Do-it-yourself wooden windows - characteristics and manufacturing rules. How to make a wooden window - the main steps A simple wooden frame for a window with your own hands

Most people call a window changer and install plastic or aluminum frames. Their main disadvantage is the relatively high price and the need to use special equipment during assembly. Is it possible to make a window frame with your own hands? What tools and materials are needed for this?

Figure 1. Wooden frames are environmentally friendly and have low thermal conductivity.

Indeed, for glazing a country house or greenhouse windows, it is not at all necessary to install a plastic frame - a home-made wooden structure is also quite suitable.

What to prepare

To make a homemade wooden frame, you need to purchase completely dry wood in the form of bars or their glued version. For the manufacture of the frame, many use plywood.

When choosing a material, you need to take boards with a section of 5X15 cm or a beam of 5X5 cm. You will need the following auxiliary parts and materials:

  • joiner's glue;
  • metal window squares;
  • glass.

You need a drawing and carpentry tools: a saw, chisels, a hammer. After everything is purchased and prepared, you can get to work.

How to make a window wooden frame with your own hands from bars

Window frame drawing.

A very good material for work, often used in construction, is glued wooden beams. You can use its usual solid wood version, but this increases the likelihood of the frame losing its shape due to precipitation. This can be avoided by covering the tree with a special protective compound.

The technological process of manufacturing the structure consists of the following steps:

  1. The first step is to make a window frame. To do this, a groove is cut in a 5X15 cm board so that the board looks like the letter “G” in profile. Such a comb is needed for the tightness of the future window.
  2. They accurately calculate the dimensions of the structure and begin to saw the boards, each of which must be divided into four parts of the desired size, and they are connected to each other. The most reliable option for such an assembly is to use a spike and groove. To quickly make them, you need the following tools: a chisel, a hammer and a hand saw or an electric cutter. Grooves are made on the vertical parts of the frame. Spikes are cut out on horizontal segments. After the manufacture of all these parts, they are smeared with wood glue and the parts of the box are connected, while not forgetting to observe the accuracy of all joints with a metal square of 90 °.
  3. The next stage of work is the strengthening of special window squares in the corners of the ends of the frame. They are purchased at the construction market or in a store, and they are necessary to give the box the necessary rigidity.
  4. Give the glue some time to dry and start making a frame for the movable part of the window. The beam for it should have a smaller section than for the window box. Therefore, its cross section is reduced so that the gap between the frame and the main box is in the range from 0.1 to 0.2 cm.
  5. The frame parts are connected in the same sequence and using spikes and grooves, as described above in the manufacture of the window box.
  6. After fully assembling the inside of the window, it is attached to the box with hinges. You must first insert a glass sheet, although this can be done after the frame is fully assembled with your own hands.

The design is ready for operation (Fig. 1).

Making a plywood window

Scheme of the assembly of the window frame.

If you try to make a factory-made frame profile at home, you can ruin the purchased material.

Therefore, to eliminate this problem, a do-it-yourself frame can be made from strips cut from a sheet of plywood.

To do this, it is quite enough to have four such strips, which must be connected into a rectangle. At the same time, do not forget to set a right angle along the ends of the structure using a measuring square. To obtain the desired profile, the do-it-yourself frame is assembled from several such rectangles that have different widths.

At the same time, do not forget to take accurate measurements, otherwise the design will turn out to be lopsided. In this "hybrid" way, windows with a figured profile can be obtained from plywood.

This method is suitable for both fixed and multi-leaf window designs containing one, two or three rows of glass. For a frame with one row of glazing, it is enough to have 8 plywood strips connected into 2 rectangles. To secure the glass sheets, the second layer of strips must have a width less than that of the first rectangle.

The resulting parts are fastened with self-tapping screws.

If two or three rows of glasses are inserted, then all the parts are coated with carpentry glue.

Necessary tools and materials

  1. Wooden blocks and boards.
  2. Plywood.
  3. Glass.
  4. Metal window frames, handles.
  5. Joiner's glue.
  6. Self-tapping screws.
  7. Window hinges.
  8. Saw.
  9. Chisels.
  10. A hammer.
  11. Electric drill with cutter.
  12. Roulette.
  13. Metal ruler.
  14. Square.
  15. Pencil. Paper (for window drawing).

Anyone who has basic skills in working with a tool and a desire to do something with their own hands can make window frames on their own. The main thing is not to be lazy.

Modern windows for the most part are double-glazed windows, consisting of prefabricated panels. These windows are easy to use, but they also have some disadvantages. So, for example, if one of the glasses is accidentally broken, it will not be easy to replace it, especially if it has a non-standard size. In addition, companies that produce double-glazed windows often close, and many models, when it comes time for glass replacement, are discontinued.

For those who are interested in how to make wood windows yourself, the photos and detailed instructions posted on this page will be very useful. The photo shown below shows a real home-made double-glazed window, the manufacture of which does not require any special skills or significant financial investments. If glass breaks in such a double-glazed window, a replacement can be easily found at any hardware store, and if condensation collects between the glasses, it will be enough to change the sealant and replenish the desiccant.

Double-glazed windows with an air gap that is not filled with any noble gas, due to the circulation of air flows between the glasses, suffer significant convective losses. Noble gases have a large mass, which significantly slows down diffusion. But on the other hand, gas tends to be lost as the glass pack ages, and in a bag filled with air, you can add a desiccant and change the sealant without special tools.

The most common material from which wooden window frames are made is pine, which today is considered the most practical, inexpensive and affordable wood. A reasonable substitute for pine wood is oak wood, but for craftsmen making wooden windows for the first time in their lives, it is still better to choose less expensive tree species. Wooden beams for wooden windows must be dried in accordance with all the rules, and in addition, they must not have any branches, cracks or other damage. It is important to remember that the boxes, when they are fixed in the window opening, take on the main mechanical load. If glued laminated timber is used for the manufacture of all elements, then its strength will be sufficient to withstand deforming loads.

Tools for the job that will be needed

If, for example, a 150x50 mm board is used to make a box, then in the blanks for it you will need to make a groove 15 mm deep in the form of the letter G. For the block, you will need to make four blanks, and then connect them with glue (best of all, carpentry) , and additionally drill holes in the right places and insert a three-centimeter wooden rod, which will provide immobility and the necessary rigidity to the connection at a right angle.

The finished box is fixedly fixed in the prepared window opening. To do this, drill holes in the wall, drive in dowels and fix the finished structure with self-tapping screws. If gaps remain between the finished block and the walls, they must be sealed with building foam. It should be remembered that the installation of the box does not take into account the mobility that it can acquire during temperature changes.

Making a frame out of wood.

The main feature of the project presented here is the window sash, which expands the glass and provides free space for the sealant and wooden glazing beads that hold the glass.

For those who are going to make windows with their own hands from wood, the drawings presented on this page show how to make a frame for ten millimeter glazing beads that will securely hold four millimeter glass. The gap between the glasses is about 1 cm, while the metal parts that burst them are not used. It should be borne in mind that a seal for wooden windows, the width of which is equal to the width of the glass, will not be the best option for such a design: it is better if the cross section of the seal is equal to the section of the groove.

Making a window box

The best sealant will be a material that does not suffer from exposure to sunlight. Often, a silicone sealant is used for this, but it should be noted that it is not suitable for such purposes in the best way, since it is difficult to remove from the glass surface. You can make a frame from pine wood, or you can use white oak wood or other blanks. Before cutting the material for the window frame, you should carefully measure the perimeter of the window opening and increase the result by another 10%.

Assembly of frame parts.

To assemble the binding shown here, you will need to cut the material at an angle. Joints consisting of grooves and tenons hold the structure stronger, but continuous grooves are better suited for the seal. To connect the frame parts to each other, it is best to use screws with a flat head and large threads. Screws with flat heads are best to be sunk into special holes.

Do-it-yourself window frame assembly

Glass cutting.

The process of cutting glass is not inherently complicated, but it is important to take into account some of its nuances. First of all, you should take care of observing safety precautions: reliably protect your eyes and hands from possible surprises. Glass must be strong and completely intact. Before cutting, the glass is thoroughly cleaned and then lubricated with a small amount of grease.

Experienced craftsmen advise always cutting glass in one cut. When the glass is pressed, a sound is heard, after which the glass is shifted to the very edge of the working surface and pressed on. To make such a double-glazed window, as discussed here, it is necessary to make measurements with an accuracy of a millimeter.

The edges of the glass after cutting are processed for polishing with sandpaper.

Window construction assembly.

First, the fitting glass is inserted into the frame, and then the sealant is removed and put in its place. The glass is put back into the frame and wooden glazing beads are installed for the windows, and then the window is painted and equipped with handles.

When attaching the glazing beads, the screws must be tightened slowly, starting from their middle. This is necessary so that too much pressure is not exerted on the fragile corners of the frame.

Based on the fact that the window should be easily repaired if necessary, the hats of the used screws should not be painted over, but many prefer that they are not visible. The ideal way to hide the screws has not yet been found, so everyone chooses what suits him best.

We install a window frame in a house from a bar

A dehumidifier must be placed between the panes. To do this, a hole is added at the top of the window sash, which is later caulked with a wooden pin. If you have a compressor on hand, you can fill the gap between the panes with dry air. The pins are painted with paint before installing the window and repeat this procedure after it.

The window referred to here does not fog up even after a year, and if the glass needs to be replaced, it will not cause too much difficulty. Such windows can be installed even in rooms with high humidity (that is, in the bathroom or in the kitchen).

Additional information.

The screw holes can be covered with decorative handles. When using standard screws, you can also scrape the paint out of their grooves.

For reliable sealing, experienced craftsmen insert glass, having previously applied a sealant to its joints with the structure. To make the window more resistant to weather conditions, after the sealant has dried, you can apply window putty on top of it. It is important to know that some modern putties can be difficult to remove from glass, so it is much easier to work with traditional window putties.

It is best to paint windows a few days after putty has been applied.

Wooden window options

How to make laminated plastic windows

For the manufacture of laminated window blocks, specialized technologies are used. A special film is applied to the plastic profile, which is attached to the surface with glue. The film consists of several layers with embossing on its surface, and in order to apply it to a plastic surface, it is necessary to use laminating equipment.

Lamination is necessary not only to make the windows look more aesthetically pleasing: in this way they become more resistant to all kinds of atmospheric phenomena and are durable and remain extremely easy to clean. There is a film whose surface resembles natural wood. On such a decorative film, dust and dirt are practically invisible, therefore plastic windows laminated under wood, the photos of which can be seen below, are incredibly practical.

In addition, film-coated windows are resistant to temperature fluctuations and weather conditions. The structure covered with PVC film is not sensitive to precipitation, and the film itself retains its color even under prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Another indisputable advantage of PVC film lamination is its wide range of colors and textures, among which there is a suitable option for any occasion.

Wooden window shutters

After installing the shutters, the room becomes additionally protected from the cold and atmospheric phenomena. Wooden shutters on windows, photos of which can be seen at the end of the page, are made external or internal, and in structure - one- or two-sided, panel or panel. Anyone can make such shutters on their own.

Window shutter designs

What do you need to make shutters

To make wooden window shutters, you will need boards 100-200 mm wide and more than 20 mm thick. Hardwood veneer boards are considered the most suitable, but a smooth fugue is also quite suitable.

In addition, you will need to take care of the availability of tools for woodworking: hacksaws, drills, screwdrivers, planers, chisels, etc. You will also need measuring tools: a level, a tape measure and a carpenter's corner. For the final stage of work, you need to purchase drying oil, brushes and paint, as well as an antiseptic.

Window shutter assembly

Making simple shutters

How to make ordinary shutters from boards

  1. Measure the existing opening along the outer and inner sides, then draw up a plan for cutting the boards and cut them.
  2. To prepare the boards for the end connection, they are joined together. Smooth jointed boards can be put on glue, but in addition you need to strengthen it with a rail so that it covers the resulting cracks.
  3. It is easier to rally the canvas for shutters using the locking method: select a groove in the end part, and provide a spike on the opposite side. Experienced craftsmen recommend buying ready-made tongue-and-groove boards that are used for flooring.
  4. After rallying, the canvas must be further strengthened with transverse braces and overhead ties.
  5. Hidden rallying of shields is carried out using threaded studs. To do this, drill holes in the end sides of the boards with a thin drill, and then drill them out until the diameter of the stud is reached. After that, the boards are strung on studs and tightened with bolts, and their ends are liberally smeared with wood glue so that there are no gaps.

Production of paneled shutters

  1. A panel is a thin board inserted into a frame frame. Such shutters not only look beautiful, but also have great strength. Construction stores sell ready-made panels and profiled beams with selectable groove grooves, but you can order the necessary parts directly from joiners.
  2. Panels are made smooth or decorated as you wish. They may have layouts of tongue-and-groove timber or selected slabs. Also, the panels are floating, figurative and can have a frame decorated with carvings. If desired, you can also make wooden platbands for windows. Carved templates, photos of which can be seen a little lower, allow you to decorate the window very beautifully.
  3. The tightening frame is made of strapping bars, which should be 5 mm thicker than the panels. The bars are planed and polished, and then connected with spikes with lugs.
  4. When the frame is assembled, the panels are smeared with glue and inserted into it. The sashes should be fixed on the plane until completely dry.
  5. On the sidewalls of the shutters and platbands, it is necessary to hollow out nests for mounting hinges with a chisel. After inserting the locking elements, you can mount the shutters on the slopes. The sashes are leveled, and then fixed in hinge nests with screws.
  6. The final stage of work is the impregnation of wooden structures with drying oil or other agent that prevents decay, and then coating them with varnish or paint.

Options for wooden windows We install a window frame in a house from a bar

Wooden windows are quite common in most residential buildings. This is primarily due to the availability of materials used in the process of their manufacture. If the window opening has a non-standard shape, then the easiest way is to build a window yourself, while the master himself will choose its shape, the number of sashes and fittings. We will talk about the features of manufacturing wooden windows further.

Wooden windows - features and benefits

In order to understand the features of wooden windows, we suggest considering their main advantages:

1. Aesthetic appeal of appearance.

On a wooden window, the structure of the wood from which it is made is clearly visible. In addition, wooden windows fit perfectly into any kind of both exterior and interior. Most often, wooden furniture and wooden doors are installed in the room, which are in good harmony with the windows made of wood. At the same time, wooden windows have high functionality and sophistication.

Windows made of plastic have an unpresentable appearance, compared with wooden structures. The tree brings warmth and comfort to the room.

2. Ability to breathe.

This function has only wood. It is the tree that is responsible for the regulation of a healthy microclimate in the room. Since wooden surfaces are able to absorb moisture, with an excess, and give it away with a lack. The house, with installed wooden windows, has a comfortable and healthy atmosphere.

Windows made of plastic or other materials are prone to condensation on the windowsill or other nearby surfaces.

Due to the fact that the tree breathes, there is a gradual circulation of air in the room. Even if you do not open the windows for ventilation for a long time, the air will be updated through the micropores in the tree. After a long absence from home, the air in the room will be fresh and renewed.

3. High durability.

Despite the fact that wood is a rather vulnerable material, especially before moisture or fire, thanks to the presence of modern compositions and impregnations, the quality characteristics of wood used in the window manufacturing process are improving. Modern dyes and impregnations on a moisture-resistant basis ensure long-term operation of wooden window structures. In addition, in the process of using wooden windows, their original appearance is preserved. For example, plastic windows will require replacement after ten years of operation, wooden windows do not lose their presentable appearance even after twenty years of use.

4. High level of durability.

Wood and its quality are assessed immediately, in the process of purchasing materials. The strength of plastic windows cannot be assessed, since the metal profile installed inside the structure. In addition, the option of self-manufacturing a wooden window allows you to choose a tree of such quality that will suit the owner of the window both in terms of material and operational sense. It is better to give preference to a three-layer glued beam with a minimum thickness of 70 mm. It is the use of an adhesive beam that will ensure the stability of the window against external irritants and prevent its deformation.

5. Low thermal conductivity.

This property is explained by the use of glue beams in the manufacture of windows. In addition, thermal conductivity depends on following the technological moments of window installation.

6. Environmental friendliness and safety for human health.

This condition is the most important when choosing wooden windows. After all, wood is a natural material that does not emit any substances harmful to humans.

7. Ease of repair of wooden windows.

This advantage allows you to reduce the cost of repairing or restoring a wooden window. These types of windows are easy to maintain and repair.

Wooden windows photo:

Installing a high-quality wooden window opens up opportunities for its owner such as:

  • complete absence of drafts;
  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • good sound insulation;
  • high attractiveness of appearance;
  • choice of individual design;
  • duration of operation.

Wooden windows technology and varieties

In relation to the design features, wooden windows are:

  • Russians;
  • German;
  • Finnish;
  • aluminum wood.

The first option is characterized by the presence of one separate wooden part. It consists of one box and two doors, each of them glazed. For the manufacture of the wooden part, a pine massif is used, and not a wooden beam. The minimum thickness of the sashes is 4 cm. The main disadvantage of such windows is their susceptibility to deformation. In addition, it is not possible to achieve complete adjacency of the sash to the window. Moisture that is outside the room gets on the surface of the window sill. Double wooden windows are equipped with non-adjustable hinges and handles, so there is no ventilation mode in them.

German windows are also called European windows. Since the fittings that are installed on them are of European origin. Such a window allows you to adjust the height and angle of the sash, it is possible to ventilate the window, there are locking mechanisms.

Eurowindow includes a window frame and a sash. The leaf has a two-chamber type double-glazed window, which perfectly prevents heat loss. To open the window, it is enough to make a little effort. In addition, the maintenance of ha with such windows is quite easy, and glued timber is used for their production, the thickness of which makes it possible to make a multi-purpose sealant that completely protects the room from drafts.

Such windows are characterized by warmth, reliability and durability of operation. The service life of the eurowindow exceeds sixty years. This is due to the presence of a glued three-layer beam, which is not prone to drying out or deformation.

There is an option for upholstery of a wooden window with aluminum. This window has a longer service life and does not require constant painting.

Aluminum-wooden windows involve the manufacture of the supporting part of the windows from aluminum. The tree closes the aluminum from the outside. Thus, the strength of the structure is improved due to the presence of aluminum, and the wooden surface creates an attractive appearance and warmth of the window. This type of windows is practically not common due to the high cost of aluminum and the complexity of the work.

Finnish windows are distinguished by the presence of a wide frame and two sashes that have a sequential opening type. One simple glass is installed on the outer sash, and a single-chamber double-glazed window is installed on the inner sash. For the manufacture of the outer sash, both wood and aluminum are used. The two sashes are connected using a sequential opening mechanism. For the manufacture of window frames and sashes, solid wood is used, and not glued laminated timber. The window has an attractive appearance, although compared to German windows, it loses to it in terms of quality.

In addition, wooden windows are:

  • deaf - they do not have sashes, the window does not have a ventilation function, the price of such windows is much lower, since they are quite simple to manufacture, before installing such a window, you should consider the features of airing the room and caring for the outer part of the window structure;
  • pivoting and tilt-and-turn - these types of windows have sashes that open into the interior of the room, they are quite popular due to their optimal cost and the presence of ventilation;
  • double-leaf impost windows made of wood - with the help of an impost, several sashes are connected into a single integral window structure, this option is distinguished by reliability, ease of use and durability;

  • bobbin double-leaf - the principle of opening is the same as in the previous version, only the first sash has a swing-out handle, and the second - without a handle, opening the second sash is possible only if the first is closed.

In addition, Swedish wooden windows stand out. They represent a combination of German eurowindows with a Russian window variant. Such a window has an external frame with single glass and an internal frame with single glass. Thus, a high level of sound and heat insulation is provided.

Carved wooden windows are characterized by the presence of various rose patterns that make them more attractive.

How to make a wooden window - the main steps

Before you make a wooden window yourself, you should take care of preparing all the tools necessary for this in the form of:

  • glass cutter;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw or milling cutter;
  • drills;
  • hammer;

  • chisels;
  • square;
  • roulettes;
  • rulers;
  • plane.
  • glued laminated timber, pine or oak for the box;
  • wood glue;
  • glazing beads;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • dowel;
  • sealant.

We offer you to study the step-by-step instructions for self-manufacturing wooden windows:

1. The construction of the box.

Depending on the size of wooden windows, they are:

  • large;
  • average;
  • small.

Before starting work, you should select the material for the window. The most optimal and inexpensive option is pine. Since this type of wood contains a large amount of resin, it is the most resistant to moisture and other external influences.

A more expensive, but high-quality option is oak. Although for beginners it is better to choose pine, so as not to accidentally ruin expensive material. The boards must have proper drying, they must not have knots, cracks, deformations. Please note that the box is the main supporting structure, which bears the entire load.

It is possible to use an adhesive beam, which is distinguished by higher strength characteristics and a long service life.

To build a frame, there are enough boards, 15x5 cm in size. A groove hole should be made in the workpiece, which will have the letter G, and a depth of 1.5 cm. All parts are connected using wood glue, and then a wooden rod, with a minimum length of 30 mm . It is the rod that is the element that acts as a retainer for all the components of the box.

Next, the box is installed in a previously prepared window opening. This procedure includes drilling holes in the wall, installing dowels in them, fixing the box with self-tapping screws. Mounting foam is used to seal the joint and seal cracks.

2. Construction of a window frame.

How to make a wooden window with your own hands drawings:

To create a frame, you must have a bar, 70x50 mm in size. Although it is possible to correct the thickness of the timber, depending on the size and strength of the window. The profile shape is determined by the thickness and amount of glass that will be installed in the window.

If you plan to install a single-glass profile, then it is enough to build two rectangular slot holes, otherwise, more holes will be required.

To make a profile of a certain shape, you will need an electric planer or a milling cutter. If the glass thickness is 5 mm, then a glazing bead, 1 cm thick, is required.

When all the details are prepared, the frame is assembled. To do this, you need to cut the board at an angle of 45 degrees. With the help of the prepared profile, a tongue and groove connection is provided; for a higher level of fixation, self-tapping screws are additionally used. Please note that all hats must be sunk into the wood to improve the attractiveness of the appearance of the window and to avoid corrosion.

3. Installation of glasses.

In order to prevent condensation from collecting in the window and there are no cold bridges, you should correctly measure the length and height of the glass that needs to be installed in it. The minimum error when taking measurements is 1 mm.

To cut glass, it is better to use a diamond self-tapping screw, and to polish the edges - fine-grained sandpaper.

In addition, all safety measures should be observed, namely, wear gloves made of thick fabric so as not to injure your hands with fragments and wear a mask that will protect your eyes from dust or small fragments.

A ruler is placed on the glass with a small margin. A line is drawn along it with a glass cutter. Next, the glass is placed on the edge of the table and broken off. The prepared workpiece is installed in the window, if it does not need correction, then the edges of the glass are lubricated with sealants and laid again. Next, the glass is fixed with the help of glazing beads, on the surface of which small nails are hammered. If the width of the glazing beads is large, then it is better to use self-tapping screws to fasten them.

4. When studying the question of how to make a wooden window with your own hands, mention should be made of the final assembly of the entire structure. If the window is large and divided into two parts, then the vertical beam is first assembled and installed, then the sash is fixed with hinged hinges. Handles and other accessories are installed.

The installation work is completed by installing the finished window into the window frame, fixing it with self-tapping screws, which first pass through the surface of the box, and then through the wall. To seal all the cracks, mounting foam is used, and after it dries, the walls are plastered. Completes the installation of low tide and window sill.

How to make a wooden video window:

It is very difficult to make wooden frames with your own hands, because the profile must be prepared, strictly observing all dimensions. Elements of the window system must fit snugly against each other, only then the product will be airtight.

Ebbs are also difficult to manufacture. They can be done correctly by people who have experience working with wood. It is best to cut the elements on special machines, then the windows will last a long time. However, not everyone has machines, so at home it is better to focus on the simplest project. Of course, a home-made product will not be airtight, but it is suitable for glazing a summer residence, a balcony and a summer kitchen.

How to make windows with your own hands, spending a minimum of effort? The manufacturing process consists of the following steps:

  1. Choosing the right profile. Purchase of building materials.
  2. Manufacturing of boxes and frames.
  3. Installation of window blocks. Glazing.

At the preparatory stage, you will need to choose glass. It can be an ordinary sheet, which is well suited for country windows. In addition, ready-made double-glazed windows can be installed in wooden frames.

Each of the selected options has its own merits. For example, in the first case, it is possible to independently choose and buy cheap material. But the use of double-glazed windows in wooden frames is different in that such windows will significantly reduce heat loss.

When making double-glazed windows, manufacturers pump inert gas into the space between the sheets of glass. Such windows can be used for glazing cottages and country houses.

Window frames can be made from larch. Oak is also popular, but it is much more difficult to process it. A good option would be the manufacture of structures from Angarsk pine. Even novice builders can work with glued beams; products made from this material will last at least 50 years.

Blueprints must be purchased in advance. The simplest option, which is suitable for novice builders, is the manufacture of windows with a double frame and single glazing. For carpentry, you will need the following tools:

  • a hammer;
  • saw;
  • chisel.

The work will be done faster if an electric planer and cutter are available.

How to make a window so that it lasts a long time? Much depends on the quality of the material. Only dry wood is suitable for work. It should be carefully examined at the construction base. It is important that there are no knots, then the frame will not crack. A good option would be glued material. To make a window yourself, you will need a drawing, glass, metal corners and wood glue.

Glued laminated timber is good because it is practically not deformable. A frame made of this material will not change shape even in high humidity. The window frame can be made from boards 50x150 mm and bars 50x50 mm. Also, all wooden structures are treated with an antiseptic. This prevents rotting.

The factory window profile has a complex structure, it is very difficult for beginners to repeat it. Therefore, it is easiest to use the simplest project. For example, plywood can be used to create a window profile. It is necessary to fasten 4 strips in the form of a rectangle. To make a profile, several rectangles are assembled. So you can make a blind frame or a window with 3 or 2 glasses.

To make a frame with 1 glass, 8 strips of plywood are required, they form 2 rectangles. Stripes of 2 layers are made smaller in width. Wood screws are used to connect parts. All parts of the structure are coated with carpentry glue, then the frame will last for many years.

How to make a box out of planks

The amount of material you need depends on the size of the windows. First you need to make a box, a frame will be installed on it. The box protects it from deformation when the building shrinks. All elements are made from a dry board, it must be free of cracks. It is processed with sandpaper, this allows you to remove small burrs. Then markup is applied and parts of the structure are cut out.

In the process of performing work, it is important to pay attention to the outer perimeter of the product. It should be about 3 cm smaller than the size of the window opening in the wall. Next, you should look at the inner perimeter, it should be about 3 mm larger than the frame size.

All elements of the box are connected according to the groove-thorn principle. You can make it with a cutter or a hacksaw. For work you will need a chisel and a mallet. The spike is made on the part that they plan to install in a vertical position. The groove is cut out on the element, which will be installed in the window opening in a horizontal view.

Next, you need to take sandpaper and carefully clean all the elements. The box is collected on the floor or other flat surface. The spike and groove are lubricated with carpentry glue, this increases the strength of the installation. It is necessary to ensure that all parts of the window are connected at an angle of 90 °. For this, a metal corner is used.

In order to give the structure greater rigidity, 2 holes are drilled diagonally in the box. This must be done in those places where the tenon-groove fastening takes place. With the help of a mallet, wooden pins are inserted into them (this is how a right angle is fixed). All pins are pre-lubricated with wood glue. It needs to dry, so the box needs to be left for a while. The next step is the manufacture of the window frame.

The window size determines its configuration. When deciding to make a window frame out of wood for the first time, it should be borne in mind that it is easiest to make standard products. In order for the product to be of high quality and last for a long time, it is necessary to buy glued pine timber. It is less prone to torsion, which is an indisputable advantage of this material.

It is important to choose the right type of glazing. It can be double or single. The first is most often used in areas with a harsh climate, such windows are installed in houses. For a summer kitchen and a balcony, it is enough to make windows with single glazing. Experienced craftsmen make them in 1 day.

Work begins with the marking of the bars, you need to select the grooves on them. The easiest way to do this is with a cutter, it is installed on an electric drill. The lower grooves are necessary in order to install the frame in the box profile, and the upper ones will be needed for mounting the glass. The joints should be glued with wood glue.

The window frame should be assembled according to the drawing, the process is similar to assembling a box. When the work is completed, the window frame must be laid on the floor until the glue has completely dried.

In order to properly install the windows made by yourself, you will need to pre-cut holes in the wall. It is important to remove construction debris and dirt.

Holes must be drilled in the walls, subsequently dowels will be placed in them. The pitch between the holes should not exceed 80 mm.

The highest quality fastening is achieved through the use of self-tapping screws. When the box is installed, all the cracks should be “blown out” with mounting foam. You can use other heat-insulating materials.

When installing windows, it is important to observe the geometry. The angles must be strictly 90 °, the deviation is not more than 1 mm per 1 m.

Glass cutting.

  1. The material is laid on a flat surface without tubercles. This is a very important point, because fragile material can crack on an uneven surface. The table is suitable for work.
  2. Markup is being done. Then you need to put a ruler on the glass.
  3. The glass cutter should be pressed against the material, and then held over the glass along the ruler. There should be a solid scratch on the material.
  4. The glass is shifted to the edge of the table, placing it so that the cut line coincides with the edge.
  5. The part of the glass that lies on the table should be held with one hand, and the other should be slightly pressed on the part hanging above the floor. The pressure should be increased until the glass breaks along the line drawn by the glass cutter.

It is best to practice on an old piece of glass in advance, and then cut out a new one.

There is one more glazing option. You need to take measurements, and then order glass cutting in the workshop. When the work is done, the material should be picked up, brought to the summer cottage and inserted into the frame.

Glass installation.

  1. The sheet is placed in a frame. Then it is removed, silicone sealant is applied along its edges. The glass is set in place.
  2. Staple fixing. Each element of the frame must be measured. The bead is cut and the ends are cut at an angle of 45 °.
  3. Silicone sealant is applied to the glass in those places where the glazing bead will be installed, which is then nailed with small nails.

As a result of the use of silicone sealant and glazing beads, the glass will be securely fixed in the frame and there will be no gaps. When installing windows, it is important to ensure that all cracks are filled with mounting foam. If they are not removed, cold bridges form.

When working with glass and wood, you should not forget about protection. Hands are covered with gloves, and eyes when cutting glass - with special glasses.

Installing the finished double-glazed window in the frame, do not forget about the installation of the window sill. It can be made from different materials. When the windows are securely fixed in the opening, they are coated with a primer and then painted. On the side of the room, any paint can be used, but for painting the side facing the street, it is worth using a paint that is resistant to temperature changes.


A do-it-yourself wooden window can be made in a few days if you choose the simplest model. It is important to measure correctly. To avoid mistakes, you should focus on the old frames. Frames are made from well-dried wood. Usually pine is used in construction, but oak and glued beams can be used.

The advantages of plastic windows over wooden ones are considered quite obvious today. But ease of manufacture and installation does not mean quality and comfort.

Windows Features

Spared from the ability to breathe, plastic double-glazed windows often create conditions that are unfavorable to health. In addition, suffocating air does not become cleaner even after ventilation of rooms with double-glazed windows.
Wooden windows, in turn, also have a number of disadvantages, the most important of which is exposure to moisture. But with proper care, a wooden window can serve for a long time and, due to its environmental friendliness and the ability to breathe, will allow residents of a wooden or other house to stay in a more pleasant state.

Wooden windows have an important advantage - environmental friendliness and naturalness.

How can you make a quality wooden window with your own hands? To do this, you need to follow a simple plan, as well as have some skills in working with woodworking tools. Making windows of the simplest kind has a memorable step-by-step character.


Before making a new wooden window, it is worth preparing a number of tools, including a screwdriver and a drill, a hammer with a set of chisels and chisels, as well as an electric planer. If there are no ready-made glasses for the window, then you will also have to get a glass cutter. Additionally, rulers and other small devices will be needed.
From the materials you should take the wood itself, self-tapping screws, window hinges, as well as a sheet of glass.

The main task of the wizard at the first preparatory stage is to create a drawing. Sketches or drawings should contain clear dimensions for each element of the window.

When they are created, it is usually done to scale, respecting all relative distances. An improperly designed scheme can lead to a waste of materials or premature destruction of the window.

When buying lumber, it’s worth everything to buy them with a margin so that it’s enough. If you plan to make more than one window, then it is better to make one sampler and then proceed from the amount of materials that actually went into making one window with your own hands.


Wooden blanks for wooden window parts should be made from wood that is best suited for this. Pine wood is often used for windows, as they are easy to process and sufficiently resistant to moisture. Often oak materials are also used.

lumber requirements:

  1. drying at a high level (about 22-23 percent humidity);
  2. absence of chips, rotten knots and other defects.

Individual parts and blanks are manufactured according to the drawing. This must be done using conventional cutting tools - a jigsaw, a saw. It is better to grind already finished parts.

In some cases, glued beams can also be used instead of solid wood. Their main feature is that, due to the glued structure, the beams from many layers remain quite stable and do not deform for a long time.


The basic size of the raw material for creating a box of a conventional wooden window is a board with a section of 150 by 50 millimeters. The box consists of four boards, which are interconnected with the help of grooves and spikes made with a cutter or chisels. They are made dense in such a way that they fit into each other quite rigidly. In this case, all 4 parts of the box must be connected to each other strictly perpendicular.

The strength of the finished structure depends on the strength of the connection.

In order for the tongue-and-groove connection to gain greater strength, it is stitched through with a wooden rod, under which a separate hole is drilled.
The finished base of the wooden window is installed in the window opening, and the gaps between the box and the walls are foamed with mounting foam. It is worth noting that too large gaps between the walls and the box cannot be sealed with foam alone, since a foam layer of more than 5 centimeters can deform the box. Therefore, it is desirable to make a window opening of the optimal size with a margin of up to 5 centimeters.
In the case of a wooden building and walls made of beams or wooden log cabins, a pigtail is also used, the production of which has its own characteristics.

Window frame

Before you make a frame, you need to determine the base material for it. Window frames are made of beams with a section of 50 by 50 millimeters. The manufacture of window frames provides for one of two processing options - you can make both 1-glass and 2-glass profiles, which have 2 or 3 grooves, respectively (one for each glass insert and one for the box).

The grooves, as a rule, have a recess for glass sheets 10 millimeters high and 14 millimeters wide. The glazing bead, which will fix the glass, has a width of 10 millimeters (calculated on glass with a thickness of 4 millimeters). The groove for the box is a little larger and has a section of 15 by 20 millimeters.
Making wooden windows with your own hands is generally a simple process, just like assembling the most complex part of them (the frame). First, wooden window frames are assembled in the same way as a box was assembled. Their elements are connected using spikes and grooves, which are glued with glue.
Sometimes the frames are additionally fastened with metal corners (using self-tapping screws). Although the corners give additional strength to the structure, they negatively affect their static appearance.


Even if all the dimensions of a do-it-yourself wooden window, frames and openings for glass are known in advance, the glass still needs to be measured before cutting. This is important to know in fact, since a deviation of even 1 millimeter can cause the window to blow through.
If you accurately measure and cut the glass, then this will ensure a sufficiently high density of its connection with the base of the frame.

Working as a glass cutter requires skill and experience.

To cut glass, a glass cutter is used, the technique of working with which also needs to be mastered. If you don’t have the skills to work with glass cutting, then it’s better to ask a specialist about it or purchase glass of the right size in a store where it can immediately be cut to the specified measurements.

The edges of the glass are quite sharp, and therefore they need to be processed with sandpaper.

If glass is processed independently, then it is very important to adhere to safety precautions, the instructions for which have several important points. First, you need to use special gloves with rubber pads, since even the smallest pieces of glass can hurt your hands. Secondly, it is desirable to protect the face with a mask, as well as glasses.

Before cutting the main sheet, make a few preliminary cuts to determine the optimum pressure on the glass cutter.

When cutting glass, you need to press it with optimal force. If you do not press it, then a poor-quality cut will lead to the appearance of chips on it. Otherwise, applying too much force will cause the glass itself to crack, which will not only damage the glass, but also lead to injury and cuts.

When cutting, the glass cutter is carried out along a ruler, which can be made from almost any material. As a ruler, you can also use a regular bar.
After cutting, the glass is placed in the window frame, fixed with glazing beads. Sealant is applied to the wood first.

A window made of wood is mounted on a box. For this, self-tapping screws or window hinges are used. After that, the window sill is installed.
The simplest do-it-yourself window will provide the house with warmth and comfort, and will also be inexpensive.
If necessary, several such windows can be made and installed in a box from the outside and inside. Thus, it is easy to provide additional insulation for the winter.

With your own hands, you can create almost any fixture or element of the house that will be a reason for joy. After all, even a wooden window can not only replace a plastic double-glazed window, but also become a good test for the aptitude of a novice carpenter.

Video: do-it-yourself window block