How to independently open roads for business. What to discover on the track in a small area of ​​the square

In Europe, hundreds of catering, service and trade establishments are located along the main highways. In Russia and Belarus, roadside service companies do not meet demand even by 50%
In European and post-Soviet countries large companies catering and service industries ignore the roadside service market. The only exceptions were some automakers. Most major players prefer to open retail outlets in cities, leaving the freeway niche at the mercy of small companies and private entrepreneurs. As a result, representatives of Russian small and medium-sized businesses, who invested several years ago in retail outlets near busy highways, are gradually turning them into small network enterprises, opening new facilities along highways.
Third night driving
In Europe, the problem with roadside service has been solved a long time ago. For example, in Germany, on the main autobahns, at least after 30–40 km, there are specially equipped parking lots where the driver can take a shower, eat at any time of the day, fill up the car, stay overnight in a motel, buy groceries and road maps. And every 15–20 km, rest areas in the forest or field are equipped for motorists. At each of these parking lots there is certainly a telephone, drinking water, dustbins, benches, tables and a dry closet (it is not customary to perform natural needs anywhere in Germany). Often, eateries open at such sites. The formal owner of all roadside service facilities is the state. But private companies make money on servicing drivers. They rent hotels, restaurants, gas stations, contributing to the local budget rent. At the same time, representatives of the state strictly control the quality of service and the tenants' working hours.
In most countries of the post-Soviet space (with the exception of the Baltic states), it is not yet possible to speak of a developed roadside service. For example, in Russia, the demand for hotels near the highway is satisfied by 25%, for catering establishments - by 55%. The exception is the developed infrastructure of the metropolitan regions of the European part of the Russian Federation, primarily the Moscow region and the environs of St. Petersburg. On most federal highways (not to mention local ones) it is problematic to find a motel, a decent cafe or an auto parts store. For example, on many Siberian highways, despite heavy traffic, roadside service facilities are located more than 300 km from each other.
Not better situation and in Belarus. The only highway more or less saturated with roadside service facilities is M-1 / E-30 Brest - Minsk - the border with the Russian Federation. On the transit road, along which Russian and European road carriers follow in an almost uninterrupted stream, catering establishments are located on average every 10 km, gas stations - 26 km, service stations - 47 km, motels - 76 km, guarded parking lots - 28 km. However, according to experts of the Republican unitary enterprise(RUP) "Magistralavtodor", there is a place for 14 more cafes, five gas stations, two motels and 10 service stations (designed mainly for trucks). However, opening a roadside service point on this highway is not so easy. This is due to the fact that in comparison with other routes of the republic there is a high concentration of such objects. And the government is interested in the uniform development of roadside services throughout the country.
A more promising direction can be considered the opening of cafes, service stations, shops and motels on the not so busy highways of Belarus (for example, Minsk - Gomel, Minsk - Vitebsk, Minsk - Mogilev, etc.). To develop the service on these routes, Magistralavtodor promises all kinds of assistance and support to entrepreneurs who decide to open a retail outlet. It leases recreation areas or gives permission for the construction of buildings directly near the site, which significantly reduces the cost of businessmen for the arrangement of access roads. In addition, you can do without additional approvals with local licensing authorities and traffic police. The citizenship of a businessman does not matter, according to Belarusians, they are ready to cooperate with Russian, Polish, Ukrainian firms.
Upturned virgin soil
AT Russian Federation Belarus and Belarus have enough examples of successful development of roadside service facilities. Characteristically, in most cases, entrepreneurs managed with minimal investments, and all the money earned at first was invested in the development of their outlets.
Andrey Vlasov started in 1996 with the sale of barbecues in the village of Pavlovsk, on the Baikal highway (M-51). Now he owns a roadside cafe-hotel. According to the entrepreneur, now you can’t start such a business with one barbecue, serious financial investments are needed. “It is advisable to immediately build a complex that includes a cafe, food and spare parts stores, a service station, and a hotel. This requires large investments, but it is not necessary to build the complex alone, you can attract partners: one equips a cafe, the other equips a hotel,” Andrey is convinced.
This is how Kirill Zhurenkov, the owner of the Ortus company, developed his business. The entrepreneur began by selling pies and dumplings, which were prepared in a rented trailer. Now Kirill manages a complex of service establishments under the single brand "At Uncle Vitya" (cafe, hotel, restaurant, station Maintenance and car wash).
“In order to assess the prospects for the development of the roadside service market, it is worth taking a closer look at the experience of European countries and the United States,” says Antonios Vanezis, marketing director at Brothers and Company. - There exist a wide variety of forms of restaurants on the highway. In addition to such an economical format as the sale of fast food takeaways for motorists, restaurant centers, cafes, pizzerias, free floor establishments, etc., are successfully operating. According to the expert, the remoteness of points from large cities makes regular delivery of fresh products expensive. Therefore, as a rule, many restaurateurs reduce the assortment, offering mainly quick-cooking dishes that can be easily packed to go.
Often, various objects for motorists along the highway are created on the basis of state transport enterprises. An illustrative example is the Lyskovoavtotrans company, which was once state enterprise(GP) "Motorcade 1413". get busy commercial activities SOE leaders were forced to stop funding from the state budget after the August 1998 crisis. “We had to look for ways to survive, no one wanted to be left without work and drive out specialists who had worked with us for many years. To cope with financial problems, we decided to open a roadside service complex on the basis of our company, - recalls Nikolai Guzanov, director of Lyskovoavtotrans. - Part administrative building rebuilt as a hotel, opened a cafe, grocery store, repurposed our repair base under trucks. Now we offer wide range of services. For example, if the driver wants to fix the problem on his own, we rent a warm repair box with viewing hole. More complex repairs can be provided by our employees, and in an emergency, they can be called at night.”
text: michael krasavin
$15,000 is enough to open a small cafe near the highway, and the money invested will be returned in a maximum of a year. The main thing is to get permission from the authorities and not quarrel with the locals
There is practically no competition among the owners of roadside cafes, hotels and service stations. Even along the busiest highways of Ukraine, catering establishments are found approximately every 15 km, gas stations - 25–30 km, service stations - 50 km, hotels - 67 km. On less busy roads, these figures are almost three times higher. And this despite the fact that many roadside establishments operate with a profitability of 100%, and the annual turnover, for example, of a small restaurant, exceeds 700 thousand UAH.
On a low start
Anatoly Bortenev, the owner of the Bornito company (a cafe on the Kyiv-Kharkiv highway not far from the capital), started his business in 1995. For $500, he bought a metal pavilion, leased land near the highway, and agreed with a metropolitan company to supply food. Initially, the entrepreneur planned to open a grocery store, but quickly became convinced that high profitability outlet. According to Anatoly, a roadside shop makes a profit only if it is located on the territory of the village. Otherwise, the profitability is low - most motorists prefer to buy products in the capital, which is not so far away. Therefore, over time, the businessman converted the store into a cafe: new premises were gradually completed to the pavilion, expanded and improved. As a result, by 2000, the former stall was transformed into a solid roadside establishment with a separate kitchen, two halls for visitors, a billiard room and several lounges in the attic. total amount Anatoly estimates investments in his business at about $ 20 thousand. According to the entrepreneur, market value his cafe, given the location and buildings, exceeds $1 million.
The business of Yevgeny Borisov, the owner of a service station on the Odessa highway, is developing no less successfully. Businessman working on high road for almost five years. Initially, Evgeny provided only tire fitting services, but clients often turned to the auto repair shop with other problems. Demand creates supply, so the entrepreneur decided to expand the range of services provided. Two years ago, he received an $80,000 loan to set up a full-fledged service station. With these funds, Evgeny built three boxes, a residential house for mechanics (it was planned to work around the clock), an overpass, purchased lifts, tools and a tow truck. The initiative turned out to be successful: in less than a year, Mr. Borisov paid off the bank in full. Eugene initially focused his service station on service cars, but now plans to carve out some more space for truck repairs. In his opinion, it is no less profitable and promising than working with cars.
Permissive red tape
Entrepreneurs who own various institutions along Ukrainian highways, the main obstacle to their business is the complexity of obtaining permits. According to Anatoly Bortenev, permission to start construction can be expected for several years. Moreover, this problem is relevant not only for beginners, but also for entrepreneurs who want to expand an existing business. “I planned to build an indoor pool on the territory of the cafe, however, remembering the unpleasant experience of communicating with government agencies, postponed the implementation of this idea until better times,” complains Mr. Bortenev.
Another problem of roadside cafes is young people living in the surrounding villages. According to Anatoly, young people abuse alcohol, especially on weekends: “Rare Friday or Saturday ends calmly. Almost every week, locals either arrange a showdown among themselves, or try to provoke a fight with visiting visitors. Of course, this scares away customers. Therefore, we have to hire security guards for the weekend, which at least somehow restrains the brawlers.
Maintenance station owners have a different kind of problem. First of all, with the supply of spare parts. “We buy the most popular units ourselves,” says Evgeny Borisov. “But it is impossible to stock up on all possible parts for all cars, and without the delivery of components, work stops.” The entrepreneur solved the problem with the delivery of spare parts simply and efficiently: he agreed with partners (owners of car dealerships in the nearest settlements and Kyiv) that the necessary parts would be sent on a call with the nearest passing bus or minibus.
A common problem for all roadside establishments is a lack of staff. There is a catastrophic shortage of qualified cooks and auto mechanics who are ready to work outside the city. They try to solve the problem by involving local residents, but this trick is not always successful. Often, rural specialists allow themselves to go to work drunk or not go out at all, be rude to customers, and perform their duties carelessly. "All hope for craftsmen. Oddly enough, among the residents of the surrounding villages, we found several real nuggets who do the work accurately, attentively and on time. But this is the exception, not the rule,” complains Mr. Borisov.
Roadside Picnic
So far, there is competition between roadside services only on the central highways of Ukraine. “Compared to other highways on the Kyiv-Kharkiv highway, competition is high: various eateries are found every 10–15 km. We are fighting for the client, trying not only to keep low prices, but also to improve the quality of products and services,” Anatoly Bortenev shares his experience. An important role in attracting and retaining customers is played by the reputation of the institution. Poor service will scare away not only one visitor, but also his friends and acquaintances.
Evgeny Borisov agrees with Anatoly: “There are competitors everywhere, but the client does not know where the car will break down. Nevertheless, when choosing a service station to which a motorist will arrive, reputation plays a key role. Drivers who constantly drive on the same highway know well where the work will be done better and cheaper. On occasion, they will willingly tell their “broken” comrades where to turn.” Another recipe for success from Mr. Borisov: do not neglect orders from local residents. As practice shows, they also often seek qualified help. There are special discounts for residents of nearby settlements.
To open a small roadside cafe at 15-30 seats$15,000 is enough 100-150 km from Kyiv. Moreover, the main item of expenditure is the cost of obtaining permission from local authorities and concluding a land lease agreement. On the other hand, if it was possible to agree with the rural "bonzes", the investments will be returned within six months or a year from the moment the cafe or restaurant opens. Profitability depends on the business of the route, the availability of similar establishments and the quality of the products offered. AT individual cases it can reach up to 200%, and the market average is 50–100%.
To open a service station, a large amount will be required - from $50,000 for servicing cars and from $100,000 for repairing trucks. Accordingly, the payback period is longer: at least three years. The profitability of roadside service stations is quite comparable to the profitability of ordinary catering establishments: 40–80%, depending on location and specialization.
text: michael krasavin
Published in №13-2008Tags: Opportunities_for_neighbors

Tags: What, business, open, on, track

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What small business to open in the village from scratch: 7 successful examples

The village, first of all, is a platform for the production of agricultural products, but the processing business also has good prospects. The closer it is located to the sources of raw materials, the lower the cost of transportation and storage. Large processing and trading enterprises are interested in expanding supplies from domestic producers.
Now there is a favorable environment for starting a business in the countryside, and many entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the opportunities that are opening up. Investments in agriculture, animal husbandry - good tone and demonstration of patriotic feelings. Please note: people do not hesitate to ask for help, send applications for participation in all possible support programs in order to receive a grant, subsidy. There are many of them, both at the federal and local levels.
In December 2015, the head of Rosselkhozbank, Dmitry Patrushev, was awarded the title of Banker of the Year by the Association of Russian Banks. Despite the sanctions of European and American partners, the bank expanded its financial support for agriculture this year. The volume of loans issued outstripped the average market indicators.
The review contains 7 real examples. The choice of successful entrepreneurs helps to understand what kind of business you can do in the village, gain determination and start your own business.
Interesting business ideas implemented in the countryside
1) Vending milk machine
Mordovia, Kovylkino, Krutenkoe village
Rinat Churakov lives in a small town with a population of 20,000 people and used to be engaged in the provision of consumer services. The idea for a business in the village came while looking for a place to country house at the sight of fields overgrown with weeds. In three years, with the help of a bank loan, he created modern complex for European milk production. When the purchase prices for it fell 4 times compared to retail, I thought about creating my own distribution network. Analyzing the market, I came to the conclusion that vending is highly profitable. Buying and installing two expensive machines, I realized that the idea was risky. However, there was a queue for fresh milk on the first day. They justified themselves in 4 months, and now the businessman has purchased another 15 pieces, planning to place them already in Saransk, the capital of the republic.
2) Rest, like in the village with my grandmother
Rural tourism is rapidly gaining momentum. Reasons: the narrowing of the directions of foreign holidays, the decline in income. Fashion plays a positive role modern level service. In the Astrakhan steppe, caravans are driven along the Mongol-Tatar trails, somewhere they offer “wild” hunting, and sometimes people are attracted by the opportunity to communicate with nature, wake up with “roosters”, and not rush anywhere.
Ermaki village, along the Moscow-Minsk highway, 25 km from Smolensk.
There is no unique natural landscape or historical "estate" nearby. When Arkady Poterlevich started his business in the village from scratch 5 years ago, there were only three residential buildings. He made a bet on the lake: he launched silver carp fry, white carp, pike, perch, carp. Now there are even crabs. The fishermen pulled themselves up very quickly, and when they built 5 comfortable houses, a bathhouse, planted a garden and a vegetable garden, they began to come with their families. Now whole companies are already reaching out for collective recreation. All products in the local "tavern" are natural, there are football and tennis courts, and baths. Plans: construction of VIP cottages and a helipad.
3) Cabbage on "Indonesian" technology
Staromainsky district, Ulyanovsk region
The worst dream of a peasant is drought. The fear of losing everything in a lean year stops many who would like to start growing agricultural products. The Ulyanovsk region is a zone of risky farming, but Ilmas Sitdikov is getting record harvests using an irrigation system similar to that used for rice fields. First, he used old canals left from Soviet times to accumulate water, after they destroyed and pulled apart all the pipes of the irrigation system. Fregat sprinkling machines are working on the fields, three pumping stations, an artificial channel for supplying water from the Volga was created. Fresh vegetables are delivered to Ulyanovsk supermarkets and are in demand. According to Ilmas, no one believed in the success of irrigated agriculture. And now many adopt his experience in land reclamation.
4) Camelina oil is not made from camelina
Kuytunsky district, Irkutsk region.
Demand for eco-products is constantly increasing, with foreign consumers and investors showing particular interest in them. Camelina oil is actually made from the herb. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia exported it, but then the culture was firmly forgotten. In taste and aroma, it resembles sesame, but is richer in vitamin content, has healing properties. Artem Palchik in 2010 bought 50 kg of seeds and sowed a 1 hectare field, receiving 1.5 tons of raw materials. Now his KFH sows 60, and it is planned to expand to 100 hectares. The oil is certified, it is sold in large stores in the region, negotiations are underway on the display of goods in supermarkets. The products are awarded with the diploma of the international Berlin agricultural exhibition. Abroad, this product is in good demand; in Russia, sunflower oil is still more common. The entrepreneur dreams of entering the international market.
5) Exotic birds bring in a good income
Central federal district, Moscow region.
Chickens, geese, pheasants, turkeys and guinea fowls - about 500 heads of different birds are raised by a young couple of farmers, former city dwellers. The question of what kind of business can be opened in the village, Vladimir and Tatyana Tyurin, was not initially interested. Seven years ago, they adopted several birds to feed dietary meat to a child who had minor health problems. Then there was interest, a family farm was born. They received a grant - 1.5 million rubles only this year, they bought 4 hectares of land on them, where it is planned to build a full-fledged eco-farm. Guinea fowl were first bred for beauty, and then it turned out that it was very profitable business. The bird does not get sick, meat and eggs are valued, used in the treatment of oncology. Previously, it was supplied only from abroad, but now, according to Vladimir, there are so many offers that they intend to bring the number of guinea fowl to 2,000 heads. The organization of agro-tourism is planned. There are no competitors, for the entire Central District there is only one such farm in Sergiev Posad.
6) If trout is cheaper, more people will buy it
Berezovka village, Kondopozhsky district, Karelia
The northern Russian regions are of little use for agriculture, but have great potential for use natural resources. Wood processing, picking, freezing, canning mushrooms and berries - all these are opportunities for creating your own business. But the main wealth is fish. The IP of farmer Nikolai Fedorenko produces about 500 tons of trout a year, and he dreams of doubling the figure. Sanctions on Norwegian fish only please him. Its red caviar, lightly salted and smoked fish were awarded the international gold medal "ProdExpo" 2015. Trout is grown in open water, away from the shore Norwegian technology. In total, there are about 50 fish farms in Karelia, today their biggest problem is that they have to buy fry and food abroad. Now the farmer focuses on growing his own planting material and its sale. The problem with feed is beyond his power, this is a task for biologists. In Berezovka and Kondopoga there are two shops with his products, numerous tourists are eager to see and fish directly from the lake.
7) Sheep breeding - profitable business in the steppe regions
Beisky district, Khakassia
Lamb is rarely seen on store shelves, despite good demand. Sheep are unpretentious to food and living conditions, multiply quickly and gain weight, live on pastures until late winter. Alexander Topoev keeps a herd of about 2,000 heads. Thinking over what kind of business to open in the village, he enlisted the support of a large trading network, which now regularly supplies meat. But now he has no problems with sales, rather the opposite: his products are willingly taken by cafes, semi-finished products workshop, "Myasnaya Lavka". Recently, he won the tender of the local Administration for the purchase of 1.5 hundred sheep at once for transfer to young families. The farm is growing: he has acquired pigs of a special breed and bought several cows. To feed these animals, they had to sow oats, barley, and wheat. It took almost four years to build the business.
The lack of funds for business development is not the only problem in the countryside, in many places it is difficult to find workers. How to get out of the situation:
choose a place near regional centers, small towns with liquidated production;
buy high-performance imported equipment that requires few maintenance personnel;
they invest in social infrastructure, build houses, which attract people who are ready to move to their place of work.
State support is not "free" cheese. You will need to report on expenses, and when drawing up a business plan, do not forget about inflation. The term for receiving money is extended to six months, and in agriculture, like nowhere else, the road is a spoon for dinner. The “village” business also has its advantages: the loyal attitude of the authorities, the cheapness of labor, and the lack of competition.

Business Plan for a cafe by the road, a cafe on the highway / Business Plans from ...

If a roadside cafe open on a busy section of the highway, then the profit can be compared with the income of a restaurant in the central part of the city.

Business on the highway: ideas for cafes and trade, a plan for a profitable ...

How to open your own business on the road? What types of earnings are available to everyone? How to become a successful businessman?

The development of roadside infrastructure catastrophically lags behind the level of motorization. Even on federal highways, there are clearly not enough gas stations, cafes, tire shops, hotels, auto repair shops, and telephones.

Now there is a huge number of cars in the country, and every year the car park is increasing by hundreds of thousands of cars. Think about this number. A real car boom. But in terms of the number of cars per thousand inhabitants, we are still far from Europe and, moreover, to the level of the United States (where there are almost 2 cars per family). But nonetheless.

Development roadside infrastructure catastrophically does not keep pace with the level of motorization. Even on federal highways, there are clearly not enough gas stations, cafes, tire shops, hotels, auto repair shops, and telephones. Elementary parking lots, where there is a toilet and water. I often travel to other cities and see road sections of 50, 80 and even 100 km where there is no hint of civilization. And this is in the European part. Beyond the Urals, I think the picture is even sadder ...

An amazing situation. There are many cars. There are also a lot of people who want to go somewhere. Freight and passenger traffic is enormous. But almost no service and maintenance on the road not offered. Only single cafes and exclusively near the city. On some roads, tens of thousands of cars pass a day - hundreds of thousands of people. Most of those who go and would be happy to leave money in roadside cafes - but there is nowhere! And those cafes that are, for the most part, are some kind of BAM trailers. It’s even surprising: in the cities all the cafes and shops have been renovated for a long time, and on the roads there are some construction change houses ...

Separate conversation about summer period. Half the country is heading south. Giant car migration. Millions of people go to rest and spend money. And along the entire road they are offered almost no infrastructure.

Just for example. The road from Moscow to Black Sea(this is approximately 1.500 km). For most drivers, this journey takes two daylight hours, and an overnight stay is required. And on this whole site there are no more than 5 hotels, such that you don’t have to leave the highway. People sleep in cars. Those who traveled will confirm: at night, any traffic police post on the highway means hundreds of cars with sleeping people. Most of those who sleep in a car with their family would readily pay for a hotel. But this service is not available...

Another example. On the road, anything can happen. Breakage, for example. It may be 100 or even 200 km to the nearest workshop ... And if you need a tow truck ... I read in a well-known automobile magazine. Editorial staff travel from Moscow to Kazan. On the way, the automatic transmission breaks down. A tow truck is needed. The only one possible variant- call from Moscow, 500 km away. One and a half days people live in the car. If we omit the technical details about the car and the machine, the impression is that the 17th century is in the yard, the development of Siberia ...

And another example. I have gas-cylinder equipment in my car, I drive on propane-butane. Just like another 1 million cars. There are sections of 200-300 km on the highway, where no gas stations. It's not even funny.

Everyone who traveled around Europe by car saw: motels, campsites, gas stations, cafes, etc. on every corner. This is very simple and obvious - if people are traveling (with money), then they will definitely need some goods and services along the way. And the market offers them.

And the conclusion is more than obvious. Offer goods, services, some kind of service on the track. Here is what will be required:

A land plot along the highway is a “golden” asset that will help its owner with an entrepreneurial streak to earn money. How to open your store on the road, make it profitable and not get a fine at the first check of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or Rospotrebnadzor.


The concept of the roadside business is simple - to give the value that the passers-by need. Such a business is not focused on regular customers, but the service is important.

Due to the ever-changing flow of customers, the demand in the open highway store is stable. Client in comfortable conditions and the client on the way are two different buyers. If the first allows himself rationality in his choice, then the second is a hostage of circumstances.

The ability to show empathy, to think the way the client thinks, helps to stand out from the competition and open a truly useful store on the highway. Make sales, even if there are gas station giants or large chains around small businesses.

Formats and types


Shop 20-100 sq. m, located along the route, which is able to meet the demand of travelers. Products, household chemicals, goods for children. Everything you need for your trip. Special attention to competitors. A growing chain store nearby can kill a small business.

For motorists

Shop for drivers. It is located on the highway, usually near car washes, service stations, gas stations. The most popular assortment is light bulbs, glass brushes, small consumables for cars, accessories for travelers. A free toilet or shower will turn casual customers into loyal ones.


A store whose offer is aimed at a narrow client segment. Depends on location. Along the trails leading to the sea or resorts - bathing accessories, mattresses, circles for children. On the road to the mountain resorts - warm clothes, equipment for tourists, sleeping bags, equipment. Even a well-placed tent on the way of pilgrims can bring profit.

Business hack. Since about 2014, a healthy lifestyle and farm products have been especially promoted, and after the introduction of sanctions, there is a special demand for “one’s own”. A specialized store of farm products "from the garden" along the highway is a competitor to large chains and gas stations.

Fast food

Roadside diner. Pancake or pie. You can cook takeaway burgers, hot dogs or shawarma. Operates at a bus stop. Differentiation from competitors is easier than when trading standard goods. In catering, a catchy sign, the smell and taste of the cooked dish decide.

Business hack on the road. Experienced merchants install several warning banners at 50-200 meters so that the driver has time to react, think and turn to the store in time.

How to open

  1. Decide on a place. 70% of business success depends on it. Experienced entrepreneurs do not strive to become an "oasis" along the road, but, on the contrary, attach themselves to points of contact potential clients. For example, a grocery store is opened near a car service, gas station or car wash.
  2. Registration of documents. If the lease - the conclusion of the contract. Ownership - obtaining permits.
  3. Procurement of equipment and hiring of personnel.
  4. Business registration.

Permits for trading along the road

  1. Registration of any form of entrepreneurship is mandatory for any type of business. . IP is suitable for beginners - there are fewer sanctions and fines, reporting is easier. The advantages of an LLC are the sale of alcohol (not necessary for beer). Table 1. Comparison of IP and LLC

    For IP registration:

    Application to the tax office (issued on the spot).

    Receipt with paid state duty (800 rubles)

    Tax application.

    The decision to establish an LLC (if there are more than 1 founders).

    Paid state duty 4000 rubles.

    2 copies of the charter.

    Passports of the founders

    Letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises at the address of registration (if the owner at the address is not the founder)

    At the output, the document is a certificate of registration individual as an individual entrepreneur and assignment of OGRNIP

    At the exit, within 5 days:

    LLC registration certificate.

    TIN for legal entities faces.

    Registered charter.

    Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

    Reference. OGRNIP - the main state registration number of the entrepreneur.

    Businessmen who have already opened their own business call the registration procedure the most a simple step on the path of the entrepreneur. Tax service employees are friendly, advise on basic issues and help with filling out forms.

  2. After obtaining legal status, you can conclude contracts, hire employees, and maintain official document management.
  3. Preparing the premises for work:
  4. Before opening the doors of the store, the entrepreneur notifies Rospotrebnadzor in the form. (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 14, 2010 No. 245, of December 26, 2011 No. 1132). Sent through public services with electronic signature, by mail or in person.


After the opening of the store, the next scheduled inspection is in 3 years. By signing the notice and sending it to Rospotrebnadzor, the businessman stated that his premises, staff and equipment complied with all standards.

Advice. The schedule of scheduled inspections can be seen on the website of Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozharnadzor.

When complaints are received from competitors, customers, or employees, supervisors may conduct an unscheduled review by issuing a “backdating” notification. Moreover, even if the premises are rented, in the lease agreement the fire-prevention condition of the premises is on the lessor, the inspector will be able to fine for the fact that there are no responsible for the fire-prevention condition or the staff is not trained in emergency situations.

Beer trade

A separate direction for opening a store on the highway is. According to article 16 of the law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ, legal entities can sell strong alcohol. faces. This prohibition is not imposed on beer, poiret, mead, cider and other "stray" products, but only when selling at retail.

Interesting. It is still possible to sell wine and champagne under the IP flag. This is allowed for individual entrepreneurs - agricultural producers who have produced a strong drink from their own raw materials.

The point of sale of beer must have a foundation, stalls and tents will not work. It is forbidden to sell next to:

  • children's, educational and medical institutions;
  • military, sports and cultural facilities;
  • stops, railway stations, gas stations.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to choose large buildings, the main thing is that your establishment is located near high-traffic roads. At the same time, as in the conduct of any other business, there are a number of features. You can find out how to open a roadside cafe, what documents to collect, what equipment to purchase, etc., you can find out further.


According to experts, the catering industry outside the city is underdeveloped, so it makes sense to think about a roadside cafe. In European countries, both a coffee shop and a fast food restaurant can peacefully coexist on the roads. But judging by the Russian experience, fast food is the most acceptable option, since visitors to such establishments, as a rule, are in a hurry.

In addition, it is worth thinking not only about how to open a roadside cafe, but also where exactly to establish it. Best Options- gas stations, places near settlements, as well as shopping centers. A cafe can also be opened near the recreation area (on the banks of a river or lake). Many advise choosing the southern direction (that is, south of the city, village), so you won’t be bored even in winter.

Choose a room

Very often, the premises that are rented to organize an establishment on the road are in a deplorable state. To bring them into proper form, you will have to do expensive repairs. It is most profitable to open a cafe already on the basis of ready-made complexes, which are located at the junction of major roads. Several nearby points of sale will surely attract the attention of travelers.

Some Features

In addition, having decided how to open a roadside cafe, it is advisable to comply with several unspoken requirements:

  • the institution must be designed for at least 70 seats and have an area of ​​​​at least 100 square meters. m;
  • the room should not be too spacious, a cozy atmosphere should reign here;
  • the cafe is equipped with parking, not only for cars, but also for trailers and trucks, in addition, it is necessary to create convenient driveways;
  • it is desirable to decorate the interior with restraint and simplicity, however interior decoration should not resemble a Soviet canteen, which completely discourages appetite.

Required Documentation

To establish a business, you need to register an IP. However, if the cafe is planning to sell alcoholic beverages, then you need to create only a Limited Liability Company. Once the premises have been selected, permits must be obtained from fire service and sanitation stations.

To make your roadside cafe respond sanitary requirements, you need to take care of the availability of water and electricity, as well as connection to other communications. An entrepreneur also needs to obtain a license to sell alcohol. Without fulfilling all these requirements, a businessman can have big problems.

Purchase of equipment

You will also need equipment:

  • trade (windows, cash register);
  • kitchen (ovens, furniture, dishes, plumbing, household appliances);
  • warehouse;
  • ventilation.

The cost of equipment can be different, on average, it ranges from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles. It all depends on how seriously you intend to equip the hall and kitchen.

Roadside cafe menu

The cuisine should be hearty, but rather simple. Lobsters, marbled beef and lobsters are clearly not needed. But it is very important to focus on the quality and freshness of products. The menu, if possible, should be varied, but quickly prepared.

It is necessary to offer your guests hot first and second courses, sandwiches, barbecue. It is also desirable to add a few salads to the menu, but you need to cook them immediately before serving, because you never know in advance what the guests will order. In a word, you need to provide as many types of dishes as you can store, so that later you can easily reheat or cook.

You can diversify the roadside business a little: offer visitors take-out dishes in closed containers. You can also sell related products: water, cigarettes, juices, coffee, tea. You can also allow drivers to fill a thermos with boiling water for free (which is especially important in winter). The service of a roadside cafe should be of high quality and fast. Each visitor should get the impression that he has become a long-awaited guest, and even better - that he has been at home.

Thinking about how to open a roadside cafe, do not forget about the competition. There may be several similar catering outlets in your area. You need something to attract a client, right? You can come up with some kind of "trick". For example, sell unusual, original snacks that your rivals do not have.

Then you will need to go through the cafes of this kind and find out their menu. A good option is to open an institution specializing in cooking a dish of one national cuisine. And, of course, do not forget that all people love gifts, albeit small, but pleasant.

Let's say, mini-souvenirs for memory or some other trifle - inexpensive, but necessary in the household (a pack of napkins, a small towel, but you never know what else). Don't worry about what you have to bear additional expenses. The fact is that you can make a small markup on the cost of dishes (exactly as much as the gift itself costs), most likely, the visitor will not even notice that he is buying something other than lunch.

The financial component of the business

Of course, the income of the institution will depend on the number of visitors. There will hardly be regular customers in such a road catering (due to the specifics of the business). Concerning main factor success - capacity.

What kind of business can be opened on the highway, having at least a small area of ​​land near the road? This question is of interest to many people who have this area. Of course, this is not a classic approach to organizing a business, because the idea must come first. Then you need to think through the pros and cons, determine the costs, organize and look for suitable premises, location.

But if you already have effective area for business near the highway, you need to act. First you need to determine that the track is a travel place, so it makes no sense to rely on regular customers. As for disposables, there will be a lot of them. The idea is simple: give people on the road what they need on the road and you'll create a profitable business. Plus, you need to hang a beautiful and large sign of the services or products that you offer, which will attract people. It remains only to calculate the profit and develop the business.

A great example is 7-Eleven, a Texas company founded in 1927. She managed to create a real revolution in the sales industry. The stores of this company worked when others simply closed - they worked day and night. Of course, today you will not surprise anyone with this, because on this moment we can buy anything and at any time, and even with home delivery, if you like. However, 90 years ago in the US it was revolutionary.

At the moment, 7-eleven has stores located in 18 countries around the world. The network includes more than 25,000 stores that serve more than 30,000 merchants. The turnover of goods exceeded 100,000,000,000 dollars for the year. Everything that people may need urgently is for sale here. The product list consists of 1000 items and has been compiled by experts. 7-eleven has so many clients that the company may not be afraid of any crises.

You can, of course, learn something new, or you can take the successful example of 7-eleven and implement it in Russia by opening a small shop near the highway, where products needed by people on the road will be sold. Even Thomas Edison himself said that great ideas You don't have to come up with your own, you can borrow them.

So what kind of business to open on the highway? Imagine yourself in the place of a tired driver who wants to eat, drink, smoke and relieve himself. Perhaps he needs to charge his phone, refuel, etc. On the small area at 15 square meters you can easily open a small shop where it is appropriate to sell cigarettes, gasoline (not necessarily a gas station), fast food, oil, cold drinks. It is desirable to put a toilet nearby and develop a sign that people will notice even at high speed.

To equip a trading shop, you need equipment. You can either buy it (if you have money) or rent it. The amount of earnings will depend on the range of products that you develop. Try to determine as accurately as possible the needs of people on the road - drivers and their passengers. Do everything right, and then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba business on the track will meet all expectations.