List of works on the overhaul of apartment buildings. What is included and at whose expense is a major overhaul. For what purpose is

I. Repair of intra-house engineering systems of electricity, heat, gas, water supply, sanitation

1. Repair or replacement of engineering systems:

1.1. Cold water supply, including:

1.1.1. Repair or replacement of water meters.

1.1.2. Repair or replacement of distributing highways and risers.

1.1.3. Replacement of shut-off valves, including those on a branch from the risers to the apartment.

1.1.4. Repair or replacement of booster pumping units in the complex.

1.1.5. Repair or replacement of equipment, pipelines and fire water supply equipment.

1.2. Repair or replacement of the hot water system, including:

1.2.1. Repair or replacement of TRZH, heat exchangers, boilers, pumping units and other equipment (as part of the common property) in the complex for the preparation and supply of hot water to the distribution network.

1.2.2. Repair or replacement of distributing highways and risers.

1.2.3. Replacement of shut-off valves, including those on a branch from the risers to the apartment.

1.3. Repair or replacement of the sewerage and water disposal system, including:

1.3.1. Repair or replacement of outlets, prefabricated pipelines, risers and hoods.

1.3.2. Replacing valves, if any.

1.4. Repair or replacement of the heating system, including:

1.4.1. Repair or replacement of distributing highways and risers.

1.4.2. Replacement of shut-off and control valves, including those on a branch from risers to heating appliances in residential premises.

1.4.3. Regrouping or replacement of heating devices in common areas, replacement of branches from risers and heating devices in residential premises.

1.4.4. Installation, repair or replacement in the complex of ITP equipment (individual heating points) and in the presence of booster pumping units.

1.5. Repair or replacement of the gas supply system, including:

1.5.1. Repair or replacement of intra-house distributing highways and risers.

1.5.2. Replacement of shut-off and control valves, including those on a branch from risers to household gas appliances in residential premises.

1.6. Repair or replacement of the power supply system, including:

1.6.1. Repair or replacement of main switchboard (main switchboard), distribution and group boards.

1.6.2. Repair or replacement of intra-house distributing highways and risers of communal and apartment lighting.

1.6.3. Replacement of branches from floor shields or boxes of apartment meters, installation and lighting fixtures for public lighting.

1.6.4. Replacement of electrical networks to power the electrical equipment of elevators and electrical equipment to ensure the operation of engineering systems.

2. Modernization of engineering systems, including:

2.1. Mandatory use of modernized heating devices and pipelines made of plastic, metal-plastic, etc. and a ban on the installation of steel pipes.

2.2. Transfer of the existing power supply network to increased voltage.

2.3. Replacement of lighting fixtures for public lighting needs with energy-saving ones.

2.4. Re-equipment of heating points and water metering units.

3. Replacing stove heating with central heating with a device:

boiler rooms;

heat pipelines;

thermal points;

roof and other autonomous sources of heat supply.

4. Equipment:

4.1. Systems:

cold and hot water supply;


gas supply.

4.2. Systems with connection to existing backbone networks with a distance from the input to the point of connection to the mains up to 150 m.

4.3. Systems with device:

gas ducts;

water pumps;

boiler rooms.

5. Repair of septic tanks and cesspools.

6. Repair of furnace heating systems.

Information about changes:

7. Replacement of sanitary equipment in common areas.

Information about changes:

8. Repair of fire-fighting automation and smoke removal systems.

II. Repair or replacement of elevator equipment recognized as unsuitable for operation, if necessary, repair of elevator shafts

1. Repair and replacement of elevator equipment with its modernization, including:

1.1. Repair or complete replacement of elevator equipment that is recognized as unsuitable for operation.

1.2. Repair, if necessary, mines, replacement of attached mines.

1.3. Repair of machine rooms.

1.4. Repair, replacement of automation elements and dispatching of elevator equipment.

1.5. Equipment of devices necessary for connection to existing automation systems and dispatching of elevator equipment.

III. Roof repair

1. Repair of roof structures:

1.1. From wooden structures:

1.1.1. Repair:

with partial replacement of rafter legs;


crates of continuous and discharged from bars.

1.1.2. Antiseptic and fireproofing of wooden structures.

1.1.3. Insulation of the subroofing (attic) floor.

1.1.4. Repair (replacement) of dormers.

1.2. From reinforced concrete rafters and roofing decks:

1.2.1. Troubleshooting reinforced concrete rafters and roof decks.

1.2.2. Insulation of the subroofing (attic) floor.

1.2.3. Repair of a coupler for a roofing covering.

2. Replacement of roof coverings:

2.1. Replacing the metal coating of roofs with junctions.

2.2. Replacement of roofing from rolled bituminous materials (roofing felt) to roofs from built-up materials with junctions.

2.3. Replacing the roof covering from piece materials (slate, tiles, etc.) with adjoining devices.

3. Repair or replacement of the drainage system (overhangs, gutters, grooves, trays) with the replacement of drainpipes and products (external and internal).

4. Repair or replacement of roofing elements:

4.1. Installation and repair of exits to the roof.

4.2. Air duct repair, repair or replacement of dormer windows and other attic ventilation devices.

4.3. Change of caps on the heads of smoke ventilation blocks and ventilation shafts.

4.4. Change of coverings of parapets, firewalls, superstructures.

4.5. Repair (plastering, painting) and insulation of smoke ventilation units and elevator shafts.

4.6. Restoration or replacement of the fence on the attic roof.

5. Reconstruction of non-ventilated combined roofs to ventilated ones with insulation of the under-roof (attic) floor.

IV. Repair of basements belonging to common property in apartment buildings

1. Repair of sections of basement walls and floors.

2. Insulation of walls and basement ceilings of basements.

3. Waterproofing the walls and floor of the basement.

4. Repair of technical premises with the installation of metal doors.

5. Repair of air ducts, basement windows, pits and external doors.

6. Sealing the passages of inputs and outputs of engineering networks in the outer walls (performed during the repair of networks).

7. Repair or replacement of the drainage system.

V. Insulation and facade repair

1. Repair of facades that do not require insulation:

1.1. Repair of plaster (texture layer), including architectural order.

1.2. Repair of a facing tile.

1.3. Painting on plaster or textured layer.

1.4. Repair and restoration of sealing of horizontal and vertical joints of wall panels of large-block and large-panel buildings.

1.5. Repair and restoration of the sealing of the joints of window and door openings of common areas from the side of the facade.

1.6. Painting from the side of the facade of window frames.

1.7. Fencing wall repair.

1.8. Repair and replacement of windows and balcony doors (as part of common property).

1.9. Repair or replacement of exterior doors.

2. Work on the repair of facades requiring insulation:

2.1. Repair and insulation of enclosing walls with subsequent surface finishing.

2.2. Repair of windows and balcony doors (as part of the common property) or replacement with energy-saving design windows and doors (window blocks with triple glazing, etc.) with their subsequent insulation (sealing).

2.3. Repair of external entrance doors with their subsequent insulation or replacement with metal doors in an energy-saving design.

3. Work common for both groups of buildings:

3.1. Repair of balconies with replacement, if necessary, consoles, waterproofing and sealing, followed by painting.

3.2. Reinforcement of canopy structures above entrances and last floors, followed by surface finishing.

3.3. Strengthening the structures of cornice blocks with subsequent surface finishing.

3.4. Change of window sills.

3.5. Change of drainpipes.

3.6. Basement repair and insulation.

VI. Installation of collective (common house) metering devices for resource consumption and control units (thermal energy, hot and cold water, electric energy, gas)

1. Installation of collective (common house):

1.1. Consumption meters:

thermal energy for the needs of heating and hot water supply;

cold water;

electrical energy;

1.2. Resource management nodes with equipment for automation and dispatching devices to provide remote accounting and control.

VII. Repair of foundations of apartment buildings

1. Repair or replacement of foundations:

1.1. Sealing and jointing of joints, seams, cracks in foundation elements. Protective layer device.

1.2. Elimination of local defects and deformations by strengthening the foundation.

1.3. Blind area repair.

VIII. Development of design documentation for the performance of major repairs

IX. Carrying out a verification of the reliability of determining the estimated cost of major repairs

X. Implementation of construction control

XI. Construction and repair of ramps

XII. Works on replacement and (or) restoration of load-bearing building structures of an apartment building and (or) engineering networks of an apartment building, classified in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities as reconstruction of capital construction projects

1. Repair or replacement of load-bearing structures and rough coating of interfloor and attic wooden floors.

Overhaul is a complex of works, the purpose of which is to eliminate the deterioration and shortcomings of housing, to replace failed communications. It became a necessity due to the large percentage of obsolescence of common house property.

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Since 2014, the implementation of these activities has passed from the state to the owners of residential and non-residential stock, who are obliged to pay for them. Contributions are made on a regular basis, monthly, and go to . The amount is indicated in the receipts that are sent to homeowners.

The frequency of major repairs is once every 25 years. Some of them can be carried out as part of the current repair.

What it is?


It is necessary to distinguish between major and current repairs. They have different items of expenditure, a different fund and a certain similarity.

So, the following types of work can be carried out both during overhaul and current:

  • Works on insulation, restoration and painting of facades, if required during the operation of buildings.
  • Replacement of roofing on the roof in case of violation of its waterproofing.
  • Cosmetic repairs inside the entrances with the use of plaster and paintwork.
  • Full or partial replacement, repair of window frames in entrances, door blocks, replacement of glazing.

The list of works for both current and major repairs can vary individually. A joint decision must be made between and the apartment owners.

At the regional level, there are special programs for overhaul, within the framework of which it is possible to carry out ongoing repairs of buildings. The program also determines the list and order of the planned work. You can get acquainted with such a list by contacting local authorities.

Does the operation of the building affect?

The regularity and need for major repairs, as well as the list of works, are directly affected by the features of the operation of a multi-storey building in which people live.

Section 6 of the Rules and Regulations for the operation of the housing stock is devoted to this issue. It considers the maintenance of housing, which is located on the territory of permafrost, in a zone of high seismic activity, as well as on salty soil.

The Rules do not clearly indicate how the operating conditions affect the repair work, however, there is a list of possible violations of the standards that must be eliminated during the overhaul.

The main provisions of the document:

  • Soil features. When the building is located on subsiding soil, due to its high porosity and lightness, the risk of strong shrinkage of the building is increased. When carrying out repairs, it is mandatory to check the existing engineering communications for leaks. Installation of communications is carried out only from high-strength materials. In water supply systems, special locking mechanisms are mounted, which are necessary to stop the water supply in the event of a leak.
  • seismically active zones. When carrying out major repairs or current indoors, a special frame is installed on the walls. When fixing even a small seismic activity, a technical inspection of the building is carried out, on the basis of which an act is drawn up. The document is necessary to make a decision on the need for repair work. Great importance is given to the strengthening of structures that ensure the safety and high stability of residential buildings.
  • Eternal Frost. In this case, attention is paid to monitoring the operation of the drainage system. It is important to prevent the penetration of water from the sidewalks into the foundation of buildings and its subsequent freezing. Overhaul of water supply systems is carried out not once every 25 years as usual, but on an individual basis when necessary and to prevent emergencies.

Overhaul of apartment buildings is a comprehensive work aimed at improving the quality of life in multi-storey buildings. It assumes compliance with a number of technical requirements and is regulated at the legislative level.

An overhaul of an apartment building is the restoration of worn-out structures and communication systems of a house so that the house meets modern housing standards. Overhaul includes many types of work, while not everyone knows which ones. But you need to know this, because the overhaul will affect literally all the residents of the house.

Since 2015, a new line has appeared in the utility bills of Russians - overhaul. In addition to expensive housing and communal services, real estate tax and other obligatory payments, one more charge has been added.

A tangible part of the country's population ignores this payment, others pay. But it's important to remember that the obligation of such contributions is established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, and numerous courts (including consideration in the Constitutional Court) recognized the legality of these fees.

Not everyone understands what kind of payment it is. People are confused by the accrual system - from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment. It seems that money is being collected for a complete refurbishment of the entire house.

In reality, this is not so. The owners must look after their apartments, and the money is collected for common property renovation all owners. In other words, money is collected for the repair of the facade, roof, porches, elevators, utilities and other common property.

At the same time, money is collected in proportion to the area of ​​​​apartments, so it is easiest to determine the share of each owner in the common property. Therefore, a tariff of 6, 10 or 15 rubles per square meter is not used to repair these meters in the apartment itself, but to repair a certain share of the common property.

Contributions for overhaul are different in different regions. There are tariffs of 4-5 rubles (St. Petersburg), and there are 18 rubles (Moscow). In any case, enough money is spent on this in a year, and if the owner does not pay from the very start of the program, then the debts are already impressive.

Unfortunately for the owners, there is already judicial practice on the collection of debts for overhaul, judges almost always take the side of the regional fund.

Each region has its own regulations regarding regional capital repair program common property in apartment buildings (we are talking about houses that have decided not to create a special account). You can find it on the website of the regional overhaul fund, in the "legislation" section.

The program establishes a list of houses, as well as the timing of major repairs in them. First, the most worn-out houses are repaired, for more “fresh” ones, waiting in line can stretch for 15 or more years.

Every year, or more often, the regional program is updated - they include new houses, change the order of repairs, the minimum tariff, etc.

Importantly, the regional program specifies a list of major repairs. More on this later.

What activities are included in the program

Since the overhaul of the common property of an apartment building is regulated by the state, there is a certain minimum standard of overhaul. This is a set of works that are mandatory for all regions and will certainly be completed when the turn comes up.

The list is established by law and the regional operator cannot change it (only expand it). This includes the following items:

  1. house repair engineering systems. These are systems of electricity, heat, gas, water supply and sanitation;
  2. repair roofs, including the replacement of a non-ventilated roof with a ventilated one;
  3. repair basement(if it relates to common property);
  4. repair facade with insulation;
  5. repair or replacement elevators with equipment, repair of elevator shafts (if there are elevators);
  6. installation of common house counters for heat supply, hot and cold water, electricity and gas);
  7. repair foundation.

From this list for a particular house, only the repair of the elevator may be missing, if it is not. Buildings with elevators usually charge higher maintenance fees.

In addition to these purposes, the legislation gives the right to direct the funds of the capital repairs fund for the following purposes:

  • development of project documentation (without a project it is impossible to carry out a quality overhaul);
  • payment for construction control services;
  • repayment of loans and interest on them.

It is obvious that if not everyone pays for the overhaul, and the repair program is approved, the fund has to take the missing part on credit.

In addition to the mandatory minimum set of services, each region can add more work. Since it depends on the decision of the regions, this is only in the "wealthy" subjects of the Russian Federation.

For example, in Moscow (at a rate of 18.19 rubles per square meter), the overhaul fund promises to carry out the following work:

  • repair fire water supply, smoke removal systems and fire fighting equipment;
  • repair or replacement garbage chutes(stainless pipes and disinfecting devices are installed);
  • repair, replacement and removal from apartments internal drainage pipes;
  • conformity assessment elevators safety requirements according to technical regulations.

In practice, all obligatory work is carried out (of course, excluding the question of quality). In particular, they change water supply and sewage pipes (except for wiring around the apartment), the heating system (including radiators), put lighting and wiring in the entrance in order, change windows and doors. The facade is being renovated and insulated.

The cost of a house overhaul varies depending on the city, type of house, number of floors and number of entrances.

In 2015, journalists brought indicative calculation procedure overhaul tariff in Moscow (which at first was 15 rubles per meter). It turned out that to repair the house of the P-44T series, on 17 floors and 3 entrances (total area 11,433 square meters) will cost 59.5 million rubles.

By dividing this amount by the number of square meters, approximately 5,200 rubles per meter will come out. Since the period of time between repairs was set at 30 years, the monthly tariff was 14.47 rubles per meter, which was then rounded up to 15 rubles.

In the future, due to inflation, the work became more expensive, and under the same conditions, the Moscow authorities raised the tariff to 18 rubles.

In other regions, the amounts will be different, since the cost of labor can be either lower or higher than in Moscow (for example, in the North). But the approximate procedure for calculating the amount remains the same everywhere.

home renovation process

The overhaul of an apartment building is not a quick matter, and every step in this process is important. Initially, the house falls into the regional overhaul program, where the year of this very repair is determined for it.

Regardless of whether tenants pay of this house for overhaul, if the house is included in the program for a particular year, repairs will occur.

Further, no later than six months before the start, the regional fund must notify apartment owners that repairs will soon be carried out. At the meeting of owners, a list of works and a repair estimate are approved, and one representative is selected who will subsequently participate in the acceptance of work.

This is a very important point, because most often the apartment owners learn about the repair only when it has already begun.

Customer overhaul may be a regional fund, a management company, an HOA or another association of owners. It is the customer who carries out all work on the preparation of a repair estimate, the conclusion of contracts, process control and acceptance.

At the time of renovation of the apartment owners not relocated anywhere but they will certainly face inconvenience. They can regularly turn off electricity, water, work will be carried out in the apartment. But the owner or his representative must be present during the work in the apartment.

Workers must behave with the owners of apartments correctly, and construction debris must be removed every day after work is completed.

After all the stages of the repair are completed (and this is often more than one month), it takes acceptance. It is carried out by a special commission consisting of representatives of the overhaul fund (including a technical supervision engineer), a repair contractor, an authorized representative of the owner, a management company, and a municipal deputy.

If, during the overhaul, the work concerned gas supply systems or elevators, representatives of service organizations are also included in the commission.

When accepting, all problems and comments of the owners to the contractor are taken into account. If there are claims due to damage to property during repairs, the contractor must respond to them.

When all deficiencies are eliminated, the work is accepted. From this moment begins to work five year warranty period for overhaul. If the tenants have problems due to shortcomings in the repair, the contractor is obliged to start solving them within 2 days.

Real reviews about the overhaul

As of last year, 737 thousand apartment buildings were included in the overhaul program throughout Russia. Repairs have already been carried out in 117 thousand of them. Accordingly, hundreds of thousands of Russians witnessed the overhaul.

It will be impossible to take into account all opinions, but in principle, positive reviews are rarely published on the network. In social networks and on forums, you can find a predominantly negative reaction to the quality of the work performed.

Among pluses highlight the following points:

  • replacement of water supply and sanitation risers, coils, batteries and other networks with new ones;
  • attempts to “ennoble” the entrance - new entrance doors, lighting, electrical wiring, painting; window replacement; replacement of heating radiators;
  • all services are free (meaning that in addition to overhaul fees, you do not have to pay for a minimum set of works).

There are many more negative reviews. The most common complaints - unprofessionalism and incompetence of workers. The reason for this is that regional funds are limited in funds and conclude a contract with the company that offered the lowest price for the work.

This is where the complaints come from:

  • pipe replacement: does not apply to wiring around the apartment; new pipes turn out to be smaller in diameter, and no one closes the gaps; sometimes they can accidentally damage tiles and other finishes;
  • heating: not everyone likes which radiators they choose to replace; often the work is carried out poorly and at the first check all pipes start to flow;
  • electrician: many complaints, often you have to hire "normal" electricians to correct errors;
  • facades: cheap materials and poor quality work; there are cases when the entire layer of insulation was torn off by a gust of wind;
  • entrances: sloppy repairs, errors with electrical wiring; incorrectly installed doors and non-working intercoms (even if they install an expensive video intercom);
  • roof: there are cases when the contractor removed the existing roof and disappeared for several months (including in winter);
  • general level of work: permanent cuts of electricity, water and sewerage; damaged repair; some work can take months.

As a result, many people remember the overhaul as one continuous negative, and minor and not very shortcomings have to be eliminated for a long time.

To whom to complain about the workers and the quality of work

Overhaul is actually carried out for the money of apartment owners, which they have been collecting through the fund for years. Therefore, the owners have every right to demand the normal quality of the work carried out.

The first instance where you should complain about the quality of work is the overhaul customer. Depending on the form of collection of money for repairs, this may be regional fund, management company or HOA. Accordingly, the customer has the right and obligation to control the quality of the contractor's work.

An application demanding the correction of existing defects can be submitted both individually and collectively (there are more chances that the customer will respond to the complaint). The application is drawn up in free form, but more evidence of the identified defects must be attached to it.

The overhaul customer is obliged to respond to such an application within 10 days. If the answer is not received within the appointed time, we proceed to the next instance.

Next instance - State Housing Inspectorate(created in each region). You will also need to send an application there, indicating: there was a complaint to the capital repair fund or the Criminal Code, there was no answer, or the answer was without solving the problem.

Evidence of a defect in the overhaul, copies of previously sent applications and copies of the response to them are attached to the application. The State Housing Inspectorate will have to respond within 30 days.

If the housing inspectorate also failed to solve the problem or ignored it altogether, move on - to Rospotrebnadzor. Similarly, they write a statement in which they indicate which complaints were sent and to whom and that the problem was not resolved. Rospotrebnadzor should also be contacted if defects are detected within the 5-year warranty period (if the contractor does not want to eliminate them voluntarily).

In the case when Rospotrebnadzor did not solve the problem, it remains to contact prosecutor's office with a statement. The prosecutor will verify the information from the application and, if necessary, take action: send an order to the contractor to eliminate the violations or initiate prosecution.

After the prosecutor's office, there remains an appeal against the decision to the Prosecutor General's Office, as well as going to court. However, if in the current situation it is really the fault of the overhaul contractor, the problem is usually solved by the initial authorities and the case does not reach the court.

1. The list of services and (or) work on the overhaul of common property in an apartment building, the provision and (or) implementation of which is financed from the funds of the capital repairs fund, which is formed on the basis of the minimum contribution for capital repairs established by the regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation Federation includes:

1) repair of intra-house engineering systems of electricity, heat, gas, water supply, sanitation;

2) repair, replacement, modernization of elevators, repair of elevator shafts, machine and block rooms;

3) roof repair;

4) repair of basements belonging to common property in an apartment building;

5) facade repair;

6) repair of the foundation of an apartment building.

(see text in previous edition)

2. A regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation lists services and (or) works for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building financed from the funds of the capital repairs fund, the amount of which is formed based on the minimum contribution for capital repairs established by the regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation Federation, can be supplemented with services and (or) work on facade insulation, rebuilding a non-ventilated roof to a ventilated roof, arranging access to the roof, installing automated information and measuring systems for metering the consumption of utilities and utilities, installing collective (common house) metering devices for resource consumption necessary for the provision of public services, and control units and regulation of the consumption of these resources (thermal energy, hot and cold water, electricity, gas) and other types of services and (or) works.

(see text in previous edition)

3. If the owners of premises in an apartment building make a decision to establish a contribution for capital repairs in an amount exceeding the minimum contribution for capital repairs, the part of the capital repairs fund formed from this excess, by decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, can be used to finance any services and (or) work on the overhaul of common property in an apartment building.

4. The list of services and (or) work on the overhaul of common property in an apartment building that can be financed from state support provided by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is determined by a regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

5. Works on the overhaul of common property in an apartment building may include work on the replacement and (or) restoration of load-bearing building structures of an apartment building and (or) engineering networks of an apartment building, referred in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities to the reconstruction of capital construction objects .