Repair of the porch of the administrative building. Porch repair. Repair and restoration of the porch of an apartment building

Porch renovation apartment building is a service that sooner or later has to be ordered construction companies. After all, despite the fact that most of them are equipped with visors, it is impossible to completely protect concrete from the effects of weather conditions. And the harsh Baltic elements of longevity building materials are by no means conducive.

With time rainwater it washes out concrete, microcracks appear from changes in air temperature, moisture gets into them, which freezes and expands. As a result, the cracks increase, and the porch gradually becomes unusable.

The residents themselves bring the repair of the porches of the building no less closer: constant physical impact leads to gradual abrasion facing material, which greatly helps to accelerate the destructive impact of nature.

Over time, a dilapidated porch no longer just loses its attractiveness - pieces of cladding falling off here and there can cause falls and injuries. Therefore, with such works as repairing the porch of the entrance, it is better not to delay.

Repair of the porch of the house - what materials to use

The quality of the repair of the porch of the house depends directly on the professionalism of the contractors and on the quality of the materials used.

Here you should pay your attention to the fact that the durability and resistance of the cladding to abrasion and the vagaries of the weather are not the main selection criteria. It is much more important that these materials do not pose a danger to people.

Let's explain - each of us, most likely, has already been "lucky" in winter to meet a porch lined with tiles, which became incredibly slippery in the cold. In order to make a skating rink with it, it would not even have to be doused with water.

It's all about the unprofessional approach of contractors to such a responsible task as repairing the porch and the wrong selection of materials. Most likely, wanting to save money, they used tiles for internal works, in which the service life is not so hot, and it freezes in the cold very quickly, becoming a very traumatic coating.

That is why it is so important to approach the choice of materials as carefully as possible, because the following directly depends on them:

  • Porch durability.
  • Residential safety.
  • The attractiveness of the entrance to the entrance.

Turning to IC "Grand Petersburg", you can be sure that all work will be done efficiently, inexpensively and very quickly.

Porch device - estimate and what determines the cost of work

The estimate for the porch device depends on many factors. Let's try to deal with each in more detail:

1. Scope of work.

If the porch is in good condition, and you want to carry out only cosmetic restoration of it, then such work will not cost you so much. If the entrance to the entrance has become completely unusable, and requires complete restoration, then the price of such repairs will be an order of magnitude higher. In addition, an estimate for metal and concrete porch will be different.

2. List of performed works.

  • Among them may be:
  • Restoration of the concrete base.
  • Tiling.
  • Installation of new or replacement of old railings.
  • Alteration with the addition of races and so on.

3. Materials used.

  • The company "Grand Petersburg" offers its customers the following options for how to repair the porch:
  • Facing with granite of various colors.
  • Step painting.
  • Installation of welded or forged railings
  • Facing ceramic tiles steps, the porch itself, the facade and front door, and so on.

As you understand, each of these moments will greatly affect the final cost of services. But whichever option you choose, you can be absolutely sure that our masters will perform all the work at the highest level.

Porch in an apartment building - decoration from the company "Grand Petersburg"

If you need to repair the porch in an apartment building, contacting the Parade Petersburg company will be the most right option because we offer:

  • Not just a one-time service, but a long-term cooperation.
  • A guarantee for all types of work carried out.
  • Services of experienced craftsmen only.
  • Low prices and attractive discount system.

If you need to restore several porches in the house, repair the flight of stairs in the entrance, or carry out a comprehensive repair of the front doors - contact us! We are ready to offer you mutually beneficial cooperation.

After our craftsmen finish the work, every flight of stairs, every entrance and every porch will be completely transformed. You will not believe that the house under your management could look so attractive. Especially the changes will become apparent after our workers clean up all the construction debris.

Give us a call if you'd like a home makeover. Do not forget that such planned work not only updates appearance buildings, but also significantly extend its life!

Contact us! You will certainly like the terms of cooperation with the company "Grand Petersburg"!

Porch steps repair. We are often asked for this kind of service. Usually repair entrance porch required in the following cases.

  • Overhaul of the porch- this is the complete destruction of the foundation and device.
  • Porch repair- Consequently high load, unloading work.
  • Cosmetic repair of the front porch- this is small works for repair.

During the dismantling and disassembly of the device, it can be established that the base also requires a search, and sometimes a new installation and reinforcement. Repair of the porches of the building also implies compliance with certain technical features repair. This is necessary not only so that in the future the porch public buildings served longer, but also for the addition of the porch entrance group the building was safe for visitors and guests.

Repair of the porch of the house

We received such a request in the mail, it was necessary to replace and repair the porch tiles. Granite slabs are damaged, the repair of such slabs is impractical, since the porch of the building carries a significant load, loading and unloading operations are often performed. Required complete replacement slabs with further stone processing, granite grinding is required on this porch

customer question-


Please send two commercial offers and an estimate for the repair of the granite covering of the porches of the building.
No. 1 replacement of two granite slabs with dimensions of 1120x300x30mm and 2200x300x30mm (according to drawings No. 1 and 2).
No. 2 replacement of one granite slab with a size of 2200x300x30mm (according to figure No. 2).
I also ask you to include all additional and related work in the invoices.

Porch repair estimate

As a rule, with the onset of heat after winter period, many defects appear, it is also better to install granite slabs on the street during the warm months of the year. In the spring, we will definitely post a review of the work done in our "Portfolio" section.

The condition of the porch group of an apartment building is directly related to the safety and health of everyone who has to use the steps and platform. In the vast majority of cases, the stairs, handrails and porch over the entrance to the building become unusable after a couple of decades of service. Therefore, sooner or later you will have to look for ways and means to repair the porch of an apartment building quickly and without additional problems.

The reason for the rapid failure of the steps and porch canopy

Most often, repairs are required due to the natural wear and tear of the concrete steps of the stairs. because of a large number tenants in an apartment building reinforced concrete structures porches wear out an order of magnitude faster than flights of stairs or the porch itself at the entrance.

As a rule, experts name only four reasons for the destruction of the entrance group of an apartment building:

  • Poor quality concrete or facing tiles used to cover the passage of the stairs. Often, sand and gravel are washed out from the surface of the porch in the first years of operation;
  • Lack of a canopy or porch drainage system. Frost and moisture accumulating at the entrance to an apartment building destroy concrete many times faster than natural wear. They contribute their share tall shrubs and green spaces around the porch;
  • Errors of designers and builders, which led to subsidence of the foundation, deformation and cracks in the reinforced concrete frame of the porch.

The last case is the hardest. Typically, before doing overhaul the entrance to an apartment building is organized according to a temporary scheme using an attached wooden flight of stairs. Moreover, the inspection may prohibit the operation of the entrance of an apartment building until the overhaul.

Advice! Before looking for a method and a sample of how to write an application for the repair of an entrance porch, it would be right to do a construction examination of the reasons for the destruction of a part of the structure apartment building, foundation and porch area.

This can serve as a basis for filing claims against the contractor or the designer of an apartment building, and secondly, when drawing up a preliminary scope of work and a repair estimate, it will be possible to determine exactly what exactly you will have to pay money for.

Typical way to repair the porch group

Before looking for options for repairing the porch, it should be remembered that the issues of maintaining, repairing and restoring common or common house property are defined by Article 39 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and clause 2 of the Maintenance Rules common property in an apartment building, approved by Government Decree No. 491 dated 13.08.06.

The essence of the document is as follows - protecting or protecting and at the same time load-bearing elements structures of an apartment building are classified as common property of residents. This means that the list of common property also includes:

  • Porch slab foundation;
  • Visor in the form of a floor slab;
  • Walls, stairs, railings, doors staircase apartment building.

Regulation No. 491 determines that the maintenance and repair of elements of common property, or rather, the porch, steps and canopy, is the responsibility of the owners of housing in an apartment building.

Note! The maintenance rules require the conclusion of an agreement between the tenants and the management company or HOA.

Options for solving the problem with the repair of the porch

In the first case, minor restoration repairs should be carried out by the management company or the HOA at the expense of constant payments from the residents of the apartment building accumulated on the account for the repair and restoration of housing. It is necessary to draw up and send a written appeal to the management company indicating the list of problems. If the scope of work requires the performance of relatively simple restoration operations that do not affect bearing capacity structures of an apartment building, the office is obliged to repair the porch at the expense of accumulated contributions.

More difficult option when replacement of worn-out elements of the supporting structures of the porch is required, they are referred to as major repairs of an apartment building. In this case, funding can be provided from the Housing and Utilities Reform Assistance Fund, provided that the project documentation for repairs.

In order to qualify for the city's porch renovation funding program, an apartment building initiative group will need to complete a significant amount of organizational and preparatory work before the authorities consider the application.

Organizational and legal issues of repair

The simplest part of arranging a porch repair involves the need to involve maximum number tenants living in a specific entrance of an apartment building.

On the initial stage you will need to do the following:

  • Document in detail, photograph and describe all problem areas of the porch, from crumbled steps to the collapsed porch railing. Draw up an approximate estimate for the restoration of the porch;
  • Gather tenants of an apartment building, draw up an official minutes of the meeting, make a description of the porch in the document. Make a decision to participate in municipal program repair and equity participation in financing at the level of 5% of the estimate. In the same document, several people are empowered to provide on behalf of the residents of an apartment building in all instances, draw up documents, collect funds for repairs and settle accounts with contractors.

In order to get a positive decision from the municipal commission, you must first send the minutes of the meeting and prepared materials to the management company. The answer of the office can be considered an additional argument in favor of repair. Often, management offices simply ignore residents' appeals or limit themselves to formal replies.

In this case, you need to write complaints to the city prosecutor's office or housing inspection with copies of appeals and petitions attached. It will be necessary to collect and accumulate funds on the current account for the repair of the porch on the basis of the minutes of the meeting only after the inclusion of urgent restoration measures in the city program.

Repair and restoration of the porch of an apartment building

Most often, the patience of tenants of an apartment building ends before the management company deigns to repair the porch. Therefore, as a last resort, the meeting of residents decides to carry out repairs at their own expense. In order not to get into a difficult situation with legal grounds fundraising, budgeting, pooling of money and purchase of materials for repairs will need to be approved as additions to the minutes of the meeting.

It will be right if a specialist or planner helps in drawing up a repair estimate. The purchase must be made with the issuance of sales and cash receipts, the preparation of an incoming and outgoing material report.

To the list repair work apartment building porch on your own usually include a limited set of operations. Most often, this includes the repair and concreting of steps, the implementation of the porch platform screed and the installation of a new fence.

Initially, you need to cut off the old metal fence and railing. Using a perforator, the concrete mass is cut out to the embedded metal elements holding the railing posts. If the laying metal and reinforcement are in a satisfactory condition, it is enough to weld new racks from steel pipes and install plastic or wooden railings.

The second step is cutting the surface entrance platform porch. In this case, it will be necessary to remove all concrete covering the reinforcing bars to a depth below the reinforcement belt by at least 25-30 mm. If part of the steel bar has become unusable due to corrosion, you need to cut a groove in the concrete and remove the entire reinforcing thread. Instead, a rod of the same section and length is laid and welded.

After trimming the plane of the porch platform, a similar procedure must be performed with steps. Most often, old concrete and reinforcement have to be removed by 60-70% due to the large number of defects and damage.

To form the steps of the porch, it will be temporarily necessary to assemble the formwork and lay a new one. reinforcing cage. Until the repair is completed, residents of an apartment building will need to assemble a stairway - a temporary hut made of wood.

Facing operations

The entrance and porch of an apartment building always requires additional decor and decoration. For example, when carrying out repairs, it is possible to clad the porch area with wear-resistant porcelain stoneware tiles.

In addition to high decorative qualities, the wear of the surface of the steps and the porch platform will decrease by two to three times. Porcelain stoneware and quartz-granite composite mixtures, from which tiles are pressed, are not afraid of moisture and frost, do not absorb water and, due to artificial roughness, remain non-slip, even when the threshold is iced.

Performing repairs and decorative finishes Porches are best entrusted to a specialized company. Firstly, you can get a warranty period of service, and secondly, such a solution will remove all the questions of the residents of an apartment building regarding the quality and accuracy of laying tiles.

In many cases, firms undertake not only to clad the porch of an apartment building with porcelain stoneware, but also to solve the most complex issue repair - how to ensure the safety of new concrete steps. As one of the options, it is proposed to install a steel frame of stairs with steps facing with a monolithic coating that does not have seams and joints.


Involvement in the repair of the porch of an apartment building construction company- the contractor allows you to get maximum quality repair, but in this case it will be necessary to conclude a contract for the performance of work, which spells out the responsibility of the contractor for the results of the work. In addition, it is worth remembering that it is extremely difficult to deal with unscrupulous masters, the only way to achieve the fulfillment of the obligations undertaken is a lawsuit against the firm.


The entrance porch of a residential apartment building is part of the common property of an apartment building.

article 39 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is regulated legislative acts Government of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 approved the "Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building" (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

According to paragraph 2. of the Rules, the common property includes:

c) enclosing load-bearing structures of an apartment building (including foundations, bearing walls, floor slabs, balcony and other slabs, load-bearing columns and other enclosing load-bearing structures);

d) enclosing non-bearing structures of an apartment building serving more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises (including windows and doors of premises common use, railings, parapets and other enclosing load-bearing structures).

Thus, based on the norms of clause 2 of the Rules, the common property includes:

Foundation under the porch, slabs, part outer wall, porch canopy (if built as a load-bearing balcony slab) - since they are enclosing load-bearing structures an apartment building (clause "c" clause 2 of the Rules);

Doors from the stairwell, railings, steps, canopy - as they relate to non-load-bearing enclosing structures of an apartment building serving more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises (clause "d" clause 2 of the Rules).

The proper maintenance of the common property of an apartment building in accordance with the Rules is ensured by the owners of the premises through the conclusion of an agreement with the housing and communal services management company or HOA.

That is, the residents of the house monthly pay for the maintenance of the common property of the management company under the article "maintenance and repair of housing." And to eliminate damage, prevent premature wear and maintain performance, by decision general meeting owners of the premises, the management company is obliged to make Maintenance.

It should be noted that, depending on the degree of destruction of the entrance porch of an apartment building, it is initially necessary to determine what type of repair these defects belong to. If current repairs are required, with a slight replacement of constructs, then these works are carried out by the management company at the expense of funds collected from residents under the item “maintenance and repair of housing”. If physical deterioration the porch has reached the maximum permissible characteristics of reliability and safety, it is required to replace all worn-out elements, then this already applies to a major overhaul. Funds for the overhaul of an apartment building or part of its property, which is part of the common property, can be obtained from the Housing and Utilities Reform Assistance Fund (Federal Law No. 185-ФЗ “On the Housing and Communal Services Reform Assistance Fund” was adopted on July 21, 2007).

To do this, residents at the general meeting must decide on participation in the municipal targeted program for major repairs. apartment buildings; make a decision, drawn up in a separate protocol, on co-financing by the owners of the upcoming repairs in the amount of at least 5 percent of the total estimated cost, indicating the types of major repairs; send this decision to the municipality (administration of the city or rural settlement in which the house is located); control the process of including the house in the program through the municipality, executive authorities.

In any case, it is necessary to start seeking repairs to the porch by organizing a general meeting of the residents of the house and contacting the management company.

Sooner or later in high-rise building have to repair the porches of the entrances. Although most of the structures are equipped with canopies, they do not completely protect the concrete from the effects of harmful weather conditions.

Over time, the porch begins to lose its attractiveness, and pieces of cladding falling off can cause a person to fall and, as a result, get injured. Therefore, it is required not to delay the repair of the structure, which will be discussed in the article.

The entrance porch of an apartment building, like any structure, requires periodic or major repairs.

The reasons for its wear can be:

  • Washing out concrete with rainwater;
  • The appearance of microcracks under the influence of temperature fluctuations. When moisture gets into them, which expands when freezing, the crack increases, and the porch begins to gradually become unusable;
  • Often the repair of the porch in an apartment building is brought closer by the residents themselves: with constant physical impact, the facing material gradually wears out, which significantly accelerates the destructive effect of natural factors;
  • Natural aging of materials;
  • Mechanical damage that occurs from the fall of heavy objects, as well as shrinkage of the building.

At first glance, small damage to steps seems to be minor defects that do not lead to total destruction designs. But their repair in this case is simply necessary.

  • Due to the increase in the area of ​​cracks, chips and other defects, the time will come when to operate the flight of stairs of the front administrative building, or the porch in the house - and especially at school, it will be impossible for safety reasons.
  • To avoid such problems, timely maintenance of concrete steps, carried out at the initial stage of cracks, chips and potholes, will help. At the same time, its price will be significantly lower than a major overhaul - and even more so, a complete replacement of the structure.
  • When ordering the repair of steps immediately after the discovery of even minor damage, the owner of the building, simultaneously with the restoration of the flight of stairs, receives a complete examination of the structure, which makes it possible to identify defects hidden in it.

Repair estimates are prepared by contractors, and all work must be carried out by experienced, qualified specialists.

Features of the repair of the porch at the entrance of the house

The choice of the type of repair: capital or local, depends on the characteristics of the object or that part of it that needs restoration.

This requires:

  • invert Special attention for defects in the foundation;
  • Eliminate various cracks and deformations;
  • Reconstruction of the cladding of surfaces adjacent to the porch walls;
  • Sometimes make additional updates to the ventilation products and waterproofing, which regulate the level of moisture in the base of the house and prevent the accumulation of fungi and the premature destruction of the entire building.

Due to the large capacity of the entrance group high-rise building, during repairs, it may be necessary to locally or completely replace the ceiling above the porch, made of wood.

Tip: Wood is the most susceptible to deformation. During installation wooden structures, fire-retardant impregnations should be used to maximize their service life.

To repair reinforced concrete treads, it is necessary to make a notch up the step, and apply cement mortar to this area. You can use sulfur or liquid lead. A similar procedure is carried out with brick treads.

The completion of the work is painting and other operations for decorating the porch, so that in the end it is in harmony with the facade of the entire building and has a pleasant appearance.

When choosing materials for restoration, it is necessary that they be:

  • durable;
  • Differed in resistance to influence of weather factors and attrition;
  • safe for people. For example, sometimes you can find a porch that is tiled, which becomes very slippery in the cold, even if it is dry. This is due to the unprofessional approach of contractors to the repair of the porch and the wrong selection of materials;
  • Attractive for decorating the entrance to the entrance.

Porch repair organization

Usually, the construction of the porch of an apartment building consists of a platform and a concrete staircase.

You can repair it in one of three ways:

  • Contact an organization or company that serves a particular house, write an application for repairs;
  • Collect funds from the residents of the entrance, and conclude an agreement on the performance of repair and restoration work directly with the contractor;
  • Make repairs to the porch with your own hands on a voluntary basis.