We will move the gas pipes in the apartment with agreement. Transfer of the gas pipe in the apartment. How to draw up and agree on the transfer of a gas pipe. Sanitary norms and rules for the location of the gas supply system. Mandatory coordination with authorized bodies

Transfer gas pipe in an apartment is a very responsible matter, therefore, without the appropriate skills and training, it is not recommended to perform it on your own. The work of hired specialists, for sure, will cost a lot, however, the payment for your security will not be so big.

Let's consider some aspects and nuances of transferring a gas pipe so that you can roughly navigate this matter and be able to predict whether, for example, a pipe can be moved to one place or another in your apartment, or only to some specific one.

Description of the procedure for transferring a gas pipe in an apartment

Instructions for transferring the gas pipe

Transferring a gas pipe for a professional is a simple procedure and is performed as follows:

  1. The gas cock blocks the access of gas going to the apartment.
  2. The gas pipeline is purged in order to remove the remaining gases from it.
  3. At the junction with the gas pipeline, an unnecessary pipe is cut off and the resulting hole is welded.
  4. AT suitable place a hole is drilled and a branch from a metal pipe is welded to the main gas pipeline.
  5. A crane is mounted to the outlet and a tap is performed to the slab and, if necessary, to others. household appliances through threaded connections.

Household appliances are connected to the gas outlet by means of a flexible bellows hose no more than 2 m long. Perhaps this length will be enough so that the transfer of gas pipes in the apartment is not required.

  1. Before connecting appliances, installed gas cock and a new gas pipe welded joint check for leaks.

Working with gas requires a special permit, which is obtained by specialists who undergo an annual test to confirm their respective qualifications.

What to do if you need to move the gas pipe

Before you move the gas pipe in the apartment, you must contact the gas service organization at the place of residence and write a statement about the need to move the pipe.

A technician will arrive at your place of residence and inspect the conditions and say whether it is possible to move the gas pipe in your case, conduct necessary calculations and make an estimate. Sometimes it may be necessary to create a new technical plan premises, taking into account the ongoing transfer.

After payment for the call and work at the cash desk of the organization, the day of arrival of the masters will be appointed.

Upon arrival at the gas organization, at the same time ask them if they have certification for this type of work.

Such information must be provided upon request.

Upon arrival of specialists, verify their qualifications by checking the availability of certificates and the dates of the last recertifications, only after that allow them to perform work. After the transfer of the gas pipe is carried out, the gas workers are required to leave an act on the work done and make an appropriate mark in the gas passport of the premises.

SNIP rules for the location of the gas pipeline system in the premises

The distance of the gas pipeline laid in the floor or openly indoors, up to building structures, pipelines for other purposes ( , ) and technological equipment should be taken taking into account the possibility of inspection, repair and installation of the gas pipeline and the fittings installed on it.

At the same time, gas pipelines should not cross ventilation grilles, door and window openings.

Between the gas pipeline passing through the wall and the means of wired broadcasting and communication, the minimum distance is determined in accordance with the safety regulations provided for when working with cable lines wire broadcasting and communication.

Between the gas pipeline and power supply communications passing inside the premises, the minimum distance and the possibility of crossing are determined in accordance with the PUE.

Gas pipeline laying in residential buildings it is provided at a height of at least 2.2 m from the floor level and the bottom of the gas pipeline, if there is thermal insulation on the pipe () - to the bottom of the thermal insulation.

Fastening of openly laid gas pipelines to walls, ceilings and columns in buildings is carried out by means of brackets, hooks, clamps, hangers, etc. The distance between the gas pipeline fasteners must be determined in accordance with the requirements of SNIP No. 2.04.12-86.

The laying of a gas pipeline transporting wet gas assumes a slope of at least 3%.

If a meter is installed, then a slope must be provided from it.

The vertical gas pipeline at the intersection with the building structure must be laid in a case. The space between the case and the gas pipeline must be filled with tarred tow, rubber bushings or other kind of elastic material.

The end of the case should protrude at least 3 cm above the floor level, and its diameter should be taken from the calculation that there is an annular gap of at least 5 mm between the case and the gas pipeline with a pipe diameter of up to 32 mm, at least 10 mm - with larger diameter gas pipeline.

Indoor gas pipelines, including those laid in channels, require painting. Painting should be carried out using waterproof paint and varnish solutions.

Gas burners and gas appliances are usually connected to the gas pipeline by means of a rigid connection.

It must be remembered that in any case, when working with gas pipelines, there is a risk of accidents, therefore, if the transfer of a gas pipe in an apartment is planned only for the sake of increasing the ergonomics and attractiveness of the room, it is better to refuse it.

However, if you decide to such measures, it is better to carry out installation work with a minimum number of family members in the apartment.

You do not need to worry about turning off the gas at the riser, we will take care of this ourselves!

The price includes departure and necessary materials(pipes, fasteners, gaskets, seals, etc.). No surcharges and surcharges on the spot!

When ordering this service, a new gas valve as a gift!

An example of work in the kitchen to transfer a gas pipe branch under the countertop:

Prior to the transfer of the gas pipe, the crane was at a height of 1.5 m from the floor. When planning the kitchen, the gas outlet with a tap was in the wrong place.

After transferring the gas pipe, the faucet is located at a height of 78 cm from the floor, which fits into the norms of SNiP and is placed under the countertop.

Tip: If you decide to move the gas pipe in the kitchen under the countertop, when developing a kitchen project, immediately think about where to place the gas valve!
The gas valve should not be located in the washing area, in the box in which household appliances are located.
It is necessary to choose a free box with a width of at least 30-40 cm, in which case there will be no problems with the location of the gas valve.

Transferring the gas pipe under the countertop with two taps (for the oven):

Initially, the branch with a crane was located at the level kitchen apron and got a little on the top hinged box, which caused frustration. We chose a place under the countertop according to the kitchen plan - a free box with a hinged door, in which, as a result, two outlets were placed: for hob and oven.

Before the work, there was one crane, which was located above the countertop.

Two gas taps under the worktop (for the hob and oven).

Norms and rules for the location of gas pipes in the apartment

For execution quality installation or transfer of gas pipes must comply with the rules.

Violations that people are not even aware of, maybe a large number of(More than 100) !

To answer possible questions, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of them:

  • Connection denied gas appliance with multiple hoses, the hose must be solid;
  • Gas pipes and equipment are prohibited from being located in residential premises;
  • It is impossible to wall up gas pipes, laying in niches is not allowed. Gas pipes throughout must be accessible for inspection and maintenance;
  • Each gas appliance requires a separate gas cock. Before the tap, the gas pipeline must be without threaded connections;
  • Minimum Height location of horizontal sections of the gas pipe - 50 cm from the floor;
  • The pipeline must not cross electrical cable. The distance between them must be at least 10 cm at the intersection. (40 cm with parallel laying);
  • indoors with gas equipment there must be a door;
  • The gas valve must be in close proximity to the device, always in the same room;
  • Flexible eyeliner(hoses) are used only for connection from the faucet to the appliance. The hose must not cross the gas pipe;
  • Geyser can not be installed in the toilet;
  • The pipeline must not cross ventilation duct;
  • The gas valve must not be directly above the stove (hot zone).

. This is due to the safety of the premises and the people living in it, the slightest violation will cause an explosion and fire. Therefore, according to the laws, pipes in an apartment can only be carried out by a specialist from the relevant organization.

Self transfer gas pipes are strictly prohibited - this is fraught with gas leaks. This operation must only be made by a licensed professional

Procedure, or where to start moving gas pipes in an apartment: price, approval, project

  • Contact the organization that monitors the gas facilities at the place of residence. In the application, indicate the address and the reason for the transfer.
  • The organization sends a specialist who, on the basis of the “Safety Rules in gas industry"and" SNiP 2.04.08 - 87 "will make a decision on the possibility or impossibility of moving the gas pipe to a new location.
  • If the work is allowed, the employee technical service will provide a calculation of the cost of work and a plan according to which the reinstallation of the gas pipe in the apartment will be carried out. The cost of work depends on the complexity and pricing in the gas supply services of a particular region.

Significant costs will be brought by the coordination, the cost technical work may be much less.

Therefore, there is always a temptation to turn to third-party organizations or to the covens. Should not be doing that.

Unauthorized transfer of a gas pipe, even if it is carried out according to the rules and regulations, threatens with trouble in the future. When gas workers notice such initiative, a fine and an order for dismantling or coordination will be issued in without fail. It will not be possible to hide the changes either, preventive inspection of the gas pipeline is carried out regularly.

The technology of work on the transfer of communications in the kitchen, plot, in the house: is it possible to do the transfer without authorization or do you need permission

Specialists will carry out the installation of the gas pipeline, but it will not be superfluous for the owner of the apartment to understand the procedure by which the work is carried out. This will help to calculate the time and check the correct installation. No matter how competent technical specialists are, mistakes are always possible. The technology is something like this:

  1. Shut off the pipeline. It is very good if the tap is in the apartment, most often it happens. In the event of a need to shut off consumers, utility workers are required to warn everyone about interruptions in gas supply.
  2. Rid the network of the remnants of combustible substances. To do this, the pipe is thoroughly blown.
  3. Cut off an unnecessary section, weld a hole. A hole is drilled in the place of the desired branch and a branch is attached.
  4. The thread is cut and the crane is mounted.
  5. The pipe is attached to the wall with brackets and clamps.
    Bracket for fixing pipes to the wall
  6. To consumers such as gas stove and gas heater, it is allowed to connect to the line with a flexible hose. In this case, the length of the hose should not exceed 80 cm.
  7. After connecting all consumers, when the laying of the gas pipeline is completed, the gas supply is resumed.
  8. The most responsible stage. It is required to check the tightness of the connections. The technology of this stage is simple and has not changed for decades. all connections and possible morning spots. The absence of bubbles indicates that the alteration of the gas wiring was successful.

After completing all the manipulations, the technical specialists must draw up an act of work performed, in the gas passport of the room it is necessary to describe the changes and make appropriate notes. The transfer of the gas pipe in the apartment should be carried out only by specialists.

Before admission to work, the homeowner must verify the qualifications of the gas workers. Each of them annually undergoes re-certification, information about which is provided at the request of residents. Many people will be able to digest a gas pipe in an apartment, the main thing is that it be done correctly and without negative consequences.

Technical requirements for the installation of a gas pipeline: welding

How to understand whether it is possible to realize the planned design of the room? To do this, you need to know the basic rules of gasification.

  • It is forbidden to cross window openings, ventilation and doors with the highway.
  • The distance between the gas pipeline and electrical communications must be at least 25 cm, switch box should not be closer than 50 cm.
  • In residential buildings, in rooms with sloping ceilings of at least 200 mm;
  • The rules allow a flexible hose to be connected to it. It can be a fabric rubber hose, a metal braided rubber hose or a metal bellows hose. Sleeve diameter not less than 10 mm.
  • It is not allowed to install boilers in the bathroom. Moist air creates an effect reverse thrust, and the room is filled with carbon monoxide in a matter of seconds.
  • The distance between the stove and be at least one meter, the distance from the gas pipe to the stove is at least 80 cm.
  • The gas pipeline must be laid with a slope of at least 3%. The slope must be done after the gas consumption meters.
  • Counters are installed at a distance of at least 80 cm from the stove or heating equipment, and not lower than 160 cm from the floor. Unless otherwise provided by the manufacturer, carry out the transfer of the kitchen as indicated in the instructions for the counter.
  • It is forbidden to lay the pipeline in the ventilation. To do this, a separate hole is punched in the wall.
  • There must be unhindered access to communications. You can even put them in strobes, if you provide for the ability to easily remove the cover.
  • In case of emergency, you can transfer the gas riser in the apartment. But this will require financial investments, you will have to turn off the gas supply in the apartments of your neighbors and prove to special organizations the need for such actions.


It can be moved, but there are other ways to update the design of the room. This is the disguise of communications in plasterboard boxes, furniture cases and cabinets, as well as decorating pipes for the interior. Each owner chooses which option is closer to him. The transfer of the gas pipe must be carried out in accordance with all safety regulations.

When there is a desire to make a grand repair in an apartment or a small rearrangement, many questions arise. We instantly find answers to some of them and can confidently say that this is correct. Others, on the contrary, force us to look for answers in additional sources of information. It can be expert advice or instructional articles on the Internet. One of these topics is the transfer of a gas pipe in an apartment. In this article, we will consider this seemingly unsolvable problem. It should be borne in mind that the installation of gas pipes in an apartment is a step that requires considerable responsibility and a lot of knowledge. Therefore, only a specialist can carry out this venture.

Mandatory coordination with authorized bodies

Is approval required to replace a gas pipeline? Answer: yes, of course. An important milestone on the way to installation work is the agreement. Do you live in apartment building or private, you must notify the gas service in your city.

The process of approval for the transfer of a gas pipe in an apartment:

Step 1. It is necessary to contact the gas distribution service of the area in which you live and where, directly, you want to move the gas pipe.

Step 2. After consulting with the service worker, you will be asked to write a statement.

Step 3. After the application is considered, the date for the arrival of specialists to conduct necessary calculations. It is they who will determine whether it is possible to move the gas pipe in the apartment. The decision is made in a short period of time. And the main criterion for a positive verdict is compliance with safety requirements.

Step 4. After a positive response, the workers proceed to the transfer of the gas pipe for a fee agreed with you.

One of the initial steps has been completed. Here, by the way, the owners and specialists have already usually drawn up a specific redevelopment plan with requirements met security.

General requirements of SNiP

Transfer methods in the apartment of the gas riser must comply with the provisions normative document SNiP. Let's consider the main ones:

  • The distance from gas pipelines to other pipelines should be sufficient to allow future inspection of technical structures, repair or complete modification of structures.
  • The distance from the slab to the walls must be calculated in such a way as to comply with safety regulations.
  • The slope is not less than 3% when the gas pipeline is located with wet gas.
  • Gas pipelines located indoors or in channels must be painted with waterproof paint and varnish.
  • The walls and ceiling must be plastered or they must be lined with metal sheets in advance.
  • The location of the gas pipe wiring in the apartment is another important factor successful completion of what has been started. In no case should they cross door or window openings.

These are perhaps the most important points of general requirements SNiP. For more information, you should read complete list regulatory requirements.

Transfer or replacement: stages of implementation

skilled worker gas service must carry out all subsequent actions exclusively in compliance with safety regulations. Whether it is cutting a gas pipe in an apartment or moving a gas valve in an apartment - all this should never be done on your own. In order to make sure that the representative of the gas service does everything strictly according to the requirements, you must also be aware of the next steps, possible obstacles, and competent actions.

Preparing to work with pipes

In order to avoid accidents or unforeseen situations, the pipe layout plan is discussed again. Before the arrival of specialists, it is necessary to immediately clear the territory of unnecessary items in order to speed up the process. Furniture and household appliances it is better to cover them with non-combustible material that can protect them from welding sparks and other mechanical or chemical damage.

Representatives of the organization bring equipment with them: pipes, tools, etc. expendable materials(if they are included in the cost of services). It is better to find out about this at the conclusion of the contract. Immediately check with a specialist about the need to purchase flexible hoses. They are used to connect the stove.

IMPORTANT! Before starting work, gas access is blocked and the gas pipeline is purged to remove the remaining contents from it.

Dismantling of the old structure

Depending on the side of the room to which you want to redirect the structure, the craftsmen measure the dimensions of all passages in the kitchen and calculate the required dimensions of new pipes. This is a very important part of the work, which requires not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical. Therefore, when choosing an employee Special attention make sure you have the appropriate certification. After all, it is issued strictly after passing special courses.

Dismantling and installation consist of the following steps:

  • The unnecessary part of the gas pipe is cut off, then the hole is welded.
  • In the place where it is planned to connect a new branch of the gas pipe, a hole is drilled on the riser.
  • Welded to the created hole new pipe, at the end of which a shut-off valve is installed .
  • Further, an input is connected to this structure. gas meter.
  • Now you can connect all the necessary household items to the gas pipeline using flexible hoses.

These are one of the main steps that require attention and accurate calculation pipe size.

Wiring options

It is known that the uneven arrangement of pipes is strictly prohibited. They are placed parallel to the ceiling or walls. Therefore, the options for changing the wiring always include the possibility of laying down from the riser.

The main requirements that must be met when changing direction:

  • All covering elements must not be firmly fixed;
  • It is strictly forbidden to lay a gas pipeline through door or window openings;
  • The length of flexible hoses must not exceed 3 m;
  • The transition of pipes through the walls is carried out using sleeves.

Welding of metal pipes

Fastening by welding is another main requirement of SNiP. Since welding carries the possibility of causing harm to health, the employee is obliged to use glasses, gloves and overalls when working.

After some sections of the structure have been welded, they can be treated with a waterproof paint and varnish coating. This will give them not only an anti-corrosion property, but also an aesthetic appearance. Wherein color shade paints you can choose depending on the overall finish of the kitchen.

Using bellows hoses

AT modern world it became possible to install gas pipes using a flexible transition. Bellows hose is a durable material, which is characterized by unique properties. Namely:

  • tightness;
  • Elasticity;
  • Resistance to chemical/mechanical damage;
  • Strong structure.

Many began to give their preference to bellows hoses, but do not forget that SNiP controls the length of use of such material - no more than 3 meters.

The final stage

After all the work done, the gas supply is turned on. Before this, the master checks new installations for gas leaks. If there is no cause for concern, the work is considered finished.

The repair time is not long, but vice versa. Therefore, you will see the desired reinstallation in your kitchen in the near future.

Measures to transfer the pipe supplying gas to your apartment are classified as especially dangerous and must be carried out by representatives of the gas service of the region. Despite the costs associated with such a transfer, you should not even try to do it yourself. First of all, you need to think about the risks that you may expose yourself, your family members and the entire residential building as a whole. With all that said, the cost of moving a gas pipe in an apartment will not seem too high to you.

This article discusses some of the nuances of transferring pipes, after reading which you will get at least some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe order of operations performed during this. This is done so that you can control the work of specialists in accordance with your wishes for the transfer.

Organization of the process

Immediately before starting work, you should contact local branch Gorgaz and write an application for the transfer of pipes. At your request, a specialist should come and conduct technical expertise. Based on the results of the survey, a conclusion is prepared, which includes the following conclusions and data:

  • is it possible at all to transfer the gas pipe in your case;
  • what materials will be required for these activities;
  • approximate costs (estimate).

The specialists you called must have a certificate of the established form with permission to work with gas. Upon completion of all installation operations, "gas workers" must draw up an act on the work performed and make an appropriate entry in the gas passport.

Procedure for transferring gas pipes

The order of operations performed by specialists when transferring gas pipes usually looks like this:

  1. First of all, with the help of a valve, the gas supply channel to the apartment is blocked.
  2. After that, the gas pipeline is purged, which allows removing gas residues from it.
  3. In the place allocated for connection, the remains of the unnecessary pipeline are cut off and welded “tightly”.
  4. Then, in the place of the main line intended for connection, a hole is prepared, to which a branch from gas stove. (A valve must be built into the resulting outlet, through which the gas flow is shut off).
  5. Immediately prior to connecting the cooker, the built-in gas cock and welded joint must be tested for leaks.

AT individual cases to connect the gas stove to the outlet, a special flexible hose not more than 2 meters long.

piping requirements

When laying gas pipes in domestic premises, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The distance from the gas pipeline to any building structures (sewer or water mains, for example) should be selected taking into account that free access is provided to them.
  2. Gas lines must not be laid over doors and window openings and ventilation grilles.
  3. The minimum distance between the gas pipelines built into the wall and the electrical communication lines already in the apartment must comply with the requirements of the PUE.
  4. The laying of a gas pipeline line in the municipal and private residential sectors should be carried out at a height not lower than 2.4 meters from the floor level.
  5. Openly laid gas pipelines must be fastened to the walls, ceilings or other structures using hooks, brackets or special clamps with a pitch set by the requirements of SNiP.
  6. Installation of gas pipelines with so-called "wet" gas must be carried out with a slope of at least 3.5%. (if there is a gas meter in the line, you can enter the slope immediately after it).
  7. The vertical lines of the gas pipeline at the points of their intersection with any structures should be placed in a special case. The gap formed between the pipes and the case must be filled with rubber sheets, tarred tow or other elastic material.
  8. The end part of such a fence should be at least 3 cm from the floor level, and its diameter is chosen so that a gap of at least 5-10 millimeters remains between the pipe and the case.

Gas pipelines located within enclosed spaces (including those laid in cases) must be processed protective layer paints. As protective coating most commonly used waterproof lacquer dyes. After the transfer of the gas pipe in the apartment, all consumers connected to the main line are usually connected by forming a rigid connection with them.

A photo