Wicker furniture made of artificial rattan made in Russia. Business idea: Artificial rattan furniture is the best option to start a furniture business. What is artificial rattan

Over the years, production victories on the part of the Russian industrial community have noticeably diminished. More and more people praise the West and less and less remember their own achievements. Meanwhile, the country has not lost enterprising people. For example, the Vologda businessman Yevgeny Suvorov became a pioneer in the production of a full cycle of wicker furniture made of artificial rattan in Russia.

Rattan furniture found its connoisseurs back in Tsarist Russia in the 18th century. Then, according to historians, this newfangled accessory made from natural raw materials was presented to the high society under the patronage of Prince Golitsyn. However, with the creation of an innovative material in the 1940s - artificial rattan, a new era of exotic furniture began. It was for the first time in the Russian Federation that they began to produce it in the Vologda region under the mebius brand.


And it all started rather banally. Traveling around Greece, the director of Atlantica LLC saw for the first time wicker furniture made of artificial rattan. Returning to his homeland, he began to be interested in this product and found out that in Russia no one makes anything like it. The nearest manufacturer of similar furniture was found only in Ukraine. At that time, this market segment was occupied only by sellers of finished products, but there was no hint of release. Through outsourcing, the newly minted businessman analyzed the capacity of the Russian market, investigated consumer interest and demand. After that, he made the final decision to launch the production of wicker furniture from artificial rattan in the domestic format with an initial capital of more than 10 million rubles.

The decision to open a full-cycle enterprise was based on avoiding dependence on imports. Initially, it was clear that the own production of artificial rattan tape would allow in the future to produce material of any length, and the color, shape and section could be set depending on the design of the future product. At the same time, the head initially set a high bar for himself and his subordinates - to produce products of impeccable quality. In his opinion, only by releasing tape on our own equipment, you can fully control the entire process, being responsible for the quality of the final product. Adding to this the control of incoming materials for the manufacture of furniture frames - Russian-made aluminum and steel, double control of the Quality Control Department of manufactured products, the manufacturer has achieved its goal: wicker furniture meets all European quality requirements. Undoubtedly, desire alone is not enough. Soon, the ideas took on very real forms in the form of a factory and were complemented by specialized equipment from China. For an effective start of production, specialists were brought in to set up the purchased equipment, and then active personnel training began. First of all, jobs were given to specialists of an almost obsolete profession - wolves. At that time, the entire staff consisted of a couple of dozen people. The main workshop was located in Sokol, where frames were made of aluminum so that the furniture was light, the metal did not oxidize or rust. Here the frames were cooked and braided. And they also created several types of rattan: round, flat, and “lentil” semicircle.

A lot of time passed until the production reached a qualitative level, until the composition of artificial rattan threads became such that it provides strength, reliability, elasticity. We brought the threads of artificial rattan to ideal proportions so that the furniture retains its color, shape for a long time and is comfortable, convenient and ergonomic.

In search of a "fairway"

Of course, there were no ready-made instructions for launching such production. By trial and error, the team succeeded. At first glance, the production process is not that complicated: the production of mebius artificial rattan tape, then the welding of the frame, its powder coating, drying, hand braiding, finished product control and packaging. However, it turned out, as in the original Russian proverb - the first pancake came out lumpy. The debut of furniture samples released in 2011 did not take place.

The first batch of custom-made products had to be returned and a number of tests of the finished product were carried out in order to further refine the formula of the tape itself. Starting wholesale sales in 2011, it was difficult to overcome the barrier associated with distrust that a full-cycle production of wicker furniture appeared in Russia. Many of the companies that salespeople called were wary of the offer. Who knows, maybe a potential consumer was confused by the fact that the manufacturer purposefully used domestic raw materials? After all, aluminum, metal and materials for the production of the tape were only Russian brands. Or is it the belief that the best quality is hidden behind the label of foreign brands? Of course, one cannot understand Russia with the mind, but Yevgeny Suvorov did not entrust the fate of the enterprise into the arms of prejudice. Therefore, he made a lot of efforts to bring his own brand to the furniture market, including through industry presentation events. In March 2012, at the Home and Garden exhibition, which was held in Moscow, the factory presented its products to potential buyers. They were able to see for themselves how comfortable and harmonious such furniture is. And the result was not long in coming: the first sales began from the exhibition podium.

At first, they focused only on the capital region and the domestic market of the Vologda Oblast. Knowing full well that the cost of products is rather high, for example, the retail price of an armchair was 11,800 rubles, they continued to offer their furniture to a wide range of potential customers. And the company managed to find its niche. Gradually, the level of sales stabilized: about 60% of orders for furniture came from the owners of cafes, restaurants and country cottages, the remaining 40% came from retailers. Moreover, about a third of the total volume of manufactured products were precisely individual developments for the size and design of the buyer.

Get on the right course

Initially, some of the products were produced by analogy with Spanish and Italian products, since the models of these manufacturing countries were popular on the Russian market. Most of the client portfolio are wholesale companies engaged in the complex equipment of hotels, hotels and restaurants. Based on the requested models of wicker furniture from these companies, we formed the initial price list of manufactured products. In the future, based on their own preferences, visiting exhibitions and being inspired by ideas, engineers and master braiders presented new products.

Of course, all the details of the production were discussed and are being discussed with specialists literally down to the smallest detail. According to the manager, everything is important in the new product - how the frame will be designed, which tape is better to use in terms of width and texture, whether it will be convenient to subsequently braid the frame for braiders, etc. The manufacturer has always had a serious approach to the choice of raw materials and materials used in production, because the quality of the final product depends on it. Therefore, materials introduced into production are always tested before the release of the batch. So, artificial rattan is a polymer thread obtained by extrusion. Under a certain temperature, the plastic is melted and passed through a special mold-hole.

The main advantage of artificial rattan from the real one is the absence of organic and mineral substances that cause aging, rot and corrosion of real wood. According to the assurances of the company's specialists, their rattan will last 25 years. They produce the tape on the basis of polyethylene, as a result of which the furniture is absolutely light, non-toxic, with UV protection and quite durable. As a rule, certification of these products is not required. However, since 2013, the company has been conducting the procedure voluntarily, carrying out all the necessary laboratory tests.

Now for all products there are Declarations of the Eurasian Economic Union, which confirm the compliance of products with the established requirements. As well as the GOST R ISO 9001-2015 Certificate, thanks to which the company replenishes its client portfolio and expands its business opportunities, up to receiving government orders and working with foreign partners. According to the marketing service of the company, over the years, the demand for manufactured goods is only growing. And this is due not only to import substitution, but also to the already established reputation.

The factory positions itself as a furniture manufacturer at an affordable price and in a short time. From the moment of idea to the creation of a finished furniture line, an average of 1-2 months passes. If a novelty is designed based on an existing model, then the process goes much faster. Sometimes experienced specialists can develop a model in two days, strictly following the design postulates. More precisely, on the basis of the designer's drawings, a prototype is produced, which is finalized according to ergonomics, so that the product is not only beautiful, but also comfortable and suitable for the customer.

Take, for example, the economy line launched this year on a metal frame. It clearly meets the needs of the market in the current unstable situation in Russia. This furniture is also functional, comfortable and elegant, like its expensive natural counterparts. At the same time, it is not deprived of the ability to emphasize the individuality of any interior, and the intricate shapes of chairs and armchairs add a spicy “zest”, allowing any owner to bring the most daring design ideas to life.

Today, production is at the stage of active development and sells its products throughout Russia and abroad. However, the company does not stop there and continues to expand the geography of its presence by searching for sales representatives, dealers in the territories of the countries of the Russian Federation, the CIS, the Baltic states and countries of near and far abroad.

Constantly improving and expanding the range of products, specialists are focused specifically on production processes and improving the level of quality and manufacturability. The technology used allows them to produce material of any length, and they select the color, shape and section depending on the design of the future product. The close-knit team of the company is confident that their furniture is unique, since they are the only ones in Russia who have all the capabilities to provide high-quality wicker furniture on a scale comparable only to Chinese production. If once the production of this furniture was limited to a couple of attributes, now the product range is represented by various variations of dining groups, deck chairs, armchairs, lines of ordinary and garden furniture, as well as popular compact modular kits to save space in the interior.


LLC Atlantica was registered at the end of the year. Then the production focused on retail orders only in the territory of the Vologda region.

The participation of the company's representatives in the industry exhibition "House and Garden" brought the first fruits of cooperation - wholesale orders appeared and access to the Moscow region.

The company began to produce wicker furniture with a full cycle - from the production of raw materials to assembly. The brand began to be actively promoted in the central and southern regions of the country.

The company begins to expand the geography of its presence in all regions of Russia: from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. At the same time, the markets of the countries of the customs union - Belarus, Kazakhstan and others - are being worked out.

In April, the company launches a new line of goods intended for HoReCa - NANT bar set for 6 persons.

In March, the company opened an official representative office in Moscow and introduced visitors to the range of its wicker furniture in the exhibition hall.

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Most people who decide to start their own business, first of all pay attention to trading. With minimal investment, you can open a small point in the market. A large store will require large expenses. But in order for a business to become truly profitable, an entrepreneur should come up with his own zest. Otherwise, there will be no difference from competitors.

To earn almost immediately, you need to go into a type of business that is not yet so common. You can start producing artificial rattan furniture. It is both exciting and will bring a lot of income.

artificial rattan

Many people already know rattan furniture. Original wicker tables, chairs and armchairs can decorate any interior. At the same time, natural rattan is a rather expensive material that not everyone can afford. There is a cheap analogue called artificial rattan. This is a special synthetic thread, which is obtained by forcing material through a hole of a certain diameter. As a result, the resulting raw material has almost the same properties as the natural vine.

Rattan artificial looks beautiful and natural. In addition, there is an opportunity to save nature. After all, the natural vine does not have time to grow at the pace with which it is used in the manufacture of furniture.


Artificial rattan does not require special operational handling. It is very easy to maintain, easy to clean and repair. Outdoor furniture should only be periodically wiped with a damp cloth. Synthetic material does not react to weather changes and does not change under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

The natural vine from which expensive furniture is made can germinate. There is no such problem if the garden chair is made of synthetic thread. However, many artificial products practically do not differ from natural ones.

Reviews of artificial rattan furniture

Buyers note that tables and chairs made of artificial vines practically do not differ from furniture made from natural raw materials. At the same time, artificial rattan has a huge number of advantages. This is the best option for the street. After all, the material does not deteriorate under the influence of direct sunlight or precipitation. This cannot be said about natural raw materials. Garden furniture made from artificial rattan can last for years, while chairs and tables made from natural material quickly lose their shape. In addition, artificial thread is much cheaper.

Manufacturers also share the benefits of making artificial rattan furniture. All you need is an apparatus for making synthetic thread. Everything else can be done manually by production staff. You don't need a lot of start-up capital to start your own business.

What can be made from artificial rattan?

Items made of synthetic thread should be not only beautiful, but also practical. The most demanded is garden furniture made of artificial rattan. Small armchairs, coffee tables, stools, swings - all this is perfect for a small courtyard. Such furniture is very comfortable. In addition, it will add zest to the garden.

In the house, wicker furniture made of artificial rattan will also look very original. In a special style, you can decorate not only the hall, but also the kitchen or bathroom. After all, artificial rattan is not at all afraid of moisture, unlike natural material. You can decorate wicker furniture with small matching pillows.

Equipment for the production of

First of all, you will have to spend money on equipment for the manufacture of artificial thread and its weaving. Of course, you can buy ready-made raw materials. But in this case, the business will not be so profitable. In addition, those who have a special machine for making artificial rattan can experiment with colors and shapes. You can make a thread that will not differ in color from natural vines, or you can add bright colors to the product.

Additionally, wicker furniture made of artificial rattan will require the cost of such installations: a cooling system, a winder, a mixer, a crusher for recycling secondary raw materials. Acquiring all this equipment will be quite expensive. You will have to spend at least 1 million rubles. At the initial stage, all these installations can be rented with a subsequent purchase.

What else can you earn with your own equipment?

Own installation for the manufacture of artificial rattan in itself can bring a good income. You can make artificial thread for those who want to make furniture, but do not have the initial capital to purchase their equipment. That is, an artificial thread can be produced for sale. In addition, artificial rattan is not the only material that can be made. If you purchase additional attachments, you can make synthetic reeds, raffia or other materials that you can use in your own business or sell to partners.

It should be noted that the equipment for the production of artificial rattan is difficult to maintain. You will have to periodically invite specialists to set up the installation and check its operation. Prevention should not be neglected. Artificial rattan of high quality can only be made on the appropriate equipment. Synthetic threads must be uniform in structure and strong.

Sales market

Artificial rattan furniture has appeared on the domestic market relatively recently. This is due to the fact that natural raw materials are quite expensive. Few could afford wicker furniture before. And there were no installations for the manufacture of synthetic threads in Russia. A set of artificial rattan, brought from abroad, also cost a lot of money.

Today, the domestic wicker furniture market is developing quite actively. At the same time, competition in this niche is still low. Not everyone decides to independently manufacture artificial rattan furniture. And those with a dedicated setup can offer quality tables, armchairs and chairs at an affordable price. The low cost of quality products has always attracted the consumer. Therefore, those who decide to engage in this type of business will definitely not have problems with the sales market.

Lightweight wicker sets can become a highlight of every interior. Furniture made of artificial rattan, a material that imitates a natural vine, is especially popular. Products from it are ideal for summer outdoor recreation, in the garden, for use at home or in a cafe - the properties of polyrattan increase the performance of wicker things, giving them reliability and durability.

Benefits of techno rattan

  • environmental cleanliness - no harmful substances are released into the air;
  • safety for the health of adults, children and animals;
  • strength - the ability to withstand without deformation up to 250 kg;
  • resistance to temperature extremes (from -30 to +55 degrees Celsius);
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • moisture resistance;
  • lightness - even a child can move a chair or chair;
  • ease of maintenance.

The material is suitable for the manufacture of chairs, armchairs, tables, hammocks, sofas, deck chairs. It allows manufacturers to create a variety of kits. You can choose sizes suitable for both small-sized rooms and spacious rooms, halls or venues.

Artificial rattan furniture can be supplied:

  • in the kitchen;
  • in the living room;
  • on the balcony or loggia;
  • on the veranda;
  • in a summer cafe;
  • in a restaurant;
  • in hotel;
  • near the pool;
  • in the country;
  • in the garden or vegetable garden;
  • in the park;
  • Outdoors.

Small kits can be easily moved from place to place. If it rains outside, you can not worry about the safety of the furniture: nothing will harm it. Furniture can be stored outside even in winter.

A rich selection of furniture in Athena Garden

Buy artificial rattan furniture in Moscow offers the company Athena-Garden. Our assortment is rich in products for all occasions: miniature coffee tables and light chairs, spacious sofas and solid armchairs, sets of small and large families are available for purchase.

With ten years of experience in production, we guarantee the quality of our products. We have the best value for money on the market for artificial rattan furniture. We sell furniture wholesale and retail. Not only residents of Moscow and the Moscow region can order, but all of Russia. Contact us and feel what real benefits and comfort are!

Today our factory is located on thestages of active development and sells its products throughout Russia and abroad. The company produces up to 3000 items per month, in our warehouses about 2000 products in stock, - we can fully be called the largest factory for the production of wicker furniture made of artificial rattan in Russia.

Diplomas, Certificates Factory mebius

Factory Presentation

About the range of products

The wide range of mebius wicker furniture includes chairs, armchairs, rocking chairs, tables, sun loungers, hanging chairs, dining, coffee groups, comfortable sets for lounge areas, barbecue, which will look beautiful and dignified in a restaurant, hotel, country house, on the beach, in your favorite country house and at home. The environmental friendliness of artificial rattan, thoughtful ergonomics, strength and durability - all this is invested in each of our products with the warmth of the hands of our braiders and the love of everyone who creates furniture.

The factory makes models from the catalog, and by designcustomer.

What is artificial rattan?

Artificial rattan is a polymer thread obtained by extrusion. Under a certain temperature, the plastic is melted and passed through a special mold-hole. Thanks to the forming hole, a synthetic thread with a certain shape is formed: a crescent, a rod, in the form of a wooden bark, etc. Artificial rattan can have a different color and texture. The plastic components included in its composition comply with the ISO9001 environmental standard.

How we make furniture

Quite complex artificial rattan furniture production technology mebiusrotang is a process that uses special high-tech equipment and manual painstaking work masters. It is noteworthy that furniture made from scratch, that is, the production begins with the preparation of an artificial rattan plastic tape and ends with a full-fledged product. The technology for the production of artificial rattan tape is secret - the capsules are melted and mixed with ingredients that are known only to the manufacturer, and then, like noodles, they are rolled into long threads on a special machine. The craftsmen make the frame for furniture from red-hot aluminum, then paint it. The last stage is the braiding of the workpiece, it is performed by craftsmen only manually.

We have already talked about wicker furniture production from natural willow, which has a number of significant advantages, starting with the availability of a start in this business and ending with the commercial attractiveness of the finished product. And yet, such furniture is more suitable for household use, primarily due to the negative impact of weather factors in winter. Another thing - wicker chairs and sofas made of rattan, a synthetic vine made in the extrusion process.

« artificial rattan- this is a synthetic thread, which is obtained by forcing a material melt through a forming hole, - explains a business angel, an expert in the startup community, Ph.D. n. Associate Professor Igor Malyugin. - In fact, he has the properties of a natural vine, but is not afraid of the whims of mother nature. Plus, it is not the cause of the destruction of willow thickets.

All this may be of interest to a wide range of buyers, including those from the dacha community. Since there is a demand, there must be a supply, which means that the idea of ​​​​how to open a furniture business for the production of rattan furniture may well become a relevant business idea.

Buyers and manufacturers

People who have bought wicker rattan furniture note its high performance. “We bought rattan chairs for our outdoor cafe,” says Irina Markova from Sochi. - In texture, they resemble natural wicker furniture, but based on an aluminum frame. It's practical for us since we don't hide it all year round."

What do manufacturers think about production? Evgeny Suvorov from the city of Sokol, which is located in the Vologda region, brought to life a business idea for the production of such furniture. According to him, the most important unit in this business is a machine for the production of artificial thread for weaving, and everything else, including frames, is produced by 20 employees of his Atlantic enterprise.

Another manufacturer of rattan furniture, Igor Malakhov, general director of the Street Gatherings company, notes the convenience of weaving from artificial thread compared to willow vines. “Willow rods need to be spliced,” he says. “And synthetic braid doesn’t need that, it’s made from endless vines, which makes it more durable.” According to him, buyers have already appreciated the quality of this furniture, for example, benches for garden plots.

Extruders, extruders - well, where now without you

Almost all industries, one way or another connected with synthetics, have extruders in their fleet of machines and equipment. Rattan production is no exception. “We also have an extruder installed, it makes no sense to open a furniture business with rattan without it,” says Igor Malakhov. - What is good about rattan, its production requires a low melt temperature, the effect of plasticization occurs without problems and, most importantly, is controllable. For example, you can make thread for a reed.”

Depending on the setting, it is possible to produce a rod with imitation of tree bark, a strip with a texture or in the form of a regular rod. Imitation under the tree bark is profiled polyethylene threads, as a rule, of a semicircular shape, but if desired, they can take on an oval or crescent profile. A strip with a texture is from 6 to 12 mm, and a rod is 3-8 mm in diameter.

A typical line includes a set of equipment, which, in addition to the extruder, includes a cooling system, a 4-wheel transport vehicle, a winder, a recycling crusher and a mixer. “This pleasure costs about 1.5 million rubles,” explains Igor Malyugin. “But this is already a real factory, since the manufacture of aluminum frames can be organized on the basis of inexpensive automatic pipe benders.”

“For the uninitiated: natural rattan is a tropical vine, which can be of considerable length (up to 200 m) and an even diameter, sometimes more than 70 mm,” writes AC78 forum member. - Like willow vine, palm rattan loses to its artificial counterpart in terms of price and quality. I do not produce, but I buy this thread and I weave furniture at home. I have decent money. And if they ask me how to open a furniture business, I confidently answer that it’s worth starting with artificial rattan.”

“Now there are a lot of wealthy people who buy crossovers for one and a half lemons,” a person with the nickname Vasilich shares his opinion. - For that kind of money, I would buy a plant for the production of artificial rattan. And now I work for an “uncle” who has this equipment, and I see that the boss has good money in this business. And yet, for those who have laid their eyes on this matter: their own synthetics are more profitable than bought ones.

“Yes, the start is not cheap, plus it will require placing 150-200 squares, in general, nothing complicated,” Mykola Azarov from Khimki left his post. - I organized a startup two years ago, I planned to recoup the loan in three years. Moneylender bankers almost gave me a heart attack, so I sold the business. The kid who bought it from me said at the meeting that this is a business as a business, but it has seasonal ups and downs.

Thus, one can enter into entrepreneurship seriously with a total investment of 2-2.5 million rubles, or with an easy start by buying ready-made artificial rattan. Both the first and the second options have their pros and cons, however, this business idea has every reason to become viviparous.

Alexander Sitnikov, specially for the site

Dear readers, this article was written and published in 2013. The information it contains may be out of date.