How to connect a motion sensor in the apartment. Motion sensor to turn on the light - device, principle of operation, connection diagrams. For staircase lighting

There are no special differences from an ordinary switch, the connection diagram of a motion sensor for lighting has no. For human comfort, science has provided many new devices that help move around indoors and outdoors. At first, motion sensors for lighting systems were concentrated in security institutions.

Recently, devices have increasingly begun to be used for local areas and their own homes. The unique device allows you to significantly reduce the cost of electricity. It is for the purpose of saving today that sensors are mounted.

A lamp with a motion sensor can no longer be called a rarity, however, before installing it, it is important to study some rules that will help you avoid common mistakes:

Important! If it is necessary to connect several lamps with high power to one movement device, it is recommended to install a magnetic starter in the circuit.

How to connect sensors to lighting according to the scheme?

The motion sensor device is equipped with three terminals. From one terminal, the conductor is connected to the phase, the next terminal is used for the neutral, and the last one provides for connecting the luminaire directly. Thus, the mechanism mounting scheme does not have any particular difficulties, besides, for clarity, almost every manufacturer indicates the connection scheme on the back of the device case.

In some cases, it is required to include several sensors simultaneously in one electrical circuit. Often, such manipulations are practiced if each of the purchased sensors has a small range of work, and does not capture the desired area. In such a situation, it is important to fix all motion sensors on the same phase, and make sure that they are turned on in parallel.

Attention! Connecting several motion sensors in another way often causes a short circuit.

We select a lamp with a motion sensor for the home

In some cases, you can purchase a lamp with a built-in motion sensor. Such lamps are more suitable for home conditions than for the street. Consider the options for choosing lighting fixtures with an automatic operation mechanism.

Important! Motion-sensing lighting devices should be installed in well-ventilated areas.

Detailed instructions on how to connect a motion sensor to a lamp

A device that allows you to automatically turn on the light when someone approaches can be installed in only two ways, which depend on how many sensors you intend to connect. Consider the instruction, which describes in detail the connection of conductors for effective inclusion:

  • we talked about how the lamp with an automatic mechanism turns on above;
  • Now we connect the wires to each other in the junction box. Three wires from the sensor, two from the lamp and two power wires enter the box: phase, zero;
  • note that the supply conductors have brown (phase) and blue (zero) insulation. The cable coming from the motion sensor has a white phase and a green neutral. The red core is used to connect to the load;
  • we connect the supply phase with the phase of the motion sensor (brown and white wires). Next, we carry out the switching of the neutral conductors of the sensor, the power cable (blue and green) and the lamp;
  • we have two free cores (red and brown), we connect them together;
  • apply voltage and monitor the operation of the device.

Important! We remind you that you can choose any of the options for connecting wires to each other. However, we strongly recommend using the spring clip method. See more here.

Assignment of a motion sensor for lighting

A motion sensor is a piece of equipment that uses infrared radiation to detect motion within a certain range. The widespread use of automatic devices is concentrated in organizations that require an increased degree of security. Such a device can be used as a security alarm. For such cases, a motion and light sensor with an angle of 360 ° is used.

In everyday life, such equipment is somewhat less common, and mainly for the sake of economy.

Motion sensor and switch: work in a complex

It would seem that an ordinary switch and a motion sensor are devices that perform the same tasks, but nevertheless there is the possibility of their working together. What is it for?

The main purpose of such a connection is to be able to control the luminaires at any time, regardless of motion sensors. That is, you can turn on the light, while not leaving the sensor's coverage area.

Attention! The switch is connected to the motion sensor in parallel, not otherwise!

How to adjust "smart" lighting?

To set up the instrument for efficient performance, some skills are required, as this procedure is considered important. The connection steps include: turning on the light off delay, adjusting the illumination threshold and setting the device sensitivity parameter.

Working with a turn-off delay (TIME)

Thanks to this function, it becomes possible to adjust the time during which the switched on lighting will work from the moment a signal is sent to the sensor. Each model provides different options. The total possible setting range is from 1 to 500 seconds.

You can also set the response time of the lighting from the moment the device reacts to movement.

Influence of light level (LUX): setting

It is necessary to set the optimal values ​​for the operation of the device at a time when the level of illumination of the territory is high, that is, it is necessary to adjust the motion sensor for daytime operation.

Place the regulator so that at the moment of twilight at the slightest movement, the device works.

Setting the instrument sensitivity (SENS)

It is recommended to set a different sensitivity limit for summer and winter time. If the device triggers too frequently and falsely, try lowering the "SENS" level. Of course, if the device does not respond to your presence, you will have to increase the sensitivity.

Be sure to fully configure the controlled area. For this purpose, the correct tilt of the motion sensor for illumination must be set.

Automatic light switch with motion sensor: its types

Due to the widespread use of motion sensors with lighting devices, they are usually divided into several varieties:

Important! The most affordable is a passive type sensor with an infrared principle of operation. Such devices are able to detect the presence of any warm-blooded organism.

How does an automatic light switch work?

Any of the types of sensors has the same principle of operation. But, before putting the device into operation, it must be correctly configured. This device specializes in obtaining information about the present object in the territory served by this device.

From the moment when the signal arrives at the motion sensor, the lighting is lit after a moment (this configuration can be reconfigured). This happens thanks to the built-in time relay and the relay that activates the lamp.

If no more movement is detected for a certain period of time, the lighting is turned off. If the presence of the object in the sensor control zone continues, the lighting will be on permanently.

Attention! By correctly setting the device for operation, it is possible to provide for unnecessary switching on of light, for example, outdoors during the daytime and indoors with sufficient brightness of other light sources.

Common Motion Sensor Faults and How to Identify Them

The main reasons that cause damage to motion sensors are considered to be a violation of the integrity of the electrical circuit, a short circuit, overvoltage or sticking of contacts. Therefore, it is important to prevent all adverse factors during the installation of the device. A few signs of how to determine that the motion sensor is failing:

  • repeatedly there is a false operation of the device, while reconfiguring the regulators does not help;
  • the motion sensor does not work or turns on after a time;
  • the device does not receive a signal;
  • the integrity of the hull is broken;
  • wiring is damaged.

Even a number of other factors lead to a breakdown, which sometimes cannot be eliminated, but you have to purchase a new device.

When connecting the device, be sure to take into account that the presence of objects emitting light or heat in the sensor area is unacceptable, they entail a false triggering of the sensor.

Try not to use the light sensor near trees and shrubs. The slightest wind can interfere with the stable operation of the device. Direct the device at the time of installation to the area to be controlled, it can be changed at any time. There should also be no electromagnetic radiation.

The device should work in optimal conditions, which ones - read in the instructions for it. It is important to keep it clean, as contamination is often the cause of poor signal reception and early instrument failure.

For convenient control of the lighting system, special infrared sensors are used that connect one or more bulbs in response to the movement of an object in the visibility zone.

Let's consider how to connect one or several motion sensors to a household power supply at once.

We will find out what main stages the installation procedure consists of, what actions need to be taken to set it up, adjust it, check it and start it up, as well as what problems may arise and what are the ways to solve them.

Connecting a motion sensor to a lamp is no more difficult than a conventional switch. It works on exactly the same principle. The only difference is that the switch must be constantly turned on and off - the sensor acts independently. He connects the circuit as soon as he sees the movement of an object in his field of view, and also disconnects it as soon as it stops.

Alternatively, a standard switch can be installed in parallel with the sensor. It will simply bring the phase to the chandelier via a separate wire, regardless of whether there is movement in the device's coverage area or not. The displacement sensor is used in such a circuit when the switch is in the "off" position. On the other hand, the latter allows you to connect a lamp, regardless of whether the detector is functioning or not.

To properly connect the motion sensor, the following installation rules must be observed:

  1. In the visibility zone there should not be extraneous areas located outside the illuminated room. For example, the sensor should not capture some of the objects on the street, emitters of heat or light in the apartment itself, as well as vegetation and other objects outside the window, driven by the wind.
  2. The working surface of the sensor must be clean, free of dirt and dust. Otherwise, its range may be significantly reduced.
  3. The sensor must be installed in such a way that the area of ​​its direct action is directed to that part of the space where movement is most likely.
  4. The device must not be exposed to strong electromagnetic influences.

Advice! The optimal location of the motion sensor in the room is the corner. This fact is confirmed by the technical data on the spatial geometry of the disclosure of its coverage area.

Wiring diagrams

The question of how to connect a motion sensor to a light bulb can be solved in several ways:

Consider the details of these circuits and how to connect them, as well as the features, pros and cons.

Connecting one device in a chain

The simplest diagram of how to connect a motion sensor to a ceiling lamp in a network without a switch is as follows:

  1. The base of the motion sensor is mounted on the selected place.
  2. A three-wire wire (phase, zero and load) is connected to it, if grounding is used in the system, then four-wire (one end for ground).
  3. The wires at the base of the device are connected and led out to the junction box. In order not to be mistaken where which conductor is located, you need to use a cable with multi-colored cores.
  4. The sensor is powered by phase and zero, the third wire (phase - broken and connected depending on the presence or absence of movement) is connected to the lamp. Zero is also connected to the latter separately.
  5. Seven conductors should be connected to the switch box - three from the motion sensor, two from the chandelier and two more (phase + zero) - from the power switchboard.
  6. Next, you need to connect all the wires correctly: the phase from the electrical panel is connected to a similar core of the sensor, zero from the power supply must be connected with zero for the sensor and zero for the lamp, then the two remaining conductors are combined - coming from the sensor (load) and from the lamp (which will periodically supply phase to the bulb when the motion detector is triggered).
  7. Final work is being carried out - instrument covers, switch boxes are closed, the correctness and reliability of the connection of all contacts is checked.
  8. At the end, it is necessary to connect the network (before starting work, the toggle switch of the electrical panel must be turned off!) And check the sensor for movement.

Read also Characteristics of types and types of LEDs

Connecting such a motion sensor is quite simple and easy. However, its main disadvantage is the fact that the light in the room will only turn on when the sensor detects motion, which is not always convenient. Therefore, there is another alternative circuit for connecting the detector - with a parallel switch.

Connection via switch

You can eliminate the above disadvantage in the circuit with a motion sensor if you connect an ordinary household switch to the network. With it, two options will be used to turn on the light. This is convenient, for example, when most households are awake and continuous lighting is required in the entrance or on the stairs connecting the first and second floors of the house, and at night - periodic, triggered at the moment the motion detector is fixed.

In this case, the diagram will look like this:

  1. Keeping the wiring arrangement described for the case above, it is necessary to connect two more cores to the switchboard - from the switch.
  2. One of them should be wedged into the contact where the conductor going to the luminaire is connected to the “load” wire extending from the sensor.
  3. The second wire is connected together by two others - a phase from the electrical panel and a conductor leading to the sensor.
  4. Next, the cover of the switch box is closed, the power is turned on, the circuit is checked.

Such a scheme allows you to connect the lamp both through the switch and through the motion sensor when the first one is in the “off” position. In terms of complexity, the installation of devices practically does not differ from the case described above (with one sensor) - only one operation is added - the installation of the switch.

Connecting multiple devices in a chain

Consider another, more complex case, when several motion sensors need to be connected to the circuit at once. Only a parallel circuit should be used here:

  1. Each individual sensor is supplied with a zero conductor without interruption.
  2. Next, the load from each device is output and combined in one common conductor going to the lamp.
  3. The supply wire (phase) is supplied to the corresponding contacts in the device from one source. Otherwise, when connecting them to the network, a short circuit may occur!

Important! The advantage of such a scheme is the ability to detect a room when it has a large area (and the sensor, as a rule, works no further than 10-12 meters) or geometric parameters that prevent direct motion detection (angles, turns). The disadvantage is a more complex system; in order to connect the devices, more consumables (wires, junction boxes) and additional finishing and restoration work in the room will be required.


You can connect an apartment or street motion sensor to automatically control the lighting system if you act in accordance with the following algorithm:

It is better to mount the motion sensor in the upper position. Indoors, this is the top of the corner or ceiling; outdoors, it is the lantern support.

Setting and adjustment

Correctly connecting the sensor to a light that works when motion is detected is not enough - it must also be configured and adjusted. To do this, each model of the device, as a rule, has three functions:

  1. According to the level of illumination. You can set a greater or lesser sensitivity to the photocell. Depending on the degree of twilight, it will respond to movement and turn on the lamp.
  2. By time. Turning off the lamp when the object stops moving in the detector's visibility zone can also be configured. Modern devices allow you to change this parameter in a wide range - from a second to 10 minutes.
  3. By sensitivity. This characteristic allows you to set the sensitivity of the sensor to the volume of a moving object and the distance of its removal. Thanks to it, it is possible to exclude the initiation of the sensor for the movement of pets or objects outside the backlight zone.

Motion sensors have become popular because they help save on bills and make life easier. Although the device itself is easy to use, you need to figure out how to connect it. This does not require specialized education and special tools. Below you will find a wiring diagram for motion sensors for lighting.

In this article:

Principle of operation

The motion sensor is equipped with special elements that can detect changes in the position of objects in space and perform a specific action. In our case, when triggered, the device turns on the light. But sometimes such devices are connected to alarms or other systems.

The principle of operation differs for different models. Sensors can capture infrared, ultrasonic and microwaves, and sometimes produce combined devices. There are sensors with passive and active modes. The first option only receives data and may not work correctly. The second one emits signals and collects the reflected waves back, analyzing the state of things in the room. The last option is considered the most reliable.

The benefits of a motion sensor are enormous. It helps to save on electricity and turn off the power supply when no one is around. And also the device simplifies life - sometimes it is difficult to find a switch in the dark, and sometimes your hands are just busy and it is impossible to see where to step. The sensor will understand that you are in the room and will independently supply power to the lighting fixtures.

Installation location

Before you start connecting the motion sensor for lighting, you need to determine the place of its attachment. The correct position will avoid false positives and delays in closing the power circuit. Here are some tips for choosing a location:

  • It is recommended to mount the sensor near the entrance to the room on the wall or ceiling. When a person moves from one room to another, the device will immediately catch the movement.
  • The sensitive area of ​​the sensors must not be exposed to windows or other sources of daylight. Otherwise, you will have to fine-tune for different degrees of illumination.
  • In larger rooms and where there are multiple doors, you may need to install two units to maximize space coverage. An alternative would be a device fixed in the corner of the room.
  • On landings, the motion sensor is installed so that it can detect movements simultaneously on several flights. You may need to tilt the device or lift it up.
  • There must be no trees, bushes or other obstacles in the field of view of the device. They reduce visibility and can lead to false alarms.
  • Sources of thermal or electromagnetic radiation must not be placed opposite the sensor.

Motion sensor installed next to the switch

Motion sensor connection options

Like most electrical appliances, the motion sensor for lighting has three contacts: input, output and zero. Proper connection to the network is essential for normal operation. In total, there can be three options for interacting with the lighting system:

  1. Direct connection to lamps. The device will operate as intended by the manufacturer. This method gives the device all rights to control the lamps.
  2. A switch is added to the connection circuit from the input side. So you can forcibly turn off the light, and with it the sensor. This feature is useful in bedrooms as it allows you to override the motion detection device while you sleep.
  3. The switch is built into the circuit from the side of the current output. In this case, you can leave the lamps in working condition, bypassing the device settings.

Types of motion sensor connection

Regardless of the combination, the method of connecting the motion sensor does not change.

Connecting single and multiple devices

The process of connecting the catching motion sensor is carried out in six steps:

  1. For the safety of working with wires in the room, the electricity supply is turned off. Most often, this will require switching the lever of the machine.
  2. On the device itself, the back cover is removed, since the terminals are hidden behind it. After unscrewing one bolt and removing the protection, you will see three multi-colored wires. The color helps to identify the connection method. The blue wire is zero, power is supplied to the sensor through the brown one, in other words, this is an input. Black or red is designed to transfer electricity from the device to lighting fixtures.
  3. A wire is pushed through the cover from the wall, and then it is fixed in the design position. It is recommended to position the wire vertically, this will facilitate the subsequent installation of the sensor.
  4. Only 6 cm of power cable is enough for comfortable operation of the device. Before connecting to the terminals, 5 mm of insulation is removed from the cores.
  5. Each individual wire is connected to the desired connector of the motion sensor terminals.
  6. The device itself is mounted to the wall, carefully folding the wires so that they do not interfere with the installation.

Installing a motion sensor for street lighting

In some situations, one sensor is not enough to automatically turn on lighting fixtures. Then several devices are used simultaneously. Two important conditions must be met here: parallel connection and power through one phase.

Why might the sensor not work?

Sometimes it happens that the work was carried out according to the instructions, but the motion sensor still does not function. The reason may be a bad contact of the blue wire. Perhaps construction debris got into the terminals or the clamp was not tightened tightly enough. Check the contacts: they probably need to be pressed or cleaned.

Another common cause could be damage to the cable itself. Perhaps, during the installation process, the wire broke and the current stopped being supplied to the devices. To check, use a voltmeter by placing the probes to various contacts on the device. If the power is normal, but there is still no light, there is a possibility that the lamp has burned out.

Checking the operation of the motion sensor

At times, residents face another problem - the light does not turn off, although there is no one in the room. If you did not add a switch to the network, then the reason is incorrect sensor settings. The auto-off time period may have been set too long.

Job setup

For normal operation of the motion sensor, you will need to configure it. In total, it has three controlled modes: time delay, illumination adjustment and sensor sensitivity. The time of work is counted from the moment of the last fixation of the presence of a person. This indicator is adjustable from 1 second to 10 minutes, depending on the model.

In walk-through rooms, a few seconds of lamp operation is sufficient. For such premises, it is recommended to purchase lighting devices with a minimum turn-on inertia. In addition, they should easily tolerate frequent switching modes. The most suitable option is LED lamps.

The light setting affects the operation of the sensor during the daytime. If the device detects enough light in the room, then even if it detects movement, the relay will not close. The mode is adjusted depending on the number of windows in the room. This makes the device economical to use.

The sensitivity of the device affects the number of human movements, its distance from the sensor for lighting. If you pass by the device and it does not work, the reason may be a reduced sensitivity threshold. Conversely, if the light turns on at the slightest movement of the mouse or cat, you should reconfigure the device. It may be necessary to change operating modes at different times of the year.

If you are interested in the question of how to connect the motion sensor correctly, then you have opened the right article. After studying the material below, you will understand that connecting one is almost similar to installing a conventional switch, and the main difference between them is the principle of operation itself - mechanical and automatic.

Connecting one motion sensor in a chain

First, you will learn how to connect one motion sensor in a circuit. It has three terminal clamps. From one terminal, the wire is led directly to the phase, the other terminal is for the neutral wire, and the third is for connecting the lighting fixture. As you can see, the motion sensor connection diagram is quite simple.

Motion sensor connection diagram - Photo 04

If you would like the lighting to be constantly on, even when there is no movement in the field of view, you need to connect the switch in parallel directly to the motion sensor. To do this, the switch is connected from the phase to a part of the wire located between the motion sensor and the lighting fixture. When the switch is open, the motion sensor will work as intended, but if the switch is closed, the lamp will bypass the sensor. Everything is quite simple.

Connecting multiple sensors in a chain

Now let's try to explain how to connect motion sensors if there are two or more of them. And this is required if the range of such a sensor is too small and it is not enough to cover the required territory.

It is necessary to select a place for mounting the sensor in such a way that it opens the largest viewing angle. But in rooms with a chaotic layout, this is almost impossible to implement with the help of one device. In this case, the sensors are connected in parallel to one phase! If you connect the sensors to different phases, then be prepared for a short circuit due to phase-to-phase connection.

Place for installation

Even if you have found a motion sensor circuit for lighting, choosing the best place to install is not so easy. You must take into account several factors at once that affect the quality of its work. So, you should not install it near heating systems, air conditioners, sources of electromagnetic radiation (microwave oven, radios, TVs).

In practice, the connection of the motion sensor should begin with its inspection. On the box (usually under the terminals) is a motion sensor connection diagram. There are three terminals and they have the following designations: L, N and L with an arrow. The usual L indicates the terminal to which the phase is connected. N is the neutral wire, and L with an arrow is the wire for connecting to the lamp.

Examine the circuit consisting of a lamp and a switch in the room. Take it apart and check that the switch opens the phase. But it may also happen that the switch is installed on the neutral wire. The lamp works, although this option is unsafe.

Pay attention to the wires coming from the wall to the chandelier. There are two of them. Strip the wires and connect the three-piece terminal block. The motion sensor circuit for lighting is simple: pass the phase through the upper terminal of the chandelier block and close it on the sensor terminal marked with the letter L. Pass the neutral wire through the middle terminal of the chandelier block and close it on the sensor terminal marked N.

Two more wires pass through the middle terminal of the chandelier block. One wire connects to the chandelier, and the other to the second outlet. The phase wire from the sensor terminal goes to another terminal not directly, but through an open relay. The terminal with the letter L and an arrow on the motion sensor is connected to the third terminal of the chandelier block. A light bulb and an additional socket are connected to the lower terminal of the chandelier block. The relay will be activated when the motion sensor detects any vibrations. As you can see, connecting a motion sensor for lighting is simple.

A motion sensor is an electronic infrared device that detects the presence and movement of a person and helps to switch the power of lighting fixtures and other electrical devices. It is based on a special detector of temperature changes in space (). Now there are a lot of models of various Chinese detectors on sale, which are almost all similar to each other and differ only in the design and power of the switched lamps - the connection scheme itself is usually the same.

If you need to connect several powerful lamps through this device at once, then the best solution would be to use a magnetic starter or a powerful relay.

Installation Features

For its installation, it is necessary to choose a place that provides the best viewing angles both horizontally and vertically with the maximum coverage area. Most PIR motion sensors have a dead zone, the location of which should be considered when choosing their height and angle of inclination.

Motion sensor HC-SR501 with controllers

If the sensor is made in a fixed housing and does not have a positioning adjustment, then it is necessary to check the technical data sheet for the correct placement of the device. Sometimes this device requires the presence of not only phase and neutral wires, but also earth (mass). Although most operate on a conventional two-wire 220 V network.

Wiring diagrams

How to connect a motion sensor with a switch

A variant in which it is installed in parallel with a conventional switch.

How to connect a motion sensor without a switch

And this is for connecting it directly to the 220 V network without any other buttons.

How to connect several sensors to the network at once

On long stairs or corridors, you may need several pieces to control one lamp or a long white LED strip.

Inside the PIR sensor, there is usually a terminal block with standardly colored and labeled contacts:

  • L, brown or black - phase wire.
  • N, blue - neutral wire.
  • Ls or L', red - phase return to lighting lamps.
  • , yellow-green - protective earth.

Connection of lighting fixtures should be carried out between contacts A and N. Supply power to the electrical network to L and N, strictly observing the polarity of the connection phase. If you are interested in the schematic diagram of the detector, then follow the link at the beginning of the article.

Setting and adjusting the sensor

After installation, it is imperative to carry out the procedure for adjusting the motion sensor for lighting. After all, the geometry of the room is different for everyone (humidity, illumination, wall material).

  1. LIGHT or LUX - illumination sensitivity threshold.
  2. TIME - operation timer.
  3. SENSE - sensitivity.

The usual limits for adjusting the timer operation time are set in most devices from a few seconds to ten minutes. The light sensitivity threshold can only be set in devices that have an appropriate light sensor. It determines the brightness of daylight at which the device stops supplying voltage to lighting fixtures. Setting the sensitivity of the sensor is the most subtle and capricious setting. In any case, the sensor should respond to the appearance of a person in the room, and not small animals. When changing the viewing angle of the device, it is often necessary to adjust the sensitivity.
