Soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment - modern materials. Soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment - materials for soundproofing Suspended ceilings absorb soundproofing

Despite the beauty and practicality of a stretch ceiling, it cannot boast of high soundproofing characteristics. In apartment buildings, the problem of noise from neighbors is especially relevant. In this case, before the installation of the stretch fabric, the ceiling is soundproofed. There are many materials on the market suitable for this purpose. All of them differ in their characteristics and installation features. We will consider the features of each sound insulator and the nuances of its installation, which will help the consumer find the answer to the question of how to soundproof the ceiling under a stretch coating.

Choice of soundproofing material

Even when using acoustic stretch panels, protecting the apartment from extraneous sounds will be ineffective. If such canvases are used in tandem with insulators made of other materials, then the sound absorption of the coating will increase significantly.

Today on sale you can find the following materials for soundproofing the ceiling:

  • mineral wool and products based on it;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • cork boards and roll products;
  • foam rubber;
  • sound insulator Teksaund on a mineral basis.

Before mounting any insulator, the base surface must be prepared. In addition, it is required to install baguettes for a stretch fabric, which will subsequently hide the noise insulator.

Ceiling preparation and installation of the supporting frame

Work on the preparation of the base surface depends on its condition:

  1. Acoustic materials can be mounted on a high-quality painted ceiling surface without prior preparation.
  2. Weak base surface coating and defective finishes should be removed completely.
  3. After that, the ceiling is cleaned with a metal brush to the floor slabs and dust is removed.
  4. The primer is applied in several layers. The primer coating is applied to the walls to a height of 15 cm. Before applying each layer of primer, the first layer must dry completely. In the presence of mold, antifungal primers are used.

After preparing the base, the installation of load-bearing baguettes is performed. To do this, along the perimeter of the room on the walls, they draw the installation level of the tension coating. To do this, use a laser level and a paint cord. Baguettes are cut in length and a self-adhesive soundproof tape is attached to their back side. After that, the profile is applied with a tape to the wall and screwed with self-tapping screws.

Then, on the basis, the installation locations of lighting fixtures are marked. For this, special platforms made of plywood or OSB are mounted. Bases for devices are mounted at the same level as the tension fabric, and are mounted on perforated hangers. Power supply cables are laid to the installation sites of lighting devices.

Features of soundproof materials and installation technology

After preparing the base surface and installing the mounting baguettes, sound insulation can be mounted under the stretch ceiling. Since there are many acoustic materials suitable for this purpose, we will consider their features and installation nuances in detail.

Roll noise insulation MaxForte

Recently, turnkey ceiling soundproofing is often done using a new generation roll insulator - MaxForte from SoundPro. This product, with a thickness of 1.2 cm, well protects against impact noise and airborne sounds. The noise insulator does not contain glue and can be used in frame and frameless insulation systems.

The benefits of MaxForte brand SoundPro include the following:

  • does not emit unpleasant odors;
  • does not contain toxic components;
  • moisture resistant;
  • provides maximum sound absorption.

MaxFrte features from SoundPro:

  • dimensions are 5 m x 1.4 m, and the thickness is 12 mm;
  • the volume of the roll is 0.1 cubic meters, and its area is 7 squares;
  • weight of one roll - 16 kg;
  • The color of the product is black and white.

A similar insulator is manufactured by EcoAcoustic. Plates made of synthetic synthetic winterizer have maximum sound absorption. This is achieved through the aerodynamic laying of polyester fibers. The dimensions of the slabs are 1.2 m x 0.6 m, and the thickness is 5 cm. One package includes four slabs, with a total area of ​​2.88 squares. The density of the product is 1000 grams per square meter. The package weighs 3 kg.

Advantages of EcoAcoustic sound insulator:

  • suitable for rooms where allergy sufferers live;
  • does not contain glass fibers and phenol;
  • resistant to decay and moisture;
  • not subject to damage by insects and mold;
  • retains its original dimensions (does not shrink);
  • provides maximum sound absorption.

Important! MaxForte is attached to the ceiling surface on dowel-fungi.

Mineral wool

It is better if the soundproofing of the ceiling in an apartment under a stretch ceiling is carried out not with ordinary mineral wool, but with modified products based on it - Shumostop K2 and C2 slabs, as well as Shumanet BM.

Shumanet boards are made from basalt fibres. On the one hand, the product is reinforced with fiberglass. This provides high rigidity of the material.

Technical characteristics of the sound insulator:

  • dimensions - 1x0.5 m or 1x0.6 m;
  • thickness - 5 cm;
  • density - 45 kg per cubic meter;
  • four plates in the package;
  • the area of ​​one element is 2.4 m²;
  • package weight - from 4.2 to 5.5 kg;
  • volume - 0.12 m³;
  • combustibility class - NG (does not burn);
  • average sound absorption - up to 27 dB;
  • when immersed in water for a day, water absorption is no more than 3%.

Shumostop boards are produced in two varieties C2 and K2. Their characteristics are as follows:

  1. Dimensions - C2 1.25x0.6 m, K2 1.2x0.3 m.
  2. Thickness - both plates are 2 cm.
  3. Density - 70 kg / m³ for C2, 90-100 kg / m³ for K2.
  4. The package sells 10 plates.
  5. The area of ​​the element is 7.5 m² C2, 3.6 m² K2.
  6. The weight of one plate is 11 and 8.8 kg, respectively.
  7. Volume - C2 0.15 m³, K2 0.072 m³.
  8. Average sound absorption - up to 27 dB for C2, up to 20 dB for K2.
  9. Both materials are non-flammable.
  10. Water absorption per day is 2-3%.

When using mineral wool boards, the price of soundproofing the ceiling will be the most affordable. Usually, C2 and K2 products are used simultaneously, because the fiberglass insulator absorbs noise better, and K2 elements are not harmful to health. Therefore, C2 is first attached to the ceiling, and then K2. In this case, the damping of the sound wave reaches 46 decibels.

Mounting Features

The frame method of installation involves the construction of a crate on the ceiling surface. To do this, markup is performed first. Then guides are attached (their step depends on the width of the plates). The frame is made of metal profiles or wooden bars.

When using steel profiles, their additional sound insulation is carried out. To do this, use self-adhesive tape. Depending on the thickness of the sound insulator to be laid, the frame is attached directly to the ceiling or suspended from it on perforated hangers. After the frame is assembled, acoustic plates are laid. They should fit snugly against the guides and fill their entire thickness. The material is laid without gaps, by surprise.

The frameless installation method involves gluing the boards to the surface with gypsum or cement-based adhesives, as well as adhesive sprays. The choice of adhesive mixture depends on the material of the surface to be bonded. For a concrete ceiling, gypsum and cement-based mixtures are suitable. Additionally, dowel-fungi are used (5-6 pieces per plate). For painted surfaces, it is better to use spray adhesives (additional fixation with dowels is not required).

Important! If perforated stretch fabrics are used, then to protect against mineral wool from entering the air, the insulator is covered with a vapor barrier film. To fix the film, use dowel-fungi, double-sided tape or staples to the crate.


Sound insulation of the ceiling in an apartment under a stretch ceiling is carried out using ordinary and extruded polystyrene foam.

Specifications for conventional (extruded) polystyrene foam are given below:

  1. The percentage of water absorption per month is 4 (0.4).
  2. The percentage of water absorption per day is 2 (0.2).
  3. Vapor permeability - foam plastic is absent (for extruded material it is 0.018).
  4. Thermal conductivity - up to 0.05 (up to 0.03).
  5. Sound absorption - up to 53 dB (up to 27 dB).
  6. Density - up to 35 kg/m² (up to 45 kg/m²).
  7. Strength - up to 0.2 MPa (up to 0.5 MPa).
  8. Mechanical strength for static bending - up to 0.2 MPa (up to 1 MPa).
  9. Operating temperatures - from minus 50 to plus 70 (75°C).
  10. Combustibility - G1-G4.

If non-pressed self-extinguishing polystyrene foam will be used, then it is better to choose PSB-S class 35 or 25 products. The material is attached to the surface with liquid nails, cement-based adhesives or mounting foam. For additional fixation, dowel-fungi are used. The same can be said about fixing extruded polystyrene foam.

The general advantages of all polystyrene foams include their low thermal conductivity, high degree of sound absorption, resistance to mold damage, and low weight. The disadvantage of the material is flammability and the release of toxic substances during a fire.

Soundproofing Texound

Texound is characterized by high sound absorption with a small thickness. This dense material absorbs and scatters sound waves well because it has a high density.

Texound is produced in the form of rolls and plates and has the following characteristics:

  • density - reaches 1900 kg / m³;
  • flammability - G2;
  • average sound absorption - up to 3 dB;
  • elongation under tensile loads - up to 300 percent;
  • composition - polyolefins, plasticizers, spunbond, aragonite.

The insulator is available in different sizes and has the following advantages:

  1. Resistance to temperature extremes (can withstand even freezing at a temperature of -20 degrees).
  2. Elasticity is similar to rubber.
  3. The surface is not susceptible to fungal attack.
  4. High moisture resistance.
  5. Unlimited service life.
  6. Can be used in combination with other acoustic materials.

Important! On sale there is Texound with a self-adhesive base, on a felt pad, with a foil layer and a regular one.

Mounting options

There are three ways to install this noise isolator:

  1. If Texound is used as an independent sound absorber, it is glued to the ceiling surface with a special adhesive (liquid nails or Sealant). The composition is applied to the ceiling and insulator. After a quarter of an hour, the canvas is applied to the base and pressed tightly. Due to the large weight, Texound is glued in separate sheets. Neighboring slabs are first laid with a slight overlap, then they are cut with a cutter and butted with ends, followed by welding with a gas burner or a building hair dryer. After that, the sheets are additionally fixed with dowel fungi, which are mounted in 0.5 m increments.
  2. The second method involves pre-installation on the ceiling of mineral wool, laid in the gaps of the crate. After that, Texound is glued to drywall, which is then mounted on the crate. Joints are glued with sealant or welded with a building hair dryer.
  3. In this variant, Texound is first attached to the ceiling surface, as described in the first method. Then a frame made of a wooden bar or a metal profile is mounted. Mineral wool is laid between the guides. The frame is hemmed with drywall or vapor barrier film. Tension cover is being installed.

Acoustic foam

This is the most affordable insulator that has an impressive service life and is used both independently and in combination with other acoustic products. Due to its lightness, foam rubber is glued to the base with silicone or double-sided tape. The thickness of foam rubber plates is 25-100 mm. The relief pattern of the surface may also differ. There are special reliefs that are designed to dampen low-frequency noise.

The concept of modern housing includes an impeccable interior, fashionable and comfortable furniture, stylish decor items, as well as a variety of high-tech equipment that simplifies life. However, despite the presence of all these signs, the comfort and coziness of a home environment is often disturbed by noise penetrating from neighbors. To eliminate it, it is enough to install a good soundproofing system.

Types of noise, options for its elimination

Depending on the source of occurrence, all noises are divided into air and structural. In the first case, we are talking about sounds generated by the action of sound waves in the air stream. This includes loud speech or music coming from the audio system and penetrating through the walls into neighboring rooms.

The source of structural noise is mechanical actions - impacts of falling objects, drilling of materials. The formation of a sound wave occurs directly on the ceiling, while the speed of its propagation is 12 times faster than that formed in air currents, and therefore such noises are clearly audible.

There are two ways to protect the room from sounds penetrating from above:

  1. Providing complete soundproofing.

    In this option, it is assumed not only the sound insulation of the ceiling in the apartment, but also the floor, as well as the walls. For this, construction and repair work is carried out in full, which requires large material costs. In addition, the construction of the structure involves a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, which is not provided for in small apartments.
  2. Installation of a stretch ceiling in combination with a soundproofing system.

    If extraneous noise from neighboring apartments is detected, after the repair is completed, it is recommended to carry out partial sound insulation, for example, install special plates in the gap between the stretch and base ceiling, so it will fit perfectly.

When choosing the optimal and reliable methods for protecting the premises, it is recommended to take into account the features of the building as a whole, since each of them has its own operational features and the level of sound insulation.

Features of panel houses

When buying an apartment in a panel house, it is better to immediately think about carrying out full soundproofing. This recommendation is explained by the fact that the massiveness of walls and ceilings between floors is approximately the same, and in the event of a noise flow, it spreads through all apartments of the riser. Mounting insulation on the ceiling alone will not solve the problem, so it is better to combine the arrangement of the suspension system with additional soundproofing of the walls and floor, as shown in the photo.

Features of brick buildings

If the apartment is located in a thick-walled brick house, then partial sound insulation will be sufficient to eliminate excess noise, for example, installing special materials on the ceiling.

Features of monolithic-frame houses

Monolithic-frame construction is characterized by the presence of heavy interfloor ceilings and light internal partitions that easily transmit sound waves. In addition, the use of modern lightweight materials (hollow brick, foam concrete) for the construction of external walls contributes to increased thermal insulation and noise transmission.

Regardless of the type, soundproofing for the ceiling in an apartment is the most important stage of finishing, since its quality and literacy determine the level of comfortable and relaxing rest for all residents. Today, with the help of modern materials and construction technologies, this problem is easily solved, despite the complexity and time of detection.

The most common methods of ceiling soundproofing include the installation of an acoustic false ceiling, as well as the installation of drywall sheets with nested soundproofing boards of any of the following materials:

  • foamed glass;
  • basalt wool;
  • reed slab;
  • fireclay;
  • peat insulation boards;
  • polyurethane foam blocks;
  • staple fiberglass;
  • linen tow in mats;
  • cork coating;
  • coconut fibre.

Reliable ceiling sound insulation is made from an additional ceiling system in the form of:

  1. suspended ceiling - plates of the selected material are attached to the metal frame, equipped over the old ceiling;
  2. false ceiling - drywall is screwed over the metal frame.
  3. – a film textile cover is attached to the installed special brackets.

Regardless of how to soundproof the ceiling in the apartment, the essence remains the same: a special soundproof fiber is laid between the installed structure and the base.

Creating sound insulation by increasing the sound absorption coefficient

When repair work is completed, or if it is impossible to perform it, an acoustic stretch ceiling made of perforated fabric, which perfectly dampens sound waves, can be an effective way to reduce noise. An important condition for the use of such a design, which also acts as a limiting factor, is the height of the ceiling (in more detail: "").

With a structure thickness that successfully reduces noise, about 120-170 mm, the ceiling height should be from 3 meters.

A structure that combines an acoustic false ceiling with sound-absorbing mineral wool between the base and the floor will provide perfect insulation. The functioning is presented as follows: noise penetrating from the outside into the room through the floor and wall ceilings is absorbed by the ceiling layer. The level of effectiveness in reducing unwanted sounds is directly related to the loudness of the room and the thickness of the acoustic ceiling structure.

The cork ceiling is in great demand among consumers. Similar natural materials for soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment are distinguished by a special molecular structure and porosity of the structure.

Thanks to a large number of modern equipment, technologies, environmentally friendly raw materials, a sound-absorbing system is created, which includes various soundproofing components. For such installation work, experts recommend installing plates that act as an addition to any ceiling system. Due to their special properties, not only the absorption of external sounds, but also those that are formed inside the room, is ensured.

Thus, it is possible to create high-quality sound insulation on your own, you just need to have an idea about the degree of protection and the height of the ceilings.

What materials can be used to equip ceiling soundproofing

In the conditions of the modern market, soundproofing of the ceiling is installed in the apartment - the materials for which are presented in a wide variety, without any problems. The presence of high-quality, various design solutions will help in creating impeccable sound insulation in a room for any purpose. Consider the basic, most common materials.

For a complete understanding of the properties of materials, the concept of "decibel" should be defined. This is a relative value in percent or multiplicity. In decibels, the sound pressure is measured, which is equal to the sound volume. If we translate dB several times, then with an increase in the sound insulation of the ceiling surface by 1 dB, there is an improvement in sound insulation by 1.25 times, at 3 dB - up to 2 times, 10 dB - up to 10 times.

Features of Isotex soundproofing material

Innovative soundproofing products from Izotex are aimed at creating effective soundproofing of a room with a minimum reduction in its area - 12-25 mm of spent height contributes to impeccable efficiency.

Sound-absorbing ceiling panels with a thickness of 12 mm contribute to a sound insulation of 23 dB. The design is based on several Isotex heat and sound insulating boards, and the finish coating is made of foil paper, which reduces the amount of heat loss from the ceiling surface. Improving sound insulation properties is guaranteed by frameless Izotex panels, which are attached to the ceiling with liquid nails, and are also assembled with a tongue and groove connection, which prevents gaps and crevices through which, as a rule, extraneous sounds penetrate.

Specialists have proven the high practicality of these structures - with a significant increase in the sound insulation of ceilings, only a small area is involved than when working with frame systems.

Features of soundproofing material Isoplaat

Heat and sound insulation boards Izoplat 25 mm thick in combination with a hemmed, stretch or suspended ceiling are reliable sound insulation for the room. The composition of the panels includes natural coniferous wood, and there are no synthetic and adhesive additives. The material does an excellent job of absorbing sounds, is able to drown out shock and airborne noise penetrating from neighboring apartments. When using a plate of this manufacturer with a thickness of 12 mm, it allows you to increase sound insulation up to 23 dB, and plates with a thickness of 25 mm - up to 26 dB.

The soundproofing material is installed with glue without the requirements for pre-treatment and leveling of the ceiling surface, which greatly simplifies the process and reduces the cost of the work. A distinctive feature is the presence of a rough, wavy layer on one side, which allows you to disperse the sound wave. The other side of the plate is smooth - it will need to be plastered, painted or pasted over with ceiling wallpaper.

Acoustic material "Zvukanet" for wallpaper is presented in the form of a soundproof membrane, which will make good sound insulation on the ceiling in the apartment and on the walls. The amount of household noise reduction reaches 21 dB. On both sides, the system is covered with paper, on top of which wallpaper is pasted. It is offered in rolls of 14 m, 500 mm wide.

Green Glu refers to high-quality vibration and noise insulating materials, contributes to the absorption of vibration and sound waves, and can be used in combination with thin frame systems. During installation, it is laid as a layer between GVL or GKL. One tube with a capacity of 828 ml is enough for 1.5 square meters.

Use of soundproofing membrane Topsilent Bitex. The material is made with a thickness of about 4 mm, not limited to a certain value of the frequency range. During installation, it allows to increase the sound insulation of the surface (wall or ceiling) up to 24 dB.

When it comes to sizes, there are two options:

  1. Roll 11.5 m long and 0.6 m wide.
  2. Roll 23 m long and 0.6 m wide.

Texound is an innovative development that allows you to create the thinnest, but at the same time, effective soundproofing wall, ceiling and floor systems. Experts consider it the best material that protects against high-frequency noise. The panels are offered as a heavy mineral soundproofing membrane. Distinctive characteristics are a large weight and the presence of viscoelastic properties, due to which effective sound insulation of the room is achieved - about 28 dB. The material is presented with a thickness of 3.7 mm, a width of 1.22 m, a roll length of 5 m.

The Ecotishina system from Zvukanet is a non-woven sound and heat insulating material, in the production of which high-strength polyester fiber is used, which provides high-quality sound insulation of walls, floors and ceilings. It is actively used when double wall structures and partitions are mounted. The material is supplied with a thickness of 40 mm, a width of 0.6 m, a roll length of 10 m.

Use of soundproof panels Comfort. The boards are a reliable soundproofing material that absorbs impact and airborne noise. Installation is possible on walls, floors, ceilings. With proper installation, the level of sound insulation increases to 45 dB. The market offers a thickness of 10 to 100 mm.

Features EcoAcoustics. It is considered a popular modern sound and thermal insulation material, shown in the photo, which includes polyester fiber, which provides a high-quality finish to any surface. Layers of raw materials are connected without adhesive composition by heat treatment. Standard sheet thickness 50 mm, width 600 mm, length 1250 mm. The package contains material with a total length of 7.5 sq.m. The choice of colors is limited to green, white and gray shades.

PhoneStar's sound insulation characteristics include a high sound insulation value of about 36 dB, a multilayer structure. With the help of this modern material, walls, floors, ceilings are sheathed.

Shumanet-BM is another brand of mineral panels made from basalt and used to soundproof a room. The level of sound absorption varies within a factor of 0.9. Supplied in packs of 4 boards (2.4 sq.m.) with a thickness of 50 mm each. Panel dimensions are standard - 1000x600 mm.

Fkustik-metal slik is a modern membrane soundproofing material. The two-layer structure includes polyethylene foam and lead plate, which improves the sound insulation performance of the room up to 27.5 dB. Each layer has a certain thickness - 3 mm, 0.5 mm and 3 mm, respectively. Material dimensions - 3x1 m.

In a word, domestic and foreign manufacturers provide a diverse selection of materials manufactured using the latest technologies, taking into account the needs of the modern consumer. If desired, a combination of compatible insulation options is allowed. As an example, consider the possibility of creating a highly effective soundproofing system from a membrane that helps absorb sound waves, in combination with similar boards.

Highlights when creating soundproofing ceilings

The best is considered to be a frame noise-absorbing system made of plasterboard boards using special membranes. Modern materials and reliable fastening will guarantee optimal design efficiency.

Ceiling soundproofing "Premium"

For the construction of such a structure, drywall with a two-layer Texound 70 membrane and a two-layer plasterboard is required.

Installation work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • TermoZvukoIzol is applied to a pre-prepared ceiling;
  • the Texound-70 membrane is attached with the first layer using glue or dowels;
  • installation of direct suspensions, or suspensions on rods;
  • a profile with dimensions of 60x27 is attached with a subsequent inter-profile crate. A heavy construction requires reliable fastenings and a minimum of five hangers for every square meter of material.
  • a noise-absorbing mineral wool layer Rockwool with a density of up to 60 kg per 1 m3 is laid in the inter-profile gap;
  • on top of the profile on the front side (it is directed to the wall surface), the Texound-70 membrane material is glued;
  • the first sheet of GKL is attached to the profile, after which it is possible to install the second sheet on top of it, as well as a second layer of the membrane.

To achieve the greatest efficiency of the Premium soundproofing material, it is sufficient to provide an air gap of about 50-200 mm between the mineral wool and the Texaun-70 membrane. Depending on the thickness of this layer, the thickness of the entire structure is also determined - 90-270 mm, so you should initially decide on the loss of area in favor of improving sound insulation.

The difference is as follows:

  • The thermosound-insulating layer with membrane material is not attached to the floor slab;
  • the construction of straight hangers must be wrapped in Texound-70 membrane. The finished soundproofing system "Economy" will be no more than 66 mm thick.

What difficulties arise during the installation work

The soundproofing device, like any other type of construction work, is accompanied by a number of inconveniences and difficulties:

  1. Laying and fastening of materials is carried out at a height, therefore, at least two workers are required, and for the convenience of their movement, scaffolding will be needed, which must either be rented or purchased.
  2. High-quality soundproofing materials offered by trusted manufacturers will cost the same price as their subsequent decorative design.
  3. If the soundproof structure is exposed to moisture, then the risk of damage to the mineral wool boards will increase, which can be avoided by choosing expensive and moisture-resistant materials, such as cork panels.

Are you planning large-scale repair work or finishing an apartment in a new building? Agree that timely equipped ceiling soundproofing in an apartment under a stretch ceiling, which is able to provide an acceptable noise level for a comfortable life, will help maintain peace and good relations with the upstairs neighbors.

Are you thinking about soundproofing, but do not know which option to choose? We will help you deal with this issue - the article discusses the best ways to soundproof the ceiling space.

It also provides the main stages of installation with step-by-step photos, recommendations and video tips from experienced builders on doing the work on their own.

Have you been dreaming of installing stretch ceilings in your apartment for a long time and have you heard about the need for soundproofing work? Or do you think that these are extra expenses that unscrupulous managers “push” you into, trying to make the most of the client?

Let's look at the feasibility of soundproofing under the construction of a stretch ceiling.

It is definitely needed in such situations:

  1. You constantly hear your neighbor cursing or talking on the phone with friends/relatives.
  2. At night, you wake up from the fact that the neighbor coughed or rolled over on the other side.
  3. You have too high ceilings in the apartment, which you want to “lower” by stretching the PVC sheet on the frame, fixed 20-25 cm below the ceiling plate.
  4. After installing stretch ceilings, you began to hear well what was going on with the upper neighbors.

Such problems will help to solve a competent soundproofing structure (ZIK) or, as installers and ordinary users call it, Shumka.

Initially, you need to understand that the soundproofing of the ceiling space is not able to cut off all the noise and sounds entering the apartment. It can muffle them, prevent reflections from surfaces, which will provide a comfortable noise level for the human body.

There is a division of noise into 2 main types:

  • air;
  • shock.

The first includes the sounds made by animals, as well as the cries and cries of children and the voices of adults. And to the second type - sounds from the impact of furniture, heels, perforators and others.

The main task of the ZIK, mounted under a stretch ceiling, is to reduce the level of airborne noise to a comfortable level.

If you have problematic neighbors who constantly drop or move furniture, wear high heels at 6 in the morning, then such soundproofing will not help here.

It will also be ineffective if the room has extremely low ceilings and there is no space for installing a good sound-absorbing layer of several types of materials.

Even the newest and most expensive material 5-10 mm thick, attached alone under a stretch ceiling, will not be able to solve the task of eliminating excessive audibility of extraneous sounds in the apartment.

Soundproofing options

You may have heard that stretch ceilings on their own do an excellent job of soundproofing - after stretching them, you will no longer listen to the news on your neighbors' TV? This is a myth - by itself, a tension structure with a PVC film or fabric is not able to cut off sounds.

Ecology of consumption. House: The "cardboard" nature of many domestic buildings has long become a byword. So that the neighbors from above do not bother with the details of their life, it is recommended to arrange at least basic sound and noise insulation of the ceiling. And how to do it right for tension systems - we will tell you in today's instructions.

The “cardboardness” of many domestic buildings has long become a byword. So that the neighbors from above do not bother with the details of their life, it is recommended to arrange at least basic sound and noise insulation of the ceiling. And how to do it right for tension systems - we will tell you in today's instructions.

Types of noise and methods for eliminating them

In the context of construction and repair, noise is divided into two main categories: structural and airborne, the name corresponds to the way they are transmitted. The sources of each type of noise also usually differ. Air - this is music, the human voice, the sounds of animals and working household appliances. Such noises are neutralized by damping air vibrations in a layer of porous, easily compressible material.

Structural noise, otherwise called shock or structural noise, occurs when there is an intense impact on various parts of the building structure. Examples of such noise are the rattling of a washing machine, the clatter of heels, although the most infamous is the noise from an impact drill or hammer drill. The propagation of noise of a structural nature is eliminated with the help of damper inserts at the junctions of one part of the structure to another, for example, between the ceiling and the armored belt of the wall.

In addition, in fact, even structural noise is perceived by a person as airborne, that is, at some point the building transmits vibrations to the air. The secondary way of soundproofing can be to dampen this vibration over the entire area of ​​communication between walls and floors with the space inside the apartment, however, this method is considered more costly in terms of material consumption.

You should come to terms with the fact that it will not be possible to completely eliminate the penetration of noise into the apartment from the outside, just as it will not be possible to achieve complete absorption of sounds that occur inside the room. However, it is quite realistic to bring the sound absorption of walls to the standards indicated in SP 51.13330.2011. Thus, the optimal degree of sound insulation of walls is about 80–90 dBA for low-frequency noise (walking, impacts) and half as much for high-frequency noise (music, voice).

Does a stretch ceiling provide any benefits?

When working with a stretch ceiling, we are faced with a flat canvas enclosed in a frame of a baguette profile. Unlike suspended ceiling structures, the only way to transmit structural vibration is by attaching the fixing profile to the walls.

The propagation of low-frequency structural noise through the ceiling is prevented by gluing a damper tape under the mounting profile. If this is not done, you can get a kind of speaker the size of the entire room. Note that not all frequency ranges will be amplified through the ceiling, for example, high-frequency noise is damped due to the elasticity of the film.

With airborne noise and structural vibration of the ceiling, everything is somewhat worse: the stretch canvas practically does not prevent their spread and even enhances it. At the same time, the plane of the draft ceiling remains completely free for the installation of any kind of sound insulation of arbitrary thickness.

Dependence on the type of building

Work to eliminate structural noise must be planned in accordance with the design of the building. In the frequent case, the junctions of walls to ceilings and the features of sealing joints and technological cavities require the most attention. In some cases, you can even come to the conclusion that surface mounting of sound insulation will not give the desired effect.

A classic example of this is a panel house with a single-layer ceiling with hollow slabs. Acoustic resonance often occurs in such buildings due to the rigid abutment of the slabs to the wall panels. The best way out is not soundproofing the ceiling, but cooperation with neighbors from above in order to install a floating floor for them.

Frame floors without filler can be modified by adding polystyrene chips or sawdust, which will have a good effect on their sound absorption. In some cases, it is useful to re-seal the load-bearing beams in the walls or technological joints. For example, you can install damper pads and inserts from a porous incompressible material.

Choice of sound-absorbing material

In ordinary cases, getting rid of the noise of neighbors from above helps to install slab or roll materials on the draft ceiling that dissipate air vibrations until white noise is formed with acceptable intensity. In this case, both special composite materials and conventional heaters such as mineral wool are used.

Soundproofing the ceiling with mineral wool

The advantages of special materials include their high efficiency, the disadvantages are their equally high cost. The best damping of air vibrations occurs at the border of two heterogeneous media, for example, cardboard and mineral wool. A secondary role is played by the shape and size of the cells, the density of the materials and the order in which the layers are applied.

All these principles can be used when making your own soundproofing pie. However, one should avoid the advice of amateurs and understand that materials such as polyurethane foam, XPS, egg trays, cork and other “innovative” noise absorbers do not have any positive effect, and in some cases even aggravate the situation.

Felt, mineral wool with a density of 40–60 kg/m3, acoustic mineral wool, wool and coconut fiber can be considered the most suitable. From specialized materials, Tecsound roll and AcousticWool mats can be cited as the most effective for soundproofing ceilings.

Features of installation of sound insulation

By soundproofing the ceiling when finishing it with a stretch fabric, you avoid the need to install a frame suspension system that prevents the spread of structural noise. All that is needed is to fix one or more layers of sound-absorbing material on the draft plane.

Separation of air environments should first be ensured, since direct transmission of airborne noise occurs most intensively. In the general case, pasting the ceiling with cellophane helps, but such actions require caution so as not to disturb the climate in the room. If the ventilation and insulation system requires free gas exchange through the interfloor ceiling, it is necessary to use vapor-permeable membranes.

In general, the fixing of the sound insulation to the ceiling is done by means of plate-shaped dowels used in the wet façade system. Their length and installation step depend on the thickness of the material, its density and ability to retain its shape. It is most difficult to mount multilayer insulation, where temporary fixation of superimposed layers is required. For these purposes, you can use spot gluing or a structure that supports the cake until it is finally fixed.

In one of the most effective noise absorption pies, the concrete ceiling is glued with two layers of corrugated cardboard on silicate glue, then a temporary support system is assembled from the ceiling profile for the plasterboard. Acoustic wool is laid in rows on the slats in mats of 60-70 mm, a felt carpet about 10 mm thick is covered under it. The denser material in the bottom layer allows better sound absorption and fewer fasteners.

Interfacing with soundproofing walls

When installing the soundproofing of the ceiling, it is important not only to tightly join the elements of the insulator itself, but also to achieve minimal interaction with the soundproofing of the walls. A stretch ceiling allows you to build false wall cladding not under the ceiling itself, and you need to use this advantage.

To be sure that there is no space left for the free propagation of airborne noise in the corner junction of the wall to the ceiling, the edges of the ceiling sound insulation must be wrapped and brought into a hidden plane just below the level of the tension coating.

If there is a filler behind the false wall that contributes to the absorption of sounds, you should make sure that its upper open edge is even and the ceiling insulator will fit snugly against the wall insulator. Special fastening in this place is not required, it is only necessary to achieve dense laying without air gaps and make sure that the rigid surface of the sheathing is at some distance from the horizontally located insulation layer, that is, it does not rest against it. published

Sleep badly and feel uncomfortable? Have you become annoyed for any reason? The best soundproofing materials for an apartment will help you cope with your problems and create the conditions for a good rest.

The reasons for poor sound insulation are:

  • inadequacy of the construction of the house to the norms-standards;
  • fencing failures. Voids and gaps reduce sound insulation;
  • noise beyond measure in the apartments of neighbors or from the street from the outside.

Every owner of an apartment or house makes every effort to solve the inconvenience of everyday life and protect himself from unnecessary noise. Soundproofing is required to create comfortable living conditions, both in your home and to avoid conflicts. Active games for children, home theater, musical instruments - a partial list of objects and related activities for scandals.

To determine the choice of raw materials, it is necessary to establish the type of noise.


  • Air. Sounds transmitted from the outside by air: busy traffic, deafening music, industrial enterprises.
  • Shock. Drilling walls, driving nails during repairs. However, specially designed insulation is necessary when carrying out systematic work using a jackhammer.
  • Structural. The road transmits vibration to the walls of the apartment, converting it into decibels.

Attention! Noise from the motorway reaches 70 dB.
Soundproofing materials absorb sounds from the outside or prevent the spread from the apartment. It is required to find a suitable material for the interior of the room.

What to look for when choosing sound-absorbing material for your home?

When performing soundproofing work, the following should be taken into account:

  • Room dimensions.

For small rooms - a children's room or a bedroom - a drywall sheet is suitable, which will not reduce the usable area. In spacious rooms, sound-absorbing multi-layer structures are installed in a special frame, which occupy a lot of space. Styrene, mineral wool or kraft cardboard.

  • The purpose of the room.

Materials suitable for the bedroom should not be used in the kitchen, which is characterized by high humidity and temperature fluctuations. Select stable insulating materials.

  • Invoice.

Its use in monolithic concrete houses differs from frame buildings. The quality of sound insulators depends on the price.

  • Invoice quote.

It is required not only to correctly combine sound insulators and soundproofing materials, but also to take into account their qualitative properties. The purpose of the texture is the interior decoration of premises, therefore substances harmful to health are excluded from the composition: bitumen and lead, mercury and formaldehydes, volatile resins, EPDM compounds and volatile resins.

  • Sealing joints and cracks.

The structures require integrity and solidity. Therefore, eliminate all unnecessary holes and holes. Unsealed connection, uninsulated air pipes, risers and sockets reduce sound insulation. Sealing joints with soft mastic or sealant.

  • Qualified installation.

To achieve an effective result, competent mounting is required. Qualified workers in soundproofing, repair and decoration will come to the rescue. It is important that soundproofing based on design ideas matches the interior inside the apartment or house and does not interfere with engineering communications.

Popular firms

They choose soundproofing materials not only for the price, but also, focusing on the distinctive features of the structure, installation. The construction market offers a wide range of products. Particularly popular are the products of domestic and foreign manufacturers:

  • MaxForte (Russia);
  • Isover Ecophon (Sweden, Finland);
  • Wolf Bavaria (Germany);
  • Acoustic Group (Russia);
  • Acoustic Wool (Ukraine);
  • Mappy (Italy);
  • Rockwool (Denmark);
  • Techno Sonus (Russia);
  • Texdecor (France);
  • TechnoNikol (Russia).

Rating of high-quality soundproofing materials

Popular with consumers:

Soundline-DB panels are 3-layer triplex, which is perfect for cladding framed partitions, claddings and suspended ceilings. Specialized elastic sealant between the layers of gypsum fiber sheet (GVLVU) can significantly increase the soundproofing effect in the operating frequency range compared to a conventional GVL sheet. At the same time, Soundline-DB is a moisture-resistant and non-combustible material, has an environmentally friendly composition.

Dimensions 1200 x 1200 x 16.5 mm.


  • eco-friendly material;
  • moisture resistant;
  • non-combustible material, KM1;
  • sound insulation efficiency up to 68 dB;
  • savings on fastenings and installation - triplex replaces 2 layers of GVL 10 mm each;
  • small material thickness - only 16.5 mm;
  • high degree of isolation of airborne noise;
  • the ability to maintain efficiency for a long time (more than 25 years);
  • has a patent in Russia and CIS countries.


  • more massive than single sheets of drywall.

Price - 1013.89 rubles. per sq. m

Soundproofing materials soundline-db

Blocks out 95% of noise, especially impact type. It is recommended to cover the walls without leaving cracks and gaps. The main thing is that the dimensions of the room allow installation work.


  • Not combustible;
  • universal application: for walls, floor, ceiling;
  • durable.


  • Hygroscopicity. Prevents use in rooms that are damp and humid;
  • multilayer styling;
  • the need to monitor the integrity of the edges.

Price - 773 rubles per pack.

cork cover

A novelty among building materials.


  • moisture resistant;
  • a variety of shades;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • antistatic;
  • resistant to fungus and mold.


  • not a budget option;
  • flammable;
  • subject to mechanical stress;
  • burn out;
  • difficulty in dismantling.

Price - 360 rubles per pack (2m2).


Three-layer noise insulator. Inside there is a fiberglass canvas, the outer coverings are made of propylene. It is characterized by dense stitching of layers.



  • ecologicaly clean;
  • easy to mount;
  • fireproof;
  • not susceptible to moisture and high temperatures;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • not afraid of rodents and insects.


  • makes it difficult to work during installation due to the large dimensions and thickness of the layer;
  • installation is time consuming;
  • not suitable for the ceiling.

The price for 1 roll (15 m2) is from 2,800 rubles to 4,800 rubles, depending on the brand.

About the advantages of using this material and the features of use - in the video:

polyurethane foam

Good sound insulator. The grooves provide a high degree of adhesion to the tightness of the surfaces.

polyurethane foam


  • resistant to burning;
  • non-toxic;
  • not hygroscopic;
  • neutral to the action of acids and alkalis;
  • easy;
  • long service life.


  • susceptible to sun exposure;
  • applied to dry and warm coating;
  • darkens during use.

The price of PPU sandwich panels is from 1,138 rubles per m2.

Natural raw materials. Based on wood fiber. Dimensions 2.7×1. 2 m speed up the mounting process. One side without roughness, completely suitable for processing. The texture is able to make the walls even.


  • environmentally friendly, does not cause individual intolerance;
  • gives additional strength and rigidity to the structure;
  • long service life;
  • easy to install;
  • easily cut with a knife.


  • high price;
  • you will not find in any store of building materials;
  • not resistant to moisture.

Price - 630 rubles per sheet (3.24 m2).

More about the characteristics of the material - in the video:

A variation of kraft board incorporating wax paper and wood fibers. Excellent noise resistance up to 23 dB. A small thickness (1.2 cm) leaves the useful meters of the apartment almost unchanged. Bonding panels to wall surfaces.


  • easy;
  • high strength;
  • cheap;
  • convenient to use;
  • frame is not required;
  • eco-friendly.


  • not suitable for rooms with high humidity;
  • combustible;
  • susceptible to attack by rodents and insects.

Price - from 25 rubles per kilogram.

MaxForte ECOplate PRO

Acoustic, sound-absorbing volcanic rock basalt slabs designed for soundproofing of high-demand buildings such as cinemas, theatres, recording studios.

ECO-plate PRO has a high sound absorption coefficient α W at all frequencies (including low frequencies), due to which it is superior in sound insulation to similar plates.


  • High sound absorption index (NoiseReductionCoefficient (NRC)) - 0.98;
  • Homogeneous structure;
  • Increased density;
  • Does not fall apart during installation;
  • Environmentally friendly (Without phenol and slag);
  • fireproof(combustibility class NG (non-combustible material));
  • Maximum class "A" for sound absorption.


  • In progress shedding is possible;
  • Requires application vapor barriers in rooms with high humidity.

MaxForte SoundPRO

This is the latest soundproofing material, produced in the form of a roll measuring 1.4x5 m. Its thickness is only 12 mm, while it is able to provide a high level of protection against shock and airborne noise. A specially laid aluminosilicate fiber provides such high performance. A significant property of this material is its complete incombustibility, which is confirmed by the appropriate certificate.

MaxForte SoundPRO


  • Sold in rolls, cannot be bought by the meter;
  • It is impossible to buy in retail stores, only through the manufacturer;
  • High price.

Cost - 1090 rubles per 1 sq.m.

You can see how the material is mounted in the video:

A system without a frame for walls and ceilings, which includes sandwich panels. Attached to the wall. Models differ in layers: dense, light.

panel zips


  • quick and easy installation;
  • fire resistance;
  • eco-friendly;
  • produced from domestic materials;
  • vibration neutralizer;
  • finishing is possible.

Video about ZIPS panels:


  • no significant ones were found.

The average price per panel is 1062 rubles.


New soundproof popular material. As part of the felt and polymer coating. Looks like rubber. Application: floor, ceiling, walls.



  • a thickness of 3 mm allows you to save the useful footage of the room;
  • flexible. Circular insulation is possible thanks to the material in the roll;
  • range width from 28 dB. Considered one of the best;
  • mass application not only in everyday life, but also in industry;
  • is not subject to destruction;
  • moisture resistant and resistant to temperature changes;
  • long shelf life.


  • sheet length - 5 meters;
  • wall covering requires leveling and priming.

Price - 1320 rubles per meter.

Soundline-PGP Super

Soundline-PGP Super panels are used for sound insulation of light single-layer partitions made of plaster or aerated concrete, as well as inter-apartment walls and partitions. They are mounted on one side of the structure using universal self-tapping screws, the attachment points are closed with ordinary putty. The installation process becomes much easier and cheaper while maintaining the effectiveness of the soundproofing properties of the panels.

The size of the panel without the area of ​​the ridges is 1200x600x23 mm.

Soundproofing materials Soundline-PGP Super


  • total thickness - only 23 mm;
  • additional sound insulation of the partition - up to 10 dB;
  • very simple installation - no use of elastic gaskets and sealants is required;
  • fastened on either side of a light partition with a thickness of 80-100 mm;
  • mounted without gap and frame;
  • suitable for floor soundproofing.


  • ineffective when sheathing brick, concrete floors with a thickness of more than 100 mm;
  • do not even out the differences and irregularities of the walls and partitions.

Price - 942.30 rubles. per piece


The SHUMOPLAST mixture is intended for soundproofing uneven floors, it consists of granules of an elastic vibration-insulating material. SHUMOPLAST leveling coating does not require additional preparation for application to the floor surface, the mixture is ready for use, it can be applied to uneven surfaces. Serves as a soundproof gasket under the leveling floor screed. The drying time of the mixture after application is within 24 hours.


  • noise reduction 24 - 32 dB depending on the layer thickness;
  • reduces airborne noise by 8-10dB;
  • permissible unevenness of the floor surface up to 20 mm locally (reinforcement, utilities, construction debris up to 10 mm);
  • ease and simplicity of installation without additional fasteners;
  • installation speed;
  • patented (No. 124273, No. 2507180).


  • long drying time with increasing layer thickness.

Price - 307.70 rubles. per sq. m

Soundproofing materials Shumoplast

Soundproofing for ceilings

Often it is not enough to stick the roll insulator. Cork or tile wallpaper will help solve simple problems. To soundproof the ceiling, you will have to give up the height of the apartment. The most effective technique is the construction of a ceiling structure.

  • stretch ceiling made of film or fabric, which is installed on pre-fortified brackets;
  • false plasterboard ceiling. Mineral wool or other soundproofing material is placed in a metal frame attached to the ceiling;
  • suspended ceiling. When installing the frame, soundproof fillers are used: cork, polyurethane foam blocks, coconut fibers, basalt wool cork. Closed with panels.

Practical video tips on installing ceiling soundproofing with your own hands:

Wall soundproofing

Before work, they inspect the wall and close up cracks and cracks. The fastest and most convenient way is to rub with cement. Pull out electrical outlets and check for voids. If necessary, lay with mineral wool, seal the hole with putty or cement before putting the outlet in place.

Soundproofing material and installation methods are selected according to the price, efficiency and quality of sound insulators, as well as the footage of the “eaten up” usable space.

A variety of textures are used for decorative soundproofing of walls. The construction services market provides a wide range of products. Are especially popular with consumers:

  • drywall;
  • soundproof panels;
  • roll material.

Video instruction for working with ZIPS panels for soundproofing walls:

Drywall installation

Assemble the frame. If the walls are thin, fix the profile on a rubber lining. Mineral wool or other material as a noise absorber is embedded in the prepared crate. The structure is covered with plasterboard sheets. Shpatlyuyut, finishing.

Assembling the soundproofing panel

With a perfectly even coating, the panel is installed immediately on the wall. Fastening thanks to the notch-protrusion lock or using construction adhesive. The problem of leveling the wall covering is solved in two ways: by assembling the frame, as is the case with mounting drywall or putty.

The panel installation is quite simple. No finishing required as surface coating is available. A variety of materials and colors: paper tapestries, fabric, wood or stone lamination.

Pasting of roll noise insulators

Save money and time. Convenient to use. Glue is used for dense vinyl or non-woven wallpaper. The work is not very difficult, the result is good for an inexpensive material. Rolled sound insulators cope with 60% of noise.

Sound insulation for partitions

As a rule, sheathing is used in two or three layers. Installation is carried out in various variations: drywall, plywood, glass-magnesite or gypsum-fiber sheet. The construction of 2 layers of plasterboard sheets with a sheet of gypsum fiber has not only massiveness, but also positive resonant properties. Vertical fastening of sheets with screws at a distance of 25 cm, so that the layers are connected with a shift. The joining of the plates is sealed with putty or silicone sealant.

More about soundproofing partitions - in the video:

Frameless coating

ZIPS panels, unlike a metal frame, are attached directly to the wall. They present a sandwich consisting of dense plasterboard sheets and a plastic sound absorber made of staple glass wool.

For adhesion of the plates, a tongue-and-groove joint is used, for strengthening - a vibration-proof assembly. Plus: the minimum "eaten" usable space. Cons: expensive.

"Knauf Insulation Acoustic Baffle"

Mineral wool insulation in the form of slabs or mats. Possess the strengthened elastic qualities. The special production technology is reflected in the degree of sound absorption.

The product is an excellent sound insulator. It is used as a soundproofing texture for frame-cladding partitions.

Noise isolation for musicians

Acoustic foam rubber creates sound comfort in music studios at home, apartments, private houses. Copes with strong echo, unintelligible speech, musical accompaniment.

FLEXAKUSTIK soundproofing boards from a domestic manufacturer, Acoustic Group, are in demand among consumers-musicians.

They are made of acoustic foam rubber based on polyurethane foam. The thickness and varied relief surface have a positive effect on the aesthetic appearance of the product, contribute to obtaining the desired sound effect.


  • original relief coating;
  • safe for health;
  • easy to use: gluing;
  • comfortable acoustic "stub" of the room.


  • expensive.

The average price is 1460 rubles per m2.

Soundproofing for a summer residence

Which company is better to choose? Will the purchase affect the family budget? Will it completely solve the soundproofing issues? Consumers are looking for answers to these questions before choosing a quality texture for a country house. It is impossible to answer unambiguously, since each material has its own qualitative characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and cost.

To avoid mistakes when choosing a product, one should take into account the suitability of the material for the intended purpose: absorption of airborne or impact sound. The first type corresponds to materials with a fibrous or granular base.


  • inexpensive;
  • lightweight;
  • easy to mount.

Noise-insulating structures prevent extraneous noise from entering the apartment.


  • massiveness;
  • heavy weight;
  • inconvenience in fastening.

Take into account the size of the rooms. In a small room - ultra-fast propagation of noise. Large-sized structures reduce useful footage.
Top Selling Materials
Do not go out of fashion:

  • mineral wool and cork;
  • sandwich panels ZIPS and Isoplat plates;
  • panels for Kraft and Taxound walls.

Panels EcoSoundIzol

The production is based on quartz sand and a seven-layer cardboard profile. Acoustic mat thickness - 13 mm, weight up to 18 kg, sound insulation index - 38 dB.

Panels EcoSoundIzol


  • frameless;
  • stick on the wall;
  • thin;
  • are easily cut.