Internal collaborative work. Differences between combination and combination. What is beneficial for employers

An individual, in accordance with the current labor legislation, in addition to the main employment, has the right to work part-time. You can work in this way both for one and for different employers. In the article, we will understand how internal part-time work differs from external, and how the design takes place.

What is concurrency

According to Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time employment is a labor activity that an employee carries out in his spare time from his main employment. Internal part-time job according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is employment in several positions with one employer, external - with different ones. It is worth distinguishing between part-time and combination, when an employee does additional work at one enterprise during the main time.

Legal framework

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, both internal and external part-time jobs cannot work more than four hours a day. Accordingly, it cannot be more than half of the bet. If there are several part-time jobs, then in total they cannot take more than 20 hours a week. On the day when a day off is set at the main place of work, you can work part-time all working day.

The employer must provide leave from office within the framework of part-time work simultaneously with the main place of work. In the case when an employee works at an additional job for less than 6 months, then the leave is issued to him in advance. In the case when part-time leave is shorter, the employee can receive the rest of the days at his own expense.
For certain categories of specialists, part-time working conditions may be additionally regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 197 of 04.04.2003.

About how to recruit internal part-time, the video will tell:

How is internal part-time work paid?

The salary of an employee working on an internal part-time basis is calculated in proportion to the hours worked, depending on the result of work or in another way specified in the employment contract.

If an employee works part-time in an area where increasing regional coefficients are provided, then labor is paid taking into account them.

Dismissal of an internal part-time worker

Labor relations with a part-time partner are terminated on the general grounds specified in Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But Art. 288 states that contract of employment may also be terminated if another person is registered for the position, for whom this position will be the main one. You can read more about the procedure for dismissing a part-time worker in this article.

More information can be obtained by asking questions in the comments to the article.

If the company needs to involve the current employee in the performance of additional functionality, good option there may be an internal combination of positions. Depending on the specifics of the work of the company or the duties of the employee internal alignment it may be more convenient than internal part-time work or filling in an additional staff unit. To do this, you need to understand what is its significant difference and what advantages this method has.

Internal combination and internal combination

In case of internal combination, the employee is instructed additional functionality which he performs during his working hours. So, for example, if an employee works according to a standard schedule from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., then during this time he performs both his main work under an employment contract and internal combination functions.

At the same time, the combination can only be carried out in a different position or profession (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If it is the same profession or position, additional work may be assigned by expanding service areas or increasing the scope of work.

In case of internal combination, the conclusion of the second employment contract, and work under such an agreement must be carried out in time free from the main work (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In other words, the employee works from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. under the main contract and from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on an internal part-time job.

A combination is not entered in the work book, but a part-time job is entered at the request of the part-time worker himself.

Internal alignment: how to arrange

First of all, it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the employee to increase his functionality. There is no official form for obtaining consent in the legislation, and the company can independently develop an appropriate form and approve it by order or provide for it in a local regulatory act.

In practice, three methods are used:

  • an agreement of the parties on the combination of positions is signed;
  • the employee is invited to put the resolution "I agree" on the written proposal of the employer;
  • the employee himself writes a free-form application containing consent to the combination of positions.

You can choose any of the three options indicated, the law does not prohibit this.

The next step is the execution of a written document fixing the term of the proposed combination, as well as the content, scope of work and the amount of compensation (surcharge). This is a requirement Labor Code RF (part 3 of article 60.2, part 2 of article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The legislation does not provide for the official form of such a document, nor does it oblige to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract. As in the case of the form for obtaining the consent of the employee, discussed above, the company has the right to develop an appropriate form and approve it by order or provide for in a local regulatory act. The only recommendation is that this document must be made in duplicate, so that one remains with the employee, and the other is stored in the company's personnel department.

Order for internal alignment. Sample

Finally, the final stage of registration of the combination of posts is the issuance of the corresponding order.

Like the other documents discussed above, the order is drawn up in free form; there is no unified form.

In the order, it is necessary to duplicate all the conditions for combining positions agreed by the parties: the type of work assigned and its content, the period for which the combination is expected, as well as the amount of the agreed payment for the performance additional work.

The order is issued on the basis of a signed agreement between the parties on the performance of additional work.

The employee must be familiarized with the order against signature.

Internal combination of positions and work book

Operating regulations, providing for the procedure for filling out and maintaining work books, do not allow the possibility of making a combination entry in the work book. It is not necessary to make such an entry in the work book.

Registration of the termination of the combination of positions

Legislation does not regulate the issue documentation termination of internal combination of posts. Regardless of this fact, in practice it is necessary to issue an order to stop performing additional work. Based on this document, the accounting department of the company will be able to stop paying the additional payment for the combination.

The following terms must be distinguished:

  • Part-time employment - the performance by an employee in his free time from the main labor activity of another job for regular basis. However, for the design labor relations within the framework of part-time work, it is necessary to conclude a separate employment contract. Part-time employment can be both internal, when an additional labor contract is concluded with the same employer as the main one, and external, when an additional labor contract is concluded with a different employer (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ).
  • Combination - the performance by the employee, along with the work specified in the employment contract, additional features in a different or the same profession for an additional fee. It is not required to conclude another employment contract, it is enough to draw up an additional agreement to the existing one (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Combination, unlike part-time employment, is possible only within the framework of labor relations with one organization (i.e., it can only be internal).

In addition, it is important to distinguish between overtime work and the performance of duties within the framework of the combination. Thus, an increase in the volume or expansion of the work area, which is negotiated when registering a combination, does not imply an extension of the working day of the worker. And extracurricular work, in its essence, is the performance of work at the end of the working day at the initiative of the employer (see the decision of the Sretensky District Court of the Trans-Baikal Territory of December 28, 2015 in case No. 2-1425 / 2015).

Application for internal combination and order for internal combination (sample order for part-time)

By general rule an application for employment is not provided for by labor legislation (see article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), except for cases when the requirement for its presence is directly contained in the law (see paragraph 2 of article 26 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" dated July 27 .2004 No. 79-FZ).

Accordingly, there are no special unified forms. The form of such an application is compiled by the organization independently. The same applies to the application form for internal part-time work. In the latter case, a clarification is made in the application that hiring is carried out precisely within the framework of part-time employment.

Since part-time employment involves the conclusion of a new employment contract, the registration of a part-time employee (both internal and external) is carried out according to standard rules employee acceptance. In this case, the following documents are drawn up:

  • an order for employment (in the form T-1, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation “On approval of unified forms ...” dated 05.01.2004 No. 1);
  • employee's personal card (in the T-2 form from Resolution No. 1).

From 01/01/2013, these unified forms of primary accounting documents are not considered mandatory. The exception is cases where such forms are approved authorized bodies based on the provisions of federal law (see the information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. PZ-10/2012).

In this way, private organization can independently develop a form of an order for employment and a personal card of an employee with the preservation of all required details these documents (see the clarifications of Rostrud in the letter dated February 14, 2013 No. PG / 1487-6-1).

A unified form of an order for hiring a part-time job can be found at the link below: The order is a template.

Registration of internal combination of positions

In the vast majority of cases, disputes arising between the parties to labor relations on issues of remuneration for work performed as part of a combination are associated with improper registration of such labor activity.

Correct procedure design of internal alignment includes the following steps:

  • Obtaining the consent of the employee to engage in additional work. This consent is drawn up in writing (see paragraph 3 of article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It can be drawn up in the form of an additional agreement to the main employment contract or in another way (for example, as a statement from the employee himself). The legislator does not impose specific requirements.
  • Issuance of an order (in free form) on the combination and payment of work performed as part of the combination.

Drawing up a separate employment contract, as with part-time employment, in this case is not required.

Improper registration of combination: judicial practice

It is rather problematic to prove in court the existence of an agreement between the employer and the employee on combining, not drawn up on paper.

So, the courts note that the following are evidence of involving a worker in additional work on combining:

  • issuance by the employer of orders on payment for work performed as part of the combination of work and the establishment of additional payments for labor activity within the framework of the combination;
  • signing the relevant supplementary agreement to the main employment contract (see the decision of the Babaevsky District Court of the Vologda Region dated January 15, 2016 in case No. 2-70/2016);
  • documentary evidence of imputation to the employee of the performance job duties not fixed in the employment contract (see the decision of the Sovetsky District Court of Voronezh dated March 16, 2015 in case No. 2-66 / 15).

Thus, in the proper design of internal alignment The employee is primarily interested.

The main features of part-time work will be considered the existence of a separate employment contract and the fixing in it of the condition for the performance of additional work outside the main time (see the ruling of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court of 03/02/2016 in case No. 33-2503 / 2016). In the case under consideration, the court also took into account the content of the application for employment precisely on a part-time basis and the absence of a written consent of the employee to be involved in additional work, provided for in par. 3 art. 60. 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In order to qualify work as being performed within the framework of combination, and not part-time work, the court evaluates the method of formalizing the agreement of the parties (i.e., without concluding a new employment contract) and the fact that such work was performed during the established working hours (see the decision of the Sovetsko-Gavansky City Court Khabarovsk Territory dated February 24, 2016 in case No. 2-514/2016).

Internal combination: how to issue an agreement termination

It should be noted that the procedure for terminating labor relations within the framework of a combination is much simpler than with a part-time job (in the 2nd case, one of the positions is actually dismissed).

The combination of positions is issued for a certain period, which is prescribed in the accompanying documentation. Accordingly, the performance of additional work and its payment are terminated from the moment the specified period expires. The law does not prescribe to draw up special documentation to record this fact. However, the manager may issue a separate order to complete the combination and stop payments in order to exclude possible disputes with the employee.

Important! If the employer wants to prematurely refuse the services of an employee as part of a combination, it is enough for him to simply notify the latter 3 days in advance without indicating reasons (paragraph 4 of article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). A similar right is granted to the employee.

The legislator does not impose specific requirements for such a notification (apart from the fact that it must be written). At the same time, it seems appropriate to acquaint the employee with such a notice against receipt. The employee sending the notice to the employer must also have written confirmation.

Combination under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: errors in the interpretation of the terms of the agreement

Below are the most common mistakes:

  1. Incorrect understanding of the timing of the work within the framework of the combination. At the end of the documented period, the employee cannot claim to continue payment under such an agreement, unless he proves that the combination actually continued, since the law does not provide for automatic extension of such an agreement (see the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan dated March 28, 2016 in the case No. 33-5460/2016).
  2. Misinterpretation legal grounds to proceed with the combination. So, prerequisite for registration of combination is the presence in staffing the corresponding rate, for the combination of duties at which the employee can demand payment. And if, for example, there was no additional rate in the staff list and no? Usually, workers in such cases rely on their own subjective assessment of the work performed. The court, however, refuses to satisfy the employee's claims for additional payment (see the ruling of the Saratov Regional Court dated March 3, 2016 in case No. 33-1423).

Thus, combination and part-time employment are not legal synonyms. The identification of these terms or their misunderstanding of any of the parties to labor relations can lead to undesirable consequences.

Registration of internal part-time work involves the signing of a separate employment contract, the issuance of an order for employment and the establishment of an employee's personal card. When combining, it is enough to obtain written consent from the employee to engage in additional work (for example, by drawing up an additional agreement to the main employment contract). An order is also issued to combine and make additional payments.

Combination of positions in one organization - a common occurrence. In this regard, both employees and employers have a lot of questions about the procedure for registering such a mode of operation, about the features of payment and termination of the combination. We will cover the main issues of combining posts in this article.

What is an internal combination of positions?

The combination of posts is devoted to article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to the definition given in this legal norm, such a mode of work consists in delegating additional official duties in another or the same position for a fee.

In practice, combining job responsibilities is possible both on a permanent basis, when an employee is already being hired, is warned about combining, and temporarily, due to production needs or, for example, to replace an absent employee. The law does not establish deadlines for combining, leaving this issue at the discretion of the employer. The employer determines the scope of the combination and the content of duties. In this case, the employee is only required to agree to the combination in general and to the terms, volume and content of the combination in particular.

An important point: due to the fact that internal matching positions to perform additional duties is assigned to an employee working in the organization, that is, one who has already passed probation, a new probationary period, if it is supposed for a position of combination, is not assigned to the applicant.

The nuances of designing an internal combination of positions

Before proceeding to the issues of registration of work in the mode of combining positions, it is worth identifying the main mistake that employers often make when registering additional labor duties for an employee. This mistake consists in the substitution of the concepts of combining positions and internal part-time work. Since, in fact, internal part-time work is the performance by the worker of additional job duties within the same organization, it is important to determine the criteria by which one mode of combining labor functions can be distinguished from another.

For example:

  1. Lead time. Combination involves the performance of labor functions in one work shift(i.e., simultaneously with the main employment), while internal part-time jobs require the performance of additional labor functions after the main job (i.e., at the end of the working day or on days free from the main work).
  2. Payment. The combination mode allows you to count on an additional payment, while with internal part-time remuneration is calculated on the basis of the salary due according to the staffing table for the performance of official duties of a particular staff unit, in proportion to the hours worked.
  3. Decor. The combination takes place within the framework of the same labor contract with the employee, while internal part-time employment requires the execution of a separate labor contract for the candidate. Moreover, the employee is assigned another personnel number.
  4. Restrictions. The legislator did not provide for restrictions on the combination of positions, internal combination of jobs is impossible in relation to minors, busy with work in dangerous or harmful conditions labor, civil servants, as well as employees driving vehicles.
  5. Adding job responsibilities to those already available to an employee is a change in his working conditions. If the extended list official functions not agreed in the employment contract (it usually contains a list of job responsibilities only for the main job), an additional agreement is required to be signed to the employment contract between the employee and the employer. The additional agreement should contain not only new labor functions employee, but also issues of payment for additional labor and other features of work in the mode of combining positions.
  6. Despite the fact that the law requires the mandatory consent of the employee to combine, the legislative form of such approval is not provided, therefore, consent is often issued in the form of an application from the employee addressed to the employer. If an additional agreement to the employment contract is signed by both parties to the employment relationship, the very fact of concluding such an agreement can be regarded as the employee’s consent to work in a combination mode, therefore a separate document confirming this is not required.
  7. On the basis of the concluded additional agreement, an order is issued for the enterprise to combine positions in relation to a certain employee. The legislation does not establish requirements regarding the entry of a combination of professions in the work book.

How to arrange an internal alignment

Additional agreement on the combination of positions

An additional agreement to an employment contract on combining positions must be drawn up in accordance with the same rules as provided for the main document. That is, the agreement is drawn up in writing, contains data identifying the employee, and is signed by both parties to the employment relationship (the employee and the head of the organization).

In addition, the additional agreement on the combination of positions must indicate:

  1. Type of additional work to which the employee is involved, with a listing of job responsibilities or a reference to job description for an additional position.
  2. Period of combined work.
  3. The amount of payment for performing additional work.
  4. Other essential conditions upcoming combination.

Order on the combination of posts

The form of the order on combining positions is not legally established, therefore, the order is drawn up in the usual form for such documents in accordance with internal requirements organizations.

  • type and scope of additional duties;
  • the position for which the combination is established;
  • the period of the combination;
  • combination fee.

In addition, the order must reflect the features and nuances of working in the combination mode (for example, the condition for liability employee or the right to make managerial decisions).

The employee must be familiar with the order under the signature.

Payment procedure when combining positions

Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation tells about the features of remuneration when combining positions. At the same time, this rule does not provide any specific information, allowing the amount of additional payment to be set by agreement of the parties, taking into account the nature and volume of work performed by combining work.

In practice, the amount of payment for combining can be set both in absolute terms (in rubles) and as a percentage of the salary due according to the staffing table to the employee in the position in which the combination takes place. At the same time, there are no upper values ​​for payment, but indirectly, such a limitation can be, for example, the amount of funds planned for paying for the combination.

It is also important to remember that the combination payment is subject to income tax. individuals and insurance premiums, is included in the average earnings in all necessary cases, and is also taken into account when calculating hospital payments and benefits for pregnancy and childbirth.

Leave and vacation pay for internal combination

Despite the fact that the employee works in a combination mode, annual paid leave is provided to him at his main place of work in accordance with the approved vacation schedule. For the duration of the vacation, the employee is released from the performance of official duties both in the main and in the combined work.

Separate vacation days for the performance of work in a combined position are not provided by law. At the same time, the combination affects the calculation of vacation pay: if in billing period, used for calculating vacation pay (12 months before vacation, in accordance with Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the employee received an additional payment for combining positions, these amounts are taken into account when accruing.

Termination of internal alignment

Despite the fact that both in the supplementary agreement to the employment contract and in the order on personnel it is advisable to indicate the period during which work in the combination mode is expected, both the employee and the employer have the right to terminate the combination ahead of schedule. This provision is established by article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the norm of the article gives the employee an unconditional right to refuse to work on a combination, without limiting this right either by the terms of advance warning or other conditions. The right of the management of the organization to terminate the combination of positions by the employee ahead of schedule is supplemented by the need to inform the employee about this no later than 3 days in advance. writing. That is, it is assumed that if the combination of positions is terminated ahead of schedule by the employer, then a special document is drawn up about this - a notification, with which the employee must be familiarized with the signature.

Important: regardless of who took the initiative to stop working in the combination mode - the employee or the management of the enterprise, an additional agreement on this must be drawn up to the employment contract. The additional agreement is signed by both parties, on the basis of the agreement, the employer issues an order for the early termination of work in the mode of combining positions in relation to a particular employee. It is necessary to familiarize the employee with the order, who must confirm his knowledge with a personal signature. If the combination of posts ends due to the end of the planned period established earlier in additional agreement to the employment contract and order, it is not necessary to issue an order on the expiration of the combination period.

Thus, the procedure for processing documents for work in the mode of combining positions does not present any difficulties, but requires an understanding of the difference between combining and internal part-time work.

Labor legislation allows for additional workload for employees of the enterprise. The performance of duties can be carried out simultaneously with the main work or in free time.

About what is a combination and combination in one organization, for how long they are possible, how these concepts differ, and will be discussed in this article.

What is concurrency

Part-time - full performance of duties with the conclusion of an employment contract. Work is carried out independently of the main duties and in free time. Its legality is established by article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is regulated by Ch. 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The procedure for additional work of teachers and physicians is determined by government decrees issued for each category of such persons.

Assumes availability of vacancies. After employment, the employee is assigned an independent personnel number.

Accounting for the working time of an employee in the main position and part-time work is carried out separately.

The legislation provides for the release of the position held by a part-time worker. Submitting an application and hiring another employee, for whom the place will be the main one, allows you to dismiss the part-time worker (Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employee must be warned about the dismissal 14 days before the date of termination of the contract.

What is combination

Combination - performance of additional duties during the main work and within the framework of one contract. Additional work is carried out for the same position (increasing the volume of work) or for an adjacent one (expanding the service area). The combination can be issued for vacant (vacant) or occupied positions during the period of temporary absence of the main employee:

  • Due to an illness confirmed by a certificate of incapacity for work. An option often used in the public sector. Payment for days of absenteeism due to illness is carried out at the expense of the FSS, which allows not to exceed the size of the fund approved for the year wages. Several employees can be accepted for the position of a temporarily absent person.
  • When you are on maternity leave or child care.
  • For the period of vacation of the main employee, issued without pay.

The ability to combine positions is prescribed in collective agreement or other local act. It is not reflected in combination.

What is the difference?

Employment in combination or combination has cardinal differences, clearly presented in the table:

Conclusion of an agreementYesNo (additional agreement)
Issuance of an order for the enterpriseYes, about admissionYes, about combination
Assigning a personnel numberYesNot
Accounting for working hours in the timesheetYesNot
Making a new personal cardYesNot
reflection in work book YesNot
Working timeHalf the basic rateWithin working day
RewardAccording to hours worked or outputFixed, percentage or sum
Grant of vacationYesNo, but the amount is taken into account in average earnings
ProbationYes, but the condition is rarely appliedNot
Termination of work when hiring (returning to position) a permanent employeeYesYes
Accounting for an employee when calculating the average headcountYes, pro rataNo, only in single size
Dismissal procedure2 weeks notice3 days notice

You can also learn more about the differences between these procedures from the following video:

What is better for the employee?

When comparing these forms of additional earnings, the material benefit of remuneration is determined depending on the conditions of employment. Compensation for work at registration of part-time work is made according to the hours worked. The surcharge for combining is established by the employer and is reflected in the order. The amount is expressed as a percentage of the base salary. A surcharge in the form of a fixed amount is allowed.

Positive sides of the combination:

  • There is no need to spend extra time.
  • The amount of remuneration is fixed and is established by agreement of the parties. The amount of the surcharge is taken into account at and .
  • Early termination of obligations is allowed at the initiative of either party with a 3-day warning (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Collaboration advantages:

  • Providing paid leave or compensation upon dismissal.
  • Opportunity to receive bonuses for a combined position. Earnings are included in the calculation sick leave for the main work (calculated separately).
  • Management of remuneration by varying the number of shifts, output or part of the rate. The amount is limited to half the rate or salary indicated in the staff list for a vacant position. Payment of piecework earnings is made according to the actual result.

If the employee is satisfied with additional shifts and the opportunity to influence the schedule and remuneration, it is necessary to choose part-time employment, for people who do not want to go beyond the working day, combination is the most optimal form.

How to apply for them with the same employer

There are differences in the document flow when registering such employees.

Registration of internal part-timers

The employee is hired part-time with the conclusion of an employment contract. This agreement contains:

  • The provisions, rights, obligations and guarantees of an employee, similar to those concluded for the main job.
  • An indication of the performance of part-time duties.
  • For part-time work, the salary or rate is indicated, for piecework - output.

The agreement may either be of an indefinite nature, the term of which is determined by agreement of the parties. At the request of the employee, an entry about part-time employment is made in the work book.

When hiring, the following steps are taken:

  1. The employee submits an application addressed to the manager. The document indicates the desired part of the bet - half, third, quarter or otherwise.
  2. Part-time conditions are agreed with the employer.
  3. The personnel service of the enterprise issues an appointment order, and an agreement is drawn up with a joint signature of the parties. In the order and the contract, a note is made about the nature of the work.

If the terms of the agreement provide for work with valuables, an additional liability agreement is concluded.

Documents required for employment are not required. The personnel worker makes copies from the previously submitted forms. The dismissal of such an employee is carried out in the standard manner specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Arranging a combination of positions

The combination of the main position and additional duties is carried out on a voluntary basis and on the basis of an order. When applying, the following steps are taken:

  1. Providing a written statement from the employee. He must confirm the sufficiency of qualifications for the performance of duties.
  2. After agreeing on the issue, the employer issues an order for the employee to combine positions. The contract is not concluded.

The performance of new additional duties changes the terms of the employment contract. Based on the order, an additional written agreement is drawn up, providing for a change in the conditions (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The combination of positions in the work book is not reflected.

Who can't be styled like this

The legislation defines a circle of persons for whom part-time employment is not issued. Additional employment is not allowed:

  • Minor citizens.
  • Business leaders. Only external combination is allowed with the consent of the founders.
  • Persons whose main duties involve harmful or hazardous conditions labor, if part-time employment involves similar circumstances of work.
  • Employees whose duties are related to transport management.
  • State civil servants - employees of the police, prosecutors, judiciary and law firms.

Persons deprived of the right to apply for a part-time job are not limited in their ability to engage in scientific or research activities.

The nuances of part-time

There is a time limit for additional work. Within the working day, a duration limit is allowed no more than 4 hours. An employee can work additional hours after the end of the working day or on a day off established for the main position. Within a month processing is allowed within half the monthly norm.

The occurrence of circumstances that allow the suspension of the main work with a delay in the payment of wages, described in Art. 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, allows you to not comply with the time limit.

The fulfillment of the labor duties of a part-time worker gives the right to paid leave. The number of vacation days does not depend on the percentage of the rate and is determined in standard version(a year worked gives the right to receive 28 calendar days of rest).

Vacation is paid from and is provided simultaneously with rest at the main place of employment. Exceeding the number of vacation days for the main job is supplemented by days without pay for a part-time position.

Combination and part-time employment at the enterprise of the main employment is a legitimate option for increasing income. The amounts are included in the calculation of earnings for accrual of vacation, payment of a sick leave and when determining deductions to the FIU. Registration is carried out strictly taking into account the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.