbank is 21 years, and the maximum age is 75 years (at the time of full repayment of the debt). In other credit institutions, this indicator varies from 18 years (more often used with additional guarantee) to 65 years;
  • compulsory citizenship and permanent residence in one of the regions where branches of the selected credit institution are located;
  • the presence of a permanent and official source of income. This factor is confirmed by certificates from the place of work;
  • official employment in one of the organizations, and the person must work in the last place for at least 3 months. This aspect is confirmed by a copy of the work book, certified by the authorized representative of the employer;
  • the presence of a positive credit history of the borrower. This factor takes place, but for some banks it is not decisive.

You can reduce the risks of a credit institution when issuing a loan to a person with a damaged credit history in one of two ways: additionally attract a guarantor or offer the bank any property of the person being credited as collateral.

Depending on the bank, the requirements for borrowers may vary slightly. For some organizations, one document confirming the identity of the borrower (passport) is not enough. Additionally, they may require a driver's license, a foreign passport, and so on.

If the borrower is a pensioner, then he is obligated to provide a pension certificate and a certificate confirming the amount of his pension.

Which banks are participating in the program

The state program on concessional lending does not determine the list of banks that can become its participants. This is aimed at the availability of obtaining a preferential loan in any regions of the Russian Federation.

The list of the most common banks offering this service is presented in the table:

Amount of preferential loan, rub. Loan terms Suggested interest rate, % per annum
Sberbank up to 700 thousand 3 years from 8
VTB up to 800 thousand up to 3 years from 6.5
AK Bars 50 thousand - 990 thousand no more than 3 years from 9.3
Soviet 60 thousand - 990 thousand 1, 2 or 3 years from 5.5
Gazprombank 90 thousand - 637.5 thousand up to 36 months from 8.5
Rusfinance Bank up to 700 thousand 1 to 3 years at least 13.5
Rosbank 60 thousand - 800 thousand up to 3 years 10

Table continuation:

A bank that issues loans under a preferential program Down payment amount, % Additional terms
Sberbank from 30 Insurance;
No early repayment option
VTB at least 20 Pledge of acquired property
AK Bars from 20 Security deposit + additional insurance
Soviet 20 Mandatory deposit;
Gazprombank from 20 Insurance
Rusfinance Bank from 25 Pledge
Rosbank 20 Mandatory collateral and insurance

Currently, the list of banks participating in the program includes more than 140 organizations. A more complete list of credit organizations can be found on the Bankirsha website. Details for a particular bank and region can be found on local official websites.

In addition to the main lending programs, many banks have their own programs aimed at the development of certain companies - manufacturers of modern cars.

For example, in Gazprombank you can get loans for the purchase of Kia and Hyundai cars. The interest rate on the loan is from 5.5 to 6.8% per year. Car dealerships of Ford, Nissan, Renault also have their own programs.

List of cars of the state program of preferential car loans in 2018

Based on the existing cost limit (1,000,000 rubles), the following cars fall under the concessional lending program:

  1. Lada:
    • Kalina;
    • Largus;
    • Priora;
    • Samara;
    • Grant;
  2. Chevrolet:
    • Aveo;
    • Niva;
    • Cobalt;
    • Cruz (initial configurations).
  3. Renault:
    • Logan;
    • Duster;
    • Sandero.
  4. Daewoo:
    • Nexia;
    • Mathis.
  5. Nissan:
    • Almera;
    • Note;
    • Tiida (initial configurations).
  6. Skoda (all models of initial configurations):
    • Octavia;
    • Fabia.
  7. Peugeot:
    • 301;
    • 408 (only first configurations).
  8. Citroen:
    • C4 (initial assembly);
    • C-Elysee.
  9. Kia:
    • Rio;
    • Sid (initial class equipment).
  10. Volkswagen Polo;
  11. Bogdan.

Initial car configurations:

  1. Toyota Carrola;
  2. Opel Astra;
  3. Mitsubishi Lancer;
  4. Ford Focus;
  5. Mazda 3;
  6. Hyundai Solaris.

The list of cars may change depending on the change in cost. A buyer who expects to receive a preferential car loan is advised to clarify the availability of a specific model in the list of the selected credit institution before applying for a loan.

What does the law say

The concessional car loan program is part of a larger program aimed at developing industry and increasing the competitiveness of Russian goods.

More information about this program can be found on the website of the Ministry of Industry.

Direct support for the Russian automotive industry is based on the relevant government decree, encouraged by the President of Russia and the State Duma.

The Government of Russia allocated 1.5 billion rubles to compensate for losses from preferential car loans (). The same document regulates the rules and conditions for obtaining a car loan on preferential terms by individuals.

Thus, with the help of state support, it is supposed to bring Russian manufacturers of budget cars out of the crisis and significantly increase the demand for banking services.

The current program is supported by the Russian Government and may be extended until the end of 2018. Only individuals who are citizens of the Russian Federation can receive a soft loan for the purchase of a car.

Preferential car loans is a banking service based on property collateral. By concluding an agreement, the borrower receives the right to use the car, but is not its owner until the amount of the debt and the interest accrued by the credit institution are fully repaid.

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What are the benefits of a car loan with government subsidies?

Benefits in 2019

Russian automotive production is in decline. In 2015, consumer ability has declined so much that the decline in vehicle sales has reached forty percent. The issuance of auto loans has practically been reduced to zero.

In order to stimulate the interest of buyers, a state program was launched that allows you to purchase cars on affordable terms.

As observations and sales statistics show, this program is beneficial not only for manufacturers, but also for motorists.

When did the project go into effect?

The state program, which allows Russian citizens to purchase cars on favorable terms, was developed by the State Duma back in 2009.

The list of cars for which you can get a preferential loan is updated annually. The terms and conditions also remain unchanged.

The income of most citizens does not allow to buy a car. Classic credit is also not for everyone. The program, based on attracting consumer interest in budget vehicles, has allowed thousands of citizens to become car owners.

Last changes

In the spring of 2019, the Prime Minister signed a government decree on the Avtoprom support program.

The purpose of the program is to lay the foundation for the resumption of growth in the production of Russian cars.

Consumer activity, despite the crisis in the economy, has risen sharply. However, the program provides for a number of strict conditions. Both for banks and borrowers.

The essence of the program

A car loan with state support in 2019 is an advantageous offer for those who want to purchase a domestically produced car. The borrower pays only one third of the debt. The rest is the state.

The preferential system revived the Russian automotive industry. It has quite favorable conditions for consumers. But, of course, not every vehicle can be borrowed on such terms.

A vehicle eligible for a state-supported loan must meet the following requirements:

  • the cost is not higher than 750 thousand rubles;
  • weight not more than three and a half tons;
  • time from the date of issue no more than a year;
  • assembly is made in Russia;
  • not previously registered.

The program provides two more nuances. Namely:

  1. A car loan with state subsidies is issued for a period of up to three years.
  2. The borrower must make an advance payment of at least 15% of the value of the car.

Conditions for the borrower

The procedure for obtaining a car loan on favorable terms is carried out according to the standard scheme. It is unlikely that a citizen of the Russian Federation with a bad credit history will be able to draw up such an agreement. Or someone who is unable to document their income.

The main requirements for banks are:

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  2. Age from 21 to 55 years.
  3. At least five years of experience.

Where to apply

As for the conditions for banks, they are quite tough. And therefore, not every credit institution operating in Russia has the right to provide such a service. But, despite the many requirements, ninety banks passed accreditation.

Among them:

  • Sberbank;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • VTB 24;
  • Rosselkhoz Bank;
  • Unicredit;
  • Rosbank.

The vehicle acts as a guarantee of solvency. The advantage of obtaining a loan under the federal program is the non-obligatory registration of CASCO.

The basic requirements of banks are similar. The differences are in the rate, the minimum repayment period, the amount of the loan.

Consider the interest rates on a subsidized car loan at each of the above organizations:

VTB 24

One of the leading banks in Russia has actively joined the project. The conditions for obtaining such a loan at VTB24 are as follows:

The requirements for a client wishing to acquire vehicles on the terms of a state project are the same as for other loan agreements.

The ideal borrower for VTB is a man under the age of 55, with at least a year of experience, preferably receiving a salary on the card of this bank.

The income indicated in must be at least ten thousand rubles a month or more.

Preferential lending under the Autoexpress program is a banking product offered by VTB. It is convenient for those who wish to bypass the registration of CASCO.

The conditions are the same as above, except that the borrower's savings must be at least 30%.

What model of car can be borrowed on preferential terms from this bank? The list of cars in VTB corresponds to the list approved within the framework of the state project.

It should be said that the conditions are the same for all banking structures. The difference can only be in additional requirements for customers.


The oldest organization offering a wide range of banking services has established additional requirements for customers wishing to apply for a car loan with government assistance:

  1. The loan is for a new vehicle.
  2. With a loan term exceeding one year, the rate is 9% for a participant in a salary project.

List of car loans with state support in 2019

Since 2019, within the framework of the state project, bank customers can purchase on credit not only Russian cars, but also imported ones.

The list of vehicles is approved by the Ministry of Industry. In 2019, the list consists of fifty models. The full list is presented in the table.

Is it possible to apply for a used car

It is impossible to get a loan for a used car on preferential terms. Initially, the program meant the purchase of exclusively Russian-made cars.

In 2019, the requirements for vehicles for which you can apply for a soft loan have changed somewhat.

The list includes some foreign models. One way or another, the assembly of the car must be carried out in Russia. You can buy a car on credit with state support only from a dealer.

Design features

A prerequisite for participation in the state program of preferential car loans is an initial payment. The minimum amount is 15% of the cost of the car.

Loan conditions vary. In Sberbank, for example, when making thirty percent of the cost of a car, the interest rate is reduced.

The main feature of the procedure for obtaining such a loan is that it does not begin with a visit to the bank. First of all, you should visit a car dealership.

Dealers cooperate with banking organizations. Having made a preliminary choice, the client turns to one of the institutions recommended by the car dealership, where the contract is executed.

Required documents

When contacting the bank, you should collect the following documents:

  • original passport;
  • certificate 2-NDFL;
  • extract from the work book;
  • bank application form;
  • Title for a car;
  • preliminary agreement with a car dealership;
  • property information;
  • a document confirming the availability of funds for the down payment.

If there is not enough money for the down payment, you should use the help of a guarantor. The bank makes a decision within seven days.

Participants of the salary project do not have to wait so long, and the interest rate specified in the contract is usually reduced


Car enthusiasts can't help but be pleased with preferential lending conditions. But it is worth knowing that it is not so easy to draw up an agreement with a bank within the framework of a state project.

First of all, you need to confirm the solvency. In this case, the credit institution takes into account only information on income, documented.

The disadvantages of a car loan with state support include:

  1. Payment term. It, as already mentioned, cannot exceed three years. Banks give classic car loans for a longer period: up to six years.
  2. No choice of currency. The loan is issued only in rubles.
  3. Banks give money only for the purchase of vehicles. Insurance is an additional cost that the borrower incurs.
  4. Additional costs. Since January 2019, the minimum car loan rate is 7.33%. Previously, it was five and a half percent.

These changes have tax implications for customers who have taken out government-supported car loans. After all, if the rate is below the "threshold value", then the borrower has a material benefit, which, in turn, is subject to a thirteen percent tax.

However, this does not significantly affect the demand for a banking product implemented with the assistance of the state. The tax payment, in any case, is less than the interest that bank customers pay on ordinary car loans.


A preferential car loan has advantages over a classic one. In addition, in 2019, changes were made to the program, due to which more comfortable conditions were created for borrowers:

  1. The opportunity to become a car owner, having a small amount of PV.
  2. Low interest rate.
  3. The opportunity to purchase a car, both the current year of manufacture and the previous one (until 2019, this was not possible under the preferential program).
  4. In some cases, it allows not to pay PV.

What are the plans for 2019

A preferential car loan with state subsidies can be obtained when buying a new car of domestic or foreign brands, assembled in the Russian Federation. Because the program is aimed at supporting the domestic auto industry and restoring consumer demand.

The essence of the program is that the state helps the borrower pay part of the interest rate on the loan, namely 2/3 of the Central Bank refinancing rate (the refinancing rate is 8.25%, therefore, compensation is 5.3%). Given that the average car loan rate fluctuates around 12-18%, you will need to overpay only 8-13%.

Terms of the soft loan

You can apply for a loan under the preferential car loan program for any of the 50 cars included in the list of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Firstly, the maximum cost of cars that fall under the subsidies is set at 750,000 rubles. Secondly, the down payment must be at least 15%. Thirdly, the term of the loan should not exceed 36 months. Fourth, lending is carried out only in rubles.

The remaining parameters of the loan will correspond to the specific selected product of the bank. You can choose the most favorable conditions for preferential car loans using

List of cars available under the preferential car loan program: Chevrolet NIVA, Chevrolet Cruze, Fiat Albea, Fiat Doblo, Fiat Ducato, Ford Focus, Kia Spectra, LADA-1117, LADA-1118, LADA-1119, LADA-2104, LADA-2105, LADA-2107, LADA-2111, LADA-2112, LADA-2112, LADA-2114, LADA-2115, LADA-2121, LADA-2131, LADA-2131, LADA-2171, LADA-2172, LADA-2329, Renault Logan , Skoda Fabia, Skoda Octavia, UAZ Hunter, UAZ Patriot, UAZ Pickup, GAZ-2217, GAZ-2310, GAZ-2705, GAZ-2705, GAZ-3221, GAZ-3302, UAZ-2206, UAZ-2360, UAZ- 3303, UAZ-3741, UAZ-3741, UAZ-3962, Volga Siber, IZH-2717, Hyundai Sonata, Hyundai Accent, TagAZ C100, TagAZ Road Partner, TagAZ Tager, TagAZ LC100.

A car loan is the funds that a bank provides for. It is not necessary to make a down payment at all (only the bank sets the conditions), and the loan percentage will be reasonable. Also, a car loan can be attributed to the group of consumer loans, it is their subspecies. If the bank approved the loan, then the funds can only be spent on a specific car. Moreover, the creditor will not receive money in his hands, they will immediately go to the seller's account.

A loan can be taken in the amount of both the partial cost of the vehicle and the full amount. If the car was bought with credit funds, then until the full amount is paid to the bank, the owner cannot donate, sell or simply exchange the car. You cannot do this without the permission of the bank. In order for the bank to have at least some guarantees, the bank keeps the registration certificate. If all the debt is paid, then the owner has the right to receive a certificate.

It is important to know that if a person buys a car, then he must also purchase an OSAGO policy.

Car dealerships can be directly involved in issuing loans. So the car dealership can draw up an agreement with the bank, which will allow issuing a loan in the future. In this case, there will be too much paperwork that the buyer has to do.

Auto loans are very popular. It is enough to deposit the initial amount, which usually ranges from 20 to 30%, the rest will be done by the bank with which the agreement was concluded. A car loan has a lot of positive aspects:

  1. The purchase can be made in a short period of time. Usually, the bank issues a loan quickly enough, a couple of days are enough for its consideration.
  2. You can choose any car. The more own funds the buyer has, the more expensive the vehicle can be bought.
  3. The funds are protected. The buyer's debt will be fixed, not tied to inflation.

Features of car loans with state support

The state in 2019 offers two lending programs. One of them is a car loan with state support. It is a loan that the bank gives on favorable terms. The main principle of the proposed preferential loan is that the state pays 2/3 of the loan refinancing rate. In principle, a fairly acceptable amount is obtained, which the borrower himself must pay. A car loan under the state program has advantages.

  1. Any citizen has the opportunity to buy a car at a lower cost.
  2. Banks benefit from their own development and the opportunity to earn.
  3. Dealers are encouraged to increase sales.
  4. With an increase in demand for the purchase of a car, the state begins to develop the car industry more.

Of course, any type of lending has both positive and negative sides.

  1. When issuing loans, the bank must be sure that the person is solvent. To do this, you need to provide a number of papers that prove that the client has a large salary, and white. Work experience in one place is also taken into account.
  2. The client will have to pay for the insurance on their own, since the state pays only a part of the cost of the car itself.
  3. It takes less time to pay off a car loan than when taking a regular loan.

Conditions for receiving benefits

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can take advantage of benefits from the state. In this case, some conditions must be observed:

  1. A car loan is available for those citizens who want to purchase a vehicle worth no more than 1,450,000 rubles. Until some time, this amount was less and amounted to 1 million rubles.
  2. The bank may require you to make a down payment, but it depends on the bank. Now the state no longer requires making first contributions.
  3. If the car was produced in 2017 or 2016 in Russia, then you can buy it now, and at the same time use preferential car loans.
  4. The bank issues loans only in Russian rubles.
  5. Exactly three years are given to repay the entire borrowed amount from the bank.
  6. The car must be "from scratch", that is, new.
  7. In the Russian Federation, there are two programs that help to buy a car. "Family car" and "First car". You can also use the ten percent discount that is offered when buying a certain brand of car.
  8. Only an official salon can help in buying a car.
  9. The state transfers funds to the account of the seller.

Usually, the bank provides a loan only for the purchase of one vehicle. But at the same time, the law does not state anywhere that concessional lending is provided once. Of course, you can try to contact the bank again.

As already mentioned, the state has developed two programs "Family Car" and "First Car". What is included in these programs, what you can expect:

  1. Family car program. Families can use it if they have two children, as well as more who have not reached the age of majority. They can also take advantage of an additional 10% discount.
  2. The program "The first car". If a person has not previously bought a car, then he can use this program. A 10% discount would be significant. For example, if the car costs 1.3 million rubles, then the amount of the discount will be 130,000 rubles. This discount can be obtained only once when buying a passenger car.

What vehicles does it apply to?

The limitation on the cost of the car is not the only one. It is also worth knowing that loans are subsidized only when buying certain cars. You need to know what dimensions and brands of cars are suitable for concessional lending. The list of cars can be found on the websites of banks. The established weight of the purchased vehicle is not more than 3.5 tons. Banks approve loans for the following car brands:

  • Chevrolet Niva;
  • Chevrolet Cobalt;
  • Citroen (but this does not include all models);
  • Kia Rio;
  • Lada Kalina;
  • Lada Grant;

It is worth knowing that the equipment of a car is usually offered the most minimal, so you need to take this into account.

Car loan rules

In order not to get confused, the loan application can be divided into several stages. What needs to be done?

  1. First of all, the client must choose a car. In this case, the car must meet all the requirements that must be met, counting on preferential lending. The brand of the car, its price, as well as the year of manufacture are what you need to pay attention to first of all.
  2. The bank and the salon where the car is selected must cooperate with each other. You can find this out either at the bank or on its website, or in the salon itself.
  3. If the client can use any program ("First car" or "Family car"), then he must document this. For the first program, you will need a certificate, which can be obtained from the traffic police. If a person wants to use the Family Car program, then you need to have a birth certificate for children, and two must be minors.
  4. When choosing a bank, it should be borne in mind that the conditions under which a loan is given can vary significantly.
  5. When the entire package of documents is ready, you can send an application to the bank.
  6. After waiting for the approval of the bank, you can also deal with the execution of documents such as a contract for the sale of a car.
  7. In the documents, the bank indicates the initial amount that the client must deposit.
  8. In the traffic police, the car must be registered.
  9. , after the conclusion of the contract for insurance and collateral.
  10. The next stage is the conclusion of an agreement for obtaining a car loan.
  11. When funds from the bank arrive at the seller's account, the car can be at your disposal.

The person to whom the car will be registered is obliged to appear at the bank to complete all the documents. The Bank has the right to determine the time within which all documents must be collected. Usually this period is from 1 to 3 months. And the application itself can be considered in just a couple of days. It all depends on what form of lending the client needs.

List of documents to be prepared

It is realistic to get a car loan for domestic cars, provided that the client collects all the documents. What package do you need to collect? Usually all banks require approximately the same documents:

  • to receive a loan, you need to write an application;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • driver's rights;
  • at work, you need to take a certificate for the last three months on wages;
  • it is obligatory to have a certificate stating that the client has been working at the last place of work for more than a year. You can bring a copy of the work book or employment contract, certified by a notary.

Having chosen a bank, be sure to familiarize yourself with the list that it requires. What other documents may be needed:

  • military ID;
  • certificate of insurance (pension);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • In the Russian Federation there is a list of banks that offer to take a loan with state support:

    • Rosbank;
    • PrimSotsBank;
    • VTB 24;
    • Mitsubishi Bank;
    • Volkswagen Bank;
    • Setelem;
    • Rosselkhozbank.

    Of course, this is not a complete list. The state makes its own adjustments to the list of banks. Each organization must be accredited. The bank is able and able to set the interest rate itself. As practice shows, this percentage is usually no more than 20. Most often, by going to the bank's website, you can find a calculator that works online. There you can make all the calculations: what will be the monthly payment and the amount of overpayments. The bank determines for itself which companies and car dealerships to work with and which not.


    If someone decides to buy a car on credit with state support, it is important to know all the nuances. When buying a car, additional costs will be required. A new car needs to be maintained, which entails quite a lot of expenses. Therefore, you need to calculate in advance whether it is profitable to buy a new car or not.

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Happy owners of Changan CS35 Plus. Part one

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Many thanks to the manager Artem for a friendly attitude towards customers. We came with the whole family from Penza and plunged into the atmosphere of attention and care. Artem competently explained to us which car and what configuration is better to choose! Thank you very much for your care and attention, we wish him good luck and success in life!

Feedback from a buyer from Moscow who bought a car with a good discount at the VitaAvto auto center

I came to the VitaAuto center for a new car. Thanks to the manager Denis! He was always by my side and I didn't feel left out. The car center has a very pleasant atmosphere and staff. Everything was done amazingly: I came for one car, and chose another - many thanks to Denis for this. Gave a lot of gifts: tires, floor mats, driver's kit, CMTPL policy. Thanks for the warm welcome!

Olga thanks VitaAuto for purchasing DongFeng