Which walls are load-bearing. How to determine if a wall is load-bearing or not: design features and house plans for designers. What does it mean: load-bearing walls in an apartment

You need to understand what kind of wall is in front of you. Learn how to identify a load bearing wall inside a home.

Remember that dismantling or partial destruction is strictly prohibited. In some cases, it is allowed to make a doorway, but everything must be with the permission of the relevant authorities.

Before you start looking for a load-bearing wall, try to find building layout documents. They have all the clues that point to one or the other. So, you need to remember how many times the building was reconstructed and whether it was carried out at all. During renovations, one already questions all previous drawings with the original layout of the building. In addition, sometimes reconstruction involves adjusting the new facade of the house. Then the old ones can become internal.

Many sites offer redevelopment in houses of a particular series. At the same time, the "creators" of such architectural projects do not always take into account what will be demolished inside the house. Of course, not always the partial destruction of the carrier leads to disastrous consequences. Sometimes 5-10 years pass from the moment of dismantling, after which the floor above begins to be covered with “patterns” of cracks. It all depends on the age of the building, its condition.

In any case, the easiest option for determining which wall is load-bearing is to contact professional construction companies. One way or another, there are a number of definitions of load-bearing walls for houses of one type or another. Let's consider them below.

We are looking for a carrier in a panel house

The most common residential buildings are panel-type houses. Depending on the series of the house, the location of the carriers is different. In any case, there are much more of them than partitions. One of the most defining is the measurement of thickness. So, remember that basically its value for partitions in panel houses is 80-100 mm, but the carriers can be 120, 140, 160, 180 and 200. When measuring the thickness, it is worth considering and. It must either be removed at the place where the wall was measured, or subtracted from the result obtained.

In 80% of cases, the partitions of panel houses, and their thickness is 80 mm. Thus, everything that is thinner than 120 we attribute to partitions, but if the measurements are higher than the specified figure, then the walls are load-bearing. Of course, it may happen that the indicator is equal to 120 mm. Then you should use the services of engineers who developed the layout of the house. One way or another, even if you yourself determine that this wall can be dismantled, you will need a technical opinion from engineers. Only on its basis any redevelopment is allowed.

We are looking for a carrier in a brick house

Now let's talk about the old brick buildings. have different thickness depending on the number of bricks in the masonry. The length of a standard brick is 120 mm. The seams between the brickwork have an indicator of 10 mm. Thus, if it consists of two rows of bricks, then the value will be calculated as follows: 120 + 120 + 10 = 250 mm. According to further calculations, it can be in size: 380 mm (three rows of 120 and two seams of 10), 510 mm (four rows of 120 and three seams of 10), 640 mm (five rows of 120 and four seams of 10).

Now we explain the load-bearing wall in a brick house. And everything is extremely simple: again, by measuring. The walls in such houses separating the apartments are partitions and have a thickness of 250 mm (double masonry). Ordinary partitions between rooms are either 80 or 120. The rest of the walls are load-bearing - they can be 380, 510, 640 and higher.

By the way, there are old houses with wooden floors. Even wooden partitions can be load-bearing. Initially, they did not perform such a function, but subsequently became a support for floors from above.

We are looking for a carrier in a monolithic house

Monolithic houses are distinguished by a huge variety of layouts. Here you can only be sure for sure that there is a partition in front of you. Therefore, if possible, you will need to find a house project, as well as consult with an engineer from the developer company without fail.

Although you can again resort to the method of determining load-bearing walls by measuring the thickness. The value can be 200, 250, 300 or more. Having measured it, do not rush to make hasty conclusions. So, if its thickness is less than 200 mm, then this means 99% that you have measured the partition. But if this indicator, for example, is 200 mm, then this does not always confirm the opposite. The fact is that monolithic houses involve the use of foam blocks, which are a special type of partitions.


The redevelopment of the apartment involves either the construction of additional walls, or the destruction of existing ones. Most often, during this, the walls are destroyed, thereby increasing the living space. Such a cardinal decision is simply necessary, since this is the only way to expand housing, make it more comfortable, and with the help of redevelopment, many connect the kitchen with the living room or increase the bedroom due to the loggia. The only problem during the renovation is how to determine the load-bearing walls in the house correctly. This information is important, and therefore it is necessary to familiarize yourself with it, which we will deal with in the framework of the article.

What is a load bearing wall?

First, find out what a load-bearing wall is and where it is located. Bearing walls perform an important task - they maintain the integrity of the entire structure. Columns and beams sometimes act as load-bearing elements, but this does not change their purpose. Since all elements of the roof and floor structure rest on the wall, it is important to know during redevelopment how to determine the load-bearing wall in the house.

If you demolish it, then this can lead to bad consequences, starting with a crack that appears on the house and ending with the complete destruction of the structure. Unlike load-bearing, ordinary interior walls hold only their own weight, and also perform a separating function. For repairs to be carried out safely and correctly, it is worth contacting specialists for help. Only they know how to determine if a wall is load-bearing or not.

Do not forget about the special permission for redevelopment, which is issued by specialists from the technical inventory bureau. It will indicate which walls can be destroyed and modified, and which are prohibited.

Methods for determining load-bearing walls

There are several ways to determine whether a load-bearing wall or not in a house. Precise and easily achievable is the study of the structural plan of the house. This document is in the Department of Capital Construction. Also, do not forget about the existence of a technical passport. If the landlord knows how to read construction drawings, it will not be difficult for him to determine the load-bearing wall in the house.

Load-bearing walls are often defined by thickness and location. When measuring, it is first necessary to remove the wallpaper, clean the surface of the old plaster. Only then can measurements begin. The parameters of the load-bearing walls of all houses are different, for example:

  1. The load-bearing walls in a brick house are thirty-eight centimeters thicker. The more bricks laid out, the greater the thickness.
  2. In panel houses, the situation is slightly different. Here, all walls exceeding fourteen centimeters are load-bearing. In such a house, redevelopment is difficult and almost impossible. After all, most of the walls in a panel house are load-bearing.
  3. In monolithic houses, walls thicker than twenty centimeters are load-bearing. In houses, it is quite difficult to determine the thickness of the load-bearing wall. Therefore, it is easier to take a general floor plan from the developer.

All form the basis of the building, being supporting.


After the load-bearing walls in the apartment are determined, certain restrictions associated with redevelopment will appear. It is impossible to completely demolish a load-bearing wall. It is better to make an opening or a niche in it - this is a safer option. The number of openings in load-bearing walls is limited.

If it is necessary to make an opening in such a design, it is better to seek help from professionals. It is dangerous to carry out such work on your own, moreover, without special permits and papers with redevelopment made, such an apartment will become a burden.

There are situations when partial demolition of a load-bearing wall is necessary. In this case, an engineer is indispensable. Even a small window or door opening requires appropriate permits and licenses.

Only true professionals in their field can not only make an opening in the load-bearing wall, but also enhance strength. This will help avoid its destruction. A metal or reinforced concrete lintel is used as a wall support.

Bearing walls in a panel house

Most panel houses have a typical design code for the project they were built on. Therefore, before proceeding with redevelopment, you need to know how to determine the load-bearing wall in a panel house.

To find load-bearing walls in a panel house, you can use the database of these structures. It makes it possible to see the layout of apartments from each series and choose your house according to the code. Another way is to measure the walls. The thickness of self-supporting walls in a panel house ranges from 80 millimeters to 1 meter, while the thickness of load-bearing walls varies from 140 to 200 mm. The higher the indicator, the more likely it is a load-bearing wall. It is important to remember that demolishing it in a panel house will lead to the destruction of the building.

How to find out if the carrier is made of bricks?

To find out how to determine the load-bearing wall in a brick house, you need to add the thickness of the vertical mortar joint to the size of the brick. That is, the thickness depends on how many bricks are supplied. Brick walls can be 120, 250, 380 mm thick, and so on, plus more finishing layers.

Bearing brick walls have a thickness of three hundred and eighty millimeters and above. If self-supporting structures are made of gypsum concrete panels and bricks, then in this case the interior partitions will be 250 mm. Thus, the load-bearing walls in brick houses have a thickness of 380 mm. If during measurements the thickness is less than 380 mm, then such a wall is an ordinary partition. Finding brick houses by series is more difficult than panel houses, since there are much fewer of them.

Bearing walls in Khrushchev

All Khrushchevs were built according to the same type. They have three load-bearing walls and additional transverse ones, which serve as a support for the load-bearing ones and prevent them from tipping over. This list also includes the transverse walls of the staircase. They hold not only load-bearing structures, but also flights of stairs, thus, they also become load-bearing.

How to determine the load-bearing wall in a brick apartment? Can it be dismantled or not? The slabs that are located between the floors are supported by load-bearing or transverse reinforced concrete walls and beams.

If we talk about modern buildings, then studio apartments are very popular. In such rooms, many do without redevelopment, they simply divide the space with furniture. To make a smart home out of an ordinary apartment, you need to completely or partially dismantle the walls, leaving only the box. However, such global changes will negatively affect the integrity of the building, especially if it is old.

How to find a load-bearing wall in a monolithic house?

Interested in how to determine the load-bearing wall or not in a monolithic house? These buildings have a variety of architectural and design features. They combine ordinary load-bearing walls, columns, beams and rectangular columns. The thickness of the bearing walls is 200-300 mm, and the thickness of the columns in monolithic houses is an order of magnitude higher. All walls less than 200 mm thick are considered partitions.

When it comes to new buildings, the load-bearing structures are easy to determine by simply examining them. They are clearly visible because they are made of reinforced concrete. Also, on the bearing walls, holes sealed with mortar are visible.

What can be done with a load-bearing wall

As already known, the structure is the basis of the building and holds the main load, it must be handled carefully and carefully. Before determining whether it is a load-bearing wall or not, you should find out what actions are prohibited in relation to it:

  1. It cannot be completely demolished, as this will affect the stability of the entire structure.
  2. It is forbidden to transfer it to another place.
  3. It is forbidden to mount wiring and conduct communications in it.

Despite these prohibitions, the load-bearing wall is still not untouchable, you can make a doorway in it, decorate an arch or a partition between rooms, drill through it.

How to agree on a redevelopment

Before carrying out redevelopment, it is necessary to obtain permits from the relevant authorities. Since residents do not always correctly determine the type of wall covering, dismantle the load-bearing wall, these approvals are mandatory. Therefore, the question of how to determine the load-bearing wall can play a bad joke with the residents.

Do not neglect the rules, otherwise the building will become illegal, and the owner will be fined. It follows from this that it is better to spend time on official instances and get all the permissions than to suffer from the mistakes made.

If you decide whether to redevelop the premises or not, you should remember that even a harmless mistake in the calculations when doing this work can provoke serious problems. By doing it, you risk your life and the lives of other household members.

Since it is not always possible to determine the option of a load-bearing wall, it is better to use the services of a specialist. Nevertheless, having decided to do the work yourself and knowing how to determine where the load-bearing walls are, be extremely careful and vigilant, because you already know what a possible deviation in calculations or reasoning regarding the type of wall covering and its nature entails.

Hello. In previous articles, I described the features of hidden electrical wiring in multi-apartment residential buildings, namely, the conversation was about wall chasing. A brief summary of these articles can be summed up: it is not recommended to crush the load-bearing walls of apartment buildings. A simple and logical question arises, how to determine which walls are load-bearing and which are not? This is especially important when buying a new apartment. The destruction of load-bearing walls can be an unpleasant surprise when moving to a new apartment.

Of great importance when moving from place to place is the choice of a transport company. Of particular importance is the choice of a company when moving from another country, for example to Russia. Here, paperwork, worries about the cargo crossing the border, etc. are added to the hassle of moving. Choosing a transport company with extensive experience in practical work, focusing on moving services to Russia, will be an excellent option for a hassle-free move. An example of such a company is GTrans LLP. Spent moving to Russia from Kazakhstan on well-traveled routes.

Why determine load-bearing walls in an apartment (office)

The answers to the questions “Why define load-bearing walls” or “Which wall is load-bearing” do not matter at all if you are not planning a major renovation associated with redevelopment and / or laying new hidden electrical wiring. Both redevelopment and electrical installation are associated with affecting the structures of the premises and, according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, require approvals and obtaining permits if these structures are load-bearing.

Legally, the question is as clear as possible. Violation of the load-bearing structures of a house (building) can compromise its strength and lead to its destruction (partial or complete).

In practice, some construction firms will safely tear down and chisel walls, admonishing customers that "we do this all the time." This is not an argument at all, because the responsibility for illegal redevelopment and destruction of structures lies with the owner of the housing.

How to define a load-bearing wall yourself

There are some practical tips on how to determine whether a load-bearing wall or not.

Residential building made of bricks

The thickness of the bearing walls in a brick house starts at 38 cm. All other walls, 12 cm (one brick), 25 cm (two bricks), 8-12 cm (lightweight concrete), are partitions.

Bearing walls in Khrushchev and Stalinka

The design of houses such as "Stalinka" and "Khrushchev" is shown in the photo.

  • 3 longitudinal walls they are bearing;
  • Between them are load-bearing diaphragms, they keep the load-bearing walls from falling;
  • Flights of stairs are held on load-bearing walls.

All other walls are partitions.

How to determine the bearing walls in the house: Khrushchev

On the plan of the apartment it will look like this.

Apartment plan

Serial apartment building from panels

We measure the thickness of the wall.

In serial panel houses, the thickness of the bearing walls is 12, 14, 18, 20 cm. The thickness of the partitions in panel houses, that is, the walls erected after the construction (assembly) of the house, fluctuate between 8-10 cm.

Conclusion 1. If the thickness of the wall (without the plaster layer) is less than 10 cm, it is very likely that this is not a load-bearing wall, but a partition.

Important! The design of a panel house is supported by load-bearing walls, and the destruction of the load-bearing wall violates the integrity of the structure of the entire house.

Find out the series of your house and see the architectural layout

Panel apartment buildings are serial and each house belongs to a certain series. On the Internet, you can find quite complete sites with descriptions and photos of serial panel houses. According to the house series, you can easily find the authors of the project and the project of your house. On the project of the house (apartment), load-bearing walls are clearly visible (they are shaded and / or thicker than the rest). An alternative to the project can be communication with the BTI or with the management company of your house.

Multi-apartment monolithic house

In new buildings, a monolith, it is easy to determine the load-bearing walls. Load-bearing walls are visually visible. Smooth concrete wall, load-bearing, partition lined with blocks.

In inhabited monolithic houses, it is somewhat more difficult. A partition is definitely a wall less than 20 cm thick. However, a wall thicker than 20 cm can be both a partition and a supporting structure. In this case, it will help to determine the load-bearing wall or not, only the architectural section of the working draft. It must be with the management company. The load-bearing walls will be shaded.

What works for load-bearing walls are prohibited

In conclusion, it is somewhat impossible for load-bearing walls:

  • It is impossible to completely demolish a load-bearing wall in any buildings () and it is impossible to obtain legal approval for such a demolition.
  • move a load-bearing wall;
  • make an opening in the load-bearing wall without approval and design;
  • It is impossible, (in Moscow) to make any furrows for electrical wiring, as well as plumbing and heating pipes. (PPM No. 508)
  • Can! Drill load-bearing walls for hanging furniture and appliances, and you can also make through holes in load-bearing walls for the passage of water pipes, embedded electrical cables, and ventilation.


As you can see, it is quite possible to determine the load-bearing walls in your apartment on your own.

When starting a major overhaul or redevelopment of a house, you must first figure out what it is, load-bearing walls, and correctly determine where they are located in the house. After all, even an incorrectly executed small opening in the load-bearing wall threatens to turn into a partial or even complete destruction of the entire structure of the house.

How is a load-bearing wall different from a regular partition?

The main difference, by which you can accurately determine which partition is in front of you, is the load it takes on. Ordinary interior partitions do not hold anything on themselves and are only loaded by their own weight, which is why they are called self-supporting walls. Partitions, which take on not only their own weight, but also part of the weight of the structures located above them: floor slabs, ceiling beams or walls of the upper floors, are load-bearing.

Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to cut openings in load-bearing walls, and it is strictly forbidden to demolish them completely - this can cause the destruction of the house. Self-supporting walls perform an exclusively separating and decorative function, therefore, if necessary, they can be rebuilt without problems and even completely removed - the strength and stability of the house will not suffer from this at all.

But, having an idea of ​​​​what is the difference between the walls, you also need to know how to determine the load-bearing wall. The easiest way to see this is on the plan of the house - it is enough to have at least minimal skills in reading such documents. But often there are cases when the plan cannot be found. In this case, such a wall can be determined by the following features:

  • location;
  • thickness.

Regardless of the material of construction, almost all external walls are load-bearing. They will also be partitions facing the flight of stairs. In the vast majority of cases, partitions separating neighboring apartments also fall under this definition.

In many cases, the purpose of a wall can be determined by its thickness, although there are many nuances here. In brick houses, all walls with a thickness of 380 mm or more are load-bearing. The calculation is simple: the width of one standard brick is 120 mm, the laying seam is 10 mm. Accordingly, 3x120 mm \u003d 360 mm + 2 seams of 10 mm each - another 20 mm, and in the end - 380 mm.

Standard interior partitions in a brick house are made in 1-1.5 bricks, i.e. their thickness does not exceed 180 mm. The most difficult option is if their thickness is 250 mm (this often happens in houses built on individual projects after 1990). In this case, one cannot do without the involvement of a specialist, since only he can figure out what functions such a partition performs. An important nuance - the thickness of the walls should be taken without a finishing layer.

In panel and block houses, all walls with a thickness of 140 mm or more are load-bearing. The thickness of interior partitions is only 80-100 mm, but there are very few of them in panel apartments. In fact, in such houses, almost all the walls are load-bearing, so it is very difficult to redevelop such apartments, especially at your own discretion. It happens, although rarely, that the thickness of interior partitions in a panel house is 120 mm. In this case, there is no other way out than to find out from specialists which partitions can be rebuilt and which cannot.

Much better is the case with apartments in the "Khrushchev". When building, a standard scheme is used: the bearing walls in the "Khrushchev" are all longitudinal, and the partitions are all transverse. In such houses, the wall separating the balcony from the living room is not under heavy load and can be dismantled.

How to make an opening in a load-bearing wall?

In load-bearing internal partitions, the arrangement of any opening is undesirable, but nevertheless they often have to be done, for example, to install an interior door. However, the number, size and location of these openings are calculated by experts at the design stage of the house.

If during redevelopment it became necessary to make an opening in the load-bearing wall, then in no case should you do it yourself. Firstly, it is very dangerous, and secondly, in the future, an apartment with a “left”, illegal redevelopment will be impossible to sell, donate, or issue an inheritance on it, and legalize and receive a project is almost impossible.

Therefore, if you decide to redevelop the apartment, then first issue all the necessary permits and approvals in the relevant public services.

If during the work there is a need for some kind of manipulation with the load-bearing wall, then it is imperative to involve specialists for their implementation. And to perform partial dismantling (in the event that you need to make a new door or window opening in the load-bearing wall), you need to invite an engineer from a company specializing in such work (and having the appropriate permits and licenses) by concluding a written contract with her.

Such specialists know exactly how to properly dismantle part of the partition, how to increase its strength in order to prevent destruction, in which cases it is necessary to install an additional support, and in which it is possible to do with a horizontal metal or reinforced concrete lintel. Therefore, the chances that everything will be in order as a result are very high. And it is also important that in case of poor-quality performance of work, you still have the opportunity to demand compensation for damage through the court.

As a conclusion

When deciding whether to redevelop the house on your own or not, remember that the slightest mistake in the calculations and performance of such work puts at risk not only your life, but also the lives of your loved ones, and when it comes to high-rise buildings, the lives of many of your neighbors, because even an inconspicuous microcrack in a load-bearing wall can cause the collapse of the entire house, and restoring the solidity of such a wall often costs much more than all the redevelopment of the house.

Residential area. In this case, the question arises: how to determine the load-bearing wall that cannot be touched? And in order not to be mistaken, we suggest that you consider several ways to find out. Also, this article will be of interest to those who plan to carry out repair work, namely, to lay communications by a hidden method.

A load-bearing wall is a structure on which the ceiling of the next floor rests. Also, such walls can be replaced by columns or beams that support the entire structure.

If during the repair process it is incorrect to determine the load-bearing wall, then if it is violated, cracks may appear in the building, in the worst case, the ceiling may collapse.

There are several ways to determine whether a load-bearing wall is in front of you or not. For example, by location. All external walls are always load-bearing, as well as those that are on the side of the staircase. These can be walls that border your neighbors. In addition, you can determine by its thickness and what it is made of. If brick is used, then the supporting structure in this case will be more than 380 mm. As for the reinforced concrete structure, this is 140–200 mm, and in the case of monolithic walls, the load-bearing wall will be 200–300 mm or more. You can also find the supporting structure by the location of the floor slabs. All walls that are perpendicular to the slabs are load-bearing. Although there are houses where there are exceptions to the rules, for example, Czech buildings.

These are the basic provisions that will help you determine which of the walls are load-bearing and which are not. Now let's take a closer look at where and what walls are in a panel house, Khrushchev, brick and in a monolithic house.

Partitions in a panel house usually have a thickness in the range of 80–100 mm. It can be made of gypsum concrete. As for the bearing wall, it can be 140, 180, 200 mm thick. If, after measuring the wall, its thickness is less than 120 mm, then it is definitely a partition. But note the fact that in some panel houses the walls are plastered. So be sure to take this into account when measuring. Although in most cases the plaster layer does not exceed 50 mm, which means that this will not have a significant effect. But it is best to take as a basis only the thickness of the wall at the measurement site.

The thickness of the walls in brick buildings is formed during laying. For example, a standard brick has a width of 120 mm. If the laying is carried out in two rows, then there is a seam of about 10 mm between them. Accordingly, the thickness of such a wall will be equal to 250 mm. If the wall is laid out in three rows, then its thickness will be 380 mm and so on.

The simplest method for determining a load-bearing wall is measurement. Walls 80, 120 or 250 mm are partitions. Accordingly, a wall thickness of 380, 520 mm and more is always a carrier. Also, be sure to take into account the layer of plaster and other finishing materials when measuring.

Some brick houses may have wooden floors. Therefore, load-bearing walls may be of less importance.

The load-bearing walls in such buildings are a diagram of their three load-bearing (green) and transverse (blue) walls, in the diagram they look like this:

At the same time, the partitions marked in blue are also bearing for the flight of stairs.

As you can see, standards apply here. The design scheme in Khrushchev or Stalinka buildings does not change, although the layout of the apartment may differ.

As for monolithic buildings, the layout in them can be very different. The thickness of the walls here can also be different, this is 200, 250, 300 mm and more. If the wall you measured is 200mm thick, then it is most likely a partition wall. If more than 200 mm, then this is not a guarantee that you have a load-bearing wall in front of you. The very method of determining it is to find project documentation or consult with an engineer from the developer's company. In monolithic houses for partitions, foam blocks of different thicknesses are used, this explains everything.

So, when redeveloping an apartment, questions may arise regarding whether it is possible to remove load-bearing walls. It should be said right away that its complete dismantling is unacceptable, as this can lead to the destruction of the structure. If you do such a redevelopment without permission, then you will have to spend a large amount to restore it, plus there is a risk of receiving fines. This rule also applies to the transfer of a load-bearing wall.

If there is no talk of complete demolition or transfer, but you want to make an opening, then such work is possible. However, each case should be considered individually and it is best to contact the design organization. In the event that you want to carry out certain communications by a hidden method in such a wall, then it is forbidden to make horizontal or vertical strobes, according to the decree of the Government of Moscow. However, drilling is possible. Especially when it comes to installing fasteners such as dowels or running sewer pipes, ventilation or water pipes through walls.

As you can see, there are a number of restrictions that apply to load-bearing walls. We hope that from this article, you have received an answer to the question of how to find out the location of load-bearing walls.

