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The official dollar exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in Russia for today, October 28, 2019, 17:53, is 63.9966 rub. (1 USD = 63.9966 rubles). The dollar exchange rate of the Bank of Russia for tomorrow, October 29, 2019, is set at 63.87 rub. Below on this page you can see a graph of the dynamics of the dollar against the Russian ruble (USD / RUB) for a week, month, quarter, for a year and for all time, find out the exchange rate for a given date, and also find out when, how and why the Central Bank sets the official rate.

The dollar exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for today, October 28, 2019 (Monday): 63.9966 rubles.

The official dollar exchange rate of the Bank of Russia for today, October 28, 2019, 17:53, is 63.9966 rub. Compared to the previous working day, the Central Bank raised the dollar in Russia by 0 rub. (0%).

The dollar exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for tomorrow, October 29, 2019 (Tuesday): 63.87 rubles.

The official dollar exchange rate of the Bank of Russia for tomorrow, October 29, 2019, is 63.87 rub. Compared to the previous working day, the dollar exchange rate is down by -0.1266 rub. (-0.2%).

Dynamics of the dollar exchange rate in Russia - Chart

The minimum value of the dollar exchange rate according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in 2019 was 62.5229 67.192 rub. Since the beginning of the year, the dollar has strengthened by 3.0829 rub. (4.82%).

The minimum value of the dollar exchange rate according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the current month was 63.6336 rub., the maximum value - 65.4399 rub. Over the month, the US dollar rose against the Russian ruble by 0.6441 rub. (1.01%).

Archive of the dollar exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the selected date

In this table, you can see the dynamics of the dollar exchange rate in Russia by day for a given date.

When and how does the Central Bank set the official ruble exchange rate?

The Central Bank sets the exchange rate of the US dollar against the ruble for tomorrow every day on business days. The established rate begins to operate on the next calendar day after the date of establishment and remains in force until the next established rate comes into effect. The data is published on the regulator's website until 15:00 Moscow time (as a rule, this happens around 14:00)

Let's look at an example: on Tuesday, the Bank of Russia set the dollar rate for Wednesday. This is the dollar exchange rate for tomorrow. At the same time, on Tuesday the rate for today is the rate set on Monday. On Wednesday, the rate for today becomes the rate set on Tuesday, and the rate for tomorrow (Thursday) is published on Wednesday at around 14:00 Moscow time.

Separate logic operates on weekends and holidays. So, on Friday, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation sets the rate for tomorrow, which is valid on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The new rate for tomorrow will be published only on Monday afternoon and will enter into force on Tuesday. The same logic applies to holidays.

How is the exchange rate of the Central Bank formed? To do this, the regulator averages the quotes of the USDRUB pair in trading on the currency section of the Moscow Exchange during the index session (from 10:00 Moscow time to 11:30 Moscow time). Then, based on the dollar rate, the Bank of Russia forms the official rates of other 33 currencies. The exchange rate of the ruble depends on supply and demand in the market.

What is the official dollar exchange rate for, because it quickly becomes obsolete and does not “keep pace” with the real dynamics of the foreign exchange market? It is a standard for government agencies in reporting, and also serves as a convenient reference point for people who are far from the world of stock news.

Average monthly dollar exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 2017, 2018, 2019

The average dollar exchange rate for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the current year is 64.8794 rubles. The average dollar exchange rate for the current month is at the level of 64.4247 rubles.

The exchange rate falls due to the purchase of foreign currency, the outflow of capital and cheaper oil

The Russian currency is in a state of permanent weakening. Since the beginning of spring, the dollar has risen in price by more than 15% - from 55 to almost 64 rubles. Now there are even more reasons for the further collapse of the "wooden" one. The "tariff war" unleashed by the United States against the whole world, the outflow of capital and unstable oil prices may lead to the fact that by autumn the value of the American banknote will exceed the bar of 70 rubles.

The reasons why the ruble exchange rate has been steadily falling for four months now are both external and internal. Recently, the main leverage on the exchange rate has been the so-called "tariff war" - the exchange of economic restrictions that is currently taking place between the US and China, as well as the US and EU countries.

At the end of May, President Donald Trump announced the introduction of customs duties of 25% on goods imported into the States from China. In the future, the increase in duties also affected aluminum imported into the United States, including from the EU countries and Russia.

Europe and China responded with their own defensive tools. For example, from June 22, the European Union will begin to levy duties in the amount of 25% on a number of American goods. China made a similar decision a week earlier. Russia also joined them - according to the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin, our country will tighten its tariff policy against the United States due to losses from duties on steel and aluminum.

Against the backdrop of confrontation in the international space, the Russian currency was progressively falling in price. If in early March, when Washington's claims in Beijing took on real shape, they asked for about 55 rubles per dollar, now the quotes of the "American" are in the region of 64 rubles. This was due to the fall in stock prices of large domestic export companies, which indirectly affected the exchange rate of the Russian currency.

Our currency also feels additional negative pressure due to the growth of capital outflow - in December 2017, the Central Bank raised its estimate of this indicator at the end of 2018 from $10 billion to $16 billion, and three months later raised it to $19 billion. By the way, capital flight was observed in the currencies of most developing countries - Chinese, Indian, Mexican and Turkish businessmen were actively withdrawing their funds abroad.

Meanwhile, as First Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said, the dollar could drop to 50 rubles, but this development of the scenario is hindered by the budget rule, which limits federal budget spending. The fact is that the base cost of oil included in the budget is about $41 per barrel. The Ministry of Finance directs oil and gas revenues in excess of this bar to purchase foreign currency, which subsequently goes to replenish the National Wealth Fund. In the first five months of the year, Siluanov's department purchased foreign currency for 1.3 trillion rubles. In June, similar operations promise to be record-breaking - the Ministry of Finance plans to spend almost 380 billion rubles for these purposes.

Fuel is added to the fire by oil quotes, which managed to fall in price from $80 to $74 per barrel over the past month. Considering that at the next OPEC+ summit, which will be held in Vienna on June 22-23, a decision may be made to increase the production of raw materials, the cost of oil risks falling back to the region of $60-65 per barrel, and the Russian currency, the key to a strong exchange rate of which is the hydrocarbon component , can fall to 70 rubles per dollar and above.

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Today the dollar is one of the main world currencies. Entrepreneurs work with it, it is in it that ordinary citizens try to make savings. Naturally, the rate of this currency worries a lot of people. And today it is not difficult to track it quickly. If you have to sell or buy a dollar in Moscow in the near future, you can pick it up on our portal. Data on the main world currency is available to you around the clock.

How to find out the dollar exchange rate in Moscow banks?

Finding out the dollar exchange rate in Moscow exchange offices today is not at all difficult. For this you need:

  1. Search for the date you are interested in. You can select data for today, tomorrow or yesterday.
  2. Wait until the program displays the dollar exchange rate for you today in, as well as in exchangers.
  3. Choose from the results obtained the most profitable for you.

For what purposes can exchange rate data be used?

The given data on the dollar exchange rate in Moscow banks is best used for preliminary calculations. It will allow you to determine the best bank for such transactions, as well as estimate how much rubles you will need to make an exchange. Before the operation, it is recommended to contact the exchanger or bank directly in order to clarify how much currency they have on hand, and whether the exchange rate has changed in this organization in recent hours.

First, an explanation of whether it is possible to predict the dollar exchange rate. The whole question is what perspective. One day ahead, this can be done quite accurately, given that the Russian Central Bank publishes today's stock exchange rate as tomorrow's official one. Longer forecasts are more difficult. But first, about the nearest forecast.

Dollar exchange rate forecast as of 17:45 (Moscow time) 10/28/2019

The latest official exchange rate for the US dollar 29.10.2019 is 63.8700 rub. for 1 dollar. If the Central Bank determined the official exchange rate at the moment (10/28/2019 17:45 MSC), then it would be 63.64 rub. per dollar. But in fact, the next official rate will be set at 10/29/19 11:44 (MSK).

Long term forecast

Practically impossible. The dollar exchange rate against the ruble is made up of two factors: 1) the strength of the ruble; 2) the dollar exchange rate against other leading currencies (mainly against the euro). The first depends on the economic and political situation in Russia. The second is also very vague. Therefore, you should not rely on chance, guess on the coffee grounds or listen to analysts who, as it always turns out, are strong in hindsight.

For residents of Russia and CIS countries USD/RUB exchange rate is of great importance. Turbulences in the foreign exchange market lead to a significant rise in the price of goods and services, which was most clearly observed in 1998, 2008 and 2014. Strong volatility, followed by long-term periods of stability, allows speculators to earn both on the trend and on sideways movements.

USD RUB exchange rate is now on the exchange (online) - Live Chart

The USD/RUB chart works online and provides the opportunity to connect and also conduct your own manual analysis using special additional tools.

Due to the increased volatility, this instrument is popular among speculators. After the crisis of 2014, it overtook futures in terms of popularity and became the most popular instrument on the domestic market. USD/RUB chart shows strong and distinct movements that are easily analyzed using popular technical indicators.

USD/RUB forecast for today

The USD/RUB forecast is updated constantly, so keep an eye on the update date. The USD/RUB forecast compiled on the basis of technical indicators and has a different degree of signal strength. We recommend paying attention only to the values Actively buy and Actively sell, and the best situation will be when these values ​​are repeated on all timeframes.

General characteristics USD/RUB

The USD/RUB currency pair is called exotic in the world and is not very popular. This is due to the fact that the Central Bank regulates the ruble exchange rate, and traders consider the Russian economy unstable and the currency risky, and also, key news on RUB is released in Russian, which few people in the world know.

Active trading takes place during the trading session of the Moscow Exchange, and after its closing, trading practically stops. Many brokers prefer to close trades before 8 am so that the USD/RUB chart has a more pleasant look and is easier to succumb to technical analysis.

The USD/RUB pair has a standard $100,000 lot per . Brokers provide fractional parts of lots, which allows you to trade quotes, starting with a sale or purchase from $1.

  • If you are predicting dollar growth- you need buy quote.
  • If you are predicting ruble growth- you need sell quote.

Despite the fact that the history of the quote began in 1991, it was only in the last couple of years that brokers began to add it to their list. Previously, such an asset was rare.

What affects the USDRUB exchange rate

The dollar/ruble pair is heavily influenced by monetary policy Central Bank RF and Fed USA. Raising the key rate in Russia leads to a depreciation of the US currency. In turn, the increase in rates by the US government leads to the strengthening of the US dollar against other currencies, including the ruble.

The release of news from America has a stronger impact on the USD/RUB rate.

There is a belief that the ruble quotes directly depend on. If oil is growing, then the dollar begins to decline against the ruble and vice versa - the fall in hydrocarbon prices leads to a decrease in demand for the Russian national currency. This is not entirely true. If we pay attention to the fall in oil during the globalfinancial crisis of 2007, it can be seen that the ruble fell, but did not collapse, as happened in 2014. Now the ratio of the ruble to the dollar is largely determined by international risk appetite. The ruble, like commodity instruments, is a risky instrument. Accordingly, when large market participants show interest in venture investments, both oil and the ruble begin to grow, and vice versa.

Indirectly, the USD/RUB exchange rate also depends on the euro, because if the European currency falls, then, accordingly, the dollar strengthens, and not only against the euro, but also against other currencies, including the ruble.

The ruble exchange rate in the Russian Federation is managed and regulated, which greatly reduces the attractiveness of many market players. In general, the USD/RUB currency pair is influenced by many economic news - GDP, unemployment, interest rates, consumer sentiment and so on, but the Central Bank tries to avoid strong jumps and smoothes the course with its actions.

What is the best way to trade the USD/RUB currency pair (+example)

USD/RUB price dynamics allows implementing both long-term and short-term speculative strategies. The use of the simplest price channels with an adequate interval brings tangible returns already on 2 and 3-month trades. In the long-term medium-term (from a month or more), it is recommended to work only on the increase, excluding short positions. This is due more to the macroeconomic environment than to objective technical indicators.

  • Holding the dollar short for a long time will mean that you are going against the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (which benefits from a cheap ruble) and the US position (sanctions are a fundamental factor in the ruble devaluation), which is not very reasonable.

It would be advisable to open deals when the price channel is broken through with an interval of 20 on the daily chart. As a stop, you can use the lower border of the channel, or a fixed order of 6% with periodic pulling it up to the current price.

At 15-minute intervals, it is convenient to use 150 or 160 intervals. Due to the shortening of the time interval, it will be possible to open short positions. Thus, breaking the channel down means a reversal to short, and breaking it up - to long. The same lines are stops in a situation where the price goes against the trader. The size of the transaction should be calculated based on such proportions that it is impossible to lose more than 4% from the current entry point.

  • You can also use an adaptive price channel on USD/RUB, which can automatically select the required interval.

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To make money on binary options, you only need to determine the direction of the price. That is, here it does not matter to us how much the price will change, it is only important whether it goes up or down, even if it is only one point.

Instead of 1000 words, we will show with an example how USD/RUB trading from a well-known and regulated broker.

After some analysis, we decided that USD/RUB exchange rate will grow, and the USD/RUB forecast confirmed this. We opened and selected the desired asset:

Then, in the deal settings, specify the deal time:

The option will close at 14:30, in 19 minutes. It remains to indicate whether the price will be higher or lower at the time of closing the transaction relative to the quote at the time of buying the option. We predict a fall along the trend and press the button WAY DOWN:

If after 19 minutes, at the time of closing the transaction, the USD/RUB rate is lower than at the time of purchase, our option condition will be fulfilled, and we will receive a 65% profit.

We didn't have to wait long, and here are the results of the deal:

The chart shows how the value of the dollar against the ruble fell, our forecast came true, and we returned $132, of which $52 is net profit:

Features of the USDRUB currency pair

Due to the tense economic situation in the Russian Federation, the country's population has traditionally used the US dollar and other reserve currencies as the only affordable way to save money. Thus, the next budgetary difficulties may cause an increased demand for dollars among the population. The load on bank exchangers causesincreased demand for deliverable foreign exchange contracts on the exchange itself. During such periods, banks widen the spread for buying and selling. Thus, those people who are not familiar with the foreign exchange markets have to buy dollars at a huge markup. In particular, on the eve of 2016, the difference in banks was more than 11 rubles.

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