We get rid of fat simply and quickly: how to clean the handles of a gas stove? We clean the gas stove quickly and effectively to a shine How to clean the handles of the gas stove

The first assistant in cooking is the stove. Whether it is gas, electric or induction, the stove is used daily by us. The first thing we touch when turning on the stove is the burner switches on the front. Simple knobs that allow you to control the power level of the hob. During cooking, they often get dirty - either they hastily turned them on with their hands, sticky from the dough, then fat began to splatter from the pan in all directions. Cleaning these controls is actually not easy: the detergent does not dissolve grease, and the sponge itself becomes sticky and dirty, but does not clean the switches. What to do and how to clean the handles at the stove? We will talk about this in detail later in our article.

Removable and non-removable handles - cleaning rules

Determining which regulators are on your gas stove is easy. If, by slightly pulling the handle towards you, it is removed, then you can be sure that the switches are removable. If you make an effort, turn the handle in all directions, pull it with all your might, but it does not give in - alas, the regulator is not removable. In this case, do not try to forcefully disconnect the regulator, so as not to break it inadvertently.

So, two types of handles from the stove and options for cleaning them.

1. Detachable handle

Washing dirt from a removable handle is not troublesome. If the regulators are removed, then proceed as follows. Remove all switches. Prepare a container of hot water (about 80°C). Dissolve grated laundry soap, laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid in hot water. Place all pens in soapy water for 15 minutes. Then, arm yourself with an old toothbrush and try to thoroughly clean the entire switch, inside and out. The gas stove controls are sparkling clean.

2. Non-removable handle

With regulators that are tightly attached to the hob, it will be more difficult. It is almost impossible to clean the handles inside, but it is quite possible on the outside. They will come to the rescue: cotton swabs, cotton buds, toothpicks, toothbrush. Wet the handles slightly, clean hard-to-reach places from dirt with a toothpick. Soak up any remaining dirt around the switches with cotton swabs. Using a cotton swab soaked in chlorine detergent, thoroughly clean the regulators. Then rinse with warm water using a sponge.

Top 5 Folk Remedies to Remove Dirt from Stove Handles

The household goods department sells a variety of powders, gels, solutions that effectively dissolve dirt and grease from any surface. The price of these miracle jars is high, but there is no guarantee that this tool will help wash the hands. Before emptying your wallet, try the “penny” products that have been tried by the people and cope with pollution no worse than purchased and expensive chemicals.


A vial of ammonia is in every first aid kit. Ammonium hydroxide is surprisingly good at cleaning stains from furniture, dishes, plumbing, and even jewelry. Speaking about how to clean the handles at the stove, take note: you need to use not pure ammonia, but drops called "ammonia-anise". Inhaling ammonia vapor from ammonia, you can get poisoned. Drops are safe - they do not even need to be diluted. Wet the cotton wool with drops, and wipe the contaminated regulators. In hard-to-reach places, clean with a cotton swab dipped in drops. If you plan to wash your hands with alcohol, then use a diluted solution with water, in a 1: 1 ratio.

Lemon juice

Concentrated lemon juice dissolves any dirt.

  1. Squeeze out the juice of 1 lemon.
  2. Prepare an unnecessary toothbrush.
  3. Dipping the brush in lemon juice, carefully clean the surface of the stove regulators in places of contamination. If the switch is so dirty that there are many small, non-washable greasy dots on it, then dip the brush into baking (not soda ash!) Soda and lightly rub the problem area.
  4. Dip the brush alternately in sour juice and baking soda to completely clean the handles. At the end of the handle, rinse with a sponge and clean water to wash away the stickiness of the juice and soda residue.

Wet wipes

Sometimes, in order to clean the handles, it is enough to wipe them several times with wet wipes. Many wet wipes contain castor oil and citric acid, which effectively remove dirt. This is a gentle cleaning method for both your gas stove regulators and your hands. After wrapping a damp cloth around your finger, thoroughly clean and dry the surface of the handles. Change the towel as it gets dirty. After cleaning, dry the stovetop switches with a clean cloth.


Using vinegar is only suitable for removable handles from the stove. It will dissolve strong corrosive dirt, eliminate bacteria and unpleasant odors.

  • Remove the regulators and put them in a small pot or ladle.
  • Mix 200 ml of vinegar and 700 ml of water.
  • Pour the solution into the pen. Put on medium heat, bring to a boil. Boil 7-10 minutes.
  • Drain the water into the sink, let the switches cool down. Dry and wipe dry, install back on the hob panel.

Laundry soap

A strong soap solution from laundry soap will clean the handles well from greasy sticky stains and dirt. Grate 50 g of soap on a fine grater. Mix with 100 ml of boiling water.

If the regulators are removable, they should be soaked in soapy water overnight. After 8-10 hours, wipe them with a sponge and rinse in clean water. Non-removable handles should be cleaned with the hard side of a sponge. Lowering the sponge into the solution, wash off the dirt.

At the end of cleaning, wipe the handles with a damp cloth, allow to dry completely.

If your stove is connected to the mains, disconnect it from the power supply before cleaning. Wipe the handles after each cooking, then dirt will not accumulate on them, your stove will always be clean and tidy.

Reading 4 min. Published on 13.12.2018

Many housewives do not know how to effectively clean the handles of old grease from the stove, since such a surface is uneven. Also, often difficulties are caused by the fact that the handle cannot be removed.

In fact, making the whole stove sparkling and clean is not difficult if you follow simple recommendations.

Removable handles

The easiest option is to clean the handles, which are easily removed from the stove.

Products are simply placed in a container of water. Any effective means for removing fat is also poured here. After some time, you need to remove traces of grease and other contaminants with a sponge or a small brush. Then dry handles can be returned to their place.

There are many modern household chemicals on the market today. With their help, you can cope with old and serious pollution. Such tools will help those who are interested in the answer to the question of how to clean the handles at the stove in 2 minutes.

If environmental friendliness is important for a housewife, you can try other cleaning methods:

  • soap solution;
  • vinegar essence.

To prepare a soap solution, it is enough to take a few small pieces of ordinary laundry soap and put in a container with warm water.

When the soap is dissolved, you can proceed to the cleaning procedure. So the handles are placed in a soapy solution. They must lie there for at least 8 hours. Then you need to remove the dirt with a brush.

Soapy solution effectively fights hardened fat and dried food residues.

Vinegar essence provides faster cleaning. Removed handles should be placed in a small saucepan, pour water into it and add vinegar.

For 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of essence are required. Then the container is put on a slow fire, covered with a lid and boiled for about 7 minutes. After that, the liquid must be poured out.

When the handles have cooled naturally, they should be thoroughly rubbed with a toothbrush or washcloth.

Fixed handles

Most women are concerned about the question of how to clean the handles at the stove if they are not removable.

This will require a little patience. You will also need a toothbrush, cotton buds or toothpicks, ammonia or soda.

To remove old fat from the handles of the stove, soda ash is suitable. You can also use regular food.

The cleaning procedure itself is quite simple. Dip a damp sponge into the powder and wipe all the handles with light movements.

To remove dirt from hard-to-reach areas, you need to take cotton swabs and toothpicks. Then you should carefully rinse the remaining soda from the surface and wipe the handles dry with a towel.

Ammonia is an excellent tool for cleaning non-removable handles. Ammonium chloride is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. Then, using a cotton swab, the product is applied to the handles of the stove.

Literally after 3-5 minutes, the pollution dissolves - which means that they can be removed with an ordinary damp sponge. In hard-to-reach places, use a toothpick or toothbrush.

The easiest option

Housewives who have long been interested in how to clean the handles at the stove and cannot find a suitable remedy prefer preventive measures.

You can simply cover the entire hob with foil and carefully wrap the handles in the same foil or cling film. When such a protective coating becomes slightly dirty, it is removed and replaced with a new one.

Thanks to this simple solution, the equipment will remain clean during cooking. It is also a great way to save time and energy by directing them not to cleaning, but to more interesting activities.

Precautionary measures

Here are a few more precautions:

  • All work related to the cleaning of household appliances, including the stove and its handles, must be carried out with gloves.
  • It is recommended to disconnect the electric stove from the power supply beforehand.
  • Before using any commercial cleaning powder or gel, read the instructions carefully.

You can not mix several funds at once. This can lead to a chemical reaction, namely the release of hazardous substances.

  • When working with strong household chemicals, the use of a respirator is recommended. It is also worth ventilating the room after cleansing.
  • When choosing a cleanser, you need to remember that too strong substances can ruin the appearance of equipment.

Knowing how to effectively clean the handles of the stove from pollution, you no longer have to spend a lot of time cleaning.

The most frustrating and time-consuming part of cleaning the kitchen is perhaps cleaning the stove. If cleaning the hob is practically not difficult, then cleaning the switches on the front panel is much more difficult. But the experience of many housewives has shown that it is possible to clean the handles at the stove not only effectively, but also very quickly. And at the same time, you do not need to spend money on expensive cleansers - every housewife already has the necessary ones, and in the same kitchen.

With soapy water
This method is perfect for removable handles. A concentrated soapy solution will help remove not only stuck and dried food particles, but also a layer of frozen fat. The soap solution is prepared from the dishwashing detergent you use, or from laundry soap shavings:
  • pour hot water into a deep bowl or saucepan, preferably boiling water;
  • per liter of water, add 4 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent or soap shavings;
  • stir well so that the product is completely dissolved;
  • remove the switches from the stove and lower them into the solution;
  • leave them in it for a couple of hours to acidify.
To clean heavily soiled pens, soak them in soapy water overnight. If the switches need to be cleaned in a short amount of time, then put the pot with the handles and the solution on the stove and boil them for 5 minutes, then give them another 20 minutes to soak. After the dirt has soaked, rub them with an old toothbrush or the hard side of a sponge, rinse and wipe dry.

With ammonia
The bottle of this liquid is a versatile and inexpensive high-performance cleaner. Helps rid switches of hardened grease and dried dirt in the shortest possible time. It is very convenient to clean the non-removable handles of a gas or electric stove with ammonia:

  1. dilute ammonia with water 1: 1;
  2. take a thick cotton swab, dip it in the solution and apply ammonia on the handles;
  3. leave it on the minutes switches for 5 maximum;
  4. after a while, scrub them with an old toothbrush.
As soon as the handles are clean, collect the soaked dirt with a damp sponge, then wipe the cleaning points first with a damp cloth, then with a dry one. Since it is harmful to breathe ammonia, follow the safety rules: wear a mask and gloves. So that the smell does not stagnate in the apartment, work with the window open, and after cleaning, do not close it for some more time so that the unpleasant smell disappears.

To clean removable switches, put them in a bowl and rub each with a dilute ammonia solution and leave for 5 minutes. Then rub them with a brush, rinse well and wipe dry.

Vinegar or vinegar essence
The vinegar method is suitable for removable handles of any degree of contamination:

  • pour water into the pan and put the handles there;
  • pour vinegar or vinegar essence into the pan at the rate of 6 tbsp. vinegar or 2 tbsp. essences per liter of water;
  • cover the pan with a lid and put on fire, boil for 5-7 minutes.
After a while, drain the water and let the switches cool down a bit. Then rub them with a toothbrush or sponge with dishwashing detergent, rinse and wipe dry.

Half a juicy lemon and soda
If the fixed handles are not very dirty, then an ordinary lemon will help. It perfectly removes grease stains from any surfaces and does not damage them. Soda will help the dried particles come off, and also remove the unpleasant smell of ingrained dirt:

  • take half a lemon and squeeze the juice out of it;
  • using a cotton swab, apply it to the switches, rub and leave for an hour;
  • after a while, dip the bristles of your toothbrush in baking soda and clean each handle with it.
Soak up the baking soda residue with a damp sponge and wipe the handles and panel dry. To clean very strong dirt, you need two teaspoons of soda with a slide, pour the juice of half a lemon. The sizzling mixture must be quickly applied to the handles, rubbed and left for an hour, then rubbed again with a hard sponge.

There is a small space between the panel and the handles where dirt can get stuck. To clean such places from dirt, take a toothpick, wind a piece of cotton wool around the tip and dip it in ammonia. Clean hard-to-reach places, then wrap clean cotton wool on a new toothpick and wipe the places again.

Cleaning the handles of the stove takes a very long time, so in order not to exhaust yourself with unnecessary cleaning, take preventive measures: wipe the handles and the panel every time after cooking.

The first assistant in cooking is the stove. Whether it is gas, electric or induction, the stove is used daily by us. The first thing we touch when turning on the stove is the burner switches on the front. Simple knobs that allow you to control the power level of the hob. During cooking, they often get dirty - either they hastily turned them on with their hands, sticky from the dough, then fat began to splatter from the pan in all directions. Cleaning these controls is actually not easy: the detergent does not dissolve grease, and the sponge itself becomes sticky and dirty, but does not clean the switches. What to do and how to clean the handles at the stove?

Removable and non-removable handles - cleaning rules

Determining which regulators are on your gas stove is easy. If, by slightly pulling the handle towards you, it is removed, then you can rest assured that the switches are removable. If you make an effort, turn the handle in all directions, pull it with all your might, but it does not give in - alas, the regulator is not removable. In this case, do not try to forcefully disconnect the regulator, so as not to break it inadvertently.

So, two types of handles from the stove and options for cleaning them.

Removable handle

Washing dirt from a removable handle is not a troublesome business. If the regulators are removed, then proceed as follows. Remove all switches. Prepare a container with hot water (about 80 °C). Dissolve grated laundry soap, laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid in hot water. Place all pens in soapy water for 15 minutes. Then, arm yourself with an old toothbrush and try to thoroughly clean the entire switch, inside and out. The gas stove controls are sparkling clean.

Fixed handle

With regulators that are tightly attached to the hob, it will be more difficult. It is almost impossible to clean the handles inside, but it is quite possible on the outside. They will come to the rescue: cotton swabs, cotton buds, toothpicks, toothbrush. Wet the handles slightly, clean hard-to-reach places from dirt with a toothpick. Soak up any remaining dirt around the switches with cotton swabs. Using a cotton swab soaked in chlorine detergent, thoroughly clean the regulators. Then rinse with warm water using a sponge.

Top 5 Folk Remedies to Remove Dirt from Stove Handles

The household goods department sells a variety of powders, gels, solutions that effectively dissolve dirt and grease from any surface. The price of these miracle jars is high, but there is no guarantee that this tool will help wash the hands. Before emptying your wallet, try the “penny” products that have been tried by the people and cope with pollution no worse than purchased and expensive chemicals.


A vial of ammonia is in every first aid kit. Ammonium hydroxide is surprisingly good at cleaning stains from furniture, dishes, plumbing, and even jewelry. Speaking about how to clean the handles at the stove, take note: you need to use not pure ammonia, but drops called "ammonia-anise". Inhaling ammonia vapor from ammonia, you can get poisoned. Drops are safe - they do not even need to be diluted. Wet the cotton wool with drops, and wipe the contaminated regulators. In hard-to-reach places, clean with a cotton swab dipped in drops. If you plan to wash your hands with alcohol, then use a diluted solution with water, in a 1: 1 ratio.

Lemon juice

Concentrated lemon juice dissolves any dirt.
Squeeze out the juice of 1 lemon.
Prepare an unnecessary toothbrush.
Dipping the brush in lemon juice, carefully clean the surface of the stove regulators in places of contamination. If the switch is so dirty that there are many small, non-washable greasy dots on it, then lower the brush into baking soda (not soda ash!) and lightly rub the problem area.
Dip the brush alternately in sour juice and baking soda to completely clean the handles. At the end of the handle, rinse with a sponge and clean water to wash away the stickiness of the juice and soda residue.

Wet wipes

Sometimes, in order to clean the handles, it is enough to wipe them several times with wet wipes. Many wet wipes contain castor oil and citric acid, which effectively remove dirt. This is a gentle cleaning method for both your gas stove regulators and your hands. After wrapping a damp cloth around your finger, thoroughly clean and dry the surface of the handles. Change the towel as it gets dirty. After cleaning, dry the stovetop switches with a clean cloth.


Using vinegar is only suitable for removable handles from the stove. It will dissolve strong corrosive dirt, eliminate bacteria and unpleasant odors.
Remove the regulators and put them in a small pot or ladle.
Mix 200 ml of vinegar and 700 ml of water.
Pour the solution into the pen. Put on medium heat, bring to a boil. Boil for 7-10 minutes. Drain the water into the sink, let the switches cool down. Dry and wipe dry, install back on the hob panel.

Laundry soap

A strong soap solution from laundry soap will clean the handles well from greasy sticky stains and dirt. Grate 50 g of soap on a fine grater. Mix with 100 ml of boiling water.
If the regulators are removable, they should be soaked in soapy water overnight. After 8-10 hours, wipe them with a sponge and rinse in clean water. Non-removable handles should be cleaned with the hard side of a sponge. Lowering the sponge into the solution, wash off the dirt.
At the end of cleaning, wipe the handles with a damp cloth, allow to dry completely.
If your stove is connected to the mains, disconnect it from the power supply before cleaning. Wipe the handles after each cooking, then dirt will not accumulate on them, your stove will always be clean and tidy.

Save so you don't lose

Periodically, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of the stove and all its surfaces. To do this, you can use a wide variety of special chemicals for cleaning dirt, which are widely available in all household chemical stores. Depending on your personal preferences, you can choose a remedy in the form of a solution, gel or powder.

However, not always a person can use this household chemicals. In some cases, an individual allergic reaction may be present, or the cost of the remedy may simply be unaffordable. In this case, you can use the old recipes for removing fat from the handles of the stove. As a rule, funds can be prepared independently from the available stocks in any kitchen. This option will be a real find for people who prefer to use cleaning products without chemicals.

And if someone tells you: “I clean all surfaces in the kitchen exclusively with folk remedies and achieve excellent results,” this is not a fairy tale, but the real truth. Folk remedies, when used correctly, will ensure the cleanliness and shine of the stove handles and hob.

How to clean removable handles?

If you have a stove with removable handles, you are in luck. Removable regulators are much easier to clean, as they can be turned in any direction and get to the smallest bump. And the surface to which they are attached can be cleaned easily and quickly, since nothing will prevent free access to them.

First of all, removable handles must be removed and placed in a container of water. If desired, you can add any fat cleanser to it, wait 10-15 minutes, and wash off the grease and dirt with a sponge with a hard surface.

The easiest and most affordable ways to clean removable handles are to use ordinary laundry soap and vinegar essence:

  1. 1 Laundry soap. Finely grated laundry soap should be thrown into water and heated to 70-80 ° C. Handles should be placed in hot water and left there for 6-8 hours. After that, all dirt can be easily removed with a sponge, wiping all surfaces with it. The solution should be prepared at the rate of 50 g of soap per 100 ml of water.
  2. 2 Acetic essence. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. essences and pour into 1 liter of water. In the absence of essence, you can use the usual table 9% vinegar. Only in this case you will need 200 ml of vinegar and 800 ml of water. Removed handles should be placed in the resulting solution, put the container on fire and bring to a boil. After natural cooling, the regulators must be removed and wiped with a sponge. All dirt will come off very easily.

While the handles are "wet", you will have the opportunity to clean the surface to which they are attached. This can be done with soda ash or baking soda. You can also use lemon juice or ammonia.

Rubbing non-removable handles

If you have non-removable regulators on the stove, cleaning them will be more difficult and the process will take much longer. First of all, you will need to arm yourself not only with a means for cleaning surfaces from grease, but also with a sponge, toothbrush, cotton swabs and toothpicks. Only with the help of these sharp and thin objects it will be possible to remove all grease and dirt from the joints, crevices and all other hard-to-reach surfaces of the handles.

You can qualitatively clean non-removable regulators using not only household chemicals, but also the same folk methods. To do this, it is best to use soda ash, lemon or ammonia:

  1. 1 soda ash. In its absence, you can use ordinary baking soda. Dip a sponge moistened with water in soda and wipe the regulators with it. It is possible that you will have to rub with force, however, if the fat is old, otherwise you will not be able to cope with it.
  2. 2 ammonia. Surely it is present in every home first aid kit, but in no case should it be used in its pure form. Before use, alcohol must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. If desired, you can buy ammonia-anise drops, which have a weaker concentration of ammonia. They can be used without prior dilution. The liquid must be applied to the handles, and after 5-7 minutes you can effortlessly wash off the old fat.
  3. 3 Lemon juice. In order to qualitatively clean the hands, the juice from half a lemon will be enough. Using a sponge, apply the juice to the regulators and gently clean off the dirt. If the dirt is too old or extensive, lemon juice alone may not be enough. In this case, you need to additionally use soda, alternating it with lemon. Alternatively, you can take 1-2 tbsp. l. soda and quench it with lemon juice. After that, apply the mixture on the handles and wipe thoroughly. This combination will successfully help you achieve a completely clean surface.

After washing, rinse all cleaning products thoroughly with water and dry the handles with a kitchen or paper towel.

Alternatively, to prevent contamination, you can use foil, which is designed to protect against grease and dirt on the hob. You can wrap the regulators with it and, in case of any contamination, simply change it to a new one. Thus, you can not waste time cleaning the regulators.

However, this method is not suitable for everyone, since foil-wrapped pens look rather unaesthetic. And many housewives prefer to once again wipe all surfaces after cooking, and not wrap them in foil.