Soft roll roofing - types, properties, installation technology. Roll materials

  • Almost always during installation procedures are used high temperatures(heating, bitumen melting, fusing, and so on), so it is very important to observe all necessary measures precautions.
  • Some roll roofing materials are also actively used for waterproofing basements, foundations and other low-lying objects and parts of a building. They were initially additionally designed for such procedures.
  • This category of building materials is intended only for arranging flat roofs or roofs, the slope of which does not exceed 30 degrees.
  • Almost always, the cost and installation costs of such materials are much lower than the use of other roofing technologies, so it is not surprising that the demand for rolled roofs remains very high, even with numerous alternatives.

Sale of rolled roofing wholesale with delivery in Moscow and Moscow Region

The online store of the KSK24 company presents a large assortment of roll roofing at the most affordable prices. The flexible pricing policy of the company allows you to buy rolled roofing materials wholesale and retail with delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The section presents the following types roll roofing:

from manufacturers,

The quality and functionality of roofing materials largely determines the life of the entire building. This is not surprising - after all, it is on the roof that the main task of protecting floors from adverse external natural factors falls. Due to its good performance characteristics, it has been in great demand for decades roll roofing.


A soft roll roof is installed on a roof with an inclination angle not exceeding 30 degrees. At the same time, the number of slopes on it is of fundamental importance.

The structures are used both for the repair of such roofs, in which case it is not always necessary to remove the old coatings, and for the installation of new ones.

Rolled roofing has been consistently popular for many years. due to its exceptionally high performance and durability - such a coating lasts more than 25 years, provided it is properly installed.

The coating is produced in accordance with GOST 30547-97, which defines the basic requirements for rolled roofing materials.

Roll products are widely used in the arrangement country houses and outbuildings. They cover terraces, gazebos, summer kitchens and sheds everywhere. Some even use them for arranging the roof of a country house.

Advantages and disadvantages

Roofs equipped with rolled materials have a relatively low cost, since their prices are an order of magnitude lower than alternative types of finishes.

The material has many advantages, the main of which can be called lightness.- this greatly facilitates transportation and direct installation. Due to the low weight, all work can be done independently without inviting assistants, which means that the cost of installation is reduced.

And besides, the fastening of the material is done quite quickly. With continuous operation, the minimum amount of work per day is 30-40 square meters. m roof.

It is important that rolled materials perfectly absorb noise., creating ideal sound insulation in a residential area. This means that the sound of rain or hail will not disturb the residents, which means that the level of comfort will increase significantly.

All materials of this type are impregnated with special flame retardants at the production stage, which increase the fire resistance of the rolled coating - such a roof is non-combustible, the material does not ignite spontaneously and even restrains the spread of flame for some time.

Rolled roofs do not need regular maintenance, having once covered the roof, you can simply “forget” about it for several years.

And, of course, waterproofing. This is the parameter that largely determines the effectiveness of all roofing cake. The material does not absorb water and does not pass it inside, which means it contributes to the preservation wooden floors in working condition and participates in the formation of a favorable microclimate in the room.

What is important - rolled products withstand temperature extremes, do not lose their consumer properties either in frost or in summer heat. Under the influence of heat, the material does not emit harmful and toxic substances, being safe for the life and health of the inhabitants of the house.

This led to a long service life of the material - the rolled roof will require updating only after 15-20 years.

In fairness, we note that the material is imperfect and has its drawbacks. All of them stem from the literacy of the conduct installation work and operation of the coating.

Sometimes there is a violation of the integrity of the waterproofing layer due to mechanical damage, as a result, cracks are formed, and water begins to flow. At the same time, it is quite difficult to localize such a leak.

Another disadvantage of the material is the need to create an additional layer of vapor barrier, otherwise water will begin to accumulate in the insulation, spots appear on the ceiling, and the roof itself begins to collapse.


Roofing roll materials come in several basic types.


These are products made from rubber processing products (izol), as well as bitumen (brizol) or butyl-kuchuk (hydrobutyl). Such a coating is obtained as a result of rolling pre-crushed raw materials through special rolls, which form the sheet itself. As a rule, the thickness of the product is 2 mm.

Such coatings are used for waterproofing at the very bottom of the roofing pie.

Based on roofing paper

The raw material is impregnated with bitumen and covered with mineral powder on top. The undoubted advantage of such a coating is its low price, however, and performance characteristics low. Roofing material does not tolerate sharp fluctuations in temperature, it begins to crumble at t -15 and +50 degrees - this significantly reduces its scope.

Nowadays, such material is almost never used even to cover outbuildings, unless they are temporary.

Fiberglass coatings

Dense, but inelastic material. In the event of movement of the roof, the possibility of tearing off the canvas from the base remains. However, it breaks in quite rare situations. Most often, auxiliary, lining products are equipped with fiberglass.


There is only one drawback - the high price, which is why the upper layers of the roof are made from this type of coating, and other, cheaper materials are used in the lower part of the pie.

Below we will dwell in more detail on the parameters of each of these types of rolled materials.


Basis for modern types roofing materials are most often polyester, fiberglass, fiberglass.

Polyester is considered the most practical basis. It is a synthetic coating that is made from a polymer web. The material is able to withstand stretching by 50%, and the tensile strength is 35 kgf/cm.

Fiberglass and fiberglass are made from thin strands of fiberglass intertwined with each other. Usually, two types of fabrics are used to form the web: smooth and frame. Smooth are obtained by twisting the threads and coating with a lubricant. Their main advantage is low cost, while the coating can be deformed during storage and transportation.

Frame canvases are made from elements that are processed with a glass thread. Such a base does not shrink or break, it is it that serves as the basis for modern and practical roofing.

The basis of the roll material on both sides is treated with a special binder, most often used:

  • bitumen;
  • tar;
  • stekloizol (rubber-bitumen composition);
  • rubber-polymer solution;
  • polymeric.

The highest performance characteristics show rubber-bitumen. as well as polymer-bitumen solutions, some of their varieties tolerate frosts down to -40 degrees, while others can withstand heat up to +150 degrees.

Especially for the southern regions with elevated temperatures, foil-based roll coatings are created - this is foilizol. At the same time, a bitumen-rubber binder is applied from the inside to the foil surface, due to the reflective properties of the foil, the average roof temperature will be significantly lower - at least 20 degrees. Wherein upper surface can be covered with heat-resistant enamels.

A slightly different structure for baseless roofing materials. They already contain a special base in their composition, which allows you to mount the roof without arranging the frame.

Depending on the main component in the composition of the material, there are:

  • insulating coating;
  • near-sol coating;
  • film materials.

Waste rubber is used for the production of isol. It is vulcanized with bitumen and special asbestos components are introduced (most often asbestos fibers and special additives play this role). The insulating coating does not lose its properties at temperatures from -35 to +100 degrees, it is characterized by high waterproofing ability and vapor impermeability. The material is resistant to decay, does not break or deform over time.

Brisol materials are based on the use of rubber and bituminous compounds: 55% are bitumen, 30-35% are rubber components, 13% are asbestos and less than 6% are plasticizers. Brizol is often used as a finishing coating, as it retains not only water, but also gases, it is a resistant and durable coating that is resistant to acid-base solutions.

Baseless materials also include all kinds of film coatings. They are characterized by moisture resistance, lightness and ease of installation. And the price of this material is much lower than that of all other coatings.

There are several types of roofing roll materials.

  • Ruberoid coating- its device is based on a roll basis. Among the advantages, they note the ease and simplicity of installation, however, the period of its use is also low. This is the main disadvantage of roofing material, which led to the widespread rejection of its use.
  • Rubemast- Another option for guided roofing. In general terms, it is similar to roofing material, however, it has a special protective film that prevents the layers from sticking together and creates a mechanism for protecting the front side of the roof from all types of mechanical damage. However, this coating also has a short service life.

  • Glass roofing material- based on the use of fiberglass and polyester. Its strength is quite high in comparison with cardboard materials impregnated with bitumen, due to this, the resistance of the canvas to mechanical damage and the service life of the coating increase.
  • Membrane materials- This the last word in roofing technologies. The advantages of membranes include durability and resistance to any atmospheric factors. A nice bonus is the fact that the installation of the membrane does not require professional equipment. The only disadvantage of such products is the rather high cost.


Roofs equipped with rolled roofing are widespread in modern world. In civil construction, they account for up to 60% of all areas, and in industrial construction - up to 90%.

Regardless of the type of building, there are a number of principles that must be kept in mind when arranging such a roof.

  • The number of layers of roofing material directly depends on the angle of the roof. If the angle of inclination is more than 15 degrees, then at least 2 layers of coating are required. If the roof is pitched at an angle of 5 to 15 degrees, then the coating is applied in three layers.

With a slight slope of less than 5%, at least 4 layers will be needed.

When arranging a roof with an angle of less than 2.5%, it is worth giving preference to special bio-resistant products - hydrostekloizol and filizol.

A single-layer roof is not equipped.

  • With a slope of less than 15%, the sheets are rolled out from the bottom up and transferred to the opposite canvas by 10-15 cm. With a larger angle of inclination - in the opposite direction with the transfer of the material by 20-25 cm.
  • If the material is fastened using bituminous mastic, then the roll coating must first be cleaned of the fill.
  • Ruberoid and other bituminous products are glued to bituminous mastics, roofing felt - to tar.
  • Cover-type materials are mounted on both hot and cold compositions, and coverless materials are mounted exclusively on hot ones.

Let us dwell separately on adhesive mastics and the method of their preparation.

For the production of a hot composition, bitumen is taken and melted to a boiling point until foaming stops, then the necessary fillers are introduced into the composition, as a rule, it is asbestos and fluff (up to 10% of the total volume of the solution).

The cold mixture is prepared a little differently: diesel fuel is introduced into the molten bitumen and delivered in a barrel to the place of roof work.

Installation and repair

Before roofing works the old coating or base should be cleaned of dirt and dust, after which a layer of mastic is applied to it, using brushes and combs, as well as pumps with spray nozzles.

Different layers of a roll cake are fixed in a layer-by-layer or step method- it depends on the conditions in which the installation is carried out. If the slope of the slope is more than 15%, as well as on small roofs, all work can be carried out manually.

If the roofs are steeper or the cultivated area is large, it is necessary to use professional sticking machines. They effectively apply mastic, as well as lay and finally roll all the working roll materials, firmly fix the edges. The use of professional equipment makes it possible to increase the overall efficiency of labor and reduce the consumption of mastic.

Roofing installation technology roll coatings is constantly being improved. Laying of built-up roofing material, on which mastic was already applied in the factory, is very popular. For laying such materials, burners are used, under the influence of which the self-adhesive surface is heated and laid on the surface.

If as base material bituminous-cookersalt coating is used, then the installation technology is slightly different. Using a sprayer or by gravity, a solvent is applied to the base, under the influence of which the lower layers of the coating are converted into mastic, which effectively glues the canvases together.

Regardless of the technology used, after laying the roof must be thoroughly rolled.

With continuous work, one person can lay up to 50 square meters per day. m roof. However, the work will be faster if you use 1-2 assistants who could prepare and smooth the material, and then feed it up for fastening.

In the case of flat roofs, the slope of which is less than 10%, the rolled carpet is additionally covered with a protective layer of mineral dressings, as a rule, limestone or gravel is used.

During the operation of the roof, it may be necessary to repair it: this happens when, under the influence of adverse atmospheric factors or due to mechanical damage, the integrity of the roof is violated.

Often, cracks appear at the joints of the canvases; to eliminate them, disassembly of the roof is not required, you can correct the situation with the help of self-adhesive films that are designed specifically for repairing roofing materials. The technology of work is simple: first you need to clean the place of deformation and the crack itself, pour the primer into it, which comes with the tape, and fix the tape itself after 1-2 hours.

Please note that even if a small crack has formed on the roof, the entire joint must be glued.

If lichens appear on the roof, then it is necessary to treat it with compounds with fungicides, they are used as antiseptics and prevent the reproduction of unnecessary flora.

If a swelling appears on the surface, then you should simply pierce it, wait until the mastic flows out and roll it, and then fix the patch.

So that the roof after repair retains its attractive appearance, you can cover it with paint with a reflective effect or sprinkle with small pebbles.

It is obvious that the installation of a rolled roof may well be carried out independently without the involvement of professionals. Nevertheless, the work requires accuracy and a significant investment of time.

If all the necessary steps in the process of roofing installation are completed in correct sequence carefully and exceptionally painstakingly, then efficient, durable and reliable roof will delight you in the next 15-20 years.

Take Special attention high-quality arrangement of the roof, because the strength of the whole house and the maintenance of a healthy microclimate, favorable for adults and children, depend on its functionality.

So that you do not have to repair the roof, there are several recommendations for the operation of the roll coating.

  1. Upon completion of installation work, there should be no residues of building materials on the roof. Any debris is gradually buried in soft material and destroys it.
  2. Walking on the roof is better to move to another place, even on the hottest day you should not walk on the roof, this can disrupt the uniformity of the powder layer, which means it can worsen the strength of the material and resistance to external adverse factors. If you notice such “bald spots”, then you need to restore the layer of powder with the help of small fraction pebbles.
  3. In autumn, when the leaves on the trees begin to fall off, it is necessary to pay special attention to the condition of the drain, otherwise the funnels can become clogged and significantly reduce the life of the entire drainage system.
  4. In no case should snow and ice be cleaned with metal shovels, as it breaks the top layer of the roof even with very careful handling. And it makes sense to start cleaning itself only if the snow crust exceeds the load allowed on the roof.

Roll roofing is a practical roof covering that was previously more actively used to cover the roof of industrial or outbuildings due to low decorative potential. However, affordable price, simple installation technology and excellent insulating properties have made roll materials attractive for private housing construction. Since its inception, soft roofing has changed a lot, it has become stronger and more durable, so it is considered real alternative metal, asbestos-cement or ceramic coatings for covering flat and low-slope structures. In this article we will talk about the cost, device and types of roll roofing.

Soft roof - a group of roofing materials, the layers of which are pressed into a long sheet, and then rolled up. Rolled roof coverings are convenient to store, transport and lay on a slope, so they are popular in industrial and civil construction. Soft roof has the following device:

  • The basis. The basis of roll materials for roofing is fiberglass, fiberglass or roofing paper. It provides strength and flexibility to the coating.
  • Impregnation. The soft roof is impregnated with tar, bitumen or a viscous polymer substance that gives the coating water-repellent properties and protects against temperature changes.
  • Armor powder. On top of the roll material for the roof, a sprinkle is applied that protects against mechanical damage and impact. ultraviolet rays. The dressing is made from quartz or silicon sand, stone or mica chips.
  • Bottom layer. From below, a protective dressing of a fine-grained or dusty fraction is applied to the roofing. It is needed so that the layers of material in the roll do not stick together during storage and transportation.

Note! Various for the roof differ significantly in composition. The most accessible and well-known coatings since Soviet times are considered to be roofing felt and roofing material, the low cost and practicality of which are valued to this day. The price of more modern membrane roll materials for the roof is much higher, however, the perfect installation technology and long service life justify the impressive cost.


The device of a soft roof resembles a multi-layer cake, the layers of which fit tightly to each other, forming a strong, airtight and almost seamless coating. It is suitable for roofs with a slope angle of 1 degree. Roll materials, unlike metal, ceramic and asbestos-cement, can be used for the construction of a flat roof. They are characterized by the following advantages:

  1. Moisture resistant. implies the impregnation of a cardboard or fiberglass base with bitumen, which perfectly protects against moisture penetration, in addition, it is a fairly strong antiseptic.
  2. Affordable price. The cost of rolled roof coverings is quite low, because they are used even for household and industrial buildings without compromising the budget.
  3. Resistant to temperature extremes. Soft coverings they tolerate temperature changes well without deforming, which makes it possible to perform roll roofing in all climatic zones.
  4. A light weight. Rolled roofing, the layers of which are stacked on top of each other, weighs less than many other roofing materials, so there is almost no load on truss frame roofs.
  5. Ease of installation. The technology of laying bituminous and polymer materials quite simple and allows you to perform installation even with your own hands.
  6. Low noise. bituminous roof well absorbs the noise that occurs during rain and wind.

Please note that low price and weather resistance are not the main advantages of bituminous roofing. Their most useful quality– flexibility that allows you to easily lay materials on the surface with difficult terrain. The disadvantage of flexible roofing is that it is flammable, which increases the risk of fires. Early ones often self-ignited under the influence of direct sun rays on hot days, but now there is no such problem with bituminous coatings.

Bituminous flexible coatings

The most common type of soft roofing are bituminous materials, which are distinguished by an affordable price and high practicality. This category includes such well-known coatings as roofing felt, roofing felt, rubemast. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that ordinary or modified petroleum bitumen is used to impregnate the base. There are the following types of bituminous coatings:

Important! Bituminous roofing materials are highly durable and practical, therefore they are in demand. The layers of roofing material are stacked on top of each other so that it is sealed and durable coating, by fusing or gluing.

Membrane coatings

Membrane roof coverings- a new word in construction business, they differ significantly from traditional bituminous materials in composition. Roofing membranes do not have a backing as such, so they are thinner, lighter and more flexible. Depending on the polymer used to make the membrane, they are divided into the following types:

Remember that roofing membranes are not installed in the same way as welded roofing. Heating equipment is not used for laying canvases. The adhesive layer of low-melting rubber-bitumen melts at an ambient temperature of +5 degrees, due to which the coating is glued to the base of the roof.

Mounting methods

Roll roofing is mainly used for the construction of flat and low-slope pitched roofs. For installation is being built continuous crate from moisture resistant plywood, OSB or edged boards, concrete. It is important that the base on which the canvas is laid does not have irregularities, as they will damage flexible materials during friction. There are the following types of roll roofing:

Remember that welded and self-adhesive roofing is mounted at an ambient temperature of at least +5 degrees, since it is problematic to melt bitumen in colder weather. Because in the cold season the device flat roofs performed by gluing with mastic.

Video instruction

Roofing roll material is the most popular way to finish the roof of any country house. Modern market offers wide selection materials, each of which is good in its own way. What to give preference and what to look for when choosing?

Main categories

All roll materials for roofing are divided depending on the type of base into basic or baseless. According to the type of components of the coating composition, they are bitumen, polymer or bitumen-polymer. The base can be cardboard, asbestos, polymers, fiberglass or a combination of materials, and the protective layer has a fine-grained, coarse-grained or fiberglass structure. All these types of rolled roofing materials are widely used in construction. Consider the features of each type in more detail.

Bituminous: cheap and easy

Glassine is another material created from roofing paper and impregnated with bitumen. The material is thin and less durable compared to roofing material, so it is most often used as a lining.

Built-up roofing materials

Welded roofing is perfect solution for the arrangement of roofs of buildings, structures in the field of industrial and civil construction. Such materials are suitable for waterproofing both roofs and foundations, floors and ceilings. Rolled roofing welded material is easy to install, so a large amount of work can be done in just a day. Its peculiarity is that rot-resistant fiberglass or fiberglass is used as the basis, which increase strength.

As bitumen modifiers, polymers are used, which increase resistance to various influences and increase strength. The rolled roofing welded material is characterized by high elasticity, flexibility in low temperatures and high heat resistance. An important role in the welded materials is played by the structure of the top layer, whose task is to protect the roof. The roof covering should serve as protection against heating, ultraviolet radiation, precipitation. To minimize this effect, sprinkle coating is used.

Rolled roofing waterproofing welded material most often has a dressing of different fractions - coarse-grained or fine-grained, scaly or dusty. Basalt, slate, sand, ceramic chips are used as raw materials. When choosing, you should focus on several factors:

  1. The complexity of the relief of the roof structure, as well as the angle of its slope.
  2. temperature regime in the region.
  3. The amount of precipitation that falls on average per year.
  4. Possible loads that can lead to deformation.

Bituminous materials for waterproofing

A number of roofing materials serve not only to cover the structure, but also to high-quality waterproofing. Among them - metalloizol. This material has a three-layer structure: bitumen - foil - bitumen. It is a durable roof covering showing excellent operational properties with high strength and reliability.

No less popular is bituminous rolled roofing and waterproofing material called isol. Rubber, mineral sealants, antiseptic and polymer additives are added to it during production. Such a composition serves as a guarantee that the material will show increased heat resistance. Suitable for flat shape and overlays. On the basis of asbocellulose, a hydroisol is created, the main difference of which is increased rot resistance. It is widely used in waterproofing basements and areas that are poorly ventilated.

Thus, roofing bituminous rolled and built-up materials are a wide range of coatings that are made in the form of canvases and can be used in various areas of construction. The secret of their popularity is their affordable cost, as well as increased resistance to various influences.

Bitumen-polymer materials

If the bottom layer in the form of a binder is glued to the welded roofing, it will show good waterproofing properties. Rolled roofing waterproofing deposited material most often has a binder component in the form roofing bitumen and fillers in the form polymer additives, which affect the increase in service life and performance properties.

It leads to an increase in heat resistance and a decrease in frost resistance of the coating. To avoid similar phenomena, atactic polypropylene (APP) or styrene-butadiene-styrene elastomers (SBS) are added. In this way, polymer-bitumen rolled roofing material is obtained. It costs more, but excellent performance properties combined with high reliability and durability will appeal to many owners of country houses.

Features of bitumen-polymer materials for roofing

Two-component roofing materials in the form of rolls in recent times are in high demand. They consist of bitumen and polymer, the volume of which is about twelve percent. Base for coating of this type serve as polyester, fiberglass, crumb rubber or thermoplastic. Such roofing roll material has a number of features:

  1. High plasticity.
  2. Crack resistance.
  3. Possibility of operation in different temperature ranges.
  4. High strength.
  5. Reduced brittleness temperature.
  6. Elevated softening point.

The use of bitumen-polymer types of coating is advisable when building a flat or pitched roof with a maximum slope of twenty-five degrees. Otherwise, the coating may slip. Roll roofing materials for the top layer based on bitumen and polymers are presented in several types.


This is a multilayer material consisting of polyester, a film, polymerized bitumen as a base and a coating in the form of ceramic chips. Thanks to modified additives, performance can be improved. This material comes in a number of varieties, the most popular being Copprflex with an inert copper outer layer and Aluflex with an aluminum outer layer. These coatings are characterized by high heat resistance and durability.


Material rolled roofing "Isoplast" consists of polymerized bitumen and a base in the form of polyester or fiberglass. It is available in two varieties - roofing and lining. The top layer has a coarse topping on the front side and a polyethylene film on the other, and the bottom layer is a polyethylene film, which is coated on both sides with a fine-grained fraction topping. Such a structure of the material contributes to the fact that it acquires flexibility, resistance to bending and cracking. The polymer film on the bottom serves to protect the coating and guarantee its safety.

Other bitumen-polymer materials

Any roofing roll material based on bitumen and polymers has a number of advantages:

  1. The high quality of the binder component is the key to reliability under any temperature changes.
  2. High elasticity results in improved flexibility at low temperatures.
  3. The coating has good adhesion to the powder.

Among the materials popular in construction, rolled roofing of the Technoelast series can be noted. They are produced by double-sided application of a bitumen-polymer binder to a polyester or fiberglass base. It, in turn, consists of bitumen, SBS modifier and mineral filler in the form of talc or dolomite. And the protective layer is created on the basis of sprinkling of different fractions and a polymer film. The coating is widely used in the creation of roofing carpet in various buildings, which are operated in any climatic conditions.

Polymer roll roofing materials

Roll polymer roofing material is created on the basis of petroleum resins or rubber. These types of coatings belong to a new generation and have durability and high reliability. Their service life reaches twenty years or more, and roofs of any configuration can be covered with them - flat, pitched, gently sloping, and even with round slopes. Laying is carried out by strip or continuous gluing on the basis of adhesive mastic, and the preparation of the substrate plays an important role. Some materials are secured by weight or mechanical means.

polymer membrane

This is a modern roofing roll material, which is increasingly used in the repair and decoration of the roof. Its popularity is due not only to high reliability, but also to a wide range of colors, resistance to temperature extremes and durability, which reaches forty years. This innovative material is a single-layer roof, which is made from flexible polyvinyl chloride by hot air welding. This roofing is:

  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • immunity to the most adverse weather conditions;
  • resistance to various bacteria, chemically aggressive substances;
  • resistance to rotting and decomposition;
  • the possibility of creating a coating with a breathable effect.

All this distinguishes this rolled roofing material (GOST is installed in technical documentation) from others.

Types of polymer membranes

PVC-based membranes are the most common in Russia. They consist of polyvinyl chloride, to which plasticizers are added. Their purpose is to increase frost resistance and give elasticity. A special reinforcing base gives reliability and strength, while the seam sections are strong and tight.

Membranes based on thermoplastic polyolefins are innovative material, to which components are added that improve the fire-prevention and operational properties of the surface. Such membranes are characterized by a combination of the advantages of PVC and rubber. Therefore, they are better combined with bitumen. And this, in turn, affects the greater strength of the material.

EPDM-based membranes have high elasticity and the ability to operate for a long time in the most extreme conditions. They are produced reinforced and unreinforced, which is necessary to increase the strength and reliability of the material. Moreover, any variety is characterized by elasticity and strength. The set consists of additional details, with which you can waterproof complex areas - sealants, fasteners.

Roofing materials by class

Depending on the durability, all roofing bituminous materials are divided into several types:

  • premium (service life - 25-30 years);
  • business (service life - 15-25 years);
  • standard (service life - 10-15 years);
  • economy (service life - 10 years);
  • sub-economy (service life no more than five years)

The premium-class materials include the Technoelast series. Features of these coatings - the ability to create a breathable roof, from which moisture will be removed, which has the ability to reduce the durability of the roof. With the help of materials of this type, it is possible to equip a single-layer roofing, solving the problem with swelling and making the installation itself easier and more convenient. For the arrangement of the lower layer of the roofing, you can use "Technoelast Fix", which makes it possible to mount the roofing carpet on the base. The roof will be resistant to deformation and able to withstand heavy loads. The operational features of the coating are such that it can be used in regions with any climatic conditions.

Two business-class materials can be distinguished - "Uniflex" and "Ecoflex". The first is good because it serves effective protection from moisture penetration, contributing to the durability of the structure. Both materials are a waterproofing sheet that provides roof ventilation. "Ecoflex" is an excellent solution for underground structures. This roofing roll material is advisable to use in regions with increased temperature conditions. Due to its quality and reliability, it will serve as roof protection for quite a long time.

Among the materials of the standard class, "Bipol" is in demand. It has a strong, non-rotting base, which is coated on both sides with a bitumen-polymer binder. high class. On the basis of this material, it is possible to equip a roof with a small slope, waterproof the foundations of buildings and structures.

The economical types include "Linocrom K", with the help of which the top layer of the roofing carpet is equipped. It can be used as a vapor barrier in the bottom layer of the system. Its protective layer is made with fine-grained dressing or polymer film.

"Bikrost" is a popular material that is a waterproofing sheet with solid foundation based on bituminous binder. It is used when installing the lower layer of the roofing carpet. The protective layer is provided with a fine-grained dressing or film. The cheapest roofing roll material is glassine. It is a roofing cardboard, which is additionally impregnated with oil bitumen. On the basis of this material, it is possible to repair and equip roofs with a service life of a maximum of five years.


As seen, modern manufacturers offer a wide range of roofing materials. Each of them has its own technical and operational features, each is designed for a specific roof structure. That is why it is so important to take into account the composition, application features and climatic conditions own region. All this together will allow you to choose the most suitable for specific conditions construction material.

Roll materials for roofing are presented in the modern construction market so widely that even a professional needs time to choose the most suitable type of coating. Bituminous, polymeric and tar, basic and baseless, built-up and not built-up, with and without a protective layer - a variety worthy of modernity.

The first bituminous roll materials were produced in Russia in 1877 at a plant in Syzran under the guidance of engineer A. A. Petrov, who used the developments of D. I. Mendeleev. Since then, production has developed, and the range has increased. Affordable, easy to use and with the necessary physical and mechanical properties for reliable waterproofing, they are widely used in industrial construction, and then in mass housing construction. During the heyday of stagnation in the Soviet Union, more than 1 billion square meters were produced annually. meters of roofing felt, glassine and roofing felt.


The simplest, cheapest and most common rolled roofing material that has survived to this day since those times is roofing material. Roofing felt was out of use due to the carcinogenicity of its binder (tar). Glassine finds application to this day.
Glassine is a roll of roofing paper impregnated with soft petroleum bitumen. It is used as a vapor barrier, lining layer in multi-layer roof coverings, for packing equipment. Ruberoid is roofing cardboard, first impregnated with soft low-oxidized bitumen, then on both sides with highly oxidized refractory bitumen, over which a protective coating is applied. The topping is large and scaly. From the wrong side, a fine-grained dressing or protective film is applied. Ruberoid is marked with a group of alphabetic characters and numbers. The first letter P is roofing felt, the second letter characterizes the type of use (K - roofing or P - lining, the third letter indicates the type of dressing (K - coarse-grained, P - powdered or fine-grained). The numbers indicate the brand of roofing paper (300, 350, 400). The difference between the brands is the tensile strength and the density of the dressing.The higher the brand, the stronger the material.Due to the cheapness with decent physical and mechanical properties, roofing material is still popular.
A roof with a roofing material coating must be made of 4 layers with a slope of up to 1.5%, and of 3 layers with a roof slope of more than 1.5%, first sticking the lining layers on the bitumen mastic, then the top layer with dressing. On the junctions and at the funnels, 2 additional layers should be glued, and in the valleys, 1 additional layer. Ruberoid is used on flat and low-slope roofs (up to 15%). Regulatory term roofing service from roofing material with its correct arrangement up to 12 years. In practice, however, the service life of roofing material is significantly lower, mainly as a result of improper roofing. The disadvantages of the roofing material include its low biological stability, low mechanical properties of the cardboard base and high labor costs for gluing the roofing material to the base. Even with all these shortcomings, ordinary roofing material is still worthy of use in roof repairs. Ruberoid has limited application as a new coating for flat roofs small area, for example, a garage, or as a budget and temporary option for pitched roofs. In this case, mechanical fastening of the roofing material on a solid base through a thin wooden plank or steel packing tape is provided.

Time forward

In order to speed up the process of sticking canvases and minimize errors when installing roofing carpets, it was thought to make a layer of low-melting bituminous mastic on the wrong side of the roofing material, which, when heated with a propane burner, softened and glued the canvas to the base. This is how the second generation of bituminous products arose - a type of welded materials (Rubemast). For the device of new soft roofs on buildings of a normal responsibility class, at present, roofing material, even built-up, is not used. The third generation of soft roofing materials appeared when the cardboard base was replaced with a glass base to increase rot resistance and strength. To this day, glass-based welded materials are widely used at objects for various purposes.. In accordance with the classification of roofing materials by price, the third generation consists of both economy class materials and standard class materials. The economy class group includes the following items: Stekloizol, Steklobit, Filigiz, Bireplast, Steklomast and other types of glass base impregnated with oxidized bitumen. The standard class is represented by such types of materials as Linokrom, Bipol, Bikrotol, Bikroelast, KTkrom. These rolls are made both on the basis of glass material and on the basis of non-woven polyester, and a small amount of polymer additives can be introduced into the bituminous binder. Roll welding is carried out using gas burners, infrared emitters, building hair dryers. When prohibited at the place of work open fire and other methods of heating, the installation of the carpet is carried out by dissolving the film on the lower welded side with solvents such as White spirit.
Roofing materials of the third generation are actively used in new construction due to economic efficiency, high speed of production of works and the increased service life. Properly made coating will last 10-15 years.

Era of polymer bitumen

The use of strong, rot-resistant and elastic bases does not save the roof from leaks due to cracking and gradual destruction of the layers of oxidized bitumen under the influence of tensile forces, temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. As a result of changing the conditions for modifying bitumen from conventional air oxidation to the introduction of polymer additives into the bitumen mixture, the fourth generation of rolled roofing materials appeared: bitumen-polymer materials.
Modification of bitumen is carried out by introducing into bitumen 2-6% by weight of polymeric compounds: APP modifier (atactic polypropylene), after modification, obtaining plastobitumen, or SBS modifier (styrene-butadiene-styrene), obtaining rubber bitumen after mixing. Polymer additives significantly improve bitumen elasticity and increase its heat resistance and frost resistance. At the same time, APP-modified bitumen is more resistant to ultraviolet radiation and temperature rise, and SBS-bitumen is more frost-resistant than APP-bitumen. The technological process of modifying bitumen with polymers has a higher cost than the process of bitumen oxidation, and if we take into account the cost of polyester bases and other raw materials, as well as the cost the latest equipment for the manufacture of bitumen-polymer materials, the price of the final product seems to be very high. However, in most cases the price is justified: if the requirements are met correct selection elements of the roofing carpet and observing the fusing technology already well known to roofers, a roof made of modern bitumen-polymer materials can last 20 years or more.
Among the advantages of bitumen-polymer materials is high mechanical strength, elasticity, ability to self-heal in places of small punctures and cuts.
It is difficult to list absolutely all brands of bitumen-polymer roll materials, but the most common of them are modern materials TechnoNIKOL groups (Technoelast, Technoelast-decor, Technoelast-FLAME-STOP, Uniflex, Ecoflex and others), Filikrovlya LLC (Filizol, Filikrov), Safety line (Safety) from Tegola, materials ICOPAL (icopal®), SINTAN (SYNTaN) , ULTRANap (UlTRANap®), Villatex and many others.
Bitumen-polymer coatings are deposited on a solid rigid base in 2 layers, in individual cases, allowed in 1 layer. At the junctions and in the valleys, an additional layer is made.

Baseless rolls

A separate group of rolled roofing is baseless materials. The most familiar of these is polyethylene film, which is made from polyethylene. high pressure extrusion method. polyethylene film thickness from 0.06 to 0.2 mm, reinforced or ordinary, is used for lining layers both on flat and on pitched roofs. Other baseless roofing materials - Izol, Brizol, GMP (polyisobutylene). Izol and Brizol, by the type of binder, are rubber-bitumen materials. GMP - polymer-bitumen material. This group of roofing materials has biostability, an impressive value of relative elongation, which increases their plasticity and durability when working in the inner layers of the roofing carpet. Izol is produced in two grades: without polymer additives (I-BD) and with plasticizing additives (I-PD). Izol is used as a waterproofing and vapor barrier, sticking it on bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics. In terms of price, Izol is comparable to third-generation welded materials.

Pure polymer

In recent decades in Russia and in the last fifty years in Europe, when constructing the roofs of modern public and industrial buildings polymer membranes began to be used. Depending on the chemical compounds used, there are several types of membranes: EPDM, TPO, PVC. The service life of membranes is from 25 to 40 years without signs of aging. One of the differences between the membrane and bitumen-polymer roll materials is the method of attachment to the base (mechanical) and the type of base itself. Membrane coating is carried out on a base of rigid mineral fiber boards by attaching the membrane strips with special dowels and joining (fusing) the strips together using building hair dryer. A great advantage of membranes is the ability to perform installation at any time of the year..
The membranes are used both on the screed and on the existing roofing carpet with its special preparation. Continuous gluing of membranes to the base with a special assembly adhesive is also practiced.
With all the apparent ease, the process of selecting and installing the membrane is not so simple. Labor costs for the installation of roofs from membranes are 2 times higher than for the installation of bitumen-polymer roofs. With the illiterate use of the membrane, however, like any roofing material, there is a risk, at best, not to take advantage of modern and expensive materials, and at worst, to damage the contents of the building. We recommend watching the video