Taurus what color suits. Taurus zodiac sign color stone. The influence of color on Taurus

Taurus is a very Earth sign and is responsible for the end of April and the month of May. Despite the fact that spring is in full swing, Taurus is a symbol of stability and the inevitability of the revival of nature, the development of already born life. The mythological prototype is the Cretan bull, the sacred cow of Rohini in India. Taurus stones - primarily agates and chalcedony, formed in cavities deep underground, these are noble blue and white stones (especially moonstones). Too active stones are not recommended for Taurus, since the internal development potential of Taurus is already high, and the main task is to direct it in a constructive direction.


Loving and soft Taurus subject to the influence of Venus. They are very fond of bodily and spiritual comfort and are willing to pay a high price for it. Taurus are big lovers of beautiful things, works of art and architecture. They can get whatever they want, but are often just lazy or don't feel the need to work hard. Taurus are materialists, they know how to earn and spend. They show their feelings in the form of gifts, forgetting about compliments and confessions. Taurus will not appreciate symbolic gifts, but will be delighted with a beautiful or useful thing.

Due to the soft and compliant nature of Taurus, they often follow the lead of stronger signs. It is very difficult to anger them, but if the Taurus Bull is brought to a boiling point, he will sweep away everything in his path. He would rather sing than talk. Taurus love to build far-reaching plans and clearly follow them, they will stubbornly resist anyone who tries to interfere with them. From Taurus, good leaders are obtained, striving for the highest peaks.

A solid and reliable Taurus looks like an unshakable rock against the background of other signs of the horoscope. No wonder Taurus was originally depicted as half-grown into the ground. This largely determines the essence of a person born under this sign - steadfastness and dislike for frequent changes of scenery. However, only those who are completely devoid of the ability to understand people will consider Taurus to be inactive or slow-moving bumpkin. Calm and peaceful, Taurus cannot stand pressure and coercion. Endowed with inflexible stubbornness, they defend their positions to the end. The property "to rest your horn on the ground" is inherent in all owners of this sign. Charming horned strong man is considered the most mercantile among the neighbors in the horoscope. He, like no one else, knows how to benefit from everything that he undertakes. The expression "Golden Calf" rightly indicates the main quality of this sign - the ability to make money. But in order to feel happy, Taurus must regularly satisfy their considerable needs, which are love for everything beautiful and refined. Any thing that a gourmet loves must be beautiful and practical. Even in their negative qualities, such as stinginess and selfishness, Taurus is completely unique. He is not greedy for money, but rather a collector of good and expensive items. Taurus can lend a large sum of money to a friend without much persuasion, but he will never agree to part with his beloved old box, and the longer he is persuaded, the more stubbornly he refuses. No one will be able to invade the possessions of a hoarder bull and get hold of by saying compliments. The vigilant Taurus vigilantly monitors his good and will not part with it voluntarily.

The characteristic of Taurus shows that he is full of kindness. He is gentle, but at the same time he can persistently try to impose his opinion on others or influence people by his example. At the same time, it is almost impossible to influence Taurus, but if he internally agrees with the position of the interlocutor, then later he may well pass off his thoughts as his own. A lie for Taurus is an unnatural phenomenon, but in exceptional cases he can resort to this weapon. Interestingly, his speeches are able to inspire boundless confidence. For an earthly person, the opinion of others is very important, so Taurus tries to look good and generally tries to show that his standard of living is higher than it really is. The constancy of Taurus is amazing. He is very devoted to his family and friends, any changes in life, including a change of scenery, will bring him down.


The name emerald is of Persian origin. Otherwise, this gem is called green ice. From the point of view of mineralogy, emerald is a green beryl with transparent crystals. This color is very appealing to Taurus, striving to be closer to nature. Emerald is credited with the ability to normalize blood pressure, relieve joint and headaches, treat the stomach and bladder. In the Middle Ages, with the help of an emerald suspended at the head of a bed, longing and bad dreams were driven away from a person, and modern lithotherapists confirm this property of the stone.

If Taurus becomes the owner of the emerald, the stone helps him in the fight against vicious inclinations, getting rid of the passions that destroy a person. Emerald reacts sharply negatively to rudeness, aggression and tries to neutralize these qualities in the character and demeanor of its owner. Such a stone, when worn continuously for two to three months, can significantly improve mood, make character easier, become more insightful and wise, and also helps to see deception. Emerald is useful for Taurus and in that it dispels the pessimism to which they are prone, makes this person more cheerful and cheerful, gives him hope for the best.

This stone-talisman of Taurus also protects from harmful external influences - both the owner and his home. Also, the emerald is considered the keeper of love, harmony between partners, peace in the house, which is very important for all representatives of this zodiac sign. But such stones for Taurus can also become "punishers" - if they see that a person does not intend to follow the path of self-improvement, indulges in vices and shows unreasonable aggression.

This is an unusually mysterious and beautiful stone. It brings unexpected luck to its owner, gives a great mood and helps heartthrobs. Aventurine comes in yellow, green, brown and blue, rarely red. Mica blotches create a scarlet, golden, green glow inside the amazing stone, which looks unusually attractive. This Taurus stone is imbued with strong magic, but it is quite difficult to work with it, since its energy is very capricious.

Aventurine brings luck in gambling, however, its energy is closer to the energy of love (but love is, in a way, also a game). This is a talisman of unexpected deeds and passion, mystical insights. It improves tone and cleanses the subtle bodies of its owner. Suitable gem for little Taurus. However, you should not wear aventurine very often: it can lead to carelessness, which in turn will contribute to the deterioration of financial well-being. This stone helps with heart disease, bronchitis, as well as allergies.

The next stone that Taurus is advised to wear is turquoise. This stone helps to realize oneself by finding the best way. It is turquoise that will give a sober look at yourself and those around you. Turquoise has a particularly beneficial effect on windy and impulsive people - it teaches patience and strengthens fortitude. Turquoise protects from quarrels and maintains peace in the family. True, turquoise is more useful for young people. Older people can also wear turquoise, but preferably only in spring, summer and early autumn. In the winter season, it is better not to wear turquoise. And one more thing: turquoise can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, if any. Be careful! It is better to wear turquoise in silver.

From Persian, the name of the mineral is translated as "stone of happiness", from Arabic - "stone that brings victory." Muslims equate seeing turquoise with reading the Koran. One of the legends about the origin of turquoise says that the stone was formed from the bones of those who died of love. Turquoise has a favorable effect on everyone, it helps to concentrate, find oneself, keeps from empty dreams, gives patience and enhances intuition, protects against accidental incidents. Turquoise is a stone of peace, it gives prosperity and longevity to its wearer. It is believed that the mineral is able to cure eye diseases and strengthen the heart. Turquoise enhances insight, removes the anger of those in power, brings happiness to lovers. White turquoise is shown young and active, it brings happiness to those who are ready to risk everything they have for the sake of a dream. It helps purposeful and risky. Blue turquoise is a stone of a mature leader, a person with a clear life position and well-deserved authority. It allows its owner to lead people, gives courage. Green turquoise is a dead stone. It is shown to people who have achieved the goal, self-confident. The rest can not wear green turquoise.

For a stable and well-placed Taurus, sapphire helps build morale and stamina. With all his calmness and pragmatism, the sentimental and stubborn Taurus does not share feelings and desires. If he is passionate, he will go to the end. Nothing can stop him: criticism, discomfort or inconvenience are powerless. Sapphire for Taurus will become a reliable stabilizing talisman, soothing and guiding.

The sapphire talisman stone is read as one of the most suitable for Taurus. He personifies chastity, fidelity, knowledge and modesty. This mineral is great for quick-tempered people, whom it helps to cool the ardor and not make unbalanced decisions. Sapphire gives its owner wisdom and strength and helps to endure in any situation. This stone is perfect for both men and women. The talisman will be most effective if you make eyes from this gem in a craft in the form of an owl.

Astrominerologists do not recommend very active stones to this earth sign, since Taurus has enough internal potential. Sapphire, with its soft and delicate effect, helps to reveal talents and enhances positive character traits. The proximity of representatives of the earth sign to nature makes sapphires of blue, green and yellow colors more attractive to Taurus. Constancy and virtue, wisdom and truthfulness, which sapphire represents, help Taurus achieve their goals and stay true to their principles. Also, sapphire is suitable for Taurus as an excellent amulet against opponents.

Another Taurus stone according to the horoscope is agate, which is one of the varieties of quartz; it can be black, white, green, red, brown or blue. It is believed that this stone helps a person become more protected from any negative impact, including pathogenic microbes and viruses. If agate with stripes is used as a talisman, then it will help Taurus or another owner in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system and help to cope with stress. Agates of white and black colors act as protection against injuries and other bodily harm.

Such stones for Taurus become good helpers, make their owners more courageous, strong people - not so much physically, but spiritually. For Taurus, who cannot always quickly decide on a serious step, especially if it is associated with something new, agate will give self-confidence, make you believe in the best. The properties of agate largely depend on its natural color. The blood-red stone becomes an incentive for Taurus to act, causes enthusiasm, inspires serious decisions and actions, and also provides assistance in love. Stones of a less saturated red color help conflicting people find a common language with each other or simply establish relationships.

With the help of blue agate, you can more easily solve family problems, it has the ability to harmonize relationships and smooth out the troubles of this plan. Having adopted black agate, Taurus will be able to win even more victories in his life. The color of moss gives hope that the owner of the stone will live happily for many years without needing materially, which is always extremely important for Taurus.

Chrysoprase is an apple green, grassy or emerald variety of chalcedony. Chrysoprase gives Taurus determination to start a new business, confidence in its successful implementation, protection from failures and interference. The conservatism of this zodiac sign does not suffer from the activity of chrysoprase in the field of renewal and change, but is only supplemented by the constant harmonious development of the personality while maintaining its basic values, ideas and views.

Chrysoprase helps Taurus to succeed in business and increase his income, so it is especially useful for those representatives of this sign whose slowness, stubbornness and fear prevent them from achieving their goal, including in making money. Chrysoprase helps with clarity and gratitude in the heart to overcome all difficult situations. Chrysoprase, set in gold, also protects against domestic injuries and accidents. Worn in a bracelet on the left hand, it helps against nervous diseases and is considered an excellent protection against bad energies. Chrysoprase stimulates the brain, hormonal activity of the glands, metabolism and tones the skin. It reduces high blood pressure, relieves depression and stress, gives peace of mind, evens out sexual imbalance.

Chrysoprase is suitable as a general talisman to "everything is fine." If necessary, he will help in health problems, protect from the evil eye, tell you what to do, and he will also be very useful in money matters. Chrysoprase is ideal as a talisman gift for people born under the constellation Taurus.

Diamond patronizes Taurus born in the third decade (May 12-20). This stone makes a person contact, reduces the manifestation of negativity from the outside. Diamond strengthens all energy centers. The king of stones contributes to the development of the best qualities of a person. Diamond faithfully serves its owner, reliably protects from negative energy, evil forces, gives success in every new business, including financial ones. Taurus men with such a talisman will easily achieve success in business, become independent and self-confident. Women will be able to bring romance and love into life. A diamond talisman must be worn constantly, preferably in the form of a ring on the left hand, on the middle finger.

Talisman of Taurus - Opal symbolizes wealth and a successful career. The owner of this stone will have an impact on the people around him. It is better to buy this stone yourself than to accept it as a gift, as it causes envy of the giver, and it is not recommended to use gold as a setting, otherwise it will bring only problems and misfortunes. Also, you should not simultaneously wear this mineral in the vicinity of other stones. Opal got its name due to its iridescent radiance and wonderful brilliance. It is very useful for Taurus to have such a talisman. It guarantees wealth, success in business and good mood. The owner of the opal can telepathically influence the surrounding people.

People who were born under the sign of Taurus and dream of a career in politics should give preference to onyx. This stone provides powerful assistance to politically ambitious Taurus (but in this case, do not choose
black onyx). This is a unique stone that attracts good luck in business, it strengthens the spirit and will to win.
Onyx is rightfully considered the "stone of leaders", as it gives its owner power and might. It sharpens the mind, helps to unravel the secret plans of rivals. This stone teaches to defend one's interests, to hold the lines taken. Onyx promotes emotional control, which is important for sensitive and vulnerable Taurus. It will become a kind of salvation from unnecessary worries and worries.

Chalcedony will help his sign to restrain anger and anger, to control himself, to remember the importance of benevolent behavior. After any strong emotional upheaval, Taurus needs time to restore his peace of mind, and chalcedony, a stone of joy and tranquility, will also help him in this.

Chalcedony will help the most stingy Taurus to wean themselves from harmful greed, it will teach them to be generous in those situations when it is necessary, not to skimp on the manifestation of emotions and money for loved ones.


Sapphire is suitable for all Taurus, regardless of the date of birth. Astrologers and lithotherapists advise choosing gems for Taurus in accordance with the decade of the zodiac period. The nature, abilities and destiny of people differ depending on the decade in which they were born. And if there are such stones as sapphire, emerald, which are universally suitable for all Taurus, then there are also minerals that can enhance the necessary properties of a person or, conversely, protect him from negative perception and manifestation.

21.04 - 01.05 (Mercury) Taurus of the first decade is patronized by Mercury, the god of money and prosperity. Good luck to the golden bulls born in this decade will be brought by stones: agate, aventurine. Crafts from these stones will become an effective amulet and support in all endeavors, free from anxiety and depression.

02.05 - 11.05 (Moon) The peculiarity of the second decade, ruled by the Moon, makes Taurus too romantic, timid and melancholic. Together with this, they are characterized by dreaminess, nobility of thoughts and actions. Onyx, chalcedony, chrysoprase, opals and turquoise will help to activate the energy of Taurus. A pyramid of the listed minerals will enhance the calming effect of the Moon, and a ring will bring family harmony to the house of Taurus.

May 12 - May 21 (Saturn) The third decade of Taurus is ruled by the formidable and gloomy Saturn, from which they gain pessimism, misanthropy and fatalism. They prefer loneliness to stormy communication, they strive with all their might to avoid poverty. Sapphire, diamond, emerald - the most precious minerals - will help to soften the influence of the planet, get rid of damage and the evil eye, spread your wings. Blue topaz will bring back the joy of life, help overcome anxiety and fear.


For a Taurus woman, the stone should be as refined as she herself. Therefore, they are advised to use transparent gemstones such as diamond, emerald. Sapphire increases intellectual abilities, helps to realistically assess the situation, while maintaining calm and patience. This is very important, as Taurus women are known for their hot temper. Wearing emeralds allows you to maintain health, helps to relax and effectively resist stress.
Knowing which Taurus stone will help you quickly get rid of the blues, you can use it in suitable cases. This is chrysoprase. It gives confidence, gives energy, helps to realize all ideas with minimal time and money costs.

Stones for Taurus of the weaker sex should gently and smoothly lead their mistress to the goal. The strongest talisman for the beautiful representatives of this sign is turquoise. The mineral will help achieve success in the material sphere and will help build a happy marriage. It is sometimes difficult for Taurus women according to the zodiac sign to realize their plans because of the fear of stumble. Talismans with turquoise will give them courage and determination. The stone protects from flattery and deceit, which women of this sign are so greedy for. In addition, turquoise is a strong talisman for women's health, protecting against many ailments.

Agate gives hope for a better future and does not give up in a difficult situation. The lucky stones of the female Taurus are agates of various colors and colors. Talismans with these minerals will bring success both in the professional field and in personal life. White and green agates give women born under the sign of Taurus energy and good mood. Black stones help in business and other financial matters.

For an unmarried woman, opal will be a good talisman. It helps to make romantic acquaintances and at the same time protects against deceit and disappointments in love. Opal is also useful for those who are focused on a career or study, as it helps in communicating with superiors, and contributes to the accumulation of knowledge and experience.


Stones for the Taurus man should be dense, opaque, giving a great charge of vital energy. They can be both rich yellow and light salad color. White and green agate work best as a charm with men. This is a motley stone, and depending on the color, it is patronized by different elements and planets. It is used to attract happiness, inner peace, longevity, good luck and strengthen the spirit. Black agate is especially useful for men. The mineral will become a talisman against diseases and energy attacks. Black agate helps the male Taurus to significantly improve his financial situation. For such a materialist as a man of this sign, agate will be a reminder that in addition to a career, there are other aspects of life.

Aventurine is another Taurus stone that has earned fame in love affairs and business. It will give some carelessness in dull periods and help get out of protracted depressions. It also helps with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. To avoid extraneous influence, to protect themselves from the evil eye and damage, Taurus men should use the power of chalcedony. It will help you navigate in cases where a large number of people are involved, and will not allow you to get out of patience.

A suitable stone for a Taurus man is an emerald. The gem struggles with greed and bad habits. Jewelry with an emerald helps to distract from depressive thoughts and prevents Taurus from falling into melancholy. The mineral contributes to creative impulses, which are lacking in the mundane representatives of the sign. In addition, the emerald makes its owner more open and sociable. Onyx develops the gift of persuasion, helps in communicating with the weaker sex. For a lonely Taurus, this stone is a real find. The gem hates disorder and always finds a mate alone.


There is only one talisman stone that Taurus (especially women) need to avoid in any form, and this is amber. For some reason, Amber does not like the representatives of this zodiac sign and endows them with troubles in all situations in which this is only possible. Moreover, the amber acquired by Taurus or presented to him will not be slow to show his abilities. The power of negative amber in relation to the owner does not weaken over time, and troubles will fall on the owner from all sides as long as the product with amber is with its owner. If you are a Taurus, and you have a product with amber, then get rid of it, but get rid of it with dignity, after all, amber was intended to serve as a talisman. Don't just throw it in the trash, it's better to give it to someone to whom the stone suits or to someone who will like the product with it. In some countries, for example, in Romania, unsuitable amulets were left in prominent places with the wish of harmonious relations with the new owner.

There are a few more gems that are undesirable for Taurus: ruby, topaz, heliotrope, pyrite. But these talisman stones, unlike amber, do not harm their owner. When choosing a product or jewelry with a stone, designed to serve as a talisman, listen to your intuition. If you picked up the product and felt a desire to keep it with you and warmth in relation to the decoration, then this is your stone!

Each zodiac sign has its own specific stone that brings him good luck. For Taurus, such stones are agate, emerald, chalcedony, chrysoprase. Agate has the properties that Taurus needs. It affects the development of intuition. In addition, agate contributes to the development of oratory in a person. This stone can help Taurus during public speaking, business negotiations and disputes. Black agate affects the material condition of Taurus and contributes to enrichment. Blue agate gives its owner vitality and activity.

Emerald enhances in Taurus such qualities as wisdom, practicality and inner peace. This stone can brighten up a routine life, give vigor and energy. It is also recommended to carry an emerald with you to those who are constantly in a state of stress. For Taurus, stress has a detrimental effect on health, so constant contact with this stone will help them cope with themselves and find harmony with the world around them.

Chrysoprase is necessary for those representatives of this sign who lack self-confidence and determination. This stone helps to raise self-esteem, performance and increase activity. In addition, he drowns out those qualities in Taurus that prevent them from achieving their goals. It is useful to wear chrysoprase for Taurus engaged in inventive or creative activities.

Chalcedony is needed by those Taurus whose field of activity is directly related to constant stress and overstrain. Taurus, as a rule, are very susceptible to energy influence from other people. Chalcedony is able to protect Taurus from unnecessary worries and worries.

In addition to stones, the life of people from the constellation Taurus is also guarded by a talisman. For Taurus, this is the figurine of the elephant Ganesh. This amulet brings luck and money to Taurus. Also, the elephant gives its owner the right line of behavior in society. He seems to lead him along, indicating the right direction. Thus, the elephant Ganesha helps Taurus to find their place in society, take a good position and achieve success in their careers. In addition, this talisman extinguishes those undesirable character traits that prevent Taurus from achieving their goal: laziness, apathy, stubbornness, conservatism.

Colors can also influence the lives of people in the constellation Taurus. An incorrectly chosen outfit or a room design that does not correspond to the Zodiac can affect the fate of Taurus. Their main color is green. He personifies calmness, goodwill, harmony. The use of green and green shades in the life of a Taurus can significantly change his inner state. Green color will always calm, give positive emotions and contribute to the preservation of vital energy and activity.

Compatibility horoscope: taurus zodiac sign clothing color - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Mascot: owl, golden calf.

Taurus Element: Earth, which explains their stability and solidity. Taurus is one of those who need confidence in their rear, a clear understanding of their goals and aspirations.

Symbols: bull (winged), cow (winged).

Colors: lemon, yellow, bright blue, deep orange, lemon green and all spring (red is unfortunate).

Stones: turquoise, sapphire, agate, opal, emerald, esmerald, green marble, jade, carisol.

Aroma: Taurus is happy when peace and harmony reign in his family. He is not disposed to any changes and innovations. He loves nature and romance is not alien to him. A spring sprig of lilac could turn his head. The most suitable perfumes for Taurus are characterized by floral-sweet notes, as well as a fresh scent of bergamot (a type of pear). This perfume stimulates their aesthetics and tendency to laziness. A whiff of forest moss aroma helps them to adapt more easily to any changes and novelties, making them more adventurous and active. Taurus will be delighted with a large bottle in bright red or bright green packaging. Women Amarige, Champagne, Organza, XS. Men Egoist, Fahrenheit, Hugo, Yatagan.

Essential oils: mint, lemon, sage, laurel, rosemary, cypress, thuja, jasmine, fennel.

Flowers: lily of the valley, lilac.

Plants: Taurus is the first earth sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by the beautiful Venus. Therefore, Taurus owns undersized, strong, ornamental flowering plants: Cyclamen, gloxinia (synningia) beautiful, Uzumbar violet (saintpaulia), ornamental flowering begonias, primrose (primrose), Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Mangina, peperomia.

Days and numbers

Favorable numbers: 2, 4, 16 (and all numbers divisible by 6).

Happy Days: Monday Friday.

Unlucky day: Tuesday.

Born from April 21 to May 1 - under the influence of Mercury, they have great mental abilities and a penchant for commercial and agricultural enterprises. Melancholic. Important years: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57.

Those born from May 2 to 11 - under the influence of the Moon - are dreamy, noble, indecisive, inclined towards politics and literature. Important years: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

Those born from May 12 to 20 - under the influence of Saturn - are unsociable, pessimistic, afraid of poverty and love loneliness. Important years: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

taurus zodiac sign clothing color

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Very many representatives of the sign of Taurus are beautiful, and this is the merit of the patron planet Venus that influences their horoscope. Taurus is incredibly sensual, has a special charm and exquisite taste. Their requests are very high, they are extremely demanding in the choice of each thing and, realizing that they cannot get what they want for little money, they prefer expensive things. Similarly, they relate to other components of their appearance. Solid expensive things really suit them very much, making them even more noble.

Taurus preferences in clothes and shoes

Taurus closely follow fashion, although they do not always dare, due to natural conservatism, to embody fashion trends in their own lives. But even with such a wary attitude towards everything new, they will not wear things that were relevant a few years ago. Taurus tend to be overweight, so fashion designers mostly ignore them, but Taurus women know how to look dignified and very feminine for all their shortcomings. They prefer chic classics, and in the ability to pick up and wear with them in the Zodiac, only a few can compete.

You can see a variety of things in the wardrobe of a Taurus woman, but trousers, shirts and jackets are quite rare guests in it: these ladies do not like to borrow things from the male arsenal, preferring to emphasize femininity and seductiveness. They are happy to wear blouses with a deep neckline, short dresses and skirts. Taurus are not indifferent to all kinds of applications, embroidery and other types of decoration, which is almost always relevant and never goes beyond good taste.

At the same time, not only the beauty of clothes is important for Taurus, but also its practicality, comfort in wearing. This fully applies to shoes. In everyday life, they can do with shoes, boots without heels or low heels. Ladies of this zodiac sign prefer natural fabrics, materials that are pleasant to the touch: silk, velvet, wool, printed cotton.

Taurus favorite colors

It has been noted that Taurus is especially partial to colors that are somehow close to nature - green, blue, aquamarine, blue, beige, brown. Their particular preference is soft pastel shades.

Taurus accessories and jewelry

Taurus attaches great importance to accessories and all kinds of jewelry, complementing their appearance with them and making it complete. They actively use gold, silver, precious stones, willingly wear jewelry with natural stones, which are skillfully combined with clothes.

Women of this sign usually look well-groomed and in many ways can thank for this their naturally smooth skin with a healthy glow. They do not neglect cosmetics, but on their face you will never see a riot, multi-colored colors. Women of this zodiac constellation operate with only a few colors, but thanks to their excellent taste they always achieve a very good effect, turning into real beauties.

Taurus will never show up in front of people with a mess on their heads. They consider hair to be one of the main elements of their appearance and attach great importance to their care, sparing no time and money for all kinds of balms, masks, etc. Usually they do not wear short haircuts, their favorite length is medium and long hair, which they often wear loose (but at the same time they will have, as they say, hair to hair). They actively use gels, mousses, foams, which allow them to create something highly artistic on their heads. Women of this sign often wear bangs.

Tauruses do not often grow or grow nails, especially if their work involves some kind of manipulation of the hands, which is far from uncommon. However, in any case, their hands will be well-groomed and neat. In manicure, they rely on accuracy, and not on bright colors, painting or sparkles. Lacquer color Taurus-women prefer to choose according to the color of lipstick.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Taurus clothing

Loving goodness and solidity in everything, Taurus follows this in the manner of dressing. In his wardrobe you will not find super fashionable things, but you can’t call him old-fashioned either. Taurus, whether he suspects it or not, tries to stick to the classics. He does not have many things, although not so little, but he treats everything with care. Often, when they see something beautiful on Taurus, they ask where he bought such a cute little thing. To which he solemnly replies, if there is a desire, that this is an old thing from his wardrobe. They usually take offense at him, believing that Taurus is secretive, but in fact he is telling the truth. It's just that things are out of fashion for him. Taurus selects clothes for himself for a long time and carefully. But this is not surprising, because usually his choice falls on expensive things. His addiction to expensive things is not caused by a desire to show his worth: for Taurus, unlike, for example, Sagittarius, things are not a demonstration of their success in life.

The main criterion that Taurus adheres to in choosing clothes is practicality, so he prefers natural high-quality fabrics, and they are usually expensive. Taurus do not like small details. Various kinds of ruffles, small folds, lace make them mad, because they wear out faster than the dress itself. They also do not like jewelry, preferring even one, but an expensive or natural thing. Very fond of stones, precious or semi-precious. What cannot be denied to Taurus is in taste. Taurus is ruled by Venus, and she gives him a sense of beauty and proportion. As for color, Taurus do not dress up in dark clothes, although they are considered practical. Taurus does not shy away from light tones, on it you can see sand, cream, and pink-green colors. But the colors are usually not very rich, but slightly muted, though less muted than Libra. Many Telchikhs know how and love to sew themselves: they feel the texture of the fabric very well, skillfully combine different fabrics and colors. And since they do everything thoroughly, their products are of good quality.

Color for Taurus

People born under this constellation are ruled by the female planet Venus. They love to dress beautifully and elegantly. Women prefer bright and saturated colors. Men also take care of their appearance, but prefer a calmer color scheme.

Color has a powerful effect on the emotional state of Taurus.

If, for example, a person born under this sign of the Zodiac chose an outfit of the wrong color scheme or used colors that do not suit him in the interior of his room, then this can adversely affect not only his mood, but also his fate.

It's no secret that each zodiac sign has certain personality traits. For example, Taurus is distinguished by calmness, poise, diligence and stubbornness. Any color can also be characterized, for example, red is the color of love on the one hand, and blood and aggression on the other, and green always symbolizes peace and prosperity. It is very important that the character traits of a person are in harmony with the color, then there will be no problems.

According to the horoscope, green is very suitable for Taurus. He personifies harmony and goodwill. If its shades are used in the wardrobe and interior, then you can change your internal state for the better. Thanks to this color, Taurus will calmly respond to all difficulties and will be able to easily save their vital energy. Negative emotions will not linger in the head, which is very important for people of this zodiac sign - Taurus keeps all the negativity in itself, preventing it from splashing out, resulting in health problems

Colors for a Taurus Woman

Taurus women are very fond of colors that are somehow close to nature, for example: blue, green, blue, beige, brown. This color scheme is perfect for their temperament and character. Women of this zodiac sign know how and love to dress beautifully, this is their weakness, so they always carefully select their wardrobe according to the color scheme. Everything must be combined not only in color, but also in style, texture and shape. Surely such a love for beauty endowed the people of this zodiac sign with their patron planet - Venus.

What color is dangerous for Taurus? Red does not suit them, it is very aggressive for them. Although Taurus is distinguished by calmness and poise, it can sometimes lose its temper, and this is dangerous for others. People of this zodiac sign are very scary when angry. But if red is not recommended for them, then at least pink is allowed. He is very feminine, personifies comfort and convenience, and all Taurus strive for this. Pink color is very fond of women, it calms them.

Colors for Taurus men

Blue is the best color for Taurus men.. It harmonizes perfectly with their temperament and character. Blue is always associated with patience, calmness, balance and harmony. It also symbolizes loyalty, devotion and sincerity. Taurus can use it both in clothes and in the interior. The color not only corresponds to the personal qualities of this zodiac sign, but also brings them good luck. In addition to the above, the representatives of the stronger sex can pay attention to brown, yellow and green, as well as to the entire pastel palette.

Men, like women of this zodiac sign, pay great attention to their appearance. They can be called true connoisseurs of beauty and fashionistas. Taurus loves and knows how to dress beautifully.

It is desirable that the diet includes multi-colored foods. This will not only improve your mood, but also improve your health. Blue foods, such as plums, blueberries, have a positive effect on people of this zodiac sign. Especially they need to be used in various diseases of the thyroid gland, tonsils and oral cavity.

Red foods are not so useful, especially for those people who suffer from hypertension. But they have a beneficial effect on poor performance of the pancreas.

Taurus is also very useful products of green and yellow. A colorful diet will promote appetite and also improve mood.

Happy colors for Taurus

Taurus colors: yellow-green, blue-green light green, any shades of spring green, lemon, white, lilac and blue variations strengthen. The colors of Taurus symbolize peace, all living things, hope, wisdom, eternal life. They help to liberate the senses, create the impression of softness, pacify with nature.

Colors of happiness for each zodiac sign - choose your zodiac sign


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Lucky Colors for Taurus

Representatives of the Taurus sign are gifted with a variety of talents, including music and fine arts, they are distinguished by a calm character, are patient, and are able to withstand long-term stress. However, they can be very stubborn at times. A quiet home life is what many Taurus seek. They have the ability for a deep type of affection and expect sincere mutual feelings from a partner.

The best color for people born under the sign of Taurus is blue. It is a color that brings peace and tranquility. Taurus will bring good luck to the use of blue in everyday life, in clothes and interiors. One of the main stones of this zodiac sign is blue sapphire, it brings good luck to people of this sign. Read more about the stones and talismans of Taurus here. Blue color has always been associated with patience, calmness, which corresponds to the qualities of this zodiac sign. Blue color also symbolizes loyalty and sincerity.

The ruling planet of this sign is Venus, it bestows a peaceful and friendly character. Pink is one of the colors associated with this planet. The red color for Taurus is quite aggressive, but pink has an attractive quality. It expresses the comfort they seek and has calming properties.

Other colors associated with this zodiac sign are green and yellow. Yellow color makes Taurus spiritual. This color can help in cases where there is a tendency to apathy or laziness.

Horoscope of clothes and flowers

Publication date: 30.12.2010

Do you know which style suits you best according to the sign of the Zodiac, which colors bring good luck and which styles are better to give your preference to look beautiful and confident? The horoscope of clothes and flowers will answer all these questions from the point of view of astrology.

Aries has its own style of clothing, which can be described in one word: movement. Freedom in movement is what people of this sign should consider first of all when choosing clothes. True, loose clothing in the understanding of Aries is not necessarily shapeless and voluminous. It can be sportswear.

The best way to feel complete and confident is to wear clothes of your zodiac color. For Aries, this is bright red.

The style, created as if specially for Taurus, is a classic combined with chic fabrics. Taurus is advised to avoid straight lines in the cut of clothing, preferring things with large and soft curves. This applies equally to both men and women.

The main colors that fully meet the characteristics of this sign are green and brown.

Separate things, very different, but perfectly combined with each other - in the style of Gemini. Indeed, in this way it is possible (with the introduction of various accessories) to constantly look in a new way. Most of all, Gemini is attracted by a discreet "stripe", an unobtrusive "cage" and some geometric ornaments.

Among the favorite colors of clothes are yellow, light brown and green. But the Gemini treats red and blue with coolness.

Cancer has a rare ability to be (or at least appear) sloppy. So you should make a lot of efforts to always look "on the level." It is interesting that all the new things of Cancer after some time in an incomprehensible way become similar to each other. No one has yet been able to solve this riddle.

As for color, white and silver are most suitable for Cancer. Shoes should be rounded, and clothes should be flowing silhouettes with soft shoulders.

A Leo can wear anything and still look stunning.

Since the real Leo never suffers from an inferiority complex, he chooses the most exquisite and possibly expensive clothes.

The sun dictates the dominant red and yellow in clothes for Leos, but most of them prefer the classic royal colors: burgundy, purple and golden brown.

Virgo will never buy a piece of clothing that lacks at least one of the three characteristics: neatness, muted color, classic style.

People born under this sign choose dark blue, dark green and gray colors, strongly rejecting all shades of red. A rare Virgo will not be attracted by even lines and perfect, perfectly ironed seams.

Depending on the mood, Libra can wear something bright, even flashy: lemon yellow, hot pink or poisonous green. But this is not part of their rules. Basically, Libra chooses clothes according to the following principles: elegant silhouette, pastel colors, light fabrics, fashionable, but not frilly style.

Libra refers to those signs whose mood can change depending on the outfit. In principle, this is characteristic of very many people, but Libra in particular.

The increased sexual energy of Scorpio is reflected in the choice of wardrobe. His favorite colors are red and black.

The clothing style of Scorpios is quite pronounced and does not change over the years. These are narrow silhouettes, dramatic color combinations, concentrated finishes and decorations.

Scorpio ladies love high stiletto heels, but they also look great in a business suit, and especially in the style of a “vamp woman”.

Sagittarians hate formal wear, shackling toilets for especially solemn occasions. All that Sagittarius requires from clothing is maximum comfort and minimum restriction of freedom of movement. And more pockets! The most suitable option is sports-type jackets, soft sweaters, jeans and comfortable shoes.

Sagittarius' favorite color is blue, the color of the sea, the color of the sky, the color of dreams. Although the style of this romantic is not too chic and not very elegant, but it is an easy style!

The real Capricorn never overplays in clothes: all his things are extremely simple models, no frills, but at the same time very solid and expensive. Business-style clothing is a favorite option for women and men of this sign.

In traditional astrology, Aquarius is associated with the colors of the night sky - dark blue or indigo, but sometimes for greater extravagance, he dresses in neon colors.

Two main styles are attributed to Aquarius: "unionist" (cap, scarf, jeans, short jacket and work boots) and "scientist" (strict suit with a pronounced gray and blue check).

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Since ancient times, astrologers have known that each sign of the zodiac has certain colors that suit them. Psychologists have proven that color has a powerful effect on a person's emotional state. For example, if it is cloudy and gray outside the window, then everyone’s mood deteriorates sharply. In modern medicine, color therapy has recently begun to be used, where, with the help of specially selected colors, an impact is exerted on the emotional, mental and physical state of a person. What color suits Taurus best? April 20 — May 20) and have a beneficial effect on them?

The influence of color on Taurus

People born under this constellation are ruled by the female planet Venus. They love to dress beautifully and elegantly. Women prefer bright and saturated colors. Men also take care of their appearance, but prefer a calmer color scheme.

Color has a powerful effect on the emotional state of Taurus.

If, for example, a person born under this sign of the Zodiac chose an outfit of the wrong color scheme or used colors that do not suit him in the interior of his room, then this can adversely affect not only his mood, but also his fate.

It's no secret that each zodiac sign has certain personality traits. For example, Taurus is distinguished by calmness, poise, diligence and stubbornness. Any color can also be characterized, for example, red is the color of love on the one hand, and blood and aggression on the other, and green always symbolizes peace and prosperity. It is very important that the character traits of a person are in harmony with the color, then there will be no problems.

According to the horoscope, green is very suitable for Taurus. He personifies harmony and goodwill. If its shades are used in the wardrobe and interior, then you can change your internal state for the better. Thanks to this color, Taurus will calmly respond to all difficulties and will be able to easily save their vital energy. Negative emotions will not linger in the head, which is very important for people of this zodiac sign - Taurus keeps all the negativity in itself, preventing it from splashing out, resulting in health problems

Colors for a Taurus Woman

Taurus women are very fond of colors that are somehow close to nature, for example: blue, green, blue, beige, brown. This color scheme is perfect for their temperament and character. Women of this zodiac sign know how and love to dress beautifully, this is their weakness, so they always carefully select their wardrobe according to the color scheme. Everything must be combined not only in color, but also in style, texture and shape. Surely such a love for beauty endowed the people of this zodiac sign with their patron planet - Venus.

What color is dangerous for Taurus? Red does not suit them, it is very aggressive for them. Although Taurus is distinguished by calmness and poise, it can sometimes lose its temper, and this is dangerous for others. People of this zodiac sign are very scary when angry. But if red is not recommended for them, then at least pink is allowed. He is very feminine, personifies comfort and convenience, and all Taurus strive for this. Pink color is very fond of women, it calms them.

Colors for Taurus men

Blue is the best color for Taurus men.. It harmonizes perfectly with their temperament and character. Blue is always associated with patience, calmness, balance and harmony. It also symbolizes loyalty, devotion and sincerity. Taurus can use it both in clothes and in the interior. The color not only corresponds to the personal qualities of this zodiac sign, but also brings them good luck. In addition to the above, the representatives of the stronger sex can pay attention to brown, yellow and green, as well as to the entire pastel palette.

Men, like women of this zodiac sign, pay great attention to their appearance. They can be called true connoisseurs of beauty and fashionistas. Taurus loves and knows how to dress beautifully.

food color

It is desirable that the diet includes multi-colored foods. This will not only improve your mood, but also improve your health. Blue foods, such as plums, blueberries, have a positive effect on people of this zodiac sign. Especially they need to be used in various diseases of the thyroid gland, tonsils and oral cavity.

Red foods are not so useful, especially for those people who suffer from hypertension. But they have a beneficial effect on poor performance of the pancreas.

Taurus is also very useful products of green and yellow. A colorful diet will promote appetite and also improve mood.

Traits Taurus

Patient and reliable;
Sensitive and loving;
Persistent and purposeful;
Calm and loving, safety.

On the dark side...

Jealous and picky;
Resentful and inflexible;

Narcissistic and stingy.

All about astrology: http://site/ezoterika/astrologiya.html

Taurus ! About your sign...

Characteristics of Taurus - hardness, practicality, extremeness and strength. No one will control them, but they will willingly and adamantly follow a leader they trust. Resilient, balanced, conservative, law-abiding citizens and peace advocates. They have all the best qualities of the bourgeoisie, as they have a weakness for material values ​​​​and real estate. And in order to maintain security and their status, they are sometimes hostile. quick-witted and practical more than intellectually developed. The character of Taurus is generally reliable, steadfast, prudent, firm and resistant to difficulties. In rare cases, Taurus are stubborn, self-satisfied, tough, conflicting, dissatisfied. They are loyal and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely get to know anyone outside of their social status, to which they are usually overly loyal. If provoked, they can explode into a wild rage in which they lose their temper. Their random outings to have fun and have fun are unexpected. Taurus have a refined aesthetic taste. They enjoy the art for which they themselves have a talent. Appreciate beauty and music. They are repulsed by bad taste and negativity. More often religious, sometimes they choose non-traditional faith. They have good taste, wear good things, enjoy comfort and luxury. They love wine and good food. Taurus are hardworking and successful entrepreneurs, not afraid of even dirty work. Reliable, practical, ambitious, respect elders and listen to their opinion. They are creative individuals. They are able to organize their business and achieve success due to high efficiency. They can thrive in various professions: in architecture, construction, public service, agriculture, medicine, chemistry, music. They stubbornly climb the career ladder and can reach the height of the boss. Taurus have good vocal abilities and can become excellent opera stars or excel others in popular types of music. They are sensitive and very amorous, but in relationships they are direct and do not prefer experiments. Loyal to their home, loving spouses and caring parents. If anyone offends their love, they can be enemies, although they are generous in forgiveness if their opponent takes a step forward. No other zodiac sign is as close to the earth as Taurus. The main goal in his life is to maintain stability. Their inner world and spirituality strive for harmony. Ultimately, Taurus needs to expose their truest, deepest, and highest values. They know what real value is and do not gravitate toward the artificial and mundane.

Potential Health Problems for Taurus…

Throat and neck are vulnerable. Throat infections, goiter and various respiratory diseases such as asthma should be guarded against. Also at risk for Taurus are the genitals, liver, and kidneys. We must protect ourselves from rheumatism. Since they are lazy in sports and physical culture, they tend to be overweight.

Problems that may arise in Taurus and their solutions.

Like all sun signs, Taurus have unique personality traits. When these traits are suppressed or unclaimed, problems arise. However, with the help of astrology, you can easily identify them and find the right solution. If you have such problems, try to find a solution to them and you will most likely be amazed at the result.
PROBLEM : You feel like you are being used and manipulated. You are humiliated and made into a puppet.

SOLUTION: Your magnetism attracts both negativity and positivity. You need to choose your friends, not let them choose you.

PROBLEM: Your financial situation is depressing. The world around is dimming, life is disappointing. Lack of money limits your options.

SOLUTION: You begin to look for inner harmony that will awaken physical strength and self-confidence. You must let it grow. Confidence and determination will lead to material well-being in your family.

PROBLEM : Inexplicable fear of loss, jealousy bordering on paranoia.

SOLUTION: Evaluate the situation not only with your inner feelings, but also turn on your intellect to objectively look at the world around you. Gaining confidence is believing in yourself, in your own strengths.

PROBLEM: Life oppresses you. You feel overwhelmed and overwhelmed, which causes dissatisfaction and disappointment. The people around you make you feel uncomfortable. Life is annoying, the material comes to the fore.
SOLUTION: Increase self-control and self-esteem and you will feel that in your life the spiritual is much higher than the material.

A few more interesting facts about the Taurus sign:

The animal associated with you is the tough looking bull. The Egyptian Hourus was the bull of heaven. A white bull was sacrificed in Babylonia in the new year to pacify Ramman, the god of thunder and lightning.