"Disgrace near the ballet": Volochkova was found drunk. Naked and drunk Anastasia Volochkova once again shocked the Internet

Unlikely Anastasia Volochkova I was expecting this response to my post. She just shared her impressions of the sight of the first snow on social networks.

The ballerina posted a new video on Instagram in which she jumps and spins around her house. "It's great when you warm yourself in the cold with the love of your loved ones and the warmth of your little coat! Rejoice and take care of each other! And keep warm!" – she turned to the fans.

They just didn't like what they saw. Many were horrified and smashed Anastasia to smithereens, and not embarrassed in terms.

Some criticized Volochkova's cheerful mood. “Oh, so kind and bright, and what is suddenly not for her, can’t even control herself - everything in her face changes and splashes with poison. A hypocrite!”, “Directly wanders her around this yard, she couldn’t stand still for a second .. .. itching, probably, somewhere ... "," Well, at least it jumps in its own area, and not rushed to the neighbors "," Dear mom ... a thin, sonorous voice. flesh ... "," Like a small child ... this whole type of joy looks fake "," A little coat, maybe nothing, but there are definitely problems with the mind "," Like a sheep bleats. Like innocence itself "," Quietly I am talking to myself .... a fur coat-coat ... somewhere Arisha "," He obviously wants to go to the toilet, trying to remember where she hung the fresheners, where to run .. or maybe she wanted to run under the thuja, but here it's snowing " “It’s strange that I didn’t meet the first snow on a twine,” they quipped.

Some called her a "merchant" and a "disgrace around the ballet". A follower asked: "Guys, Muscovites, you don't know, Nastya hasn't started distributing flyers near the metro yet?"

The other even got worried. “People, are you sure that she is mentally healthy?! Something I begin to doubt,” he said.

Most of the users decided that the artist was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. "All pumped up again! Advertising, coat, Arisha, girlfriends, bathhouse, cat, snow, Christmas tree ...", "To jump like that at 40, you need to take it well", "Completely inadequate, I even forgot where her bathhouse is Nastya, what are you drinking?", "As if under some kind of drugs, very incoherent speech, jumping from one topic to another, and very twitchy movements", "Again, she got crazy and confused everyone", "Anastasia, yes you are crazy! Did you wash your tail and pea coat? I have a feeling that I watched a video from a madhouse. At first I watched without sound. And a fragment from "The Irony of Fate" surfaced, where Lukashin jumps at the entrance - "We need to drink less! .. You need to drink less! .. Less you have to drink!”, “I won’t be surprised if I sniffed coke”, “Drunk, or what?”, “Anastasia, you forgot to indicate that there is another sponsor of this publication - vodka “Squirrel is looking for a horse”!” - the ballerina’s page was filled with such poison .

Oh, poor Nastya...

Now Russian stars are in the hottest financial and creative process - celebrities are touring along the Black Sea coast, daily delighting vacationers with their performances. Outrageous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova recently flew to the Crimea with her charity concerts "Symphony of Kindness".

The artist daily posts reports on her stay in Crimea on her Instagram. Anastasia has already performed in Yalta and Simeiz, and Evpatoria is ahead of the ballerina.

Being in the very heart of Crimea, on the South Coast, Anastasia Volochkova did not miss the opportunity to ride a yacht. Together with her director, the artist went out to sea to go fishing.

On Instagram, Anastasia Volochkova boasted of her catch - the star managed to catch several fish at once. But not successful fishing attracted the attention of the artist's followers. Looking at the details of the new photo, netizens found that Volochkova did not wear underwear under the mesh dress:

alexei_kuprianov Got drunk, Nas? I forgot to put on underwear again.

tattyyac And it's true .. Where are the panties with the bodice???

blinosiska Without panties and velcro so tender and touching.. just a fairy

hella44480_jw aha, really, and still without panties)) And why does this surprise someone .. everything superfluous is overboard

Drunk Anastasia Volochkova hardly speaks to others

It is unlikely that anyone will discover the fact that Anastasia Volochkova loves to drink. The ballerina was often accused of being addicted to alcohol, but she stubbornly denies her addiction.

So yesterday, during a boat trip along the Crimean coast, Anastasia not only fished, but also drank champagne. Perhaps the artist went over a little, relaxing after a series of concerts, or maybe she was carried away from the heat, but the ballerina had great difficulty communicating with the rest of the crew.

A video with drunken Anastasia Volochkova appeared in the microblog of one of the young people present on the yacht, but after a couple of hours the plot disappeared.

However, what got on the Internet cannot just disappear - a video with Anastasia Volochkova has already appeared on YouTube:

Do you take strong drinks while fishing?

We mark this material in Zen and stay abreast of all the intrigues and scandals of show business.

For a whole week, Anastasia Volochkova has been riding along the Crimean coast, delighting vacationers with her performances. In the microblog of the ballerina, the period of splits and leotards has begun again. However, the artist's followers have long ceased to be surprised by the bored poses of the star.

Traveling around the Crimea, Anastasia Volokova tries to devote all her free time to boat trips. So the other day the dancer went to the open sea to go fishing.

In her microblog yesterday, Anastasia Volochkova posted a photo taken on a fishing trip. A ballerina on a boat shows off her catch:

Crimean fishing. Director Sergei Gerasimenko is always there. The downpour starts! Don't lose me..

However, it was not the fish that attracted the attention of the 41-year-old ballerina's followers. Looking closely, the followers found that there was no underwear under the mesh dress! Even the subscribers, accustomed to the outrageous antics of the artist, were shocked:

ket15071987 I don’t understand why she is without underwear and even a dress in a hole)))) and the man is a stranger is the director)))))) this is a Russian ballet
vika_mvg T-shirt, of course, tin ... with the director in this form .... everything would be fine if there was a swimsuit under the bottom .... but naked titi in front of the dir ..... strange at least. 😂
nattallia Iponskyboh .... but where is the promised swimsuit then? Naked.. shame
oksana_grishina123 Tomorrow she will oversleep and be ashamed - naked in the same net and thumping in the trash
frambuesita90 And without a swimsuit, it’s convenient to walk there with men with such and such a dress😲

Drunk Anastasia Volochkova caught on video in Crimea

For a long time there has been talk that Anastasia Volochkova is abusing alcohol. However, the star of the Russian ballet categorically claims that spiteful critics and ill-wishers accuse her of alcoholism.

Nevertheless, photographs of feasts often appear on Volochkova's Instagram.

It seems that during a tour of the Crimea, the artist still broke. Local residents who were on the yacht during Anastasia's walk filmed a ballerina with a glass of white wine, trying to say something about the fish she caught. It can be seen that words are given with great difficulty to Volochkova.