How to transform a table Restoring a round table. Protective coating

Has old furniture lost its former luster? I'm tired, but it's a pity to throw it away? All this is fixable: you can improve the appearance so that no one will think that the furniture is many years old. Do-it-yourself furniture restoration is hard work. But you don't have to do anything super complicated. Some methods are so simple that everyone can do it (we are not talking about antiques, of course).

Restoration of wooden surfaces

No matter how carefully the furniture is handled, scuffs, scratches, stains still occur. They are easy to eliminate. The main thing is to know how and why.

Restoring the polish

Restoring a layer of varnish is a difficult task. Any restoration of furniture begins with cleaning and degreasing and repairing the varnish coating too. We use dish detergent diluted in water: safe and reliable. After drying, we proceed to update the polishing.

You can simply refresh the faded polish on the furniture with mixtures prepared by yourself:

  1. Two parts of linseed oil and turpentine and a part of vinegar. Everything is mixed, applied with a swab, wait until it is absorbed and polished.
  2. Mix oil and beer in equal parts and wipe the furniture with this composition. Rub after soaking.
  3. A more shiny surface will be if the beer is boiled with a piece of wax, cooled and applied slightly warm to the furniture. When the composition is absorbed, the surface is rubbed to a shine.

More recipes in the video.

How to remove polish from furniture

Quite often you have to remove the polishing: this is not the most fashionable finish. Modern furniture is most often painted with opaque or tinted paints, and the surface is matte. In any case, you need to remove the polish. There are several ways. Since varnishes are different in composition, you have to select empirically. But one of the methods should work.

How to paint polished furniture

If the old furniture was being prepared for painting, it must be cleaned of dust, wiped with a damp cloth and allowed to dry. After leveling everything with putty, smooth out all the bumps, wait until it dries. Take sandpaper and sand again, first with medium, then with fine grain. Next, apply a layer of primer and wait for it to dry.

The primer is bought for the paint that is going to be used, or the paint can be diluted with a compatible solvent and covered instead of primer. After drying, you can paint.

You can paint with a roller or brush. Usually several coats are needed: do not try to apply a lot of paint at once, as streaks may appear. It is better to apply several thin layers. So the surface will be smooth and uniform. Another trick: for uniform coloring, layers are applied in different directions - along, then across. This also applies to the application of varnish.

Some varnishes are easier to work with when they are warm. They are slightly heated and then applied with a spray gun or brush. When warming up, you need to be careful: vapors can flare up.

In order of staining: first, the inner surfaces, edges and joints are painted, then they move on to the outer ones. With this sequence, there is less chance of getting dirty or touching the already painted surface, ruining it.

If the varnish coating is even, without defects, and it needs to be painted over, you can do without removing this layer. There are special primers for difficult surfaces. Coat the surface with them, and paint after drying. They have components that penetrate even the varnish layer. Therefore, the paint will be applied well and hold on for a long time. But such soils have a minus: they are expensive. But they do save a lot of time.

Some secrets of wood coloring (including brushing and coloring in two colors) are in the article "". See the video for a few secrets of even application of acrylic paint.

If the restoration did not bring the expected result, maybe you need to change the appearance? How

How to restore veneer

Veneered furniture requires a special approach. The means are basically the same, the methods are different. For example, if after hitting the veneer is swollen, draw PVA glue into a disposable syringe, pierce the bubble, and inject glue into the cavity. Lay a piece of dense fabric on top and put a load. If the surface is uneven (convex or concave), a bag of dense fabric with heated sand is used as a load.

If the veneer is glued to alcohol glue, you can return the swollen part to its place by ironing it through a rag with a hot iron. But do not overheat the iron: the veneer can stretch. The degree of heating is medium.

If ironing through a dry cloth does not help, try again with a damp cloth (wet and wring it out well). There is a chance that the wood will swell and become more elastic. To securely fix the swelling, you can introduce PVA there, and then heat it with an iron.

If the swelling is cracked, you can also try to seal it with heating (through a rag). If it does not work, tear off the exfoliated piece. You don’t cut off, but rather break off: on the veneer, the fractures after restoration are less noticeable than the cuts. Therefore, you break off the lagging piece. Old glue is removed from the damaged area and a piece of veneer (with sandpaper or nail files, depending on the size). Further, the repair of veneer on furniture is standard: they smeared it with PVA glue, laid it, aligning the fault lines, laid a thick fabric on top and put the load to dry.

Scratches and traces of restoration on veneer are removed in the same way as on wood: they are painted over with a furniture marker of a suitable shade. If the scratch is deep, a little molten wax for furniture restoration is applied to it (with a spatula). After drying, the wax is rubbed, if necessary, fine-grained sandpaper is used, but after such processing, the restored piece is covered with a layer of varnish.

Do-it-yourself furniture restoration requires patience and accuracy. We have to act gradually and methodically: smeared, waiting for drying, leveled, smeared again, etc. Sometimes you have to try several methods: the damage is different, as are the materials used in the manufacture (glue, varnishes, etc.). But as a result, the furniture will look much better.

Do not rush to throw out the old table. It has served you for many years and will continue to serve you if you give it a little attention.

The table can be decorated in such a way that it will compete with any designer item.

New life can be breathed in using completely different ways and techniques.

Consider the most common methods.

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Ways to transform the table

  • painting;
  • veneering (pasting an old wooden surface with veneer);
  • pasting with self-adhesive film;
  • (application of the table with drawings from napkins, rice or banana paper);
  • tiling;
  • table painting using a stencil (through a fabric, paper or plastic stencil);
  • decor with potali (foil, which is glued in the form of a pattern).

Some of the decoration methods we will consider in this article in a little more detail. In addition, you can turn an old table into a modern and original design element using an ordinary LED strip. will perfectly fit into any interior.

Materials and tools

To return the old table to its former beauty, we need the following:
  • Sander;
  • paint for wood;
  • impregnation;
  • primer roller;
  • varnish (colored or colorless);
  • brushes for each type of coating.

As well as personal protective equipment:

  • protective glasses;
  • respirator;
  • work gloves.


Step 1. First you need to inspect the table for breakages, cracks, scratches. If there are breakdowns, they must be repaired. We check all the bolts on the legs and countertop, tighten them.
The best option would be to disassemble the table in detail, clean it of dirt and dust, then reassemble it. You can add glue to all attachment points and wait until it dries (at least 15 hours).

Step 2 Next, you need to grind the table with a machine or sand it manually. This allows you to identify all the problem areas that were not visible before.
Removing old paint and varnish is a very laborious and long process. We clean the surface with fine-grained and medium-grained sandpaper.

Note! Wood should be sanded along the grain. Improper processing results in hard-to-remove defects.

Step 3 All identified cracks and deep scratches must be repaired with. Dry patches completely. Next, we clean and grind the surface again.

Step 4 Degrease the table with acetone and prime its surface. For this, a universal primer is suitable. Instead of impregnation, we prime the countertop 2-3 times, completely drying each layer.

Step 5 Sand the surface of the table again.

Step 6 If the countertop does not have scratches, chips and cracks, you can treat it with a water-repellent impregnation and cover it with several layers of stain or varnish. This will give a unique effect of fresh wood.

Step 7 If the surface condition is unimportant or the subsequent decoration of the table is planned, it is necessary to paint it. Choose a water-based paint. We apply with a large brush (it is better if it is not painting, but artistic). When the paint dries, apply the second layer. Application should be quick, short strokes, thin layers. We dry the table for at least 4 days.

Note! Dark paint should be applied in two or three layers to avoid light gaps.

Table top decoration


Painting is one of the most popular techniques for decorating interiors and household items. There are several options for painting furniture: art painting with a thin brush, painting through a stencil (template), painting with stamps.

For a glass tabletop, an excellent solution is bright and airy painting with stained glass paints.

The painting looks very beautiful with the help of tulle or any other lace. To apply an openwork pattern to the surface of the table, you need to attach the tulle to the tabletop (preferably fix it with tape on the back side).

We paint the table in the same way as through a regular stencil, using a sponge, roller or spray paint. We select the color of the enamel contrasting with the color of the surface.

Note! Painting is applied to the glass top from the inside, the front side remains smooth.


With tile glue, first lay out the frame elements of the mosaic. We try to make the most identical seams. Then, from the center of the table, we begin to lay out the tiles (or pieces of tiles). An interesting solution would be laying tiles of different colors. From above the tile is covered with a special grout. To prevent the ends of the tiles from being visible, you can attach plastic corners along the edges of the table in the color of the grout for the tiles.

In the mosaic technique, you can use not only tiles, but also other materials and a wide variety of objects - shells , pebbles, glass pieces, egg shells, etc.


Potal is the thinnest sheets of various metal alloys that are used to imitate any surface under gold, bronze or silver. The gilding technique is often used in furniture decoration along with other decorative techniques.

To begin with, we draw a stencil on which the potal will be glued. Then we apply glue on it with a thin brush.

Sweat sheets are carefully applied to the glue. With a soft brush, carefully remove unnecessary parts of the sheet.

The thicker the brush with which we apply the glue, the thicker the sweat pattern will be.

Note! Particles of sweat sheets left over from decorating the countertop can be collected and reused as a powder.

Painting in different colors

To begin with, the countertop is completely covered with one color. After drying, it is necessary to stick masking tape, creating a stencil for other colors from it.

With the help of a roller or brush, all other colors are applied one after the other. After that, the masking tape is removed.

On a colored background, you can draw or stick various pictures.

Finally, the table must be covered with two layers of clear varnish. This will add strength to the decor and protect it from external influences. Lacquer can be taken glossy or matte.

How to restore an old table with veneering, see the video:

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Furniture, which is varnished, is returned to use. After all, lacquered products look rich, and give originality and solidity to the interior. Although, what to prevaricate, her surface is quite problematic. It can be easily damaged. A very common defect is the occurrence of scratches. You should not immediately get rid of the damaged table, but you should try to restore it. You can entrust this process to master restorers or try to restore a lacquered table with your own hands.

Restoration technique

Let's figure out how to restore a varnished table by the restoration method. This is one of the best ways to bring back a dignified look to a lacquered table. For example, to eliminate scratches, it is necessary to remove a layer of varnish on defective places, and then apply a new one. This method is quite effective and allows you to get rid of any scratches. But not only scratches are a problem for lacquered furniture. The next disadvantage that may appear over time is the darkening of the varnished surface. As a result of clouding of the surface of the tabletop, the appearance of the table begins to lose significantly in relation to other furniture. Such a defect is corrected in a similar way: removing the old layer of varnish and re-applying a new one. This method is quite simple, and it is quite possible to varnish the old table with your own hands.

The sequence of restoration work

You can update an old lacquered table in several stages. But first you should prepare some tools and materials and think about your safety. So, let's get acquainted in detail with the algorithm for performing work on the restoration of a varnished table.

Determining the degree of wear

Before restoring the varnish on the table, you should initially assess the degree of defects formed.

Choosing a material

The question arises how to remove the varnish from the table. To ensure the quality of the restoration, it is necessary to choose the right materials. Many believe that problem areas can be removed with alcohol. In some cases, minor defects can indeed be applied with alcohol, but unforeseen consequences may occur, such as roughness, light areas, and so on. Therefore, we will focus on specialized materials that will be good helpers for beginners.

  • Shellac polish. Such material not only helps to restore the surface, but emphasize its originality. This is one of the oldest and most proven materials. The consistency of the polish is more like a liquid than a varnish. To achieve a high-quality result, this composition is applied about 50 - 60 layers. It is because of this that the original deep color is achieved. This is a very good option that will allow you to remove scratches on a varnished table.
  • Nitrocellulose varnish. This solution is used to restore large surfaces of the table. For its application, sprayers are used, which provide a very fast and uniform spray. At a lower speed, the droplets of the solution begin to solidify, and it will be quite difficult to achieve the desired effect of a smooth and uniform surface. That is why the use of standard spray guns is not recommended, which additionally form air bubbles, which are almost impossible to get rid of.
  • Pentaphthal varnish. This is an ideal material for the restoration of the table, as it is quite easy to work with. It does not require special devices for application and dries fairly quickly. Apply it in at least 4 layers. It is possible to exclude the purchase of primer solutions, since the first layer of pentaphthalic varnish will act as a primer. After applying the composition and its complete drying, grinding should be done.

After you have decided on the choice of the restoration composition, you need to pay attention to such a moment as the definition of color. You can use a colorless varnish, or you can purchase a varnish that mimics the color of any wood. In the second case, it is necessary to correctly determine the tone of the varnish.

Step-by-step instruction

Here are detailed instructions that will answer the question of how to properly varnish a wooden table. It consists of several stages:

  • The preparatory stage consists of the following aspects:
  • the surface of the table is thoroughly cleaned with a specialized composition or with ordinary warm water;
  • remove the damaged layer with a scraper;
  • we begin to grind the surface with sandpaper until it becomes dull;
  • clean the surface from dust.
  • Applying water-based varnish:
  • the surface is covered with several layers of water-based varnish;
  • each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried;
  • after the last layer is completely dry, we perform surface grinding;
  • clean the surface from dust.
  • Performing work with acrylic-based varnish:
  • initially we choose a varnish that matches the surface of the table in terms of shade and gloss;
  • diluting the varnish by 15% with white spirit, we prime the surface;
  • after the primer layer has dried, we perform intermediate grinding;
  • we cover the surface of the table with undiluted varnish in several layers, allowing the previous layer to dry first;
  • We perform surface polishing.
  • Please note that after applying all layers to give the surface a glossy sheen, the surface should be sanded.

By following all the recommendations, you can get a very high quality varnished surface. It is clear that in order to get decent quality, you should use an airbrush. Below is a translated video on varnishing the table and gives useful tips for restoration.


Have you inherited a furniture set from the beginning of the last century, or is there dusty chairs and chests of drawers in the house that you are sorry to part with? Congratulations! You have the opportunity, and most importantly, the right texture to update old furniture and interiors at minimal cost, thereby transforming your home. You only need a couple of hours and a small set of repair materials. With their help and with the desire to create, you can achieve great results easily and quickly!

Before starting work, you need to prepare the necessary materials. In order to update old furniture, it is convenient to use paint in cylinders. In this case, you will only need a few aerosols of the desired shades. There is no need to purchase rollers of different sizes, numerous brushes and thinner. So, before we start painting, we carry out preparatory work. This stage cannot be neglected, because the quality of painting and its durability largely depend on it.

  1. First of all, we clean the surface that we will paint from dirt and dust, after which we wipe it dry.
  2. We process with sandpaper varnished furniture.
  3. Before painting, it is desirable to cover the surface with a special primer. In this way, we will achieve the best adhesion of the paint to the coating.
  4. We cover the area that we do not want to paint with old newspapers or plastic wrap, and also protect the surrounding area from excess paint when spraying it.
  5. We use painter's tape to seal parts of the furniture that cannot be painted, as well as to obtain a smooth edge of the area to be painted.
  6. We protect our hands with gloves.
  7. Shake the bottle vigorously for several minutes before using. Spraying is carried out from a distance of 25–30 cm from the surface to be painted.
  8. Designers advise boldly using bright contrasting shades, decorating the surface with drawings, as well as decorative elements, colored film and various moldings. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize, be creative and implement your most unusual ideas!

Well, a selection of our photos will help you look at old furniture in a new way!

1. In order to turn an old dark chest of drawers into an original dressing table, it is enough to update it with bright paint. You can purchase new handles for doors and drawers, or you can clean the finish of old ones with a special metal cleaner.

2. New interior design is not a reason to replace furniture. With the help of paint, you can change the shade of a table or chest of drawers, perfectly fitting them into the surroundings. By pasting the area around the moldings with masking tape, you can easily paint them in the desired color. In this case, golden trims and handles perfectly decorate the white chest of drawers.

3. A dull, unsightly chest of drawers that you would like to push into the darkest corner in the country can become a real decoration of the living room. To do this, all its elements are painted with white paint. Gray moldings will perfectly highlight the drawers and contrast with the main color. The color composition will be complemented by original silver handles.

4. Wood is an excellent texture for creating decorative effects. This chest of drawers was painted white, after which the drawers were pasted over with colored film and highlighted with moldings. The new fittings complete the composition, renovating the old furniture and making it the perfect addition to the light-coloured interior.

5. Do not rush to get rid of the battered desk. The white shade will refresh and allow you to update old furniture. And with the help of masking tape, you can experiment and create a pattern on the boxes that will help fit the table into the environment. In this case, the color shades of the drawers are ideally combined with the decorative shelves on the table top.

6. An old cabinet can be repainted white in an hour and a half and creatively decorate its door with black squares. We process the internal space with an aerosol can with yellow paint. Unusual handles will perfectly complement the new image of your pedestal, which will decorate the hallway.

7. An old Soviet-era lacquered nightstand gets an updated look with two contrasting hues. Their bold combination is perfectly complemented by thin moldings painted with golden paint. The handles on the doors are processed in the same way.

8. In order to update an old grandmother's chest of drawers, you can paint its frame white and make the drawers gray. Then, using a stencil and white paint, we create a magnificent openwork effect on them. New accessories complete the look. By the way, the drawers can be swapped, after which your family will definitely decide that you have purchased new furniture!

9. You can make a great serving table out of an old cabinet. Spray paint will help create smooth color transitions that look spectacular through a combination of contrasting shades. A minimum of work - and such a great result!

10. The updated chest of drawers organically combines light and dark shades. With the help of masking tape, an original decorative element was created on the boxes. The fittings look like new after applying golden paint.

11. Using stencils, you can easily update old furniture, making it fashionable and stylish. This chest of drawers with the original drawing of the ship will now decorate the nursery. Contrasting color combinations look great here.

12. Old wooden chairs can be easily restored by painting the frame with bright paint and replacing the seat upholstery. In this case, the yellow paint is in perfect harmony with the golden pattern of the fabric. Original, practical and inexpensive!

13. You can make a bright designer chair! We paint the frame of the ancient exhibit with bright paint, change the upholstery of the seat and make striped covers to match the main shades. A small contrast pad - and the harmonious look is complete!

14. Here is such a creative coffee table can be made using a stencil. First, we paint the entire structure with white paint, wait for it to dry completely, and then apply the stencil to the countertop and spray a bright blue tint. The new table is ready and fits perfectly into the interior!

15. A shabby wooden chest of drawers is a great opportunity to create something special with your own hands. Bright sunny hues, interesting color combinations and new fittings will help to update old furniture and turn it into an original decoration for your bedroom.

16. An excellent solution: the green drawers of the chest of drawers are visually highlighted with the help of thin moldings painted in white. Using painter's tape, it's easy and simple to paint delicate furniture parts in the color you want. New handles on the drawers complete the attractive look of the chest of drawers.

17. The old bedside table has been changed beyond recognition with the help of bright green paint and a decorative film that covered the tabletop. Used old hardware - it was removed and painted black. Stunning decoration of the original interior!

18. Skillful hands turned the old bed into a small sofa, while its headboard became its back! The structure is painted white, the seat is upholstered in an attractive fabric, and cute cushions complete the new look.

19. From an old grandmother's chest of drawers, an elegant dressing table for a modern bedroom turned out. Delicate pastel colors are complemented by an original pattern of decorative film, which is pasted over the doors. Updating old furniture can be very easy, getting great results with minimal effort!

20. A section of an old Soviet slide has been turned into a great storage cabinet. The base is painted white, the doors are pasted over with a decorative film of pleasant colors and decorated with new fittings. Simple solutions - and global restoration!

21. If you can draw, you can decorate the white dresser drawers with bright designs or intricate designs. To create them, choose colors that match the shades of the interior.

22. This folding table is given a makeover with yellow paint and an original pattern on the top. Using stencils, you can create a variety of color compositions that will perfectly fit your updated furniture into the environment.

23. An old shabby desk began to look stylish and modern. Unusually designed legs give it a graceful look, and light colors refresh and renew.

24. Updating old furniture, or rather this bedside table, is easy and simple. It is enough to cover it with white paint, and draw a pattern on the doors with an ordinary marker with a thick pen, and then fix the result with a colorless varnish. You can complete the work by installing new fittings. After all, manufacturers today offer a huge variety of handles and loops of all shapes, colors and sizes.

25. If you don't like your new coffee table, go get some paint! With the help of aerosol cans, we change the color of the frame - and now the updated piece of furniture pleases the eye.

26. After painting with bright colors, this garden group looks fresh and festive. A combination of contrasting shades looks advantageous, as well as bold accents created using multi-colored pads. Such garden furniture can decorate any terrace.

27. We clean the surface of the old chest of drawers with sandpaper, removing the peeling varnish. After that, we apply a primer and cover with paint. In our case, the old fittings only emphasize the vintage style of the updated piece of furniture. Fashionable, creative and tasteful!

28. With the help of paint, you can update old furniture and combine a table and chairs from different groups into a single composition. We paint the table white, and we cover the seats of the chairs with a white cloth. Fresh furniture pleases the eye!

29. Wanted something new? The kitchen cabinet can be changed beyond recognition by repainting its frame and drawers in one color, and the countertop in another, as well as installing new handles. Feel free to experiment with colors and accessories!

30. Do not rush to send the old Soviet-era table-book to the landfill. With the help of stencils and paint, you can create a fancy pattern on the furniture, after which you won’t even need a tablecloth on such a table.

31. Children's furniture should be bright and attractive! You can update old furniture and create a unique interior with your child by painting the table and chairs. Add more colors and contrasting combinations, entertaining patterns and patterns. At such a table, your baby will sit with great pleasure.

32. Old chairs will look like new after painting and reupholstering. Minimum effort and great results!

33. This shabby stool began to look bright and fresh. Pleasant contrasting shades allow you to update old furniture, creating its new image. A comfortable and practical stool will become a real decoration of the kitchen or dining room.

34. And this is how you can update a stool for a nursery. With the help of bright shades of paint, old and shabby furniture has become fashionable and creative. Agree, such a beautiful stool - a place in the new nursery!

35. White interior color is one of the newfangled modern trends. Light furniture looks light and elegant. At the same time, there is no need to spend significant funds - you can update the chest of drawers with high-quality paint with your own hands, making it an effective element of a fashionable interior.

36. Antique mirror frame after painting will look like new. A spectacular shade will help her regain her former chic, and you - to refresh the interior!

37. Color accents are very important for creating a modern interior. You can decorate the room in two primary colors, and the third - to emphasize the details. To give objects the desired shade, say golden, paint in spray cans will help.

38. 39, 40. Bright doors will become a real decoration of the interior, emphasizing the excellent taste of its owners. Using masking tape and high-quality spray paint, you can give the canvas and door frame any, even the most daring shade, as well as create a spectacular combination of contrasting colors.

41. Feel free to experiment with contrasting shades! Such furniture will be a reflection of your individuality and creativity.

42, 43, 44. Bright colors, interesting combinations of shades, new fittings - and a shabby chest of drawers is unrecognizable! Updating old furniture is easy and simple with the help of spray paint. The point is small - choose colors, add fantasy and create the interior of your dreams!

45. Designers do not have the concept of "outdated furniture" - only vintage, which means it is certainly fashionable! Add fresh shades - and create an original interior!

46. Masking tape will help you create creative geometric compositions on your furniture. Add accessories to the tone of the selected shades - and enjoy the new image of your home!

47. Bright, bold shades will transform old furniture, which in turn will refresh the room and fill it with inspiration. After all, after painting a shabby table, you will want to change everything around!

48. You can paint the rack on the outside in one color, and its interior in another. It will turn out bright, bold and original!

49. With the help of spray paint and your imagination, you can easily and easily update old garden furniture. The most unexpected decision is sometimes the right one. Choose a creative way to create original garden compositions!

50. Bright fresh shades of updated furniture will fill you with positive and bring back a great summer mood. With Motip spray paints, the world around becomes more beautiful!

When it comes to updating furniture, don't be afraid of minor difficulties that you may have to face. After all, an excellent result will be a reward for your efforts and will inspire you to create a unique original interior for your home!

Furniture items occupy a central place in the interior. So, in the kitchen or in the dining room, the main attribute is the kitchen table. In order for the product to serve for a long time, the housewives cover the countertop with a tablecloth or special napkins. But what to do if the furniture is damaged or deformed? In this case, you can restore the kitchen table with your own hands. There are various ways and technologies to improve the appearance of the structure. Therefore, worn items should not be thrown away, because they are easy to repair, decorate and decorate.

Covering with self-adhesive film is the most economical option for updating the table.

Preparatory work

Before decorating the kitchen table with your own hands, you need to prepare the product. It must be free of dust and dirt. To do this, all elements of the table must be wiped with a damp cloth. In case of severe contamination of the product, special household chemicals can be used. After wet processing of structural parts, everything must be thoroughly dried. Otherwise, the accumulated moisture will contribute to the appearance of mold and fungal infections, which will negatively affect the quality of operation.

The wooden kitchen table must be carefully inspected. If cracks or gaps appear on its surface, then they must be processed with sandpaper. This will help strengthen the structure and make it easier to apply a new coating.

Very often, the countertop of a kitchen set is equipped with a polishing coating. In order to update the old kitchen table, you need to remove the cover. Experts recommend doing most of the work in an open, well-ventilated room. The floor should be covered with unnecessary cloth or paper.

To carry out finishing work, you will need the following tools:

  • dry rag;
  • means for removing the polishing coating;
  • putty knife;
  • metal wool;
  • alcohol solution;
  • brushes;
  • gloves;
  • mask for the face;
  • sandpaper.

The brush is moistened in a special solution that serves to remove the polishing coating. It can be liquid or thick. For convenience, it is recommended to pour a small amount of the mixture into a separate container. This consistency is applied in a thick layer to a specific area. After that, you must wait until the surface absorbs the solution. For some areas, you can use a hard brush. Thus, cleaning the kitchen table with your own hands will not be difficult. To do this, you need to choose the right materials for processing.

Experts recommend that after removing the polishing layer, treat the surface of the table with sandpaper and metal wool, after which the base will become even. The resulting surface will be the perfect place to decorate and create a new design.

Tiling update

Decorative tiles are one of the most popular materials for facing kitchen sets. For self-design countertops, you need to measure it and choose the right material for it.

Tiles of various textures are durable and reliable for countertop cladding. The tile is good because it is convenient to wash it and that you can safely put hot dishes on it. To finish the kitchen table, it is recommended to choose elements with a matte finish. For work you will need:

  • tile;
  • grout for seams;
  • plastic crosses;
  • special glue;
  • edge profile;
  • brush;
  • notched spatula;
  • building level;
  • dry rag (sponge).

A special tile adhesive is applied to the prepared and cleaned base of the countertop. This procedure should be done using a notched trowel. During fixation, the material will be firmly and securely fixed.

The tile is firmly pressed to the base of the table. The elements of the product are interconnected in the desired composition. Seams between materials are recommended to be strengthened with plastic crosses. Thus, the products will be fixed to each other at an equal distance. Using the building level, you need to monitor the position of the parts.

After the main work is done, it is necessary to wipe the seams between the tiles. To do this, use a special mixture that can be purchased at any hardware store. The grout is applied to the base of the table after the glue has completely dried.

In order for the kitchen table to look beautiful and festive, it is recommended to decorate the side parts of the countertop. This procedure can be carried out using special edge profiles. They can be matched to match the appearance of the tile.

Restoration with paint

This method, which allows you to unusually update the kitchen table, is available for everyone. You can paint both the tabletop and the legs of the product. The color and design of the new construction depends on the preferences of the owners. In order for the kitchen table to become the central attribute of the room, it can be painted with bright paint. Decorating an interior item allows you to show imagination and skill and create an original masterpiece at home.

For work, it is recommended to purchase quick-drying paint and a brush. The work area should be spacious. The surface of the table is recommended to cover. Some homeowners prefer to use a solid color paint, but combining different shades will help create a unique furniture design. Some craftsmen use stencils for decoration: the main part is painted in one tone, and an original pattern is created on the sides or in the center of the tabletop using a stencil.

Decoupage technique

Decoupage napkins are ideal for decorating any kind of furniture.

Spray paint applies quickly and dries completely in 2 hours.

With their help, you can unusually decorate the table in the kitchen. The attribute should be decorated, taking into account the theme and style of the room. There is a large selection of applications that will perfectly complement the look of the countertop. In addition, the decoupage technique can be used for the side parts of the structure and frame the legs with it.

To work, you need to prepare tools:

  • napkins for decoupage;
  • PVA glue;
  • capacity;
  • brush.

With the help of glue, the pattern is transferred to the surface of the table. For work, you can use both special napkins and images from magazines and newspapers. If defects appear, they can be masked with paint. At the end of the work, it is recommended to treat the surface with varnish. This will significantly increase the service life of the product.

Table decoration methods

The variety of decoration methods allows the owners to radically change the kitchen set. An affordable and practical method of decorating is self-adhesive film, which helps to decorate furniture on your own. It is enough to choose the desired shade of the material with increased density. Sticking a film on the base of the countertop allows you to update the product in the shortest possible time.

Some owners use old cuts of wallpaper to decorate furniture. To work, you need to purchase a special glue. Decoration with wallpaper will make the interior unusual and original. In addition, you can purchase wallpaper with imitation of stone, brick or tile.

In the reconstruction of old furniture, you can show imagination, ideas and skill. You should not be limited only to decorating the countertop. Replacing the legs will allow you to create a new design in your own kitchen. Updating the table is available even to people who have never encountered such work. It is enough to use various decorative overlays and homemade decorations to radically transform this piece of furniture.