How to dry pillow feathers. A clean pillow is a healthy sleep. Refresh your pillow without washing with steam

How to wash feather pillows in a washing machine - this problem worries those who still use such bedding and do not want to change them to modern ones filled with silicone or holofiber. Which pillows are better to sleep on is a moot point. On the one hand, feather pillows are softer and more voluminous, everyone remembers how well they slept on such pillows when they were visiting their grandmother.

If you really can’t say goodbye to such rare things, then you need to at least know exactly how to wash a feather pillow correctly, quickly and efficiently.

These pillows are in all respects more whimsical than synthetic ones, and it is also much more difficult to care for them. Therefore, if you are a busy person and do not really like to do household chores, it is better to prefer another option. Well, if you are ready to work hard, then release a day that is convenient for you, warm and dry, and proceed.

Before washing a feather pillow in the washing machine, you need to prepare it for this process. Small pillows that fit in the drum of a washing machine do not need to be prepared - just remove the pillowcases and put the bedding in a bag for washing shoes or delicate items to be sure. It will not be superfluous to use tennis balls to prevent knocking down feathers into lumps.

But with large pillows - these are usually what they get as a dowry from their mother or grandmother - they will have to tinker. Pushing such products forcibly into the washing machine is dangerous for both the pillow and the unit. The feathers inside the pillow may not wash off or get off in one lump. And if the pillowcase breaks, they will clog the filter and other internal elements of the washing machine, you will have to clean and repair it.

Therefore, you need to prepare the pillow for washing as follows:

  1. Remove the pillowcase - it can still be washed and reused.
  2. Then carefully rip off the breastplate from one corner. No need to tear the whole side at once - in this case, the feather will scatter throughout the room, it will be difficult to assemble it.
  3. In parts, the feather is removed from the pillow and moved to special bags. They need to be prepared in advance by sewing from old pillowcases, curtains or unnecessary fabric. You need to use a durable, but at the same time well-permeable matter with a uniform weaving of fibers. Then the filler is washed off and at the same time it will not come out between the fibers during the washing process.
  4. Now the bags need to be sewn up tightly. It's just not safe to tie them up. If the pouch is untied while spinning in the washing machine drum, the feathers will ruin the washing machine.
  5. The final stage of preparation is the choice of the optimal cleaning agent. Today in the store you can easily buy a special gentle product for the care of products made from natural fluff. If it was not possible to find this, it can be successfully replaced with a liquid concentrate for washing delicate fabrics or shampoo.

A little secret from users: natural feather absorbs odors very well and keeps them. To keep the pillows pleasantly scented and fresh for a long time, you can add a few drops of any essential oil that you like - orange, lavender, fir or mint - to the rinse aid compartment. At the same time, it will be an excellent prevention of ticks and other insects.

Which washing mode to choose

Down and feathers are a very whimsical filler for pillows and blankets. It gets dirty quickly, is prone to insect infestation, mold and rot. But at the same time, it is impossible to wash it with ordinary powder, it will stick together and not wash off properly. In the same way, high temperatures act on the pen.

To clean such material from sweat, dust and unpleasant odors, a temperature of 30-40 degrees will be enough. For heavy soiling, it is better to use the soaking function in addition, rather than hot water. A double rinse will not be superfluous. If there is leftover detergent left in the feathers, they will not dry properly and will begin to mold and acquire an unpleasant odor.

There is no need to be afraid to turn on the spin cycle - this will not make the feathers worse, on the contrary, they will dry faster and not become damp. Therefore, when washing feather pillows, you can safely choose the spin cycle at maximum speed.

How to wash a pillow with feathers by hand

If you are worried that the feather pillow will deteriorate in the automatic typewriter, or vice versa, the typewriter will suffer, you can wash the feathers manually. You need to prepare them in the same way as for machine washing. Do not stuff the covers too tightly, they will not wash well. Feather bags are soaked in warm soapy water for 1-2 hours. then carefully wash the covers with feathers, you don’t need to rub hard and wrinkle the feather, all the dirt will come off easily.

After that, dirty soapy water should be drained and the pillows rinsed in clean and cool. most likely, you will have to do 2-3 rinses. Then the pillows need to be wrung out (but not twisted!) And let them drain over the bath.

How to dry a feather pillow

Drying the washed feather is the longest and most important moment in the entire wash. Immediately after the pillows or covers with feathers are removed from the drum of the washing machine, you need to shake them well, smooth them out and try to break all the lumps of wet feather with your fingers.

If this is not done, the pen will dry for a long time and unevenly, forming sticky lumps. Small pads and feather pouches can be dried whole. you just need to make sure that the room is well ventilated or ventilated, and do not forget to shake them from time to time.

There is another way to dry washed feathers. To do this, you first need to find a suitable location. It should have good ventilation and low humidity, but there should be no drafts. It can be an attic or a closed loggia.

Covers need to be carefully opened, wet feathers removed and laid out on newspapers in an even layer. From time to time, the feathers will have to be turned over and separated with your fingers. Depending on the time of year, air temperature completely dry pen after 2-7 days.

If you have an electric dryer, you can use it to dry feather pillows in winter. Do not forget to put tennis balls into the drum so that they break the feathers and prevent them from sticking together. It may take several cycles to completely dry the bedding after washing.

Be sure to let the pen dry well and completely. You can not stuff the pillowcases with wet filler - the feathers will begin to rot and mold, they will acquire an unpleasant odor.

First, you need to cut and sew new breastplates, then carefully stuff them with washed and dried feathers. after that, the pillowcase is sewn up, it remains only to put on a clean, ironed pillowcase, fluff up the updated pillow higher - and a strong, pleasant sleep is guaranteed.

The modern market offers a huge selection of pillows with a variety of fillings: vegetable buckwheat husk, natural camel hair, bamboo, synthetic holofiber. Each person has different requirements for a sleeping pillow in order to feel rested in the morning. Fashionable environmental trends have led to the fact that downy products have become in demand again. And many simply in the old fashioned way remain true to their favorite "home" feather pillows. Consider the characteristic features of a household item with natural classic stuffing.


Pillows are filled with down and feathers of waterfowl: geese, ducks, swans, less often chicken feathers. Such a natural pillow is hygroscopic, silent, durable, has good air permeability, has excellent thermoregulation, and retains its shape well. She is considered the most comfortable. The feather filler has no smell.

However, bird fluff is contraindicated for people with allergies.

Natural material quickly absorbs moisture and accumulates dust, collects dead skin and hair cells, the secret of sebaceous and salivary glands, thus becoming a favorable atmosphere for the reproduction of mold, microbes and mites. Why there are problems with the respiratory system, the skin.

It doesn’t even occur to many housewives what a health hazard a dirty feather inside a pillowcase poses. Bed care is limited to changing pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers. This is not enough.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to regularly clean feather pillows. The frequency of general processing of down products is 1-2 times a year. More frequent cleaning will damage the feathers and reduce the life of the product.

The procedure for processing a pillow at home is very difficult, but possible. Washing the finished pillow is not recommended. You will not achieve the desired effect, just get rid of a small amount of dust. In addition, you will encounter difficulties with the complete drying of the product. In order for the washing process to go well, you need to initially prepare for it.


Determine which bird feathers your pillow is filled with. If these are chicken feathers, then the product can be safely disposed of. Or take the pillow to a specialist workshop and have it dry-cleaned, warning that the pillow is stuffed with chicken feathers. Washing chicken plumage is strictly prohibited. The fluff of this bird does not tolerate moisture, dries very poorly, and in the process of hygienic processing it can simply turn into dust.

Only waterfowl feather fillers can be washed. Sew a few covers for washing feathers. For one pillow of medium standard size, at least 5 bags will be required. For sewing, you can use any thin cotton fabric, chintz, teak. Old pillowcases, tulle or a pillowcase will do.

It is better not to use gauze, as it will not hold the fluff. Or fold it in three or four layers before sewing the covers.

Decide on the size of the bags. We measure the pillow that we are going to wash. We increase the length by 2 times, and leave the width the same. On the calculated parameters we sew additional bags.

If you do not want to sew a lot of extra pillowcases, then sew one, 3 times the size of the pillow. Some housewives resort to a different method: they sew small bags measuring 20x20 cm and fill them with 100-gram piles of fluff.

Before washing:

  1. We knock out a feather pillow from dust.
  2. We rip one edge of the napkin along the seam.
  3. Carefully move the down filler into the covers made in advance.
  4. We sew up the open edge of the bags firmly.

Shift the feather filler on a damp cloth, the fluff will linger on its surface and will not scatter across the floor.

You can clean the pillow only by following our recommendations.


For washing down and feather bedding, certain products are used that do not damage the base of the pillow. It is better to use liquid washing powder, wool gel, shampoo. They gently affect the fluff during washing.

Remarkably suitable products, which include lanolin. It prevents rapid contamination of feather fibers, makes them elastic and soft. Many housewives prefer a time-tested folk remedy. They grate baby or laundry soap and dissolve it in water. Also use chlorine-containing concentrated bleach when washing, it eliminates and prevents the appearance of dust mites.

Remember that ordinary dry powder is not suitable for the care of down pillows. Its large particles are poorly washed out of feathers. Universal powder is also not recommended, its bleaching ingredients and enzymes have a destructive effect on the structure of the fibers.

When rinsing, do not use a conditioner with a strong fragrance. The down filling absorbs odors, and the obsessive aroma causes a headache. It is better to use a couple of drops of any essential oil instead of fragrance in the secondary rinse. For example, the aroma of basil eliminates insomnia, marigolds are a good sleeping pill and restore peace of mind, the wonderful smell of jasmine enhances sensuality and creates an intimate atmosphere, and medicinal chamomile oil has a huge range of medicinal qualities, it both calms and strengthens.

Essential oils will give the product a light, unobtrusive aroma and help ward off dust mites from fluff.

How to properly care?

Washing feather pillows at home is a rather difficult and lengthy process. Wet cleaning can be carried out in different ways: manually or using a washing machine.

In the washing machine

Most women prefer not to waste time and energy on washing with their hands, and use an automatic machine. It is impossible to wash the whole feather pillow. The filler will go astray in one lump. In addition, a dry pillow has a weight of about 5 kilograms. Having absorbed water, it will turn into a “training” weight, which not every washing machine can handle. Washing swan down pillows in a washing machine is possible if certain conditions are met:

  • select the delicate mode or the hand wash mode;
  • if the automatic machine has a “down” or “duvet” mode, then set it;
  • we dial the temperature no higher than 40 degrees, preferably 30;

  • set the mode with a minimum number of revolutions;
  • we put special balls made of soft plastic or tennis balls into the drum, when washing, they will prevent the feathers from falling into one lump and remove all contaminants;
  • distribute the load on the drum. It is advisable, in addition to a cover with feathers, to put a few towels. This will allow the washing machine to work correctly and eliminate its strong vibration;
  • Rinse the covers with feathers at least twice. Don't forget to add flavor before the last cycle.

If the washing machine has an automatic drying function, the process is simplified several times, it goes better and faster. Select the desired mode and finish your work.

Important: when washing in the machine, do not use the spin cycle. When wringing, the feathers break and become garbage. Wringing out covers with down filler can only be done manually. But if you still dared to use the machine spin, then choose the mode with the least number of revolutions (up to 400).

Manual way

Hand processing is a longer and more tedious procedure than washing in a washing machine. This method of cleaning can be carried out both in bags and without bags:

  • Fill a large container with water at a temperature not higher than 40 and not lower than 30 degrees. Do not use hot water. From it, the protein that is contained inside the feather coagulates, and the fluff acquires an unpleasant odor, which you will not be able to get rid of later.
  • Add liquid powder or other detergent and stir. The following solution cleans feathers well: for 5 liters of water, 150 grams of grated soap and 1 teaspoon of ammonia.
  • Put a bag of filler in a container or pour in some of the feathers. The fluff should float freely on the water, and not lie on its surface in a thick layer.
  • Soak in warm soapy water for 2-3 hours.

  • Put the feathers in a colander and rinse under the tap. If you wash in covers, then wash the bags, change the used water to a different soap solution and repeat the procedure until the water remains clean.
  • Change the water and continue cleaning in the same sequence with the remaining covers or down.
  • Rinse the feathers thoroughly in clean water after washing. Can be rinsed in conditioned water or with 2-3 drops of essential oil.
  • Gently wring out the washed feathers.
  • Gut the crumpled feathers immediately after washing. Spread them out evenly on an absorbent cloth. A large towel or bed sheet, baby diaper is also suitable. Roll the wet feather fabric into a tight roll. The fabric will take on most of the moisture.
  • Don't forget to wash the empty pillowcase or replace it with a new one.

Steam cleaning

Not all housewives know that one of the ways to clean feather pillows at home is steam cleaning. And it doesn't matter if you have a steamer or a steam cleaner. You can also resort to the steam method using a conventional iron with the function of steam generation or vertical steaming:

  1. Fix the pillow in an upright position. For example, you can hang it on a rope.
  2. Treat the surface of the pillow on both sides with steam.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, repeat the cleaning process and leave to dry. You can hang the pillow in the sun.
  4. After drying, spread the filler with your hands.

Of course, steam cleaning is not a full wash, but it will secure and renew the pillow. Microorganisms and bacteria, dust mites die from the action of hot air of steam generators. The bed product gets rid of an unpleasant smell. With the help of steaming, the feather filler is cleaned of dust, the pillow acquires freshness.


In addition to washing, an important step in cleaning a classic pillow is proper and competent drying. If you approach this process irresponsibly, the filler will stick together into lumps, become moldy, and acquire a fetid odor. Wet feathers will lead to the reproduction of fungi and harmful bacteria in them. At home, you can use the following pillow drying options:

  • Outdoor drying. A good option for the summer period. After a gentle manual delicate spin, place the feathers in bags made of fine fabric. Knead the lumps with your hands, shake the covers with feathers. Hang the bags outdoors so that the wind blows them. You need to hang it in the shade, because the sun's rays negatively affect the elasticity and structure of the fluff. To prevent the feathers from getting damp inside the case, they need to be shaken and kneaded periodically. In hot windy weather, the fluff dries out in a fairly short time. In addition, ultraviolet rays contribute to disinfection.

  • Drying on the battery. In the old days, women washed downy underwear in the winter, allowing it to freeze well and acquire a unique frosty freshness. Frost kills germs, but does not dry out the down. Therefore, the best option for drying a feather pillow for winter time is drying on a battery. The method is very simple - spread the bags of fluff on the radiator.

Beat and turn the filler constantly, as the feathers dry out too quickly on the battery.

  • Drying in the room. The most convenient and common option is drying in the room. Spread the feather filler on any horizontal surface in a ventilated area. It is desirable to pour it on paper or a moisture-absorbing fabric folded several times. Use newspaper as a last resort, but light-colored feathers are more likely to get smudged with ink. Stir wet down as often as possible to ensure fresh air flow. To prevent the drying process from being delayed, place a small amount of fluff on the selected surface.

If you spread the filler between two layers of gauze, you can speed up drying with a hair dryer. Remember that the feather filler must be dried in 2-3 days. If the drying process was unsuccessful, and the fluff acquired an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to re-wash the feathers by repeating the whole procedure again.

After drying, cover the floor with a dry sheet or oilcloth, then you will save yourself the hassle of cleaning the room. Pour the feathers into a clean or new pillowcase. A handful of hops can be added to the bedclothes along with feathers. The smell of hop cones has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps eliminate insomnia. Sew up the breastplate with a tight seam.

  • The best time for such painstaking work with pillows is the summer period. On a warm, fresh air flow, the filler will dry faster; in winter, drying will be delayed or may not work.
  • Before washing, you can carry out the prevention of pillows from bed mites. Take 10 liters of water, add 1 teaspoon of boric acid, 500 grams of soap and 100 grams of ammonia. Soak the pen in the resulting liquid for 1 hour.
  • Fluff clogs the sewer, so when washing in the bathroom, we advise you to close the hole to drain the water with a protective mesh.
  • Before washing feather bags in the washing machine, double-check that the covers you are using are secure and free from holes. Bags must be tight. Fallen fluff can clog the filter of the machine, and it will fail.

A fresh, perfectly clean pillow is the key to a full, healthy sleep that brings real relaxation and rejuvenation. To date, there is no shortage of bedding - a huge number of pillows for every taste, orthopedic, with various synthetic fillers, are on sale. But still, one of the most popular options is the classic feather pillow - convenient, comfortable, safe for health and durable. But it should be remembered that it requires special care, especially if it has not been cleaned for more than 4 years.

Natural fluff is able to perfectly pass the dust that settles inside the product and can cause numerous allergic reactions. Dust is an ideal breeding ground for various pathogens, mites. In order to protect yourself and your loved ones, it is enough just to clean and wash bedding regularly.

Can it be washed?

The quickest and easiest way to get your feather accessories in order is to have them professionally dry cleaned. But the most important disadvantage of this option is its high cost - the procedure will be quite expensive, since in its process the filler is also treated with ultraviolet radiation, and contaminated, stuck together feathers are removed. The cost of such a service is quite high, but for a year after dry cleaning, you can not worry about washing.

You can wash the product yourself, remembering a few simple rules. As the experience of many housewives shows, this can be done with equal success both in summer and in winter. Summer time is preferable if you live in a private house and have the opportunity to spread the fluff in the open air. Otherwise, cleaning is best done in winter - freezing down allows you to effectively get rid of small mites and other pathogens that could have started in the pillow.

At home

The pillows can be washed both by hand and in the machine.

Important! Remember the basic rule of self-cleaning - the product is washed only in parts in disassembled form.

How to solve the problem at home in winter?
  • The first thing to do is to prepare the product and the pen. The pillow can only be washed unassembled, which means that before cleaning it must be torn open and all the stuffing poured into other pillowcases, bought or sewn on your own from the cheapest fabric. Natural chintz or gauze is perfect.
  • Please note that the fluff from a large pillow will have to be poured into 5-6 bags, for a small product 3 bags are enough.

    Important! You should not try to scatter the filler as tightly as possible into the bags - the less fluff is in the bag, the better it stretches and rinses.

  • Bags need to be tied tightly with a ribbon or simply sewn up, after which you can proceed directly to washing. Washed bags in a deep basin - the water temperature should be no more than 30-40 degrees. Products can be soaked in warm water for one to two hours.
  • Liquid or laundry soap, or a liquid concentrate of washing powder is added to the water - these are the products that are considered optimal for washing at home. After the first stage, the water is drained, the fluff is slightly wrung out so that excess moisture escapes. Pour the next portion of water with detergent into the basin, and the wash is repeated. As a rule, in order to completely clean the packing from dust and dirt, it will need to be washed at least 4-5 times, regularly changing the water with the powder.

Pay special attention to the fact that with all diligence and maximum care, it will not be possible to avoid the loss of fluff. In most cases, about 30-40% of the down is lost. In addition, be prepared for the fact that during washing and drying fluff will scatter throughout the apartment - keep the vacuum cleaner nearby.


Proper drying is as important as washing. After it, the bags with feathers should be slightly squeezed and dried. You can dry the filler on the balcony, on the radiator or on other horizontal surfaces. Whip the fluff regularly and carefully break up the lumps.

Important! Feathers during drying must be constantly turned over and shaken so that they can dry completely. The drying process should not last more than 2 days, otherwise the appearance of an unpleasant smell of dampness and mustiness cannot be avoided. In order to speed up the drying process, it is better to put large terry towels under the pillows - thanks to this, excess moisture is quickly absorbed.

After the feathers are completely dry, they can be put back into the pillowcase. You can wash the pillow not only by hand, but also in the machine. ?

  • The feather product is washed only in warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed 30-40 degrees. The delicate wash mode is considered ideal. Many modern washing machines are equipped with a special pen washing function.
  • Only liquid detergent can be used to wash pillows in the machine., baby or laundry soap, crushed into small pieces. Today on sale there are special gentle products for woolen and downy products. You should definitely not use ordinary powders or bleaches, which can have a detrimental, aggressive effect on the structure of the fluff.
  • As in the case of hand washing, the pillow is also washed unassembled - spread the old pillowcase along one side and pour the stuffing into several special bags or other pillowcases.

    Important! If in the case of hand washing, bags with feather filler can simply be tied with a ribbon or cord, then in the case of a machine, the bags will have to be sewn tightly. Even the tightest knots will not be able to withstand intensive washing.

  • When washing in the machine, be sure to set the double rinse mode, and, on the contrary, minimize the spin intensity.
  • The rest of the washing principles are the same as in manual mode - feather bags are carefully stretched, rinsed and dried.

Many housewives agree that hand-washing is still preferable for down pillows. Even the utmost care cannot guarantee that small feathers will not get into the filter and other parts of the washing machine, causing it to malfunction.

Before you start washing, you should remember a few important rules. This will help you get the highest quality result.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to wring out the feathers strongly in both hand and machine wash - this can break them and disrupt their structure. Many housewives advise using a very non-standard device in the form of an old kitchen colander for squeezing - thanks to this, excess moisture will completely drain, and the structure of the filler will not be disturbed.
  2. In the process of washing, it is best not to use special softening fabric softeners. Such products have a rather strong smell, which will remain on the pillow for a long time and can cause various sleep disturbances or headaches.
  3. You can pour a few tablespoons of vinegar into the water - it will help the feathers straighten out and not stray into lumps. In addition, acetic acid will provide additional antibacterial treatment and significantly delay the penetration of various pathogens inside.


Useful video tips will help you avoid many common mistakes and give yourself and your loved ones a sound, healthy and pleasant sleep.

In an era of technological progress, manufacturers offer a huge selection of synthetic pillows, but there are still feather products in every home. Our grandmothers kept them carefully because they are soft, safe and have a long service life. But over time, products become dirty and lose their original appearance.

Today, housewives can save themselves from having to do unloved housework. Most often this applies to washing large and bulky items, such as pillows. Naturally, you can give them to dry cleaning, but this procedure is quite expensive. Therefore, it is better to know how to wash a feather pillow at home in order to save money and be sure of the quality of the work done.

By hand or in a washing machine?

Feather pillows can be machine washed or hand washed. If the product has not been cleaned for more than three years, it is better to use a detergent. You need to select it based on your preferences. Allergy sufferers should opt for laundry soap or hypoallergenic products.

When thinking about whether it is possible to wash a whole feather pillow and save time and effort, you need to remember that this is only possible if it is possible to dry it well. It is better to do this in a special device or under the hot sun. It is necessary to lay only one product in the washing machine, and you need to wash it in a gentle mode and in warm water.

If the decision is made to wash the feather pillow in a typewriter, it is better to sew up the bags with feathers. When washed by hand, they are soaked for 30-40 minutes.

How to prepare a pillow for washing?

Before proceeding directly to washing, the product must be prepared. Pillows should be torn open and feathers placed in bags. Washing in native feathers is allowed if the product is small in size and there are more things in the machine, for example, towels. This is necessary so that the laundry is evenly distributed. If the pillow is washed alone, it should also be cut open.

Washing by hand

After the feather pouches are soaked, they are washed in warm water with detergents. Experienced housewives recommend cooking them yourself. Finely chopped laundry soap should be mixed with several bottles of ammonia. Covers are washed separately.

How to wash a feather pillow at home so that it smells fresh? To do this, prepare a container of 20-30 liters. Soap should be dissolved in boiling water and added. The feather from the bags is laid out in small parts in a container with water and carefully moved by hand. After that, it must be wrung out and put in a container for rinsing. You can add a little vinegar to the water that will be used for these purposes. It will improve the condition of the feathers. After rinsing several times in cold water, it is necessary to squeeze them out and arrange them in bags. It is better to wring out the packed feather in the washing machine to reduce the drying time.

Knowledge of how to wash a feather pillow at home is necessary for a good housewife, because the product gets dirty pretty quickly. This is due to the fact that the feather absorbs sweat and oils that are secreted by the scalp. In addition, the filler is bunched up, which interferes with a good sleep and comfort. Feathers impregnated with foreign components can cause allergies.

Washing machine

Many housewives are thinking about how to wash a feather pillow in a typewriter. It is impossible to put it entirely there, as the quality of the product will deteriorate greatly. The pen must be removed and put into bags. They need to be placed in the machine and turn on the delicate wash program. Detergent should be used that is suitable for woolen products. It must be poured into the machine and set the extra rinse program.

How to dry the product?

In order for the result of the entire procedure to be at the highest level, it is necessary to know not only how to wash a feather pillow at home, but also how to dry it properly. This is best done on a hot sunny day on the balcony, as ultraviolet disinfects the product. The bags must be hung out so that they are blown from all sides by the wind. Every few hours they need to be shaken, then the feathers will not bunch up. Depending on the temperature values, the bags will dry for several days. When the feathers are dry, they need to be put back into the feather and sewn up.

If it is not possible to hang the bags, it is necessary to lay out the feathers on cardboard or fabric that is folded several times. In order for them to dry evenly, you should constantly stir them and turn them over. When the pen is half dry, it is necessary to take it out to fresh air, preferably under the direct rays of the sun. To prevent the feathers from scattering from the wind, you need to cover them with gauze or other light cloth. For quick and uniform drying, you need to stir them regularly. After the pen is completely dry, it can be put back into the pen.

When the pillow is drying, put a few tennis balls in the machine to beat the filler.

Housewives who like to add fragrances to the water should remember not to use those that smell very strongly. It is better to add natural ingredients in a small amount. It is more advisable to buy lavender, orange or cypress oil, as they repel linen mites.

How to wash a feather pillow at home, you now know. If you follow all the recommendations, it will last quite a long time. A clean product should smell pleasantly fresh. If there is a heavy smell of dampness, you need to wash the pillow again, following all the rules.

Modern manufacturers of accessories for sleep and relaxation have come up with a lot of useful things, such as pillows with a pressure level regulator, a neckband for long flights, a 2-in-1 orthopedic mattress, and more. However, none of the above compares to good old feather pillows. The filler of such products does not stray into bundles, keeps its shape and is characterized by increased wear resistance. Like any other item in the home, feather pillows need careful care, such as proper washing and drying.

Hand wash feather pillows

Necessary materials:

  • warm water in large quantities;
  • 5 meters of gauze;
  • gel for washing woolen products (preferably liquid consistency);
  • basin or bucket of 20-30 liters;
  • a new set of pillowcases;
  • clothes rinse.
  1. Fold the gauze in 2-3 layers, sew the edges so that you get a square bag. You will need 4 pieces. Don't sew up one end of the bag.
  2. Spread the pillowcase along the seam, pull out the down filler, divide its amount into 4 equal parts.
  3. Place each section in a separate bag of gauze, sew up the open edge or tie tightly with nylon thread.
  4. Pour warm water into a basin, add wool washing gel to the container and mix well until foam is formed.
  5. Place the first gauze bag of fluff in the basin / bucket, leave for 10 minutes. At the end of the time, wash well for a quarter of an hour. After that, change the composition to a new one and repeat the manipulations.
  6. When you finish washing the first bag, pour out the soapy solution, fill with clean water and rinse several times. Do it again and wash again. When you notice that the foam has become many times less, dial the last basin and add 60 ml. fabric softener.
  7. Squeeze the feather bag as thoroughly as possible, hang it over the bath, wait half an hour to drain excess liquid. Repeat the previous steps for the rest of the bags.

Not all ladies like to do painstaking work, such as hand washing or soaking too dirty items. Thanks to a century of technological progress, it becomes possible to wash in a typewriter, which will greatly simplify the task. The main feature of machine washing down and feather pillows is the correct choice of mode. It depends on him the final result.

  1. Fold the gauze fabric in 5-6 layers so that in the end you manage to make a full-fledged tight bag. Since even a gentle machine wash is much harder on the product, you need to sew the edges correctly.
  2. After that, spread the pillow, distribute the filler into several equal parts. Each of them must fit in the drum and have a margin of space. Transfer the feather parts to the bags, sew them firmly.
  3. Place the bags in the washing machine, set the washing mode for delicate items, do not forget about the cleaning agent. Just like with the manual method, machine washing involves the use of wool washing gel. Pour a large amount into the appropriate compartment, add a cap of conditioner.
  4. Regarding the washing temperature, it should not exceed 40 degrees. Pay attention to the revs before washing the bags. Set them to minimum power, turn on the double rinse program.
  5. When everything is ready, turn on the machine and do not miss the second rinse cycle. Directly in front of it, it is necessary to fill in another 1.5-2 caps of the air conditioner.

Machine washing of feather pillows is considered problematic due to the fact that the machine is at risk. Feathers can clog the filter and, as a result, make it difficult to properly clean. Be careful, sew the gauze bags well and fold in 5 layers, do not spare the fabric. Make sure there are no wide holes.

Do not try to fill the machine "to the eyeballs", leave some space. It would be better to drive it away in several stages than to carry out poor-quality cleaning.

There are several options for drying pillows: heating radiators, outdoor version, drying in a typewriter, special devices. Let's take a look at each of them separately.

  1. Heating radiators. The option is suitable for people who decide to wash their pillows in the winter. In the cold, feathers will not dry out, so batteries are the best way. To use this method, fluff the bags of fluff, mash the lumps and lay them on the battery. The method is bad because the feathers shrink in a short time, so the bags need to be constantly whipped and turned over.
  2. Fresh air. Ideal for drying feather pillows in the summer. To begin the procedure, remove the bags from the washing machine, wrap them in a soft towel, squeezing out the water. Don't rub the feathers too hard or you will damage them. The advice is especially relevant for drying and washing old pillows, the filler in them is more fragile. Knead all the lumps with your hands, shake the bags thoroughly. After that, take them out into the fresh air, whether it be on the balcony or hangers outside. Shake the feathers occasionally to keep them from getting damp inside.
  3. Room dryer. Break up the lumps in the bags and place the items on the dryer rails. Put the device on the balcony or near the battery. A very convenient option, since the air constantly circulates. Before using the pillow, make sure that the feathers are completely dry. Otherwise, the products will start to smell like mold, and removing it from the pillow is much more difficult than washing the product itself.
  4. Drying in the machine. The technique is especially popular in Europe and America, machine drying greatly simplifies life. In a short time, the pillows will become dry and whipped, just put them in the drum for 5 hours, observing the temperature regime of 30 degrees. In the process of scrolling, the pen will constantly fold into lumps. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to place 5-6 tennis balls in the machine. Together with constant scrolling, they will fluff up the pen.

After the final drying of the pillow, spread a thick sheet on the floor and spread the feathers on it. Gut them well, then place them in the bedclothes and sew them firmly, fluff the pillow with a special device or with your hands. Vacuum the room at the end of all manipulations.

Processing and drying feather pillows requires patience and constant monitoring, otherwise the filler will either not dry completely or will clump. Choose your preferred wash option, but remember to fold the gauze tighter for the washing machine. Always add conditioner and fluff pillows after spreading feathers.

Video: how to wash a feather pillow