Finishing the bathroom with natural stone. Artificial stone in the interior of the bathroom: interesting options. Than to decorate the walls in the bathroom, except for tiles: cozy bathrooms in a rustic style

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First of all, I would like to say that natural stone is one of the most ancient materials, distinguished by its special strength and reliability, proven over the centuries. This is a durable building material that has several types, which previously decorated the premises. Since ancient times, such types as marble, granite, sandstone, onyx, quartzite, etc. have been used. However, this pleasure is not cheap, therefore, this material was not very popular for interior decoration in those days.

But with the advent of artificial stone, the picture has changed dramatically, because. decorative stone is now quite affordable at its price and also has many different forms, even the most bizarre. The richness of textures is absolutely amazing. Another huge plus is the fact that artificial stone is much lighter than natural, and it is much easier to lay it. And what can they decorate directly in the interior of the bathroom? Yes, literally everything you want, whether it be walls, floors, doors, a mirror or washbasin area - everything that your imagination is enough for.

First, let's deal with the rules for using decorative stone.

In order for the laying to be successful, a number of rules should be followed when working with decorative stone. Let's get to know them:

  • it is necessary to add light - even if the stone is of a light shade, it will still “eat up” the light, reducing the degree of illumination, and therefore additional light sources will be needed,

  • in narrow rooms, the use of stone is generally not recommended, because there is already not enough light there, and the stone can only add gloom;
  • it is necessary to observe the measure with the use of decorative stone, it is not advisable to overdo it if you do not want to turn the house into a cave;
  • sometimes a rough stone looks very stylish and impressive at first glance, but do not be afraid to use original decorative material, not only in bathrooms, but even in such delicate rooms as a girl's bedroom - this will give the interior a twist;

  • use in interiors that harmonize wonderfully with stone in a similar way to wildlife conditions, for example, in a vintage bathroom, stone in combination with lush greenery will be simply magnificent

Why decorative stone?

Everything is quite simple - the decorative stone has water-repellent properties, and for bathrooms this is a huge plus. Well, the aesthetic properties of the stone are of considerable importance. Especially when the room is spacious, you can create great original solutions based on the play of textures and colors. But even if you are not the owner of the royal choir, but have a standard bathroom with an area of ​​​​2 - 4 square meters. meters, you can still successfully use a decorative stone in the interior, if you competently and thoughtfully approach the preparation of a design project. By the way, we note right away that it is not worth tiling the bathroom entirely with stone, otherwise you will reduce it even more.

But to highlight some small area, for example, the mirror area, sinks, the outer walls of the bath itself,

shower cabin,

wall next to built-in wardrobe

or just part of the wall - this is what you need in your case.

Such accents turn the bathroom into a real spa.

At the same time, the stone can be used in any texture and any shades. Although, if you listen to the advice of designers, then imitation of granite or marble looks best - this gives a special luxury to the room. True, water drops on a glossy surface will be much more noticeable. The bath itself can also be turned into a medieval element. If you choose a stone for granite or marble, then the interior of the bathroom will turn out to be very original and even luxurious.

Mixing of different styles is also allowed. Since the stone is waterproof, its presence is simply necessary in the bathrooms. As for the cladding of the walls of the bathroom with decorative stone, we can say that the parts of this material are seamlessly glued together, thus forming smooth surfaces, devoid of gaps, as if they were cut from a single piece of marble or granite. Such walls perfectly withstand the shelves, mirrors and towel holders attached to them, because. artificial stone is a very durable and reliable material that can withstand any load.

Wall decoration with natural stone has become increasingly popular in recent years, as stone walls are distinguished not only by their exclusive, stylish and extraordinary appearance, but also by their environmental friendliness, non-toxicity and safety for adults and children. Moreover, natural or artificial stone (which is a more economical option) can be used to decorate the walls of any room in a house or apartment, from the bathroom and kitchen to the dining room and home office.

In the materials of the new publication of the design site team Stylingroom contains an exhaustive answer to a topical question of interest to many homeowners: "Walls in the bathroom: what is better to make and how to decorate?". We have also prepared for our readers a photo selection of 30 stylish, unusual and versatile bathrooms decorated with natural stone.

Cozy rustic style bathroom with stone walls and wooden beams.

Than to decorate the walls in the bathroom, except for tiles: cozy bathrooms in a rustic style

Natural stone and natural wood are the main finishing materials of rustic style.

Rustic style, due to its cozy, elegant simplicity, is considered one of the coziest and most comfortable styles, this direction is suitable for decorating not only the rooms of a country cottage (as many homeowners mistakenly believe), but also for decorating the premises of modern private houses and city apartments.

Stylish rustic bathroom with stone wall and built-in fireplace.

The wall decoration in the bathroom in the photo below is also made of natural, unpolished stone. In a deep stone alcove, the designers at Diamond Spas placed a large dark brown bathroom with a matte finish that blends in harmoniously with the rustic interior of the room.

You can read about how to use artificial stone in interior design and what are the advantages of such a finishing material here.

Natural wood and natural stone in a rustic bathroom interior.

Designers from JLF & Associates also designed the small bathroom of the two-story rustic country cottage. The decorative stone in the bathroom in the photo is harmoniously combined with the floor stone slabs and wood paneling of the sloping ceiling of the room, and the spacious windows go all the way to the floor provide the room with enough natural light during the daytime.

Natural stone in the ceiling and floor of a rustic bathroom.

In the next photo we see another stylish and practical bathroom in a rustic style direction, all the walls of which are lined with rough natural stone, against which polished wooden furniture and mirrors in black wooden frames stand out in contrast and harmoniously.

Polished wooden furniture and black framed mirrors in rustic bathroom interior.

The stone wall decoration in the bathroom in the photo below combines practicality and versatility with elegance and extraordinary. In the massive stone niches of the walls, the designers of High Camp Home placed a built-in fireplace and a matte tall bathroom, as well as a washbasin and a cabinet made of natural wood.

Stone walls, a built-in fireplace and natural wood furniture in a stylish bathroom.

The interior of a small cozy bathroom in the photo below is dominated by environmentally friendly and non-toxic natural materials such as natural wood and stone. So, the walls of the bathroom from the design studio Traditional Log Homes Ltd are decorated with rough masonry, wooden beams and beige matte wallpaper, and the floor is lined with natural wood panels. By the way, the furniture and decor items of a small rustic bathroom are also made of wood and natural rough stone.

How to choose an environmentally friendly floor covering for the rooms of the house and apartment - read in this article.

Stylish rustic bathroom with furniture and walls made of natural wood and natural stone.

The natural stone trim and dark wood of the spacious two-person bathroom contrast and blend harmoniously with the matte white walls and ceiling.

The bathroom, designed by Traditional Log Homes Ltd, has ample sources of both artificial and natural light, which fill the room with enough light in the evening and daytime.

Spacious rustic style bathroom with wooden furniture and stone walls.

The decorative stone in the bathroom in the photo below was used by JLF & Associates to decorate only one of the walls of the bathroom, while the rest were decorated with massive natural wood beams and painted in matte white, visually increasing the space of a small room.

Small rustic bathroom with stone walls and wooden beams.

Walls in the bathroom: what is better to do? We combine different styles and trends!

Natural stone looks great on walls, ceilings and floors, not only in rustic bathrooms, but also in rooms decorated in Mediterranean, modern, minimalist, industrial and any other style. Also, an excellent solution would be a combination of several styles at once within the same zone or room, which will create a truly unique and inimitable appearance of the room.

So, in the interior of the bathroom in the next photo there are elements of classical, Mediterranean and modern styles.

An excellent solution was the use of transparent glass doors and walls, with the help of which the designers of Lisa Stevens & Company delimited the spa area with a luxurious bathroom built into the floor and the part of the room that contains washbasins and bathing accessories cabinets.

Stone walls and classic wood furniture in a modern bathroom.

Contemporary bathroom with stone walls and mediterranean touches.

If you do not know how to finish the walls in the bathroom, except for tiles (which is the most commonplace and most commonly used finishing material in this area), then use natural or artificial stone, as the designers at Tyner Construction did.

The walls of the unusual minimalist shower stall in the next photo were lined with matte dark gray tiles, as well as rough rough stone.

There are a number of niches in the stone wall for placing bathing accessories, and the water itself enters the cabin through a special elongated hole under high pressure, which makes the shower cabin look like a home mini-waterfall.

What tile is most suitable for the bathroom and how to choose a quality one, you can read at the link.

Unusual shower stall in a minimalist style with stone walls and slabs.

Luxurious spa area with stone walls and homemade mini waterfall.

To decorate the walls of the bathroom, you can use not only rough rough stones and stone slabs, but also smooth, polished pebbles, dark granite, glossy marble, which will look great on the walls of classic and modern bathrooms.

Elegant bathroom with stone wall and white wood panelling.

To decorate the walls of a modern bathroom in the photo below, the designers of the studio POC + P architects used masonry and ceramic square slabs in pastel peach and beige tones.

Modern bathroom with dark wood furniture and peach walls.

Natural materials such as wood and stone predominate in the interior of an unusual bathroom from the creative studio Henarise Pty Ltd. In particular, natural stone was used not only for walls, but also for the floor, which was lined with smooth sea pebbles.

Tropical style bathroom with stone walls and floors.

Matte stone wall with niches for lamps in the interior of a modern bathroom.

Rough stonework and natural wood in a classic bathroom.

Stylish bathroom with light brown wooden furniture and stone walls.

Stone walls in contemporary bathrooms

Textured walls made of natural or artificial masonry will perfectly fit into the overall interior of bathrooms and any other areas of the house or apartment in a modern style direction.

Since stone is a versatile finishing material that goes well with chromed metal, plastic, glass, polished wood and other materials that are often used to decorate modern rooms.

So, the photo below shows a modern bathroom from the VELUX design studio. The dark gray stone wall near the bathroom and dark brown wooden flooring are bright and contrasting with the room's matte white walls and ceiling, as well as light brown wooden furniture.

Stone masonry walls and wooden flooring in a modern bathroom interior.

Modern bathroom with glossy tile and rough stone walls.

Eco-style bathroom with sea pebbles and stone wall slabs.

Luxurious modern bathroom with Irish green marble walls.

An elegant bathroom with stone walls and an excellent view from the window.

Modern bathroom with polished marble walls and floors.

Stylish bathroom with stone walls and large windows overlooking the forest.

Modern bathroom with rustic touches.

Stone wall in the form of a rock in the interior of a modern bathroom.

Stone light walls and dark brown wood in a spacious modern bathroom.

White stonework and light gray tiles in a small bathroom.

Photo gallery (31 photos):

Stone in the bathroom is one of the most fashionable interior trends. You can sheathe the walls with onyx, marble or granite, or you can choose a seamless cladding made of artificial stone. We look at options for interiors from designers.

Sheathing the walls and ceilings of the bathroom with stone is a fresher and more original alternative to ceramic tiles. Surfaces finished with stone look status, noble, perfectly protected from dampness and rapid wear. Unlike the same tiles, they are not threatened with chips and cracks. Manufacturers offer a wide range of stone facings: onyx, marble, granite, sandstone. But a truly rich palette of shades surprises an artificial stone. Today, quartz agglomerate panels can imitate the texture of any natural stone in a wide variety of shades. Another important advantage of artificial stone is the ability to create entire surfaces without a single seam of any shape and size. Thus, the artificial stone in the bathroom easily embodies even the most extraordinary design ideas. A photo selection of nineteen bathroom interiors demonstrates the wide decorative possibilities of artificial stone.

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Artificial stone in the bathroom: a sign of good taste or excess?

Greetings, comrades! In this article, I want to introduce you to the varieties of artificial stone used for the production of sanitary ware and wall decoration. Since your humble servant is a techie, not a marketer, there will be no advertising in the article: my goal is to impartially evaluate the performance of materials and compare them with more familiar solutions. So, let's go.

What it is

The general name "artificial stone" refers to several materials that differ markedly in their consumer properties:

  • Acrylic artificial stone is a composite of mineral filler (stone flour), aluminum hydroxide, methyl methacrylate, polymethyl methacrylate and pigments. Acrylic stone is a typical thermoplastic; all products from it are made by injection molding.
    At temperatures above 150 degrees, the binder begins to soften, so the acrylic stone does not tolerate heating. The material is sufficiently resistant to impact loads, but has a low hardness: it is easy to scratch it when using abrasive cleaners and even a hard sponge. In addition, it does not tolerate contact with acids and alkalis;

As a rule, under the name " stone bathroom sink"A wash basin made of acrylic stone is hidden. It is also used for the manufacture of toilet bowls and countertops for pedestals.

  • Quartz artificial stone in full accordance with its name is made on the basis of quartz chips. The share of quartz - one of the most durable materials of natural origin - is 91-93 volume percent, the rest is polyester resins and pigments.
    Quartz stone differs from acrylic in production technology (it is made by vibrocompression at high temperature), the highest compressive strength (2200 kg / cm2), heat resistance (at least 200 degrees), resistance to alkalis and acids;

  • Cast marble is, in essence, an acrylic artificial stone with a coarse-grained marble crumb filler. It combines the instability of marble to aggressive environments with the fragility and low heat resistance of acrylic resin;
  • Finishing imitation of natural stone (in particular, stone-effect bathroom tiles) is usually the result of pressing Portland cement with stone chips and pigments. Often inexpensive tiles are made by simply pouring cement mortar into molds. Imitation of natural material is reduced only to a characteristically torn surface with uneven chips;

  • Finally, in the production of inexpensive bathtubs, raw materials of the following composition are used:

I emphasize: a typical inexpensive stone bath is made without the use of natural minerals. In essence, it differs from acrylic only in color and filler - aluminum hydroxide Al (OH) 3.

Introduction to samples

Now let's explore a few market offers from the category of interest to us. We have to study the prices and the main characteristics of plumbing fixtures and finishing materials.


Bath Fema Style "Gabriela 2".


Toilet bowls

The seller offers a potential buyer a minimum of information:

  • The material of the toilet bowl is cast marble;
  • Overall dimensions - 68 by 37 centimeters;
  • The package includes a seat with a microlift and fittings for a tank with a double drain button;
  • The price is 20922 rubles.

In the photo - the attached toilet bowl Atrium 56x38.

Like the previous one, this side-to-side toilet is made of cast marble. Installation, hidden and seat sold separately. The device will cost the buyer 18480 rubles.

Facing stone

This imitation of natural stone costs 1375 rubles per square meter. The material is resistant to water and can be used both for finishing wet rooms (including bathtubs), and as a facade or basement coating.

Subjective assessment

Now I will try to give the solutions described above the unbiased assessment promised at the beginning of the article. Let's start with a sweet dish - with praise for the manufacturers.

Restrained Delight

Handsomely. Stylish. Unusual. For a person who grew up in identical Soviet-style apartments with standard cast-iron bathtubs and faience washbasins, artificial stone plumbing makes a strong impression.

Decorative stone on the walls will become an unconditional decoration of the bathroom interior.

Mineral composite sanitary ware combines high heat capacity with low thermal conductivity. On the practical side, this means that touching a cold bath will not be unpleasant, and the water in it will not cool for a long time.

Acrylic stone, due to its relative softness, can be sanded and polished. To eliminate chips, repair kits are available for sale, including mastic with a color corresponding to the plumbing fixture.

Finally, all owners note the complete absence of noise when collecting water or using a washbasin. Thick and massive walls completely dampen acoustic vibrations.

Unfortunately, this is where the good news ends.

Down and out

Let's start with prices.

The cost of samples of sanitary ware made of cast marble, acrylic and quartz stone I have given above. And now, for contrast, I will give local (Sevastopol) and current prices at the time of writing (August 2016) the same items made from different materials.

The obvious conclusion: artificial stone of any kind is a very expensive material.

Perhaps the purchase is justified by exceptional performance or ease of installation?

The latter assumption is partly justified: due to the solid mass, a bathtub made of the same cast marble does not need to be fixed to the wall. Acrylic and steel bathtubs require additional fixation: if you lean or sit on the side of such a device, it is very likely to try to tip over.

Do-it-yourself installation of washbasins and toilet bowls made of acrylic and quartz stone is no different from the installation of any other plumbing fixtures.

Stone-effect bathroom tiles, due to uneven edges, require the selection of the shape of adjacent elements, which greatly slows down and complicates its installation.

  • Spilled brilliant green or iodine into a bathtub or washbasin will leave an indelible stain on them. It can only be removed together with the top layer of material. There will be no traces left on porcelain or faience;
  • What could be worse than transporting to the top floor an oversized bathtub that does not fit into the dimensions of the landings and a very massive bathtub? Only rise fragile bathtubs of the same size and weight. What we have in the case of artificial stone. It is not for nothing that the cost of raising her to an apartment by store employees usually amounts to at least 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • Many owners of cast marble baths complain about the appearance of through cracks upon impact. Note: This is not about damage due to a heavy object being dropped. It is often possible to break through the tub in the outlet area by an accidental kick during a fall;
  • Scratches on the bathtub sometimes remain even when washing a dog that came from the street in it. Somewhat unexpected for a "stone" product, isn't it? Yes, polishing scratches is possible, but the typical housewife is unlikely to arm herself with a drill or grinder with a felt wheel every month;

  • The surface of acrylic stone is quickly contaminated with limescale and rust. To remove it, the manufacturer's instructions require the use of ... laundry soap and ammonia. Acrylic stone, as we remember, is not resistant to aggressive environments;

Snide comment: after writing these words, I looked with sympathy towards the acrylic bath, which perfectly tolerates cleaning with acid and alkali solutions. Ceramics (porcelain and faience) can also be cleaned with any aggressive preparations.

  • Finishing the bathtub with decorative artificial stone will cause you ornate curses when cleaning the wall from all the same limescale. If it is easily and naturally removed from a smooth tile with the help of “Whiteness” and a sponge, then in our case, an uneven and rough surface will have to be carefully cleaned with a stiff brush.

Conclusions? I recognize that beauty requires sacrifice. But sacrificing a significant amount of money and a lot of your own time for plumbing care for the sake of aesthetics and ... I doubt that this is a good idea.

That is why in the bathrooms of my house both wall decoration and plumbing are quite traditional:

  • The walls are lined with smooth tiles;
  • Installed acrylic bath and shower;
  • The washbasin and toilet bowls are made of faience and porcelain.

Tough requirements have always been put forward for finishing the bathroom. If we talk about materials that are considered the generally accepted standard in the repair work for this room, then ceramic tiles immediately come to mind. It has become so tightly integrated into our everyday life that sometimes we do not notice other building materials that are no worse. So, for example, artificial stone, which looks very dignified in the decoration of the bathroom and is not inferior in terms of reliability and practicality.

If we characterize the use of artificial stone in the interior of the bathroom, then we can safely say that their compatibility is ideal. In the bathroom, artificial stone reveals its capabilities as best as possible. In addition to the fact that this material ennobles the room, giving it a finished look, it is monolithic. That is why this material is perfect for finishing the bathroom. Due to the lack of seams and joints, artificial stone itself is a kind of preventive work against the appearance of mold and fungus.

The material is easy to clean, practically does not deform, and the resulting mechanical damage can be easily restored, is durable and environmentally friendly.

Artificial stone makes it possible to experiment with details in the interior. Let's say it can be a countertop made of artificial stone, which smoothly passes into the sink. What forms in the interior can be embodied with the help of artificial stone, we will try to figure it out.

Advantages of artificial stone in the bathroom

In addition to all the above advantages, strength and functional load are also characteristic of artificial stone. So, for example, a countertop made of such material can accommodate not only toiletries, but also household appliances for personal use. In addition, it can serve as the basis for decor items, etc. Due to the versatility, practicality and aesthetic appearance of the finished product made of artificial stone, well-known designers prefer to work only with this material.

Artificial stone as the dominant material

In this case, artificial stone is used for wall and floor decoration. Here it would be more appropriate to give preference to the traditional calculation, in a straightforward rational form. At the same time, the texture of the selected material may differ, which will make it possible to visually expand the room, or to focus on a specific place.

Artificial stone for wall cladding in the bathroom can be:

  • Chipped, with jagged edges
  • Sawn, with smooth polished edges
  • Imitation of stones and cobblestones
  • Imitation of decorative stones
  • natural look

Artificial stone bath

No one will deny that the most important element in the bathroom is the bathtub. Once upon a time, a bathtub made of artificial stone was something fantastic. Now, almost every manufacturer that works with artificial stone has the necessary equipment to give it any, even the most non-standard shape. Due to the plasticity of the material, such a bathtub will differ in design and texture, winning primacy from the metal structures we are used to. Initially, it is a liquid plastic mass of granite chips or quartz sand, polyester resin and a catalyst. It perfectly takes any shape, and after the product has completely hardened, it is polished and undergoes additional processing.

The main characteristics of artificial stone bathtubs:

  • Great look
  • Low thermal conductivity, which allows you to keep the temperature longer
  • Antibacterial surface
  • Absence of radioactive background, which can be observed in natural stone products
  • Ease of installation work
  • Does not require additional support, allows cosmetic repairs at home
  • Excellent sound insulation

Countertops and sinks

This is perhaps the most ideal functional option for the bathroom. In order for the sink or countertop to have a neat appearance, periodic wet cleaning is sufficient. And the absence of joints guarantees protection from all kinds of pollution. Even when using a single countertop made of artificial stone in the interior of the bathroom, you are guaranteed to get a sophisticated touch that will add luxury to your interior.

How to choose artificial stone for the bathroom

Sometimes it is very difficult to choose the texture and color of artificial stone for the bathroom interior. This material can be of any color and format. Let's take as an example the most common and sought-after part of a bathroom made of artificial stone - a countertop. It can be made in a strict design of white or black colors with right angles, and without additional elements. For those who value home comfort, pastel shades with rounded edges are suitable. Creative and creative people prefer bright, contrasting curved countertops. Due to its versatility, such a countertop can be placed not only in the corner, but also in the center.

Tabletops are made quickly enough, about a week. It is possible to restore any spalls or defects in a day. In order to avoid problems when using this interior detail, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules for care:

  • Countertops made of artificial stone should not be rubbed with hard brushes
  • When cleaning, use only mild non-abrasive detergents and a soft sponge.
  • Do not drop heavy objects on the artificial stone surface, or cut anything
  • Artificial stone is sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, as well as aggressive chemicals.

These simple manipulations apply not only to countertops, but also to other details of the bathroom interior, which are made of artificial stone.

Now the construction market offers a wide selection of artificial stone. Acrylic is taken as the basis for its manufacture. This material is environmentally friendly, so its scope is quite wide. Artificial stone is used with equal success both outdoors and indoors.

What you need to know when choosing an artificial stone

Different artificial stone products can be identical at first glance. This is where the snag lies, sometimes even a highly qualified specialist cannot determine the quality of the artificial stone in front of him. These are used by unscrupulous sellers who, under the guise of branded products, sell cheap products.

First of all, you should pay attention to the price of the artificial stone offered to you. This material is not cheap, so do not be too lazy to ask the seller for all related documents. Self-respecting companies that care about the quality of their products indicate mandatory marking on the back of the product.

Countertops made of artificial stone (video)

We turn to the main criteria when choosing an artificial stone. We pay attention to the appearance of the stone.

The front side should look natural, without cracks, stains and brush marks.

The back side of the artificial stone should be slightly embossed and rough. In addition, it must be even, since it is on this side that the installation will be carried out.

The end part should be flat, without any depressions or protrusions.

In the body of an artificial stone, small depressions and protrusions are allowed. Filler particles that can be released should be no more than 5 mm. If they are larger, then this will increase the likelihood of cracks.