How I quickly returned the money that was not credited by the ATM. What to do if an ATM chewed up money Judgment when an ATM seized money

An incident happened a couple of days ago. I went to put money into someone else's account at the ATM of one large bank. I put the bills, I'm waiting.

The ATM hung up and stopped working.

The problem is doubly unpleasant, because I did not insert my card, did not identify myself in any way and sent money to another person. It turns out that 30 thousand rubles simply disappeared.

If you are in this situation too, don't panic. Everything is decided, the money will be returned or credited to the desired account.

What to do if the ATM freezes only with a card

They inserted a card, the ATM simply hung or turned off, they did not have time to insert money.

1. When the ATM is near the branch

If the ATM is located in close proximity to the service office - do not hesitate to come in. Voice the problem and call the card number (at least its last digits), and also show your passport. The employee will open the ATM and remove your card. You can use further.

It happened to me at Alfa-Bank: I turned off the ATM next to the branch, after 5 minutes I received the card back.

2. When the ATM is far from the branch.

If the ATM is far from the bank office - firstly, block the card through the application or by calling the hotline. Secondly, find the identification number and telephone number on the ATM, they should always be on the front. Call, dictate the number and the essence of the problem.

It happened to me at a VTB ATM. The card was not returned, there was no one nearby and in 15 minutes did not appear. I hope that devouring ATM is eventually fixed. You can not call anywhere in such cases, since you still reissue it - but still it’s more correct.

It's a shame, but here re-release is easier than a hemorrhoid with a notch. Moreover, I have never seen service providers promptly come to remote ATMs and resolve the issue on the same day.

But what if the ATM ate the money?

Here begins an interesting story - and she again has two options for the development of events.

1. ATM accepted money, turned off, but did not turn off

Many ATMs do not have cash dispensers. If you paid, and then something went wrong, you will have to take the money with hemorrhoids.

The logic of the ATM is such that at the time of depositing money, their recipient has already been determined, and this data is stored retrospectively even in case of failures. As soon as the problem with the ATM is fixed, the amount will reach the address, whether it's your card or someone else's.

Often in the event of such failures, a check with service information is automatically printed. It indicates the time of depositing funds, the amount and the error code. DO NOT LOSE IT this check, it is needed for a quick and remote solution to the problem.

Locate the support number and the unique equipment ID on the front of the ATM. Call the bank and report, dictating the time, amount and error code from the check.

In most cases, the problem is solved within a few hours, well, a maximum of 2-3 business days. In rare situations, you will have to visit a bank office and collect the amount in cash.

2. ATM took bills and died

Minor bug, fixed now.

Did not transfer them to the correct account and did not issue a check. Jackpot!

We act as in the previous version, but without a check: we take a picture or write off the phone number, dial the support service phone and begin to calmly, without raids, explain the situation with all the details.

Remember the time, take a picture of the error on the screen, you can even record a short video. In running conflicts with the bank, this can help.

Remember that terminals and ATMs are equipped with a surveillance camera that will help prove that it was you who worked with him and deposited money. The testimony of witnesses would be appropriate, but it is unlikely that you will be able to find a person who is ready to drag you through offices and representative offices (if this is not a relative).

After a planned (or not so) check of the ATM and withdrawal of cash, an “extra” amount will be found that has hung up and has not been transferred. This money will either be returned to your account (if you were identified by it or the card), or given at the branch, or transferred to the address where it was originally intended.

The bottom line is simple: to transfer large amounts, go to a bank branch. It's safer and quieter.

P.S. As always, I look forward to your incredible stories about similar situations. I'm sure our banks will have something to tell. Enough for a couple of thrillers.

P.P.S. In some ATMs, you can "forcibly" pull out the inserted card by pressing the red CANCEL button or holding it for 5-10 seconds.

Anyone can find themselves in an annoying situation when an ATM grabs a card. After all, this is just a programmed machine aimed at protecting your money from intruders. Such a sad outcome is rare, but can happen to any user. The main thing is not to panic, but to act according to the instructions.

You need to call the Sberbank hotline by phone 8-800-555-55-50 .

Why did the ATM "ate" the card

There are several factors:

  • The client did not pull out the card in the allotted time (45 seconds). The capture is made to prevent your savings from getting to a stranger. By the way, the same thing will happen with money if you don’t get it right away.
  • There are mechanical damages (scuffs, scratches) on the magnetic strip.
  • The PIN code was entered incorrectly three times in a row.
  • Expired.
  • Technical problem.

In any of the options described above, a receipt will be printed, it contains the code (reason) for deduction. The check must be kept and sent with a passport to the bank to which the serviced terminal belongs.

Sberbank ATM "ate" the card, what to do

Do not be nervous and choose the most suitable method:

  • If the incident occurred at the Sberbank office during business hours, go to the administrator to solve the problem. Most likely, the “captive” will immediately be returned to the owner, if you are one, and did not withdraw money from the account of a friend or relative.
  • Call the number indicated and explain what happened to the dispatcher. Contacts for a 24-hour, free support service are located at the ATM. After confirming the code word or passport data, the operator will temporarily block the card and tell you the address of the bank where you can pick up the card.
  • At the expiration of the validity period, an incorrect pin code or microdamages on the tape, an automatic blocking occurs. You should contact the bank to order a reissue and receive a new credit card. The reissue procedure takes two to four weeks.
  • If the hold was due to a software glitch, double-tap the Cancel or Return button. Do not go far, wait 10-15 minutes, sometimes due to an interruption in work, a self-return occurs after a specified period of time.

If you follow simple rules, you can often avoid problems and wasted time.

Do not get lost in the circumstances and follow the sequence.

To avoid misunderstandings, do not be distracted when withdrawing cash and keep the password with you.

Handle your credit card with care and replace it in a timely manner.

Many owners of plastic media faced a similar problem. This situation can arise for a number of reasons, but what if the ATM did not credit the money to the Sberbank card? The problem can be solved by following the simple instructions described below. It is necessary to follow the algorithm of actions and fully understand this issue. Especially for clients with active loans.

Causes of failures in the operation of Sberbank terminals

Unfortunately, almost every owner of a plastic card can find himself in a similar situation. Analysis of the problem will take some time. The most important rule is not to panic. Funds are transferred within three business days, regardless of the type of transaction (within Sberbank / to the account of another institution). This is worth remembering, especially for holders of credit carriers.

If the ATM took the money and did not credit it to the card, then you should wait three days. After this period of time, you need to check the account. The reasons why this situation may arise vary:

  • The device failed due to internal malfunctions;
  • ATM maintenance has not been carried out for a long time;
  • Mechanical damage;
  • The software has not been updated for a long time.

Of course, there could be other reasons as well. If the ATM took the money and did not credit it to the Sberbank card, then, as a rule, a check is printed with an error code. The first thing to do is pick it up and not throw it away. It will help you get your money back in the future. You can contact a bank officer for advice. By the way, if the operation was carried out at a bank branch, and the device did not transfer money, then the procedure does not change.

It is important to remember that the financial institution has a specific plan for the implementation of these requests. This means that you will have to wait a while. A similar problem also applies to those customers whose ATM just chewed up a card and does not return it (some simply order a reissue procedure - this happens faster than returning the old plastic).

The urgency of the problem with banking machines is noticeably reduced. The organization tries to carefully monitor the maintenance of ATMs, timely inspection / verification. However, these procedures have yet to be implemented universally.

What to do if the ATM did not credit the money to the card

If the ATM has not credited the money, then the following actions must be taken:

  • A call to the client center at a single Sberbank number: 8 800 555 55 50. The bank employee must be informed about the problem in order to fix the failure. The operator may say that you need to contact the office branch of the organization to resolve the problem. The client has the right to demand to accept the application by phone and issue an appeal number, it is worth remembering this.
  • The next step is to contact the bank. You need to remember which ATM failed and provide the issued check to a specialist in a financial institution.
  • The application may take up to one month to process. The process cannot be accelerated, but in most cases the answer comes much earlier. 30 days is the maximum. After that, the refund procedure begins, which also has a implementation time: 8-10 days.

You should not constantly call the bank, demand that the process be accelerated, or ask the employee when the operation will be completed. Employees simply do not have such information, since a completely different department deals with this issue. If the ATM took the money and did not credit it to the card, then you should follow all the steps described above.

The situation is much more problematic if the device did not issue a check on the failure, and the amount was not transferred within the promised three days. You should visit the bank branch and report the problem, taking your passport and card with you. It is advisable to remember the time when the transaction was made. This will greatly help in solving the problem.

ATM accepted money and did not transfer to a credit card

It is somewhat easier for owners of debit plastic in case of such a failure. The situation becomes more complicated if we are talking about borrowed funds, which were supposed to repay part of the debt / cover in full. Everyone knows what sanctions are applied by the bank to debtors with overdue payments and the credit history deteriorates significantly.

Regardless of the type of plastic, the procedure takes the same time to implement a refund, therefore, for customers with an open loan, you will need to do the following:

  • Bank employees are required to go to a meeting, recalculate the amount and possibly change the payment schedule before closing the loan. Sometimes the organization just gives a reprieve. However, the client needs to insist on changing the dossier in the BKI. This is necessary to maintain the status of a reliable payer.
  • If the terminal did not issue a check, then you need to call the phone number indicated on the ATM, report the problem and follow the instructions of the employee. In any case, it is necessary to demand a revision of the credit schedule, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.


For credit card holders, it is recommended to deposit funds into the account 7-10 days before the deadline. Thus, you can protect yourself from a number of problems. It is worth remembering that money can be credited only on the third day after payment. If the ATM did not credit money to the Sberbank card, then you need to act in accordance with the instructions given. Credit clients are strongly advised to insist and demand revision. The same applies to users of other banks.

The ATM gave an error when withdrawing cash: the funds were debited from the account, but the banknotes were not issued

Everyone can find themselves in this situation - due to technical problems or a software failure, the ATM will simply ignore the need to give money to the client through the bill acceptor, and will perform all related operations - debit the funds from the account and even issue a check on the transaction.


  • wait up to 10 minutes - sometimes bills come out with such a delay;
  • contact a bank employee if the terminal is located in a branch, or write down all the data of the ATM (location address, number) and the time of the operation to file a complaint with the issuing bank remotely - by phone or through the personal account of the online service;
  • take an account statement and keep on hand a receipt for the operation or an SMS message confirming the transaction;
  • submit an application to your bank (having received a mark on the date of its acceptance) and wait 10-30 days for the result of the proceedings, if the ATM was a third-party bank, then this period may be delayed for 45-60 days (Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 161 on the national payment system ).

The ATM accepted the banknote, but did not credit it to the card / account

The ATM took the banknote, but no money was received on the card or account

Everything is a little simpler here, since the presence of a video surveillance camera will confirm that the money was placed in the bill acceptor, and the card account statement will show that the transaction was not carried out. It is necessary to fix this fact by calling the phone number of the organization serving the ATM. Then it is enough for the cardholder to write an application to the bank and wait until the funds are collected from the device - the extra money that the ATM did not give you will be returned.

I did not have time to withdraw money from the bill acceptor

ATM took the money back to the bill acceptor

Not much time is automatically allotted for the client to receive banknotes at an ATM - 30-60 seconds. You may not have time to react and miss the moment when it's time to take the money.

You will have to write an application to the bank and wait until the collection checks the excess money in the device, as well as other circumstances of what happened, and then decides on the payment of lost funds.

Money stuck: what to do if the ATM chewed up bills

Money stuck in an ATM: what to do?

If a simple claim for a refund does not help, then it is worth going to the heavy artillery and contacting the police to check for illegal debiting of funds from the account. Didn't get results? A disputed transaction can be defended in court by filing a claim with a complaint against the bank (according to Article 854 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Additionally, it is worth requesting compensation for moral damage in accordance with the law on consumer protection, as well as interest on the use of your funds (Article 856 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Modern technology is far from perfect, and we may encounter various problems in everyday life where we do not expect them at all. Quite often, when conducting transactions with an ATM, users cannot receive money or put it on a card, as the ATM has “glitched”. In such situations, you should not panic, but you need to take a number of measures, which we will introduce you to in this article. So, what to do if the ATM chewed up money?

As a rule, the main problems of ATMs are related to the failure of certain software, which provides the ability to process banknotes, customer data, and so on. Such problems are temporary, and sometimes it happens that the banknotes deposited are still processed after a certain time, and you do not have to contact the bank branch for help. True, this approach only works in cases where the ATM simply cannot count the funds deposited, while the chewed up banknotes requested from the personal account cannot be obtained without the qualified assistance of a representative of a financial institution.

Before contacting a bank branch with the question of what to do if the ATM chewed up money, it is necessary to clearly record all the data that accompanied the problem situation:

  • Time of depositing funds at an ATM;
  • Device number and address of its location;
  • The exact amount of funds contributed for the problematic transaction;
  • The presence of CCTV cameras that can confirm the validity of the operation.

If you have the maximum amount of evidence that you really deposited money and the ATM chewed it up, the managers of the financial institution will be more willing to make contact and the refund procedure will not take much time. On the other hand, if you provide inaccurate information or have a lot of questions from bank employees, the funds may not be returned to you at all. Be careful!

How to behave in a bank branch?

The main rule for bank employees is to receive detailed information from you in case of a dispute. If you do not know what to do if the ATM has chewed up money, it is best to contact the head of the structural unit responsible for the operation of these machines.

When contacting the institution, you will have to fill out a special form, which indicates the following information:

  • Surname, name and patronymic of the bank card holder;
  • Card number;
  • The exact date and time of the operation;
  • If possible, the number and address of the location of the ATM.

After providing all the data, the bank employee responsible for working with clients is obliged to issue you a special document that regulates the client's appeal. You can control the solution of the problem situation by consulting with the employee who issued the check to you. This can and should be done, since not every bank representative is a responsible employee who is ready to do everything for the convenience of the organization's customers.

As a rule, the solution of such an issue takes up to a month, but here everything depends on the completeness of the data provided and the accuracy of compliance with all the requirements of the clients who applied to the bank. Recently, quite a lot of scammers have appeared who in a similar way try to deceive the institution by embezzling other people's money. Because of this, bank specialists have to carefully analyze the reliability of the data provided and determine whether the person is a client or whether this appeal has selfish overtones.

What to do if the ATM chewed up money, and the employees of the institution refuse to return the funds?

In such cases, the only way out is to go to court. If the court decides in favor of the plaintiff, then such an outcome will not only help return legal funds, but also allow unscrupulous bank employees to be punished for negligence in customer service.

In order for a person's claim to be considered by the court, you will need to attach to the statement of claim a copy of the certificate of claim against the bank, your personal documents and other forms that will be required for a thorough investigation.

Along with compensation for the amount of money chewed up by the ATM, the plaintiff may also be compensated for moral damage (in case of incorrect behavior of bank employees) and interest for the illegal use of your funds (in fact, at the time when the currency was not issued to the owner, the bank illegally used it for its own needs ).

Of course, you should immediately prepare for the fact that the lawsuit may take several months, but if you are the owner of the funds and are sure that you are right, this method guarantees a positive decision in your favor and full compensation for the moral damage caused.

Can customers set their own refund deadlines?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the return of funds that were chewed up by an ATM is one of the services of a financial institution. Accordingly, the clients of the organization who do not know what to do if the ATM chewed up money have the right to demand the return of the full amount within the period set at their own discretion. Of course, a bank employee can tell you that this opportunity takes a strictly limited period, but in practice there are situations when the bank returns funds exactly at the time specified by the user.

In the vastness of the network, you can find evidence that banks replenish their customers' cards for the amount that they lost due to incorrect operation of the ATM within up to 7 days. In order to receive your funds so quickly, you will need to meet certain conditions:

  • Availability of photographs and other evidence certifying the problematic operation;
  • The presence of serious grounds for a quick return of funds (mortgage payment, transfer to relatives, and so on);
  • Completion of all documents required by law.

Usually, in a short time, the bank returns the money to those people who may suffer financial damage due to temporary delays. Then the institution itself will be obliged to compensate for this damage to the client, and this is by no means in the interests of organizations. Bank representatives need to be constantly disturbed, reminded of their problem, and the more often you call the office, the faster they will help you.

What conclusions can be drawn?

If you have read the entire article, then you should not have any problems and questions about what to do if the ATM chewed up money. Summing up all of the above, there are several main actions that must be taken in such situations:

  • Take a picture of the ATM during the operation, identifying its number and location;
  • Call the bank immediately, without leaving the device, and wait for the response of the representative of the institution as long as necessary;
  • Come to the central office of the bank, write an application and receive proof of the appeal;
  • Provide all the documents required by the protocol of the bank;
  • Control the process of solving the problem by contacting the employees of the financial institution as often as possible (at least once every couple of days);
  • If the resolution of the problem is delayed, apply to the court with a claim for financial compensation.

Typically, banks seek to resolve such situations as quickly as possible, otherwise they may suffer financial losses as a result of a court decision in favor of the client. Then not only accounts will suffer, but also the reputation of the organization, which in an era of serious competition can lead to the curtailment of financial activities.