How to learn to remain calm in any situation: advice from a psychologist. How to be calm in any stressful situation

4 819 0 Hello! In this article, we will talk about how to stay calm in different situations. Without stress, life is impossible. They harden us, warn us of danger, activate or hinder our actions, deplete our strength and negatively affect our health. And everywhere we hear: "Don't be nervous", "Calm down" or "Keep your composure!" Nobody doubts that this should be done. That's just how? When emotions take over the mind and prevent you from being productive and enjoying life ... The task is difficult, but doable. On the question of how to remain calm in any situation, the methods and techniques given in the article will help.

Why It's Important Not to Be Nervous

Control over emotions and their cruel suppression- it's not the same thing.

  • Suppress (or push out) emotions after they have taken possession of the body and mind of a person. They are not splashed out, but stopped, hidden deep inside themselves from the external environment. And it's not the best way development of events, since the negative energy does not go away, but continues to poison the body, causing various health problems.
  • And here control over emotions associated with the initial desire not to fall under the power of stress, to be able to resist it. The impact of negative emotions is like a snowball. One has only to get upset for any reason, as instantly this state paralyzes actions and begins to affect all areas of life.

You have probably noticed more than once that if you are in a hurry somewhere or are worried about important event, then no other thoughts come to mind, literally “everything falls out of your hands”, you cannot find the things you need, everything is annoying ... And this negativity quickly accumulates and unsettles. It is extremely difficult to act effectively in this situation. Moreover, a strong release of adrenaline is not in the best way affects health. Here is the result.

Therefore, emotions can and should be controlled. Each of us is capable of doing this. First you have to make an effort, then it will become a habit.

How to stay calm in stressful situations: express methods

  1. If you are busy with something and start to feel stressed, pause and take a break from this activity for a while (or stop it altogether). It is necessary to restore the psychological balance, otherwise the tension may increase and with prolonged exposure to stress, the onset of a nervous breakdown becomes likely.
  2. Do not rush to immediately share your experiences with friends and colleagues. First, try to understand the situation yourself, analyze the causes of stress.
  3. Voice for yourself all the manifestations of nervousness at the level of the body, for example: “I feel that I am blushing”, “My fingers are trembling”, “My heart is about to jump out of my chest”, etc. This is necessary in order to be able to take myself hands and realize how much you are tense.
  4. Concentrate on your breath. In a situation of stress, the production of the hormone adrenaline increases, which also affects breathing. Its rhythm is broken, it becomes intermittent. To re-adjust it, use breathing techniques. The simplest is three deep breaths and exhalations. Such exercises can be performed both directly in a stressful situation, and in a more relaxed environment for relaxation. It is most effective to practice belly breathing.
  5. Come to the window, consider the opening landscape. Pay attention to the smallest details. Rejoice in something you haven't seen before. Well, if you get the opportunity to take a walk on fresh air. Enriching the brain with oxygen helps to calm and relieve stress.
  6. Control over emotions involves, first of all, the ability to recognize and accept them. If you feel unnecessarily tense or nervous, focus on your experiences and voice your feelings. The wording should reflect both acknowledgment and separation from negative emotions: "I am irritated" or "I am anxious."
  7. Don't wind yourself up, don't let a tense situation unfold to giant size. Stress needs to be brought under control while it is still in its infancy.
  8. Use visualization techniques. For example, you can imagine how you pack your problem and the negativity associated with it in a box, send it to the sea, and they will never return to you. Or if the experience of stress is associated with some person, then you can present it in an absurd, funny way, then it will be emotionally easier to communicate with him. It also helps to visualize your equanimity (for example, imagine yourself as a deep, vast ocean or a high fortress that is not threatened by anything).
  9. Remember some famous character (hero of a book, movie) or really an existing person, which, in your opinion, is the epitome of calm and equanimity. How would he react to the situation that happened to you?

Self-confidence helps you stay calm

Work on your confidence and self-esteem. Confident People do not panic and do not get nervous over trifles. They know they can handle the situation, no matter how hard it gets. If you are satisfied with yourself and feel inner harmony, then there will be much more peace in your life.

  • Important A complex approach . First of all, you need to like your own appearance. Look in the mirror more often, compliment yourself, say encouraging phrases: “I look good”, “I like myself and others”, etc.
  • Think more often about your talents and abilities, about what you are good at doing.. Do not forget about your achievements, usually they are remembered a lot. It is especially helpful to remember situations when you were able to successfully cope with difficulties and remain calm. It always adds confidence. Be sure to find time to do your favorite thing, which gives you real pleasure and gives you vigor.
  • Nothing disarms stress quite like your positive attitude.. The more positively charged you are, the less susceptible you are to various stressful situations. You immediately demonstrate that you are stronger than them. You need to have in your arsenal a list of life-affirming phrases that you like, help you stay calm and not be nervous. Say them regularly, charging yourself with confidence and positivity ( "Today is my day!" or “Every day I become more confident” and etc.)
  • Try to demonstrate external calm, even if everything is boiling inside. Straighten your shoulders, straighten your back, make your gait more measured, look up and try to eliminate fussy gestures. Control this image. Being aware of how you look will help you feel calmer and more confident internally.

How to learn calmness and equanimity

  1. Irritability is often the result of overwork.. So be sure to give yourself the opportunity to relax and get enough sleep. Devote weekends to yourself, your family and your favorite activities, and not to work and many household chores.

Important! Lack of sleep in most cases leads to emotional disorders and disharmony. An exhausted body is in constant stress and loses the ability to fight it. On the other hand, strong healthy sleep helps to stay alert and calm.

  1. The ability to plan and properly allocate your time helps to make life more measured and calm. It is necessary to prioritize the affairs and in the first place to perform important and urgent tasks.
  2. Punctual people are generally calmer than those who are constantly late.. If you do not belong to the first type, then you should improve the ability to always and everywhere be on time. Arrive early for a meeting or event.
  3. The environment (at home, in the workplace) should be comfortable and contribute to creating a positive mood. Keep order around. Try not to clutter up your space with a lot of items.

Important!The less unnecessary things surround you, the more freedom and harmony you will feel.

  1. Listen to pleasant melodic music more often, under which you can relax. The ideal option there will be classical compositions.
  2. Yoga and meditation classes are also a good way to learn how to stay calm in stressful situations.
  3. Try to control your habits. The less addiction you have in your life (from sweets, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol), the better you will be able to manage your own emotions and become calmer.
  4. Pay more attention to those around you. Interest in people contributes to the distraction from their complexes and obsessive thoughts and the development of observation. Moreover, you can always learn from others how to behave in a given situation, analyzing their experience and noticing the effective aspects of behavior.
  5. If there is a quarrel or an unpleasant conversation with someone, try to switch attention from your own negative emotions to the behavior of the interlocutor: watch his gestures, facial expressions, consider flaws, wrinkles on his face. Imagine the pressure he is under. This method helps to keep calm in a conflict situation.
  6. It's good to ask important questions Q: What are my main goals? What am I doing to achieve them? What else do I need to do? Reflection on such questions and plans allows you to escape from vain thoughts and concentrate on key points life.

It is important to feel like a hero of your time, to live in the present. You can’t drag the burden of past problems along with you, and no fears about the future should stop you. You must believe that your strength is enough to overcome any difficulty and you can always maintain inner integrity and peace.

Oftentimes, the achievement of our lofty goals is hindered negative emotions like impatience, anxiety, anger. They have an extremely negative impact on our health and spoil relationships with others. How to learn to remain calm? If we learn to control our own emotions, our activities will become more successful and effective, and our relationships with others will become more harmonious.

How to learn to remain calm in any situation

We will give some tips to help you stay calm in any situation.

Don't exaggerate the problem. No matter how difficult a situation you find yourself in, don't dramatize it. Repeat to yourself that nothing terrible has happened, and you will definitely cope. Surely you can look at the problem from a different angle.

You need to carefully consider the situation and calm down. To keep calm, be alone with yourself, do not immediately share with friends, because their active sympathy can upset you even more.

List the factors that negatively affect your emotional condition. It can be silence or noise, dusk or bright light. Knowing what annoys you and avoiding it as much as possible will make your life easier.

Learn to think figuratively. Try to imagine a perfectly calm person who is facing your problem. Consider what he would do in a similar situation. You can imagine yourself as a sane and calm person and, in the end, become one.

Create a calm environment around you. To learn how to stay calm, listen to music, turn off bright lights. Try to calm down before changing activities. You may need to drink a glass of water or take a few deep breaths to do this.

You need to remember difficult situations in which you managed to remain calm. Realize that you can remain calm in other similar situations.

You have to learn to switch. You should not think about the same thing - you can do something interesting for you or watch a movie. Being active helps you stay calm.

Don't forget your body's needs. complete sleep, physical exercise and healthy eating help you become calmer.

For peace of mind, rest on a day off, even if you have a lot of work. After a good rest, you will be able to return to work calmer and more efficient.

Human life is simply full of experiences. He is nervous from morning to evening. The consequences of this are nervous breakdowns, depression and stress. Work, home, rest. Everything needs to be thought about. In such a busy schedule, it is very difficult to remain calm. Before it can be saved, it must be developed.

7 secrets on how to stay calm

In order to learn how to remain calm, you need to relax more often.

The first step is to learn to accept failure. Not everything always goes as we would like. Even with the most unpleasant situations, you can find a way out. The main thing is to never give up. You have to find the positive in everything.

Smile. Laughter and joy make a person more balanced, calm. Smiling is not at all difficult and very effective. Smiling, a person begins to feel inner harmony.

Relax, meditation will help. By meditating, a person is freed from all thoughts that bothered him. He mentally rests, setting himself up only for the good.

There is no need to wait in vain. Don't focus on one thing. Thinking about one thing all the time, a person is nervous and worried, which negatively affects his nervous system. We need to pay more attention to joys, albeit small ones.

Enemies. These ill-wishers who do not want anything good. They are just waiting to be defeated. No need to pay attention to them, occupy your head with thoughts about them. This will only make the situation worse. You just need to do your job, go ahead and look at them from above.

It is very important to go towards success. To learn how to maintain inner peace, you need to pay more attention to positive moments. You need to confidently move towards achieving your goal. You need to act in such a way that there are more smiles than tears, but if there are tears, then let them be the tears of enemies.

To be calm, you must always be yourself. A person who is in search of a personality or repeats someone cannot be happy. He is busy not developing calmness, but searching for himself. This is very slow personality development.

It is very difficult to achieve something alone. You need to enlist the support of those around you. If others believe in a person, he, feeling supported, will achieve success faster.

To learn how to remain calm, remember that calmness is such a trait of a person that you only need to develop, genetics is powerless here. Waiting for peace to come is pointless. Act and act again, only in this way can calmness be developed.

It is not uncommon in life that situations arise when it is necessary to maintain self-control. Not many can boast of such an ability, but many dream of developing this ability in themselves. If you are one of the latter, then my article can help you with this.

How to keep calm in conflict situations?

There is such a method of manipulation, which is aimed at controlling a person by creating stressful situations. Unlike "hidden" manipulations, when the object is processed gradually and the required information is "imperceptibly" suggested to him, this method has a direct emotional impact and is based on an aggressive frontal attack.

Surely you have often been in situations where you were provoked into a conflict? That's what I'm talking about. At work, in a restaurant, on public transport, with friends, in the family and at home - conflict situations arise everywhere. Often people do not want conflicts and go to them unconsciously. But, you see, to control yourself when you are being pressed is not as easy as we would like.

This method of psychological pressure is based on

We live in a very active aggressive world and periodically your psycho-emotional state does not withstand the load. Accumulating "problems" a person inflating his psyche to the limit, and at some point the flame of his rage pours out into the world. In this case, the root causes can be different: temperament, bad day, upbringing (or lack of it), manipulation. Some generally use aggressiveness as a stable conduct pattern. In any case, the emotionally possessed brain is blind and deaf, and always leads your attention in the direction of the obsession. But the more you go along with the obsession, the more you will regret it after your mental clarity returns.

Therefore, the main method of dealing with this type of emotional manipulation is not to succumb to the "obsession" of the manipulator. Those. stay calm and thus, do not catch the "infection".

And it is calmness that will allow you to weaken the pressure of the possessed.

How to keep calm?

So, let's look at a few working methods, in conflict situations.

Method number 1. Attention switch

The essence of this method is to switch your attention from one sense organ to another, or from the sense organs to thoughts. Since the main information in conflict situations comes through hearing, your task is to concentrate in order to stop perceiving sounds that carry a negative.

For example, while your opponent is shaking in agony, spewing curses - start carefully looking at his face: look at the pores, bumps, or find pimples and flaws. This works well.

Alternatively, also during unpleasant conversation you can think about what to cook for dinner or what movie to watch in the evening.

Method number 2. Living imagination

Use a visualization technique to divert your attention or calm down. Consider a person, be it a boss, a boss, a subordinate, or an annoying granny - in some non-specific way. Preferably humorous.

For example, mentally put a helmet on the boss's head and imagine that he walks like this all the time. Or try on a swim cap. How would your interlocutor look in it?

Experiment. Just don't smile in your face. This can piss off the tanker. You are talking about serious things.

Method number 3. Block

Excellent and flawless reception.

The bottom line is this: You straighten your back, take your shoulders back and stand straight, like the “pride of the country”. Keep your hands free. Your gaze should stay calm and equanimity, and is directed at the eye (one, pre-selected) or the bridge of your opponent's nose. Blinking is better not often and a little lazily. You do not react to the words in any way - Concentrate on Breathe deeply.

You can tilt your head slightly to the side. It is a symbol of interest and indulgence.

So we've looked at four simple ways asstay calm in conflict situations. Which one to choose and adopt is a matter of taste. But remember the main thing: no matter what method you use, do not follow the obsession of your opponent. Answer all questions clearly and freely. If you are interrupted, answer after a long (5-10 seconds) pause. Always try keep. After all, it is an external manifestation of strength, spirit and confidence.

When I was a little younger, I had grandiose goals and aspirations, and a strong desire to achieve them every day of my life. In those days, my greatest desire was to live each day with dignity and peace of mind - to be calm and peacefully move from one task to another with concentration and calm, restrained energy.

Everything seems to be simple? Probably no. But there are steps we can take to at least stay calm more often. Why be calm? Damn it, because it's a fantastic feeling! Anger and impatience wear down our hearts, our souls, and our families. When we control our emotions, we get more done, communicate better, and live more productive and purposeful lives.

1. Try not to be dramatic

It is very easy to dramatize and make an elephant out of a fly. In any stressful situation, when the problem concerns you, resist the urge to exaggerate the negative. Avoid the words "always" and "when". You may feel like Stuart Smalley, but telling yourself "I can handle it", "It's okay" and "I'm stronger than this" can really help you look at the problem in a different way.

2. Think before sharing a problem

Don't talk, blog, or tweet about your problem. Don't discuss it with your friends right away; digest it yourself first, this will give you time to calm down a bit. Sometimes, well-meaning friends are too sympathetic to you. By doing this, they only add fuel to the fire, and you are even more upset.

3. Discover metaphors and visualization as a way to stay calm

Here's what helps me: I try to represent the problem as a node. The more I panic and pull on the ends, the tighter the knot tightens. But when I concentrate fully, I calm down and can loosen one thread at a time.

It also helps if you visualize yourself acting with restraint and focus. Stop screaming and move as slowly as possible. Speak slowly and quietly. Become that calm and unflappable person that you see in your imagination.

Here's another technique: Do you know any person who can be called unflappable? Think about what this person would do in your place.

4. Identify the factors that drive you crazy

Are there certain situations that make you lose control? Identify specific factors, from the time of day, to how busy (or bored) you are, to your blood sugar levels. Do you lose your temper when it's too noisy - or too quiet? Knowing your personal irritants will help you stay calm throughout the day.

5. Realize that you can control your emotions.

Recall times when you were able to successfully remain calm in a difficult situation. Perhaps it was when you wanted to yell at your spouse or children, but then the doorbell rang, and you were able to instantly reorganize. Remember that you can repeat this knowing what irritates you and what can help you maintain peace of mind.

6. Create a tranquil environment with relaxation rituals

If calm music comforts you, use it. If silence calms you, use it. Maybe you put on soothing instrumental music, dim the lights, and light scented candles.

When you come home from work, take a few minutes to calm your mind before diving into family matters. Sit in the car for a couple of minutes and take a few deep breaths. Kick off your shoes and drink a few sips of water. Such rituals are extremely calming during the transition from one activity to another.

7. Take care of your basic needs

Make sure that you get enough sleep and get enough protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Most often, I get irritated when my blood sugar is low. However, it is enough to eat something nutritious, and I feel (relatively) lighter.

Also try do physical education. Daily Workouts help relieve physical tension, which in turn helps you control your feelings. If I feel the need, then instead of a half-hour run, I do kickboxing. It helps.

Avoid overuse Sahara and caffeine, and do not dehydrate the body. Drink a large glass of water and see if you feel better, more calm and attentive.

8. Pay Attention to the Soul and Spirit

Depending on your religious preferences, take up meditation or pray. Practice yoga - or just sit quietly for a while. The ability to find peace of mind will serve you more than once good service. Take a meditation class and learn techniques to help control your busy mind.

9. Get distracted

Instead of thinking about the same things, do something interesting, exciting, or creative. Try to laugh(or laugh at yourself). Watch a comedy or read a blog that always makes you laugh. When you are animated, it is much easier to remain calm.

10. Take a day off

If I resist like crazy not to take a day off, I know for sure - I need it. If I can get over myself and spend a whole day away from work, I always return there calmer, more confident and filled with fresh ideas.

11. Remember to breathe

When my children were very young, we helped them calm down by teaching them to breathe with their belly. It still works - for them and for me. Diaphragm breathing helps relieve tension immediately, and it gives you a couple of minutes to calm down. This is often enough time to assess the situation and regain a sense of control.

During proper belly breathing, your belly will literally rise and fall. To practice, put your hand on your stomach. Inhale through your nose and see if your hand goes up as you inhale. Hold your breath for a few counts and exhale slowly.

12. Reflect on quotes that can help calm your mind.

“You are heaven. Everything else is just the weather.” Pema Chodron

"A calm, focused mind, not directed to harm others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe" Wayne Dyer (Wayne Dyer).

“It is useless to rush life. If I'm living on the run, then I'm living wrong. My habit of haste will not lead to anything good. The art of living is to learn how to make time for everything. If I sacrifice my life for haste, it will become impossible. Ultimately, procrastination means taking the time to think. It means taking time to think. Slowly you will be in time everywhere " Carlos Petrini (Carlos Petrini) - the founder of the movement "slow food".

“The only important reason to stay calm is that calm parents hear more. Restrained, receptive parents are those whose children keep talking.” Mary Pipher

“Keep calm, serenity, always control yourself. Then you will understand how easy it is to be in harmony with yourself.” Paramahansa Yogananda

Sometimes life presents such situations in which every little thing annoys: the husband does not thank for dinner, and the children do not want to collect toys, and the boss reprimands for the task not completed on time ...

Is it possible to get rid of superficial irritability and become self-confident? Psychologists assure that it is not only possible, but also necessary: ​​it makes life much easier and helps to maintain peace and balance.

Why does a person lose his composure?

Exploding in once more for some trifling occasion, a woman begins to think about how to be calm and not be nervous. Sedative pills are used, heart-to-heart talks with close friend, auto-training and even a loud count to ten in a critical situation. But the exhausted organism demands its own and again follows a breakdown with ridiculous decisions dictated not by common sense, but by impulse and momentary emotions.

Each time, the loss of calmness is repeated simply because there is no exact and only true recipe for how to remain calm in any situation. Therefore, before looking for ways out of this situation, it is worth understanding its causes. Why do some women lose their calm over trifling reasons, while others can boast of iron restraint?

Among the most common causes of loss of calm note:

  • "Triggers", that is, things, people or events that annoy us for reasons we do not understand: for example, a neighbor with a dog or rush hour on the subway.
  • Prolonged depression, combined with hopelessness and excitement, can cause irascibility.
  • Chronic fatigue and lack of vitamins can also provoke a loss of calm.
  • The presence of physical discomfort: when a person is hungry or cold, even a minor reason is enough to piss him off.
  • The presence of diseases: for example, with diabetes mellitus or thyroid diseases, increased irritability is often noted.

By identifying the cause of your irritation, you can solve it, and not cope with the consequences of a short temper, which only signals, for example, fatigue or malaise.

FACT! During pregnancy, many women experience difficulty with balance and the adequacy of reactions to familiar situations. Do not be afraid - this is just the action of a changing hormonal background.

Peace, only peace!

Psychologists say with confidence: despite the fact that there is no universal method of how to become calm and not nervous, each person can learn to remain calm in certain life situations.

  • Change the way you see things. Look at the world through the prism of the positive: love yourself and others. Forgive yourself and others for minor mistakes and shortcomings, do not reproach and do not press. Be patient and understanding, learn to stop your irritation. Before you worry, consider the appropriateness of this behavior: what will change and who will benefit from worry.
  • Change your behavior. If a stressful situation is inevitable, then you should change your reaction to it: try to restrain your negative reaction, simulate the development of the situation, avoid communicating with people who are prone to drama. Look at things through the eyes of a grandmother, a kind old woman wise by life experience.
  • Relax. In any situation, it is important to try to remain calm. To do this, psychologists advise to relax, and everyone does it in their own way: someone listens to quiet music, someone uses aromatic oils, someone meditates. For many women, children and animals are a calming factor, so play with your baby and cat for therapeutic purposes.

These simple and transparent tips will help you understand how to learn to be calm and realize your dreams of balance.

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It is never too late to change your behavior and learn to calmly perceive the world around you and people. Only after a woman begins to look at the world calmly and balanced, she understands how much peace means in life. Your peace of mind is the key to personal and family well-being, a friendly climate at work and strong friendships.