Tall shrub with black flowers. Decorative shrubs. Mock orange or garden jasmine

Buds of summer-flowering spirea. A photo

What is good: unpretentious, frost-resistant, blooms luxuriantly and for a long time, excellent honey plant, grows well.

How to use: for laying hedges; in group plantings and shrub compositions; compact species (for example, Japanese spirea) are suitable for and creating.

Where to plant: spirea is undemanding to soils, grows both in the sun and in partial shade (note that the requirements of different species for light and soil moisture may vary slightly).

How to care:

If you are interested in this plant, read also the publications: You can choose spirea seedlings in our catalog, which combines the offers of large garden online stores. .

Chubushnik in bloom. A photo

What is good: blooms profusely, very fragrant, frost-resistant, rarely affected by pests and diseases.

How to use: in single and group plantings, in shrub compositions.

Where to plant: preferably in a sunny place, but also in partial shade; fertile soil with good moisture is desirable; mock orange does not tolerate stagnant water.

How to care: pruning (old branches are cut out every 4-5 years, thickening shoots - annually at the end of summer, dry ones - every spring); watering in dry weather, top dressing in spring and autumn.

You can find mock orange seedlings of various varieties in our catalog, which includes offers from many large online stores of seeds and planting material.

Oh, viburnum blooms ... Photo

In our gardens, it is the common viburnum that most often grows, the fruits of which serve as valuable medicinal raw materials. Its foliage, which changes color from bright green in spring to purple-red with green streaks in autumn, makes the bush elegant at any time of the year. You can read more about viburnum, its cultivation and care for it.

Viburnum berries. A photo

What is good: frost-resistant, unpretentious, tolerates shading well, decorative throughout the season; the fruits of many species and varieties are edible and medicinal.

Where to plant: most species and varieties of viburnum are undemanding to growing conditions; prefer well-moistened soils without stagnant water.

How to care: common viburnum is often affected by pests, from which it must be protected by treating it with special preparations; otherwise, care consists in regular (removal of dry, old, thickening shoots), tree trunks, watering in dry weather and complex spring feeding.

Depending on the species, the “appearance” of the rosehip varies, and for your garden it’s easy to choose a plant with the properties that are most valuable to you: someone wants to collect vitamin fruits in the fall (by the way, you can read about their use in a note), someone then you need a dense and prickly hedge, and someone needs beautiful flowers ... And in this, the terry forms of wild rose, in my opinion, are not inferior to roses

Terry rosehip. A photo

What is good: extremely unpretentious, easily tolerates transplanting and pruning, grows rapidly; many types of rose hips produce healthy fruits rich in vitamin C.

How to use: a wild rose hedge will very quickly become completely impenetrable; this shrub is also suitable for single plantings and use in tree and shrub compositions.

Where to plant: Preferably in full sun, but can also grow in partial shade under tree canopy.

How to care: requires virtually no maintenance.

You can also read about this shrub in the publications: You can choose rosehip seedlings in our catalog, which includes offers from large online stores of seeds and planting material. .

What is good: blooms very early and profusely, extremely decorative during the flowering period, resistant to disease.

How to use: looks good in a single planting - on a lawn or surrounded by early flowering bulbs; can be combined with other shrubs in group plantings and used for hedges.

Where to plant: on light fertile soil; a sunny area protected from cold winds is preferred; moisture stagnation should be excluded, since forsythia does not tolerate waterlogging.

How to care: for the winter, the plant is well mulched, and the shoots are bent to the ground so that they are under a layer of snow.

You can choose forsythia seedlings in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores.

Now there are many varieties and hybrids of lilac, but this shrub is still loved by gardeners and grows in many at their summer cottage. True, in a small garden it can be difficult to find a place for such a large plant, but selection here also came to the aid of flower lovers: rather compact varieties (up to 2-3 m in height) were bred. Well, he will tell you more about growing lilacs and caring for them.

White lilac. A photo

What is good: unpretentious, frost-resistant, has many varieties and hybrids and is surprisingly beautiful at the time of its flowering.

How to use: lilac bush looks best in a single planting; often this plant is planted near the house (in the front garden) or the fence, but the lilac will also be in place in the garden.

Where to plant: in a well-lit, sunny area with cultivated soil; lilac is undemanding to the composition and fertility of the soil, but does not tolerate wetlands; be sure to leave a large space so that the grown bush is not cramped: most lilac varieties are tall and sprawling.

How to care: if wilted inflorescences are cut in time, next year the flowering will be more magnificent; it is recommended to cut out the root growth and excess (too old, dry, thickened, damaged) shoots every spring.

Lilac lovers may also be interested in publications: Lilacs of various varieties are widely represented in our catalog, which includes offers from various online stores. .

Hydrangea paniculata. A photo

And hydrangea paniculata frost-resistant enough; under the snow cover, they successfully endure the winter cold. Elegant inflorescences are suitable for cutting: they stand in a vase for a long time. And they can also be dried by hanging in a dry, ventilated room, and used for winter bouquets.

Large-leaved hydrangea. A photo

What is good: long flowering, unpretentiousness and the ability to grow on, unsuitable for most horticultural crops.

How to use: in a single planting or in combination with other shade-tolerant shrubs (or); hydrangea looks good next to,; compact forms of large-leaved hydrangea can be planted in flower beds and flower beds.

Where to plant: in partial shade, on acidic, well-moistened fertile soil; hydrangea prefers wind-sheltered areas and will thrive on the north side of the house.

How to care: the main care is to maintain constant soil moisture - hydrangea is very moisture-loving; wilted inflorescences are pruned; for the winter in cold regions, shelter is recommended with spruce branches.

To learn more about hydrangeas, publications will help you: You will find a wide range of hydrangeas in our catalog, where many large garden online stores present their products.

For the improvement of the territory adjacent to the house, not only are used, but also various perennial shrubs. Most often, undersized plants are selected for an alpine slide or front garden, which do not need to be additionally covered in the winter season.

It is enough to plant perennial winter-hardy flowering shrubs once, so that for many years the planting will delight the eye with beautiful flowers and pleasant green foliage.

Types of flowering shrubs


The spirea shrub (meadowsweet) is ideal for the "border" design of front gardens and.

The height is about 60 cm, so the planting does not give abundant shade, which allows you to place other decorative and flower species in the immediate vicinity of the spirea.

Different varieties of spirea differ not only in the color of the flower petals, but also in the timing of the onset of flowering. If you correctly select several varieties of meadowsweet, then you can count on the abundant flowering of the front garden from spring to late summer.

The following varieties are most often used in landscape design:

1. Birch-leaved. A low-growing shrub of spherical shape with bright green leaves and white flowers collected in inflorescences at the ends of the shoots.

Birch-leaved meadowsweet begins to bloom in early summer. The flowering period lasts no more than a week, but as an ornamental shrub it can be used throughout the warm season.

2. Bumalda. Very graceful low shrub of spherical shape.

Flowers pinkish-red. The beginning of flowering occurs at the beginning of summer and lasts for 2 months.

3. Japanese. Japanese spirea flowers are pinkish-red, collected in complex inflorescences up to 30 cm in diameter.

The plant blooms for 40 days from mid-June to late July. This variety is ideal for decorating borders, because the average bush height is about 1 meter.

Potentilla shrub

Potentilla can have both a sprawling and compact bush with a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. The plant tolerates severe frosts well, therefore it can be grown in the northern regions.

A distinctive feature of Potentilla is the increased duration of flowering. This period begins in June and lasts until the beginning of autumn, so summer residents can not use additional plantings in the front garden.

Potentilla does not tolerate strong shading, therefore, before planting it, it is necessary to choose an area open to sunlight. This shrub is quite demanding on the quality of the soil, which must contain a sufficient amount of nutrients and moderately moistened.

Potentilla shrub is ideal for hedges and. The plant can be used in organizing an alpine slide. The most popular varieties of cinquefoil are yellow-flowered varieties, which are ideally combined with small conifers.


For ornamental cultivation, white and pink snowberry are used.

If you want to plant a plant in a region with very low winter temperatures, then you should give preference to varieties with white berries. The shrub got its name for the formation of snow-white berries in the autumn, which persist throughout the winter.

The plantation is resistant not only to severe frosts, but also to summer heat, undemanding to the quality of the soil. The snowberry does not tolerate strong shading, so shrubs should be planted only in open areas.

Despite the relatively small height in width, the snowberry can grow up to 2.5 meters in diameter. This feature must be taken into account when planting a plant, especially when used as a hedge.

Keriya japonica

Winter-hardy perennial flowering shrubs are an excellent object for decorating a personal plot. One of these annual flowering and unpretentious plants is Japanese keriya. Blooms in spring for 2 months. The flowers of keria are yellow, outwardly resembling large buttercups.

It tolerates winter frosts well and, in case of damage from low temperatures, is fully restored in the spring.

The plant is unpretentious and not demanding on the quality of the soil. Planting is usually planted in well-lit areas, but if you place keria in partial shade, then even under these conditions you can expect normal growth and flowering.


The plant blooms very profusely with large spherical flowers that cover almost the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bush.

It tolerates winter frosts well, but makes high demands on the quality of the soil. Hydrangea will not take root in calcareous soils and in dry areas. The shrub gives good flowering both in open areas and in partial shade, so if you want to plant along garden paths, you should take into account the splendor of the plant.

If the hydrangea is planted for decorative purposes, then for the brightness of the flowers, a slight acidification of the soil should be made. When planting with other plantings, it is imperative to take into account the flowering period of hydrangea, which occurs in August and September.

Mahonia holly

It tolerates low temperatures well and retains color until early spring. Magonia flowers are yellow in color, the strength of the aroma of which can only be compared with lily of the valley.

Magonia is one of the few ornamental shrubs whose fruits can be eaten fresh and used for decoctions and making wine.

So that the shrub can endure the summer heat, it is recommended to plant it in shady places.


If the site already has perennial flowering shrubs that bloom all summer and autumn, then heather will adequately take over the baton of decoration in the winter months.

To get the maximum contrast with the snow cover, many summer residents plant heather with blue and lilac inflorescences.

You can also grow varieties with white and yellow flowers on your backyard, but the aesthetic effect in winter will be small.

Vesicle viburnum

Flowering perennial shrubs, photos with names of which can be found on the Internet, are often used as hedges. The most suitable planting for this purpose is the viburnum vesicle, the height of which can reach two meters.

Densely growing stems of the plant will hide the garden plot from prying eyes throughout the entire time and perform a decorative function throughout the warm season.

The vesicle of the viburnum blooms at the beginning of summer, and despite the relatively short flowering period, which lasts for no more than 20 days, the decoration of the site is carried out both before the formation of flowers and after the plant has completely faded.

In early spring, bright green leaves are formed, which contribute to the aesthetic transformation of the site, and after flowering, the vesicle bushes are “decorated” with clusters of red berries.

The plant tolerates severe frosts and summer heat well, can be grown in shady places, but plantings should be placed in sunny areas for maximum growth.


Deytion refers to winter-hardy species, but with some reservations. If in the region the winter temperature drops below -25 degrees, then to prevent freezing of the buds, the branches of the bush should be pressed to the ground.

In landscape design, both upright varieties and sprawling varieties can be successfully used:

  • the former are great for organizing hedges and borders;
  • the second - look good in a single copy in the front garden or alpine hill.

If plantings are planted in a row, then the distance between the bushes should be at least 25 cm. Flowering begins in early spring, the flowers are often white, but there may be instances with pink and purple petals.


Lilac has been used as an ornamental planting for a long time, so breeders have bred varieties that not only tolerate winter frosts well, but also have a compact bush size.

The most attractive in this regard is the dwarf lilac, the bush of which has a height of no more than 1.5 m.

This variety of lilac blooms in late spring or early summer, flowering time is about 3 weeks. Low-growing varieties are remontant, therefore, in the absence of severe drought, a second lilac bloom can be expected at the end of summer. The flowers of the plant with a strong aroma and color from dark purple to light lilac.

The shrub blooms profusely, therefore, during the period of blooming of the petals, this element of landscape design will be most noticeable on the site.


The names and photos of flowering shrubs for Siberia can be misleading for inexperienced summer residents. For example, despite its southern origin, buddleia can also be planted in areas with a harsh climate. Outwardly, the plantation resembles a dwarf terry lilac.

The peculiarity of growing in a cold climate is that, unlike the southern regions, where buddleia grows up to 3 meters under natural conditions, the bush is formed in a height of no more than 120 cm. Due to its compactness, the shrub has taken root well throughout Russia as an ornamental plantation .

Despite the large number of subspecies of budley, varieties with lilac and purple flowers are the most popular.

The shrub grows strongly. This feature should be taken into account when planting in places where paths will be organized and other elements of landscape design will be located.


If it is necessary to plant winter-hardy ornamental trees and shrubs on the site, flowering Weigela is most suitable for this purpose.

Under natural conditions, it grows in the Far East and Southeast Asia. The average height is 1.5 meters, the plant is upright, so it can be used as a hedge.

Like dwarf lilac varieties, Weigela blooms twice. The first flowering occurs at the end of May or beginning of June. The second time the shrub blooms at the end of summer.

There are 15 varieties of Weigela that are successfully used in landscape design. Depending on the variety, flowers can be:

  • pink;
  • white;
  • cream or red.

For good growth, the shrub needs to allocate an open area with neutral or limestone soil. The plant tolerates severe frosts well, but the bush should be planted in the spring, otherwise the shoots will not have time to take root properly and may die. In the first years of life, the plant is recommended to be covered in winter with special material or cinquefoil.


The article discusses frost-resistant ornamental shrubs popular with summer residents, low and beautifully flowering, growing for a long time without any significant time spent on care.

Such unpretentious shrubs for summer cottages can completely replace flowers, most of which have to be planted annually on the site. Unlike annual plantings, this option for transforming the site will not require long-term annual costs.

To create comfort in the backyard of a private house, it is required not only to create beautiful flower beds, but also to plant ornamental shrubs. With their help, many problems are solved. From dividing the space of the garden into zones and filling the site with flowering plants to enclosing it with a green living fence.

Flowering beautiful shrubs

Using flowering shrubs is more interesting. Some of them have an amazing aroma and literally transform the garden. They can be used in mixed plantings, mixborders, along fences to create compositions that bloom all summer from different plants that replace each other in terms of flowering.

This list of flowering shrubs can include such plants:

Budley. It resembles a lilac, can grow up to three meters. Color shades: pink and lavender, purple and white, and white. These beautiful shrubs will decorate the garden all summer because they bloom until frost.

Bloodroot.An inconspicuous plant, blooms with numerous, but medium-sized flowers, the foliage is not particularly beautiful. However, not a single shrub border or mixborder can do without Potentilla: while other shrubs fade in turn, it creates a bright spot in the garden. They have established themselves as shrubs that bloom all summer, winter-hardy, as they are not afraid of frost. Flowering begins in May and stops with the first frost. It is unpretentious to the soil, blooms well both in a sunny place and in light partial shade, care comes down to annual pruning. There are varieties of this continuously flowering shrub of different colors.

Potentilla fruticosa Red Ace

Calicantdecorate the garden with original water lily flowers. This is a beautiful, hardy, but rare shrub from North America. The flowers are large with numerous petals. All parts of the garden plant are fragrant. Blooms in June - July. Requires pruning in the spring.

Bush rose.It varies greatly in the size of the bushes and the shape of the flowers. They bloom all summer or are characterized by re-blooming.

Caryopteriswill add blue hues to the garden, as his brushes have just that color. This is a flowering shrub with a rounded crown for the front of the border. They are planted in groups. It is undemanding to the soil. Quite winter-hardy. Flowering time September - October. Need pruning shrubs in March.

cistusresembles in shape the flowers of poppies or non-double roses, sometimes with spots at the base of the petals. Flowers with paper-thin petals are short-lived. Each flower lives only one day, but since new buds are constantly appearing, the bush blooms all summer. The plant is warm and photophilous, forms a low rounded bush. Does not tolerate clay soil. Flowering time June - August. Pruning in spring.

Cletra alderleafprefers moist soil. It gets along well along the edges of ravines and by the pond. This shrub requires almost no care. It quickly spreads throughout the territory provided to it. Its feature is that flowers appear only on young shoots. Therefore, it is recommended to cut it every year. It blooms in summer (July - August) with small fragrant flowers, collected at the ends of the shoots in long spike-shaped inflorescences. In autumn, the foliage of the shrub is brightly colored.

evergreen shrubs

With regular and proper pruning, evergreen shrubs easily turn into a hedge or an unusual living sculpture that will become the center of a recreation area. To do this, it is enough to skillfully cut them. A list of what evergreen ornamental shrubs can be planted in the garden:

  • Holly. Not afraid of frost. Grows over a meter. The oblong leaves are studded with thorns. Therefore, it is unpleasant to approach him closely.
  • Yew. A slow growing coniferous plant, planted in hedgerows in mild climates. The usual color of the foliage is dark green, there are varieties with golden foliage, as well as various forms of growth - from ground cover to tall columnar trees. Better than many other conifers, it tolerates unfavorable growth conditions, but does not tolerate stagnant water at the roots during the cold season. The plant is dioecious, on females seeds are formed with a fleshy red roof up to 1 cm in diameter. Leaves and seeds are poisonous.
  • boxwood a popular shrub for hedges, including low, framing flower beds. It withstands frequent shearing and partial shade, is not afraid of the wind, and is undemanding to the soil. Keep in mind that boxwood is very easy to care for. He does not need annual pruning. Cut out only dry and thickening branches, and also shorten the elongated shoots.
  • Calmia it is a beautifully flowering shrub that pleases with its flowering in May - June. In a non-flowering state, Calmia is similar to a rhododendron, plants are easily distinguished by flowers. Kalmia has buds similar to Chinese lanterns, the edges of the petals are corrugated. Likes moist acidic soil and light partial shade.

Shade-loving garden shrubs

They are often used to create a smooth transition from grass cover to garden tree crowns. Shade-loving shrubs are also needed to create a beautiful design for fences and the shady side of a private house. The most common shade-tolerant shrubs are listed below.

Cotoneaster. One of the most important ornamental beautiful fruit-bearing shrubs in the garden. The genus includes plants of different shapes and sizes, most of them evergreen or semi-evergreen. The leaves are oval, with a solid edge, pink buds in May or June open to white flowers. In autumn, beautiful fruits ripen, which are practically not pecked by birds. Some cotoneasters have beautiful fall foliage. Strongly overgrown bushes are pruned in the spring. Valued for the unusual dark green color of glossy leaves. They tend to change color to red when autumn comes.

Rhododendrons- magnificent flowering beautiful shrubs, which also prefer to be sheltered from the midday sun. Traditionally, representatives of the genus are divided into rhododendrons and azaleas. Rhododendrons growing in the shade on average reach a height of 1.5 meters, bloom in May, however, there are plants of both 30 cm and 6 m, blooming both in early spring and in autumn, in August. The color of the flowers is varied, with the exception of blue, the leaves are oval or oblong, wintering. All rhododendrons are characterized by shallow roots, so the soil under the plants is mulched, and watered abundantly in dry weather.


garden jasmine grows well in the sun and in the shade, but in the second case, its flowering will not be so intense. There are two groups of jasmine: bushy with weak stems, grown in wall plantings, and jasmine - creepers that are able to climb the wall, support themselves. Flowering time depends on the species. Grow in moderately fertile soil in partial shade.

Garden jasmine (shrub)

Privet tolerates polluted air well, so it is most often grown in the hedges of private houses that overlook city streets. There are variegated varieties. It is characterized by the fact that it does not tolerate severe winter frosts, therefore it requires shelter. grows in any moderately fertile soil, in a sunny or shady place. propagated by lignified cuttings in open ground in late autumn. Of care, a haircut is required - hedges are cut in May and August.

Ligustrum ovalifolium Aureum

Privet ovalfolia Aureum

Barberry Thunberg are those ornamental flowering shrubs that are beautiful, low and hardy. They are widely used in garden decoration, as they are represented by a large range of varieties. Various types of barberry are very common and popular. Barberry Thunberg grows up to 1.5 meters. The leaves of the shrub turn red in autumn, the berries ripen red. This beautiful shrub blooms in April - May.

Barberry Thunberg

fast growing shrubs

They are chosen by gardeners in a situation where a hedge needs to be grown in a short time. Often such plantings are made combined from different types of shrubs. In this case, you should carefully consider the issue of the future size of an adult plant and its relationship to a haircut.

The most popular of the fast-growing shrubs are:

  • dogwood and barberry;
  • vesicle Kalinolistny- unpretentious shrub with a rounded crown shape;
  • turn careful pruning is not needed, it is done only when denser vegetation is needed;
  • honeysuckle sanitary pruning is required in the first seven years, and then it remains only to form a hedge of the desired shape;
  • climbing rose, it is recommended to start forming it in the second year of growth in a permanent place.


climbing rose


Low-growing and frost-resistant shrubs for the garden

The first are characterized by the fact that they do not grow above one meter. They are usually planted on the borders. They decorate flower beds. List of low-growing ornamental shrubs for the garden:

  • Japanese quince (low) the whole warm season decorates the cottage with an orange or golden color, first with flowers, then with fruits;
  • already mentioned above cinquefoil a;
  • common heather in addition, it is an evergreen shrub that blooms most of the summer;
  • action graceful, its flowering shrubs are the center of attraction, but it is whimsical to excess moisture, severe frosts and cold winds.


If you have not yet decided which shrubs to plant in the country, then you can familiarize yourself with the list of frost-resistant ones:

  • blood red hawthorn- grown as a shrub, low tree or in a hedge, able to grow in almost any conditions, both on dry and waterlogged soil, in the sun and in the shade;
  • goof silver- grown not for the sake of fragrant, but nondescript flowers, but because of the beautiful foliage;
  • elderberry red with beautiful foliage, on which red fruits form after the flowers.

Goof silver


Mixborder of conifers and shrubs scheme

The word "mix" leads us to mixing. The second part of the word - border - sends to the borders. It turns out that in such a landing there are no boundaries. But this is not true. It just seems so. In fact, everything here must be carefully thought out and planned.

Plants in a mixborder are supposed to have dense groups that smoothly flow into one another. Moreover, it must contain elements that will remain visible in the cold season. They are shrubs and conifers. They are also called the skeleton of the composition.

Any mixborder must be divided into three parts. They will not be the same in size and shape. In the background are planted tall plants with interesting leaves. The second row is filled with flowers that are characterized by straight and tall stems. They are covered with medium height with a small number of leaves. And stunted and ground cover plants come to the fore. Plantings of annual flowers are usually placed in front of them.

Here is one example of a perennial mixborder along a wall or fence. Its background is decorated with plants: lafanthus, purple echinacea, chatma and clematis. The middle is filled with shrubby cinquefoil, yarrow, fennel polygon, vervain bonar, boxwood, decorative wormwood and onions. In the first rows planted: shrub cinquefoil, geranium, soft cuff, coreopsis.

1. Geranium Endressa. 2. The cuff is soft. 3. Majestic geranium. 4. Coreopsis whorled. 5. Potentilla shrub. 6. Ptarmic yarrow. 7. Decorative bow. 8. Fennel multi-grate. 9. Bonar verbena. 10. Boxwood. 11. Decorative wormwood. 12. Lofant. 13. Echinacea purpurea. 14. Hatma. 15. Clematis

By the middle of spring, the air is filled with the magical aroma of blooming flowers on trees and shrubs. It is impossible to pass by such a beautiful plant and not stop for a couple of seconds to take a deep breath and admire the lush buds. I just want a similar shrub to grow on its own site and please with bright colors. But which plant should you choose? What bush will feel comfortable in our climate and bloom magnificently all season? Let's take a look at 10 wonderful shrubs that can make a great addition to your yard.


Viburnum common variety Buldenezh (or Snow globe) is an ornamental shrub, there are berries, but they are not edible. The shrub feels great in the shade, loves moisture. Every year in the spring-summer season, it blooms with magnificent white buds.


It is impossible to imagine April and May without the heady aroma of lilacs. The shrub feels great in a wide variety of climates, does not require special care.


Different types of this wonderful plant require different living conditions. Some rhododendrons need a lot of sun, and some prefer to grow in partial shade. However, all rhododendrons love moisture and the proximity of water.


In early May, the shrub blooms with bright flowers that attract insects with a sweet aroma. After about a month and a half, honeysuckle forms extremely useful blue-purple berries.

Rose hip

Blooming cultivated wild rose (park rose) pleases not only with delicate flowers, but also with useful fruits. The shrub tolerates frost well, is unpretentious, does not need annual pruning.


The literal translation from Greek is "a vessel with water." The name itself contains the main feature of hydrangea - it is a very moisture-loving shrub. However, in response to care, the plant will certainly thank you with wonderful, colorful and lush flowers.

Mock orange or garden jasmine

This shrub in the flowering season will fill the garden with an incredible smell of wild strawberries. In addition, the snow-white flowers that adorn the mock orange look very, very gentle.


In early spring, the shrub throws out colorful yellow flowers that adorn the area that has not yet woken up after winter. It is believed that the blooming forcysia is the first sign of the onset of spring.


With its help, hedges are often erected, which look very impressive. Judge for yourself: how can someone not like such a charming shrub with dozens of delicate white and pink (depending on the variety) buds?


For some unknown reason, this shrub has not received enough popularity, and very in vain. Heather is quite hardy, unpretentious, and, in addition, incredibly beautiful. Flowers blooming on the plant exude a delicate and exceptionally pleasant aroma.

Decorative shrubs for summer cottages, photos and names of which will be presented in this article, are often exactly those elements that harmonize the overall picture and emphasize the necessary nuances of the site so that it looks attractive, bright and harmonious. They are like strokes on a canvas, which will help to correctly “dilute” the flowerbeds with the necessary details, to place accents on some specific places. I am sure that every summer resident, gardener, owner of a personal plot wants to do everything correctly and accurately so that vegetables, fruit trees, beds with greenery - everything is in its place.

Depending on the size of your site, imagination and general preferences, ornamental shrubs can be a backdrop for other plantings, an element of garden compositions, appear as hedges or act as the main nuance to which everyone's attention will be riveted.

In this article I would like to talk about the most popular shrubs, most often planted in our region, and, of course, the most beautiful. It is unrealistic to cover the entire spectrum of these representatives of this plant kingdom, but it is worth paying our attention to the main flowering ones, as well as to decorative and deciduous ones.

How beautiful to plant ornamental shrubs: the main placement criteria

The very first thing is to choose just such a plant that will feel comfortable in the climatic conditions of your region. It is necessary to choose a certain variety based on this factor. The second nuance is its location.

If you get a sun-loving representative, then you need to plant it in a sunny place, where there will be a lot of light and there will not even be a hint of shade. But shade-loving ones, on the contrary, should be placed in shaded areas, or even in the shade of buildings or large trees. This is important, as the wrong choice of location can affect not only the brightness of the colors of the foliage or the lushness of the flowers on the shrub, but also its viability.

The overall picture of the garden should also be considered when choosing a particular plant. In a small area, tall and lush specimens will look out of place. But, for example, blooming frost-resistant, low beautiful bushes fit perfectly, and even will delight you with their appearance until the very cold.

These representatives include dwarf varieties of juniper Cossack Tamariscifolia and Green Carpet - undersized, creeping along the ground, very frost-resistant. These are ideal options for creating compact alpine slides, rockeries, lawn edging, curbs.

Shrubs for hedges should also be chosen among undersized or medium-sized representatives with a dense crown, so that later instead of an attractive fence you do not get columns of tall thickets. Spiked bushes, decorative flowering, columnar representatives, for example, junipers, are best suited for such a design. For joint plantings, weigela, buddleia, spirela, oleander are well suited, they will look harmoniously with other green brothers growing nearby. And if you want to form an arch or, for example, decorate a gazebo, a fence, then in this case you should choose climbing species.

The choice is wide! For each site of any size and shape, you can find your own option. In addition to flowering plants, there are a lot of varieties of shrubs with amazing foliage color, with an unusual crown, leaf shape. Diversity is an important aspect in this business. In most cases, the country landscape is divided into three zones (or tiers): the lower one is vegetable beds and flower beds, the upper one is fruit trees. But the bushes can occupy the so-called middle zone. The correct selection and combination of plants among themselves is the main goal for a summer resident who strives for beauty, comfort and harmony in his area.

Deciduous or flowering shrubs are not only a pleasure for contemplation, but also functional plants. Thus, by planting them near the fence, you can create a barrier from prying eyes or unwanted penetration (spiky varieties).

With their help, it is very convenient to zone a site, for example, to separate recreation areas and an area for growing garden crops.

Borders, paths, hedges, which have already been mentioned, creating protection (shadows) for more delicate shade-loving plants, decorating some unsightly fragments on the site - all this can be arranged, decorated or hidden using a variety of bushes and bushes. And if you decide to plant fruit representatives, you will be additionally rewarded for your work with useful berries.

Flowering shrubs for a summer residence

Some of these representatives are also fruit, this nuance will be indicated in the description.


I'll start, perhaps, with flowering weigela. This shrub looks great both during flowering and after it. Nana Variegata can also be classified as an ornamental leafy variety, its foliage has a beautiful golden border, and Nana Purpurea has dark, red-brown leaves.

Weigela Nana Purpurea

The sight of a blooming weigela pleases the eye with pink bell flowers that bloom in waves throughout the season (usually all of May). The first wave is the most abundant. Some varieties can produce color twice a year, such as Weigela Middendorf.

Weigel Middendorf


Spirea is very unpretentious and very beautiful. Its varieties can bloom both in spring and summer. If you calculate the time correctly, then you can plant these two species in such a way that one fades, and the second only enters the flowering phase. Some varieties of spirea have beautiful foliage - Vagnutta, Pink Ice. For this reason, they can be attributed to decorative deciduous shrubs.

Spirea Vangutta

Spirea blooms profusely and luxuriantly, leaning branches literally plastered with white flowers to the very ground.

A low, slow-growing Japanese spirea blooms with lush lilac-pink inflorescences. She is also attractive and a honey plant, like her white-flowering species.

Japanese spirea

Spireas are not particularly capricious about the choice of soil, however, you should pay attention to the requirements for light / shade for different varieties.

Spirea in winter:

Jasmine or mock orange

Garden jasmine or mock orange - well, how could it be without it ?! Because of the enchanting aroma, it is known and loved by almost everyone. To date, there are its multiple varieties and hybrids - all of them are very attractive. They differ in size, shape, color and aroma of flowers.

But in our case we are talking about a white-flowered representative - frost-resistant, disease-resistant, very unpretentious (can be placed in the shade or in a place lit by sunlight). It looks equally great in group plantings and in single ones, the main thing is to water it on time, but do not allow water to stagnate in the near-stem circle. The flowering time of the mock orange depends on its variety, but it usually begins in May and lasts about a month. There are those that bloom both in summer and in early autumn.


Jasmine (mock orange)


Kalina refers to both fruit specimens and decorative foliage. A unique plant in every sense: it blooms beautifully with large white spherical inflorescences, the berries are useful, they are widely used as a medicine. The foliage also deserves attention: its hue changes from rich green to golden and red.

In general, viburnum has many species (about 200), among which you can even find evergreen specimens. In our area, two of its usual types are the most common and popular - viburnum ordinary and viburnum bulldonezh. They are frost-resistant, non-capricious, decorative at any time of the year, they love shade and moderate watering. Flowering time - mid-May / end of June, about 20 days.

Viburnum vulgaris in bloom and with fruits:

Viburnum ordinary

Kalina Buldenezh:

Kalina Buldenezh

Rose hip

Some shrubs that can grow in the country do not even need introduction and recommendations, for example, wild rose. It is attractive in appearance, useful in many ways, not only decorates your site in the spring when it blooms with pink or red flowers, but also creates a prickly barrier if you plant it along the fence. In some of its varieties, flowers are not inferior in beauty to roses (terry look), and varieties with healing red berries will give you a natural natural “medicine”, the valuable qualities of which are known to everyone. Rosehip is unpretentious, branches quickly, has a very dense crown, prefers the sun or partial shade. It blooms from May to August.