Job description of a project manager in production. Project manager - job description, functions and responsibilities

Specially appointed people have a key project role, position and profession in the company. They are selected from a special group of candidates and become responsible resources for project tasks. Organizationally and formally, the center of competence and the center of project architecture is the figure project manager, or according to business custom Russian business– . In this article, we will analyze approaches to the formation of requirements for the portrait of this manager, his main functions and possible errors.

Project manager functions

Under the project manager, we consider a person responsible to the management of the company for achieving the goals, endowed with the authority to do this, sufficient to solve the accepted tasks in the face of restrictions and risks. International organizations that publish standards in the field of PM also pay serious attention to the requirements for competence, professional and personal qualities project managers. Thus, the IPMA association, which also includes the Russian Federation, has issued a standard for international requirements for the competence of project managers (PM ICB IPMA Competence Baseline). The last 3rd version of the standard was published in 2010, the ICB included a total of 46 competencies in various areas, divided into groups of technical, behavioral and consensual competencies.

On the basis of ICB, SOVNET developed the NTK standard (National Requirements for the Competence of Project Managers). Certification passed according to this standard is recognized by IPMA. The PMI Institute, to a lesser extent, but still pays attention to this issue. This standard emphasizes the growing role of the project manager in addressing the strategic objectives of the business. In PMBOK, the emphasis is not only on the knowledge and skills of the PM, but also on his personal competencies and leadership qualities. The following is an extract from the PMBOK Guidelines regarding the project leader and their areas of competence and responsibility.

Extract from the PMBOK Guidelines on the role and competencies of the project manager

It is not difficult to become a professional project manager at the first stage. It is enough to have a higher economic or even secondary professional education and get some managerial experience. Depending on the organization, experience requirements range from 1 to 5 years. Last years gaining popularity certification of specialists in two international standards IPMA (IPMA-SOVNET) and PMI. Certification significantly increases not only the competence of a manager, but also his professional status.

Extract from the typical job description of the Republic of Moldova: Section "Job Responsibilities of the Project Manager"

Above is an example official duties project manager production company middle level. It should be noted that the duties of the RM are largely determined by organizational form implementation of projects, their type, the scale of the organization and the branch of its activity. Project manager functions commercial organization are divided into seven groups, the scheme of the content of which is placed below.

  1. Functions based on the fulfillment of the task of strategic management.
  2. Providing communication between company management and project implementation.
  3. Reproduction of the project management system.
  4. Organization of project execution.
  5. Control and analysis of the progress of implementation.
  6. Functions related to closing a project.

The scheme of the functional composition of the project manager

What should management be aware of?

As you know, any interested person can act as the initiator of the project. Often they are the customer, functional leaders or head of the project office. The curator appointed by the top management of the company will have to become the closest leader in the project environment and devote significant time to project management. It is to him that the customer gives the authority to allocate resources, support the project and transfers responsibility for the success of this unique task.

The duties of the curator include the development of the project charter, the regulation of controversial issues, the approval of changes to the design parameters, and much more. Two leaders (curator and project manager) make up its management team. One of them operates inside the implementation of the task, and the other operates above it in the task-target business hierarchy. Real events testify that it is not always possible to act flawlessly, especially when project management is just being deployed in a company, and managers do not yet have sufficient experience. Even if the methodology is “studied”, job descriptions are developed and functions are described, no one is immune from mistakes.

Based on experience, it is safe to say that the main design errors should be divided into two large parts: the flaws of the higher management in relation to the project and the errors of the project manager. Typical mistakes of the company's management at the stage of project initiation, planning and support are collected in a separate table presented below.

Classification table of company management errors in the project

The main share of the curator's mistakes falls on the initiation stage, including procedural difficulties in choosing a PM and setting a task for him. It is often difficult to fully comply with the routine initiation procedures in Russian realities. The powerful “I want” is of great importance. Have seen it many times positive effects if the protocol was followed from the start. When this was possible, then, regardless of the scale of the project task, success immediately began to "glimpse" ahead.

If the goals of the project are not formulated, not commensurate with the company's strategy, if the prerequisites are not expressed and the charter is not developed, the chances that a more or less serious project will reach a result are small. The project manager, even being in the status of a candidate for this role, must necessarily be involved in project management at the initiation stage. This is very important rule requires compliance.

Block of management errors at the initiation stage

Possible omissions of the project manager

The project manager, included in the staff of the enterprise, in his work relies on the job responsibilities and functions prescribed in the instructions. Another thing is a project manager who performs a role-based installation, while being an employee of a functional unit, for example, the marketing department. In his usual practice, such a specialist or even a leader performs functions related to the marketing and advertising mix. Such an employee cannot become a full-time PM overnight.

Regardless of the functional link, the project manager, starting to manage, must consider the requirements and regulations of the charter, which reveal to him the content, goals, results, product and criteria for the success of the project. The charter is the main document that guides the project manager. Common Mistakes PMs are presented to your attention below, among them, the second type is errors in interaction with the curator.

Classification table of RM errors in the project

Project management requirements impose on the PM a serious responsibility not only for the results, but for the substance and content of his actions as a resource and leader. Negotiations with the curator important point in setting and accepting a task. The curator needs to meet the requirements of the minimum level of such project constraints as "budget" and "terms" while maximizing the content (quality) of the result.

The project manager, in turn, needs complete information according to the terms of the design task in order to measure all possible risks and the sufficiency of the resources envisaged. And he is free to refuse if the resource base is small and the risks are too great. These are the requirements of the task paradigm. The project manager, although he is on staff, may well be aware that the project will not be able to handle such complexity.

Honor and praise to RM for finding the courage to refuse in such a situation. At this point, the key risk of the project is eliminated and the curator ceases to “hopefully” that the project is being implemented. The project manager at the same time ceases to agree with the proposal, according to which he "as if solves the problem." Eliminates potential ambiguity between negotiating parties. Project management may soon be given a new impetus with the best candidate, but the task will not be ruined.

The freedom and responsibility of the project manager is a guarantee of managerial clarity that the result of the unique task being performed will take place. Pressure or neglect of such an important procedure as setting and negotiating the task and its conditions is not acceptable. The conditions of the task are comprehensively deployed in the charter of the project. It lacks only a business plan, but has everything so that the PM can make an informed decision.

Task and personal context of PM success

Everything that has been said so far regarding the omissions in setting tasks for the project manager can fully apply to him himself. When starting to manage a team, the PM must select performers for it. Recruitment and selection proceed on the basis of the same task doctrine. In the working group, then in the team, the decomposition of the project task into subtasks reaches its optimal level. If the format is not followed and project activities are not formulated with quantitative parameters, there will be no success.

If only one line-up of candidates was considered during the selection of the team (usually it is), then this is not a violation. But! If the project manager succeeds in building the team formation process in such a way that there is a minimum competition, even with one extra candidate for just one place, the quality of the team will improve dramatically both in composition and in its mood. You should not show people how much the company needs them. This is “my want” of business management: “if you want, take it”, “if you don’t want it, I’ll find another”!

Often this seems impossible due to the lack of good performers. However, this is an illusion that PMs often have. The requirement to meet the terms of the project's time and budget constraints can also be effectively met in the course of task setting in the team. This is done quite simply. At the meeting of the project team, a competition is held between conditional units of 2-3 participants. Each link is instructed to find at least three ways to solve a subproblem. Then the presented solutions are discussed by the whole team, the links change places and again look for new solutions. The best way is translated into task format.

For some reason, in many sources, the personal-psychological difficulties of the project manager are not accentuated. However, there is reason to believe that this is very important aspect PM activities for its success. Get modern education project management is not so difficult for any economist, technologist or line manager. And changing personal stereotypes, especially if a person has acted as a performer for a long time or, on the contrary, as a “big boss”, is not as easy as it seems. Surprisingly, it turns out that being balanced, being able to ask for help without fear, learning from a young knowledgeable colleague is very valuable.

In this article, we examined the requirements for professional and personal qualities of PM, their job responsibilities, main functions and typical mistakes project management. We analyzed the approaches of international and Russian systems standardization to these aspects of management. The main shortcomings and omissions on the part of curators and project managers have been clarified. It seems to me that in the context of the growing importance of project management in modern business The relevance of this topic will only increase.

For the successful implementation of any initiative (investment or social), it is necessary to select the appropriate professionals and create a team of like-minded people from them. To carry out this task, a project manager is appointed (from English term project manager). He forms, leads and motivates the team to achieve the goals set by customers.

Main tasks of a project manager

We remember the rule of three limitations when implementing any initiative: cost, time and content. Later, another quality criterion was added. Consequently, any deviation in any of the parameters can lead to failure, and given that very large amounts of money are often invested in undertakings, the issue of quality management () comes out on top.

Therefore, answering the questions, who is a project manager and why is he needed, we can safely say that this is a specialist who is needed in order to fulfill all the above conditions and achieve a predetermined result.

In the dry language of terms, the project manager is the administrative manager of a specially formed group of specialists who provides operational management and control of the work being done.

The selection of a project manager should be approached with all seriousness, since the choice of one person can determine how successful an undertaking will be. It is not uncommon for a young startup author to act as a project manager for initial stage not understanding why he needs someone else. However, most often, after reaching a certain level, he looks for a project manager and transfers control to him.

The project manager performs a number of functions, they are prescribed in the NTC standard, created on the basis of the standard of the international association IMPA and describing the requirements for the competence of the project manager. At the project manager job description consists of several components, in particular general guidance and highly specialized questions (if required).

All functions inherent various projects, are divided into seven groups, under which are tied certain tasks more local:

1. Strategic management of the undertaking:

  • setting priorities, goals and criteria for the success of the undertaking;
  • participation in the development of principles for the implementation of the initiative and the development of strategic documents regarding its implementation.

2. Establishing communication between the implementation of the initiative and the management of the organization (company):

  • informing the management of the company about the state of affairs;
  • cooperation with the program manager in the case when the project is an integral part of it;
  • participation in meetings with stakeholders (internal and external).

3. Drawing up a plan to achieve the goal:

  • definition of key points, list necessary work and life cycle project;
  • calculation of the need for resources of various kinds (financial, material, labor);
  • drafting calendar plan performance of work, its optimization;
  • preparation of a budget and estimates, a plan for providing resources for the envisaged processes;
  • analysis of possible risks and development of measures to minimize them;
  • preparation, coordination and approval of the master plan.

4. Develop the most effective system controls:

  • development and approval of a process management plan, and training of key team members in its principles;
  • providing a system for the movement and exchange of information, as well as its protection;
  • building relationships within the team and with external partners.

5. Organization of the practical implementation of the undertaking:

  • definition of managerial and organizational structure characteristic of such projects, their formation;
  • selection of performers, conducting interviews with them and negotiations with their management;
  • preparation and conclusion of all necessary agreements with contractors and suppliers;
  • determining the scope of work for each employee, issuing instructions and monitoring their implementation, ensuring the interaction of all team members;
  • training of performers (preliminary and current).

6. Analysis and control of the implementation progress:

  • collection, processing, analysis, accounting of primary information;
  • monitoring the implementation of tasks and their adjustment, if necessary;
  • monitoring of internal ( psychological climate in the team) and external (legislation, economic situation) factors influencing the progress of the initiative;
  • preparation of reports on the progress of the implementation of the initiative.

7. Closing the project after the end of its life cycle:

  • preparation of the final report and analytical note;
  • motivation of the team based on the results of work and its dissolution;
  • finalization of all documentation and its archiving.

Thus, we can say that the project manager must organize the successful completion of the task set by the customer, taking into account deadlines and budget, quality criteria, human resources, as well as additional requirements put forward by the investor. The main goal is customer satisfaction with the result.

Project manager requirements

Leading companies in developed countries have long begun to introduce a project approach into their work. This method made it possible to concentrate all the best resources in the most promising areas, promising serious technological breakthroughs and big profits. IT companies acted as "pioneers", followed by other high-tech industries (manufacturing, construction, banking), after which they began to work on projects everywhere.

In the 1990s-2000s, project management began to be practiced in Russia along with traditional process management, but a personnel problem immediately arose, since, as it turned out, a qualified manager or specialist is far from always an effective project manager. New approaches demanded new qualities from people. A real project manager not only has theoretical knowledge and practical skills, he must be the driving force behind the initiative, a good psychologist, be able to work in stressful situations. Working from 5 to 9 is not typical for these people, usually their working day is irregular.

So, let's briefly dwell on the requirements that the employer puts forward to the candidate for the position of project manager. All of them can be divided into four groups.

1. Education:

  • preferably higher, giving professional knowledge in the industry or field of activity in which the initiative is being implemented;
  • taking short courses in management skills, such as "project management".

2. Experience:

  • is established depending on the responsibility and complexity of the proposed tasks;
  • usually requires up to 3 years of experience in a particular field in various positions, plus experience in independently managing initiatives in this area.

3. Professional skills may require a variety of (special or general), it depends on the direction of the company and the organization of work in it:

Personal qualities:

  • communication skills, finding mutual language with different people;
  • the ability to select a team and manage it in an operational mode;
  • leadership qualities and ambition;
  • the ability to analyze and quickly make the most optimal decisions;
  • high stress resistance and performance;
  • Readiness for frequent business trips or moving to a new place of residence.

A project manager who possesses all of these qualities is highly valued and well paid. However, it should be noted that a manager rarely works alone, usually he selects a team with which he goes to success. This gives him the opportunity to take on the most professional employees and strengthens his position in cooperation with the customer, since the dismissal of the project manager can lead to the departure of the entire team and the forced suspension of the undertaking.

The specialist responsible to the authorities for the final result of the project is called the project manager, whose duties are to make responsible decisions to achieve the planned result. They are chosen carefully, because this position involves the responsibility of working in conditions of risk and various restrictions. The candidate must be active and constantly generate ideas to improve performance. The work lies in the ability to organize work, plan everything accurately and move the idea to a successful conclusion. Below we will consider the requirements that apply to the figure of a project manager and his functional responsibilities.

The work is based on the coordination of the actions of subordinates. The position of a project manager is naturally a managerial one, because a specialist of this profile must successfully complete the assignment received, while monitoring the timing of the work and its quality. The manager must fully adhere to the wishes of the customer in order to meet his requirements with strictly fixed funding and a limited number of assistants.

The job involves a lot of responsibility proper organization processes, time and labor depends on the quality of the result. A person who can prove himself in this field is inevitably waiting for career and offers of work in projects with a large budget and, as a result, a significant increase in wages.

Even a brilliant specialist will not be able to implement the project conceived by the customer on his own, even if it is an order of medium complexity, so project managers work in a team. The manager monitors the work of employees and is responsible for ensuring that it goes smoothly, organizes the working day and coordinates the actions of each link of his team.

Before the start, the duties of the project manager include the selection of employees in his team, for the work of which he will be responsible to the authorities and the customer himself. Each team member should be selected in such a way as to worry about the common cause and work for the result. That is why one of the main qualities of a project manager is communication skills and the ability to find a common language with freelancers, the ability to competently and clearly answer written questions, and so on.

For example, a project to launch a women's magazine obviously involves a staff of: editor, copywriter, designer, layout designer at least. The editor thinks over the headings of the magazine that will be of interest to future readers, organizes the material, takes care of interviews, etc. The designer is responsible for appearance magazine and its design, copywriters for the quality of content, and so on. Each specialist is responsible for his own direction, and the project manager makes sure that there are no failures, so that everyone does their job with high quality. The manager links each link into a single whole and is responsible for the implementation of the project without delay, and for the team to work at full capacity and not idle.

In addition to the above responsibilities, the project manager takes responsibility for making decisions on all incomprehensible moments or failures that arise in the process of work, he is obliged to explain to the team how to act in a given situation, therefore he is obliged to understand the intricacies of the work of each specialist of the recruited team. In addition, the presence of taste and flair is welcome, which will allow you to highlight winning options and reject unsuitable ones that can become utopian. Such knowledge does not mean that the project manager should pull all the work.

The team is good because each specialist here performs his function, and the functional duties of the project manager come down to directing them in the right direction, and in order to do this correctly, you need to understand the intricacies of the work of each team member. He must, without too much fuss, calmly create comfortable conditions for efficient work and the most accurate solution of the task.

The functions of the manager directly depend on the type of project and the tasks assigned to the specialists. Some projects involve constant contact with the customer, negotiations, negotiating the deadlines for the delivery of each item of the project, etc.

The profile of the company depends on what qualities the customer wants to see in the project manager. They are negotiated at the time of accepting the applicant for this vacancy. Thus, we can say for sure that it is desirable to constantly develop, acquire new skills and knowledge in order to increase your importance in the eyes of the employer.

Job responsibilities and place of work

We already specified earlier general set of tasks that must be able to perform Project Manager. Job Responsibilities This specialist directly depends on the area in which the company operates, in which he gets a job.

In any case, every project manager should:

    manage the project from and to (control the quality of the work issued, strictly adhere to the agreed deadlines, do not deviate from the approved budget and calculate all kinds of risks, varying between them);

    conduct a dialogue with the customer, discussing the subtleties of the requirements, drawing up a work plan and a list of expenses;

    manage every part of your team;

    maintain and update design and technical papers(plans, terms of reference, requirements, expense reports, etc.);

    take part in tenders, as well as in contracting processes;

    in addition to supervising projects from customers, to carry out additional sales of products.

Some companies in the process of finding a project manager want him to additionally perform the tasks of a sales specialist, namely: looking for new customers, developing new commercial offers, engaged in the conclusion of contracts and negotiated with clients.

Today, a project manager is one of the most sought-after vacancies in the labor market in a variety of industries such as: IT -sphere, financial services, construction, pharmaceuticals, insurance, sports and event services.

Initially, the demand for project managers began with IT -areas where the demand for highly qualified managers is constantly growing. Now everyone big business needs a project manager, which is at least cost-effective.

General requirements for a project manager

Naturally, the list of requirements differs from what field the company is engaged in. Construction companies welcome some skills, IT -sphere - others, and financial institutions- third. But regardless of the nuances, each customer puts forward the following General requirements to applicants for the position of project manager, namely: higher education(a specialization that meets the profile of the employer’s work is welcome), a minimum work experience of a year, and in serious organizations from 3 years, skills in compiling technical and project documentation, experience in a managerial position, communication skills.

Some employers require good knowledge in English both spoken and written, willingness to go on long business trips and minimal knowledge of project management principles.

What does it take to be a good professional?

As mentioned above, the required knowledge base directly depends on the field of activity of the company. Let's take the construction industry as an example. So, in order to hold the position of a project manager in a construction company, the applicant must have a higher technical education and at least one year of work experience in other construction companies(preferably in leadership positions).

Mandatory skills include the ability to manage a team of employees from three people in order to establish efficient work, the ability to negotiate with customers, where to defend their point of view and have a high resistance to stress.


Depending on the place of work and experience of the specialist, his wage can be set in the range from 20 to 150 thousand rubles per month. In addition to the rate, companies often offer their employees bonus bonuses for intensive work, bonus payments, and percentages from making profitable deals. Thus, as a result, the amount received at the end of the month may be significantly higher than the established salary. A mid-level specialist may well receive 50 thousand rubles, and this is without taking into account bonuses and bonuses.

Memo to the head

Heads of any firms can become customers of the project, and the project manager is simply obliged to become right hand his customer and devote the bulk of his working time to the project. It is to the curator that the customer grants the authority to allocate start-up capital for the development of the idea and support for the project. The specialist is obliged to develop the statutory documentation of the project, must be able to resolve contentious issues in the course of work, make changes to plans after they have been approved by the customer, and perform many other tasks.

It is not always perfectly clear to complete the task assigned to your team, especially in cases where the project manager does not have enough work experience or the project department is at the development stage. No matter how much literature has been studied, even following the job description exactly can make a mistake and lead project manager. Responsibilities such specialists are quite wide and at the first failure you should not give up.

The project manager must be able to ask the right questions in the process of dialogue with the customer in order to achieve clear goals and build tactics. Thus, you can save yourself and your team from making wrong decisions and avoid various pitfalls in the process of project supervision. Often, the scope and exact tasks that interest the customer are not fully understood, which leads to misunderstanding, and this is very bad. Instead of assumptions, it is recommended to ask precise questions during negotiations in order to receive comprehensive answers to them.

In order for the final result to satisfy the customer, the work should not be based on assumptions. It is impossible to build effective work on bare enthusiasm, and during economic instability it is worth thinking about the benefits for your company. And the benefit can be calculated not only in terms of money, it can be measured in increasing reputation, acquiring invaluable experience, or even saving the company from bankruptcy.

In this article, we examined all the nuances of the profession project manager, responsibilitieswhich he must perform at the workplace and what professional skills he has. Experience in this field has great importance, however, besides him, a person must have certain human factors, without which it simply does not make sense to even start moving in the chosen direction. A project manager is a manager who has to separate profitable projects from those that will never become successful, and this is not so easy!

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For the successful implementation of any initiative (investment or social), it is necessary to select the appropriate professionals and create a team of like-minded people from them. To perform this task, a project manager is appointed (from the English term project manager). He forms, leads and motivates the team to achieve the goals set by customers.

Main tasks of a project manager

We remember the rule of three limitations when implementing any initiative: cost, time and content. Later, another quality criterion was added. Therefore, any deviation in any of the parameters can lead to failure, and given that very large amounts of money are often invested in undertakings, the issue of project management quality comes first.

Therefore, answering the questions, who is a project manager and why is he needed, we can safely say that this is a specialist who is needed in order to fulfill all the above conditions and achieve a predetermined result.

In the dry language of terms, the project manager is the administrative manager of a specially formed group of specialists who provides operational management and control of the work being done.

The selection of a project manager should be approached with all seriousness, since the choice of one person can determine how successful an undertaking will be. Often, a young startup author himself performs the functions of a project manager at the initial stage, not understanding why he needs someone else. However, most often, after reaching a certain level, he looks for a project manager and transfers control to him.

The project manager performs a number of functions, they are prescribed in the NTC standard, created on the basis of the standard of the international association IMPA and describing the requirements for the competence of the project manager. For a project manager, the job description consists of several components, in particular general guidance and highly specialized issues (if required).

All functions inherent in various projects are divided into seven groups, under which certain tasks of a more local nature are tied:

1. Strategic management of the undertaking:

  • setting priorities, goals and criteria for the success of the undertaking;
  • participation in the development of principles for the implementation of the initiative and the development of strategic documents regarding its implementation.

2. Establishing communication between the implementation of the initiative and the management of the organization (company):

  • informing the management of the company about the state of affairs;
  • cooperation with the program manager in the case when the project is an integral part of it;
  • participation in meetings with stakeholders (internal and external).

3. Drawing up a plan to achieve the goal:

  • determination of key points, the list of necessary works and the life cycle of the project;
  • calculation of the need for resources of various kinds (financial, material, labor);
  • drawing up a calendar plan for the performance of work, its optimization;
  • preparation of a budget and estimates, a plan for providing resources for the envisaged processes;
  • analysis of possible risks and development of measures to minimize them;
  • preparation, coordination and approval of the master plan.

4. Development of the most effective management system:

  • development and approval of a process management plan, and training of key team members in its principles;
  • providing a system for the movement and exchange of information, as well as its protection;
  • building relationships within the team and with external partners.

5. Organization of the practical implementation of the undertaking:

  • determination of the managerial and organizational structure characteristic of such projects, their formation;
  • selection of performers, conducting interviews with them and negotiations with their management;
  • preparation and conclusion of all necessary agreements with contractors and suppliers;
  • determining the scope of work for each employee, issuing instructions and monitoring their implementation, ensuring the interaction of all team members;
  • training of performers (preliminary and current).

6. Analysis and control of the implementation progress:

  • collection, processing, analysis, accounting of primary information;
  • monitoring the implementation of tasks and their adjustment, if necessary;
  • monitoring of internal (psychological climate in the team) and external (legislation, economic situation) factors influencing the progress of the initiative;
  • preparation of reports on the progress of the implementation of the initiative.

7. Closing the project after the end of its life cycle:

  • preparation of the final report and analytical note;
  • motivation of the team based on the results of work and its dissolution;
  • finalization of all documentation and its archiving.

Thus, it can be said that the project manager must organize the successful completion of the task set by the customer, taking into account the established deadlines and budget, quality criteria, human resources, as well as additional requirements put forward by the investor. The main goal is customer satisfaction with the result.

Project manager requirements

Leading companies in developed countries have long begun to introduce a project approach into their work. This method made it possible to concentrate all the best resources in the most promising areas, promising serious technological breakthroughs and big profits. IT companies acted as "pioneers", followed by other high-tech industries (manufacturing, construction, banking), after which they began to work on projects everywhere.

In the 1990s-2000s, project management began to be practiced in Russia along with traditional process management, but a personnel problem immediately arose, since, as it turned out, a qualified manager or specialist is far from always an effective project manager. New approaches demanded new qualities from people. A real project manager not only has theoretical knowledge and practical skills, he must be the driving force behind the initiative, a good psychologist, and be able to work in stressful situations. Working from 5 to 9 is not typical for these people, usually their working day is irregular.

So, let's briefly dwell on the requirements that the employer puts forward to the candidate for the position of project manager. All of them can be divided into four groups.

1. Education:

  • preferably a higher education that provides professional knowledge in the industry or field of activity in which the initiative is being implemented;
  • taking short courses in management skills, such as "project management".

2. Experience:

  • is established depending on the responsibility and complexity of the proposed tasks;
  • usually requires up to 3 years of experience in a particular field in various positions, plus experience in independently managing initiatives in this area.

3. Professional skills may require a variety of (special or general), it depends on the direction of the company and the organization of work in it:

Personal qualities:

  • communication skills, the ability to find a common language with different people;
  • the ability to select a team and manage it in an operational mode;
  • leadership qualities and ambition;
  • the ability to analyze and quickly make the most optimal decisions;
  • high stress resistance and performance;
  • Readiness for frequent business trips or moving to a new place of residence.

A project manager who possesses all of these qualities is highly valued and well paid. However, it should be noted that a manager rarely works alone, usually he selects a team with which he goes to success. This gives him the opportunity to take on the most professional employees and strengthens his position in cooperation with the customer, since the dismissal of the project manager can lead to the departure of the entire team and the forced suspension of the undertaking.