The process of withdrawing cash from an ATM graphically. We withdraw money from a card at a Sberbank ATM: how to do it quickly and safely. Working with the menu and withdrawing money

A client of the largest bank in the Russian Federation who receives a salary or pension from Sberbank, or uses its credit and other products, must have basic skills in handling ATMs and terminals for self-withdrawal of cash or making card transactions.

Differences between an ATM and a terminal

Both devices are designed for the convenience of bank customers when making any financial transactions without visiting the office and without standing in queues. They can be located both in the premises of a bank branch, and on the street, in shopping centers, institutions. The difference between an ATM and a terminal is that a wider range of functions is available through an ATM:

  • Withdrawal and deposit of cash.
  • Sending transfers.
  • Payment for housing and communal services, mobile communications, fines, state duties, etc.
  • Checking card balance.
  • Mobile banking and Internet banking services.

However, the terminal also assumes a huge range of information services that are not provided in ATMs. Using the terminal, you can perform the same list of operations, with the exception of cash withdrawals. Plus, the latest generations of terminals are divided into information and payment. In the information you can get up-to-date information on loans, bank services. You can connect remotely to services, transfer money to the accounts of organizations and individuals, replenish your balance, etc. An important difference between the two hardware systems is that actions at an ATM can only be performed from your bank card, while the terminal allows you to pay for services without a card, through the Cash Payments function.

Withdrawing cash from an ATM of Sberbank

To withdraw money from an ATM, you need to insert a card and enter a pin code. In the menu that opens, select on the keyboard or touch (depending on the type of ATM) the option "Cash operations" - "Cash withdrawal". In most ATMs, the client's actions are directed by voice step-by-step instructions. The device will prompt you to select the amount from the ready-made options. The user can click "Other amount" and enter the desired amount. Next, you need to choose which banknotes to give out money - large or with exchange, with or without a check. At the end of the transaction, the ATM returns the card, then dispenses money. Both must be taken within 45 seconds, otherwise the device may take them back.

Cash withdrawal at the terminal

This is the only function that is not provided in the terminals, not only of Sberbank, but also of any other banks and modifications. This has a big advantage: the functionality of these devices has helped to reduce queues at ATMs. After all, payment transactions take much longer than cash withdrawals. And if there is no need to receive money, customers are advised to use the terminal.

Restrictions and limits at a Sberbank ATM

Sberbank sets limits on withdrawing money from ATMs. Limits are set for receiving cash one-time, per day and within a month. For different types of Sberbank cards - and there are more than 40 of them in the system - different limits are set. The bank issues types of cards:

  • simple;
  • classic;
  • gold;
  • platinum.

For new devices installed in 2017, the one-time cash withdrawal limit is RUB 50,000 per day and RUB 500,000 per month. This applies to the so-called simple cards - Maestro and Visa Electron. The same limit is set for Social, Transport, Momentum, Student, PRO100 cards.

With a classic card (Classic, Standart) you can withdraw 150,000 rubles per day, and the monthly limit is 1.5 million rubles.

A gold card (Visa Gold, MasterCard Gold) allows you to cash out up to 3 million rubles per month.

The highest limit for platinum cards (MasterCard Platinum, Visa Platinum, World MasterCard Black Edition) is 500,000 rubles. one-time and 5 million rubles. per month.

Overlimit money can be requested at the cash desk of Sberbank, in which case the bank will charge a 1% commission.

There is a limit on replenishment from the card of mobile numbers of mobile operators - no more than 10 thousand per day. The same limit is set for replenishing electronic wallets from a Sberbank card.

Safety regulations

The population is warned about cases of fraud with ATMs and bank cards every day. Despite all the guarantees of data protection, the bank recommends that customers themselves take care of the safety of their money. When using ATMs, there are simple safety rules:

  • When entering the pin code, there should not be strangers nearby.
  • When entering a PIN code, especially at street ATMs, you need to cover the keyboard with your hand so that intruders do not have the opportunity to scan the numbers using different devices.
  • If the phone number to which the card is linked has changed, you need to inform the bank about it.
  • You must not disclose your card details to third parties, including bank employees.
  • You can not answer SMS and calls from unknown numbers asking you to enter a pin code, password or CVV code on the card. Sberbank sends messages only from 900.
  • When using mobile banking, you cannot log in from third-party sites.
  • It is highly undesirable to use the services of outsiders when withdrawing money from an ATM.

What should I do if the ATM has withdrawn my card?

A common situation - the ATM "swallowed" the card. This can happen for various reasons:

  • device malfunction:
  • the client did not manage to pick up the card from the slot in time;
  • entered the wrong PIN code three times;
  • the card is damaged;
  • the owner blocked the card due to loss or theft.

In any case, the device should issue a receipt with an error code. It must be kept in order to present it together with the passport at the bank branch for the return of the card.

So, what to do if the ATM seized the card? Sometimes it is enough to press "Cancel" and wait a few minutes, and the device will return the plastic. The main thing is that no one has used an ATM before. But it would be safer to immediately call the Sberbank support service at 8 800 555 5550 - it is usually on stickers pasted on an ATM - or by calling the phone number indicated on the card, you can ask someone around to dictate the number. The operator will ask for a code word, then explain step by step what needs to be done. Namely: try to undo the last operation; wait; contact Sberbank specialists. Well, if it happens in the bank office. If on the street, then you need to contact the bank all the more. The card can be returned no earlier than after the collection of the ATM. And you can pick it up not from collectors, but at the head office of the bank, where they will hand it over along with the money.

Other ways to get cash at Sberbank

If the client does not want or does not know how to use an ATM, or he does not have a bank card, he can only be served at the bank's cash desk. For any operation at the cash desk, you will need a passport, a passbook or a checkbook (for an organization), a plastic card (if available). You need to wait for your turn, live or electronic. The operator will check the documents and the balance on the account, about which he must inform the client. The operation does not take much time, the money is given to the client at the checkout.

If you have a bank card on hand, you can present it to the cashier, he will process the information through a special device. It will ask the visitor to enter a pin code and issue money. Be sure to take a check.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who usually require large amounts need to pre-order money from the bank. At the appointed time, the financial worker comes to the bank with a checkbook, a passport and a power of attorney to receive money.

How to replenish a Sberbank card through an ATM?

Insert the card into the ATM, enter the internal menu using the pin code. Select the "Deposit Cash" option. The device will ask you to wait, then the slot for depositing money will open. Information will appear on the monitor recommending inserting banknotes one at a time or in a bundle - depending on the type of device. After processing the banknotes, the ATM will ask you a question to choose from: add more banknotes or perform the operation. If the client is not going to deposit any more money, he chooses the second answer. It remains to confirm the payment and pick up the check.

How to use an ATM? Every modern bank client should know the answer to this question. Indeed, without ATM-machines it is difficult to imagine working with banking plastic. ATMs help to make the bulk of cash and card transactions. For example, pay utility bills and pay taxes. The main thing is to know how to act in this or that case.

Terminal or ATM?

Many people are interested in how to use an ATM. First, let's try to understand how ATM differs from payment terminals.

ATMs allow you to work with bank cards and cash. Terminals, as a rule, provide operations only with "cash". But that's not all. Modern payment terminals are almost no different from ATMs - except for the navigation menu. At Sberbank, the latest models of machines for working with cash allow you to use bank plastic.

Another nuance - the ATM is ready to work when the screen says "Enter card". The ATM display sometimes shows a picture indicating the correct position of the plastic in the car or simply an advertisement for bank services.

In real life, ATMs are larger than terminals. Therefore, it is not difficult to visually distinguish these machines from each other.

Inserting a card

Once the client has figured out what kind of device is in front of him, you can start working directly with ATM. How to use an ATM of Sberbank or any other financial institution?

The first step is to insert the card into the machine. It would seem that there is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this. But not everyone knows how to correctly insert cards into ATMs and terminals.

Typically, the plastic bin is located on the lower right side of the device's display. Near it, a scheme of banking plastic may be drawn or it may be written "Insert a card." Often the receiver has a green backlight and an arrow symbol.

To get started with ATM, you need:

  1. Take a bank card. It is important that it be plastic from a financial institution serving an ATM. Then no commission will be charged for transactions.
  2. Rotate the card so that the reading tape is on the bottom.
  3. Bring the plastic to the receiver with the chip forward. In this case, the inscription of the payment system should be located in the lower left corner.
  4. Insert the card into the receiver and wait a bit.

Ready! If the card is inserted incorrectly, the ATM will return it or give an error. It is not necessary to insert the plastic closely into the receiver - it is enough to insert it 1/2-2/3. Further, the ATM itself will insert the card to the desired position.

Beginning of work

How to use an ATM? Step by step instructions will help answer this question. In fact, everything is easier than it seems.

After the plastic has been introduced into the machine, you will have to write a PIN code. This is a mandatory procedure, without which it is impossible to start full-fledged work with an ATM.

The PIN code is issued together with a bank card in an envelope. Each client of the bank can change it, but you will always have to remember the secret combination. Otherwise, operations with plastic will not be available.

Usually on the PIN entry screen there are hints and a field in which the appropriate combination is entered. You need to specify it using the digital panel of the ATM.

If the PIN is entered correctly, the client will be taken to the main menu of the ATM. Otherwise, the user will receive an error message. A citizen has only 3 attempts to enter a PIN code. Having spent them, the user will not be able to work with the ATM. Often ATM-machines "chew" banking plastic and do not give it back if they repeatedly enter PIN errors.

Key Meaning

Thinking about how to use the card at an ATM, a citizen should pay attention to the panel with numbers located on the front panel of the machine. It is used to enter information and PIN.

There are several buttons on the digital panel. Namely:

  • "Cancel" - erases the last entered value;
  • "Reset" - completely cancels the operation and issues the card to the client;
  • "Enter" - confirms the operation and allows you to proceed to the next stage of work.

Some ATM machines also have a separate menu called "Select Language". You must press the key indicating the appropriate language. These buttons are usually located near the display of the ATM.

Main menu

How to use an ATM? The step by step guide continues. Now you can proceed to the most interesting step - the choice of operation.

After the client inserts the plastic into the ATM and enters the PIN code, he enters the main menu of the machine. It records the main transactions with cash and plastic. Consider the menu on the example of Sberbank.

In some modern ATMs, to start working with the system, you need to click on "Payments in my region". And only after that the main menu will open.

Most often it consists of the following items:

  • internet service;
  • mobile bank;
  • Personal Area;
  • money transaction;
  • cash transactions;
  • information and service;
  • loan repayment;
  • payment for services;
  • taxes, state duties;
  • search for a recipient (occurs less often in the main menu);
  • top up your mobile phone.

These sections help the client to carry out certain operations. Let's get acquainted with some of the most common commands that are needed when working with an ATM.

Balance inquiry

How to use a Sberbank ATM? The instruction will tell you only the basics of working with ATM, because ATMs have a lot of commands. But not all of its functions are actively used in practice.

Often people want to know the balance of plastic. For this you need:

  1. Insert the card into the receiver and enter the PIN.
  2. In the main menu, select "Cash transactions".
  3. Click on the "Request balance" button.
  4. Select the method of displaying information - "On the screen" or "On the receipt". The second option is most often used.
  5. Click on the button to confirm the operation.
  6. Review the information received.

On the ATM screen, select the next action - give the card or continue working. In the first case, the plastic will be returned to the client. It takes about 45 seconds to pick up the plastic. After the machine "chews" it.

Withdrawing cash

How to use an ATM? The instructions below will help you withdraw money from bank plastic. This is another common operation.

For her you need:

  1. Get to the main menu of the ATM.
  2. Select "Cash transactions".
  3. Click on "Withdrawals".
  4. Click on the button that is responsible for one or another amount from those offered on the screen. You can click on "Other amount", and then enter the required value in the free field using the numeric keypad.
  5. Click on the button to confirm the operation.
  6. Decide whether to print a check. Most often, customers request it.
  7. Take money from an ATM. Funds will be dispensed from a hidden slot on the front of the device.
  8. Get a check.
  9. Pick up a bank card or continue working with it.

Nothing difficult, incomprehensible or special. It is also important to know how to replenish bank plastic through ATMs.


With the help of ATM, citizens can replenish the accounts of any bank cards - debit or credit. It is enough to have plastic and cash with you.

To "throw" money on the card through an ATM, you will have to follow the instructions:

  1. Get started with ATM.
  2. Select the "Cash transactions" option.
  3. Indicate the service "Deposit money".
  4. Transfer banknotes to an ATM - one at a time or several at once. To do this, the machine will either open a secret compartment, or "stretch" a special receiver-holder.
  5. Wait for the operation to complete.

Fast, convenient, and most importantly - no commission. Citizens can replenish bank cards in bulk. More precisely, some ATMs accept 60 bills at once. Information about this will be displayed on the screen at the moment of opening the money-receiving compartment.


We almost figured out how to use a Sberbank ATM and more. As already mentioned, customers can make various payments through the studied machine.

If a citizen has a payment order or details of the recipient, it will be possible to cope with the task in just a few minutes. Consider the operation on the example of paying utility bills.

The ATM operating manual is as follows:

  1. Insert card into ATM.
  2. Click on "Payments in my city" or select the "Search for a payee" section.
  3. Specify how to search for a recipient. For example, "By TIN". If there is a payment card with a barcode, you can click on the "By barcode" button.
  4. Specify the TIN of the recipient of the money. In the second case, bring the payment card with a barcode forward to the reading beam.
  5. Select the beneficiary organization.
  6. Specify the type of payment. This step is sometimes skipped.
  7. Enter the transfer amount.
  8. Specify information about the payer. Usually, the place of registration and full name are sufficient.
  9. Check payment details.
  10. Confirm the operation.

Some ATMs have a search method "By document code". In this case, you must enter the code from the payment. So it will be possible to reduce the input of information about the transaction.


We figured out how to use a Sberbank ATM. The step-by-step instructions that we have studied describe the basic operations with ATM. Similarly, you can carry out other operations - connect and disconnect mobile banking, replenish the balance of mobile phones, register on the Sberbank Online website, and pay duties and taxes (there is usually a separate item in the navigation menu for this). The basics of working with ATMs have now been studied, so working with such machines will no longer cause any trouble.

The government is trying hard to transfer financial transactions exclusively to a non-cash form, but rustling paper bills are still more in demand than electronic payments. Newly converted users are trying to figure out how to withdraw money from a card at a Sberbank ATM, because its service network is the largest and, therefore, the most convenient. Consider the features of this procedure.

Do not confuse with the terminal

Finding a Sberbank ATM is not difficult. Information about their location is on the website of the financial institution. In addition, in any more or less large settlement, these devices are located in all busy points. Another thing is that terminals are often adjacent to ATMs. The devices are similar, both in green coloring, and in appearance, and even in functionality. But there are several differences between them. Terminals do not issue, but accept money. You can't withdraw money there. But you can still tell them apart. ATMs are more massive and large compared to terminals. In addition, if you insert a card into the terminal, you will not see the point of issue of funds in the main menu.


The whole procedure of how to withdraw cash from a Sberbank ATM can be divided into eight stages:


Each type of card has its own limits on the withdrawal amount, both per day and per month.

  • Maestro and Visa Electron - no more than 50 thousand rubles per day and 500 thousand per month.
  • Standard and Classic - up to 150 thousand per day and 1.5 million per month.
  • Gold - 300 thousand and 3 million, respectively.
  • Platinum - 1 million and 50 million.

You can withdraw more, through the cash desk of the nearest Sberbank branch, but you will have to pay a commission of 1% of the withdrawal amount.


ATMs, despite the efforts of developers, are still the most tasty morsel for scammers and intruders. Therefore, when withdrawing money, you need to follow some rules:

  • Cover the keyboard with your hand. No one should even have a chance to peep the PIN code.
  • Ask all people in the immediate vicinity of the ATM to move a short distance. As a rule, such a request is accepted with understanding. Nobody wants to lose their money because of scammers.
  • Carefully store card details: number, CVC / CVV code and, of course, PIN code.
  • No one has the right to demand card details or even take it away. Even bank employees. If someone asks for such information, it is most likely an intruder.
  • Even if you can’t deal with an ATM, you should not call outsiders for help. If the case takes place in a branch, you can ask the employees of Sberbank. Otherwise, it is better to refuse to withdraw funds until the next time. It's better than losing money.

There are situations when an ATM withdraws (swallows) a card. This can happen both due to problems with the payment instrument itself, and due to equipment failure.

Another option for such a development of events is a special protection measure in case of incorrect PIN code entry after 3 unsuccessful attempts. After that, the ATM issues a check on which the error code that caused the withdrawal is indicated. It, along with a passport, should be presented at the nearest branch of Sberbank, where they will tell you what further actions need to be taken.

Sometimes the device gives away the card if you hold down the "Cancel" button.

Withdrawing money from an ATM is absolutely not difficult and not scary, even if you are faced with such a need for the first time. Having received cash from an ATM literally 2-3 times, in the future the procedure will not cause difficulties.

. // 0.53 megabytes in PDF.

Step-by-step instructions for a Sberbank ATM: a photo with a description

Now we will talk about how to use a Sberbank ATM step by step instructions with a photo.

All ATMs, and Sberbank is no exception, can perform dozens of different banking operations. Most often, customers use the following banking operations:

  • cash withdrawal;
  • account replenishment (not all ATMs have this option);
  • obtaining information on your card account (balance, mini-statement, etc.);
  • transfer of funds between cards;
  • repayment of loans;
  • payment for services and fines, etc.

In practice, all bank card holders use the first three points. These transactions account for 70% of all transactions through an ATM.

Below we will answer the question of how to use a Sberbank ATM, step-by-step instructions will be with photos for different types of operations.

Main menu

This screen view is available after you insert your bank card and enter your PIN code.

Sberbank balance check

Instructions for using Sberbank ATMs of a new type on the example of checking the balance.

On modern ATMs, there are two ways to check the balance on the card:

Option number 1

Main menu -> "Request balance" -> select: "Display balance on the screen" or "Print balance on receipt".

Option number 2

In the main menu, it is possible to view the balance through your personal account, actions:

Main menu -> "Personal account, information, service" -> then select:

  • "Request a balance" - then the procedure is as in option No. 1
  • "Get a mini-statement" by selecting this option you will be taken to the following screen:

Important: there is a difference between a balance sheet and a mini-statement:

  • balance- costs "0" rubles, displays the current account balance;
  • mini-statement- costs 15 rubles *, displays the current balance and the last 10 transactions on the account (dates and amounts).

* — rates may change.

Instructions for using an old-style Sberbank ATM using the example of checking a balance.

In the main menu, select "account balance":

choose show on screen or print as a check.

And, look at the balance on the account:

Cash withdrawal through Sberbank ATM

Below is an instruction on how to withdraw money from a new Sberbank ATM.

In the main menu, select "Cash withdrawal", after the device offer options for amounts or enter another amount that you need.

Pay attention : the owner of the card account may have limits on withdrawing money for 1 time, per day and month. And, an ATM can dispense a limited amount of money at a time (amount and number of banknotes).

If you have selected "Other amount", then you need to enter the amount using the number pad below the screen.

After, choose whether to print the receipt or not. And, in conclusion: take money, a card and a check (if you chose “print”).

Instructions for withdrawing money from an old-style Sberbank ATM

How to use a Sberbank ATM step by step instructions photo and text support:

Main menu -> "Cash withdrawal":

Enter the desired amount using the number pad below the screen:

Important! The bank card must be taken from the slot within 10-15 seconds, if you do not have time, the ATM will take it back and will not return it. The same goes for money.

Pay attention : not all ATMs dispense money, this is indicated by a sign behind the ATM (list of services performed).

Sberbank replenishment through an ATM

Instructions for working with a Sberbank ATM when depositing money:

The function of replenishing funds through an ATM is usually supported by new-style devices. Procedure:

Main menu -> "Deposit cash" (sometimes: "Receive and deposit cash"):

And insert into the bill acceptor one bill or a pack of up to 50 bills at a time.

The next step: click on the “perform operation” item. Upon completion of the operation, the ATM will issue a check for replenishment of the account and offer:

By clicking "Complete service" - you will receive your card. If you “return to the main menu”, then the main menu appears for performing a new banking operation.

We hope that now you are not afraid of the Sberbank ATM, the instruction is also available for download.

We are already accustomed to the fact that "cash" is only money for passing expenses (travel in public transport, ice cream for a child, etc.). Often, all major purchases, payment for utilities and services, storage of income are carried out through bank plastic cards.
Along with this, we are provided with terminals, ATMs and other self-service devices to help us.
In this article, we will take a closer look at how to use an ATM from Sberbank of Russia.

How to conduct transactions at a Sberbank ATM

We offer you to understand the basics: how to insert the card correctly, dial the desired PIN code, confirm or cancel a certain action, etc.
For clarity, let's look at the attached instructions and the video below.

As a rule, the display should show the inscription "Enter card" or something similar. In addition, a photo showing the correct position of the card can be displayed on the screen.

A bank card is inserted into any self-service device in the same way, subject to certain rules:

  1. The card is inserted into the terminal slot when the window is highlighted in green. It can be found by a characteristic inscription or an index arrow.
  2. The magnetic tape when inserting the card should be on the bottom of the right side.
  3. The names of system payments are located at the top, on the left side.

If the card was inserted incorrectly, the device will simply return it back or give an error message.
If the card is inserted correctly, but you do not perform any actions, the ATM will react with a signal and return it back. The waiting interval is 20 to 25 seconds. Usually the card must be pushed in two thirds, and then the terminal draws it in on its own.

Having dealt with the input, the next mandatory step in using an ATM is to enter a PIN code.

The PIN code is printed on the envelope that is issued with the card. It consists of four digits, and they will confirm the legality of the operations carried out.

The display of the terminal will show the inscription "Enter PIN code" and an empty line for input. By pressing the corresponding keys of the device, the empty column will gradually be filled with four "X" icons. The code itself is not displayed on the screen, in order to maintain confidentiality.
It is necessary to navigate in the meanings of the keys:

  • button "Cancel" - deleting the last of the entered values;
  • "Reset" button - canceling the declared operation, the ATM must return the card;
  • the "Enter" button - confirmation of the correctness of the actions and access to the following operations.
If the PIN is entered incorrectly, the monitor displays a warning message. You need to enter it again, however, if the PIN code is entered incorrectly three times, the ATM will block the card! In this case, you can get a card only at your (or nearest) branch of Sberbank.
If we are dealing with an old-style ATM, then first you need to select the language of use.

So, we looked at how to use a Sberbank ATM. Videos, photos and step-by-step instructions for the most popular operations will be discussed in other sections.

Fake ATMs, scam tricks

To get hold of information about someone else's plastic card, a variety of tricks are used:
  • phone calls;
  • illegal copies of virtual sites;
  • imperceptible duplication of cards.
Along with them, there are "skimmers" - special devices for ATMs and terminals that allow you to read information from cards. For this reason, cards with a chip are considered to be more secure from this kind of interference.
To illustrate, here are three examples:

And here you can see an example of an anti-skimmer:

What should I do if I come across a terminal with a built-in skimmer? This is a step by step guide:

What to do if you find an ATM with a skimmer

What you need to know about skimming at ATMs (video):

How to safely withdraw cash from an ATM

So, in order to safely withdraw money from an ATM, you need to act according to the following scheme:
  1. Select the "Cash out" function.
  2. Choose the optimal amount using the template amounts or the "Other" key. If a mistake is made while typing, there is a "Reset" function.
  3. Press the "Issue" button. Some ATMs require you to re-enter your PIN.
  4. The ATM dispenses the card.
  5. Get cash.
  6. Print a check. It is always better to take confirmation of the operation.

How to replenish an account on a card

Now let's figure out how to put money on a plastic card using a Sberbank ATM. This operation is available in the new device type.

The gist of the process is this:

  1. In the main menu, you need to click on the "Receive and deposit cash" or "Deposit cash" button.
  2. Select "Deposit cash" and the desired currency.
  3. A special window will open. Some devices accept banknotes individually, while others accept bundles of no more than 50 pieces.
  4. After automatic recalculation, the terminal will display the received amount on the screen. Then you will need to select the desired function:
    - "Run" - it means that the amount is sufficient to continue.
    - “Add banknotes” - indicates that there is not enough money and they will need to be added.
    - "Refuse" - the operation will be canceled and the funds will be returned.
    After clicking the "Perform operation" button, the money will come to the specified account instantly. In rare cases, there are delays, but no more than two days.
  5. You will be prompted to either complete what you started or return to the main menu to continue working with the device.

Available ATM transactions and how to use them

Having mastered the rules for withdrawing cash and replenishing a bank card, let's pay attention to a number of other functions.

Checking the account balance

The category of secondary functions includes checking the balance of money on the account:
  • in the main menu, click on the section: “Request balance”, “Card balance”, “Account balance”;
  • enter the code;
  • the device offers to print a receipt or view the amount on the screen;
  • if the check is not needed, the machine will automatically redirect you to the main menu.

ATM features

In devices of a new sample, additional operations can be performed:
  • bonus program. If the Thank You program is activated, you can check the number of accumulated points;
  • Mobile banking or Internet. Here you can clarify the current balance, transfer money and pay some bills;
  • Personal Area. Having received a password in advance at a bank branch, you can manage your card account;
  • Payment for the services of mobile operators. To do this, you need to select your operator, enter the phone number and the amount recommended for replenishment. In the process, it will be debited from the card;
  • Transfers and payments. Here you need to select the desired recipient, enter his details (if required by the conditions) and the amount of payment;
  • Service and information. This function allows you to contact the support service and get help with any questions.

As for the general rules for using a Sberbank card at an ATM, they are definitely identical to all of the above. You need to follow the prompts on the screen and in case of an error, just click "Reset".