How to deal with dust on black furniture. How to effectively and quickly remove dust in the apartment. Household chemicals - cleaning assistant

Dust is a collection of tiny particles, including particles of fabric fibers, paper, hair, pet dander, skin cells, dirt, and more. Dust buildup can lead to allergies and other health problems, so it's best to get rid of the dust on time. There is no way to completely eliminate dust, but there are specific cleaning, decluttering, and air purification techniques that can dramatically reduce the amount of dust you and your loved ones breathe in every day. This article will discuss how to get rid of dust in the house.


Purify the air

Collect the dust

    Vacuum twice a week. A vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter (high-efficiency particulate air - an air filter with high particle retention) will allow you to collect all the dust. Clean all carpets, paying special attention to areas where people most often walk. You can also clean the rest of the floor. Vacuuming your floor frequently will reduce the amount of dust in your home, especially under furniture and in corners, and you will notice the difference right away.

    • Remember to change the filter regularly.
    • Make sure the vacuum cleaner is in working order. A faulty vacuum cleaner will only kick up dust, exacerbating the problem.
  1. Sweep floors every few days. You can get rid of dust by regularly sweeping floors that you don't vacuum with a broom and dustpan. Sweep frequently in places where a lot of dirt accumulates, such as near the entrance, in the hallway and in the kitchen. Pack the dirt in a bag so it doesn't go back into the house.

    Try to do wet cleaning more often. Mopping your floor with a mop is a great way to pick up dust that a broom can't. If you clean the floor frequently, you will solve the problem of dust. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to clean everything later, and, most likely, you will have to put in a lot of effort to clean all surfaces.

    Wipe dust with a microfiber cloth. Not all dust rags are the same. If your home has a lot of dust, buy a microfiber cloth. This fabric collects and holds dust. If you start dusting with a piece of an old T-shirt or a towel, you will only brush off the dust, not remove it. This also applies to dusters - the furniture will look cleaner, but the dust will only move into the air.

    • Wipe with a microfiber cloth all the places where dust collects: the surfaces of tables, shelves, and so on. Damp rags pick up dust better, so if you need to wipe dust off anything other than wood, lightly dampen the rag.
    • Wash the cloth immediately after cleaning to remove any dust. When washing, do not use fabric softener - it impairs the ability of the rag to retain dust.
  2. Wash your bedding more often. Sheets, duvet covers, blankets and pillows collect dust, which is why people often wake up with a stuffy nose - they breathe dust all night. When you get into bed or get out of bed, you unintentionally kick up a column of dust. The only solution is to wash your laundry more often, especially if you and your family members have dry skin and if your pets sleep in bed with you.

    • If your home is dusty, wash your sheets and pillowcases once a week.
    • Duvet covers and comforters can be washed every 3-4 weeks.
  3. Beat pillows and carpets once a month. Like bed linen, decorative pillows and rugs collect dust over time. Sitting on the sofa and walking on the carpet, you kick up dust. Every three months, take pillows and rugs outside and beat them out to reduce dust.

    • You can beat pillows and carpets with an old broom handle.
    • Hit all over the area, not just in one place.
    • Knock until dust stops flying from pillows and carpets with each blow.
  4. Clean all walls. Every time you do a general cleaning, walk along all the walls and baseboards. Wipe the top first, then go down below to collect the dust and prevent it from settling on the clean.

Get rid of blockages

    Get rid of knick-knacks. If your every room has a large number of decorative items that are idle, then reducing the amount of dust in the house will be more difficult. Walk around the house and collect all the items that accumulate dust and that you do not use. Without them, it will be much easier for you to clean surfaces from dust.

    • If you want to leave something, move it to a room that you rarely use. So dust will not collect in the main rooms of the house.
  1. Get rid of stacks of magazines and books. Over time, these things fall apart and collect a lot of dust. If they are in excess, there will also be a lot of dust from them. Put books on bookshelves and regularly put away unnecessary magazines and paper. Place the paper you want to keep in plastic bags so they don't collect dust.

    Use less fabric around the house. Bedspreads, throws, pillows, tablecloths, and upholstered furniture also increase dust by collecting and producing it. If you get rid of tablecloths and fabric items in the house, you will notice that there will be less dust in the air.

    • Opt for leather or wood instead of fabric upholstery. Perhaps you have an old piece of furniture in your house that is gradually becoming unusable and producing too much dust. Such furniture should be thrown away.
    • Wash blankets and pillows frequently.
  2. Keep order in closets and dressing rooms. Every time you open the door to a closet or dressing room, a gust of air lifts tissue particles into the air, and these particles settle on the floor. If you have a mess in your dressing room, you probably wash the floor there less often. If the dressing room floor is free, it will be easier to clean, and the dust will not go beyond this room.

    • Hang clothes neatly instead of stuffing them randomly in the closet.
    • Designate a place for shoes and do not dump them in a pile.
    • Vacuum your pantry floor regularly to get rid of the dust that collects there.
  3. Put unwanted clothes in boxes or bags. Things that cannot be worn this season should be collected and hidden, and not stored in a conspicuous place. If clothes are placed in airtight containers or bags, they will not produce dust.

    • It's best to store your clothes in transparent bags so you can see what's inside.
    • If dust begins to accumulate on the bags, it will not be difficult to brush it off.
  4. Ask guests and family members to take off their shoes at the door. Dirt that gets into the house, after drying, also contributes to the formation of dust. In rainy weather and in winter it is better to take off your shoes near the entrance. This will limit the dirt to one place, and it will be easier to clean up.

    Brush your pets regularly . The hair of cats and dogs is also involved in the formation of dust. If you comb your pets more often, there will be less dust. Try to do this in the bathroom rather than on the sofa in the living room, as it will be easier to clean up after yourself there. Don't forget to wash your pet's bedding from time to time.

The question "how to get rid of dust in the apartment?" every hostess asks herself. In the routine of household chores, it sometimes seems that it is impossible to cope with dust: within an hour after cleaning, its unfortunate particles are already in the air again and settle on furniture. So how do you deal with dust? And where does it actually come from?

Reducing the number of dust collectors: where does the dust come from

Dust in an apartment or house not only spoils the overall appearance of the interior, but can also adversely affect the health of all family members. This is especially true for children, since the largest concentration of dust particles is in the layer of 0.7-1.5 m from the floor level. To reduce its amount in a residential area, it is recommended to listen to the following tips:

  • discard carpets if you are not ready to vacuum them daily (this is especially true for wall paintings);
  • it is necessary to put in closets or throw away everything that you don’t use every day: an old bag that hangs in the corridor or a scarf that you never put on - obvious dust accumulators;
  • it is also worth reducing the number of decorative elements in the interior: napkins, figurines, artificial flowers can quickly accumulate dust (if you want to leave such designer jewelry, store them under glass);
  • it is appropriate in the aspect of maintaining cleanliness in a house or apartment to abandon curtains with a complex design in favor of more concise options or blinds; remove textile screens, canopies;
  • it is recommended to replace natural coverings and fillers for pillows with modern synthetic counterparts, remove products made from natural wool, from where villi can be added to dust.

Getting the perfect order

In order to effectively and efficiently deal with dust, it is necessary to systematically do a comprehensive cleaning of the premises. It is advisable to choose the following algorithm of actions:

  • remove all unnecessary things, put them in closed boxes or place them in glass showcases;
  • deal with upholstered furniture: it can be thoroughly vacuumed or covered with a damp cloth and in this form the dust is knocked out of it;
  • pay attention to curtains: it is convenient to process them with a steamer: firstly, this way they are smoothed out, secondly, pathogenic forms die under the action of steam and dust disappears; if there are a lot of windows and, accordingly, curtains, it is worth using a floor steamer with a large liquid reservoir for these purposes, from where steam is generated;
  • take care of indoor plants and pets: spray the leaves with a spray bottle, clean with a soft cloth if possible; comb out animals, especially with long hair - according to doctors, they are one of the main sources where dust comes from; do not forget to wash your pets paws after walking on the street;
  • mop floors and beat or vacuum carpets: the best choice that will effectively fight dust is a washing vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. It not only cleans any type of surface with high quality, but also destroys dust in the air. After using such a vacuum cleaner, the air in the apartment (house) will instantly become fresher and, of course, cleaner;
  • wipe dust from all surfaces: do not forget to do this on cabinets, cornices, baseboards, TV and monitor screens.

During cleaning, it is worth opening the vents or windows for ventilation. To protect the premises from street dust, you can use mosquito nets or additionally cover them with wet gauze.

Dust control products

In order for the fight against household dust to be effective, and the cleanliness in the house to be maintained as long as possible, special tools and devices can be used. The most relevant and popular of them include:

  • air humidifier: with its help it is easier to deal with dust, because. in an apartment (house) where humidity is high, it settles faster and becomes noticeable, so it will not be difficult to remove it: for this, a damp soft cloth is taken and the surface is simply rubbed with it.
  • hygrometer - a device that allows you to control the level of humidity: if it is exceeded, mold may appear in the house, and ordinary household dust will become a dangerous reagent;
  • vacuum cleaner - the fight against any type of pollution with its help will be much more efficient and faster; it is advisable to use vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter, which allow you to reduce the amount of dust particles not only on the processed bases, but also in the air, where there are especially many of them;
  • membranes for windows - prevent the penetration of dust from the street, from where it can enter the room with the air flow; these modern devices also help get rid of allergens;
  • plant chlorophytum - significantly reduces the amount of dust in its environment;
  • "air washing" - a device that passes the entire volume of air through the built-in filters, so that you can fully get rid of dust; it is especially convenient to use such a unit in rooms where a priori there is a lot of dust, for example, in new buildings or newly renovated premises;
  • polishes with an antistatic effect: their use will not reduce the amount of dust, but it will not appear on furniture so quickly; Doing wet cleaning with such a tool is not recommended in families where allergy sufferers live.

Take note.

Annoying dust, on closer inspection, is an amazing creation of nature. Microscopic particles have been traveling the earth for centuries, bringing the smallest fibers into the house, including those from paradise lands, taking dust from your bookshelf on a long journey. And the question of how to deal with the hated dirt on polished furniture is almost rhetorical, because over the years the method has remained practically unchanged.

What is dust and where does it come from

Dust is solid particles, the smallest of which (up to 10 micromicrons in size) are constantly in the air, and those that are larger (from 10 to 50 micromicrons) settle on surfaces and serve as a headache for all housewives in the world.

The origin of dust can be both the most prosaic (particles of the epithelium of households, animal hair, or microscopic remains of a recent repair), or almost fantastic and unbelievable for an average apartment in the Russian outback (volcanic ash, evaporation of ocean salt, or a particle of Everest). The fact is that dust moves freely in space, regardless of tightly closed windows and doors, as well as distances and continents.

These small particles could still remain the subject of surprise and delight, if dust mites did not occupy a huge proportion among them. They live in our homes as full owners, feeling great in mattresses and pillows, sofas and other secluded corners, from where it is almost impossible for them to survive. The danger is not the ticks themselves, but the waste products of their vital activity, which are produced by them daily and in large quantities and can cause severe allergies in people.

In addition, dust, in addition to microscopic fragments of Egyptian pyramids and ancient Greek statues, can contain absolutely any substance, including chemical compounds hazardous to human health.

Interesting facts about dust and its origin (video)

Why is dust control important?

Dust, which can be almost anything, each of us inhales daily and in large quantities, and, of course, this does not go unnoticed. The growth in recent years of various diseases of the respiratory system and allergies, experts associate it with the insecurity of the home of a modern person and, first of all, with the abundance of the notorious dust in it.

  • As a result of regular inhalation of dust and its settling in the lungs, chronic diseases develop, such as pulmonary ephysema, bronchitis, etc.
  • Dust from modern non-natural finishing materials can be dangerous due to harmful chemical compounds that are directly in the lungs with air.
  • Pollen, particles of wool or animal epithelium, dust mites, etc. serve as causative agents of allergies in people predisposed to it.
  • Along with dust, viruses and bacteria spread, provoking all sorts of diseases, including tuberculosis and smallpox.

Most often, house dust contains more than one type of bacteria and pathogens, and the worse the room is ventilated, the more dangerous dust it contains.

Thus, to isolate yourself from the problem by tightly closing windows and doors will not work. It is important to approach its solution comprehensively and conscientiously.

Main dust collectors in the apartment

The degree of saturation of the dwelling with dust and its regular “production” by things depends on how many potentially dangerous places in this sense are in the house. In other words, the fewer dust collectors in the house, the less likely it is that you and your children will develop allergic reactions and chronic respiratory diseases.

So, the main suppliers and collectors of dust in the apartment are:

  • TV, computer and other equipment that is made of refractory plastic and heats up during operation.
  • Sleeping place.

The mattress, sofa, pillows and bed linen are the home of the dust mite, which in turn loves to feast on particles of the human epithelium. It is impossible to get rid of inconspicuous cohabitants, but it is vital to observe the elementary rules of hygiene, namely regular shifts (at least once a week) and washing bed linen at high temperatures.

  • Upholstered furniture in general.

Strictly speaking, if you are a potential allergic person, then it is better to get rid of chairs with pillows, and even more so sofas, and replace them with wooden counterparts.

    Ventilation, which is sometimes impossible to reach, is the dirtiest place in the apartment, through which air constantly circulates. That is why it is necessary to make it a rule to carry out wet cleaning of this hard-to-reach place.

    • Books.

    Multi-volume editions of the classics not only collect dust, but also successfully produce it in incredible quantities, which is why the home library should, firstly, be carefully stored behind glass, and secondly, in a room that does not double as a bedroom for anyone from household members. Book shelving in a living room or study, and book shelves in, say, a pantry or spacious hallway, are the best option for your health and safety.

    • Street dust.

    If the windows of the room do not overlook a quiet green square, then your apartment is also prone to dust accumulation. Therefore, if there is construction, bare land or a freeway outside the window, cleaning the apartment should be given more attention and time than we would like.

    • Cleaning and washing powders.

    Giving a short-lived effect of alpine freshness, the powder hovers in the air for a long time, settling not only on the floor, but also in the lungs. That is why it is more rational to abandon such household chemicals, replacing them with more natural ones.

    • Old wallpaper.

    Dozens of layers of wallpaper in the grandmother's apartment not only look aesthetically pleasing, but are also frankly harmful to health. That is why, for safety reasons, all layers of past repairs should be removed from the walls and a single layer of high-quality dense wallpaper should be glued.

    For the absolute safety of your own apartment, ideally, of course, it would be to get rid of books and equipment, bed linen and upholstered furniture and sleep among the bare walls on a mat, wiping the floor daily with a damp cloth without powder. But, of course, this is impossible, and, in general, it’s useless, because there are proven ways to deal with dust, both folk and modern - whoever prefers what.

    How to deal with dust

    Even if you have time to wipe all surfaces in the house daily to get rid of dust, this is unlikely to solve the problem, rather, on the contrary, it will add headaches and increase paranoia. Consider several tools, the combined and regular use of which will help protect your home from harmful particles and preserve your health and the health of loved ones.

    Folk remedies

    The most important folk remedy is wet cleaning. Adjusted for modernity: it is worth wiping surfaces with a dampened microfiber cloth, the villi of which serve as a kind of hooks that catch dust.

    The second remedy, which is mainly used in the family of allergy sufferers, is getting rid of unnecessary things or replacing them with safe analogues.

    So, if possible, you should throw out:

    • Carpets, whether natural or synthetic, or at least not worth having this luxury item hanging on the wall.
    • Soft toys that are stored in the nursery, and then settled throughout the apartment.
    • Any rubbish stored on the mezzanine or in the pantry.

    In general, it should be taken as a rule: if a thing is not used within a year, then it must be disposed of (donated, sold or thrown away).

    It is also important to replace:

    • Upholstered furniture for possible analogues made of wood.
    • Down pillows and soft mattresses are similar to those made from modern materials, in which dust accumulates less.

    In addition, to combat dust, you can and should do the following:

    • Regularly wash bedding and all home textiles from curtains to bedspreads at high temperatures.
    • Fully ventilate the room, remembering that dust is formed many times faster in a closed space.
    • In the absence of allergies, you should get indoor plants, which, as you know, help purify the air.
    • It is worth collecting all the howl into a fist and fairly regularly (at least once every 3 years) carry out cosmetic repairs in the apartment. Checking ventilation, sealing cracks and leaks, replacing wallpaper and baseboards and the like is a real way to deal with possible dust concentrations in your home.

    Modern technology

    At the mention of the fight against dust, the association with the advertised washing vacuum cleaners, which cost fabulous money, immediately works.

    Of course, it’s not worth giving the last for such equipment, as well as generally overpaying several times for a regular vacuum cleaner with an additional function, but a washing vacuum cleaner really contributes to an effective fight against house dust. Moreover, an ordinary vacuum cleaner, in fact, serves as a double-edged sword: it collects dust, and then spreads it itself through the open hole of the dust bag. A washing vacuum cleaner carries out wet cleaning, depriving small particles of volatility, which neutralizes, among other things, harmful compounds that can damage health.

    Unfortunately, no modern antistatic agents or special brushes for cleaning dust help for a long time or do not help at all, and on the contrary, they themselves become a source of dust and volatile compounds that are hazardous to health.

    How to get rid of dust permanently

    To get rid of dust for more than 2 days, only general cleaning will help, followed by the use of an air humidifier and air conditioning to ventilate the room.

    But even in this case, dust will be present in the apartment, although not so visually noticeable. True, no later than a week later, you will need to change bed linen again and carry out wet cleaning, because getting rid of dust will not work forever.

    If you think about it, dust is a real symbol of movement, because its “production” does not stop for a second, it is everywhere and always and is able to travel great distances, taking particles from your computer keyboard far beyond the ocean. Unfortunately, only a slightly detached philosophical view will help to take the problem more calmly and live with it, regularly using recommendations for cleaning the house.

    What is dangerous dust and how to deal with it (video)

During a series of studies, it was proved that dust consists of 7% of dead skin cells, the rest is pollen, pet hair and even a few particles of car tires. And the worst thing is that almost half of this dust includes saprophyte mites. Therefore, it is so important to know how to permanently get rid of dust in the apartment.

Where does it come from

Scientists have found that approximately 43 million tons of dust settles on the territory of America in one year. And more than 70% of them are of natural origin. The remaining 30% are dust particles that are formed as a result of human activity. The main producers are the following:

If no one lives in the apartment, and the windows are tightly clogged, then in half a month more than 10,000 dust particles can accumulate on one square meter. That's why it's so important to clean up.

After renovation

For almost every person repair in the apartment - a natural disaster. As a rule, this process starts easily and ends very long. And no renovation work is dust-free. This includes the remains of finishing materials and small particles of lime mixtures. That is why during repairs it is best to prevent the appearance of dust than to deal with it later. To do this, it is necessary to carry out conscientious cleaning at each stage of work. It is also recommended to hang doorways with oilcloth.

But if for some reason it was not possible to carry out preventive work, you need to know how to get rid of dust at home. For this you need:

  • In advance, you need to stock up on a few sponges and rags. Best of all, the accumulated dust is removed with a mop with a sponge. We must also remember that you will have to change the water often.
  • Collect all the dust by passing the mop towards you. The sponge should be rinsed as often as possible.
  • After that, those places where pieces of building materials stuck to the floor will be noticeable. They must be removed by gently prying with a rubber spatula.
  • After that, you can already vacuum the entire room, using a special nozzle with an end cut at a certain angle.
  • In conclusion, it is necessary to wipe the floor and all surfaces at a height with a damp cloth and sponges.

It must be remembered that divorces will remain in any case. To get rid of them, it will be necessary to wash the room for several days in a row.

improvised means

Fine particles settle almost everywhere choosing a certain place for yourself. And you can get rid of a layer of dust with the help of various folk remedies. For example, pet hair can be removed with a simple damp glove. With a wet broom or cloth, you can sweep the wool from the carpet. It is recommended to sprinkle carpets with soda, and then vacuum it.

Upholstered furniture can also be vacuumed by wrapping the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner with gauze, which must first be moistened in a saline solution. To prepare such a solution, you need to take one tablespoon of salt and dissolve it in one liter of water. Dip the gauze into the solution for 10 minutes. After that, squeeze it well and wind it on the nozzle. So you can get rid of not only ticks, but also update furniture upholstery.

Rugs, curtains, soft toys and bedspreads collect dust very well. These are recommended to be washed on a regular basis. Blankets and pillows must be hung on the balcony at least once every six months. Dust mites are afraid of heat and frost.

Using an ionizer

The ionizer is a miracle cure, which will help get rid of dust in any apartment. These devices work without replaceable filters. Inside the ionizer there is a special plate made of stainless steel, which is quite easy to clean from dust.

Modern devices do not work from the network, but from the power supply, which is very convenient. Devices are able to fill the air in the apartment with negative ions, which begin to make dust particles heavier, so that they no longer float in the air.

If you decide to purchase such equipment, it is recommended to opt for a bipolar ionizer. In addition to its main function, it is also able to purify indoor air from unpleasant odors and chemicals.

How to reduce dust

You can use some tips to reduce the amount of dust in the room:

Use of special devices

Consultants who work in home appliance stores should advise you on how to properly dust your home. There are various devices for this., which greatly facilitate this difficult process, they can be presented in several forms:

  • Vacuum cleaner. It is best used with the function of humid air filtration so that dust particles do not rise into the air after the cleaning process.
  • Humidifiers. Such devices, as a rule, have built-in programs, due to which dry air is instantly saturated with moisture, while dust particles do not fly in the air.
  • Hygrometer. The device is able to show the level of humidity in the apartment.


There are many indoor plants, which can do a good job of purifying the indoor air by collecting dust and other particles that can harm the occupants. These indoor plants include:

Hard to reach places

Taking on the cleaning of the apartment, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that each room has many hard to reach places, which accumulate a huge amount of dust. Such places include the soft surface of furniture. To clean these surfaces, a wet sheet is placed on a soft cloth. With the help of a carpet beater, you need to go through all the covered places. All dust particles that are inside the sofa or chair should be absorbed by a damp sheet. Then, after removing it, it is recommended to vacuum the upholstered furniture one more time.

Other accumulators of dust particles include bookshelves. To remove dust deposits from books, you must first vacuum them. For this, a special brush with long bristles is used. After that, be sure to clean the entire surface of the collected literature, as well as bookshelves with a damp cloth.

A large amount of dust particles also collect on the ceilings in the room. Plaque can be removed from stretch ceilings with a soapy solution, a brush and a stepladder. Ceilings that are painted with lime or paint are cleaned with a simple mop with a damp cloth, or with a vacuum cleaner that also comes with a long-haired brush.

DIY funds

Many housewives do not trust ready-made products that are used during cleaning. That is why it is recommended to familiarize yourself with how to reduce the amount of dust in the apartment with the help of prepared products:

Mandatory rooms need to be ventilated. Any apartment is a closed space. It should be noted that there will always be less dust on the street, since the amount of dispersion there is incomparable with the area of ​​​​the apartment. Before cleaning, it is recommended to open the windows wide, in which there are mosquito nets that protect the premises from the ingress of dust particles from the street.

Periodically, it is necessary to arrange wet cleaning for your indoor plants, which take care of the microclimate in the room. They are wiped with a wet cloth, watered and sprayed.

All items that are in the room must be wiped with a damp cloth, and the floor must be washed clean.

Of course, there is still no universal remedy for this. But it must be remembered that the cleaning process will be much easier and faster, if you allocate a little time to this business every day.

Attention, only TODAY!

Do you have to dust every horizontal surface in your house every day? Starting to feel like the dust will never go away? Of course, there is no magic tool that will remove dust once and for all, but it is quite possible to reduce its amount. We will tell you where dust comes from, why it accumulates quickly and how to deal with it properly.

It is impossible to get rid of dust completely: even in an empty house without tenants and with closed windows, a thick layer of dust accumulates over time. Why is this happening? To answer this question, you need to know what the dust in the apartment consists of.

What is dust

Dust are fine solid particles ranging in size from 0.01 to 10 microns. First of all, it is necessary to separate coarse and (or fine) dust. Large dust is just what annoys us so much. A layer of gray "fluff" that accumulates in the corners, on the bookshelves and under the sofa.

In fact, the greatest danger to us is fine dust, which we do not even see. It is found in large quantities in polluted city air and penetrates into our body, damaging the walls of blood vessels and causing harm to health.

A significant part of the dust, as a rule, consists of the smallest particles of dead skin and tissue fibers. Other dust contributors range from human hair and pet hair to soil particles, pollen, mold spores, dust mites and other minor sources. Also in some homes, the dust contains the waste products of cockroaches, termites, ants or other insects. Especially a lot of dust happens after repair.

In addition to household sources of dust, there are also natural ones - for example, scientists recognize the Sahara Desert as the largest source of dust. Volcanic ash, fires, meteorites and comets, seas and oceans are also to blame for the formation of dust. Even hundreds of thousands of kilometers are not afraid of such dust: for the sake of getting into your apartment, it will overcome all obstacles.

You cannot remove large sources of dust from your life, such as clothes, furniture, carpets and, in fact, human skin. However, you can use quality house cleaning methods. Then the amount of dust will be significantly reduced.

Always wipe dust from top to bottom– otherwise, dirt from the surfaces that are higher than the rest will settle on the already cleaned furniture.

Carpets should be vacuumed and shaken out every week. Carpets – world-class dust collectors, and when you step on them, they "throw" the dust back into the air.

It is worth taking care of the furniture. For example, sofa cushions, like carpeting, create, collect and spew dust into the air when you sit on them. Sofas, beds, chairs can be vacuumed or knocked out with a dense, damp cloth. Also note the curtains.: They need to be washed and steamed regularly.

Dust mites live in almost every home because they like warm, humid environments. They breed in bedding and other areas where there may be many epidermal particles, and contribute their waste products to the general level of dust. In most cases, this is not a problem: just wash your bedding regularly and take care of your upholstered furniture.

Take inventory of your apartment. Perhaps something should be thrown out altogether, and something just replaced. Instead of feather pillows, take synthetic winterizers, get rid of unnecessary decorative items and unnecessary clothes, old upholstered furniture. Don't forget about stuffed toys: they are a great home for dust mites. It is absolutely not necessary to throw them in the trash, it is enough to wash them at a high temperature or put them in the freezer for several hours.

Why is there a lot of dust in the apartment? The answer is simple: dust loves clutter. Clutter demoralizes even the most desperate housewives, forcing them to spend a lot of time and effort cleaning. Store various knick-knacks and things that you rarely use in a cabinet behind glass or in a drawer. Spend 5 minutes a day to put everything in its place - there will simply be no place for dust to come from.

Our wardrobe also affects the total amount of dust. Just imagine how much dust we bring from the street along with our clothes! Pay close attention to laundry and wardrobe space organization. Seasonal items are best packed in vacuum bags.

The most terrible accumulation of dust is located where it is quite difficult to clean., - under the bed, sofa, behind the refrigerator or closet, in the corners of the pantry, etc. When wet cleaning, it is recommended to pay the most attention to these places. Fortunately, mops and vacuum cleaners are now being produced with a wide variety of nozzles that can penetrate hard-to-reach places.

The most inaccessible places are at the top of the cabinets - to wipe them from dust, you always need to stand on a chair and stool. How to remove dust in this case? If you are not very concerned about the aesthetic appearance of the room, you can put old newspapers or large format paper on the “roof” of the cabinet - when dust settles on it, it can be rolled up and thrown away. There is no need to deal with a thick layer of dust on the surface of the cabinet itself.

Another tip: if you need to remove dust from embossed surfaces, such as a picture frame, lampshade and other decorative elements, use an ordinary brush.

Wet rag is all you need to collect dust from hard, smooth surfaces. The dust sticks to the fabric instead of flying and spreading through the air. The main thing is not to use an excessively wet cloth: a large amount of water combined with dust forms dirt and can ruin the finish of your beautiful furniture. Rags made of cotton or microfiber are better at absorbing water and removing dirt.

During cleaning, it is better not to use a broom or a whisk - they only raise dust into the air and spread it throughout the apartment.

It is widely believed that clean the air and partially eliminate dust help houseplants. We already know that the role of green helpers is somewhat exaggerated. Of course, plants have a positive effect on the microclimate, but wet cleaning in combination with climate technology will wipe the nose of any ficus 🙂

How to wipe furniture so that dust does not set?

A bit of physics: As is known, microparticles have a small electric charge and are attracted to a surface charged with the opposite charge. To prevent this from happening, antistatic agents are used: they reduce the ability of objects to accumulate static electricity, and dust simply does not settle on furniture and household appliances.

The modern market is flooded with a variety of cleaning products with very different degrees of effectiveness. To choose the right tool, you need to know what it is intended for. Before use, you must read the instructions - otherwise, instead of cleanliness in the house, you run the risk of observing an ugly dense coating on horizontal surfaces.

  • To prevent dust from settling on furniture for a long time, use polish(or anti-dust). It contains antistatic for furniture from dust. And polish also adds shine to furniture elements. Thus, the dust does not settle on the armrests or the table, but simply “slides” off them. Nevertheless, anti-dust for furniture is not a panacea: you still have to do wet cleaning, but at least not so often.
  • For TVs and computer monitors there are special antistatic agents that remove dust and dirt. It is best to choose an antistatic agent that can be used on the switched on equipment and that does not require subsequent processing with a napkin or rag.
  • Some sprays eliminate static electricity and kill dust mites. They should be used no more than once every six months. They mainly process walls, carpets and textiles.
  • Everything is clear with hard surfaces, but how to wipe upholstered furniture? Special impregnation spreads over the entire surface of a piece of furniture, as if forming a protective film that prevents dust from penetrating inside. However, the furniture will have to be cleaned so that the impregnation does not turn into a dense coating.
  • If you prefer folk remedies, it will help you vinegar. In a glass of cool water, add 50-75 ml of vinegar, two teaspoons of olive oil and a couple of drops of any essential oil. Then pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and treat the furniture with it. This method also eliminates unpleasant odors.

The main thing when choosing household chemicals is to carefully select the composition of the product. Avoid the names of toxic substances on the packaging - these include chlorine, ammonium, phosphates, triclosan. Also remember that many cleaning products cause irritation to the skin and respiratory tract, so it is worth arming yourself with rubber gloves and a face mask.

Even the most thorough cleaning will not rid the house of dust by 100%. Do you want even the smallest dust to disappear? Trust smart technology. with high-quality filters will definitely help in the difficult fight against dust, and those that also have the function of inactivating microorganisms will protect you and your family not only from dust, but also from various viruses, allergens and harmful bacteria.

A HEPA filter must be built into the air purifier - it is capable of retaining the finest dust.

A room without an influx of fresh air is much more dusty than a constantly ventilated room. In addition, in a stuffy room it is simply hard to breathe and go about your business. To exclude the possibility of street dust entering your home during ventilation and, you can install